Proverbs on the theme of family life. Russian proverbs about the family for children

In this article, we suggest that children and their parents get acquainted with interesting and instructive sayings about the family.

The family is the greatest wealth that can only be found on Earth. We are taught this attitude towards family and relatives from childhood. There are a variety of ways in which you can explain to kids the value of the concept of "family". One of them can be called proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings about the family for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Since childhood, the child is surrounded by love, attention and care of his parents and other relatives. He understands that these are people who will not offend him, will always help and protect him. However, the concept of a family is not formed immediately in children. This is preceded by certain processes that occur in the family circle, with his participation.

At the same time, you can begin to tell the baby proverbs about the family, relatives, in order to explain to him their value in our life.

  • My family is my treasure! This statement is heard by almost every person, since it is used very often. This proverb tells us that having a family is tantamount to having great wealth. The saying also explains to us that if a person does not have a family and relatives, then he can truly be considered poor.
  • In the field, neither father nor mother - there is no one to intercede. Here the "field" symbolizes human life. We all know from early childhood that our parents are our most important protection and support, they will never leave us in trouble, no matter how old we are. The saying says that if a person does not have parents, then he is deprived of real protection and support in life.
  • In the native family and the porridge is thicker. The meaning of the saying is that a person is always much better at home than somewhere else. A comparison is made with porridge, which at home seems tastier and richer.
  • A widower is not a father to children: he himself is an orphan. Family relationships are not only the relationship of parents and children, it is also the relationship of a man and a woman who created this family. The statement emphasizes the importance of a woman, wife, mother in the family.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. The essence of the proverb is that native people always worry about each other, they try to keep abreast of all events in the life of relatives as much as possible. "... so the soul is in place," this means that when all the native people are alive and well, then everyone is calm at heart.
  • Although the child is sickly, the father and mother are nice. The meaning of the saying is that parents love their children no matter what. They don't care what their child looks like, how he studies - he will still be the most beloved and the best for them. "Sickly child" means that the child is weak, sickly, unhealthy.
  • A good family will add intelligence-mind. They say so because a friendly family always lives in peace and harmony, and at the right time, relatives help each other with advice or deed.
  • You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother. The meaning of the statement is that we do not choose our parents, they are given to us once and for life, so they need to be valued, loved and respected. Also, the essence of the saying is that parents should always be in our first place, because it is thanks to them that we live today.
  • Brother will not betray brother. This proverb tells us that there is true friendship and devotion between native people. The saying means that native people will always stand up for each other with a mountain and will never leave you in trouble.
  • Brother and brother go to the bear. Since ancient times, the bear personifies strength, power and authority. This animal has superhuman strength and grip, so this image was chosen for the statement. In ancient times, people hunted animals, including bears, in order to feed their families and themselves. However, such a hunt was extremely dangerous and difficult. The proverb explains to us that the love and unity of native people, in this case brothers, are so strong that together they can defeat even such a ferocious beast.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. This saying is also quite well-known, since it is still actively used by us even in everyday speech. It means that, despite the good reception at a party, the delicacies and amenities that are customary to provide guests, it is always much better at home, because there is a family there.
  • In a friendly family and warm in the cold. They say so because in a house where understanding and love reigns between relatives, its own special atmosphere appears, in which all bad weather and troubles, which in the proverb are represented by cold, are not at all terrible.
  • There is no goodness in an unfriendly family. The meaning of the statement is that in a family where there is no understanding, love and respect between relatives, there can be nothing good. In such a family, only scandals and squabbles occur.
  • A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty. The proverb teaches us that in a house where a friendly and hard-working family lives, there is always prosperity, that is, the house is “dense”. But where everyone thinks only about themselves, where there is no order and labor, there is always “empty”, that is, there is nothing.
  • In your home, the walls help. Another version of this proverb: "In your own house, the walls are treated." They say so because at home it is always good, cozy and warm. At home there are native people who support and help, so at home it is easier to endure any trials of fate and adversity.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy. The meaning of the saying is that when the family does not get along, when native people do not find a common language, but only quarrel and scandal, then there is no desire to go to such a house - "... not happy at home."
  • The family agrees that things are going great. The proverb explains to us that peace and harmony in the family is the key to success in all matters. If relatives love and respect each other, if they are always ready to help in difficult times, you can not be afraid of any difficulties. With such a life, all things will go well and end in success.

The best proverbs and sayings about the family for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

At the age of 7-15 years, children understand very well what a family is and, as a rule, fully feel the love and support of their relatives. However, not every child understands the value of what he has. This happens because of ignorance of another life and, of course, because of age, because even in 15 years of life, not every person has situations that would unambiguously make it clear how important it is to have a family and relatives.

At this age, it is very useful to tell proverbs and sayings to children, however, it is better to do this in the process of communication, that is, in everyday life, and not during some teaching hours.

  • In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road. The meaning of this proverb is that in a family where people know how to honor each other and love, happiness always lives. Native people are happy when they live without quarrels and scandals.
  • In a good family, good children grow up. Practice knows many examples when very good and well-mannered children grow up in bad families, however, if we talk not about exceptions, but about the rules, then it is where a good and friendly family grows good and decent children. The proverb tells us that wise parents, raising their children, pass on their wisdom to them, thereby growing decent people out of them.
  • Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace. They say this because it is commonly believed that a family that lives in harmony and peace always receives God's blessing. That is, he receives his help from God, which is expressed in the happiness, health and prosperity of all family members.
  • A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family. A tree lives and grows as long as its roots are alive, because it is with them that the plant holds and feeds. This is how a person lives - he lives only when he has a family and relatives. Without these people, a person simply exists.
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth. This saying emphasizes the importance and value of a good environment. It is generally accepted that the greatest wealth imaginable is a close-knit family and true friends.
  • The house does not warm the oven, but love and harmony. They say this because love and harmony are two values ​​on which a strong and friendly family is built. And, as you know, in a house where such an atmosphere reigns between people, it is always warm and cozy, despite the weather outside the window.
  • A friendly family knows no sorrow. The meaning of the statement is that native people who are friendly with each other will never face adversity and difficulties, because at the right time they will always help each other and save them from sadness.

  • The life of parents in children. They say this because for parents there is nothing more important and valuable than their children. Parents are ready to give their lives for their crumbs, their love for their blood is so strong. Therefore, they say that parents literally live with their babies.
  • Food tastes better at a communal table. The common table implies that all relatives and close people, that is, the whole family, will sit at it. The meaning of the saying is that even eating is tastier when you do it not alone, but with your relatives, when you can share food with one of your own.
  • Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower. At the age of 8-15, children already know well what water is and what significance it has for our planet, and us in particular. That is why, having heard such a saying, they will be able to draw an analogy with a person who has no relatives. The proverb explains to us that, since our Earth will perish without water, so a person does not live without a family, but simply exists, in the figurative sense of the word “dies”.
  • Where the mother is, there the child goes. No one needs to explain how attached the baby is to his mother. This connection is formed in them from the moment of intrauterine development of the crumbs and persists for life. From childhood, the child follows his mother on the heels, not leaving her a single step. Therefore, they say that where the mother goes, the child goes there. There is another meaning to this saying. Its meaning lies in the fact that the child repeats everything after his mother, so what kind of mother, such a baby.
  • Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls. There is no need to tell children at this age about how strong the material is the stone. The love of relatives is compared in strength to stone walls, since stone is considered a very strong rock. Just as it is very difficult to break stone walls, it is impossible to destroy brotherly love.

  • Love and advice - there is no grief. The proverb teaches us that a family that lives in peace and harmony is not subject to any trials.
  • Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea. Mother's love is incredibly powerful and strong. The proverb explains to us that the mother's prayer is so omnipotent that it can literally save the child.
  • Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt. The saying tells us that even though mothers are often strict and punish their babies, they still love them more than their lives. Spring snow is a phenomenon that passes quickly, which is why mother's anger is compared with such snow.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about the family: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

There are a huge number of Russian folk proverbs and sayings. All of them describe completely different concepts and values, however, sayings about the family are always the most popular.

We all hear proverbs and sayings of our people quite often, but we practically do not know the statements of other peoples of the world. At the same time, they deserve our attention, so we present you the most popular proverbs from different peoples of the world.

  • The wealth of people is father and mother. (Tajik proverb). The essence of the proverb is that the greatest wealth in the life of every person is the people who gave him this life, that is, parents.
  • He who listens to the advice of his father is rarely mistaken. (Ingush proverb). The saying tells us that the father is the embodiment of wisdom, so his advice is the most valuable wealth. Anyone who carefully listens to the words of an experienced father who has lived his life always knows how to act correctly in this situation.
  • The old man in the family is a treasure. (Chinese proverb). An old person is a person who has lived his life, seen a lot of different things and gained certain experience by his age. Old age always symbolizes wisdom, so it is generally accepted that an elderly person is a treasure.
  • There is always prosperity in a friendly family. (Abkhazian). Well-being depends on many factors, one of which is a friendly and understanding family. When native people understand each other, love and appreciate, they always live in abundance and prosperity.
  • There is no such thing as a freak in your family. (Abkhazian). To begin with, explain that the word "freak" is not used here as an insult or curse, but only to refer to a person who does not behave correctly, ignoring the advice of relatives. The proverb explains to us that in a family all people are equal among themselves and all relatives love each loved one equally, therefore even those who act badly do not stand aside.
  • In a family where conscience is not valued, a conscienceless one will be born. (Abkhazian). Conscience is one of the most important values ​​a person can possess. To act according to conscience means to act correctly, justly. The proverb teaches us that in a house where this concept is absent, children will grow up without knowing its value.

  • A stupid relative humiliates you. (Abkhazian). Family ties involve friendship, love and respect. That fool who, without understanding this, hurts his own. The meaning of the proverb is that a person who does not respect his loved ones cannot be called native and considered smart.
  • A stupid relative is worse than an enemy. (Agulskaya). From the enemy, we always know what to expect - pain, grief and meanness. But we never expect this from relatives. The essence of the saying is that a person who does not honor his roots and does not respect his relatives is even worse than the most dangerous enemy.
  • The goal is the one who does not have his brother behind. (Hindi). Brotherly love has always been a source of pride and an example of what, in principle, love should be between relatives. The proverb teaches us that a person who has no relatives is lonely, “naked”.
  • The mustard seed of kinship is more precious than the cart of acquaintance. (Chinese). Native people and family are the dearest for every person. Even one distant relative is more valuable than 1,000 ordinary acquaintances. Because relatives are always with us, and acquaintances often disappear at the right moment, not wanting to think about someone else's grief.
  • A goose loves his gosling, a man loves his child. (Greek). This proverb exalts motherly love. Every creature loves its child and is ready to do anything for its well-being and happiness.
  • Two brothers quarreled, and two fools rejoiced. (Adyghe). The essence of the saying is that quarrels between brothers (relatives) do not last long - they quarrel here, they reconcile here, because respect and love for one's family is more important than swearing.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about the family: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

If we are talking about small children of kindergarten age or elementary school children, then it is much easier for them to perceive short statements than complex and long ones.

That is why, when working and teaching such crumbs, give preference to small sayings.

It is much more interesting to talk about what is shown in the picture, which is why all books for young children do not contain very much text, but a lot of drawings.

When telling children about proverbs and sayings, it is also very good to demonstrate them with the help of illustrations. Thus, the crumbs will better perceive and remember information.

  • Family consent is the most precious thing.
  • When there is no family, there is no home.
  • A consonant family does not take grief.
  • There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
  • The family agrees that things are going great.
  • The family and peas are threshed.
  • In the native family and the porridge is thicker.
  • Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower.
  • The family is the greatest value and wealth that a person can receive. That is why so many literary works, proverbs and sayings are devoted to the topic of family and relatives.

    By explaining to our children from a young age what a family is and how to behave with relatives, we doom ourselves to a happy life. After all, our children will behave with us as we ourselves teach them to do so.

    Video: Proverbs and sayings about the family

    The Russian language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, both in terms of the number of speakers, and the number of native speakers, and the number of speakers (that is, those for whom Russian is native).

    An interesting fact is that from just thirty-three letters of the alphabet, more than one hundred thousand words can be added. This is much less than in English or German, but it is quite enough to express your thoughts competently and in an accessible way.

    In order to convey emotions and feelings more sharply and more subtly, Russian people came up with proverbs and sayings.

    Since the most important and valuable thing in a person’s life is the family, his cell of society, then using the example of phraseological units about family values, we will analyze how these two genres of folklore are similar and how they differ.

    What is a proverb

    A proverb is a short expression, which is actively used by the people, but does not carry an instructive meaning and is not a complete sentence. For example, “a dog in the hay”, “one in the field is not a warrior”, “with nothing”. According to Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (a Russian writer, collector of folklore and compiler of an explanatory dictionary), a saying is like an underdeveloped proverb. But while the latter has a response to wit and an edifying conclusion, the former is but a phrase which, for the sake of eloquence, is substituted for a word. For example, “bast does not knit” instead of “drunk”, to stay “with nothing” instead of being left with nothing.

    An important feature is that the meaning invested in a phraseological unit remains such forever and cannot be changed. That is, if the expression "pull the strap" means hard and difficult work, then a hundred years later it will mean the same thing.

    What is a proverb

    A proverb is a folk saying, rhythmized by ear, having meaning and content, indicating a secret conclusion and didactic bias. A number of literary techniques used in the compilation of proverbs serve as special features that help to accurately determine this phraseological unit. First, the use of verbs in the present tense and imperative. Secondly, the use of parts of speech similar in grammar and semantics. Thirdly, the frequent repetition of the same sounds in words, which helps to create the effect of rhythm.

    Folk sayings about family relationships

    1. In your home, the walls help.
    2. Seventh water on jelly.
    3. The hut is rich in children.
    4. A sore subject: there is no family, consider that there is no home.
    5. Husband and wife - one pair of boots.
    6. He who has a child worries, and the childless mourns.
    7. You can't drag a thread between husband and wife.
    8. There is peace and tranquility in the family, and there is no property for need.
    9. The husband is the head, the wife is the heart.
    10. A man without relatives is like a sheep in the sea.
    11. The family depends on the elderly.
    12. The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
    13. Maternal prayer takes out from the bottom of the sea.
    14. Children are like flowers: they love care.
    15. A smart mother is the wealth of a family.
    16. As a bird's wings hide strength, so the beauty of a wife is buried in her husband.
    17. With a beloved husband and winter is not cold.
    18. Family and peas pray.
    19. Whoever pities the parents prepares a happy share for the children.
    20. Better in close quarters than apart.
    21. With each child, happiness increases.
    22. Wealth cannot be found more precious than true brotherhood.
    23. In which direction the mother hurries, in this direction the child runs after her.
    24. In one's own house it is very smooth and smooth, but in someone else's it is boring and disgusting.
    25. None of your enemies.

    Sayings and proverbs about the family for children are important for today's generation. In short expressions, all the wisdom of our ancestors, all the experience of generations is collected. Collectors of phraseological units did not pursue the goal of teaching and instructing. They only wanted to give advice and maybe in some way to warn youth and ardor.

    Ethical and moral norms are much easier to perceive in an easy accessible form than in the form of moralizing. Everyone knows the stubborn nature of young children and the hot temper of quick-tempered teenagers. Proverbs and sayings are the best way to convey your thoughts and feelings to the interlocutor.

    Today we will touch on the popular recently the theme of the family in Russian proverbs and sayings.
    A proverb is a short phrase that contains the deepest meaning, the experience of generations and the wisdom of the whole people. Each proverb teaches a person, advises, recommends a further plan of action.

    This genre is very interesting for children, sayings tell them a lot of new, informative, subject for reflection. In good children's proverbs, the child learns about ethical and moral standards. At the end of the article you will find popular Russian proverbs about family for children among which you are sure to find suitable for your child.

    Good proverbs will not become a relic of the past. If they talk about the affairs of the past, then the description of the situation is conducted from the perspective of the present time, considering the influence of the past on the current situation and on the fruits that will appear in the near or distant future. There is a comparison of ideals and worldview for the past and present time. Wise Russian proverbs about family distinguished by worldly insight and understanding of the importance of maintaining a strong and friendly family, with peace and harmony in the home.

    Each proverb expresses an opinion about what is happening, for each life situation there is a proverb. They remember themselves. These phrases educate us all, regardless of age, the educational effect was noticed by the sages in ancient times. Let's see some popular proverbs about family for children.

    What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.

    Love and advice - so there is no grief.

    Consent in the family - prosperity in the house,
    discord in the family - disappear to everything.

    A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

    A good family will add intelligence-mind.

    In his family, there is not much calculation.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    In the native family and the porridge is thicker.

    At a common family table, food tastes better.

    An important role on the path of life is played by sayings and proverbs about the family - the society in which we find ourselves from the moment of birth. With the support of family members, a person begins to get to know the world, forms his character, achieves his first goals, learns to walk, speak, behave correctly, understand what disinterested love and devotion of relatives are. In family a lot of attention is paid to the baby, which is so necessary for him during the period of the first discoveries that await the child at every turn. If the situation in the family is positive, favorable, a person will be able to develop correctly, be confident in himself and in his actions, this will undoubtedly help him in later life. A good family cannot be replaced by a child, relatives are those people who are necessary for everyone, even an adult person.

    In Russian proverbs, the authority of the mother in the family is emphasized, her important role in the creation and preservation of the family hearth, the manifestation of care and love for her children and husband are especially noted. Mom is a dear person who loves her child without limit, regardless of his actions, the opinions of others, his state of health. The most important authority of the baby is his parents. Children want to be like them, they consider their actions and actions to be the only true ones.

    Work with children learning proverbs about family more often, for them it will be not only useful, but also extremely interesting. Parents and educators should teach the child to use the wisdom of the people correctly, to understand the thoughts of their ancestors, to respect them, to consider them authoritative. So that this folklore genre does not cease to be passed on to the next generations.

    Russian sayings and proverbs about the family, about the importance of preserving family values ​​and traditions. For children and for adults.

    People's perception of the world around them, the events taking place in it, as well as each other, is carried out through the prism of stereotypes that have long been established in society. The roots of these stereotypes are in the objective conditions of people's lives, in certain situations and life scenarios, which are characterized by repeated and monotonous repetition. This monotony is reflected in the human mind in the form of standard models and styles of thinking. Stereotypes, therefore, contain the centuries-old historical and social experience of people. The most vivid reflection of such stereotypes was found in folklore, which is a kind of mirror of the national and folk human consciousness. A proverb is not just a saying, it contains the opinion of the people and gives a people's assessment of life. Not every saying became a proverb, but only one that was reflected in the thoughts and lives of many people. Sayings of this kind exist for centuries, passing through generations from century to century.

    They reflect a very special idea of ​​the people about the value and role of the family in the life of society. Family is not just relatives living
    together, these are people who are related by interests, feelings, and attitude to life, by the fact that they help each other in the household, caring for children, and most importantly, they truly support each other in difficult life situations. An indicator of this relationship can serve:

    When there is no family, there is no home.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    In the family, the porridge is thicker.

    Married - rich, single - poor.

    In the family, love and advice, so there is no need.

    Family is a very serious matter. It is the family, to a greater extent than a profession, career or environment, that determines a person's life. Therefore, marriage, the choice of a spouse or wife, must be approached with all responsibility, which is also evidenced.

    To marry is not to drink water.

    To marry is not to put on a bast shoe.

    To marry is not to attack, as if marrying not to abyss.

    Married in a hurry, but for a long torment.

    Get married - look at both.

    Choose your wife not with your eyes, but with your ears.

    Early marriage is a visible disaster.

    Don't rush, girl, get married: it's good - you'll make money, but it's bad - you'll cry.

    Look at the family, where do you get a wife from.

    Choose your wife not in a round dance, but in a garden.

    He took his wife a day, and cried a year.

    The girl is red before marriage.

    Spouses create a happy family, if initially they were similar in some way. This may be the similarity of origin, social status, common worldview, similar views.
    Some believe that a husband and wife should be similar in appearance. In addition, having lived together, people become even more similar to each other, adopt each other's habits, create a single world, an integral space in which they understand each other perfectly. This is also evidenced by folk wisdom.

    The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.

    Husband and wife are one soul.

    Husband and wife have the same thoughts.

    Husband and wife from one spark flint.

    Husband and wife, one of Satan.

    Husband and wife are one body, one thing, one spirit.

    The husband is strong according to his wife, and the wife is strong according to her husband.

    The femininity is brought forward, testifying that without the positive participation of women, a normal and happy family union is simply impossible.

    Peace in the family is kept by the wife.

    A good wife will save the house, and a bad wife will smash it with her sleeve.

    A good wife teaches housekeeping, and an evil one excommunicates from home.

    The wife does not harp: after playing, you can’t hang it on the wall.

    A wife is not a mitten: you can’t throw it off your hand.

    The husband fools - half of the yard will burn down, the wife fools - and the whole will burn down.

    The wife will not save, so the husband will never save.

    A good wife will add intelligence - intelligence.

    A good wife and an honest husband.

    To take a good wife - not to know boredom or grief.

    A good wife is fun, and a thin one is an evil potion.

    A good wife and fatty cabbage soup - look no other good.

    The husband is the head, the wife is the neck, wherever she wants, she will turn there.

    Interesting, the theme of which is a lonely man. Since ancient times, folk wisdom has clearly noted that although a man is the head of the family, a breadwinner who provides a decent life, he, in turn, needs care, care, and without a woman he cannot fully go through life.

    A husband without a wife is like a goose without water.

    A man without a woman is more than an orphan child.

    A husband without a wife is like a horse without a bridle.

    Without a father - half an orphan, without a mother - and the whole orphan.

    A widower is not a father to children: he himself is an orphan.

    A man and a woman, thus, complement each other, are, as it were, equivalent halves, which is also evidenced by:

    A husband is a father to his wife, a wife is a crown to her husband.

    They live hand in hand, soul to soul.

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    • seotitle: Proverbs and sayings about the family - All about the family

    Read 1348 once Last modified on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 07:53

    WITH mother is the face of the mother. (Adyghe)

    In the family, the porridge is thicker. (Russian)

    The whole family is his own, but everyone loves himself. (Russian)

    Big pot for the whole family. (Russian)

    Not a big family, but all eaters. (Russian)

    The head of the family is like a vat. (Chinese)

    Who is a pig, and we are a family. (Russian)

    The family rests on the elderly. (Udmurt)

    The thick porridge of the family will not disperse. (Russian)

    Consent in the family - wealth in the house. (Russian)

    In a friendly family, everything will work out. (Chinese)

    A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud. (Russian)

    A good family will add intelligence-mind. (Russian)

    A friendly family will move a mountain. (Bulgarian)

    In a large family - not without a black sheep. (Russian)

    Two sisters in the house are a burden on the family. (French)


    The family is fat, but not simple in the family. (Russian)

    A soldier is a piece cut off from the family. (Russian)

    A friendly family means a long life. (Crimean Tatar)

    Family is the key to happiness. (Azerbaijani)

    There is not much reckoning in my family. (Russian)

    Family and peas are threshed. (Russian)

    Peace in the family is kept by the wife. (Russian)

    There are no two owners in a family. (Chinese)

    He started a family - and wait for happiness and trouble. (Tamil)


    More women in the family - more sin. (Russian)

    A family without love is a tree without roots. (lak)

    There is always prosperity in a friendly family. (Crimean Tatar)

    A stranger, a stranger, but became a family man. (about son-in-law) (Russian)


    The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving. (Russian)

    Three daughters in the family is a ruin for the family. (French)


    The family cauldron boils thicker. (Karelian)

    In a large family, the crust of bread does not get stale. (Abkhazian)

    A good official grows up in a good family. (Chinese)

    A family without a child is like a hearth without fire. (Armenian)

    Every layman is a family man to his brother. (Russian)

    It is foolish to talk about the family affairs of another. (Jewish)

    The family is strong in harmony (i.e. peace in the family, harmony in the family). (Russian)

    You don't really mess with your family. (Russian)

    In a family where conscience is not valued, a conscienceless one will be born. (Abkhazian)

    A family without love is a tree without roots. (Tatar)

    A family quarrel is like a dog fight. (Korean)

    You won't get enough bread for our family. (Russian)

    Everyone in his family is big. (Russian)

    An unfriendly family destroys itself. (Tamil)

    The family must respect each other. (Chinese)

    And in a bad family good children are born. (lak)

    If the back is strong in the family, then everywhere you feel like a person. (Abkhazian)

    The family is not without its black sheep, but the freak is not to please. (Russian)

    If there is an old man in the family, then there is a treasure in the family. (Chinese)

    You will leave the house, then you will know that in your family it is better. (Chinese)

    In every family there are those who find it difficult to read a prayer*. (Chinese) (*i.e. has its own problem)

    The family has seven holes*. (Kabardian) (*about the complexities of family life)

    The state has laws, the family has family rules. (Chinese)

    Family love is the greatest happiness in life. (English)

    In a good family, people take care of each other. (Chinese)

    If there is no head in the family, then the house is turned upside down. (Chinese)

    He who is ashamed of his family will not see happiness. (Jewish)

    As the owner treats the dog, so does the whole family. (Jewish)

    With good children, a family is a happy family. (Mordovian)

    If the older generation sets a bad example, then the descendants will not be good. (Chinese)

    Proverbs and sayings about the Father

    Proverbs and sayings about Mother

    Every day you are surrounded by hundreds of people, but your closest and dearest, of course, are your parents. That's who will always caress, help, support. No wonder they say: "Peace in the family - order in the country." Read wise proverbs and sayings about the family, people, people and make sure that harmony and harmony in relationships is more important than any wealth.

    • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
    • Earth without water is dead, a man without seven is an empty flower.
    • In the native family and the porridge is thicker.
    • They are friends in the family - they do not grieve.
    • A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
    • The family and peas are threshed.
    • Consent and harmony in the family is a treasure.
    • A consonant family does not take grief.
    • A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
    • A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
    • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
    • The family agrees that things are going great.
    • Where advice is, there is light; where consent is, there is God.
    • Hints and reproaches are family vices.
    • Your home is not someone else's: you can't leave it.
    • Treasure family - be happy.
    • Family is the backbone of happiness.
    • The family is strong.
    • Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.
    • Consent in the family is wealth.
    • Though closely, but better together.
    • What is - together, what is not - in half.

    Proverbs about parents and children

    The parental home, like a cradle, warms with warmth and tenderness, care and kindness. Dad and mom are your best friends, fair mentors and main critics. Appreciate and respect your parents, because they are a priceless treasury of wisdom and love, given to You from above.

    • Children of parents are not judges.
    • For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
    • The life of parents in children.
    • And the crow praises the crow.
    • Like a brother, like a sister.
    • Where the mother is, there the child goes.
    • Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
    • A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
    • The mother of all business is the head.
    • Welcome mother - a stone fence.
    • To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.
    • Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
    • Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
    • An older brother is like a second father.
    • The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
    • Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright.
    • A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

    Proverbs about people

    Every person is a mystery. It is not easy to solve, but it is so interesting to learn if it is decorated with wisdom, prudence, sincerity. Read proverbs and sayings about people and find out which qualities in a person are valuable and which are harmful.

    • A man is not a nut - you won’t bite right away.
    • You recognize a person when you eat a pood of salt with him.
    • A man with a short mind acquires a long tongue.
    • A man lives for a century, and his deeds - two.
    • In rags, they will take the king for a beggar.
    • A twig sees in someone else's eye, but does not notice a log in its own.
    • If you don't know a person, look at his friend.
    • Those who do not respect themselves will not be respected by others.
    • Not a penny, but the glory is good.
    • It looks like a falcon, but the voice of a raven.
    • The man of God is sheathed in leather.
    • It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.
    • Meet by clothes, see off by mind.
    • The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
    • Honor is dearer than life.
    • A person is painted by a head, not a hat.
    • Alien soul - darkness.
    • The day fades at night, and a person with sadness.
    • There are no such herbs to know someone else's temper.
    • Absolutely stupid, who does not know anyone.
    • Conscience without teeth, but will bite.
    • A good person is good everywhere, but a bad person is bad everywhere.
    • Don't judge people, look at yourself.
    • It is not the eyes that see, but the man; It is not the ear that hears, but the soul.
    • It will fit into the soul without soap.
    • And a thin man will live his life.
    • In adversity, a person succeeds.
    • Man walks, God leads.
    • Water for fish, air for birds, and the whole earth for man.
    • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
    • And the sparrow does not live without people.
    • It flies high and lands low.
    • Leopard change his spots.
    • Don't be a sheep or the wolves will eat you.
    • On the beauty, every rag is silk.
    • Good glory lies on the stove, and the thin one runs around the world.
    • Man is famous for his work.
    • What is, such is the honor.
    • Birds are fed, and people are deceived by a word.
    • Don't think to be smart, but think to be neat.
    • A man is like a castle: you need to pick up a key for everyone.
    • The language is small, but it turns over a great man.
    • A nightingale is greedy for a cockroach, a man for flattering speeches.
    • There are a lot of people, but there is no person.
    • The more fruits on the tree, the more modestly its branches bend down.
    • See a tree in its fruits, a man in deeds.

    Proverbs about the people

    A long time ago, when there was still no ink and paper, folk wisdom was passed down from generation to generation in fairy tales, songs, legends and sayings. Until today, fair statements about our people have come down - friendly, colorful, sincere and talented ...

    • If the people are united, they are invincible.
    • If all the people breathe, there will be wind.
    • Thunder and people cannot be silenced.
    • You can't kill people, there's enough for everything.
    • The enemy is a striker, but our people are steadfast.
    • Offended people burn worse than wasps.
    • The earth is strong with its people.
    • The people will want to jump over the abyss.
    • Where there are people, there is truth.
    • Teach the people, learn from the people.
    • Without the people - one adversity.
    • For oneself to live - smolder, for the family - to burn, and for the people - to shine.
    • If you serve the people, you can live at the Pole.
    • Earth - water, wealth - to the people.
    • Whoever is with the people is invincible.
    • Whoever stands for the people, the people call him a hero.
    • The sea will not dry up, and the people will not get lost.
    • The people will not talk in vain.
    • Our people do not like to talk in vain, and if they did, they tied them up.
    • Our nation is growing from year to year.
    • Serve the people in such a way that for him through fire and into water.
    • The sun will not fade, the people will not break.

    Read also:

    • Proverbs about good and evil
    • Proverbs about Ukraine

    Today we will read proverbs about family. Proverbs are short phrases that contain a deep meaning, the experience of generations and the wisdom of the people are transmitted.

    Russian proverbs about the family are wise sayings in which the family plays an important role.

    A person enters the family from birth. Here the child learns the world, here his character is formed, he learns to walk, talk, learns to love relatives and friends.

    If the family has a good, friendly environment, all family members understand and support each other, then the child will develop correctly. Native people, family is the most important thing for all of us.

    Proverbs about the family help to educate our children in understanding, friendship, love. These short phrases have a good educational effect. In Russian proverbs, the authority of the mother is emphasized. She is the keeper of the hearth, takes care of her husband and children. A mother loves her children, no matter how they behave. Parents are the main authority for a child. Children in childhood always want to be like their mom and dad.

    Therefore, playing with the child. when educating, include these proverbs in your classes. You can also read poems about the family for children.

    Interesting proverbs and sayings about the family for preschoolers and schoolchildren

    Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.

    Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, a complete orphan.

    There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.

    The family agrees, and things are going great.

    All children are equal - boys and girls.

    In the family, the porridge is thicker.

    There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.

    In a good family, good children grow up.

    Everywhere is good, but home is better.

    Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

    The life of parents in children.

    To marry is not to drink water.

    He who honors his parents never perishes.

    I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.

    The mother feeds the children like earth-people.

    Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

    The mother of all business is the head.

    The father punishes, the father praises.

    When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

    Parents honor-you will not go astray from the true path.

    Parents are hardworking, and children are not lazy.

    The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.

    A Russian person does not live without relatives.

    A family without a child is like a hearth without fire.

    A family is strong when there is only one roof on it.

    Glory to the son-father is a joy.

    You will make a house with your son, and you will live the rest with your daughter.

    Treasure family - be happy.

    Family consent is the most precious thing.

    A family without children is like a flower without a smell.

    Family is the foundation of happiness.

    A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

    Consent in the family is wealth.

    The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

    Only work keeps the house.

    He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach.

    A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

    Read and learn proverbs about families with children. It's interesting and useful. Sometimes such short phrases carry more meaning and benefit than large works.

    And on the day of family, love and fidelity, I congratulate you all and wish you and your family happiness and prosperity!

    May every day of your life become a day of family, love and fidelity, where happiness, fun and joy will be present.

    Let your second half be the most desirable for you and reciprocate, and the children please you with their successes! May you always have love, and loyalty, and a loving family.

    Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. No value or wealth can replace a family. But ... the family is a fragile creature that requires constant replenishment. And nourishment can give love and fidelity. Love each other and respect, trust each other and be happy.

    to your site.

    Well, let's consider ourselves our own: how did grandmother's grandson's goat fit the mother-in-law's hen?
    Baba-grandmother, golden lady! You pray to God, you feed with bread, you take care of the house, you guard the good.
    Close relatives: our Marina is your cousin Praskovya Katerina.
    Brother will not betray brother.
    Brother and brother go to the bear.
    Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.
    If it were my grandmother, I'm not afraid of anyone; grandmother - a shield, a fist - a hammer.
    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
    In a friendly family and warm in the cold.
    There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.
    A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.
    Everyone in his family is big.
    What is the calculation in your family?
    In your home, the walls help.
    In the family, the porridge is thicker.
    There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
    The family agrees that things are going great.
    In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
    In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road.
    In a good family, good children grow up.
    Everywhere is good, but home is better.
    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
    Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
    Where there is advice, there is light; where there is agreement, there is God.
    The thick porridge of the family will not disperse.
    Twins - and happiness twice.
    A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
    A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
    Children of parents are not judges.
    For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
    Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
    It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
    At home, everything is arguable, but living in a stranger is worse.
    Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
    A friendly family knows no sorrow.
    The life of parents in children.
    Food tastes better at a communal table.
    Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower.
    And the crow praises the crow.
    Like a brother, like a sister.
    The princess is good, and the mistress is good, but our sister also lives red.
    When there is no family, there is no home.
    If I have granddaughters, I know fairy tales.
    Where the mother is, there the child goes.
    There are no better brothers and sisters.
    I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.
    Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.
    Love and advice - there is no grief.
    A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
    Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
    Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
    The mother of all business is the head.
    The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
    Welcome mother - a stone fence.
    We are relatives: your dogs ate, and ours looked at yours through the wattle fence.
    What a treasure, when the family is in harmony.
    Hints and reproaches are family vices.
    There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
    Don't hide your failures from your parents.
    There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
    There is no friend against a brother.
    The father punishes, the father praises.
    To honor a father and mother - not to know grief.
    When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
    Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
    Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
    The parental word is not spoken by.
    Our people - let's count.
    Your home is not someone else's: you will not leave it.
    Your own is not an enemy.
    Consider your own with your own, but do not intervene with someone else.
    Family consent is the most precious thing.
    The family pot is always boiling.
    A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.
    Treasure family - be happy.
    The family and peas are threshed.
    A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
    Family is the backbone of happiness.
    The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible.
    The family gives a person a start in life.
    The family is strong.
    A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
    A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
    The mother's heart is outgoing.
    Sister with sister is like a river with water.
    Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.
    A consonant family and grief does not take.
    Consent in the family is wealth.
    A quarrel in his family - to the first sight.
    An older brother is like a second father.
    The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
    Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright.
    A mother's patience knows no bounds.
    There is nothing to grieve about who knows how to live at home.
    Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.
    The dear child has many names.
    Though closely, but better together.
    What you do not want for your sister and brother, do not wish for your offenders either.
    A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.
    A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
    What is - together, what is not - in half.