All wedding anniversaries. What is the name of the wedding and what to give? Linen wedding (4 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS

Linen wedding is celebrated in the fourth year of marriage. It is believed that the fabric woven from linen is very durable and good, as well as family relationships that have survived to the 4-year date.


A lot of the spouses are still ahead and, at the same time, they already have something to remember. Not without reason, for the fourth wedding date, linen has already been chosen as a symbol, and not chintz, as in the very first year of family life. This means that the young family overcame the first difficulties, having successfully passed the three-year crisis, and achieved harmony in family relations. They have a long and happy family life ahead of them.

Previously, a linen wedding was called a rope wedding. For a long time there has been an interesting custom: young spouses were tightly tied with ropes. If the spouses could not get out, it was believed that for the rest of their lives they would go together, hand in hand, and their bonds were strong, like strong ropes.

The fourth year symbolizes the accumulation of wealth for the couple. This is due to the fact that in ancient times a fairly large amount of money was given for flax, so not every husband and wife could afford to purchase it.

In Rus', there was another interesting custom. On the happy day of the fourth year of marriage, the spouse had to cover her husband with a linen blanket early in the morning at sunrise, which she began to weave even before marriage. If the blanket turned out to be large and long, then this promised a long and successful family life, and if the thing turned out to be short, then the husband should think about how much attention and love he gives to his wife.

Later, they stopped weaving blankets, but the tradition of covering a spouse remained. The girl began to embroider a piece of linen from girlhood. If by the 4th anniversary after the wedding the product turned out with beautiful large and bright embroidery, then family life was expected by happiness and good luck. If the blanket was faded, the spouses should have reconsidered their relationship in order to save the family.


So, with the name of the 4th wedding anniversary, we figured it out. Let's find out what they give for the holiday.

On this happy little anniversary, the spouses present each other with linen products - these can be items of clothing, bedding. Paintings and embroidery, which are made on linen canvas. A husband can please his beloved with a bouquet of wild flowers, in which there are linen branches.

In the old days, congratulating each other on this date, the husband and wife exchanged updates from flax. Guests also came with sets of new bed linen, towels, tablecloths and bedspreads. By this time, the dowry was wearing out, and such gifts were very welcome.

You can choose a gift for relatives or friends based on the symbolism of the fourth family date. For example, give the couple a set of candles. On this day, it is customary to light paired candles, as wax is the symbol of the 4th wedding anniversary. You can learn about other symbols of the fourth family date from. Perhaps they will help you in choosing a gift.

Today, when choosing a present for the 4th wedding anniversary, you can not focus on the symbols of the date. It is enough to purchase a linen cut and wrap any gift or linen ribbon in it, tying the box with the present with it.

Here are some handmade linen gift ideas for you:


Probably every couple tries to make a family holiday special and memorable. There are a lot of options to spend this day fun and romantic.

A wedding anniversary is a unique opportunity to repeat the celebration again and, of course, relive those delightful sensations again. The second wedding, as a rule, is held for close people and exactly as the spouses want after years. At the same time, you can take into account new relevant concepts for weddings and think about holding an event based on your own experience of both the newlyweds and the guests at the weddings of friends.

You can order a photo book, and for it to have a photo session with a professional photographer is an excellent way to keep pleasant memories to revive them in cozy evenings. A photo session can be held in a certain style with costumes and decorations. Often, spouses organize field shootings in nature.

Gathering all the closest people in a cozy restaurant on the anniversary of the start of family life is an equally popular idea. You can decorate the restaurant with joint photos and have great fun. Celebrating a linen wedding does not involve a large number of guests. The date is celebrated in a small family circle only with close relatives and friends, but quite fun. "Newlyweds" should be sprinkled with flax seeds so that they live in abundance for all subsequent years.

Often, couples have a common dream that they did not have time to realize. A wedding anniversary is a great opportunity to make your plans come true and give yourself such a gift.

By the way, such a date gives a great opportunity to refresh the relationship and bring some eccentricity and teenage fun into them. For example, you can drive a car around the city at night. It will be interesting for someone to spontaneously take plane tickets and plunge into the atmosphere of a foreign city or country, getting to know the locals, tasting national cuisine and studying the peculiarities of culture.

A linen wedding is just the beginning of a long and full of surprises road of family life. Spouses should fill their road with happiness and meaning in order to celebrate more than one joint date.

4 years of marriage is certainly not an anniversary. However, this is an important date for spouses. It means another year lived, during which they not only kept their love, but made the union even stronger. 4 years of marriage - what kind of wedding? Some call it linen, others - rope. We'll show you how to spend the day.

Preparing a party for a 4 year wedding

You don't have to have a buffet. Still, the date is small. Organize a quiet evening in the company of close friends or relatives. So, you need:

  • Holiday concept

A linen wedding is a wonderful occasion to hold an unusual party. Take the rustic style as a basis. Display it in the interior - hang floral curtains, buy wooden spoons. Throw an old blanket on the guest sofa. Arrange photos of your couple in wooden frames on the shelves, you can even “age” them in Photoshop. Do not forget to prepare yourself - a linen dress, bast shoes, after all. Let your friends know about the theme - they will also need to prepare an appropriate outfit.

  • Snacks

Be sure to cover the table with a linen tablecloth, as was done in ancient times. Put "grandmother's" dishes - plates with flowers, large wooden bowls, a beautiful service. If a samovar is lying around in the cabinets - excellent. You can put talisman figures on the table, if your couple has such. For a home party, simple appetizers-canapes are suitable. Just do not decorate them with anything - everything should look simple. On this day, sweet dishes should be present on the festive table. They, judging by the old superstitions, will attract the "sweet life" to the spouses' house. You can put a composition with candles on the table - it will help create a cozy family atmosphere.

  • Entertainment

Don't forget to prepare a small entertainment program. For example, watch a presentation made up of your family photos with your guests. Or have each of your friends tell a story related to your couple. You can also prepare questions for your soulmate in advance, and then compare whether you know everything about each other.

Excellent 4 year anniversary game - Confusion. The spouses close their eyes, while friends at this time tie them with a rope as tightly as possible. There is a belief - if loved ones do not untie the fetters, they will be together forever.

  • Present

During the hectic preparations for the celebration, do not forget about the gift to your loved one. It can be linen items - to match an anniversary, necessary presents or just interesting little things. For example, you can buy glasses for two. They are interconnected, which allows lovers to be as close as possible to each other on a romantic evening.

Customs and superstitions for 4 years of marriage

Habits develop over time. From generation to generation, the experience of ancestors is passed on to people so that people can avoid unnecessary mistakes. During the linen wedding, some rules were also observed. Such as:

  • Embroider a canvas for a husband

A few months before the anniversary, the wife began to prepare - she embroidered patterns and flowers on linen. It was believed that the more flowers she had time to embroider, the stronger the union would be.

  • Sewing a linen shirt

A woman sewed a comfortable shirt for her husband and a dress for herself for her holiday. It was necessary to meet guests in these clothes and walk all day long in order to lure material wealth into the house.

  • Give a souvenir talisman

The husband was preparing a talisman for his beloved. It could be a figurine carved from wood or molded from clay. She was tied with twine, and placed on the table during the celebration. In the future, this souvenir became a family talisman, bringing good luck in love affairs.

  • Change bed linen

Before the anniversary, the wife always laid new bedding on the bed. It was believed that this rite helps the relationship to maintain purity and sincerity.

  • put honey on the table

It was believed that honey and other sweets attract love. Therefore, they were always present at the festive table in large numbers.

  • Give wife a spinning wheel

The groom's father gave his wife a spinning wheel so that she could provide his son with warm clothes. And the guests presented chests, napkins, household items and bunches of flax.

It's worth celebrating every anniversary, believe me. If you do not like to follow the customs - come up with your own vision of your 4-year married life. In addition to preparing for the holiday together, you will subconsciously wait for the next date to come up with something new. This will certainly bring you closer to your loved one.

On the festive table, linen tablecloths and beautiful candles should be an obligatory attribute. The custom has survived to this day to give a small bouquet of flowering flax or a dried sheaf on this day. Spouses on the fourth wedding anniversary can give each other clothes made of linen: a suit, shirt, skirt. Friends and relatives can donate everything related to linen: bed linen, towels, bed covers, linen tablecloths and a set of napkins. It is also good to give paired candles that are lit and placed in the spouses' room so that they burn as long as possible.

What to wish you, I do not know
You two live together.
Today we celebrate linen,
And soon the golden wedding
Let's celebrate together at the table.
May happiness, faith and love
They come to your house again and again!
For you, dear "linen anniversaries"!

Linen wedding arrived in time,
Four years is a long time!
Family and marriage are big business
For those who could build them!
You were a prince and a princess
Now your role has changed:
Came to the stage of the life of the play
Both queen and king!

You always have good weather
Whenever I visit you.
You live together for four years
And you guys are fine.
You love each other as usual
Your baby is growing.
Let it be so, and everything will be fine,
Over the years, your union only grows stronger!

Linen wedding - our holiday with you.
Four years together day and night
My beloved, my wonderful, dear
I want to congratulate you very, very much!
My only beautiful husband
You are the best and you are my support.
I am proud and admire you
And I won't get tired of repeating it all over again.
I'm proud of you, I love you, and I know:
With you, we will overcome all adversity.
With you, I just melt with happiness.
And let the years flow freely.

Let life be easy, like flax!
So that the husband is only in love with you,
To be faithful to him
What a perfect wife!
We would like to congratulate you two
We dedicate this verse to you -
You always love each other
And you live a common life!

Quarreled, reconciled, sometimes cried,
You knowingly married, bound by fate,
Your couple has been through a lot.
You managed to save your family,
Your feelings have become strong as steel,
All sadness is gone, you look into the distance,
Learned to believe and forgive you all
You have overcome envy, gossip, evil,
Happy wedding anniversary, you've been together for a long time,
And still so strongly, passionately in love,
Joy of success, happiness without end,
May kindness live forever with you!

You have a birthday today
You've been together for four years.
So I wish you patience
Love and happiness full house.
Let your life flow like a river
Let your children be born
And the road will be bright.
So good luck, happy hour!

Linen wedding on the doorstep
Four years together you
Your marriage path was long,
You were able to overcome everything
Your family has become stronger
You have learned to understand
And you keep going straight
Love, dream and create
May your feelings not fade away
Let there be clarity and peace
Live in peace and harmony
Until the wedding golden!

How good it is in this world
You have found each other!
Revealed their sympathies
And lovers went to the registry office!
Four years have passed since then
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You deserve a lot of happiness
We wish it to you!

Linen wedding has come
Four years together you
But, as before, you are into each other,
Crazy, deeply in love
You learned to argue less
Always respect each other
Your life has already been built,
The best you can only dream of
Your child grows up in the family,
Cozy, cute and warm
Let there be fewer omissions
Forgive each other all!

Congratulations, congratulations
You with a linen wedding,
And we wish with pleasure
Run home every day!
Let the wife meet her husband
With a kiss at the door
Hot dinner on the table
There are children nearby - three dozen!

Let it be four years
Since the wedding and gone -
Love hasn't gone anywhere
Happiness is not gone.
I'll be a bastard, I won't forget
How I was / was with you
Softer than linen, softer than silk
You are my joy!

Family harmony and fidelity,
Four years together you
You give each other tenderness,
You are still in love
Linen wedding has come
As a symbol of faith and love,
You will be together forever
She will fulfill all her dreams
Love, believe and suffer
You don't have to regret anything
Protect your love
Fight for her with your sword!

Linen wedding - so serious
After all, linen is not chintz, it will not tear,
He is stronger, and your marriage is stellar
May you be able to save.
I wish you prosperity
Live without quarrels, smile.
And all the joint desires
Try to make it a reality!

Long you four years
Equipped life
We talked about divorce
You quarreled in an instant,
Finally, happiness has come
You have become wiser
Squabbles, strife and bad weather,
You won't open the door
Love each other strongly
This is visible to all
You are the happiest couple
Be together forever!

We wish instead of all awards
We are a 4 year old couple - dear
More anniversaries.
They're just on the threshold
Until the anniversary of the golden
Still a long road.
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish you
Let the bad weather pass the house
Happiness world is open for you!

Linen wedding is a miracle
Were you able to save your family?
And for four long years
You have not forgotten how to love
Your child grows up in the family,
He is the fruit of great, great love,
And like stills from films
Happy days are running
Live together, understand
Always look for a compromise
And never be discouraged
Don't close the curtains!

I congratulate you now
That special hour has come!
Four years together you
They are also in love with each other.
May your family prosper
And never knows the barriers
You always love each other
And keep eternal loyalty!

Let your life bloom like a rose
Let evil storms pass you by
And let all the years between you
Love will be forever!
We wish you a lot of patience
Know how to love, know how to forgive
In a joint life of inspiration
You will never lose.
I'm sure we'll meet
At your wedding golden
Let's shake our gray heads
Soul, as before, young.
Let's raise our full glasses
At this festive table
And we wish the spouses
Love and happiness full house.

Not all happy newlyweds are destined to celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary, because building relationships and living together is hard work. What is the name of this holiday, and what gifts are usually presented to each other on the fourth anniversary of their life together?

Anniversary 4 years - you need to think through everything. What to give and how to celebrate.

Linen wedding - traditions

Flax is considered a symbol of the fourth anniversary of family life, and this material was chosen for a reason. The fact is that linen is an incredibly durable, practical material from which far from the cheapest clothes and household items are made.

In Rus', only wealthy people could afford to buy clothes made from this material.
Things made from linen are not only durable, but also visually attractive. It is believed that a couple who has lived to this point in a relationship can achieve maximum well-being and richness of feelings. To do this, they need to continue working on their relationship.

What to give wife for fourth wedding anniversary

Perhaps the most pressing issue applicable to the wedding anniversary concerns gifts. What can be presented to your beloved wife so that the present is somehow related to the theme of the celebration?
I love linen clothes.

This anniversary is often called a wax anniversary, so you can give your beloved wife cosmetics with beekeeping products or beautiful candlesticks.

Do-it-yourself products using the macrome technique are also suitable as a presentation. They will be not only beautiful, but also remind you of another name for the celebration - a rope wedding.

Also, a man can please his beloved with gifts related to art, for example, a painting on canvas or a song written in her honor.

The most common gift for the fourth anniversary is beautiful things or decor items made of linen. Such gifts are of practical value, because the material is universal and is incredibly durable.

Also, a man can please his beloved with an original romantic gift, for example, make a collage of joint photos for these 4 years or write a song for her. Sometimes such touching presents are more important than any expensive gifts.

It is impossible to exclude presents related to other names of the holiday. Having told his beloved about the fact that the anniversary is called a rope wedding, a man can present an original piece of jewelry made of precious materials, made in the form of a rope. You can also give amber jewelry to your soulmate, because in Germany this stone has become a symbol of the holiday.

What to give for the fourth wedding anniversary to her husband

Choosing a gift for a man is usually always more difficult than for a woman, since the practicality of the item is important for the representatives of the stronger sex, and not its beauty. The following presentations will be relevant here:

  • clothes made of linen or silk;
  • alcohol aged 4 or 40 years;
  • hand-embroidered towels or self-woven tapestries;
  • a gift-impression, for example, a joint flight in a wind tunnel.

You can present absolutely any gift for this holiday, and here it is important to present it correctly. For example, a woman can say that love for her husband inspires her, and therefore she gives him a flight in a wind tunnel or a joint parachute jump.

Romance can't be denied either. In the UK, fruits and flowers are considered a symbol of the fourth wedding anniversary, so a woman can cook several dishes with the addition of oranges, pineapples and apples and arrange a romantic dinner with her lover.

Sometimes women prefer to give their beloved the most practical gifts for the anniversaries of their life together. For example, it could be a book for a lover's collection or a new fishing rod. Here it is very important to understand the tastes and preferences of a lover, because one man may like a fishing rod and cause resentment in another.

Do-it-yourself presentations also do not lose their relevance. For example, you can independently make figurines of a husband and wife from linen fabric and rope, decorating a festive table with them. The more a woman shows her imagination, the brighter the holiday itself will be.

Linen clothes also never lose their relevance in terms of an anniversary present. A variety of shirts, shirts, pajamas for a lover will be a practical and necessary gift option.

It is also better for the guests of the celebration to take care of choosing a present for the happy spouses in advance. Here, household items made of linen, such as bedspreads, curtains, a variety of towels and beautiful napkins on the table, will become an actual gift.

In the relationship of spouses, you can bring romance with your gift. For example, guests can give them a year's free theater pass or tickets to a concert of their favorite band.

The same jewelry for the heroes of the occasion will also become an actual gift. It is they who will remind the husband and wife of their feelings and of the joyful triumph.

4 years of marriage what kind of wedding? Linen! You can give gifts made of natural linen.

Wedding Anniversary 4 Years: How to Celebrate Anniversary

It is believed that only the closest ones should be invited to this celebration, since the fourth anniversary is not yet an anniversary. The first toast must be pronounced either to the godparents or to the parents of the heroes of the occasion. What other traditions should be observed as part of such a holiday?

There must be a linen tablecloth on the table, because it is believed that the observance of this tradition will strengthen relations in the family.

Since we are not talking about an anniversary, the table should also be modest, with tasty, but simple treats.
It is great if the spouses have at least one piece of linen wardrobe.

In ancient Rus', there was a tradition of showering newlyweds with flaxseeds or candies during toasting, as this strengthened their relationship.

There are a lot of traditions, but it is not necessary to strictly observe them. Some of the old canons of the celebration can be taken into service, using as a game at the holiday. For example, in ancient Rus' it was customary to tie a husband and wife to the chairs on which they sat. If the spouses could not get out, this was considered a good sign, indicating a strong and happy relationship.

Treats on this day should not be too chic, but you should not limit your culinary skills. A woman can safely show all her accumulated experience as a hostess by preparing signature dishes. A man can treat his guests with homemade wine or tincture. Purchased alcohol is also used at such celebrations, but not in large quantities, because we are talking about modest gatherings, and not about multi-day parties.

Traditionally, it is believed that the fourth wedding anniversary should be celebrated modestly, but this does not mean that its celebration should be abandoned in principle. Such a celebration is a kind of prelude before the first serious anniversary - the fifth anniversary of marriage. That is why gifts should be modest, but touching, emphasizing that the fourth anniversary is just another happy milestone on the way of spouses.

Thin calico did not leak during the first year of marriage, the paper did not tear during the second, in the third year the family acquired its own skin. And now it's time to celebrate the fourth anniversary of two loving hearts -! Relatives, friends and colleagues are in a hurry to please the couple of young spouses with congratulations in verse and prose, necessary and pleasant gifts, funny presents and surprises.

The names of all the years of family life were given from ancient times, and not without reason. Linen is a natural, strong, durable fabric, and the process of its manufacture - from the germination of a grain to direct yarn - is extremely laborious. In addition, linen cloth testified that the family was acquiring material wealth. Therefore, gifts on this day should be related to the theme of flax in all its forms.

In order to make it easier to please the heroes of the occasion on this day, you can adopt one or more of the ideas below. And there are not many, not a few, four dozen! Here you will find both traditional Linen wedding gift ideas, as well as creative, cool, and even handmade presents.

gifts for husband

During the four years of living together, the wife, of course, has already managed to study the addictions and taste of her husband. Therefore, an anniversary gift should be prepared based on the knowledge gained about a loved one.

Classics of the genre:

For lovers of relaxation:

Antique ideas:

Gifts for my beloved wife

Women by nature adore various fabrics and handicrafts. Finding a use for them in everyday life or putting on a new outfit for a wise wife is a pleasure. Therefore, a spouse can present the following gifts to his beloved on the Linen anniversary:

  • A novelty in the wardrobe will never be superfluous - a linen sundress, jacket, skirt, etc .;

    Linen dress

  • If the main gift is a trip to the sea, then in addition to it, you can present your beloved with a stylish wide-brimmed hat, clogs with a linen top and a linen beach bag.

    linen hat

  • Cosmetic bag made of linen fabric, most often this can be ordered from needlewomen

    cosmetic bag

Keeper of home comfort:

  • A good hostess will be delighted with the new tablecloth and will surely lay it on the festive table;
  • Linen napkins are perfect in addition to the tablecloth donated.

Flora lover:

General gifts for the family

Many acquaintances, relatives or colleagues prefer to make general gifts that both spouses will use. They have a neutral and non-binding tone:

  • Set of linen bed linen;
  • Decorative pillows for sofa;

    Pillows for the young

  • A set for family trips to the bath / sauna, which includes sheets and hats made of linen;
  • You can order exclusive summer car seat covers. Such a gift will not be cheap - about 250-500 USD;

    Covers for cars

  • Since not only fabrics are made from flax, but also food products, a bottle of expensive linseed oil or a gift set of flax seeds will be a cool present for lovers of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Valuable linseed oils are used to make skin care cosmetics, for example, you can give a set of creams for massage. Husbands will definitely appreciate it!

Gifts from friends

A married couple, of course, has true friends. Therefore, gifts from them should talk about some general impressions or serve practical purposes for a joint holiday:

Gifts from parents

For four years of family life, parents fell in love with their son-in-law and daughter-in-law as relatives, and therefore they give thematic, necessary and such sincere gifts for the Linen anniversary:

  • With a linen towel embroidered by both mothers, you can tie the hands of the newlyweds at a festive dinner and conduct a symbolic ceremony with the wishes of further strong family relationships. Such a gift will be carefully kept as a family heirloom;
  • On the farm, kitchen towels and a linen apron will come in handy for the daughter;
  • Since the Linen wedding has another name - Rope, the father can give his son-athlete a pair of ropes (50 USD) for workout. Outdoor workouts will appeal to both older and younger generations.

Gifts from children

It may well be that the spouses in marriage have already had a little one in four years, or even more than one. It would be great to present a gift to parents also from the younger generation:

  • With the help of flax seeds, pasted on a piece of paper and painted with gouache, you get an applique or even a postcard. But adults, for example, a grandmother or uncle, should help the baby in this matter;
  • If the child is already talking, he will be able to read a congratulatory rhyme about the Linen wedding to his parents or sing a song;
  • On a linen canvas with paint, it is easy to make prints of small palms and heels, and place such a children's picture in a frame.

Cool gifts for spouses

Since the age of marriage is not yet great, which means that the spouses are young, it's time to fool around a little and make the holiday cool with funny gifts:

  • Buy a large linen canvas and pull it over a frame so that all the guests of the holiday can leave their wishes, funny inscriptions and poems on it;
  • If somewhere near the residence of the newlyweds there is a field where flax is grown, then you can present a gift-impression - an excursion to such a flowering plantation;
  • It is not at all necessary to make a traditional cake with classic inscriptions, but it is better to ask the confectioner to make a sweet gift in the form of a flax flower and write something cool on it for the joy of young spouses;
  • It will be fun to find unusual glass bottles in the form of figurines of the bride and groom and fill them with linseed oil. Such a present is not only original, but also useful;
  • In many hand-made workshops, they will be able to make custom-made stuffed soft dolls sewn from linen shreds that look like the heroes of the occasion;
  • In the immediate vicinity of the home or work of the spouses, you can rent a large advertising banner (50 USD). Place a photo of the newlyweds and a cool congratulatory inscription with a Linen wedding on it.

DIY gifts

Perhaps the warmest impressions always leave those gifts that are made with one's own hand. On the Linen anniversary, you can also make something themed and interesting with your own hands:

Symbolic and inexpensive gifts

It is not at all necessary to lay out a tidy sum to please the newlyweds on their 4th wedding anniversary. Gifts can be symbolic and very inexpensive:

  • Watch straps with linen trim;
  • Summer beach bag-bag or backpack for outdoor recreation;
  • Linen napkin under a vase;
  • Tie or bow tie for husband;
  • Belt for wife;
  • And if the family has a pet, then you can give him a linen bed.

What bouquet to give for the 4th anniversary

On a holiday, as a rule, it is customary to come with flowers. And the Linen wedding is no exception. In addition to the aforementioned decorative flax flowers in a flower pot, more traditional plants can be presented to spouses. It is appropriate to give bouquets not of lush, pretentious and expensive flowers, but something simpler - daisies, tulips, gerberas, small garden roses, lilacs, etc. This is due to the fact that the marriage is still young, green, and therefore family life is still modest and not so rich.

Whatever gift you decide to present, no matter what flowers are formed into a festive bouquet, do not forget about the most important thing - Happy Linen Anniversary, which should come straight from the heart! You can write them in SMS, on a postcard, or read at the table in the form of a toast, they can be rhymed or not, multi-line and very short, but they will definitely be sincere and sincere!

Everything about the 4th anniversary in the video

And what gifts do you give for the 4th anniversary of the Linen wedding? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Thank you for your attention.