Who celebrates Valentine's Day. How did the romantic connotations of this holiday. Finnish Valentine's Day

In its modern form, there are more than 16 centuries. But the holiday takes its origins much earlier - its prerequisites appeared several centuries before our era.

Lupercalia is an ancient Roman celebration of fertility. They arose in honor of the love of the goddess of passion Juno Februata and the god Faun (Luperka). From the nickname of God, the name of the holiday subsequently arose, which for a long time celebrated on February 15th.

A few centuries before our era, ancient Rome was overwhelmed by a wave of miscarriages, stillborn children and infant mortality. The people were on the verge of extinction. Therefore, families without children or families with one or two children participated in various rituals to receive blessings from the gods for the birth of a child. So, every year on February 15 in the same place in Rome, where, according to legend, the she-wolf (Lupa - from Latin) fed the founders of the city (Remus and Romulus), the celebration of Lupercalia took place. Animals were sacrificed to the glory of the gods, from the skins of which whips were made. Men stripped naked and ran around the city with whips in their hands. They were scourges of all the ladies they met, and they, in turn, were happy to substitute them. It was believed that such blows increase the ability to bear children and ensure easy childbirth. At the end of the celebration, women were also completely naked.

Famous people also took part in the celebration of eroticism. For example, it is known for certain that Mark Antony played the role of Luperk more than once.

The Romans were very fond of such celebrations. Therefore, even with the advent of Christianity, it was Lupercalia that survived longer than all pagan customs.

In 494 AD, Pope Gelasius nevertheless abolished the Lupercalia and, according to some sources, converted pagan holiday on the Christian Valentine's Day, and Valentine was ranked among the saints. It is not known for certain whether Gelasius founded this holiday, but that the holiday was named after real person with the name of Valentine, who sacrificed his life in the name of love, is beyond doubt.

Legends of Valentine

In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, various versions of the life of the Christian Valentine appeared in Europe. There are several versions of what exactly he did to go down in world history forever.

"Golden" legend

During the reign of the cruel emperor Claudius II, the Romans were forbidden to marry. The emperor believed that the family and children had a detrimental effect on men - they were distracted by feelings and showed themselves worse on the battlefield. It is possible to forbid formalizing relations, but not a single emperor can impose a ban on love. People continued to fall in love, and a simple doctor and priest Valentine helped them legitimize their relationship before God. He sympathized loving couples and married them at night.

Upon learning of Valentine's "forbidden activities", the emperor ordered his death. In prison, the benefactor fell in love with the warden's daughter, Yulia. He wrote her a love letter (Valentine), signing - "your Valentine". Julia read it only after the death of her beloved. The saint was executed on February 14, 269.

"Salvation of the Servants"

According to another version, Valentine belonged to a famous Italian family. He secretly converted to Christianity and made his servants Christians. During the wedding of two lovers who served Valentine, all three were captured and placed in prison. Since the patricians (representative ruling class) had immunity, nothing threatened Valentine. But the servants were sentenced to death. A Christian wrote a letter in the form of two red hearts - symbols of Christianity. A blind girl was supposed to hand it over, but Valentine himself showed up in prison. He persuaded the jailers to exchange two lovers for his life. Before he died, Valentine gave a letter to a blind girl, full of love and hope. Her eyesight returned and she grew into a real beauty.

Celebration in Medieval Europe

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day was finally strengthened in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This was especially facilitated by English and French poets. In the poem "Bird Parliament" by Jeffrey Chaucer and the ballads of J. Gower, the name of the holiday is mentioned more than once in the version we are used to. In the works on February 14, birds begin to look for their pairs.

An invariable attribute of Valentine's Day - valentines. Postcards in the form of scarlet hearts were created by the Duke of Orleans at the beginning of the 15th century. While imprisoned in the Tower, he missed his wife and made love messages thus shortening the time. In the 18th century, valentines became widespread.

How is the holiday celebrated now?

Valentine's Day does not go unnoticed by lovers in almost any country. But the traditions of celebrating everywhere have their own peculiarities.

In Russia

In Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space, February 14 has been celebrated only since the beginning of the 20th century. The holiday is secular. Representatives of the Catholic and Christian churches are ambivalent about the veneration of St. Valentine. Some note that the veneration of the martyr Valentine continued for a long time - until the reform of the 1960s. Others call the celebration in honor of the saint "optional". But in any case, all lovers do not forget to congratulate their "halves", presenting them with valentines, teddy bears, flowers or sweets.

In Great Britain

Thanks to the “Bird Parliament” by J. Chaucer, who said that birds form families on February 14, in England, not only people, but also English pets (especially dogs and horses) receive love messages. Unmarried ladies on this day guess as follows: they get up before dawn and stand at the window. The man who catches their eye will be the betrothed.

An obligatory attribute of the celebration in Wales is handmade wooden spoons and decorated with keys, locks and hearts. This tells the recipient that they have found their way into the heart of the giver.

in Italy

February 14 in this southern European country is called "sweet". This holiday got its name due to the fact that the Italians on this day in without fail give their beloved any sweet gifts. It is also customary to send incognito postal valentines in a pink envelope.

In Spain

A message to a valentine by mail in this hot country is accepted as standard. But the use of carrier pigeons is the height of the manifestation of passionate feelings for the addressee.

In Finland

February 14 in Suomi is considered the Day of Love. Finns give heart-shaped gifts not only to their loved ones, but also to mothers. Since there is no analogue of March 8 there.

In Japan

It has been celebrated since the 1930s. On this day, the Japanese arrange a traditional competition for the loudest declaration of love. Those wishing to take turns from the bridge confess their feelings to their halves. Whoever does it the loudest wins.

The main gift is chocolate. Moreover, a woman should do it to her lover and friends (polite chocolate). A gift from a husband or boyfriend on February 14 is regarded as an unmanly act. A man should make a return compliment a month later on a “white” day. A woman receives white chocolate from her betrothed.

In Denmark

In this country, Valentine's Day is celebrated cheerfully and noisily, arranging parties, concerts, and performances. Traditionally, they give dried or fresh white flowers, postcards with love content. Congratulations to all - loved ones, friends, colleagues.

In France

It was the French who introduced the tradition of composing quatrains for their loved ones in honor of the holiday. Of the gifts in the highest esteem - jewelry. The French also like to give: romantic trips, pink yogurts, lottery tickets, heart-shaped sausage, underwear, chocolate mousses, lottery tickets.

Also, the French like to arrange all kinds of romantic competitions, for example, for the longest serenade.

The tradition of giving red roses was introduced by Louis XVI. It was he who gave these flowers to Marie Antoinette. According to legend, Aphrodite stepped on white roses and stained them with her blood.

In Holland

On this day, ladies have every right to approach the man they like and say: “Be my husband!”. And it won't look vulgar. If a man does not agree to start a family with a brave woman, he will be obliged to buy her a silk dress.


Celebrating Valentine's Day in North America began at the end of the 18th century. Very quickly, the holiday was commercialized - now almost no one makes valentines with their own hands. But everything is in order in the trade sphere: valentines take the second place, after Christmas, in the volume of sales of greeting cards.

Since the 19th century, there has been a tradition of giving marzipans and figurines made from them. In those days, these products were very expensive due to the inclusion of scarce sugar in the composition. On February 14, Americans congratulate not only their soul mates, but also their parents, grandparents, and friends.

In Georgia

An alternative holiday to Valentine's Day is Love Day. It is celebrated on April 15th. However, this does not prevent romantic Georgians from celebrating and confessing to their loved ones in tender feelings at least twice a year - the more the better!

In Germany

Valentine among the Germans is considered the patron saint of mentally ill people, not lovers. Therefore, on February 14, it is customary to decorate psychiatric clinics with red ribbons. There is a special service in the chapels.

In Poland

The Poles are sure that the relics of St. Valentine are located on the territory of modern Poland - in the Poznań Metropolis. Therefore, many lovers go there to bow to the miraculous icon. They are sure that it will help in love affairs.

In Saudi Arabia

Celebration is prohibited. Otherwise, serious fines are imposed on the violator.

Everyone knows the legends associated with Happy Valentine's Day The 14th of February. Allegedly, during the time of the Roman Empire, Bishop Valentine lived, who married soldiers with beloved girls, which violated Roman laws. Later, several more similar legends arose, however real story February 14 celebrations are more prosaic.

Today's roots Valentine's Day leaves for the Lupercalia, which was celebrated during the New Year's festival. The festival was dedicated to the supreme goddess of love, Juno. The inhabitants of Rome believed that the founders of the city, Romulus and Remus, began to celebrate Lupercalia in honor of the she-wolf who fed them with her milk. The name of the holiday comes from lat. lupa - she-wolf).

In the same period, shepherds began to mate their cattle. They have their patron - the god Faun, also known under the names of the Lord, Satyr, and also - Luperk (guard against wolves).

On this day, the priests made generous sacrifices and other rites of veneration for Juno and Faun.

Two not at all modest rites are connected with these celebrations. After all the sacrifices, the confessors removed the skin from the slaughtered goats and dressed up the so-called "luperks" with it. Naked young men were girded with leather, and belts made of the skin of these very sacrificial goats were given into their hands. "Luperki" ran around the Palatine Hill, and then marched through the streets of Rome and beat the women they met with belts. By the way, the Romans were very willing to expose themselves to blows, especially their shoulders and chest - this was considered a good sign that a woman would have a baby this year. Often the celebrations ended with the fact that, in the end, the women were also naked and it all came down to mass orgies.

The celebrations ended with another peculiar rite. unmarried girls they threw notes with their names into a large urn, and the men took out these notes. The girl whose name was on the note became his mistress in the next Lupercalia.

The first Christians treated the Lupercalia extremely negatively. And after the legalization of the Christian faith, the Roman Church repeatedly tried to eradicate the Lupercalia, who, in their opinion, cultivated corruption. The first such attempt, and as it turned out quite successful, was made by Pope Gelasius in 496. He replaced the day of unbridled passion with the Day Christian love. Instead of stormy festivities, Christians walked in procession with candles. Notes with the names of girls were replaced with notes with the names of Christian saints - men and women pulled out notes and the whole next year they were asked to follow the virtues of the saints indicated in the notes.

Since the holiday was scheduled for The 14th of February, then his patron was the saint, whose name day was celebrated on this day - the martyr Valentine, the same Bishop of Interamna. This method partially worked - lupercalia sunk into oblivion, but the people's consciousness, which was hard to part with paganism, gave rise to legends about St. Valentine - the patron saint of lovers.

Valentine's Day is awaited by millions of romantics and dreamers in all corners of the globe, because on this day a real miracle is possible. You can confess your love without saying a single word. A small one, in the form of a heart, made by hand or bought in a store, becomes a good messenger, which everyone who believes in the patron of this day and seeks his help in finding their soul mate dreams of.

Where does Valentine's Day come from?

Historians believe that Valentine's Day is rooted in the ancient Roman festivities of Lupercalia, and those in even earlier ancient Greek times, when they worshiped the god Pan, the patron saint of herds (he gave livestock fertility, protected from wolves and was therefore called Luperk).

The young priests from the aristocratic Roman youth who served him during the Lupercalia were also called Luperci. Every year from February 13 to 15, they gathered in a grotto at the foot of the sacred Palatine Hill (where, according to legend, the legendary founders of the Eternal City, the brothers Romulus and Remus, were fed by a she-wolf) and sacrificed animals on a special altar. And then, after a ritual meal, armed with belts made of sacrificial skins, they ran naked around Rome, whipping everyone who met them on the way. It was believed that the blows of luperks bring good luck and fertility. And also help women to easily resolve the burden. Difficult childbirth in those days ended sadly, and no one neglected the mercy of the gods in this important matter.

Inflamed, exposing themselves to the blows of naked Luperks, the women themselves threw off their clothes. And as a result, the festival turned into a frantic erotic festival, where another patroness of Lupercalia ruled - Juno, the goddess of marriage and birth, in her unrestrained incarnation.

The men of Rome also went out wearing only animal skins on their thighs. They portrayed brutal satyrs in front of frenzied women in ecstasy, which turned on and intoxicated even more. All this celebration called for passion and procreation.

At the same time, the tradition of exchanging notes arose. But these were not declarations of love, although certainly a desire to find her. Unmarried Roman women wrote their names on pieces of parchment and put them in a common urn, for a kind of lottery. The men took turns pulling out these parchments, and the girl whose parchment was given to the man was considered his mate until the next Lupercalia. It is not known whether love happened between them, but next year they were supposed to spend this holiday together.

Subsequently, following the example of Rome, the British (already in the Middle Ages) also practiced choosing a couple "blindly". The ceremony was very similar. The girls wrote their names on paper and collected them in one basket. Single men, sorted out notes and became their suitors for the whole next year.

It is not difficult to imagine that the church was not at all enthusiastic about the Lupercalia and fiercely fought with them, as well as with others. pagan rituals. Her efforts were crowned with success only when Christianity became the state religion in Rome. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I banned the Lupercalia.

And yet this action, which lasted much longer than other ancient Roman holidays, was so popular that it was not possible to consign it to oblivion. In the end, it remained a holiday. But instead of the frenzy of passion, he was transformed into a solemn day of veneration of Christian love, with the procession of the cross instead of sacrifices and erotic dances.

The lottery also survived, but the notes now indicated the names of Christian saints. So men and women chose their patron for the next year, so that he would be an example of virtue and a protector from temptations. Saint Valentine became the patron saint of the new holiday.

What do we know about Saint Valentine?

Who was the man whose name is now associated with joy mutual love and happy marriage union? Unfortunately, nothing definite is known about Saint Valentine. In 1969, when the Roman Catholic Church reformed the calendar of saints, his name was removed and the celebration of his memorial day was discontinued. It is precisely because there is no reliable information about him.

Only the legends of Saint Valentine have come down to us. And they are closely intertwined, truth and fiction, love and death, sacraments and self-sacrifice.

According to one of these legends, Valentine was a young healer. He was gifted with miraculous power and with its help healed people. For this he was suspected of being impure, condemned to death and thrown into prison. But even there he helped everyone who brought him notes asking for help.

One such note fell into the hands of an overseer who loved his blind daughter very much. He believed in the sanctity of the gift of an unusual doctor and asked him to save the unfortunate girl from a serious illness. Valentine did not refuse. He again called on the blessing sent down to him and cured the overseer's daughter. And having done this, I realized that I fell in love. And as the legend says, the girl, opening her eyes for the first time, saw unbearably White light and a handsome young man, his benefactor. She fell in love with him with all her heart. But fate was cruel to them and Valentine was executed. Before his death, he gave her a letter confessing that he also loved her.

Another story tells about Valentine - an ordinary army doctor and priest. He lived in dark times. The cruel and domineering emperor Claudius II was sure that only the soldier who is not burdened with a family and does not divide himself between duty is good. military service and love for loved ones. Therefore, soldiers were strictly forbidden to start a family. Valentine, being a priest, could not sin against the faith, because. considered love between a man and a woman to be God's blessing. And he was not afraid to violate the imperial decree. Secretly, under the cover of night, he performed the sacraments of marriage, helping lovers. Soon this became known, he was captured and sentenced to death.

Already, being a prisoner, he himself was endowed with love. She was the beautiful daughter of one of the prison guards. Her name was Julia. On the day of the execution, he wrote her a letter, signed "Your Valentine", in which he spoke about his love. Julia read this letter when he was gone. Since then, to this day, on the day of his death, lovers write and pass each other small valentine notes with heartfelt confessions.

The legends are different, but they agree on one thing. Valentine was executed on February 14 and a holiday in his honor, although not a churchwide one, is a tribute to memory sincere love in the face of difficulties.

There is another beautiful, much more recent story related to Valentine's Day. At the end of the 14th century, poems appeared in English and French literature, the lines of which sang about Valentine's Day and correlated it with the belief that birds begin to look for a mate at this time. One of these poems was written for the engagement of a young English king Richard II and his equally young bride Anna of Czech. When they got married, they were only 15 years old. This couple has become a model of a successful marriage and good strong marital relations even though God did not give them children. When Anna died during the plague, King Richard, distraught with grief, ordered the destruction of the palace where she died and the buildings adjacent to it.

How did Valentines appear?

The first Valentine is a letter kept in the British Museum. It was written by the young Duke of Orleans Charles. In 1415 he languished in confinement, in solitary confinement in the Tower. He addressed this message of love in verse to his wife, who was in France. In order not to go crazy with boredom, the duke wrote several such letters. They are now associated with the tradition of Valentine's Day.

In the 18th century, valentines became an indispensable condition, without which Valentine's Day is not complete. They were especially loved in England. They were given as gifts, presented instead of flowers, poems were written in them, love wishes and recognition. Wrote with colored ink and colored with stencils in different colors. They pinned lace to them with small pins and, it is clear that, in comparison with modern postcards they just looked great.

The popularity of valentines has not faded for many, many years. fascinated by this paper hearts adds that they are traditionally anonymous. A light cover of mystery turns the holiday into an almost magical act. It is believed that to guess the author of an anonymous valentine means to receive the blessing of heaven and find your destiny.

The holiday has no limits

It is celebrated everywhere in its own way, but in the main it is the same in all countries. On this day, everyone wants to surround their loved one with attention and demonstrate their feelings:

  • In France, precious jewelry is given to loved ones on this day.
  • Americans delight each other with delicious marzipan gifts.
  • In Japan, a girl gives chocolate figurines to both her lover and her friends (this is called “polite chocolate”), but she will receive a return gift from her chosen one only a month later, on “white day” and it will definitely be white chocolate. The Japanese believe that giving gifts on Valentine's Day is uncouth.
  • In Britain, on February 14, single girls sit at the window in the morning. The first one to pass by is considered to be sent by fate. Probably, English guys very carefully choose the way to the windows of their chosen ones, so as not to accidentally catch the eye of their neighbors. And the British also send valentines to their four-legged pets.
  • But in Saudi Arabia you can get administratively liable for mentioning Valentine's Day and pay a fine for it.

Every year in mid-February, the holiday boom begins. It is estimated that at this time e-mail a million messages are sent in one minute. Flowers are bought simply in astronomical quantities. And gift and sweet shops make revenue comparable to months of regular work.

Symbols of love

Preparing a gift for Valentine's Day requires imagination, as well as the art of hints and omissions. After all, love (sometimes secret) cannot be said directly, it is generally difficult to speak about it in words. Therefore, the symbolism of love is truly limitless.

  • The most tender and graceful symbol of her is a red rose. Myths say that she got her color from the blood of Aphrodite, who got hurt while rushing to her lover. The blood of the goddess flooded the white petals, and they turned red forever. Red roses speak of the passion of the one who gives them.
  • Heart - points to serious intentions. A person presenting a gift of this form offers to share life with him.
  • The joined hands are also a symbol. The man asks for the hand of his beloved, after he offers her his heart. He needs her hand in order to guide her along the path of life, to protect her from misfortunes and difficulties.
  • Rings, like two lives closed in infinity. They have been a symbol of marriage since Ancient Rome. The desire to emphasize with their help your family status applies to both women and men. With the entry into family life, primarily associated with the exchange wedding rings and after him the first marital kiss.
  • A pair of doves are the birds of Venus. They choose a couple for life and therefore are considered a symbol of fidelity and longevity. strong marriage. In Africa, these are red parrots.
  • A later symbol is a lace scarf. Symbol love story. This little item was indispensable assistant when a lady needed attention. They were given to loved ones as a keepsake. With their help, they transmitted secret messages and weave intrigue. The tragedy of Othello also played out around the handkerchief.

So, to this day, big feelings are nurtured by small signs of attention. It is not necessary to give an expensive gift on this holiday, just open your heart to a person. loving heart, and what will happen next, you yourself will see and understand. And if your heart is free from love, look at lovers and appreciate the benefits of your quiet life. Just do not be sad on this day, do not bury dreams in your soul, and Saint Valentine will help you.

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. How did this holiday come about? Who is Saint Valentine? Why does everyone give valentines on this day? Let's talk about the origin of the holiday, what myths and legends are associated with this day.

Valentine's Day Holiday Origins: Legends and Myths

The Catholic Church venerates three holy martyrs with the name Valentine, but there is almost no reliable information about their lives. It is only known that Valentine of Rome was a priest and was martyred during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century AD. e. Another Valentine was Bishop of Interamna (now the city of Terni, Italy). He was executed for his faith on February 14, 270 and buried near Rome. The saint is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox. About the third Valentine, we only know that he died in Carthage.

More detailed information about the holy martyrs appeared already in the era of the Mature Middle Ages (in the 11th-14th centuries). But at first they also lacked any romantic color. It is likely that the legends are about another saint or even different ascetics named Valentine.

Valentine's Day origin of the holiday: "Golden Legend"

According to legend, the Roman emperor Claudius II could not recruit enough soldiers for his army. Then he decided that it was wives who did not let their husbands go to war, and forbade young men to marry.

Saint Valentine was a healer and preacher of Christianity. He not only prayed for the sick, but also secretly married lovers, despite the prohibition of Tsar Claudius. Once a prison guard turned to him for help. He asked to heal his daughter Julia from blindness. The priest prescribed eye ointment for the girl and told her to come later.

However, rumors about secret weddings reached the emperor, and Saint Valentine was imprisoned. Knowing that he would soon be executed, Valentine wrote a suicide note to the blind Julia with a declaration of love and gave it to her through her father.

Valentin was executed on the same day, 14 February. When the girl opened the note, inside it was saffron and the signature "Your Valentine". Julia took the saffron in her hands, and her vision miraculously recovered.

Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, Valentin Interamnsky was canonized catholic church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 to be Saint Valentine's Day.

This story can be called fiction, if only because during the time of St. Valentine (in the 3rd century) a special rite church wedding did not exist at the time of marriage. In addition, the Christian religion in pagan Rome was despised and persecuted, and it is unlikely that the emperor Claudius attached great importance this rite.

Valentine's Day Holiday Origins: Pagan Roots

According to another version, the church needed Valentine's Day to supplant the pagan holiday. The Romans believed that the founders of their city, the brothers Romulus and Remus, were suckled by a she-wolf. In honor of this animal, "lupercalia" (from lupus - wolf) was celebrated. A goat (the food of the wolves) and a dog (the animal most hated by the wolf) were sacrificed. Then the slaughtered animals were skinned and narrow belts were cut from their skins. Two naked young men took these belts and began a ritual run, during which they whipped everyone who came across their path with belts. Women and girls deliberately exposed various parts of the body to blows, as it was believed that this helps to become pregnant and give birth easily.

The sacred belts were called “februa”, from this word the name of the month came from, in the middle of which lupercalia was celebrated - “february” (February).

Valentine's Day Holiday Origins: Traditions

Valentine's Day began to gain wide popularity only in the 19th century in Great Britain. Later, the holiday began to be celebrated in the United States. On this day, young people had to draw notes from the bowl with the names of girls they knew. The couples that formed as a result were "Valentines" during the year and accepted signs of attention and courtship from each other.

In the middle of the 19th century, merchants took up the promotion of the holiday. On February 14, lovers arrange for each other romantic dates, buy heart-shaped cards - "valentines" - and other cute gifts: Plush Toys, perfume, flower bouquets, candies, etc.

IN different countries have developed their own traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day. So, in Japan it is customary to give chocolate. On this day, a Japanese woman can, without hesitation, confess her love to a man.

In England, on February 14, the girls guessed at the betrothed. There was such a belief: if you see a robin on this day, it means that your husband will be a sailor, a sparrow - you will marry a poor man, a goldfinch that you met foreshadowed a rich husband.

At the beginning of the 19th century in America, it was customary for brides to give marzipans - a rather expensive delicacy at that time. Now women are given chocolate, sweets and caramel red and white flowers symbolizing love and purity.

The French give jewelry and jewelry to their chosen ones.

Many people believe that if you propose on February 14 or get married on that day, the marriage will be happy and strong.

At the same time, Saint Valentine himself and the religious origins of the holiday are rarely remembered.

Valentine's Day origin of the holiday: Orthodox and Catholics

Saint Valentine is revered by both the Catholic and Orthodox churches. In the Catholic liturgical calendar, February 14 is the commemoration of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

The Hieromartyr Valentine remained on the lists of the church, but only as a locally venerated saint, since historical information about his deeds is extremely scarce. Thus, this holiday is not obligatory for either Catholics or Orthodox.

Valentine's Day came to Russia relatively recently. He began to gain popularity only in the early 1990s.

On January 15, 2003, the Bishop of the Italian city of Terni, Vincenzo Paglia, donated to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy the relics of the Hieromartyr Valentine, which have since been kept in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

IN Orthodox Church have their own days of commemoration of the two martyrs Valentine. Valentine the Roman - presbyter - is venerated on July 19, and the holy martyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna - on August 12.

IN Orthodox tradition Since ancient times, Saints Peter and Fevronia have been considered patrons of the family and marriage. In 2008, the Federation Council of Russia approved the initiative to establish on the day of their memory (July 8, new style, which corresponds to June 25, old style) "Day conjugal love and family happiness.

According to http://www.aif.ru/

This interesting information for children about the history and traditions of Valentine's Day

This holiday came to Russia several years ago. And now Valentine's Day is celebrated almost as joyfully and widely as New Year. Valentines - little heart cards sent by traditional mail, emails and text messages, romantic gifts, declarations of love and endless kisses - this is what accompanies this holiday. And it's great that this holiday is now with us.

It is believed that Valentine's Day has existed for more than 16 centuries, but the celebrations of love have been known since even earlier pagan times. And in Rus' there was a holiday of lovers. It was celebrated not in winter, but at the beginning of summer. This holiday is associated with legendary history love of Peter and Fevronia and is dedicated to Kupala - the pagan Slavic god, the son of Perun.

From the history of the holiday

The holiday also has a specific "culprit" - the Christian priest Valentine. This was around 269. At that time, the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Claudius II. The warring Roman army needed many soldiers for military campaigns. And the emperor believed that main enemy his grandiose military plans are married legionnaires who think more about how to feed their families than about the glory of the Roman Empire. In order to preserve the military spirit in the army, Claudius II issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry.

But no decrees can stop love! Fortunately for the legionnaires, there was a man who, not fearing the imperial wrath, began to secretly marry them with their beloved. It was a priest named Valentine from the Roman city of Terni. Probably, Valentine was a great romantic. He not only entered into marriages, but also reconciled those who quarreled, helped them to write Love letters. At the request of the legionnaires, he gave flowers and gifts to their beloved ones. The emperor, learning about this, sentenced the priest to death. Valentine himself was in love with the jailer's daughter. On the day of his execution, he wrote to his beloved Farewell letter and signed it "Your Valentine". The girl read the letter after the execution.

True or fiction, but it was thanks to this story that it was customary to write on Valentine's Day love notes— valentines. And on this holiday they like to arrange weddings and get married. It is believed that this will be the key to eternal love.

This holiday is very personal. If you want to make friends with someone, it doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a boy, but you are embarrassed to offer your friendship, this day is for you. Write him or her a postcard with a friendship proposal and your phone number. You don't need to sign the postcard. It must be transmitted secretly, imperceptibly. If they call you, then they want to be friends, and if not, then it’s not destiny.

For your family, this day can also be made complete. good surprises. On the eve, cut out of paper, preferably red, small hearts. Write your wishes and confessions on them.

For example: “Dear daddy, I love you very much. I like spending time with you. Let's go to the zoo together on Sunday”, “Beloved grandmother, you cook the most delicious pancakes in the world! You have golden hands!”, “Dear mommy! You are the most beautiful in the world! And you are the most kind and gentle. I love you so much!" etc.

These valentines should be discreetly placed in everyone's pocket or purse. Or attach it to the bathroom mirror. Here your imagination will help you.

You will give your loved ones not only good wishes, but also good mood for the whole day !

How is Valentine's Day celebrated in other countries?

In Japan, the most common gift on this day is chocolate.

It is noteworthy that japanese men receive more gifts than women. And not only chocolate, but also lotions, wallets and other men's gifts.

In France, it is customary to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. These are the generous and passionate French!