Apple silicone cases. The original or a fake? How to distinguish? Iphone case: how to distinguish an original from a fake? Who made the original cases for apple

Considering the huge number of fake Apple accessories that only partially work with the iPhone and iPad and often break, the method of identifying the branded one is very important. An official information has appeared on the company’s technical support website, telling how to distinguish an original Lightning cable from a fake.

The official cable in the Apple online store costs 1,500 rubles, but in stores located on a completely different side of the world, there is something very similar to what we need, but at the same time it has a five times lower price. We are talking about unofficial cords for iPhone and iPad, whose manufacturers pass them off as original products. The use of such accessories may result in damage to the electronic components of mobile devices or rapid failure of the product itself. It is not always easy to distinguish a fake, but any user can do it.

Packaging and text on the cable

If you received a cable in a package, then you should start studying there. The original box is made of thick cardboard with high-quality printing. At the bottom end there is a sticker with the characteristics of the accessory and the batch number. There is a plastic hanger glued to the top, which is used to hang the box in a store window.

Each Apple cable, in turn, has a serial number and the inscription “Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China.” Of course, Chinese copies are also accompanied by an inscription and a serial number, but they look different. The text on the original cable is gray and printed with higher quality. The font on the fake is bolder and is painted with dark gray paint. It is worth noting that some branded Lightning cables do not have cable markings.

Lightning connector

Next, you should pay attention to the component elements of the accessory: each of them has features by which you can distinguish a fake. The original Lightning plug is solid - made of a single metal element. A fake connector consists of several parts. The metal tip of the original is very neatly pressed into the plastic casing, while the copy has noticeable gaps. The size of the proprietary connector is 7.7 x 12 mm; it may vary for copies.

Next you should study the contacts. On a certified cable, they are smooth and practically do not stand out above the surface of the connector; the boundaries of the contacts are round in shape. The metal contact itself is painted gray; fakes come in light and dark.

USB plug

The plastic housing of the USB plug has the USB logo on it. The original cable has a light gray paint applied very carefully. On the copy, the image is dark gray and has unclear borders.

The connector itself is also quite remarkable. The outer part of the original cable has only two holes on the side with the USB logo. A fake may contain four. It is also worth paying attention to the metal joints on the opposite side of the connector. They are visible, but in the original cable the parts fit very tightly together. In addition, the joints have a trapezoidal shape and are located at the same distance from the edges. The contacts themselves are gold plated.

The coating on the plug can give away the fake. The metal tip of the original cable has a smooth polish, while the unofficial one has a rough surface. If you look inside the convector, you can see the smooth rear part. The copy may have grooves and holes.

There is nothing more depressing than articles about cases for iPhones of different generations. I know, I know. The last thing that would come to my mind is to go and look for a review of this or that case - what else, I’ll waste time, I’d rather go to the store, try it on there, and buy it right away. However, if you look at the price of original Apple models for the iPhone 7 Plus, you not only want to read a review, but also generally find out why the prices are so high, why a silicone case for the iPhone 7 Plus costs 3,290 rubles, and whether it’s worth spending the money. Well, I’ll tell you today whether it’s worth it or not. As a guest - different Moshi cases, very difficult!

Silicone and Apple!

I really love original silicone cases for several reasons. Firstly, Apple knows how to choose colors really well, white here is really white, blue is really blue. Secondly, the accessories are very well assembled, although the silicone clings perfectly to the pocket and collects dust particles from there, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Thirdly, the cover is very easy to wash, I did it directly with my hand and directly smeared it with soap, then washed it under running water, it became like new. Finally, there is one non-obvious use case: the case allows you to put the device on a table, insert AirPods into your ears and calmly watch a movie. Silicone doesn't slip, if anyone doesn't understand. And this is very good!

In real life, Apple's silicone cases are incredibly annoying because they seriously increase the size of the device and cling to the fabric. And they really like it, because in winter the metal is hidden, so you can easily put it on a table in a cafe or even on an airplane, and it’s convenient to take the device from the side of the pool. In short, there are obvious pros and obvious cons. No matter who tells you anything bad about the quality of the original cases, don’t believe it. They are very very wearable! The covers in the photo have survived several active months and look great, the white one had actually been on vacation and was covered in sand, sunscreen, cola, in short, had seen the sights. And nothing! I washed it, dried it, and went back into battle. Blue is also combative. And in general, keep in mind that there are 12 options, 12 colors of this very silicone. Very beautiful “Yellow Pollen” and “Dark Cocoa”.

Verdict: you need to buy original silicone cases for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus! Keep in mind, there are a lot of fakes sold around, so it’s better not to save money - the fake will fall apart in a month, so you’ll have to spend money again. If you take the original, then everything will be as it should be, God bless you!

Leather and Apple!

I remember what an unimaginable disappointment I felt when the original blue leather case for the iPhone 6 Plus arrived to me (yes, I’m talking about the six, the first big six), and I put it on, and immediately there were terrible scratches, and I didn’t understand at all , how so. I would like to remind you that this is forgivable for Apple. The company didn’t really make cases; apparently, they didn’t study well the topic with contractors, who and what is on the accessories market, which manufacturers are ok and who can be trusted with such an important order. The silicone for the sixes was good, but the skin didn’t work out well. Before this, let me remind you, there were cool bumpers for fours, but in general the mass story with covers began not so long ago.

And for sevens there are also leather cases. But, apparently, they changed the manufacturer, because for 4090 rubles it really is an ACCESSORY, just as it should be. The brown one ages beautifully over time, the dark gray one becomes worn out slowly and is hard to kill, I want to buy a yellow one, but I’m wondering if I should spend the money, soon the eighth aifusya will appear. There are ten color options, I used the “Stormy Sky” option, just like the one in the photo, beige and brown really suited me. If you want a practical leather case, choose Stormy Sky. If you want to walk like a freak, then take the yellow one, it’s very beautiful in real life.

I note that other companies also show their versions of leather cases, for example, Twelve South Relaxed Leather. I really like it, the leather is good, although in use it behaves like Apple cases, that is, it ages beautifully. Although there are different opinions on this matter, some people don’t really like it.

At first, Twelve South Relaxed Leather creaks a little when compressed, then this effect disappears, the case shrinks and is just a joy. There is an option with two card slots, you can carry a room key, a credit card, a work pass or even a license. In general, everything you need.

Disadvantages - the hole for the mute lever is made strangely, the original cases have a well-thought-out cutout, you can’t just stick your finger in there. Otherwise, it’s a good case, you can safely take it. And the colors are awesome, I really like them.

Verdict: Apple's original leather cases for iPhone 7/7 Plus turn out very well. They are wearable, rub well and beautifully, just keep in mind that you won’t be able to keep the “out of the box” appearance forever. My “Storm Face” has a thousand scars and that’s probably why I enjoy wearing it from time to time. The case remembers everything!

I also recommend taking Twelve South, these are very cool accessories. Thank you diHouse for the opportunity to try!

Various Moshi cases!

I started pushing Moshi back when no one really knew about the brand, meanwhile, Made In Taiwan, very cool design of almost all accessories, there are cases, audio, and awesome backpacks. I decided to start my acquaintance with four models of cases for the iPhone 7 Plus. There are four models, I'll start with the simple one, this is the XT Clear, a transparent polycarbonate back cover. Was such a simple thing done sensibly? Yes, if you understand all the nuances. Look, here all the edges are rounded and made as comfortable as possible. Easy to remove and install again. There is nothing stopping you from pressing the buttons. Fingerprints are easy to remove, although they are still a little noticeable - here you should first wipe the iPhone thoroughly, so you can attach the case. Perhaps this is an ideal option for a gold or pink iPhone, and the color is visible, and there is some kind of protection, and in winter you can talk outside without your fingers sticking to the case.

Number two, Moshi SenseCover, as they say, a photo doesn’t convey everything that needs to be conveyed. The base where the iPhone is inserted is made of pleasant silicone, the cover is made of eco-leather, even after several months of use the material looks good, I saw this from a friend. A mini-player is visible in the window if music is playing, an apple is visible in the cutout at the back, apparently Moshi maniacally do not want to hide whose smartphone it is.

The cutout near the connector is large; non-original chargers fit perfectly. And, in fact, the entire smartphone is protected, which is ideal for a woman’s bag, where the device is located next to the most unexpected things. The screen won't be scratched, the back won't be scratched either, the ends will be saved by silicone - and even if you drop it, nothing will happen. There are two main features: the sensor on the flip makes it possible to answer a call without opening the lid, it works. The second feature is that the flip works as a stand. I put my iPhone on the table, connect the AirPods, and go watch “Game of Thrones.” An excellent case for travel, and protection for you, and a stand, and you can answer quickly. I note that in the pictures the thing looks much worse than in life. The only thing I didn’t like was bending the flip back during a conversation, but this applies to all cases of this form factor. The Moshi SenseCover comes with a film, it’s not bad - if you like films, be sure to install it.

The third issue, Moshi Armor Red, also costs ok, 3990 rubles, why such a price? Silicone base, aluminum cover on top, neat assembly, hole for the apple, elastic buttons, recess around the hole for the apple (the paint layer is removed and the aluminum is visible), two holes for the lens and flash, the edges slightly raise the device above the table when placed with the screen down . In short, this is the situation. In reality, I tried using Armor for a week, and, you know, I didn’t fail at all. The size of the device does not increase much, but it is unlikely that any harm will be caused even if it falls from a height onto concrete. The aluminum doesn’t seem to be worn, it’s comfortable to hold the smartphone, except for red, there are other color options. If you add glass to the screen on top, and such a case, then it will be impossible to destroy the iPhone and everything will be as it should be.

Verdict: feel free to take it if you need royal protection, but the case should be cute and not particularly large.

Number four, the Luxe bumper, is the most controversial. First, you pull the silicone bumper on top. Then the back part needs to be made of polycarbonate. Then there is an aluminum bumper on top. Okay, there are latches at the bottom. It turns out to be a massive and awkward structure, you immediately want to remove it. It costs 4290 rubles, as they say, well, that’s it.
Verdict: I wouldn't buy it. There is an alternative opinion from my colleague: “Dear, you just didn’t go around with bumpers much, and now it’s very, very difficult to find something sensible for the seven plus. But here there is still protection, and it looks good, and the metal is real, and there is no need to twist anything. So, you’re in vain to criticize, Luxe is excellent and I would buy it.”
Well, OK.

By the way, it seems that all Moshi cases come with a lifetime warranty if you register the product.

Concluding the sad and gloomy story about covers, I’ll summarize with a list:

  • Original Apple silicone cases for iPhone 7 Plus - take it!
  • Apple leather cases for iPhone 7 Plus - take them, but not all, light ones become outdated faster!
  • Twelve South Relaxed Leather for iPhone 7 Plus - take it, the colors are awesome, the case fits on the case as expected and there is an option with card compartments!
  • Moshi XT Clear for iPhone 7 Plus - transparent, not bad, but I wouldn't wear it!
  • Moshi SenseCover for iPhone 7 Plus - looks terrible in the photos, but in real life it’s just a godsend for traveling, for girls, if you watch TV shows on your iPhone, if you constantly drop your iPhone! The cutouts could have been made more carefully, but overall it’s very ok!
  • Moshi Armor for iPhone 7 Plus is a golden mean, a godsend for those who want to sell their iPhone at a profit; after “armor” it will definitely remain like new. I was very, very pleased with the assembly. I walked for a week and even with the red cover it didn’t break off. In general, take it!
  • Moshi Luxe, that's it. I personally don’t understand it, but people like it.

If you didn’t like it, be sure to share your dissatisfaction in the comments, next time we will definitely talk about cases, films and glass again. If you liked it, then you liked it. I love all of you, readers, do everything as expected and God bless you!

P.S. Honestly, I get the most pleasure from using an iPhone when it is as it is, without clothes and without fasteners, so smooth and small. I wonder how many of us are like this?

It is better and safer to charge Apple gadgets with original cables. A fake, at best, may simply not charge the device; at worst, it will cause it to break. So how can one distinguish true “Apple” products from numerous Chinese counterfeits? Today we will allow ourselves to conduct a small educational program.

The first thing that should alert you is, naturally, the price. Purchasing an original cable from the official Apple online store will cost 1,500 rubles (at the time of writing this article). Counterfeits usually cost a couple of hundred, and are several times cheaper! However, even at the “official” price, the risk of getting a fake is quite high. That is why we will dwell in detail on the differences between a branded cable and a counterfeit one.

Thus, the packaging from Apple has high-quality printing and is made of thick cardboard. Counterfeits are cheaper not only in the quality of the product itself, but also in the quality of the box; they are softer with not very good print quality. At the bottom of the original box there is a special sticker that indicates the batch number and product characteristics. For more convenient placement on the display case, there is a special hanger at the top of the package.

Each cable is marked, although in this regard it is much more difficult to recognize a copy. Unscrupulous manufacturers have already completely mastered the printing of company inscriptions. However, you should know that the original one is made in light gray tones, while the fakes have a bolder font, and the color is darker.

After opening the box, we move on to the main thing - its contents. So, let's look at the cable itself. In the original version, the Lightning connector is solid and neat; the round gray contacts do not stand out above the surface. A fake is usually composite, the place of attachment to the casing often has gaps, and the color of the contacts may differ.

The size of the branded connector is 7.7 x 12 mm; fakes may have completely different dimensions.

Now let's move on to inspecting the USB plug. On its plastic case, in the branded cable, there is a light gray emblem; on fakes, the quality of printing the emblem is not as clear, the color is usually darker. The branded cable has only 2 holes, while the non-original cable may have as many as 4. If you look inside the fake, it has grooves and holes, whereas, like the branded cable, the back is absolutely flat. The metal part of the Apple cable is smoothly polished, the copies are more rough. The metal joints in the proprietary cable fit tightly to each other, they have the shape of a trapezoid, and their location is absolutely symmetrical. The contacts here are gold plated. Counterfeits usually do not differ in such harmony.

Using the above instructions, you can easily distinguish a branded cable from a copy. Please note that in our online store we guarantee that we sell exactly the original Lightning USB cable from Apple. Beware of fakes, friends!

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As soon as you buy an iPhone, the issue of purchasing a case for your favorite device comes up on the agenda. How else? An expensive but fragile product, whether case for Iphone 6 or any other, needs protection from falls, scratches, splashes and other unwanted incidents.

At first glance, it may seem that choosing “clothes” for an iPhone is simple. The market is flooded with covers of all types and stripes. In fact, buying a case is a responsible matter that requires care.

How to avoid stumbling upon a fake?

High-quality cases are produced under well-known brands and do not differ significantly in cost in different countries of the world, which you can purchase on our website If the cost of an iPhone case is too low, you should be wary. This is probably a fake, which means the gadget is at risk of being damaged. In addition to the low price, there are a number of other properties that make it easy to identify a fake.

Inappropriate appearance

Some clever craftsmen manage to make fakes that, at first glance, are no different from the original. However, take a close look at the product. The original case's seams are carefully taped, and there should not be even the smallest cracks. In a fake, such barely noticeable cracks can be seen. Also, a not very neat seam, protruding threads or irregularities indicate a fake. Needless to say, a fake cover will unravel after a while and lose its original appearance.

Bad packaging

The original case is always placed in high-quality packaging made of well-painted cardboard or plastic. Holding such a product in your hands is a pleasure; it immediately reveals a branded manufacturer. You will be given a fake case in a nondescript, thin (saving on material) or lopsided box, or even in an ordinary plastic bag. Often the manufacturer places a firmly attached hologram on the packaging. On fakes, this icon is missing or partially peeled off during transportation, which is unacceptable in the case of a real product.

The shades around the edges don't match the color

Leather cases for Iphone 5 The edges of the cut are treated with a special material, which prevents the formation of burrs. In the original product, the shade of this filler is practically no different from the general shade of the skin. But even with a slight difference, the overall design of the case is not disturbed, and the thing looks expensive and prestigious. The fake case has a completely different picture - the edges of the leather cut are roughly processed. Their color does not match the overall color of the case, which gives it a cheap consumer goods look.

In fakes there are even more “gross” violations: the paint falls off or wears off from the case, instead of leather it is made of rough leatherette and many other “blunders”.

What to do?

There is only one way to avoid buying a fake case: choose “clothes” for your favorite device only from trusted sellers who have direct contracts with manufacturers. Our store offers a wide range of cases for iPhones of different configurations, colors and materials. All products are of original origin, which means that we offer impeccable quality and high standards of cases.

How to distinguish original Apple headphones from fakes is the most logical question that arises in the mind of a person who intends to pay a large sum for a branded device. What should you pay attention to when purchasing? How does the sound of a product from a Californian manufacturer differ from a non-original version of the “black” market? How to quickly catch a seller trying to sell a copy of Apple headphones passing off as the original? The article below will not leave these questions unanswered, so that a potential buyer of an Apple accessory can be confident in his choice.

Apple electronics, as well as its accessories, are considered premium products. Not every person can afford to buy products from a Californian corporation. It is for this reason that many manufacturers recreate copies of branded devices, which are subsequently passed off as the original. Most often you can come across replicas of Apple headphones, EarPods, sold not only through online trading, but also located in the windows of city stores.


A real device from an American corporation comes in a white square case with a clear engraving of the campaign logo (a bitten apple), the perfect execution of which is often neglected by the creators of counterfeits. This package, transparent on the front side, contains the device itself. The box for the original iPhone headset is made of high-quality plastic that does not have any tint, with the device itself inside. Upon closer inspection, it will not be difficult to distinguish the original from the fake. In addition to the sloppy external design (cracks, burrs, etc.), the material used to create the replica packaging is usually of lower quality: it has a yellowish or cloudy tint, and is susceptible to even slight external influences.

The wire

On iPhone headphones, the wire fits tightly to the base of the device. This fact allows us to minimize the risk of various types of damage to the main element of the accessory. The creators of EarPods replicas, in turn, do not worry about the presence of gaps and cracks, which allows the user to easily recognize their “deception” when purchasing a product.

Based on tactile sensations, those who want to purchase original Apple products will also be able to distinguish the “original” by the more elastic wire and its grayish tint. The replica wire will be more rigid in its characteristics and whiter in color.

The wire of original EarPods must contain the product serial number and the inscription: “Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China.”

Headphone shape

It will not be difficult for the buyer to distinguish the original headphones presented by the Apple campaign from their cheap counterfeits by carefully examining the device itself. On a genuine iPhone headset, starting with the 5 and 5S line, the manufacturer designates the right and left earbuds with the inscriptions L/R. Most replicas do not have such a mark.

In the manufacture of diffusers, as for all products, Apple uses high-quality material (metal mesh), which, in comparison with a replica (rag mesh), allows you to quickly determine the “original”.

The external design of the original device looks solid, neat, and of high quality, as, in fact, do the technical components of the device. Most non-original headsets contain seams and imprints of mold parts used in the manufacture of plastic headphones.

Remote Control

In identifying counterfeit EarPods, it is important to check both the quality of the presented design of wires, headphones, and the device’s control panel.

It is not difficult to recognize the original, since the button on its remote control is pressed smoothly, without obvious sound. In the case of using a fake, some effort must be made, and when you press the button, a loud, characteristic click will be heard.

Manufacturers of some replicas do not completely recreate the functions of the remote control inherent to the original. This fact is also worth keeping in mind when checking the authenticity of the selected headset.


The sound in Apple headphones should be spacious, without extraneous whistles, hisses, and with high-quality noise reduction. The global manufacturer of premium electronics also provides high-quality transmission of low frequencies, which is expressed in slight vibration when listening to a track with bass. It is logical that counterfeits lack such properties and are able to provide only low-quality sound, which is standard for the segment of headsets of basic smartphones.

Apple headphones features

Since Apple headphones are designed in such a way that the user receives not just high-quality sound, but also a number of unique functions, the high demand for EarPods is understandable. The remote control of the basic iPhone headset allows you to:

  • receive and reject incoming calls;
  • “call” Siri (voice assistant of the iOS operating system);
  • give commands to the voice assistant;
  • play, stop, switch, rewind media tracks;
  • “hold” an incoming call;
  • switch between active conversation lines.

Pros and cons of apple wireless headphones

In addition to the basic headset from Apple, wireless headphones from the Californian manufacturer are available for purchase - AirPods, which have both positive and negative characteristics.

The advantages include:

  • a unique design that seemed impossible in the development of traditional in-ear headphones;
  • a high-quality battery, the charge of which, according to Apple, will last for 5 hours;
  • unique functions of the headphone case (the ability to “recharge” the device, interact with a paired device, transmitting information about the AirPods charge level, and so on);
  • fast charging function (15 minutes), which makes it possible to subsequently use the device for another 3 hours;
  • automatic playback (pause) when placing (removing) headphones in the ears;
  • quick automatic pairing with other user devices;
  • account synchronization.

The disadvantages of AirPods are:

  • difficulties in pairing the device with devices running an operating system older than iOS 10;
  • high cost for the European market;
  • no significant difference in sound from EarPods;
  • “unfinished” unique characteristics (inability to launch Siri by voice when the smartphone is locked).

If you intend to invest a considerable amount of money in the purchase of original headphones, it is important to take into account the above features of the devices when choosing. However, no matter how hard manufacturers try to qualitatively fake Apple products, the impeccable design, unique characteristics, and innovative ideas of the Californian corporation to this day remain the hallmarks of the brand, allowing one to identify the original and promptly refuse to buy a “fake.”