The wedding night is the beginning of married life. Wedding night tips for the groom

The first wedding night is of tremendous importance in the future life of the young couple, mutual understanding. The wedding night is especially important for the bride. If a girl marries a virgin and has no previous sexual experience, the wedding night can make her both an absolute sex hater and super sexy - it all depends on how she feels before and during defloration. And the main role in this matter is given to the groom.
An innocent girl is shy, shy: she may not allow a young man to her intimate organs, not allow, for example, oral sex, considering them "shameful." On the one hand, she thus deprives herself of sexual sensations that will help her get aroused properly, maybe even experience an orgasm, which will help reduce pain during defloration. On the other hand, a groom who is constantly stopped “halfway” may lose his patience and use force and rudeness. It is unacceptable! By such behavior, the groom will turn his young wife away from himself once and for all. There is also a category of men who believe that before defloration, you don’t need to try hard at all, caress the girl. Anyway, during defloration, she will experience pain and her sexual desire will disappear. Therefore, we must quickly take it by force. Such an attitude during the wedding night, disrespect for the wife is, first of all, a criminal offense that causes severe mental and physical trauma to a young woman.
In addition, there are cases when, due to anatomical features, the hymen cannot be torn the first time. Such a situation can occur both because of the inexperience or weak potency of the groom, and because of the special strength of the binding tissue that forms the hymen. If you keep trying again and again at home, this can lead to severe physical injury to both the bride and groom, to vaginal or even uterine bleeding. In the case of a particularly strong hymen, you need to go to a gynecologist, who will remove the hymen surgically.
There are also diametrically opposite cases when an innocent girl has no hymen at all. Such phenomena are frequent among women of Latin, Brazilian origin. Also, girls of the Slavic nation can also lose their hymen before marriage, not because they had sex before their wedding night, but because of an injury, washing too thoroughly or playing certain sports. Such girls, on the contrary, do not experience fear before the wedding night, and, as a rule, they begin to like sex immediately. Of course, in order to avoid misunderstandings, if the girl does not have a hymen, the situation should be explained to the groom before the wedding night.

The first wedding night is the climax to which the entire wedding process aspires. And only in the power of the bride and groom to make her unforgettably beautiful.

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2016-07-04 14:12 from Slavik

It often happens that you look at the photo and understand that there are almost no romantic photos where the two of you are almost absent. For this, they probably came up with a photo shoot in the style of a love story, which literally means a love story in pictures.

FIRST WEDDING NIGHT, in the traditional sense - the first sexual contact of the newlyweds, accompanied by defloration of the bride; today - this is largely a conditional term, since such a night can take place long before the official marriage or some time after the registration of the marriage union; besides, the first intimacy does not always take place at night.

Even with inexperience in matters of sex, the newlyweds are able to have sexual intercourse, but the wedding night is too important an event in the life of lovers to be taken lightly. So, according to Steckel, "for a woman's love, the circumstance plays an exceptional role whether the first bars passed with dissonance or with a full harmonic chord" (see. Harmony sexy). The conditions that it is desirable to fulfill during the first intimacy are quite simple, but they should be thought about in advance.

It is quite obvious that the wedding night should take place without witnesses and with the full confidence of the young that their privacy will not be violated even by accident. The marriage bed should not creak, it is desirable that the room be in twilight.

Both spouses should be aware of the need for preliminary hygiene procedures (warm water and soap are enough for this). It should be remembered that the attitude towards the first sexual intercourse in girls is significantly different from that of men.

Most girls experience a certain fear of the first intercourse, the first wedding night. They like hugs, kisses, caresses and gentle words of their beloved man, but the upcoming sexual intercourse is often perceived fearfully and wary. The persistence of a young man, his unwillingness to reckon with the feelings and experiences of a girl, and sometimes even brutal violence, can cause her mental, and if she resists, physical trauma, often with serious consequences for later intimate life (for example, the development of vaginismus or the formation of disgust in a young woman to sexual intercourse). It is necessary to be patient-persistent, gentle and necessarily self-confident.

During defloration during the wedding night, pain can be reduced to a minimum if the first intercourse is carried out in one of the following positions. The wife lies across the bed on her back with her legs on the floor, the husband spreads her hips to such an extent that he can stand between them, leaning on his hands on both sides of the wife (holding his weight), at the moment of insertion of the penis, he finds himself in an inclined position . Even more gentle is the position when the girl, lying completely on her back, puts a pillow or a blanket rolled up under her buttocks under her buttocks, and lifts her bent knees to her chest, which ensures maximum tension. hymen at the entrance to the vagina and ensures its rupture. Powerful and elastic muscles of the perineum, tensing, narrow the entrance to the vagina, making it difficult for the first sexual intercourse, and therefore it is necessary to deliberately relax them.

The next sexual intercourse after the wedding night is recommended no earlier than a day or a few days later (after the healing of hymen tears), even if the young wife does not mind doing it earlier. Very rarely, bleeding does not stop for a long time - in this case, you need to contact a gynecologist (see Gynecology).

If, during the first intimacy, a young woman does not have blood and complaints of discomfort that occurs when the degree of sexual arousal is insufficient (due to the lack of vaginal lubrication), sexual intercourse can continue until its logical conclusion - ejaculation. In this case, it is possible to use one of the methods of contraception: interrupted coitus, a condom, a calendar method, etc. (see. Pregnancy protection).

Conception on the wedding night can hardly be considered the best option, although such cases are by no means uncommon. If the wedding night coincides with menstruation, it is necessary to know that intercourse during this period is undesirable (see. Genital hygiene). Occasionally, women experience vaginismus, when it is pointless to use force, seeking the introduction of the penis into the vagina, since this is almost impossible to achieve, and the relationship will be damaged for a long time.

In some cases, premature ejaculation is possible in men during the wedding night (sometimes already with intense caresses or the very first frictions), but there should not be strong feelings about this, since after a short period an erection may occur again, and the degree of arousal of a man is somewhat will decrease, which will increase the duration of intercourse. Often, mainly among timid, shy, suspicious, insecure young men, penile erection does not occur or sharply weakens when trying to have an immission, and sexual intercourse ends in failure.

It is very important that the young wife behaves correctly in this situation. It is well known that reproaches, irritations of a partner contribute to a young man's neurotic fixation on sexual problems, increase his fear of intimacy, and hence the likelihood of repeated breakdowns with each subsequent attempt to have sexual intercourse.

What to do on the wedding night?

So, what to do on the wedding night? If you decide to make preparations for this night on your own, then first of all, you need to choose a place where it will take place. Every hotel has special rooms for newlyweds, and you can rent one of these rooms in your city or you can go to another city and rent such a room there.

You can also take a ride on the ship and spend the first wedding night in the cabin of the ship, especially since now every ship has more than one cabin for the newlyweds, in which a romantic atmosphere is created.

It doesn't matter which option you choose, the most important thing is that this night of love does not take place in your apartment, where your or his parents sleep behind the wall. This night should belong only to you and you should only think about yourself, and not about the fact that you can accidentally wake up your parents.

We have decided on the place, now we need to decide on the attributes that you will need for the wedding night.

First, you need to stock up on gourmet but light food and champagne. From food, give preference to seafood and fruits.

Secondly, purchase silk bedding and rose petals in advance, which you will sprinkle on the bed. Of course, at first it will be unusual for you to lie on silk sheets, but this will add novelty to your sexual relationship.

Thirdly, you need to think about your underwear that your new husband will see. It's good if you can change your wedding lingerie to something more erotic and sexy so that your man does not remain indifferent.

Don't forget the candles to give your room a romantic feel. Just do not get carried away with scented candles, otherwise, instead of having a good time, you will have to ventilate the room all night.

Before the wedding night, try to make your skin soft and smooth, for this you need to make a moisturizing body mask or moisturizing body wrap.

If you want to remain as beautiful on your wedding night as you were at the wedding, then instead of mascara, you need to stick on false eyelashes so that your husband does not see mascara stains in the morning.

While taking a bath, drop 2 drops of rose essential oil into the water, it will not only give you charm and confidence, but also envelop your body in a pleasant and delicate aroma, and this is just what you need for a night of love.

When the banquet is over and you are left alone with your husband, you do not need to immediately unpack the gifts, this can wait. It is better to turn on romantic music and light candles placed in advance around the room, have dinner, drink champagne, take a bath together, give each other an erotic massage and fulfill everything that you dreamed about, but did not dare to do. On your first night of marriage, make all your sexual desires come true so that you will remember this night for the rest of your life.

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The wedding night is the traditional end of the wedding ceremony. This event should take place in a relaxed romantic atmosphere. Lovers are looking forward to this moment of tenderness, love and affection.

For each nation, the first night of the newlyweds is different. For example, in some African tribes, the innocence of a girl is considered a shame, so brides are deprived of her in childhood. But in virginity is valued quite highly.

Wedding Night: Traditions of the World

Each religion differs from all others in its unique perception of a person's personal and social life. This includes marriage traditions.

The most exciting moment of the wedding is the anticipation of the wedding night by the newlyweds. During it, they will be able to know each other as spouses. This ritual is shrouded in many customs and traditions fixed in the minds of believers.

As for Christianity, this religion has built a whole system of sacred dogmas that affect marriage. In Rus', most people were quite loyal to the immorality of some girls. However, chastity has always been highly valued in society.

This idea is also present in the modern Christian world. To this day, the Christian religion has such a tradition: immediately after the end of the festive celebration and the feast, the newlyweds are sent to the groom's house. The next day, the young family should receive guests.

Orthodoxy does not force the observance of ancient customs associated with the wedding night of lovers. However, much attention is paid to preparing the place where the newly minted husband and wife will spend their long-awaited night together.

The bed for the newlyweds should be laid by: the matchmaker, the groom's mother and sisters. As a rule, bridesmaids are not allowed, as they can envy the happiness of the newlyweds. Bed linen must be new and ironed.

After the bed for the bride and groom is prepared, it must be sprinkled with holy water and crossed. You need to put in the room. They should not be removed or covered with sheets - in marriage, marital intimacy is not considered a sin.

The Orthodox Church recognizes only legal and. Priests say that only after the wedding, the newlyweds will know the sacrament of marital intimacy. That is why the ceremony of concluding a church marriage is carried out immediately after the official registration of the relationship.

Sex outside of spiritual marriage for believing Christians is considered a sin. The first intimacy must necessarily occur only after the wedding in the temple.

Sexual contact between spouses is not possible on the wedding night if the bride has her period on the day of the wedding or wedding.

During such periods, the girl's body is considered unclean. The fair sex should first calculate whether the day of an official or church marriage falls on “critical days”.

During this time period, women are strictly forbidden to attend church. Left alone with her lover, the wife, like a real Christian, should be humble. She needs to take off her husband's shoes and ask permission to share the marriage bed with him.

On this blessed night, the newlyweds should be especially affectionate and tender with each other. As for, then there are their own wedding traditions. Nikah is a union between a woman and a man in Islamic family law.

The very last stage of this ceremony is the first night of the newlyweds. Among Muslims, it occurs only when the newly-made wife arrives at her husband's house.

The main part of the bride's dowry is a lot of pillows and blankets. Without high-quality bed linen and a comfortable mattress, a wedding night is impossible. Lighting should be weak or non-existent.. This is necessary so that the husband and wife are not embarrassed by each other.

In many Asian countries, it is customary to brightly decorate the bedroom where the bride and groom will spend their wedding night. This will have a positive effect on the mood of the spouses. The abundance of flowers speaks of the beginning of a rich and secure life together.

Newlyweds should be relaxed, and also strive for mutual pleasure from sexual intercourse.

Where to spend?

There are several options for where to spend the first wedding night:

  1. in your apartment. This is not the most original idea, but reliable. This allows you to decorate the bedroom with romantic attributes in advance. A familiar environment will help you quickly relax and recharge with positive;
  2. in parental home. This is a perfectly acceptable option. Especially if the father and mother have nowhere to send for the night. There is one nuance here: you will have to forget about loud manifestations of feelings and behave quite modestly;
  3. in a country house. A wedding night in a calm and secluded place is a real dream. But, under the only condition: if there is a shower in the country house. Personal hygiene at such a moment should not be forgotten. In the house you can completely relax and enjoy a pleasant solitude with your soulmate. It is quite possible that it will be possible to diversify sexual games in the fresh air, in the gazebo, near the river or on the grass;
  4. in the hotel room. This is currently the most popular option. Comfortable conditions, beautiful interior, new furnishings, excellent service and one significant disadvantage - the high cost. In this case, you will need to vacate the room before noon the next day. Despite this, the wedding night happens only once in a lifetime and you can afford such a luxury. At the hotel, you can not only enjoy all the delights of intimacy with your loved one, but also sit in a restaurant or cafe for small talk.

How to decorate a room?

The bedroom of the newlyweds, like the banquet hall, is usually decorated with fresh flowers and balloons. Beautiful plants can be used to create unique artistic compositions.

They are placed everywhere: on the floor, window sills, cabinets. The main condition is that flowers should not interfere with movement around the room. It is better not to use plants with a pronounced aroma, as they will interfere with the process.

In the bedroom, paintings with images of flowers or romantic scenes are allowed. On the bedside tables you can put figurines of doves and angels. For centuries, bedding has been part of a bride's dowry.

Pillows and blankets were decorated with various embroideries and symbolic patterns. Today, such handmade linen is almost impossible to find. If you follow modern rules, then it is better to cover the bed of the newlyweds with snow-white, pale pink or beige bedding. As for the decor, it can be anything: the presence of lace, ruffles, bows, stones, rhinestones is welcome.

Passionate couples in love prefer bedding in rich red, burgundy or black.


Traditionally, at a wedding, a separate modest table is prepared for the newlyweds with a minimum amount of alcohol and food. Hearty food and alcoholic drinks are not required for the wedding night to go smoothly.

For a married life to be happy, the first intercourse must take place. No matter how tired the newlyweds are, they need to make an act of love.

Until now, in many countries it is believed that only intimacy makes the bonds of official marriage legal. You need to try to save strength for intimacy.

If the couple does not want any of the guests to touch their bed, then it is better to do the preparations yourself. The main thing is not to tell anyone where the husband and wife will spend their wedding night. In this case, silence will serve as a kind of amulet. So no one will have the opportunity to interfere at the most crucial moment.

First you need to take care of choosing the right underwear. Let it be a spectacular peignoir or sexy underwear. It is imperative to change clothes, because on wedding dresses, as well as on underwear, there remains the negative energy of some envious guests.

Lingerie should be seductive - lacy and light. It is better if it is white, milky, peach, pink or cream. These are gentle tones that will allow you to remember the first wedding night for the rest of your life.

Why is the first year of marriage the hardest?

The first year in a legal marriage is the most difficult. The main problem, oddly enough, is the very fact of creating a new family. The stress that every person experiences when entering into a legal marriage is stronger than when parting.

Anxiety can be caused by both negative emotions and positive ones. Living together with another person means giving up some habits, leading a new lifestyle, and.

How to get through all the difficulties together?

Today, women take an active position in society. They fight for equal rights with men. A similar situation can be traced within the family. The wife, just like the husband, earns money. In this regard, there are many difficulties regarding the distribution of responsibilities.

For many people who have begun sexual relations long before the wedding, the wedding night is not a mysterious and secret ceremony. However, even now there are people who consider the innocence of the bride to be the best virtue. So how should the first wedding night go so that the newlyweds have only pleasant impressions after it?

In fact, arranging the first joint night of the spouses is quite simple, you only need to follow a few rules.

Choosing the right place

This is one of the most important points: it is unlikely that spending the first night in a communal apartment crowded with people always walking back and forth can be called enchanting and pleasant.

It is because of this that newlyweds living with their parents are advised to rent a hotel room, or ask their parents to leave somewhere (the latter is often practiced by Muslims).

If you decide to rent a hotel room, it is better to go ahead and check whether all the conditions are true. After all, it will be extremely unpleasant to see an ordinary room with a tiny shower cabin instead of a luxurious room with a jacuzzi.

Choice of bed linen

The main thing in this matter is not to rely on advertising. Many people have heard or read about the luxury and beauty of silk bedding (this topic is especially often mentioned in romance novels). In fact, silk is an extremely slippery material that absorbs moisture with difficulty. That is why it is worth abandoning the much-desired scarlet silk sheets in favor of ordinary white cotton or linen sheets (this is especially true for Muslims, for whom it is especially important to see confirmation of the girl's innocence).

Creating the Right Atmosphere

This point is better for girls: they are ready to pay attention to such minor details as color combinations of curtains and scented candles: everything should be perfect on the first wedding night!

It is necessary to influence all the senses: take care of pleasant and relaxing music in advance (it is better to choose it together with your spouse, since musical preferences are individual: for someone, relaxing music is a drum solo of a rock band, and for someone - a light symphony), small candles (they will create the necessary semi-darkness, thereby helping the bride overcome her own shyness), incense sticks and incense (select them carefully, as an allergic reaction to one of the components is possible), as well as small snacks (you do not need to cook a dozen pies and a liter of mom's borscht, enough canapes and fresh fruit). Try not to drink alcohol, your maximum is a glass of champagne for relaxation.

Get a beautiful set of underwear in advance so that your man can enjoy foreplay. If you decide to wear a modest white set under your wedding attire, then take a spare openwork underwear: please your spouse, and he will definitely remember this night for a long time. If you are brave enough, you can dance an erotic dance that will arouse your loved one.

If you feel fear, then tell your loved one about it right away - no need to panic, he will definitely understand you and offer you a little distraction.

Try, if possible, to give a leading role to a man: if your spouse loves you, then he will try to make your joint first night unforgettable. But this does not mean at all that you need to be silent if you are hurt or unpleasant - it is better to warn your husband in advance than to treat microtraumas resulting from sexual intercourse later.

If the wedding fell on your menstrual cycle, then do not hesitate to tell your husband about it: most likely, he will understand everything and endure the wedding night.

If you have no experience of sexual intercourse, then you should not watch videos of the corresponding genre or read articles on the Internet - poorly verified information is often published there - it is better to talk with a good friend or relative you trust (it is extremely important that this person has extensive experience in relationships and was happily married.

You don’t need to immediately try to pounce on the bride (especially if this is her first time) - you risk not only scaring the girl, but also hurting her, thereby contributing to the development of sexual coldness in her. If you see that your spouse is uncomfortable, try to cheer her up and distract her: start a light conversation, invite her to try fruit or dance a little. As soon as you feel that the girl has relaxed, offer her a light massage, starting to work on her erogenous zones.

Remember that sexual intercourse is best done when your partner is excited: then she will not experience discomfort during defloration.

The main thing is not to be a rude lover, striving to take everything at once on the first night. Try to be as gentle as possible, surrounding your beloved with care and warmth - then she will enter into the following contacts already on her own initiative, and not because of marital duty. And already further sexual life can be replete with all sorts of experiments (the main thing is that both partners have fun).

If the spouse asks to transfer intimacy for any reason (she has a headache, she feels bad, she is too nervous, and so on), then do not refuse her this. Remember that truly good intimacy can only be with mutual readiness.

How is the first wedding night for different peoples and religious movements?

In African tribes that honor the traditions of their ancestors, an innocent bride is considered a disgrace to her family. That is why girls were deprived of their virginity as early as adolescence or even childhood, which makes the wedding night an ordinary event, and not a night full of secrets and secrets.

The wedding night of the gypsy peoples ends with the solemn hanging of a sheet, on which there must have been blood stains (this confirms the innocence of the bride). If this symbol does not exist, then the girl's family will forever be disgraced.

During the feast preceding the marriage night, Russians prefer to refrain from drinking alcohol. This is due to an old belief: a wedding night spent in a state of intoxication will contribute to the birth of sick children.

Muslims consider the first night of the newlyweds a true sacrament. After all, it is the wedding night that serves as the beginning of a new life for a girl in her husband's family. That is why the wedding night of Muslims is fundamentally different from representatives of other religions. Thus, Muslims consider it unacceptable even to accidentally spy on young spouses, preferring to leave the young in complete solitude so that they perform all the rituals on their own.

One of the most famous rituals of Muslims is covering the second half with honey or all kinds of sweets (it is important to find out in advance if any of the spouses have allergies so that this event does not end tragically). In a similar way, the couple attracts a joyful family life full of pleasant surprises.

In addition, many Muslims consider it unacceptable to spend the first night without preliminary prayers (usually spouses ask Allah for a happy family life and healthy children). In addition, representatives of this religion honor the traditions of the Koran today: Muslims will never hold a wedding night ceremony if the young woman has critical days (at these moments, sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited).

Unfortunately, unlike Muslims, not all nations honor traditions, preferring to have sexual intercourse before the official marriage. Sometimes a bride walks down the aisle while pregnant.

Each new relationship begins with a candy-bouquet period, beautiful and reverent. As a rule, acquaintance is followed by flirting, courtship, then you become closer to each other and your sympathy grows. Gradually, one of the most exciting moments of your relationship is approaching - your first intimacy.

Most likely, this is not the first sexual experience and there is something to compare. But at the moment you are in love with a particular person and you want your first night to make him happy. It is this desire to get closer to the ideal that is the most common mistake. After all, we can see the perfect sex in the cinema, but in reality this is more the exception than the rule. However, you should not be upset, because your partner is most likely far from ideal, he is no less an ordinary person than you. And it will take some time to move to a new level of relationship - sexual intimacy. Today we will talk about the most basic mistakes in the behavior of people during the first night.

Mistakes and delusions, on your first night.

First of all, stop being afraid of disappointment. The first night may have nothing to do with your dreams of her. But quite often the dream is transformed into an obsession. Girls prepare for it especially carefully: they exhaust themselves on simulators, visit massage parlors, and do painful depilation. Nobody argues that this is right and good, but this is not the main thing. More important is the ability to relax in bed with your loved one. After all, he already liked you and it is doubtful that he will consider your flaws, if any, under a microscope.

Men also have a lot of doubts and misconceptions about this. For some reason, many of the representatives of the stronger sex believe that the more varied the postures during intercourse, the more inventive the man is, the more joy his partner will receive from sex. But it should be remembered that the more a man cares about the technique of sex, the more lovemaking becomes like training in acrobatics. And at the same time, you don’t need to endure and hush up that the position is uncomfortable for you, it’s better to make it clear right away.

And, of course, the worst thing for manhood on the first night is a complete sexual fiasco. The reasons for this may be different. For example, he can wind his nerves in such a way in advance that there simply will not be an erection, or ejaculation will occur very quickly. Both outcomes can be the result of strong excitement. It would be good for men to know that for a woman this is not a universal catastrophe, as they think. It’s just that not everyone knows how to properly explain this to a partner and find how to console him.

You just have to remember that sex is a mutual pleasure and that it has nothing to do with sports or the pursuit of records.

The first wedding night is a rare occurrence.

In our time, the concept of "wedding night" has lost its relevance and in its original meaning it is quite rare. Most often, by the onset of this very night, the newlyweds already have some kind of sexual experience that they acquired even before the wedding. Moreover, it is already considered unfashionable to marry virgins. However, there are always exceptions to all rules. We will try to consider various situations and hope to help those who are just gaining their first sexual experience. But we will not touch upon one-time relationships, since the “wedding night” has nothing to do with them.

1. First sexual experience for both. (Romeo and Juliet).

Even though it's hard to imagine now, let's assume that both partners are virgins. And this is really great, since all the brightest impressions and discoveries of the world of sensuality are yet to come for both. A man needs to show special sensitivity and guess the mood of his beloved woman. If she had a desire now, then, then, it is necessary. Even if you hear her "no need", this does not mean that you need to immediately get dressed and leave the bed. Her “no” is most likely due to fear, however, you are afraid too. There is only one way out here: you need to stop pretending and allow yourself to surrender to feelings completely. When the process itself begins, then thoughts will disappear, and a wave of passion will capture you completely. You need to relax and enjoy. Just don't rush things, you'll be fine. Remember that fear and surprise do not suit a man. At such moments, the girl prefers to have a strong and confident man next to her, who can be trusted.

2. Love and arithmetic.

Very often, when acquiring the first experience, a woman relies on male prudence, and a man on female prudence, and that's when an unwanted pregnancy occurs. As a result, unplanned children are born, whom no one expected, and they, having just been born, are negatively disposed towards the world. Therefore, take the advice: always have a condom with you, and, preferably, read the instructions for it. After the first intimacy, it also happens that a woman remains a virgin, since her hymen is elastic enough or too strong, and an inexperienced man cannot break through it. You shouldn't be upset about this. Five or six days will pass and you will be able to continue making love. Men should hold back their fantasies a little. There is an elementary way for this: during frictions, repeat (of course, not out loud) the multiplication table.

3. First sexual experience: an experienced man and a virgin (Petrarch and Laura).

It happens that a man with some fear refers to the opportunity to become a pioneer, because they think that their efforts will be in vain, and the girl is unlikely to experience the joy of orgasm. And the girls, in turn, go for it because it is already “indecent” to be a virgin. If a man does not want to be the first with a girl at all, then all this should be discussed even before the moment of intimacy, and not start clarifying when you are in bed with her. Yes, and girls should voice this dignity in advance, but at the same time, there is no need to express unnecessary emotions in the form of grief or irrepressible joy. Otherwise, the man may simply disappear from her life.

4. Pitfalls of the first sexual experience.

The first sexual experience cannot be considered only as a sexual attraction. At this time, female sensuality is born and a man needs to be extremely delicate and careful. The smallest faux pas can cause a negative reflex to sex or even the development of frigidity. According to statistics, in fifty percent of cases, frigidity occurs due to the fact that the partner is rude on the wedding night, in twenty - because of disrespect for her husband, in thirty - because of the fear of pregnancy. It is best for an experienced man to bring a woman to orgasm for the first time without penetration, so that she knows what to expect in the future and strives for it. And then she herself will be glad when you deprive her of innocence.

5. Simple rules for the first night. (Both partners have sexual experience).

Do not think that the tremor of the moment disappears due to previously acquired experience, because this is happening between you for the first time. It is important not to forget about some rules that should be observed in this case. First of all, there must be a mutual desire, the presence of contraceptives and a bed. The latter is necessary in order for the first night to pass comfortably, and leave various extreme sex for later. And further. Try not to be selfish, there should be no race, otherwise you will not achieve sexual harmony.

Men, prepare for the first night carefully.

    1. Stock up on red semi-sweet wine or decent champagne. Don't forget a light, delicious dinner. Just don't ask your mom for help, otherwise you'll get meatballs and pea soup. You can offer such a menu to your woman not soon. Let it be fruits and sweets. It would not be superfluous to put mint tablets or bunches of herbs (parsley, dill) on the bedside table. This is necessary so that bad breath (if any) does not cause your sexual incompatibility.
    2. Lay out fresh bedding. The sheet is better than the one that has an elastic band, otherwise, it will stray all the time and interfere with you. The fabric of the bed linen should be soft and durable, blue and red shades that excite eroticism are very good. If you are an adherent of white linen, then it should be snow-white, and not creamy, and even more so, not with a complex pattern, otherwise your bedroom will be associated with a hospital ward. By the way, one more clarification: on the first night, you can completely do without pillows and a warm blanket. It is better to use terry sheets and a soft blanket.
    3. The presence of fresh flowers near the bed of love is welcome. But they should not have a pronounced aroma to avoid migraine attacks. A bouquet of snowdrops or violets will be appropriate and touching. It should be remembered that aromas especially affect mood. Eliminate perfume, it is better to light an aromatic candle or an aromatic incense burner. Patchouli, juniper are able to excite sensuality. Just do not use lemon oil, otherwise you will quickly be drawn to sleep.
    4. You can take care of some soft objects in advance. Fur stimulates erogenous zones very well. A woman will be pleased if you move the fur along her back, buttocks, and legs. You can use wide brushes for these purposes, which are used by artists. You can also purchase aromatic oils for massage.
    5. Put new soft washcloths, shower gels, shampoos, bath foam in the bathroom (if you want to soak up the two of you there). As well as two fluffy towels and two soft terry bathrobes. Remember that the dressing gown that is intended for your woman must be new and fit her so that she does not have a thought about her predecessor.

Your efforts will definitely be appreciated and your night will be remembered for many years.