An interesting gift for a wedding anniversary. years - lavender wedding. Let's talk about wedding symbols

1 year. Calico wedding. First modest anniversary. Honeymoon passed and the young people really got to know each other and felt what family life is like. On this anniversary, young people can give each other items made from chintz. Relatives and friends follow the same rule.

2 years. Paper wedding. Relationships are still very fragile and can easily tear like paper. It is customary to give notepads, postcards, notebooks, calendars, books, photo albums or paper money.

3 years. Leather wedding. The relationship has already become stronger. They give leather wallets, belts, purses, and key rings.

4 years. Linen (wax) wedding. Slowly wealth comes to the house. It's the turn of flax. They give linen towels, sheets, tablecloths and beautiful candles. On this day, a candlelit dinner is held.

5 years. Wooden wedding. The first serious anniversary of a young family. The family is already quite strong, but wood burns well. Therefore, there is a danger of fires - family quarrels. For this celebration, you can give wooden souvenirs, jewelry, household items, boxes, spoons and carved crafts.

6 years. Cast iron (cypress, rowan) wedding. They give cast iron pots, pans, etc. The rowan bunch is a symbol of the family hearth. Keeps love alive. Brings his son home. On this day, the house is decorated with rowan branches.

6.5 years. Zinc wedding. She reminds us that scraps, like galvanized cookware, need to be polished from time to time. They give galvanized utensils. In order to keep the heat in the shower, pieces of zinc are thrown out the window.

7 years. Copper wedding. Copper is a durable, beautiful and quite valuable material. On this day, spouses can exchange copper coins - a symbol of further have a prosperous life. Copper products can serve as gifts.

8 years. Tin (poppy) wedding. Sparkling tin is a symbol of renewal of relationships. The best gift is shiny kitchen utensils: baking dishes, trays, buckets. You can also donate household appliances.

9 years. Faience wedding. They give a variety of dishes, cups, vases made of earthenware, crystal, and glass.

10 years. A pink (tin, amber) wedding marks the first decade of marriage. The relationship between spouses is strong, time-tested. Everyone who attended the wedding is invited. Wife can wear pink dress. Relatives and friends can also wear roses (in their hair, on their dress, in their hand...). A husband gives his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses - a symbol of love and fidelity. Relatives and friends also give the spouses roses and everything connected with them. As well as products made of tin and amber.

11 years. Steel wedding. They give dishes from of stainless steel or items containing a steel tint in their color.

12 years old. Nickel (silk) wedding. Reminds spouses to maintain the shine of their marriage. They give nickel-plated dishes and silk products.

13 years old. Lace (woolen) wedding. They give items made of lace or wool.

14 years old. Agate wedding. Guests bring gifts of agate jewelry and ivory figurines.

15 years. Glass (crystal) wedding. As a sign of purity marital relations It is advisable to make gifts in the form of glass and crystal products.

17 years. Tin wedding. On this anniversary, the spouses are given pewter items.

18 years. Turquoise wedding. Guests give turquoise jewelry.

19 years. Krypton wedding.

20 years. Porcelain wedding Counts. that by this time only memories remained of the old sets. It is advisable to set the table with new porcelain. Therefore, porcelain sets are given as gifts for this anniversary.

21 years old. Opal wedding. Guests give jewelry with opals.

22 years old. Bronze wedding. They give bronze items.

23 years old. Beryl wedding.

24 years. Satin wedding.

25 years. silver wedding. Marks a quarter of a century lived together. Family union noble as silver. Its strength no longer depends on any accidents. Silver Jubilee can be solemnly celebrated in the registry office or the Wedding Palace where the marriage was registered. The whole family gathers for the celebration. Spouses can exchange silver rings. Guests also give silver or silver-plated items.

26 years. Jade wedding.

27 years. Mahogany wedding. Guests give items made of mahogany.

29 years. Velvet wedding. Spouses are given velvet clothes.

30 years. Pearl wedding. This is a symbol of the fact that the past thirty years married life, like pearls, strung on a thread of time. The relationship between the spouses has not faded, just like natural pearls. A husband gives his wife a string with thirty pearls - according to the number of years she has lived. They give natural mother-of-pearl pearls.

31 year. Dark wedding.

34 years. Amber wedding. Amber jewelry can be gifts for this anniversary.

35 years. Linen (coral) wedding. A linen tablecloth is presented as a gift - a symbol of peace, prosperity and home comfort. Or you can surprise everyone present and give real corals.

37 years. Muslin wedding.

37.5 years old. Aluminum wedding. Symbolizes long and durable family relationships. Aluminum products are given as gifts.

38 years. Mercury wedding.

39 years. Crepe wedding.

40 years. Ruby wedding. Spouses can encrust ruby ​​in their wedding rings. Or a husband can give his wife a ruby ​​ring.

42 years. Mother of pearl wedding.

43 years. Flannel wedding.

44 years old. Topaz wedding. They give jewelry with topaz.

45 years. Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity. And this anniversary symbolizes the spouses’ loyalty to each other.

46 years old. Lavender wedding. You can give each other a bouquet of lavender, which retains its tenderness even after so many years.

47 years old. Cashmere wedding. Guests give cashmere clothes that are as warm and cozy as the relationship between spouses.

48 years old. Amethyst wedding. In token of marital fidelity husband gives his wife amethyst jewelry

49 years old. Cedar wedding. Relationships are as strong and reliable as this tree.

50 years. Golden wedding. Husband and wife exchange gold rings. The golden anniversary can be celebrated solemnly at the Wedding Palace or the registry office at the place of marriage registration or place of residence.

55 years. Emerald wedding. They give emerald jewelry.

60 years. Diamond (platinum) wedding. The couple lived together for 60 years, withstanding the storms of fate like a diamond. This means that no one and nothing can dissolve such a long marriage. On this anniversary, guests give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

65 years old. Iron wedding. It couldn't be any stronger. The couple has already proven everything to everyone! Now they can enjoy the attention of their children and grandchildren.

67.5 years old. Stone wedding. And a stone is capable of destroying time, but love, tested by such a period, cannot be destroyed by anything or anyone.

70 years old. Grace wedding. This is the anniversary of married life, when they look back at their grown-up grandchildren and great-grandchildren and understand that love sent from heaven is grace and true happiness.

75 years old. Crown (alabaster, last) wedding. Crowns a long and happy life together.

80 years old. Oak wedding. Family life is as long-lived as this tree.

100 years. Red wedding. This name for the centennial faithful marital anniversary was proposed by 126-year-old Niftulla Agayev from the high mountain village of Zuvuch in Azerbaijan, who lived a whole century in love and harmony with 116-year-old Balabeim Agayeva.

Wedding statistics are impressive, according to the Moscow registry office.
6,130 couples celebrated their golden wedding (50 years);
The emerald wedding (55 years) is behind 2,467 couples;
There are also Diamond Wedding (60th Anniversary) celebrants, a total of 1020 pairs;
And the Iron Wedding (65 years) was celebrated by 49 Moscow couples;
20 families celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary!

What's your anniversary?

What to gift:

Calico wedding - first marriage anniversary

A year after marriage, the young spouses celebrate their first joint anniversary - their wedding anniversary. This important date for the family is called “ chintz wedding", and she has quite a lot of traditions. You should know what you need to give each other, with whom to celebrate your first wedding anniversary, where to celebrate the festive event.

A lot depends on how the first anniversary goes, so it is important to observe all the customs and have a fun celebration with your loved ones. Such a holiday should be remembered for many years.

Explanation of the name “calico wedding”

To the question why the first wedding anniversary is called calico, there is a simple answer - it symbolizes the degree of strength of the marriage. Chintz is a very thin material that can tear without the slightest effort. However, it has many bright colors, and the cost per meter is low. This is the meaning of the name “chintz wedding” - the relationship after 1 year from the wedding day is still fragile, fragile, and can collapse due to troubles and quarrels.

Love between young spouses for 1 year life together does not subside, it is as bright and varied as the colors of chintz. Even frequent quarrels are not worth attention, quickly forgotten after hugs and kisses. In addition, it is believed that this is the time for young people to have a child. Often, thin diapers for newborns, baby vests, scarves, and bed linen are sewn from chintz; this is another hint at the name of the anniversary.

Previously, guests gave spouses pieces of chintz fabric for baby diapers, and wide strips of chintz for sheets and duvet covers for the family bed. They wished the future or born baby health, strength, for long years life so that he would jump out of calico swaddling faster. Young spouses, on the contrary, were advised not to get out of bed for a longer time, washing the clothes on it with active actions until it became gauze. It is because of such hints that a chintz wedding is also called a gauze wedding.

Traditions associated with the first marriage anniversary

The first anniversary of marriage is rich interesting traditions and customs that will be remembered for many years. A year after the wedding, spouses should take several actions to contribute to the longevity of the marriage bond and strengthen family life. You should not neglect the signs on your first common anniversary, because each year of marriage involves observing its own customs and rules.

A chintz wedding has long had the following traditions:

  • on the first anniversary of marriage, spouses are obliged to invite all friends, relatives present at the wedding, and witnesses to the wedding;
  • On this day, a husband and wife open one of two bottles of champagne that have been stored at home since the date wedding celebration, the second had to be uncorked after the birth of the first child;
  • the husband should give his beloved wife a cotton elegant dress, and the wife is obliged to prepare a new chintz shirt for her husband as a gift;
  • the room for meeting guests should be decorated with chintz curtains, a bright tablecloth made of this symbolic material should be laid on the table, napkins and towels should be prepared;
  • guests should give the newlyweds things made of chintz for their anniversary, accompanying the presentation of the gift with wishes and instructions to live in happiness for many years.

Most main tradition It is considered tying knots on scarves. In the morning, spouses are obliged to give each other, in addition to their outfits, a new cotton scarf for the first anniversary of their marriage. Moreover, you need to not just exchange scarves, but tie knots on them. You need to take the handkerchief by the opposite ends, holding it diagonally, tie a knot on the side of the husband and wife, wishing each other many years of marriage and love.

Charmed handkerchiefs should be kept throughout your life together, so that after many years you can take them out, remember this ritual and rejoice happy years marriage.

Tips for guests on what to give for a chintz wedding anniversary

A chintz wedding involves a noisy celebration and inviting friends to the anniversary of marriage. No matter how many other anniversaries there may be over many years, this is the very first, which is why it is so important for spouses. Guests must decide in advance how to congratulate the newlyweds and what to give for their anniversary.

The very name “chintz wedding” dictates to the guests the requirements for souvenirs and gifts - they must be made of chintz. There are many options for gifts for the anniversary of married life. As many guests as there are, so many different packages or boxes with chintz items should be received by the spouses at the holiday, because any store will offer a lot of options to choose from.

Here are some ideas for gift ideas for your first marriage anniversary:

  • cotton bed linen, bright beautiful pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover;
  • sets of thin diapers, if the family already has a baby;
  • tablecloths, chintz napkins, colored curtains for the kitchen;
  • an apron with oven mitts for the wife, towels;
  • scarves, handkerchiefs with bright designs;
  • toys with soft fillings, panels.

A friend, sister or mother can give a young wife a cotton robe for the house, a dress, a sundress, a shirt, packing the gift in a bag tied with ribbons and a bow. In turn, the mother-in-law or sister can give the husband a shirt or bright rompers for his son. Spouses will like it funny toys hand-sewn from colored scraps.

For the first anniversary of married life, you can give a pair of identical soft toys made yourself or bought in a store. These can be two hares, a bear cub, a hedgehog, funny people, soft hearts made of fabric. Many years later, the spouses will take them off the shelf and remember the bright moments of the first year of marriage.

If you have the ability and talent, you are encouraged to donate handmade crafts made from chintz material. It can be:

  • fashionable apron with lace inserts;
  • fabric-covered sofa cushions;
  • a napkin or tablecloth embroidered with bright threads;
  • letters from fabric, for example, can be cut out using a stencil and sewn soft volumetric letters for the words “wedding”, “1 year anniversary”, “anniversary”.

You can give anything you choose, the main thing is that the gift pleases the spouses and even after many years of marriage reminds them of the first anniversary of their life together.

Ideas for celebrating your first marriage anniversary

There are many options for celebrating your first wedding anniversary. It all depends on how many guests will come to the celebration and where the holiday will be celebrated. If there are guests main question- what to give to the newlyweds, the spouses begin to think about how to celebrate the date.

Here interesting tips for a fun party:

  • if the anniversary falls in the summer, you can gather friends and celebrate the anniversary in nature - all you need is treats, drinks and a good mood;
  • you can celebrate at home, in the country, by the river, in a cafe or restaurant - it all depends on desire and possibilities married couple;
  • if you want to spend a holiday together, you need to prepare dinner in advance, decorate the room, table, choose music at home or book a table in a restaurant;
  • in the design of a room or hall it is better to use White color, decorating walls, windows, tables with stripes of chintz;
  • V warm time year, you can ask all guests to come to the anniversary in cotton clothes, just like spouses should dress;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a fun photo session with all the guests, using fabrics and toys for decoration;
  • In order not to get bored, you should think through the scenario in advance, select competitions and tasks;
  • You can end the holiday with fireworks, shots from firecrackers, lanterns launched into the sky, or bundles of balloons.

Competitions for guests at the chintz wedding anniversary

So as not to miss festive table, you can play with guests funny Games or competitions. Here are a couple of examples to get you in a fun mood.

Compliment competition

All guests should be divided into 2 teams - a husband and wife support group. Spouses should be at the head of the teams, let them stand opposite each other. Guests should take turns giving compliments and tender words. sweet words, praising spouses from someone else's team. Whose team, husband or wife, turns out to be more talkative, will win.

Button competition

The housewife should prepare in advance 2 pieces of calico, 2 needles and threads, scissors, and various buttons. Guests are divided into identical teams. For a period of time, for example 10 minutes, team members must take turns sewing a button onto the fabric each, while giving each husband and wife a compliment. Whoever turns out to be more original and faster will receive a prize - a potholder, handkerchief or napkin from the spouses.

Can you remember fun competitions from the wedding and repeat them with the guests, choose your favorite music, hire a toastmaster and a photographer - let the memories of the calico wedding anniversary remain in your memory and in photographs even after 30-40 years. How it will be more interesting anniversary, the stronger the relationship between spouses will be in the future.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

Have you been invited to such a celebration, but you don’t know what to give for your wedding anniversary? They can help you simple recommendations specialists, as well as unusual and original ideas.

What unusual gift should you give for your wedding anniversary?

If you don't know how to give a wedding anniversary gift to your significant other or friends who invited you to this holiday, check out some general rules and traditions.

The first wedding anniversary is usually called “calico,” so traditionally a young married couple was given calico intended for sewing baby diapers. At that time, a married couple was usually already expecting the birth of their first child. Nowadays, few people have children immediately after marriage, and chintz is no longer considered a valuable gift, but the tradition of giving textiles for a “chintz” wedding has still been preserved.

An original wedding anniversary gift for a married couple who has been living under the same roof for a year would be warm blanket, a beautiful elegant tablecloth, curtains and even expensive items. Practical and a useful gift There will also be two bath or warm pajamas. Canvas painting depicting a couple in love who have been living together for one year - another unusual gift for a wedding anniversary, which will evoke warm, pleasant emotions.

On paper wedding You can present a photo album, notebook or fiction. Four years after marriage they celebrate linen wedding On this day, spouses are traditionally given linen products - towels, tablecloths, napkins. Five years of marriage are known as wooden wedding, no matter how trite, but on this day they give any kind.

Pink wedding– ten years of married life, spouses are given bouquets of red roses. Fifteen years - glass wedding, you can come to congratulate your family or friends on this day with a set of dishes.

What gift should you give for your wedding anniversary after 20 years? You can bring a set of porcelain dishes, because on this day you will need new porcelain dishes.

Regardless of the date of the years lived together, gifts should be made from the heart and with a pure heart.

How to give a wedding anniversary gift to husband and wife?

What wedding anniversary gift should you give your loved one? A man to the beloved woman with whom he is connected marriage ties, can give, elegant, perfumes, certainly, such gifts will be pleasant for every woman. Wives are increasingly giving theirs shirts, ties, and watches. However, we should not forget that a husband to his wife or a wife to her husband on their wedding day can give not only things, but also impressions.

Intimate gifts are one of the options to pleasantly surprise your soulmate. This could be erotic lingerie, intimate board or card games, all this will lift the spirits of two people in love. You can arrange for your loved one romantic dinner or invite you on a date. A walk on a yacht, on horseback or in a limousine is a pastime in Once again will remind you of tender feelings and love. If your husband or wife is one of the extreme people, they will certainly be delighted by a flight hot-air balloon or skydiving.

Romantic people will be grateful to their husbands for such a gift as a family photo session. Some people may also enjoy attending educational master classes, trainings or excursions together. In order for the gift to be useful and pleasant, you should know exactly what your loved one is interested in - cooking, classical or modern dancing, effective methods increasing sales efficiency.

The brightest wedding photos as a gift for a wedding anniversary is also a good option. Photos can be placed in photo frames and hung on the wall in your bedroom.

Gifts not only for the soul, but also for the body can bring pleasure. You can present your loved one with certificates for a spa treatment for two, a steam room or a relaxing session. People in love will be able to relax and have a good time together.

Is it possible or not to give money for a wedding anniversary?

If no wedding anniversary gift ideas suit you because you don’t know what exactly your friends are into, the idea of ​​giving money comes up. This is also a good option, but money as a wedding anniversary gift is not always suitable for everyone.

Giving money is always easier, because this way you can save yourself from having to go shopping in search of a suitable gift. Also, many people decide to donate money because a married couple always knows what their family needs the most, so the purchase will be more useful. However, when you decide to give money, you should understand that it is faceless; after a while, the spouses will not even remember what you gave them.

You can donate money in the following cases:

  • you were invited shortly before the holiday and you don’t have time to choose a gift;
  • you know that a married couple needs money;
  • You are one of the relatives or closest friends of a married couple celebrating their wedding anniversary.

Before you decide what is the best way to give money, you should know when not to give it.

It is better to refuse such a decision if:

  • spouses much older or younger than you;
  • one of the spouses is your boss;
  • the people who invited you to your wedding anniversary are quite wealthy and do not need money.

If a young married couple does not need money, buy them tickets to the theater, concert or Gift certificates that contribute to a pleasant or useful pastime. On their wedding anniversary, parents can give their children vouchers for a tourist trip to the sea.

1 year of marriage (calico wedding) is the first small anniversary for a married couple. The newlyweds are still getting used to each other and living together. During this period it is very important positive emotions and demonstration of deep feelings. To make the first anniversary memorable for a long time, it is important to know what kind of wedding it is, what to give as a gift and how to celebrate properly.

What wedding

1 year of marriage is called a calico wedding. According to ancient tradition, on the first anniversary it was customary to give cloth for diapers. At this time, the first-born child usually appeared in the family, so such a gift was relevant. According to another version, the anniversary got its name due to the fact that the newlyweds had not yet had time to buy bed linen, towels and other fabric products. Some compare chintz to the feelings in the first year of marriage. The fabric is bright and colorful, but at the same time fragile.


It is customary to celebrate the first wedding anniversary in a grand manner, but not in a restaurant or cafe. For this purpose would be better suited dacha or Vacation home. A rich table is a sign that a comfortable life awaits the newlyweds, so it is not customary to skimp on treats. During the holiday, everyone congratulates the spouses and makes toasts to their health and well-being.

Previously, for a chintz wedding, the newlyweds themselves embroidered a chintz tablecloth, expressing their love for each other, but now this tradition is not so popular. Use as much fabric as possible to decorate the room. Tie a knot from a cotton scarf and hang it in a visible place. This is a symbol strong marriage. Do not forget that the wife must wear a chintz dress to the celebration. You need to wear it from morning to evening and take it off only before going to bed. It is believed that then the spouse will have a happy family life. The husband puts on a shirt made of thin cotton fabric with a bright pattern.

On their wedding day, many newlyweds are given 2 bottles of champagne tied together. It is customary to open one of them on the first anniversary of marriage, and the second on the birthday of the first child. The drink is drunk with guests under nice wishes and toasts from those present. There should be a lot of guests at the celebration. Invite everyone you love and support warm relations. The more guests there are, the longer the newlyweds will live in happiness and harmony.

What to give your spouse

Just a few decades ago, husbands received a gift for a chintz wedding underwear from thin fabric. Nowadays it is also common to give intimate gifts. A robe is considered a very popular gift. You can also order a T-shirt or shirt with original drawing or a phrase that is understandable only to spouses.

If the holiday falls during the cold season, give your husband Warm scarf or a blanket. remember, that best gift- This is a handmade item. Sew your spouse original case for phone or tablet. Remember that many men love cars and everything connected with them. If your husband has a car, try making interior cushions.

What to give to your wife

A chintz dress is considered a mandatory gift for a chintz wedding to a wife from her husband. The same gifts can be presented by relatives or girlfriends of newlyweds, but not by men. Don't skimp and don't stop at one gift. Pamper your loved one with an elegant robe or a beautiful underwear. Binding to chintz is optional these days, so consider silk or cambric options.

When choosing a gift for your first wedding anniversary, consider your wife's preferences. Some young women will find a cookbook from a famous chef an excellent present, others will be indignant. Traditional gift from a man are considered Jewelry. If you decide to present a ring, it should be thin, elegant and without a stone. In addition, collect a bouquet of flowers and a fruit basket for your beloved.

Present each other with cotton scarves, say vows during the celebration and tie one knot at a time

Most beautiful ladies love to eat sweets. Prepare for your wife an assortment of chocolates or any other dessert and pack it in a box decorated with ribbons. If you know exactly your partner’s tastes in perfumes, order perfume or soap for her self made. This will demonstrate your attention and care.

Young women are usually more prone to romance, so you can make a collage of joint photos, edit a video, write a song. Feel free to connect to creative process friends, this will make the gift even more meaningful. Present each other with cotton scarves, say vows during the celebration and tie one knot at a time. It symbolizes 1 year of marriage. Store the scarves and tie a new knot for each anniversary.

Gifts from guests

Close relatives traditionally give clothes for the newlyweds and children, bed linen, tablecloths, and curtains for a chintz wedding. You should not give large bulky bouquets; it is better to opt for elegant compositions of wildflowers. Distant relatives usually give textiles for the kitchen: aprons, potholders. Songs, poems and toasts are expected from friends and acquaintances, but it wouldn’t hurt to take some of the traditional gifts.

Now the concept of a chintz wedding has been slightly interpreted, so you can give everything that a young family needs: household appliances, dishes, decorative items, furniture. If you creative person, come up with something original. For example, paint a picture using chintz. This gift will be both traditional and exclusive.

The anniversary of family life is celebrated by almost all young couples and it is called a calico wedding. The newlyweds invite the closest guests who were at the wedding to the celebration. What is given to a couple, husband, wife for a chintz wedding, what parents should give to the newlyweds - this is discussed in the article.

Nadezhda welcomes you!

  • Symbolic rituals.
  • Gifts for husband, wife.
  • Parents give.
  • Gifts from guests.
  • What should you not give?
  • Entertainment at the party.

A year ago, the stormy wedding celebrations died down and 365 days of the newlyweds’ life together passed. Is it a lot or a little? Enough to fully enjoy each other and not yet much to finally get used to each other.

  • Chintz symbolizes that the sheets on the young people’s bed have been worn down to gauze in the year of stormy passions and that the relationship between them is still fragile, like fabric. Probably for this reason, the wedding anniversary is also called a gauze wedding.

So everything is in order!

Symbolic rituals.

Unlike other celebrations, the table needs to be covered only with a chintz tablecloth. In the old days, the bride herself embroidered the tablecloth for her anniversary. Now she can decorate the tablecloth with multi-colored buttons and place flowers on the table.

A cotton napkin is prepared for each guest. Later you can also install paper ones.

The feast is not made magnificent; more time is spent on presenting gifts, wishes and competitions.

From the wedding, the newlyweds keep 2 bottles of donated champagne. The young ones are now uncorking one and treating all the guests. According to another version of the holiday, the spouses drink this champagne themselves.

The second bottle will wait for the firstborn.

Gifts for husband, wife.

Let the guests taste the champagne, eat some appetizers and continue the evening presenting gifts to each other. It's part of the ritual and will set the overall mood for the party.

Previously, for the first year of the wedding, spouses gave calico handkerchiefs. Then, right at the celebration, little knots were tied on them, which meant a declaration of love and fidelity. The husband and wife took an oath, and hid the handkerchiefs in a secret place and kept them all their lives.

Do not discard this symbolic ritual, do everything as written above, say words of love and fidelity and let the handkerchiefs be kept until the golden wedding.

A wife can give her husband a shirt, and a husband can give his wife a sundress or a chintz tunic. You can leave and change into donated clothes, then begin accepting gifts from those invited.

Options in video

Parents give.

Parents have a special mission; with their gift they must hint to their children that it is time to increase the family and give them grandchildren. Traditionally it is believed that they should give something made of fabric for the unborn child, as our great-grandmothers did.

In ancient times, clothes for children were prepared in advance. Because it was necessary to make fabric, process it, sew clothes by hand, and such a gift was very much appreciated. The family was created for procreation; there were “as many children as God pleases” in the family.

Now times have changed, young people sometimes have different priorities. Many people consider buying children's things in advance a bad omen.

Therefore, parents can donate a piece of diapers or a set bed linen and at the same time hint that they are expecting a new addition to the family and are ready to help with the baby. This is a symbolic part, the second part most likely has already been given as a gift during the year, or you can time a major purchase to coincide with your wedding anniversary.

The mother-in-law gives her daughter-in-law a beautiful chintz dress, which means her blessing for the future happy life son's family. Original present mother-in-law - a picture embroidered on fabric.

Often parents give a symbolic horseshoe made of any material to attract prosperity to the home.

The mother-in-law can knit a sweater for her son-in-law, and a scarf from the same material for her daughter, thereby emphasizing the unity of the spouses.

Any jewelry for the newlyweds - paired pendants with their names, pendants with the number one.

Parents support financially in every possible way new family and any valuable gift will be a good support for them.

The presentation of gifts occurs with numerous wishes from parents.

Audio greeting on the phone

The best gift is the one that will surprise and delight. Order an audio greeting for a specific time - it could be in the morning or when all the guests are sitting at the table. This gift will be appreciated by everyone present.

Gifts from guests.

The name chintz wedding speaks for itself and the priority when donating is items made from any fabric, currently not necessarily chintz.

During the year of marriage, the family did not have time to settle down completely and curtains, towels, bedspreads, kitchen aprons, oven mitts, bed linen, T-shirts, home clothes- all this will be useful on the farm.

Items made of fabric can be with hand embroidery, which is highly valued as an exclusive copy. The newlyweds will love this gift.

In fact, do not buy a set of beautiful bed linen made from chintz, since it fades quickly, preferably silk, calico, satin, or the now fashionable linen with plant fibers made from bamboo.

Doubles T-shirts with drawings or inscriptions for young spouses. They will be happy to wear them at every opportunity.

For this first anniversary, a gift to a young couple must contain one of the above, as a symbol of the holiday, reminding the young that the most difficult year is behind them.

If the symbolic gift turned out to be inexpensive, add some of the more valuable things for new family. It could be any Appliances, furniture, tableware, certificates, vacation packages...

Don't forget to prepare congratulatory speech, you can in poetic form and put them to music. Video greetings, albums, posters, collages, photographs in an original frame are suitable. Make the moment of congratulations a small performance!

What should you not give?

There are many options, a young family needs a variety of things, but some prefer to give money. This is only permissible if you discuss this option with your spouses in advance. Otherwise, such a gift is considered disrespectful; you did not want to spend time searching and purchasing the desired item.