What can you give for housewarming to pensioners. The on-screen husband of Lily Rebrik shared his favorite breakfast recipe. History mixed with the present

The end of the move and housewarming is always a long-awaited time. If your friends invited you to celebrate this joyful event, it would be great to give them something pleasant and useful. There are options - from modest, but original presents to worthy investments.

Few things are as exciting as moving into a new home! The newly acquired corner promises the owners the beginning of a new life and offers unlimited potential for renovation and decoration. A housewarming gift is a great way to please loved ones and help them feel comfortable in an unfamiliar place.

What is customary to give for any holiday? Most often - figurines, fridge magnets and other souvenirs. But it is better for new settlers to give truly useful and versatile things that make life easier or increase the level of comfort. Decor items should be chosen only if you know the taste of your friends well and are sure that they will fit into the interior, otherwise your gift will at best gather dust on the shelf, and at worst lie alone in the pantry.

Are you very close to the newcomers? Great! You can buy something that a friend or friends have long dreamed of, but did not dare to buy. If the gift will reflect the interests of the owners, as well as your warm attitude, it will be appreciated.

Surprises are often delightful and impressive - but not always. If you decide to buy an expensive gift, it is better to consult with the newcomers in advance: perhaps they have already ordered this item or are planning to buy it on their own. It is unlikely that they will be happy with two stoves or washing machines 🙂

Below we have collected housewarming gift ideas that will be useful and will please almost everyone. Pleasant little things, presents that make you smile, practical purchases for a private house or apartment, home-made gizmos - choose to your taste!

Inexpensive and original

So that newcomers do not have to look for keys throughout the house, give them housekeeper. Now they come in a variety of colors and shapes, so the original key storage will be remembered for a long time.

Inexpensive and useful thing in a new house - for a variety of items. Thanks to the organizer, you can conveniently sort cosmetics, personal care items, stationery or accessories.

Always gives the room a cozy atmosphere. Ditch the classics for the modern! Now the so-called 3D lamps are gaining more and more popularity - they create the illusion of a realistic and three-dimensional image. The range of these interior items is quite wide, so it is not difficult to choose an image that a particular person will like.

Cool housewarming gifts

Waking up in the morning is much easier with funny alarm clock. Make the new settlers aim at the target, run after the "watch on wheels" or play tennis! Such a gift will appeal to people with a sense of humor.

If your friends love intellectual entertainment, this would be a great gift. It is best to choose a universal game that can be played by two, the whole family, and with guests. In specialized stores there are both kits with simple rules, and entire universes with their own laws for the most sophisticated.

- a practical gift, suitable to express concern for a person. Approach the choice of these indoor shoes with imagination: not only do the original slippers come in the form of cats, dogs, unicorns and other cute animals, there are also heated ones! It is worth putting a special filler from them in the microwave for a couple of minutes - and they will warm you all day.

When thinking about what to give for a housewarming party, crockery and kitchen appliances are the first things that come to mind. Of course, a high-quality frying pan or slow cooker will certainly come in handy for the owners. But try out-of-the-box thinking: what household appliances you will not see in every kitchen? For example, someone dreams of a cotton candy machine, a waffle iron or a chocolate fountain, but spares money, considering these devices an impractical acquisition. Such an unusual gift will definitely cause joy and delight of your friends!

All everyday things become bright and unusual if you look at them from a different angle. New settlers can also be given an ordinary colander, but, for example, in the form of a charming monster. Friends like to watch movies at home? Give them handy snack plate with several departments for various snacks and a special section for candy wrappers, shells and other garbage.

What to give a young family for a housewarming

Or another drink is just right for celebrating a housewarming party. You can give an automatic corkscrew so that the owners do not have to make extra efforts. In fact, the choice of this item is a whole science: before buying, you need to carefully examine whether the tip of the spiral is sharpened well, whether the parts of the corkscrew fit snugly together, find out what material the handle and spiral are made of. A lot also depends on how often they will be used.

If the couple has a child, you can buy something for the nursery, for example crib: young parents will be happy to get rid of unnecessary expenses. An interesting idea for the house would be a transforming bed "for growth".

What is the first thing to do in a new apartment? Of course, take pictures! Current smartphones allow you to take pretty high-quality pictures, but sometimes it’s very nice to review photos dear to your heart live, and not on the screen. Suitable for this case. And if, in addition to it, you also give original photo album, a young couple will remember such a gift with love and warmth.

housewarming gift for apartment

Don't know what to give? Give a piece of comfort! will not be superfluous in any house. Another good option is quality bed sheets. But in this case, you need to be careful and find out in advance the size of the bed or sofa on which the newcomers will sleep.

If you are afraid that the gift will not match the wishes of the owners, there is always a win-win option. will come in handy for those who have just moved. It is worth presenting a certificate of a store known for its wide range and quality of goods - so you definitely will not lose.

Always harmoniously complement the interior and delight the eye. And some of them also contribute to the improvement of the microclimate. Present an unpretentious flower in a nice pot, and it will remind the new settlers of you for a long time.

Those who have just moved into a new apartment will come in handy. For example, a coffee machine, a refrigerator or a bread maker will surely delight new settlers and make their life easier. You can also pay attention to climate technology - this is a great gift for those who care about their health and comfort. So that dry air does not torment the owners, it is worth it. And in order for pleasant freshness to always reign in the house, pay attention to the compact ventilation system, with which you can ventilate the room even with the windows closed. An expensive gift does not have to be given alone: ​​you can agree with other friends or relatives and purchase a gift together.

What to give for housewarming to friends in the house

Buying a private house is a big purchase, so there are a lot of things that the owners need when moving.

You can always give something useful for relaxing in the yard. Perfect for fried meat lovers barbecue grill or good skewers set, and fans of active outdoor games will be delighted trampoline or inflatable pool. Also useful are comfortable folding chairs and hammock.

For many adults, time spent on a swing is one of the most vivid childhood memories. Remind your friends of a cheerful youth: on garden swing you can dream, and read a book, and chat with relatives.

DIY housewarming gift

A do-it-yourself gift for a housewarming apartment is valued above all else. If you want to please your hosts, Can you bake a cake for them? or cookies or cook an exotic dish. At the party, your culinary gift will surely please both newcomers and guests!

Buying a new home is associated not only with the euphoria of the acquisition, but also with such troubles as running around various authorities to re-register papers, transporting accumulated property and labor-intensive repairs that never go without nerves...

But finally, all the worries are behind, the walls are covered with fresh wallpaper, and the bathroom sparkles with new plumbing. All the furniture is in its place, and even the flowers bloomed prematurely after being transplanted into brand new pots. So it's time for a housewarming party! The signs and customs associated with this unusual celebration are very interesting and varied. Our grandparents attached great importance to them, but it is up to the owners of the house to follow the wisdom of the older generation or not.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the traditions in order to arrange an unforgettable holiday, think over contests with symbolic prizes, or maybe feel like theater actors and play scenes at a housewarming party. This article will be useful both for the happy owners of a new home and for those who have decided to congratulate them on this important event.

Red corner, cat and rooster

So, housewarming! Signs, customs and traditions associated with it came to us from the distant past. It was believed that whoever enters the house first will be the first to leave it, so it was customary that the oldest man in the family enter the new home first, who thus, as it were, sacrificed himself to the pagan gods. When Christianity supplanted paganism, this custom became more humane, and instead of the eldest in the family, the cat was the first to let the cat into the new houses and leave it there for a while. The place where the cat fell asleep was considered bright, and it was there that they arranged icons and a lamp. Why a cat and not a cat? The answer is simple: due to feline behavior, cats mark corners and furniture, and these traces of crime have a very specific smell that is very difficult to remove.

Instead of a cat, the main character, who had the role of "pioneer", was a rooster. He was associated with fire and the hearth. The rooster was launched into the house, where he had to expel all the lurking evil spirits with a loud crow. After the rooster performed the "act of exorcism", its fate was sealed: they cooked jelly (aka jelly) from it and treated all the guests who came to the housewarming party. Signs, customs and beliefs associated with people and living creatures ended there, and rituals aimed at otherworldly forces were used.

Lover of milk and sweets

The true keeper of the house is considered to be none other than the brownie. Moreover, if a rooster in a city apartment is found exclusively in soup, then a brownie is a quite common phenomenon. This is a good spirit who considers himself the owner of the dwelling, his duty is to help the family with whom he shares his territory. If the brownie does not like something, for example, unwashed dishes or a dirty floor, he begins to arrange "demonstrations" with light bulbs burning out and various things missing, such as keys, a mobile phone and a wallet. In addition, the brownie does not tolerate when family members quarrel with each other, and if this happens, he does not let him sleep at night, making various sounds.

To greet the brownie, he needs to leave something tasty on a silver platter, for example, sweets or cookies, and also pour a glass of milk, which he is a big fan of! The favorite object of the brownie is a broom (they say that he often hides behind it, watching his wards). Therefore, the broom must always be clean and not disheveled.

To strengthen protection, it is imperative to bring an icon into the new house, which, together with the brownie, will protect the household from all evil.

modern magic

What to do for those who do not believe in brownies, but on the nose - housewarming? Signs, customs and traditions associated with moving to a new home do not have to be based on religion or old beliefs.

In order to live happily in a new house, first of all, you need to open all the windows wide and let in more fresh air. After that, you need to unscrew all the taps for at least a few minutes. will wash away all negativity, and fresh air will bring pure energy. The last (control!) blow to evil spirits - candles lit throughout the house and cheerful music. All this will envelop the dwelling with a light aura and fill it with joy and happiness.

Bread, salt and... cake!

Presentation Variations

And, of course, we should talk separately about gifts. As a rule, when entering the house of new settlers, they need to give something that will be useful in one way or another on the farm:

  • kitchen utensils (chopping boards, containers for spices, beautiful jars for storing bulk products);
  • household appliances (yogurt maker, coffee grinder, blender, mixer, bread machine, microwave oven, kitchen scales, fondue set);
  • dishes (plates, salad bowls, tea set, glasses, candy bowl, honey container, baking dishes, sushi set);
  • textiles (tablecloth, beautiful potholders, napkins, bed linen, a set of towels,;
  • decor (pictures, photo frames, clocks, figurines, photo albums, sconces).

In every gift - a share of a joke

In addition to the traditional ones, you can give comic ones, for example, an antenna for a future 3D TV or a set of trempels, whose task is to hold a collection of fur coats on their "shoulders", which a hospitable hostess will definitely have.

In addition, newcomers will surely like an alarm clock that will not let their happiness oversleep, or a bell that calls all household members to the table, and computer lovers will appreciate a table for a laptop or a mouse pad.

And money is happiness

More recently, it was not customary to give money for housewarming, but modern life has made its own adjustments to finances and can be a wonderful gift, especially for young couples who are just starting their life together. Making a cash gift is simple: just put the banknotes in a beautiful cardboard house or in a box.

New Year in a new house

And if a housewarming party happens just before the New Year, then pleasing the owners of the house with a gift is as easy as shelling pears: Christmas tree garlands, merrily flashing with multi-colored sparks, are very useful in the household! In addition, you can give Christmas decorations, figurines of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, knitted snowmen and other New Year's decor. Napkin rings, an ice bucket for a bottle of champagne, beautiful candlesticks will serve as a good gift.

In a word, if a housewarming party is planned, signs, customs and traditions should not be left aside, and the celebration of this joyful event together with dear guests should not be neglected. This is a great opportunity not only to acquire the things you need in the household, but also to have fun starting a new life! Be sure to celebrate a rare and such a bright holiday - housewarming, and life will become more colorful and brighter!

Have you been invited to a housewarming party? Hooray, it's always nice to be happy for loved ones! And it is not so important what the new housing is: a luxurious country cottage or rented "sixteen meters and a shared toilet with them." The main thing is your own, even if temporarily.

“After all, a house is always the way you are: They are built by virtue of the mind and soul, And, in general, all houses are good ...” - a well-known domestic group sings. And dear guests will help to add a good mood to the owners and bring comfort.

How not to make a mistake with a gift so that it fits the soul and the atmosphere? The details will help you quickly choose what you can give for a housewarming.

- The age of the recipients and your degree of intimacy.
Go on business to a friend or colleague, and he has recently moved - grab something symbolic: a barometer, a fat woman (money tree) or a shoehorn. If a housewarming party is celebrated by parents, sister, girlfriend - giving a cheap thing is not comme il faut. Well, you won’t present, for example, bedding with erotic drawings to older relatives, but to your brother - completely.

- Repair completed (if so, in what style) or still in progress.
So, if the decor is high-tech, you should not give a patchwork or bright oriental ornaments. If the remnants of building dust are eliminated, cosmetic improvements are underway, cleaning - sets of microfiber rags for different surfaces, brushes for the bathroom and tiles, beautiful panicles for dust (pipidastres) are relevant.

- The size of the house or apartment, is there a loggia, a personal plot, a bathhouse. Run mentally through all the rooms - there are options yourself. Start from our list and consider the taste of the hosts.

Ideas for the bathroom and toilet

  1. a laundry basket - if the bathroom is spacious and there is where to put it;
  2. terry dressing gowns - the size can be estimated approximately, it is better to take with a margin;
  3. a set of towels - rarely superfluous;
  4. rug - massage or changing color from exposure to water;
  5. curtain for the bathroom, you can apply an image with a photo of the owners on an individual order;
  6. original toilet brush;
  7. stock toilet paper with jokes or funny pictures - fun and budget.

For the hallway

  1. a call with melodies, a cool voice message or a video call;
  2. a set of slippers for hosts and guests - update immediately;
  3. stylish spoon or stand for shoes (or umbrellas);
  4. plastic, magnetic or cork board for messages to family members. Write a funny congratulation verse on it;
  5. interesting key holder - you can find an option along with a writing board or compartments for newspapers, letters, papers;
  6. a set of tools is not only for the hallway, but is often stored there;
  7. double-sided hanging wall clock that allows you to see the time from both sides;
  8. wind noise (bells) - if the owners welcome feng shui things.

For rooms

  1. plaid, sofa cushions - it’s hard to make a mistake here and give the wrong thing, besides, it’s always possible to put on pillowcases of the right color;
  2. according to custom, they give bed linen. It is especially useful if you are going to a lonely friend or a young couple who have not yet had time to acquire such things. But you need to know the parameters of the bed;
  3. boxes of different sizes for storing things - an original piece of furniture and it is convenient to put in a closet;
  4. soft bean bag chair - it is comfortable to relax in it both in the room, and on the balcony, and on the veranda;
  5. funny barometer, for example in the form of a ladybug;
  6. home weather station - consists of two nodes: internal (indoors) and external (outside the window). Shows indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity, pressure. Most models also display the time. An unusual gift, it is unlikely that another guest will buy the same;
  7. wall or grandfather clock - if you are sure that they will fit the situation;
  8. humidifier or air purifier;
  9. a flower in a pot or a tree - depends on the size of the room;
  10. room mini-fountain or biofireplace - for wealthy people who have everything;
  11. a safe disguised as a book or sockets (preferably the same as in the room);
  12. a home bar in the form of a globe, a barrel, a locker - of course, if the owners drink alcohol;
  13. an aquarium or its electronic model with a floating fish;
  14. if there are children in the house - a rug-constructor made of letters and numbers, a gymnastic wall for the nursery;
  15. an air mattress is a housewarming gift for active friends who love camping. You can take it on a trip, and offer guests in case of an overnight stay;
  16. (talisman-guardian of peace and well-being of the hearth).

For kitchen

  1. a grocery basket will certainly be in demand: alcohol, caviar, tea, coffee, sweets, fruits. Put there kitchen towels, napkins or a funny brownie;
  2. potholders, aprons, tablecloths - practical and inexpensive;
  3. utensils that will come in handy for sure: containers for bulk products, a silver salt shaker with a spoon, sets for spices (you can use these same spices), a teapot - they periodically beat, so it won’t be superfluous;
  4. pancakes, frying pans, pots;
  5. a set of knives or a set with openers, a corkscrew, a nutcracker - if the owners do not believe in omens;
  6. electronic scales for products;
  7. household appliances are a great housewarming gift for any apartment, if you know what you need: a meat grinder, a slow cooker, a toaster, a blender, a juicer, an ice cream maker, a coffee maker, a bread machine ...

    The price bites, but you can team up with other guests and even give something especially large - a stove or a refrigerator. Just be sure to discuss with the owners.

And according to tradition, a bottle of wine to the table (a can of juice for non-drinkers) - as an addition to the main gift.

For a country house or cottage

  1. decor items for the site: garden lamps, fountains, figurines;
  2. shovels for snow removal, watering cans, choppers and other tools - will always come in handy on the farm;
  3. garden swing, especially if there are children;
  4. a hammock, a rocking chair - a queue forms, it is very comfortable to relax in them;
  5. folding chairs - useful both in the garden and when traveling;
  6. inflatable pool or trampoline;
  7. bath sets with brooms - perhaps on the same day and take a steam bath;
  8. brazier, barbecue, brewery, mini-smokehouse - you can’t forbid living beautifully!
It is best to ask in advance what new settlers lack for complete happiness. If you want to make a surprise, but don't know what to choose, give certificate to a hardware store, IKEA store, Uyuterra or home appliances store.

There is absolutely no time to choose a gift, and housewarming is already today? Envelope with money, even a small amount, will please people much more than some horseshoe for good luck.

You can tell this rhyme in the subject of a cash gift.

What to give for a housewarming to relatives or friends who have become owners of a new home and invited you to share this joy with them? Naturally, you need to find a memorable surprise. It is not difficult to make a choice, any useful thing will come in handy. Presents are different, they can surprise and delight the owners.

Choose a gift that will decorate your new home or make life easier in it.

Quite often it turns out that we decide to buy a gift at the last moment, and such a purchase is useless. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you what things can be given and what should not be given, we will teach you how to make the right choice.

A little “espionage” and analysis can help you decide on a gift for newcomers. Think about the tastes and hobbies of the people who invited you. They should be helped to establish a life or decorate a new home. Another choice of gift will depend on the age of family members, the presence of children. Do not forget that the thing should be useful to all new settlers.

List of traditional gifts:

  • Useful things - household items, appliances, home textiles.
  • Decor items - paintings, figurines, antiques, lamps.
  • Furniture.
  • Dishes.

Always remember that the present should not please you, but the one who will use it. You should not give antique statues to fans of modern styles, and an Art Nouveau lamp would be out of place in a classically furnished living room. A housewarming gift to a private house may differ from a souvenir for a room.

What to give friends for housewarming?

Young friends bought an apartment or rented a new room and decided to throw a party about it? What to give friends for housewarming?

a) a transforming table for a laptop; b) bookcase

Very often, the first housing of young people is small dorm rooms or miniature apartments. Give them transforming furniture, an air bed or an armchair. Before deciding on a souvenir, find out what your friends want. Maybe a new set-top box for the TV, a sound system. Get together with other invitees and present a desired, but such an expensive thing.

Young people who have received housing for the first time, even a small room, simply need various useful items. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to give for a housewarming to a young family has many answers. The owner will not refuse a set of tools, and the hostess will be happy with an ironing board, kitchen potholders, dishes.

Often, in the turmoil, new settlers forget to buy simple things that are useful for everyday life - a broom, a bucket for garbage. It is clear that it is not worth giving them just like that. But, having beaten the presentation, you will bring joy to your friends. For example, tie a bow on a broom or put a bouquet of flowers in a bucket.

A great housewarming gift for friends is a handmade souvenir.

Making a simple gift with your own hands is very simple. Such a present will greatly please the owners and emphasize your respectful attitude towards them.

A do-it-yourself housewarming gift, the ideas of which we will discuss below, will require special skills.

Painting or photo collage

The very first thing that comes to mind when we talk about decorating an apartment is a picture. And this is what you can give for a housewarming.

The picture can not only be bought or ordered. But draw your own! Moreover, you do not need to have special drawing skills. You can purchase a paint-by-numbers kit. You can paint a picture yourself in the style of "naive" or make a friendly caricature.

a) collage b) picture

If the picture did not work out - do not despair. You can make a photo collage! With the spread of social networks, you can get any photos without much effort. Watch your friends, collect or take good photos of them, then make a simple collage. Such a present will not require large expenses, but it will look just great. Just don't forget to take it to the framing workshop and order a beautiful frame.

Decorative plaid

A hand-knitted blanket will add warmth and comfort to a living room or bedroom. It will be a little more difficult to make it than a painting. But there are many options and schemes for such blankets. Stock up on patience, yarn and a beautiful pattern. Well, your efforts will be remembered by the new settlers for a long time.

If you do not know how to knit or are limited in time, find a person who will make a custom-made blanket. Let your friends be surprised by your unknown talents.

decorative panel

This highly artistic DIY housewarming gift can be made from improvised materials. Wine corks, soda bottle caps, floss, newspapers, buttons - everything will go into action.

The list of materials can be endless. Find a suitable drawing, choose what you can make a panel from, and set aside a few hours. With such a present, you can easily surprise guests and delight the hosts.

knitted things

Hand-knitted items always evoke admiration and gratitude. They exude warmth and homeliness. Don't know what to give your friend for a housewarming? Give knitted mittens, a sweater or a shawl.

The downside of this option is that you need to have knitting skills. Well, or you can order the production of a knitting master.

Gifts for every day

A good option is everyday items - textiles, dishes, watches, household appliances. Let's consider each of the options separately.

Textile items

Bed linen, towels, home clothes are a good and versatile choice. Especially as a housewarming gift for a young family, it is very difficult to make a mistake in choosing. Yes, and a large number will not be a hindrance, in this case the expression “The more the better” just makes sense.

Crockery and kitchen utensils

Another universal type of gifts. But it would be better to first clarify with the new settlers what is better for them to give. Or other invitees - what they will give. The same dishes for the cake, or coffee sets can overshadow the holiday. There is one clarification here, if you choose what to give a girl for a housewarming - do not give dishes.

a) bed linen; b) tea service


Household appliances are among the desired, but expensive gifts. Ask the owners what they would like to see in their home. Small household appliances (iron, mixer, blender, etc.) can be bought independently. If you know other guests, get together and buy a more expensive gift, such as a refrigerator or a washing machine.

DVD player, music system - this is what you can give as a housewarming gift to friends who love music and entertainment.

Wall Clock

There is a belief that watches should not be given as gifts. Modernity makes its own adjustments, and the watch has become a good gift for new settlers. Choose from clocks or grandfather clocks. But do not give such a gift to superstitious friends. Still, some people are still afraid to accept gifts in the form of watches.

a) a wall clock; b) desktop dishwasher

What is not customary to give for a housewarming?

There is a group of gifts that are not desirable to give. These are things that are associated with common superstitions or items of a very personal nature (hygiene items, cosmetics).

Knives and forks

There are a lot of superstitions associated with sharp objects. It is believed that knives and forks carry negativity and cause discord in the family of the gifted. Yes, and the giver can get bad energy. Therefore, do not give sharp objects. Especially for housewarming.

Although a beautiful dagger, this is what it is worth giving a man for a housewarming. Especially representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus and the East, where weapons are held in high esteem.


Pets are a special kind of gift. Living creatures should be given only if the recipient is ready to accept such a souvenir and wants it. The animal requires care, attention, care. Not all people are ready to care even for a fish or a hamster. Do not make unhappy either the one you give or the one to whom you give.

a) alcohol; b) kitchen knife set


Alcoholic drinks are considered an expensive elite gift. It's good for a colleague or boss, but it's a bad idea for a housewarming party.

Firstly, the souvenir should be focused on a couple. Women are not given alcohol. Secondly, alcoholic beverages should not be the main subject of donation. Such a gift takes away health, and in the literal sense.

Things that only one family member will use

Do not forget that you are invited by a family consisting of several people. And giving a housewarming gift to an apartment intended for one person is a bad form.

If you decide to make individual gifts, then give each family member a separate one.

Purchasing a home is one of the joyful and significant events in the life of every person.

Newly-made owners most often want to celebrate such a solemn occasion with a housewarming party, to which they invite their closest relatives and friends to their house or apartment.

If you are invited, you must come to the celebration not empty-handed. You need to think in advance about choosing a gift for newcomers, focusing primarily on the taste preferences of the residents of the house.

How to choose the right present

Before you start choosing a gift for a housewarming apartment, you need to determine who your friends or relatives are - newly engaged newlyweds or a married couple with children who have been married for many years. Since the preferences of young people are fundamentally different from older people.

You can try to ask the new settlers, to whom you are going to the celebration, about what kind of situation they have in the apartment and what exactly is required for housing. It is necessary to focus on a housewarming gift that is original and practical.

  1. Knowing that the owners have moved into their small housing area, it would be inappropriate to give bulky vases as souvenirs or. Such a donated item will take up a lot of space.
  2. For an apartment with a retro interior, you should not give a modern cool table lamp or chandelier for home furnishings. If the donor planned to buy curtains or a carpet, most likely, you should discuss the color scheme of the item with the owners.
  3. It is appropriate to give something that every member of the family could use. Housewarming can sometimes be a renovation of the entire housing, when the internal appearance is radically changed. In this case, at the maximum cost of the owners themselves, it is best to choose a practical present.

Among the popular options for a housewarming gift to a family in a house are souvenirs and. So, for the living room, you can choose:

Other ideas include acquiring the right things:

  1. soft and fluffy rug in the bathroom;
  2. kitchen appliances (toaster, for weighing products);
  3. in the style of "family look" for the whole family. Here's an interesting presentation:
  4. unusual clock on the wall;
  5. stylish and modern book shelf;
  6. fan or heater (depending on the choice of the owners);
  7. small chalk board for writing;
  8. the game "darts" (throwing darts) or "twister" is suitable for all family members;
  9. - a great gift option that allows you to enjoy relaxing on it after a hard day's work;
  10. a gift certificate for a certain amount of money to a specialized store "All for the House". At the same time, the owners of the house can choose what they need.
  11. You can also make a present with your own hands, which will give the surprise even more kindness and warmth:

    1. to tie ;
    2. make, beads or and print family photos of new settlers already in the archive;
    3. create a comic present in the form of a bouquet of shower towels wrapped in a tube and tied with a bright ribbon.
    4. sew bright cushions for the sofa;
    5. make a small shelf with hooks for keys.

    For a private house, it is most relevant to purchase:

    1. metal grill with beautiful patterns;
    2. a small lantern for the garden;
    3. inflatable pool or outdoor swing for children.

    A cool housewarming gift can be decorated with poems about the life of the owners.

    If the donor decided to present finances, then it is better to put it not just in, but in non-standard packaging. It can be either a small wooden one or a souvenir in the form of a house with an opening door.

    How best to present

    After the gift has already been selected and bought, you need to think about holiday packaging. If desired, you can also order a cake and flowers in addition to the souvenir. And if there are children in the house, then be sure to purchase a small toy or a children's book.

    You can say cool congratulations on a housewarming and give gifts right after the owners opened the door.

    And you can not give it right away, first see the whole new apartment or the renovation done. It is very important if the prepared present is accompanied by positive wishes already during the feast.

    You can prepare cool and at the same time necessary gifts and congratulations on a housewarming party not only alone, but also by gathering a company of invited people, having discussed all the nuances about this in advance.

    An original congratulation on the presentation of gifts and inflated balloons can be a sincere unusual surprise and remain in memory as one of the most memorable moments.