Cedar wedding (49 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS. Cedar wedding (49 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS What to give for a wedding anniversary of 49 years

A cedar wedding is celebrated if the spouses have lived together for 49 years. A lot of things are behind us, half of our lives have been lived. Many anniversaries have been celebrated. Husband and wife carry a huge amount of experience on their shoulders.

The wisdom that comes over the years makes you look into the eyes of your soul mate in a new way. You cannot live life without sacrifices, hardships, and misunderstandings. But there is always a loved one nearby, helping and supporting in any situation.

Symbolism of the holiday

The wedding anniversary of 49 years has its own symbol, marking the milestone of the marriage union. Cedar represents family, wealth, prosperity, wisdom, life. This is a durable tree, with its powerful crown it “props up” the heavens, and with powerful roots it goes deep into the ground. It is very hardy, no storms or cold can harm it.

Also the family life of the spouses at this point. Their relationship is reliable, strong, no vicissitudes are scary. They overcame many adversities and continued to walk hand in hand. Tenderness and warmth live in hearts. A long marriage is based on mutual support and respect.

Cedar is a strong tree. For him, forty-nine years is youth. Although the couple who celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary are not young, their relationship is stable, which means there is still a lot to come. True love is rare, and the almost half-century anniversary is proof that two people have a real miracle - a reliable union of two hearts.

Wedding traditions for 49 years of marriage

In order for a cedar wedding to bring happiness, good luck, and prosperity, it is necessary to observe traditions and rituals. The richness of customs allows you to fill this day with cheerful celebration and enthusiasm.

  1. The smell of the forest. The room where guests will gather needs to be given the aroma of a cedar forest. The smell should be subtle, it will inspire self-confidence, create an aura of great wisdom and durability. You can create such an atmosphere with the help of scented candles and essential oils.
  2. Saplings. On this day, the heroes of the occasion must plant young cedar trees for their grandchildren. This is the continuity of generations; through caring for seedlings, grandchildren will acquire the wisdom of their ancestors.
  3. Bathhouse. One of the brightest traditions of this day is going to the bathhouse for spouses and guests. Even in the old days, it was believed that on this day a husband and wife should take a steam bath in a cedar barrel, which was filled to the top with mash made from hops and honey. And at this time the guests sprinkle the “newlyweds” with millet, symbolically tapping oak and spruce branches. It is believed that such a ritual drives any disease out of the body and brings happiness and prosperity.
  4. Ablution. During the festive feast, the spouses are presented with a clean towel and a jug of spring water. The husband and wife should wash each other's faces and dry each other with a soft towel. This ritual guarantees that future life will not be clouded by grievances and reproaches.
  5. Wedding ditties. No cedar wedding would be complete without this fun tradition. Such songs are sung by guests, characterizing the morals of the spouses and their family life.

How to celebrate your 49th wedding anniversary?

Despite the fact that the holiday has such a beautiful name, it is not celebrated wildly. After all, in a year, the most significant anniversary awaits the spouses - the golden one. And this time you should enjoy communication with your family.

By inviting children and grandchildren to dinner, the “newlyweds” seem to confirm that their family continues to grow further. A cedar wedding is celebrated when both spouses are of advanced age. Therefore, it would be appropriate if the holiday for the anniversaries is organized by their children and grandchildren. The creative approach of modern youth will allow the anniversary to become a real memorable event.

Considering the elderly years of the heroes of the occasion, you should not make the ceremonial part of the event protracted, the music loud, or the treats heavy. It's better to have a light evening of memories. Two people, wise with life experience, have something to tell the younger generation. You can bring a video camera to the holiday. This will allow the grandparents to be immortalized. Such a video will become a real family heirloom.

If the anniversary falls during the warm season, it’s a good idea to have a celebration outdoors. This will be more in line with the symbolism of the day.

What to give for your 49th wedding anniversary?

Cedar spice set as a gift for 49th wedding anniversary

Cedar mugs for a 49 year wedding anniversary

Cone salad for the festive table in honor of the cedar wedding

What is given for a cedar wedding does not have to be expensive. Valuable, luxurious gifts will be needed in a year, for the half-century anniversary. And for this anniversary, you can limit yourself to cute, useful, unpretentious wooden objects. You can choose from dishes, accessories, and decorations.

What to give your husband for his anniversary?

Men love to receive gifts more than women. Let it be the most insignificant thing, but for the husband it will become a symbol that his wife values ​​him and appreciates him.

  1. Massager. This type of gift for a cedar wedding is very popular. It relieves headaches and stimulates blood circulation, which is very important in old age.
  2. Mace. Symbol of the true head of the family. Your husband will certainly appreciate this beautiful product made of cedar with engraving.
  3. Hunting knife. You can choose such a product with a wooden handle and a cedar sheath. A beautiful gift for a real man.

What to give your wife for her anniversary?

A woman always remains a woman. And the attention shown as a gift will definitely please your soulmate.

What is the couple’s anniversary after 49 years and what kind of wedding is it? The celebration a year before the golden anniversary is called the cedar celebration. Since the date is not round, it is celebrated in a quiet home environment, for example with children and grandchildren. A good option to spend the holiday together is to have a romantic dinner - this can add a little warmth to the relationship between the spouses.

Title of the 49th anniversary

At 49 years old, the wedding is named after a strong and powerful tree - cedar. During this period, a married couple has been living together for almost half a century - they are truly spouses who know absolutely everything about each other. Such newlyweds have proven over time the strength of their love and feelings. The couple can share their experience with their grandchildren and children, helping to solve the problematic problems of life.

The symbol of the wedding is cedar. This tree is characterized by power, durability, endurance and enormous strength. This is exactly how a couple who have lived together for 49 years is a reliable unit. The couple endured all the troubles, did not succumb to temptations, both in poverty and wealth. Thus, the marriage turned into a strong trunk of a lasting relationship.

Cedar Anniversary Gifts

You were invited to a celebration by your grandparents, who lived together for 49 years. What's a wedding without a great gift? What should you give them, after all, this is a significant date for living together. At this age, the cost of the gift will not impress the spouse, so just try to show attention and sincerity in your congratulations - they will remember this better than gold or jewelry. A wedding should be warm and cozy.

The cedar anniversary is distinguished by the nobility of the celebration. The name of the holiday already suggests what gifts should be purchased. Thus, it is appropriate to give wood products for a wedding, which symbolize health, vigor and positive energy. Decorative elements made of cedar will fit perfectly into the cozy design of the birthday celebrants.

Non-traditional gifts

The anniversary of 49 years of marriage is celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives and friends, so you can present an original or desired gift. So, ask the heroes of the day about their desires, and perhaps you can make at least one dream come true. The younger generation of the family can give homemade fakes for a wedding, for example, works made from pine cones and grains.

Help your parents create a fun house party. For example, cook delicious treats or write an entertainment script. Fun competitions and games at a wedding will cause a lot of positive emotions among guests and celebrants. It is not necessary to present expensive items for your anniversary. But, if you have your eye on luxury furniture, then talk to the couple so that they definitely like the gift.

Gifts from spouses to each other

The forty-ninth anniversary is celebrated by a very small percentage of the population. This anniversary is celebrated by the strongest couples who experience real feelings and love. Husband and wife should congratulate each other with cedar-themed gifts, such as nuts, butter, or cedar wood trinkets. A very beautiful and symbolic gift is a tree branch. It can be decorated with a voluminous bow and pine cones. According to tradition, when the first toast to the married couple is made at the wedding, the newlyweds begin to present souvenirs to each other. This ritual symbolizes the strength of the relationship, which has not lost its strength even after 49 years.

What to give to your wife

When celebrating a holiday of marriage, spouses always try to give something special. For a woman, it is best to give jewelry, and it does not matter whether it is precious stones or jewelry. At a wedding, you can please your wife with a wooden pendant or cedar beads. Such souvenirs will once again remind her of the unity of your souls and great love.

The following items would also make excellent wedding gifts for your wife:

  • Cedar wood box. It can be handmade and decorated with painted ornaments.
  • Cedar dishes. Its main advantage is its antibacterial effect.
  • If your beloved loves sweets very much, then give her candies with pine nuts.
  • By the way, you can attend courses on making sweets and making them yourself.

Gifts for your spouse

If your husband really likes to drink tea, then you can order an interesting hot stand made of cedar material. After this gift, your spouse will be able to enjoy the smell of the drink with light notes of pine. The wife can present an essential oil with healing properties. It can relieve headaches and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

In addition, it is appropriate to give your beloved the following things for a wedding:

  • Device for massage made of cedar wood.
  • Cedar box for tools and other small items.
  • Alcohol tuning on cedar cones.

Half a century without one year
You lived like a moment.
There was happiness and adversity,
But your union is like granite.

Love and happiness grow stronger,
Your family is like a monolith.
He is not subject to all bad weather,
And he tells us to be like you!


You are like a cedar, strong: reliable, like him!
But this is not difficult for those who are so in love.
Love grows stronger over the years, and husband and wife become closer.
You are sweet and gentle to the delight of all people!

Live together for a long time and be happy
That you didn’t have to live your life completely alone.
Each other's halves, you are the truth of love!
Living amicably, tenderly, sincerely is now in your blood.

A very powerful tree - cedar

A very powerful tree - cedar,
And the healing power is strong.
May love last a kilometer
And it warms you with warmth!

Let the symbol of today's date
It will be very, very helpful in your destiny.
So that he gives protection like pea coats,
In a tireless union of praise!

With feelings bright and renewed

With feelings bright and renewed
A family of forty-nine is no joke.
Before the anniversary of the spouses in love
Moments give happiness and tenderness.

Strong, faithful cedar wedding,
Years go by, but love remains.
And the impression is the newest
He will return with the same strength!

I hasten to congratulate you on your cedar anniversary!

I hasten to congratulate you on your cedar anniversary!
You have been together for forty-nine years in a row.
Today your union has become stronger and more mature,
The eyes still sparkle with happiness and love.

We congratulate you! Please accept our bow!
We wish you health and peace in your soul,
Your marriage was born from the brightest feelings,
And let's be honest - he's golden now!

This wedding smells like tart pine needles

This wedding smells like tart pine needles,
Life together is as strong as old cedar.
You two have been together for a long time - it takes two to be happy.
So, be happy, great victories to you!

Another year and a golden wedding -
This is an achievement for the family!
Be friendly and incomparable,
The best couple in the whole earth!

The Golden Wedding is just around the corner

The Golden Wedding is just around the corner, and today your family is 49! Cedar represents your anniversary - a symbol of longevity and strength of relationships. Let your home always be warm and cozy, and let harmony, mutual understanding, care and support reign in your relationships. Your wisdom and experience are an example for younger generations!

happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary, happy cedar wedding, which means that you have been together for forty-nine years. May your feelings grow higher and higher from year to year, becoming deeper and more beautiful. Happy holiday.

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, husband and wife celebrate the Cedar Wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

It is not customary to celebrate a cedar wedding in a grand manner; only the closest relatives and friends of the family gather at the table. There must be pine nuts on the table, and aromatic oil can be used to create a festive atmosphere.

Any cedar craft is suitable as a gift: hot coasters, foot massagers, baskets of cones, figurines of birds and animals. Any other gifts, including those that will help maintain health, will look quite appropriate. As a gift, you can bring cedar tincture or candies called “Cedar”.

There is a smell of cedar in your house,
Forty-nine years have passed
How was your wedding played?
Much has gone since then,
But you kept the love
Carried through the years
We wish you good luck,
Be happy always!

49 years in life,
You walk cheerfully, jokingly,
You raised children and grandchildren,
Easy, confident, loving.

I wish you only health,
Well, and also success and goodness.
So that you continue to move through life,
Not knowing meanness and evil.

So that every new day with a smile,
They met him, rejoicing,
May tomorrow be better than today,
Don’t give your love to anyone!

Congratulations on your cedar wedding. Very soon everyone will have a golden walk at your wedding, but in the meantime, may there be peace and grace in your cedar forest, may the house be filled with comfort, joy and the light of happiness. I wish good health to the whole family, wonderful weather outside the window and an unquenchable fire of love in your hearts.

Cedar wedding - 49 years.
Your family is an example to all of us!
We wish you health and happiness,
May your home be spared any bad weather.

May your guardian angel protect you from troubles,
May life bring you more joys.
And a year later at this table
We'll make a golden toast!

Today is your anniversary,
You have been loving each other for 49 years,
And there's a special reason
On this day, hug you, spouses.

We wish you good health,
Longevity, patience, love,
Moods, sea of ​​smiles,
May your days be joyful.

Let the children not forget you
And your grandchildren come to your house more often,
We wish you all the best,
What do you two want?

I heartily congratulate you,
I wish you eternal spring,
Let love fill your soul,
And may your dreams come true.

We lived together for 49 years,
Keeping the warmth of your hearts.
I wish you to live twice as long,
Hoping, believing and loving.

Appreciate the happiness given by fate,
Love sincerely, warmly,
Bring happiness through adversity,
To all troubles and enemies!

This wedding smells like tart pine needles,
Life together is as strong as old cedar.
You two have been together for a long time - it takes two to be happy.
So, be happy, great victories to you!

Another year and a golden wedding -
This is an achievement for the family!
Be friendly and incomparable,
The best couple in the whole earth!

Your marriage union is durable and strong,
Like a century-old cedar that stands on the edge.
We wish you good health,
And preserve the spirit of well-being in the family.

We congratulate you, admiring:
Where can you find even stronger love?
We are happy to celebrate, smiling,
Cedar wedding anniversary.

May good luck be near you in life,
Let love burn with eternal fire,
And let your friends not forget
Congratulations again and again every year...

Happy cedar wedding to you
We want to congratulate you.
Your marriage is perfect
We want to praise!

Your friendly couple
We wish you happiness.
What else do you want,
Even we don't know.

You're fine
Everything is in place!
Life's sweetest
Bride and groom!

Today is a holiday at this table -
Cedar wedding for your family!
We bring you a million congratulations:
Happiness, health, success, love!

So that warmth and comfort reign in the house,
So that children and grandchildren give good things,
So that joy finds its home here,
May you always be lucky in everything!

Do you know what it means to live together for almost half a century - forty-nine years? You are still young, so you can’t even imagine, but your relatives know for sure, because this is the year they will celebrate their Cedar wedding. Such a date evokes not just respect, but real admiration. Surely, they will want to arrange some kind of quiet family holiday, but even if they don’t want to, you will still have to personally congratulate them. What is needed for this? We need gifts, congratulations and a good mood. We can only help you with congratulations. We invite you to use ready-made options for congratulatory speeches in honor of your forty-ninth wedding anniversary. Just choose any option and try reading it out loud. It is possible that you yourself will find it difficult to pronounce one or another option.

You have reached unprecedented heights,
We've already grown up to the cedar wedding,
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
We wish you joy, good luck and inspiration.
May God give you health, patience, strength,
So that you deserve the title of spouses,
May God grant you happiness, joy, good luck,
And always in a great mood to boot.

Our dear ones, please accept congratulations,
You are worthy only of admiration,
We always take you as an example,
Your love is like a cedar, strong and high.
We wish you health, joy, luck,
Let life give you only inspiration,
All the best to you, peace, prosperity and goodness,
Good luck and family warmth in everything.

Congratulations on your 49th family anniversary
We wish you all the best in life,
May your family be friendly and strong,
May God's blessing always guide you through life.
May happiness smile sweetly on you,
May life continue for a long time,
May the new day always make you happy,
Peace to you, good luck, joy, warmth.

There's a special reason for the fun
Your 49th wedding anniversary,
We wish you health for many years to come,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.
We wish you swan fidelity,
Peace, joy and happiness,
Let them surround you with care and affection,
And let all bad weather fly by.

49 years have flown by so quickly,
There was sunshine in life, there were snowstorms,
You managed to withstand all the tests,
The two of us overcame all obstacles.
We sincerely congratulate you on your cedar wedding,
We wish that all your dreams come true,
So that every day gives pleasant moments,
Get only pleasure from life.

Today is the cedar wedding anniversary,
Many guests gathered at the table,
Everyone wishes you happiness and goodness,
Good health, good luck and warmth.
May your dreams certainly come true,
And all sorrows and troubles will be forgotten,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
May your family always surround you with care.

Today is an important day in your life,
Even though it’s frosty, lilacs are blooming in my soul,
After all, the cedar wedding is knocking at the gate,
Brings happiness and good luck to you.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
May life give you pleasure,
Let every day turn into a holiday,
Let all your plans come true.

You are celebrating a cedar wedding,
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May luck accompany you
Let them surround you with care and affection.
May the Lord send you blessings
Peace, prosperity, joy and patience,
May your dreams come true without fail,
Let everything be great in life.

Your family is strong like a cedar,
You always support each other in everything,
You have one road for two, one destiny,
And the hearts beat so beautifully in unison.
You are always an example for us in everything,
We are completely proud of you,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Let all your cherished dreams come true.

Today is your family's birthday,
49 years have passed since that wonderful time,
When you said something cherished to each other - yes,
And from then on, the two of you shared one destiny.
Congratulations on your cedar wedding,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
Let spring always bloom in your soul,
I wish you happiness, good luck, joy, warmth.

Today is your wedding anniversary,
49 years is a decent time,
Accept congratulations soon,
We wish you all the best in your personal life.
We wish you to live in abundance - to live,
Don't be sad about anything, don't be discouraged,
May luck accompany you every step of the way,
May the Lord take away trouble from the family.

We heartily congratulate you on your cedar wedding.
We wish you longevity and great love,
In everything good luck, joy, warmth,
So that life is like a fairy tale.
May your health never let you down,
Let joy replace sadness,
May fate be favorable to you,
Let the sun shine brightly for you.