How to apply self-tanning: a master class. Autosunburn - the basic rules of application. How to choose the right self tanner

Perhaps you are going to a resort and do not want to arrive there like a black sheep. Or maybe you want to give the impression that you just arrived from a vacation. In any case, self-tanning is a useful thing. It just looks like after application it often looks like you played "Indians" and forgot to wash off orange spots from your skin. the site tells how to achieve an even and beautiful self-tanning.

Self-tanning options

The main advantage of self-tanning is its absolute harmlessness. You can achieve a bronzed skin tone without the risk of sunburn or even more serious problems.

If you do not have the opportunity to bask in the sun, but want to show off a chocolate tan, self-tanning will help you.

Self-tanning products allow you to adjust the degree of its saturation. For example, today you can look like a “chocolate mulatto”, and in a week you can change your skin tone to a drop of golden, or vice versa. In addition, thanks to him, you can "sunbathe" partially. Sometimes the sun's rays have already gilded the face, and the legs still remain pale. Self-tanner will help even out skin tones on different parts of the body.


The modern industry offers a huge range of self-tanning products: gels, creams, sprays, lotions, mousses and so on. Some of them have an additional sun protection effect, and most of them moisturize, nourish and protect the skin from aging. Sometimes self-tanning products include reflective particles that allow you to achieve perfectly smooth, "silk" skin. Increasingly popular are moisturizing lotions with a gradual effect, when the tan becomes more saturated as you use it. In addition, manufacturers began to offer self-tanners for different skin types - pale, slightly swarthy and dark. You can always choose the products that best suit your goals and skin tone.

1. Body & Leg Shine from The Body Shop, 450 rubles.

2. Spray self-tanning Microspray for the face from Garnier Ambre Soler - 207 rubles.

3. Sisley's Phyto-Touche Sun Glow Gel - $2,291

4. Go Bronze Plus For Face SPF 15 - $865 and self-tanning for the body Go Bronze Plus For Body - 950 rubles. by Estee Lauder

5. Radiant Bronze face and body tinted self-tanner SPF 15 from Clinique - 690 rubles.

6. Soleil Identite Perfect Color Self Tanner for the Body by Chanel - 1200 r.

Cons and difficulties

The main disadvantages of self-tanning products are instability, difficulty in applying and the specific smell of products. You will have to come to terms with the smell, correct the fading tan with repeated procedures or the use of decorative bronzers, but the correct application procedure can be gradually mastered.

Follow the basic rules for applying self-tanner:

  • on the eve of the procedure, clean the skin with a scrub or hard washcloth; on even skin and tan will lie more evenly;
  • carry out the procedure in the morning, otherwise at night during sleep self-tanning may be smeared;
  • protect your hair, lips, eyebrows and nails, otherwise self-tanning will stain them (you can cover them with a layer of oily cream, and put a shower cap on your head);
  • apply self-tanning on dry, clean skin, which should cool after water procedures;
  • before applying self-tanner, use a moisturizer so that the skin is even, but be sure to let it absorb well for 10-15 minutes;
  • apply self-tanner with sliding circular movements on the body from the bottom up;
  • cover the natural folds of the body, knees and elbows with a very thin layer of self-tanning, and it is better not to touch the armpits at all;
  • you will not be able to process your back on your own, it is better to ask a friend for help;
  • to avoid the effect of a mask on the face, especially carefully work out the transition zone from the neck to the chin;
  • make sure that the skin tone is the same on different parts of the body - do not forget to apply self-tanner to the temples and ears.

Some questions and answers about using self-tanner

  • How to protect your palms while applying self-tanner?

The answer is simple: so that the palms with which you work, applying self-tanning, do not darken, you should either wash your hands often during the procedure, or use thin latex gloves.

  • Can I dress immediately after applying the product?

After the procedure, self-tanning can leave marks on clothes for another 2-3 hours, so do not dress or lie down (especially on light surfaces); immediately after the procedure, you can put on an old bathrobe. For the first few days, don't wear white clothes and don't sleep on crisp white bedding.

  • What to do if you are not satisfied with the result?

If the tan is too pale, the whole procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than after 1.5 hours.

If the boundaries between the areas where self-tanning was applied turned out to be too sharp, they can be blurred with a moisturizer: apply a little cream to the desired area and rub gently.

If you are not satisfied with the result as a whole, do not be upset. Take a shower with a scrub and rub your skin with a hard washcloth, this will wipe the self-tanner off your skin. The procedure can be repeated in a few days.

Self-tanning contraindications

  • Self-tanning is highly undesirable for allergy sufferers, since the products contain components that can provoke a strong skin reaction. If you still really want to “tan” in this way, do a test: apply a small amount of the product to the skin behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow and follow the skin for 48 hours. If the area turns red, then you should not use this remedy. However, there are also hypoallergenic products, for example, Clinique tanning products. All products of this company are tested for allergies 7200 times, and if at least one application gives a reaction during this testing, the product is not released for sale.
  • Do not use self-tanner if your skin has a rash or pimples, otherwise the irritation will increase.
  • In no case do not apply self-tanning during an exacerbation of herpes, there is a risk of spreading the infection throughout the body.?
  • Self-tanners dry out the skin quite a lot. Do not use them too often, and for dry skin, be sure to combine with moisturizers.

Salon tan

Those who do not want to mess with auto bronzers themselves can resort to a salon tanning procedure. Its convenience lies in the speed of application - just a couple of minutes, and you will get the desired bronze shade. Before the procedure, you will be peeled, and the spray system will ensure an even application of self-tanning, leaving no stains or streaks. Shades of tan vary: mountain, sea, tropical - to your taste. In addition, salon products are devoid of the specific smell of cosmetic preparations, which may seem unpleasant to someone.

Salons and prices:

Tanning Studio "Soleil-Studio"
tel. 935 2855
st. Vavilov St., 97
Self-tanning with peeling - 1 280 rubles.

Beauty Salon SUN-TAN
tel. 221 1268
Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 9
Self-tanning with peeling - 2,100 rubles.

Beauty boutique "La BelleVie"
tel. 959 58 68
st. Malaya Yakimanka, 3
Self-tanning with peeling - 1,700 rubles.

Text: Elena Kushnir

In today's article on the website, we will talk with you how to apply it correctly and whether it is worth it.

Self-tanning or ultraviolet on the face

It is difficult to answer whether there is a need for artificial tanning on the face. After all, sometimes you just can’t do without it. For example, intolerance to ultraviolet rays. There are also those cases when the face is badly burned, reddening and covered with an unpleasant crust. In such a situation, self-tanning is a great alternative.

In general, the need for self-tanning is up to you. But still you should be aware of the cons of this drug. First, it is health. No one is immune from the fact that a self-tanning tube will not cause allergies, irritation, pimples and other skin rashes. Therefore, if your girlfriend or girlfriends are actively promoting it, showing off their beautiful tanned face, before running to the store, do not be lazy and ask them for some cream to test on your skin to find out if you can apply self-tanner on your face. To do this, you just need to make a few strokes on the back of your wrist. Thus, you can choose for yourself not only the remedy, but also its shade. The color of self-tanning also plays an important role. The darkest shade looks ideal and closer to natural. But for beginners, it is better to start with the lightest. In addition, a lot depends on your own complexion. Self-tanning lasts no more than five days. This is both a plus and a minus. If the shade doesn’t suit you, you applied the tan unevenly, or you just didn’t like its effect, then everything will be washed off soon. Last but not least, body tanning should not be used on the face, as it has more active elements and has a stronger effect on the skin.

Self-tanning on the face should be done with a special tool, and not with what is intended for the body

Rules for applying self-tanning on the face

And now let's take a closer look at how to properly make your face tanned.

We hope that our article helped you understand how to apply self tanner on face.. Therefore, the occasional use of fake tan will minimize the harmful effects.

Bruslik Maria - especially for - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

In the era before the advent of Coco Chanel, women strenuously protected their bodies and faces from the sun's rays, since it was believed that tanning was the lot of commoners, and only dazzling white skin suits aristocrats. But the Great Mademoiselle turned everything upside down, and now a tan is considered very beautiful, befitting women from a society with sufficient income, having time to idle doing nothing on the beaches.

But advances in the cosmetics industry have made tanning affordable even for busy, pale-skinned women in big cities. Let this product come from a tube or a jar, but nevertheless, with it, the skin looks remarkably fresh and young.

The only question is how to properly apply self-tanning at home so that the mirror does not reflect a tiger or a leopard, but a young and beautiful woman with an even golden complexion and body, as if kissed by the first rays of the sun.

At its core, self-tanning, regardless of the form of its release, is a coloring matter that can penetrate the surface layer of the skin and appear in it as shades of tan. According to its consistency, self-tanning can be of the following types:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • lotion or milk;
  • mousse;
  • spray;
  • napkins.

Each of these means has its advantages and disadvantages, so the woman herself determines by experience what consistency of the drug is most convenient for her to work with. Most often, lotions and tanning sprays are used as the most convenient forms of the product.

In order to learn how to properly use self-tanning, you need to understand for what purpose you want to do it.

If you need to slightly revive and refresh pale skin, you should stop at the lightest shade of the product. With him it is impossible to immediately become a mulatto, but he will not give unaesthetic brown spots all over his body and face.

For the same purpose, you can make self-tanning with your own hands. The easiest way is to use strong tea leaves or carrot juice. Both of these substances will give a light temporary coloring, which is great for toning the lower legs during the transition from tights to bare legs. So the skin will look fresher and more beautiful, there will be no need to be ashamed of your “blue” winter legs.

Having figured out how self-tanning works, you can proceed to the choice of “your” means. There are many brands of such drugs in the world, but not all of them are equally good. It is best to focus on well-known, trusted manufacturers who are serious about the composition of their drugs.

It must be remembered that tanning products tend to provoke allergies, so you should try to choose a minimally aggressive composition and be sure to do a test before the first use.

Just as carefully you need to consider the selection of the color of the product, especially if you have milky white skin. Self-tanner, which fits perfectly on the skin of a darker woman, can turn out to be a disgusting yellow or orange tint on snow white.

It is best to use samplers or purchase a miniature version of the product to try it on an inconspicuous place. If you like the result, you can take a full-sized container and begin to comprehend the intricacies of applying this substance.

How to apply self-tanner without streaks and spots

The most important thing in how to use self-tanning is the answer to the question: what needs to be done long before the procedure itself? The whole process and the complexity of application are closely related to the preparation of the skin for the adoption of the product. A simple example will help you understand this.

Before painting a wooden countertop, it is not just thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. It is carefully polished several times until smooth, and then a primer is applied to it. Only after that the paint will lay down thinly, evenly and give a glossy, very uniform and beautiful coating.

The same should be done with the skin, especially if a facial bronzer is used. This method will allow you to apply self-tanner without streaks, spreading it so that a thin layer remains on the skin, which will give a natural, even color.

The basic rules for how to properly apply self-tanning on the face and body:

  • Preparation for the use of the product should begin long before the actual use of self-tanning, preferably 14 days before this event, especially if the skin is dry, damaged or inflamed. Each defect on the skin will subsequently give a speck when applying a self-tanner.
  • The body and face must not only be thoroughly cleansed, but also diligently remove dead skin. It stains first and very intensively, so before you apply self-tanner, it must be removed. For this, scrubs and peels are used. You need to act gently and delicately, paying especially much attention to the most problematic, dry places with thick keratinized skin - knees, elbows and shins.
  • After treatment, the skin must be moisturized and nourished. For this purpose, high-quality body products are used, which are selected according to skin type. Well-groomed, moisturized and “nourished” skin becomes denser and more elastic, it has a smooth surface, which will help to apply self-tanner evenly.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how to apply bronzer for facial skin. Hair, especially light, must be covered, and a thin layer of cream should be applied along the hairline. This will help to avoid getting dye on the hair roots and the formation of an ugly brown contour, which immediately gives out an unnatural tan. The skin of the face is just as diligently prepared for the application of self-tanning, but here the product must be applied along the skin lines so as not to damage or stretch it.
  • You need to apply self-tanning quickly, with light movements, without fixing for a long time in one place. The drug is applied to the knees and elbows last and in a slightly smaller amount than to other parts of the body. The skin here is dry and rough, it absorbs paint like a sponge, so these areas can be stained more strongly.
  • It is extremely inconvenient to handle the back itself, so in order not to get stained, use the help of your husband or girlfriend.
  • Aerosol preparations are very convenient, but require speed of action. In order to learn how to carefully apply self-tanning spray, you need to follow the usual tips, and start coating from the limbs - this way you can get a more even layer.
  • After application, self-tanning usually appears within 4 - 6 hours, it will stain clothes for about 2 hours (spots on white are not removed by anything).
  • After the procedure, you can not swim for at least 6 hours and generally wet the body if you do not want to wash off the tan.
  • To maintain a beautiful color for the longest possible time, you will have to give up peels and scrubs, coarse brushes and washcloths, aggressive detergents and oils. For washing, soft gels with a delicate effect are used, you can use children's ones.
  • Most self-tanners have an unpleasant odor that disappears when dry, but reappears when the skin gets wet.
  • After application, everyone is interested in: how long does self-tanning last? The shelf life of a tan on the body is individual and depends on the type of skin, the products used for washing and care, and the rate of renewal of the skin. On average, self-tanning can last from 3 to 14 days.

When choosing a product, please note that different products are often offered for the body and face. This is due to the fact that the skin of the face is more delicate and sensitive, requiring delicate care formulations.

How to wash self-tanner at home

Sometimes, if you overdid it with the product, the color didn’t fit or lay in spots, the question arises: how to wash self-tanner? The easiest way to lighten up is ordinary shower gels, especially those containing small balls to enhance the effect. These products are especially effective immediately after applying self-tanning, when it “grabs”, it will not work much to lighten the skin tone.

Another option on how to wash off self-tanning is to walk over the body with a stiff brush or washcloth. But only a high-quality body scrub will help to simply and quickly wash off self-tanning at home. In heavily colored areas, you can use baking soda, only after that the skin should be well treated with cream.

Indications and contraindications

Many women are interested in whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin. A good, high-quality product with a normal composition will not harm, so it is very important to navigate correctly when choosing a drug and its manufacturer. If there is only one poisonous “chemistry” in the composition, naturally, using it can cause harm, no matter if it is self-tanning or any other cosmetic product.

As for whether it is possible for pregnant women to use self-tanning, there are no direct prohibitions on this.

Of course, self-tanning during pregnancy is recommended to be used in doses, best of all limited to the face and limbs, and when applied to the whole body, focus on the most natural formulations, while being afraid of allergies. A test is required. Only then self-tanning during pregnancy will not cause harm.

For those who do not have time to sunbathe on the beach or do not want to succumb to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation in the solarium, there is a great solution. You can achieve a golden skin color with the help of the so-called self-tanning, creating the illusion of being in the sun. However, you need to know how to apply it correctly. After all, you can get not an even shade, but ugly spots.

All self-tanners contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is this component that colors the skin integument in a dark color. Depending on the chosen means, the color development time is different - from twenty minutes to several hours. If the result lives up to expectations, you will have to carry out color therapy in this way twice a week. Self-tanning has no special contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components present. Self-tanning has a lot of advantages, which are as follows:
  1. The ability to instantly get a gorgeous skin tone is the fastest way.
  2. No risk of burns.
  3. Self-tanning allows you to even out the complexion of the skin, which makes it an alternative to foundation.
  4. The tool perfectly masks circles under the eyes.
  5. Hides small flaws on the body - defects, small scars.
  6. "Fast weight loss", because the dark body seems slimmer.
  7. Makes cellulite invisible.
Before applying self-tanning, it is recommended to prepare the skin for the procedure:
  • All preparatory activities consist of cleansing the body with a scrubbing agent, peeling and include depilation.
  • However, after the bath, do not rush to apply the composition: irritation should disappear from the skin, and enlarged pores should close.
  • If you have very dry skin, then you should moisturize it first.
  • If you are a blonde, then tie a scarf, a towel or a hat on your head, otherwise your hair may be stained.
  • Apply a rich cream on your eyebrows.
  • Cover your hands with cream, you can also use cellophane gloves.
  • A little oily cream will do well on the elbows and knees to prevent the formation of a very dark shade.
It is better to purchase a cream, as the spray leaves streaks behind, although it is intended for quick application. If you want to get a refreshing effect as a bonus, then buy self-tanning gel consistency. The milk is absorbed for a long time, so it is suitable for ladies who have enough time for the procedure. When applying self-tanner in the form of milk or cream, it is worth choosing one direction (top down or bottom up) so as not to get confused. Otherwise, you run the risk of re-treatment. Lastly, knees, elbows, the space between the fingers are stained. The same goes for the feet and the inside of the arms, the folds. To apply the product on the back, invite an assistant. Rub in circular motions. Particular attention should be paid to the nails. Spray on starting at the feet and moving towards the thighs. Perform up and down movements. On the décolleté, chest and belly, spray the self-tanner in a circular motion. Hands are processed first from the outside, then from the inside, moving from the hands to the shoulders. Then the back is painted. And at the end of the procedure, the shoulders. Knees, elbows, ankles need a minimum amount of substance.

Try to distribute the product evenly and act quickly. Remember that it is better to take a smaller amount of self-tanning than to overdo it, because if you get an excessively dark color, it will be difficult to wash it off, you will have to spend more than one day. In addition, there is a risk of getting stripes and spots. And so you can make an additional layer at any time. For the face, you should use a special self-tanner with a gentle composition that has a gentle effect, a body product will not work. First you need to cleanse your face using a moisturizing toner. When applying self-tanner, do not touch the area around the eyes. To prevent the “mask effect”, at the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer along the hairline so that the transition of shades is soft.

After contact with self-tanner, wash your hands well using soap, as this tool can quickly appear on the cuticles, palms and between the fingers. It is also worth brushing your nails with a brush so that they do not turn black. Wait another 10 minutes for the self-tanner to soak in before getting dressed. Do not wear light-colored clothing, it can be stained! Do not shower for several hours!

To wash off self-tanning, you should thoroughly walk over the body with a scrub and a hard washcloth, for example, from a loofah. You can use hydrogen peroxide or, alternatively, a more gentle option - lemon juice. If you only want to soften the resulting streaks or blemishes, go over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that contains bumps with a slice of lemon.

When applying self-tanning, it is recommended to always follow these rules in order to prevent oddities, whether they are spots or streaks. When buying a new brand, be sure to test the product on a small area so as not to get an unnatural carrot color. If you apply self-tanning all over the body, then it will be difficult to wash off the shade that did not suit you, and you still have to walk with it for a couple of days.

An even and beautiful tan is what many of us would like to have, regardless of the season. Sunburn visually smoothes the skin, makes the figure slimmer, but it is not so easy to achieve it. To do this, you need to regularly visit the solarium, and in the summer - the beach. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, moreover, for many, ultraviolet irradiation is contraindicated either for health reasons or due to an increased risk of skin diseases. In this case, self-tanning can come to the rescue. This is a completely safe remedy that in a couple of hours causes a very superficial staining of skin cells, as if you were in the sun for several hours, but it does not have any harmful effects, unlike ultraviolet radiation, so the rumors that self-tanning is harmful are absolutely groundless: the only drawback of self-tanning is that the substance that causes it is alcohol-soluble, so products containing it can dry the skin. Recently, the vast majority of self-tanning products contain moisturizing ingredients in order to eliminate the drying effect of alcohol, so this harmful effect is minimized.

Now about how to apply self-tanner. Many tried to use such means and were dissatisfied, arguing that the effect of it is not what was expected. The overwhelming number of complaints contains a mention of uneven coloring, the presence of spots and stains. In fact, this is not due to the tool itself, but to the fact that those who used it did not study the information on how to apply self-tanner. If you choose the right product and properly prepare for the procedure, the tanning effect will be natural and even.

Before applying self-tanner, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin to get rid of the layer of dead cells and make it more even. Be sure to epilate a few days before the procedure so that the skin after it is no longer inflamed, and the hairs do not grow back enough to retain self-tanning. The skin must not only be thoroughly washed with a washcloth, but also use body peeling products to make it as smooth as possible.

Also, before applying self-tanning, you need to carefully choose a product. Now most manufacturers produce entire lines of products for different types and skin tones, so you can choose a cream in full accordance with your own characteristics. It is advisable to use different products from the same series for the face and body in order to observe the characteristics of the skin in different parts of the body and at the same time achieve a complete match of shades. If you have friends with your skin tone who practice this procedure, ask them, they can advise, a consultation with a cosmetologist or communication on a specialized forum will also be useful.

For beginners, the ideal products are those that are absorbed fairly quickly and therefore do not form greasy smudges, which in a few hours will appear in the form of bright or, on the contrary, pale stripes. For ease of application, it is best to choose a tinted product so that you can visually determine the uniformity of its application.

Before applying self-tanning, those places that are undesirable to be painted over intensively, for example, eyebrows or scars, can be treated with a protective cream or lotion so that bright spots do not form in these places.

Self-tanner is best applied from the bottom up, wearing gloves, so that the palms do not acquire an intense brown or red color. No less careful should be done with the navel, elbows, knees, armpits and other folds - it is advisable to get the excess wet after applying the product to these areas, otherwise these places will become the brightest. After 15 minutes, the application field should be distributed evenly again with a dry cloth or an unnecessary mitten, after which it will be possible to get dressed. These 15 minutes must be spent standing up so that the self-tanner does not remain on the furniture.