Happy birthday to a girl. Happy birthday greetings to a creative person in prose

There is no more beautiful woman in the world than a dear birthday girl. I congratulate you with all my heart. You combine amazing grace, ease of gait, talent and unsurpassed optimism. May all these qualities attract loyal friends and wealthy admirers to you. I wish you never lose heart and always be on top. ©

Happy birthday amazing and beautiful, gorgeous and amazing beautiful woman. When you were born into this world, all the stars faded before your beauty. You are charming and attractive. May your life be full of many pleasures and happy minutes. I wish you never be sad and strive only forward. ©

Today, a wonderful man and a stunningly beautiful woman, talented and charming, modest and charming, smart and kind, were born in the world. You are one of the most the best people that I have ever met in this world. Your talents know no bounds. You are amazing and wonderful. So let you be lucky in fate. May disappointment never come into your life. ©

Congratulations on a solemn and wonderful day, happy birthday dear birthday girl, a beautiful woman, a hardworking employee, an excellent hostess and a wonderful wife and mother. May your every day be filled with light. May your eyes always shine and the fire in your chest never fades. I wish you fabulous happy life. ©

On this day, a queen was born on earth. There can be only one such woman. It is impossible to describe all your qualities and virtues. You are adorable. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good and light. May you flourish every day. May life be happy and joyful. I wish you full attention and adoration. ©

Happy birthday to a great man and a wonderful woman. I want your beauty to flourish. Let every new day bring you unforgettable impressions, a lot of luck and joy. May you be the happiest, most beloved and desired. May your hearth always be warmed with warmth and care, respect for loved ones. ©

I congratulate with all my heart a wonderful and beautiful woman, the most talented, intelligent and wonderful. You are a wonderful person, whose example I want to imitate. You never lose heart and are always in a good mood. Thank you for being in our life. You taught everyone a lot. I wish you to remain always the same bright and joyful. ©

On the name day, I want to congratulate a wonderful person, a beautiful woman and wish a lot of happiness, oceans of joy, love, streams of smiles and light. May your soul always be warmed by the warmth and tenderness of loved ones. I wish you good friends and favorite work that would bring satisfaction. Wish creativity and implementation of all ideas. ©

May all the dreams of a beautiful woman come true on her birthday. After all, she is the guardian of the hearth. She always helps her loved ones with her care. The woman never complains. May the day birth will pass excellent and will give many joyful moments and happiness. May this day be remembered for a long time. ©

Happy birthday, beautiful woman! You have a holiday today, which means that many friends and relatives will come to congratulate you. Let the guests be asked, wishes pleasant, gifts welcome. May the most daring desires come true today, fantasies and dreams come true. May this day be great and will be remembered for a long time. ©

You are the sun girl
You are a happy girl
You bring joy
And you give participation
You are filled with light
A smile brings warmth
Recognized as the first beauty.
There is no one more beautiful

Happy birthday, darling,
I congratulate you,
You will be the happiest
This I promise you!

It's time to catch luck by the tail
Beat all the aces with trump cards!
These girls don't cry
Even during thunderstorms.
So be happier and richer
Have whatever is on your mind.
Try to be clear
Where and how to step in fate!

Happy birthday happy!
He came and warmed us.
Be always so beautiful
The most slender among the bodies!
Let your smile shine
In the darkness like a ray of light.
And everything opens doors
Like a universal key!

You are a cool girl
Support for your friends
And today is my birthday
Don't lose your passion!
Let the boys stack
Fall at your feet
So that everyone is for you
I was able to get the moon from the sky,
To the envy of all girlfriends
You shone like a star
Stay sweet and gentle
And always beautiful.

I congratulate you,
Happy birthday to you!
Happiness, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
And everything-everything-everything.
the most beautiful
Warm, bright, bright days,
firmament clear,
Faithful, devoted friends.
Always be loved
Live without regret
And celebrate fun
This birthday!

Beautiful like the sun
Proud like a queen
You step everywhere
The gait of a lioness.

I love you all
All your expressions!
I give you my heart
On your birthday!

Your name is like light of music,
Your name is a sacred bouquet.
Your name is like a song to me
And I believe that we will always be together.

Now I wish you
Huge, pure beauty.
And I know, I know for sure
What will come true cherished dreams.

You are so beautiful, so smart
You are so cherished, I need you.
AND your name- melodic romance
In which there is no deceit.

Happy birthday! I wish the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. May you be successful, healthy, full of strength and energy. Beauty, enjoy every day. May everything be fine with you.

Happy birthday to a wonderful girl. I wish you to laugh heartily, smile sincerely, always hope only for the good, constantly strive for your ideals, never give up your cherished dream, take all the best from your life and always keep a high standard of splendor and beauty.

Happy birthday to a sweet and beautiful girl! I wish you spring mood, lightness and warmth. May your eyes always shine with the sun. Happiness to you, health, realization in your favorite pastime. Be always positive and kind, attentive and swift. Smile, beauty, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

Happy birthday to a young, beautiful, talented girl! I wish you to be admired, proud, loved and set as an example. Great happiness to you, reliable friends, high goals and success!

What does a beautiful appearance, prosperity, happiness, luck, a career without mutual love. Almost nothing. Let the stars give you a tiny house. Eternal grace will reign in him, restful sleep cruel weekdays will not stir up, a tireless and eternally thirsty husband will always kiss your hands, and a small “miracle” will say such a welcome first word: “mother”.

On your birthday, I wanted to wish you, my dear girl so that you achieve success in your favorite business, so that you achieve excellence in your hobby. I wish you that your friends, by all means, share all your hobbies. I wish you that your parents love and understand you, respecting your point of view. My golden, may your wishes come true as soon as you blow out the candles on the cake!

Congratulations on your birthday and I wish you in alphabetical order: Aristocratic outfit, Cheerfulness, Delight from life, Grandiose events, Dynamic relationships, Raccoon coat, pearl necklace, Golden husband, Ideal mother-in-law, Career growth, Hot love, Cooler cars, Unforgettable pleasures, Gentle hugs, Victories in disputes, Balance in the soul, Smart son, Talented daughter, Good luck in business, Enchanting holiday, Less hassle, More flowers, Regal posture, wonderful mood, chic gifts, Energetic friends, Personal Jeweler and Yacht in the sea!

I would fall on my knees before you
Indestructible would become a wall!
I would carry you in my arms
And I would give you my whole life!
I would give warmth and affection,
Turn your life into a fairy tale!
I will do this for sure!
I love you and I care about you!
Happy birthday to you!
I want to be your happiness!

What wealth is in your life,
because youth is a pity, it does not happen eternally,
so on your birthday you appreciate
with friends, girlfriends noisy meeting!

Let this feeling of madness of the young
at least your whole life surrounds you,
then you will be called a girl for a long time,
and we wish you all the same!

Beautiful and young, well, just like a princess,
for such a girl it is not a pity for all colors,
there will always be so much around such a sun,
worthy, kind princes and just suitors!

Let the midnight star fly from the sky
to make a wish on a birthday holiday,
may youth and youth always be with you,
and in the path of life sheer grace!

Young girl, how funny you are
So mischievous, so groovy!
I want you to always be the same!
Let sadness never touch you!
I wish to live without sadness, I wish to live without troubles,
I wish on my birthday - to live another hundred years!
And let your life be a bright girl,
May your friends always be by your side!

Youth, of course, is not a merit,
Youth is given to us by nature,
Girl, believe my dear,
Youth is our only one!
I wish you a birthday
Be always beautiful and young
Let the mood be good
And spring always blooms in the soul!

Happy birthday to a young, charming and unusual girl. I wish you bright holidays, a prestigious job, a favorite thing in life, a relaxing holiday, cheerful friends, pleasant acquaintances, happy coincidences and joyful meetings. Be loved, gorgeous and irresistible.

Collection title: Happy birthday to a talented girl. Dear woman, I wish you a happy birthday. May the heart always be full of happiness, and the soul of a great mood.

Happy Birthday! I wish you to be always happy, because you deserve it more than anyone else! I wish you to be always healthy, because it is so important for those who surround you!

Happy birthday! I wish you that your health never fails, and that your comrades support you in time.

Happy birthday! Let everything work out in work, and career growth will be as high as possible! I wish you a lot of joy in your eyes!

May your courage and confidence know no barriers, and may your relatives always be proud of you.

Let everything that you have in mind turn out easily and succeed with brilliance.

Today you turned (...) years old and we want to congratulate you and wish that from now on you live only in the wonderful land of youth. May she please you with the blueness of her sky, may she bestow the purest water lake of happiness

Happy birthday! I wish that the past years are remembered with a smile, and the future is illuminated by a lucky star!

Our beauty, always be the same charismatic and interesting person! May everything planned come true. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, love, good luck and prosperity!

Regardless of the weather or the date on the calendar, may any most cherished dreams come true.

Happy birthday! Let nothing in life seem bad or unhappy!

Happy birthday! I wish you a lot of happiness on your birthday, so that life loves you!

I sincerely congratulate you, my joy, and wish you all the best. Our beauty, be the same cheerful and cheerful always. Let your beauty enchant everyone around you.

I wish you an endless variety of life, deep mutual feelings and achieve impressive heights!

Let your eyes be pleased with a chic car and impressive square meters.

Happy birthday! I wish you health, good luck, peace and all that you have always dreamed of having.

When you dream, imagine yourself a goddess and that everything is possible for you! Happy birthday!

I wish your life path to be strewn only with happiness, good luck and joyful events!

We are happy to wish you a happy birthday, good luck and happiness to you!

I wish you career growth and always Have a good mood. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, my dearest person on earth, I wish you a successful year!

I wish that the enthusiasm of life never fades and not a single hillock meets on the way!

What is… years? This is the most race color for a woman! The mind is clear and the distance is bright, and there is a lot of warmth in the soul. Although sometimes anxiety flashes in the eyes that so many days have passed, but you, dear, do not be sad. Believe that most of the way is still ahead of you. Ahead is the light of good luck and so many clear years!

I want to wish you to always generously give love to those who occupy a special place in her life! Happy birthday!

Let daily worries and minor difficulties do not change You and Your worldview. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Let life be a good fairy tale!

I wish you great fun and learn a lot of new pleasant things about yourself!

We all wish you, our dear, to remain as sunny and clear, so that your life looks like a kind, happy and interesting fairy tale.

I wish you on this day good only joy, only happiness, and how can more money so that life is not bleak! Good luck!

Good health to you for long years life, all earthly blessings.

May your birthday bring you a lot of pleasure and many joyful moments.

You are worthy of respect and adoration, even admiration. Live for your pleasure, giving me a particle of your fire!

We are ready to bet anything that your birthday will be just a fairy tale! Congratulations!

I wish you to enjoy the fulfillment of desires, enjoy every day, enchant with your beauty, achieve the impossible, live, create, love and win! Always! Happy birthday!

May you always have everything in perfect order. Happy birthday, our dear!

May all the most cherished dreams come true! Happy birthday!

I wish you good spirits, easy roads and no worries!

Accept on your birthday a wish of happiness from the bottom of your heart!

Let all your enemies work for you, giving prosperity to your enterprise. Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday to a talented girl: I wish you great success in everything, and so that the work does not seem terrible!

Let your beautiful eyes always shine with happiness, love. We wish you all the very best ... Happy birthday to you!

Wish creative person in prose

A creative person is, as a rule, an extraordinary, creative person who implements projects, ideas, and creates new creative products. Writer, poet, artist, photographer, journalist, journalist, teacher, sculptor, architect… all creative professions are beyond list! A congratulation to a creative person should contain not only the usual trivial wishes, but also bright wording related to creative activity, her original thinking. At the same time, special sincerity and sincerity is not canceled !!!

Congratulations for a creative woman in prose

Congratulations for an extraordinary personality

Today is the birthday of a young, talented, enterprising woman.

Most my sincere congratulations and wishes to you, dear birthday girl. Let only success be found on the creative road, and sincere love on the life road.

Be happy! May God keep you!

We are proud that in our team there is such an interesting, extraordinary, sincere and inspirational person like you.


Today is the birthday of beautiful person, a talented woman, sincere in heart and thoughts. Spring today gives you a warm and serene day. Therefore, discard all sorrows and worries - let your soul be caressed Sun rays inspiration and love. May it always be joyful, light, peaceful. Thank you for your friendship and support. Health, well-being in the family, God's blessing!

Congratulations for the writer, poetess

Congratulations for the writer

The poetess, writer (NAME) celebrates her birthday. Her poetry is inspiring and moving. Her soul is sincere and bright. I would like to wish this beautiful woman and a good, talented person a lot of good, the realization of the most cherished desires and the successful implementation of all creative ideas. Let there be only good people May a warm, happy spring always reign in your heart. God bless you and good luck on the long, long road of life.!

Congratulations for the young writer

Today the writer is celebrating her birthday .... On this occasion, we send the birthday girl sincere words wishes. You are young, talented and beautiful. Let everything in life turn out the way you want. Dream, create, love, give smiles to friends, please loved ones with success, readers with new books. Let everythnig will be alright! The Guardian Angel protects from misunderstandings and life failures

Congratulations for the poetess

Today is the birthday of a wonderful, sincere poetess. We congratulate her and wish her peace, kindness, unique moments of creative insights and inexhaustible sources of inspiration. May your talented soul always be comfortable, and let the creative inexhaustible energy of the heart flow tirelessly. So that the most cherished dreams and desires come true, friends do not betray, happiness and joy reign in the family. Let spring give a lot of warmth! Life does not upset, but only fascinates and gives new exciting stories.

Congratulations for a poetess named Lyudmila

Today is the birthday of the sorceress of the word .... God gave this woman an incredible poetic talent, which she sincerely shares with everyone around her.

And they say that Lyudmila is nice to people. And there are no objections to this.

We join all the words that will be addressed to this person today, and wish new creative achievements, life's sunny rainbows, home warmth, and good health. Let the most cherished dreams come true, and nothing ever disappoints

Wish to a friend - a creative person

Special day, special person and special holiday. May all your dreams and wishes come true next year. Happy birthday!

Let your dreams flare and light your birthday candles with him.

If I have the opportunity to choose my best friend, I will choose you again and again, because I need you more than anyone. Happy B-day.

May this birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life is many happy days births that are yet to come.

You are a person who always deserves the best. I wish your birthday is as fantastic as you are.

Let your next year will surprise you with the happiness of smiles and the novelty of feelings. I hope you keep many good memories that will forever remain your treasure and source of inspiration..

Today you celebrate your birthday! It means you have grown up a little. You are getting better every year.

I wish you good luck on this special day. I hope this wonderful day fills your heart with joy. Fantastic birthday, celebrate happiness daily, not just on this day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Let the best things in the world happen in your life because you are definitely one of the best people.

May all birthday wishes come true. I wish you a cloudless sky, the fragrance of the most beautiful flowers, songs, laughter, wishes that come true - just everything that gives you joy, everything that makes you happy.

I want your birthday to be celebrated as National holiday, because then I and we all get a day off. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.

Another birthday. You got older. But I don't see any change in you. You look so wonderful! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

The world is a better place because of your presence in our lives. Thank you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Thank you for all the memories we have together. Without you, the world would be insipid and colorless for me.

You brought your luck into my life. There is no better friend than you in the whole world. I wish you a happy DR.

Friends always have a special bond, and no one can break it. I wish you a happy DR.

You are the only one who helped me a lot, guided me and never gave up when I was not sure. Thanks for being with me all the way. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Your DR is special to me because on this day I found the most valuable friend of my life.

Soon you will start New Year in your life and I hope the coming year brings you the success and good fortune you deserve. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.,

Although we argue about many things and oppose each other, I still love you and always consider you my best friend. Wish have a good day birthday to my charming and talented friend!.

Girls are cute gentle creatures who believe in miracles at any age. For them, a birthday is not just a holiday, it is a little fairy tale where they feel like a queen. They dream of receiving gifts, postcards, pictures, flowers, hearing only pleasant things. Therefore, happy birthday greetings to a young girl - a sister, colleague, girlfriend or lover should be unusual, sincere, a little cool and funny.

On this significant day, every woman is waiting for attention, care and compliments. Beautiful words another proof of her perfection and capable of moving her to tears.

What to please the birthday girl? It's not as difficult as it seems to men. It is important here not to be banal in choosing a way to congratulate a friend on her birthday. She will like even a trifle, the main thing is that something original is hidden in it.

You are like a magical, sweet dream,
I want it to last forever!
You are my angel, the keys to paradise,
Happy birthday dear!

You are not a girl, you are just a miracle!
And the whole world is at your feet.
On your birthday you are so beautiful
Like the first, spring flower!

May everything be fine with you
You are the only one in the world.
The sun is shining brightly for you
The moon is white in the sky.

Give the stars a necklace,
Write the word "I love" clouds.
And congratulations fly to heaven
To congratulate the rain from above!

I wish on your birthday
Stopped so that the year!
And you are so young
Stayed forever!

We will all come, in twenty years
Congratulate you - both!
You are sitting, and you are seventeen,
As before you are fresh, young!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.

So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Be strong and weak
Be wise and crafty
Be kind and sweet
But most importantly - HAPPY!

I wish a beautiful girl
Love, so that without end and edge.
Surprise everyone with the radiance of the eyes,
And never be discouraged.

What is good about life:

And an eternally young soul.

colleague can be found interesting postcards, close friend funny pictures, funny images, comic poems, beloved - to say in your own words about overwhelming feelings and hand interesting gift. It is necessary in any congratulation to pick up sincere warm regards then it will definitely be successful. That is what we are suggesting you do today.

Surprise in verse. As you know, girls are romantic creatures and for them poetry has deep meaning. That's why best congratulations happy birthday to a girl, colleague, girlfriend, relative or just an acquaintance will be presented in a poetic form.

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
but not 2-color, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green
Green - hope and warm summer.
Yellow let bright sun shining,
Red - life illuminates with love.

Blue will rise above the vanity,
he will be a true and good dream
I wish you such a colorful
happiness, health, love and longevity!
Happy birthday!

"You are beautiful, no doubt," -
The book was written by a poet.
Only you, perhaps more beautiful
Even this Snow White.

We don't need gnomes either.
Let the prince be near
Provided by a horse
capital and palace.

Let everything be like in a fairy tale:
Kisses, tenderness, caresses.
So that happy age live,
Be loved and love.

Balance of mind and beauty
AND impeccable style clothing,
You are the hope of all accountants -
With any program you - on "you"!

Your proud Nifertiti profile
And a look that is clear to everyone -
There are no unsolvable problems
And if there is - you solve them!

You are the decoration of the team
Congratulate you - a great honor!
Smart, talented, beautiful
The advantages of all can not be counted.

Happy birthday to you,
A beautiful day for us, for all
Let new achievements await you
Luck, happiness and success!

You are beautiful and slim
Charming, honey.
You have a super walk.
Happy birthday pretty!
You admire everyone
Grief never know
Smile and joke
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
May it live in your soul
Only happiness all year round.

Today is a holiday with a gorgeous lady:
You are beautiful, you are young, you are good.
Both the appearance and the parameters of the model,
And at the same time - a luxurious soul!

We wish you luck on your birthday
And the fulfillment of all the desired blessings.
And live like in a fairy tale, like a queen,
And to be held firmly in your arms!

You are a dream girl, charm.
Someone like you, green light everywhere.
So let your wishes come true
And there will never be trouble in life!

It can be funny to tears pictures with quatrains, cute postcards and photos with poems, funny, funny sms on the phone or just sincere beautiful phrases sent by mail. The choice is huge, so everyone can find something that suits the young beauty, based on her taste and preferences.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl you know - a classmate, colleague, neighbor, and any one you want to show a sign of attention, does not have to be pretentious and catch everyone's eyes. If you do not like to act in public, this does not mean at all that your gift will not be successful. Every girl is delighted with secrets and surprises.

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with tenderness...
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
For that road to be long
Where did you go in life?
For people to respect you
And everything was brighter around
And to stay by your side
At least one, but your reliable friend.

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

Can choose original postcards, beautiful photos and pictures, download them and send them by mail, accompanied by words of admiration and admiration for her beauty.

To become the very first on the list of congratulators, to earn the respect of the birthday girl, you should wait until midnight and send cool or deep SMS birthday greetings to the girl. Or send photos, pictures, postcards with wonderful words to E-mail at 12 o'clock at night. They will prove that you remember her triumph and it has for you great importance. Such a sign of attention can move her to tears and raise your rating to unprecedented heights.

I wish you to be more beautiful than dawn,
And happiness is a lot of true for many, many years.
I wish blue stars in your palm,
I wish you love as strong as fire.
I wish roads in life are not cool,
Live for yourself and for others.

May you be happy every day
Every moment is beautiful
Success, joy, kindness,
love, good luck,

Happy birthday!
Let life go carefree
Easy as butterflies flight.
May joy bring every day
May you be lucky in everything.

I want to live and not grieve,
To endure misfortune and grief.
And be as kind, sweet,
To love and be loved!

What do you wish? Don't know...
To be beautiful? No, I don't.
Happy to be? I guess it's yes:
Who is happy is always beautiful!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

If you like to pronounce wishes in your own words, then congratulations on the birthday of a girl in prose is what you need. They can be presented to every beauty - a friend, sister, daughter, work colleague, friend. Poems are beautiful, but prose is more soulful, because wishes come from the heart.

Here you can show figurativeness, add creativity, and then even the most short congratulations happy birthday girl, spoken with your own phrases in prose become the most successful of all.

Congratulations and I wish so that your life is like champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing.
Happy birthday! I heartily congratulate the birthday girl!
I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life!
Always stay the way you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them! Stay always the same sincere person! Let life's circumstances develop super-successfully! I wish you LOVE, Love with capital letter, mutual, beautiful and of course HAPPY!

Let them fall at your feet the most beautiful flowers and the most amazing fans!
After all, a woman like you deserves the best in the world!

You are a true star! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you always remain as bright and beautiful! Let all the planets revolve only around you, and failures bypass you! Universal Love and Happiness to you!
Happy Birthday!
Always stay
Blooming and Charming -
Merry, Joyful, Burning -
How is summer.
Bright, Colorful, Mysterious -
Persistent, Strong, Fabulous -

I don't know what to wish you... It is foolish to wish for beauty itself beautiful girl. You do not need luck, because you can achieve everything yourself. Wish you happiness!? But what is happiness? I wish you what every person needs, what makes a person beautiful, what becomes for him the greatest luck and happiness ... I wish you to love and be infinitely loved! Happy birthday!
I wish you all the best, as pure and sincere as you yourself! I wish that dreams come true and all today's wishes turn into reality! May fate love and pamper you, give good and devoted people around! Thanks for being you!!! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday greetings to your girlfriend, colleague, relative can be not only beautiful, but also funny, with humor. After all, all princesses love jokes, laughter and practical jokes. Cool pictures that you can't look at without tears, Funny Pics, comic poems written in postcards are a wonderful gift for a name day. They will not only cause joy and a smile of the hero of the occasion, but also give her the whole positive attitude and great mood.

Birthday - great way tell a friend, colleague, beloved, sister about how you value and respect her. And here you do not need to prepare a long speech to express your feelings. Original congratulations they will do everything themselves.

Touching postcards, sensual pictures with wishes and confessions, comic surprises, funny sms- all this in the best possible way will convey the reverent attitude that you have for the birthday girl.

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