Congratulations on your 4th wedding anniversary beautiful touching. Congratulations on the Linen (Wax) wedding (4 years of marriage)

With a linen wedding
We congratulate you
Let year after year
Your union is growing stronger.
Two strands in a rope
You made one
We wish her
Don't break anyone.
Linen wedding
According to the old tradition
With a strong rope
Let's confuse a couple
May family ties
You are wrapped around
love nets
The catch is promised.

You've been together for four years
Started life family road
Your house is warmed with warmth and light,
And ahead - the joy of future years.

We are with linen wedding congratulations.
And on the anniversary of love we wish
Family happiness, comfort, kindness,
So that life is a full bowl all the time.

Just think, it's already the fourth anniversary of that most incredible, filled with feelings of the day, as you became legitimized by one whole - the family. And it seems that only yesterday you furtively said goodbye at the entrance, not wanting to part. On this day, so special for your family, I would like to wish you dizzying love, which you will certainly keep until the end of your days, harmony, patience, mutual support and understanding, because these are the components that are the basis of a family idyll. Don't stop surprising each other. Give new emotions, brightness. Admire each other and take care of your amazing, tender feeling who made you a family.

Linen wedding sounds so proud
She, your union, has been keeping for four years!
Live: in harmony, friendship, love,
And appreciate the feelings - from dawn to dusk!

Let your house be a full bowl,
AND children's laughter, in the family, let your
Reigns, always, in the bliss of days ...
Always - throughout life!

You have a beautiful day today -
Four years already family,
Yes, this is the deadline - it's clear to anyone
So be doubly happy.

Today we celebrate linen
We are your wedding, friends,
Then we mark the golden
And it is impossible otherwise.

Your union is stronger every day,
You understanding in everything
Managed to save your love
You two worked hard together!

Congratulations on your linen wedding,
Let the family grow stronger every day,
Well, there, you see, with gold
We will come back to congratulate you.

So let misfortunes pass you by
Let the family hearth not go out.
We wish you love and happiness,
Peace, joy, all blessings.

Linen wedding
I wish the young
Let love in life
Doesn't leave you.

together 4 you
The years have lived
From linen threads
The rope was twisted.

Her self friend
Tied up with a friend
I wish you
She wasn't torn apart.

Was so that she
Stronger than steel cables
Let him gently kiss
Bride groom.

Family bonds
Let yours grow stronger
Let it burn with love.

Linen wedding, joyful moment,
You have been legally married for four years,
Meet the dawn together in the sky,
Let your zodiacs get along.

And there will never be stupid quarrels,
Resentment without a reason will not come,
And your every family conversation
It will become even softer and more pleasant!

Four years have passed
You walked hand in hand
And so you already matched
You saved your happiness.

Linen wedding is no joke
Four years is a long time!
You are also deeply in love,
Until the age of five, it's a bit.

Love each other,
Always respect
Husband and wife
Flutter with love!

Two loving hearts plexus
Let joy not leave
I send you my congratulations
Happy linen wedding, happy anniversary!
Four years - at least a lot
Lived a lot bright days you are together,
But know this is just the beginning
Cloudless joint life,
I wish you inspiration
Do not know trouble, sadness, sadness,
And quivering attitude
To harmony in the family and to feelings!

With the wedding of Linen!
You - happiness, good.
To be husband and wife
Not a game at all

Need to take care
And give affection
Live together
To never be sad!

Today you have a linen wedding. And flax is a symbol of relationships that have already been established. Therefore, I want to wish you that the family grows stronger every day. Keep faith and devotion to each other. Let love be pure like linen, and life be as soft and light as this fabric! Happy anniversary to you!

Just think, it's already the fourth anniversary of that most incredible, filled with feelings of the day, as you became legitimized by one whole - the family. And it seems that only yesterday you furtively said goodbye at the entrance, not wanting to part. On this day, so special for your family, I would like to wish you dizzying love, which you will certainly keep until the end of your days, harmony, patience, mutual support and understanding, because these are the components that are the basis of a family idyll. Don't stop surprising each other. Give new emotions, brightness. Admire each other and cherish your amazing, tender feeling, thanks to which you created a family.

Congratulations on four years of marriage! As flax grows, let yours grow in the same way. family happiness. Let every day bring something new and magical, let all adversity bypass. Be always joyful and happy. Happy linen wedding!

4 years together
Well, isn't it time?
You have a linen wedding
And we congratulate you for the future.

So that everything works out in life,
Like in the best dreams.
May happiness be endless
You are carried in your arms.

There are difficulties in life
But you get around them
It won't be a problem
After all, with happiness along the way!

This wedding is not easy
Not steel, but linen,
Your marriage is strong and reliable,
And serious in all respects.

You got used to each other
Learned a lot of new
And now quite relatives,
Still drunk from love.

Let passion not leave you
Make you be hot
In this wedding verse
We include congratulations!

You already have a linen wedding,
Where is that ball gown?
Classic suit, veil,
And the registry office, where was the painting, after all, was it? ..

The years flew by so quickly
You, with marriage together, have matured.
Union, yours, has become even stronger,
And in feelings you have become wiser.

You lived together these years,
And there is no cuter in the world than you!
Live on like now
So that your sonorous laughter does not fade away.

A smile that doesn't disappear
The family just continued to flourish.
Children, we wish you a lot,
And to live luxuriously, not miserably!

You've been together for four years.
I wish you success
blue sky,
Peace, sun, sea of ​​laughter!

Your marriage is a wonderful example for everyone,
How to live in love and happiness.
Let everything be great for you
Let bad weather bypass you!

I propose to fill and drink to the bottom
In four swift years,
What flew for you, like an arrow,
For children, procreation.

Behind wonderful feelings what you saved
And the love that is still holy
So that it fills both nights and days,
Be healthy, live richly!

You - with the wedding of Flaxen!
We want to live in the world
Cherish your family
And make friends with smiles!

Let the family be 4
So much ahead
Let there be comfort in the apartment,
And desire in the chest!

Congratulations on your four year anniversary! People call this anniversary the "linen wedding" because it means that your feelings are like linen in purity and deep simplicity. May your love only grow, and family life know no storms and hardships.

4 years of married life is popularly called a linen wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses has become stronger and more reliable. Give each other congratulations on the 4th wedding anniversary, and let your married life will be like Linen - strong and durable!

Congratulations on your anniversary.
Linen wedding in a lifetime
And by tradition we wish
An ocean of love and happiness.

Linen wedding in a lifetime
So let's walk together!
To meet the golden you -
Live the way you want!

Let it be four years
It's been since the wedding
Love hasn't gone anywhere
Happiness is not gone.
I'll be a bastard, I won't forget
How was / was with you I
Softer than linen, softer than silk
You are my joy!

You have a special day today -
You've been together for four years.
May the road be bright
And your house is full of joy!
All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth!
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.

You have a birthday today
You've been together for four years.
So I wish you patience
Love and happiness full house.
Let your life flow like a river
Let your children be born
And the road will be bright.
So good luck, happy hour!

What to wish you, I do not know
You two live together.
Today we celebrate linen,
And soon the golden wedding
Let's celebrate together at the table.
May happiness, faith and love
They come to your house again and again!

What are the thoughts of the people
Causes the image of flax?
That four years have passed
And the bride is still drunk.

That the groom, very serious,
Suddenly he grabs a knife:
“Give me a fourth First Night!
Take the bride out and lie down!”

That's what - and even worse! -
Reminds me of linen.
Happiness to you - wife and husband, What married his wife!

On your wedding anniversary linen - 4 years!
I hasten to congratulate you and wish you
So that only happiness was waiting at the threshold,
So that in love you do not have to suffer!
May everything that is and will be in this life
Only love is big, without borders!
And this happiness is in the world of many destinies,
Find each other among many faces!

Soft linen caresses the eyes.
It has quality, pure light
And embroidered patterns
four happy years.

Let your head spin
Passion gentle round dance,
Never let worry
A heap of life's troubles.

Tenderness of flax and wisdom of the Sun
In your family there is always
So take care of each other
Forgetting about yourself.
Let love be a free bird
Century there is a place in the house.
With her it is easy to strive for dreams,
May it not be crowded together!

Linen wedding - how beautiful it sounds!
And you've been together for four years!
We wish you happiness and love,
Let jealousy and adversity bypass the house!
A linen wedding is very symbolic.
Flax is suitable for strong marriage bonds.
May your union become even stronger,
And let the wonderful little one hold it together.

In a linen wedding, four years old
None of you are hearing-impaired
Listen, listen to the cherished speeches,
What softly whispers in your ear flax:
Let daily Cupid mischievous
Your life will be inspired!
Be healthy, beautiful and happy -
On bedspreads of delicate linen!

Four years you are a family
And happy, we know
Words of admiration are not melting
We congratulate you on this.
Let the house be open to all
It will have everything you need
Songs, children's laughter sound in it
Love and friendship reign!

We poured wine over the linen tablecloth,
So that you are also inseparable.
We drink to the bottom for your happiness,
We wish prosperity for the linen wedding.
Attention to each other, healthy kids,
A beautiful daughter, two sons for you.
So that the house is filled with love and light,
And we will be needed - so we will help with advice.

Darling, we are together today,
And we do not need extra words.
Four years are like four songs
Four tales, in general, twice two!

We will live in harmony and peace
Let's build our family island
There are two of us, but we have four hands,
And this congratulations will help us!

Accept our congratulations from the bottom of your heart!
You came to the linen wedding without worries,
You love your wife and live in harmony with her,
You are like a ship sailing through life!

Slowly, solidly, but only forward
Of course, there are enough worries in life,
But you are great! You go all the way!
And he did not remove the golden ring from his finger.

Let your life bloom like a rose
Let evil storms pass you by
And let all the years between you
Love will be forever!

We wish you a lot of patience
Know how to love, know how to forgive
IN life together inspiration
You will never lose.

I'm sure we'll meet
At your wedding golden
Let's shake our gray heads
Soul, as before, young.

Let's raise our full glasses
At this festive table
And we wish the spouses
Love and happiness full house.

My dear wife!
I congratulate you heartily!
I have not found a best friend in my life!
And I love you endlessly!
All four years with you
We are happy like children
So it was decided by fate!
It's good that you are in the world

After four years of marriage, a linen (rope) wedding is celebrated. At this point, the spouses are tied to each other, like with ropes. Previously, there was a custom when spouses sitting next to each other on chairs were tied hand and foot with ropes, and if they could not unravel, then their feelings for each other would be strong, strong and long, and their married life would be fertile. The festive table on this day is decorated with candles and lights. As a test marital relations on this anniversary, a twin candle is lit. She stays in the room all day. How many hours the candle burns out, so many happy years the spouses will live happily together. A gift on this day will be linen, tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, weaving, napkins, etc.

Dear family, congratulations
With your wedding unpretentious, linen.
And with all our hearts we wish
Much health and love to you.
May all troubles and worries bypass you,
May the Lord always protect you.
May the straight and bright road
It will lead you to love and happiness.

We came today to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy wedding to you beautiful, bright and simple.
Let the linen wedding on the stairs become the 4th step,
And along it you will reach the golden wedding.
We wish you happiness and a lot of prosperity,
Clear skies and warmth.
In life, only good luck and order,
And so that fate be favorable to you.

Linen wedding - so serious
After all, linen is not chintz, it will not tear,
He is stronger, and your marriage is stellar
May you be able to save.
I wish you prosperity
Live without quarrels, smile.
And all the joint desires
Try to make it a reality!

I congratulate you now
That special hour has come!
Four years together you
They are also in love with each other.
May your family prosper
And never knows the barriers
You always love each other
And keep eternal loyalty!

You have a special day today -
You've been together for four years.
May the road be bright
And your house is full of joy!
All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth!
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.

Let's have a candlelight dinner!
Such memorable dates
Everyone is obligated to note
Who became one family once!
Four years together you -
It's not a little, and it's not a lot.
I want you to go ahead
After all, there is one road for two!

Let life be easy, like flax!
So that the husband is only in love with you,
To be faithful to him
What a perfect wife!
We would like to congratulate you two
We dedicate this verse to you -
You always love each other
And you live a common life!

Linen wedding arrived in time,
Four years is a long time!
Family and marriage are big business
For those who could build them!
You were a prince and a princess
Now your role has changed:
Came to the stage of the life of the play
Both queen and king!

4 years together you lived in happiness,
Let bad weather always pass you by,
Let your life flow like a river of honey,
Let the baby be born to your joy.
Congratulations on the linen wedding,
We wish you happiness and kindness with all our hearts,
May your family be strong
Be faithful to each other always.

Today you are the culprits of the feast - celebration,
Congratulations and warm words for you,
Let nothing stop you on the path of life,
Let the star of love not fade away.
Linen wedding today, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you a long and beautiful life,
Let your days fly in harmony
Be responsible for every breath, for every step.

4 years together, congratulations,
May happiness always accompany you
May life be a paradise for you, a consolation,
For many, many years.
Let there be only joy in life
May the cherished dream come true
Let the hearts warm with love,
Always fight in unison.

The fourth anniversary of marital relations is traditionally called a linen wedding. In ancient times, it was also called rope. Our ancestors arranged interesting rite on this day. The spouses were tied with strong ropes, and if they could not free themselves, it was believed that in later life the family would always be together and not part. Centuries have passed, but linen anniversary and now denotes a strong relationship. We will learn more about 4 spouses on this day and how best to celebrate the holiday.

What does a linen wedding symbolize?

4 years family life- this is not an anniversary yet, however, this is a very important date for a young family. Relationships have grown stronger and have stood the test of time. And linen (4 years) just means their strength and beauty.

Linen is chosen as the symbol for this date. And it is no coincidence, because it is no longer so thin and lightweight material like, for example, chintz. The first difficulties have already been overcome, the relationship has become calmer, there is less passion in them, but more harmony.

All this traditionally means flax. In addition, it symbolizes prosperity, the family is no longer considered young, and the time for the spouses to accumulate wealth comes. This is due to the fact that linen products were expensive, and not every couple could afford to purchase them.

Other names and meanings

Interestingly, in different traditions there are other options for what symbolizes the 4th year of the wedding. What is it accepted, for example, in other European countries?

In the Netherlands, this anniversary is called silk. It can be seen that this symbol is close to flax in meaning. In Germany, this wedding is usually called amber, as given stone is a symbol of durability and strength.

There is also a common meaning for the 4th anniversary of marital relations. This is a wax wedding. The symbol was not chosen by chance. Its malleability and ability to take any form means how spouses and their character change, adjusting to each other.

What is customary to give for the 4th anniversary?

Now we know what symbolizes the 4th year of the wedding, what kind of wedding. What to give for the holiday - here's another important question, which you need to decide when going to the celebration.

As already mentioned, linen is the symbol of the 4th anniversary. That's why the best gifts- these are those that are sewn from this material. Great option will become expensive bed sheets, tablecloth or napkins. You can remember about another meaning of a linen wedding - wax - and give spouses beautiful decorative candles and candelabra.

Parents give their spouses sets of beautiful children's clothes and linen bedspreads, because in many families babies appear just at this time.

What do spouses give for a linen wedding?

Traditionally, things and all kinds of linen products are handed over on the 4th wedding anniversary. For example, you can make a gift for your husband with your own hands. good option will be an embroidered shirt, scarf or phone case.

Also, the wife can give her husband beautiful picture or his portrait on linen canvas. And a traditional gift is wardrobe items made of this material, for example, trousers.

You can choose almost any gift for a 4-year wedding for your wife, the main thing is that it should also be associated with the symbol of the holiday. loving husband can give to his wife beautiful jewelry using linen threads, a handbag or a cosmetic bag made of this material.

He patronizes the fourth wedding anniversary, so you can please your wife with a ring or earrings with this stone. And do not forget about a bunch of flax sprigs. A traditional present- an embroidered sundress, which, according to custom, the spouse had to wear on the day of the holiday.

How to celebrate the anniversary of family life?

Let's find out how it is customary to celebrate 4 years of marriage. What wedding is complete without touching rituals and solemn ceremonies? They also exist for the 4th anniversary.

For example, beautiful and ancient custom"covering" the spouse. Early in the morning on the day of the holiday, the young wife covered her husband with a skillfully embroidered linen "canvas of happiness." It must be woven from the beginning of marriage, but not always, but only in those moments when the spouse paid attention to her and gave her joy. If he was gentle and caring enough, then by the 4th wedding anniversary, the linen cloth became large enough to completely cover him. And if it was small, then the husband should have thought about it and in the future be more attentive to his wife.

And how is the linen wedding anniversary celebrated? 4 years is not an anniversary yet, so it is customary to celebrate at home, surrounded by relatives and close friends. The main thing is that everyone should have fun. Dishes placed on festive table, can also be simple. However, if the wife wants to surprise guests with her culinary skills, she may well do it, because over 4 years of experience has already accumulated enough. If there are no children in the family for the linen wedding, then there must be sweets on the table: honey, nuts, homemade cakes. They are believed to attract health and fertility.

Congratulations on a linen wedding

It is believed that congratulations for 4 years of the wedding, like the holiday itself, should be fun. The first wishes are usually pronounced by the parents of the spouses. They may be in poetic form. In the middle of the celebration, when the guests are relaxed and feel comfortable, the presentation of gifts can be accompanied by comic poems and unusual congratulations.

As for the content, congratulations for 4 years of wedding usually contain wishes for happiness and a long life. family well-being. They can also refer to wealth and financial well-being and even include some liberties, because, as we remember, this is, first of all, a cheerful and happy holiday.

Now we know what symbolizes the 4th wedding year. What kind of wedding, what to give for it and how to celebrate this day so that it becomes truly warm, bright and an unforgettable holiday in the life of a young family, also described.

After all, every anniversary brings new achievements and hopes, and the fourth one is no exception. So love and appreciate each other!