Paper wedding. What is memorable to give for a paper anniversary (2 years of wedding)

A green wedding is called the day of the wedding and the entire first year after this event. Green color symbolizes youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. During the first year after the wedding, every month is possible. The symbol of a green wedding is the myrtle wreath. It is for this reason that it is customary to give flowers to the newlyweds, decorate the wedding premises and the wedding procession with them. green wedding also symbolize the leaves in the bride's wedding bouquet and in the groom's boutonniere.

Print wedding or gauze wedding - 1 year of marriage - first wedding anniversary

1 year from the date of the wedding is called a cotton wedding or a gauze wedding. This name came from antiquity, it is associated with certain traditions. As you know, chintz is very thin cloth usually in bright colors. So married life one year after the wedding was associated precisely with this material. Love has not yet cooled down and has not lost its bright colors, but the relationship is very fragile and shaky. Even the smallest storm in the ocean of marital passions can break, destroy, extinguish this weak, blazing fire of the family hearth of a young family. This first wedding anniversary life together celebrated a year after the green wedding. This one is called wedding anniversary so because it marks the transition from novelty honeymoon to the routine of everyday relationships, so to speak, chintz simplicity. However, fervent folk rumor ascribes a slightly different meaning to the name "chintz wedding". The people quite reasonably believed that the first year of marriage is notable for the extremely active actions of the newlyweds in bed, which, in fact, leads to wear of the calico bed linen to the state of gauze. :) Accordingly, being invited to celebrate the 1st wedding anniversary, guests have the right to bring useful gifts for the chintz wedding - bed linen sets to replenish supplies :) Purely symbolic "chintz" gifts for the 1st wedding anniversary are also appropriate - handkerchiefs, aprons, as well as pillows in the form hearts.

Paper wedding - 2 years of marriage - second wedding anniversary

A cotton wedding is followed by a paper wedding (2 years of marriage). Relationships are identified with fragile and easily torn paper. Indeed, in the 2nd year after the wedding, a baby often appears in the family, which entails a lot of real worries and family life no longer seems to be woven from pleasures alone. On the basis of fatigue and irritability, conflicts are possible, family relationships on the second wedding anniversary, they become like paper. So that the paper can be torn without fear that it will end in the house completely, guests invited to celebrate a paper wedding replenish the family's paper stocks :) As a gift for a paper wedding, they give books, calendars, photo albums, paintings - the whole range of art and printing products: ) Plastic gifts and pieces of furniture are also nice. A husband and wife can give each other a gift for the 2nd year of the wedding with just a bundle of money (if any :)) An excellent gift option for the 2nd year of the wedding - a paper wedding - is exclusive italian handmade photo album which you can order from our company.

Leather wedding - 3 years of marriage - third wedding anniversary

It is customary to celebrate a leather wedding after three years of marriage. This wedding anniversary is called so because the spouses should feel good about each other by this time, figuratively speaking, with the skin itself. It is believed that "paper" difficulties have been overcome, and the third wedding anniversary testifies that the husband and wife, since they have not broken off relations like paper, have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. Well, the skin is just a symbol of flexibility. So that in the future such a skill would not be transferred in the family, guests bring a supply of leather goods as a gift for a leather wedding. :) The choice is varied - from leather furniture or expensive leather clothes to a simple purse or a key ring - everything made of leather will fit as a gift for a 3-year wedding. Italian leather photo album self made, which you can order from us, will also be a wonderful gift for a leather wedding.

Linen or wax wedding - 4 years of marriage - fourth wedding anniversary

After leather wedding followed by linen or wax wedding. The people gave this wedding anniversary a name - linen wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses to this wedding anniversary has become stronger and more reliable. Flax is a symbol of strength and durability, as well as a symbol of prosperity and security. Handmade linen is not a fun chintz. To have linen things in the house means to make a certain investment with a solid perspective on the future. Well, for the 4th year of the wedding, it's time to become prosperous :). Therefore, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, etc. If you invite guests to the table for this wedding anniversary, then it must be sent with a linen tablecloth and decorated with lights and candles, which guests can also give you .

Wooden wedding - 5 years of marriage - fifth wedding anniversary

The next wedding anniversary is a wooden wedding. This is a serious, solid wedding anniversary. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz or paper. TO 5th anniversary spouses have already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a child. Everyone knows that a person must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. By this wedding anniversary, a wooden wedding, the young tree is already well enough rooted and begins to bear its first fruits. Guests invited to celebrate the anniversary of a wooden wedding usually give the spouses wooden gizmos for family use.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years of marriage - sixth wedding anniversary

Behind wooden wedding followed by a cast-iron wedding - the first metal in family relationships. Fragile, ignoble (black), but metal. In order for cast iron to turn into silver and gold, and therefore the wedding turned into silver or gold, the young spouses still have to work and work. But the most important thing is that by this wedding anniversary the foundations of a friendly and strong family have already been laid. In addition, cast iron easily fills any form, and what form of family relations young spouses want to consolidate depends only on themselves. In the heat of passion, in the fire of disputes, the "cast iron" of relations will be melted into a more ductile cast iron - malleable, it will become lighter, more elegant, and lighter. And here the most important thing is not to overheat him: to yield in a dispute, to show attention, to take the first step towards. For this wedding anniversary, guests can give the spouses any product made of cast iron: for example, cast iron dishes, miniature cast iron pots, fireplace grates, a castle. An unusual gift for the sixth wedding anniversary of a cast-iron wedding can be dumbbells if the owners are fond of sports. Just don't forget to wrap them in something to give them a festive look.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years of marriage

Zinc wedding (6 and a half years of married life) This strange "anniversary out of the blue" can only be explained by the desire to arrange a little holiday for yourself on a weekday :).

Copper wedding - 7 years of marriage - seventh wedding anniversary

Next comes the seventh wedding anniversary - the copper wedding. In the title of this wedding anniversary also concluded its secret meaning: copper is a valuable, durable material, up to noble metals she, of course, is far away, so such a wedding is a hint that the spouses are still ahead. copper wedding- this is no longer a paper, calico, and even cast-iron wedding. You can no longer tear copper like fabric, and you can’t split it like wood. It can only be melted and given a different shape, an image. That's why important task spouses - to melt their relationship into more and more durable, so that they turn over time into precious metals - silver and gold, and then into the strongest precious stone on earth - a diamond.
It is customary for guests to give items made of forged copper: you can present a belt with a copper buckle, copper jewelry, cutlery, candlesticks and other copper items as a gift. A very suitable gift for the seventh wedding anniversary is a copper horseshoe, a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Tin wedding - 8 years of marriage - eighth wedding anniversary

The eighth wedding anniversary is a tin wedding. Years go by, testing spouses for strength. It is assumed that the life of the spouses should finally normalize by this wedding anniversary, be filled with warmth and mutual understanding. On the 8th year of the wedding, family relations are renewed. This is what the new sparkling tin should symbolize. Accordingly, as a gift for 8 years, weddings are presented with both tin products (kitchen utensils, household items), and simply everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes. An associative gift for a tin wedding can be (if funds are available) - everything that can be interpreted as a symbol of the renewal of the family hearth 8 years after the wedding: new furnishings and even apartment renovation.

Faience or chamomile wedding - 9 years of marriage - ninth wedding anniversary

Ninth wedding anniversary - earthenware or chamomile. Chamomile is a flower that has long been associated with love (fortune-telling for love), chamomile is a symbol of summer, sun, warmth, fun, so the wedding anniversary of a chamomile wedding reminds that married life is approaching its heyday. Therefore, it is best to celebrate such a wedding anniversary in nature (if it falls on warm time years) together with close friends of the spouses, children. The faience wedding has two (moreover, completely opposite) interpretations. According to one version, every year family relations become stronger and stronger, as good tea- and faience cups filled with tea are a symbol of the beauty of family relationships. According to another version, 9 years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience. Accordingly, the motive for giving gifts for 9 years of marriage also differs. Can be donated tea-set(and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can give earthenware or crystal, hinting that some fragile things can break if carelessly handled.

Pink (or tin) wedding - 10 years of marriage

Steel wedding - 11 years of marriage

The eleventh wedding anniversary from the date of registration of marriage is a steel wedding. By this wedding anniversary, family ties should be so strong that nothing can break them, and spouses should have a good home, household and children. Having lived together for eleven years, you no longer just understand and appreciate each other, you have proved that this marriage has become like steel, has become strong and resilient. Steel is a black metal, but with certain processing it becomes shiny, mirror-like. So did your family, living up to the eleventh wedding anniversary, passing through thunderstorms life problems, joy, love and time, became like steel, sparkling and shining. As a gift for this wedding anniversary, it is best to give spouses steel products: jewelry, utensils. Usually, sharp objects are not given for a holiday, so you need to get out of the situation. You can make original wedding gift, the color of which will contain a steel shade, for example, a tea or coffee set, a set of glasses or steel pans, a set of pots, a tray. And don't forget the colorful packaging, because the packaging is half the gift.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years of marriage

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, a nickel wedding is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of the anniversary of 12 years of marriage is similar to the symbolism tin wedding: sparkling nickel indicates the need to refresh the sparkle of a relationship. Since the date is not round, the nickel wedding is celebrated in the close circle. Usually relatives and friends from both sides are invited to this anniversary. You can send out invitations that indicate the reason for the celebration - the wedding anniversary. According to the old custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of celebration nickel wedding spouses visit memorable places for both of them: they visit the church in which they got married, they visit the places of their first dates. Guests can take a walk along memorable places together with spouses. The gift for this wedding anniversary is very easy to pick up due to the wide selection of nickel items. So, a good gift can be jewelry: rings, earrings and bracelets. You can also present a chandelier, a candlestick or an expensive lighter for this wedding anniversary. Nickel-plated utensils will also come in handy.

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - 13 years of marriage

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - celebrated on the 13th anniversary family life. Despite the "unlucky" date (and perhaps in the order of "compensation"), the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the family, as well as the celebration of the pink wedding, is accompanied by the theme of love. Light, delicate, refined and fragile, like love, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th wedding anniversary. Refinement is also inherent in products made of lace, so the name "lace wedding" harmonizes very well with the name "lily of the valley". Lacemakers long months, and sometimes even years weave their wonderful products.
When they finish the work, it is impossible to take your eyes off these creations. Likewise, thin harmonious relationship in the family are built over the years.
For this thirteenth wedding anniversary, lace wedding, a husband can give his wife a fine lace underwear or an airy peignoir, and the guests - to give the spouses beautiful bedding trimmed with lace, as well as: lace napkins, tablecloths, openwork products knitted from fine wool.
On this wedding anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.

Agate wedding - 14 years of marriage

Only 14 years after the wedding, the folk tradition begins to assign the family the status precious stone and this first stone is agate.
Agate - semiprecious stone endowed since ancient times magical properties protect from danger, protect marital happiness and fidelity. The name of the wedding anniversary suggests that family life is already firmly established. According to custom, on the day of this wedding anniversary, spouses must confess to each other the most intimate, so that there are no secrets between them.
In addition, agate is a wonderful stone, in the depths of which you can see many of the most intricate patterns that form wonderful pictures. So the spouses, who lived to the fourteenth wedding anniversary, and, it seems, easily recognize and have long guessed each other, can now discern new features that were previously completely unknown. Agate is also a talisman that protects and protects marriage.
Gifts for an agate wedding anniversary should be directly related to the talisman stone: for a wife, it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man, agate cufflinks or a tie clip.
Because the agate wedding suggests a large number of jewelry, guests can give a jewelry box or chests for storing jewelry for this wedding anniversary. It must be remembered that for natural stones boxes made of natural natural materials, the best way out is carved wooden boxes.

Crystal or glass wedding - 15 years of marriage

Fifteenth wedding anniversary - crystal or glass wedding. This wedding anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people.
On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware, guests are advised to wear something light, possibly with transparent details.
Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary - of course, made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls, etc. Perhaps Swarovski crystals are quite suitable. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years of marriage

18 years of wedding - Turquoise wedding.
Often the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the majority of the first child. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of complex and crisis situations related to the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should "play" with a new light.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years of marriage

The 20th wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. The name has two interpretations. According to the first version, they believe that the dishes presented for the wedding have already been broken, which means that the supply of tea and coffee utensils should be renewed. The second option says that happy family union 20 years after the wedding, it is beautiful and harmonious, like genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which has not been solved to this day.
The main tradition followed when celebrating the anniversary of a porcelain wedding is setting the table with porcelain dishes. It is customary to serve treats to guests on this wedding anniversary on new porcelain, as it is believed that not a trace of the old services is left.
As a gift for porcelain wedding presented with cups, plates, sets of porcelain.

Opal wedding - 21 years of marriage

21st wedding year - Opal wedding.

Bronze wedding - 22 years of marriage

22 years of wedding - Bronze wedding.

Beryl wedding - 23 years of marriage

23 years of wedding - Beryl wedding.

Satin wedding - 24 years of marriage

24th wedding anniversary - Satin wedding.

Silver wedding - 25 years of marriage

25 years of family life - a silver wedding. This first famous wedding anniversary. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time got to precious metal - silver. There is no need to explain in detail the meaning of such a comparison of a 25-year marriage.
According to ancient custom, on this wedding anniversary, the husband and wife must certainly give each other silver rings to be worn on middle finger right hand(next to the one on which the wedding ring is worn).
A silver wedding can also be celebrated officially - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place. Sometimes, on the occasion of a silver wedding, the official authorities themselves take the initiative.
The gala evening can be held in retro style, where favorite melodies and songs of the anniversaries will be played. Nice gift for anniversaries on the 25th wedding anniversary, a slide show can be presented, which presents the most interesting and most significant moments of their life together.
Covering wedding table on the day of this wedding anniversary, you should use silver plate, for decoration - silver ribbons, garlands, flowers silvered with varnish.
Guests also give on the 25th wedding anniversary silver products: it can be jewelry, and cutlery, and vases or figurines, interior items, jewelry. From non-standard silver gifts we can recommend buying a silver commemorative coin of this year or two silver spoons.

Jade wedding - 26 years of marriage

26 years - Jade wedding

Mahogany wedding - 27 years of marriage

27 years - Mahogany wedding

Velvet wedding - 29 years of marriage

29th wedding anniversary - Velvet wedding

Pearl wedding - 30 years of marriage

thirtieth wedding anniversary pearl wedding. Pearls are a beautiful, expensive stone. Although, perhaps, you can’t call it a stone, because it grows. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it grows like a tree, in layers, becoming bigger and stronger every year. And, in the end, it takes shape and becomes dazzlingly beautiful.
Like pearls, the union of two people also developed, took its form, experienced difficulties, became stronger, and now, 30 years later, by the pearl wedding anniversary, the marriage became truly perfect, just like pearls are a miracle of nature. This wedding anniversary is a symbol of the fact that thirty years lived together are strung on top of each other like pearls in a necklace. As they say, the life of pearls is about 50 years, so this wedding anniversary is only the beginning of a new family life.
According to custom, on this wedding anniversary, the spouse gives his second half a thread with thirty pearls strung on it. Guests should present gifts of mother-of-pearl, white, black and pink shades to anniversaries on this wedding anniversary (as colors natural pearls). It can be a variety of things - utensils, jewelry, interior items, etc.

Swarthy wedding - 31 years of marriage

31 years - Swarthy wedding.

Amber wedding - 34 years of marriage

34th wedding anniversary - Amber wedding.

Coral wedding - 35 years of marriage

Thirty-fifth wedding anniversary - coral wedding. This anniversary is also called linen wedding, and rarely, linen. Corals, formed from small calcareous skeletons of polyps, form entire coral reefs. So your marriage has developed from thousands of days spent together, filled with feelings and events, and formed a whole island called a family. Now your union is based not only on romance and love - it is firmly held together by mutual respect, care and gratitude for the years spent together.
It may seem strange to some that after this wedding anniversary there may still be some tender feelings, but, having crossed this particular line, the spouses begin to realize how deep their love is. In addition, the joint experience of married life proves the correctness of the choice that you made many years ago, in your youth.
The color of coral is usually red, which means that this color should become an essential attribute of this wedding anniversary. By tradition, the table should be dominated by red, aged wines, as well as other strong drinks, symbolizing the strength of marriage and your relationship.
Coral products, such as coral beads, can serve as gifts. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can tell a lot about the strength of passion and love between spouses. A great way to keep up the tradition bridal bouquet of scarlet roses, which the husband will present to his wife at the very beginning of the wedding anniversary, this will show that his passion has not yet died out, and in order to fully comply with the traditions, the bouquet should consist of 35 roses.

Muslin wedding - 37 years of marriage

37 years of wedding - Muslin wedding.

Aluminum wedding anniversary - 37.5 years of marriage

37.5 years of wedding - Aluminum anniversary.
Second half-hearted wedding anniversary, which, moreover, is known more than the previous whole the name of the wedding. Maybe because the very name of this wedding anniversary symbolizes the lightness and strength of family relationships.

Mercury wedding - 38 years of marriage

38 years. Mercury wedding.

Crepe wedding - 39 years of marriage

39 years. Crepe wedding.

Ruby wedding - 40 years of marriage

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding on the fortieth anniversary of marriage. The name of the wedding comes from the gemstone ruby, which is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between the spouses is "blood". Husband and wife may, in commemoration of the ruby ​​wedding anniversary, encrust a ruby ​​in their wedding rings. In terms of hardness, a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, and it is believed that no trials can already split a family.
If the spouses have lived together for forty years, then they are about 60-70 years old. That is, they are already pensioners, for whom a ruby ​​wedding will become a good reason have fun and see your family and friends. It’s great if the relatives themselves remember this wedding anniversary, then the holiday will become doubly expensive for the anniversaries, but if not, then the guests must be notified in advance so that they have time to prepare gifts and congratulations or come if they live in another city.
In the design of the room where the fortieth wedding anniversary will take place, red color should prevail. So, the hall can be decorated balloons in the form of hearts, bouquets of red flowers on the table, bright red or pink curtains on the windows. The festive table for this wedding anniversary must also be bright and colorful. Excellent wines, all kinds of desserts from berries and wedding cake with red fruit filling must be present at this wedding anniversary.
Essential wedding anniversary gifts ruby wedding jewelry and crafts with rubies should become. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads and brooches, necklaces and pendants, key rings are magnificent, especially if rubies imitate flowers and clusters of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate caskets, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that the ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

Topaz wedding - 44 years of marriage

44 years - Topaz wedding.

Sapphire (scarlet) wedding - 45 years of marriage

45th wedding anniversary - Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding.
After forty-five years of married life, they celebrate their wedding anniversary sapphire wedding. Living together for so many years without losing love and tenderness is a truly precious thing. This is largely due to the name of this wedding anniversary.
The guests at this wedding anniversary are most often especially close and Dear people and relatives. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that usually people who have lived together for forty-five years already have both children and grandchildren. In addition, a circle of really true friends is determined, with whom it is pleasant to celebrate such an important celebration and who will truly be happy about your holiday.
The main tradition followed for this wedding anniversary is the decoration of wedding rings with sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, that for people of respectable age it will not be superfluous. In addition, sapphire brings good luck in all endeavors.

Lavender wedding - 46 years of marriage

46 wedding years - Lavender wedding.
Very touching name of the wedding and touching symbolism of the wedding anniversary. This day symbolizes tenderness, kindness and longevity of marital relationships. The plant is southern, but if possible, it is good to give each other at least dry flowers or leaves of this plant for the lavender wedding anniversary, which is able to retain its delicate smell for many years.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years of marriage

47 years - Cashmere wedding.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years of marriage

48th anniversary - Amethyst wedding.

Cedar wedding - 49 years of marriage

49 years from the date of the wedding - Cedar wedding.

Golden wedding - 50 years of marriage

Golden wedding - the 50th anniversary of the family. Only love, devotion, and respect of the spouses helped to achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - the husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and the old ones are passed on to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. This anniversary can not only be solemnly celebrated at the registry office at the place of registration, but even asked to arrange a second marriage ceremony.
The anniversary of the golden wedding becomes a really big and joyful event for the whole family of anniversaries. This is a holiday that allows you to feel the cohesion and unity of the family, the traditions that have developed in it. It is this wedding anniversary that in many ways says that in this family love and happiness are inherited, they are a sign of this family. Next to the anniversaries is the fruit of their long life together: joyful children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The fiftieth wedding anniversary is celebrated almost as magnificently as the very first anniversary. It is important to prepare well, the surprise will be pleasant not only for the anniversaries themselves, but for the whole family.
gifts for golden wedding, of course, - products made of gold. Guests can also present gilded jewelry and interior items.

Emerald wedding - 55 years of marriage

55 years of wedding - Emerald wedding. The name of the wedding is associated with an emerald - a green stone, symbolizing the eternity of life. The wish for the wedding anniversary is appropriate - to live, love and never grow old.

Diamond (platinum) wedding - 60 years of marriage

60th wedding anniversary - Diamond (platinum) wedding.
A diamond wedding is truly one of the most record-breaking wedding anniversaries of married life, and accordingly, the most beautiful gemstone should be the symbol of this wedding anniversary.
In addition to the fact that a diamond is valuable, expensive and very beautiful, it is impossible not to take into account the strength and durability of this stone. Such is the life of spouses who managed to maintain their relationship until this wedding anniversary, despite all the problems and difficulties that are inevitable in any family.
When holding a diamond wedding, one should try to combine intimacy and solemnity. It can be pure family celebration when children and grandchildren present gifts to parents or a big feast. The form of the sixtieth wedding anniversary is something between a solemn celebration of the anniversaries and a fun concert for them. Anniversaries themselves do not take part in organizing this wedding anniversary, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren.
It will be very nice if the holiday is decorated in the style of the time in which the first wedding of the anniversaries took place. Their favorite dishes must be on the table. You can also play some theatrical number especially for the spouses or show them a cut film about their life.
by the most great gift for the anniversaries there will be the very holding of their diamond wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected.

Iron wedding - 65 years of marriage

The sixty-fifth wedding anniversary is an iron wedding. Not only a diamond is durable. Iron is a metal, although not precious, but necessary for life. In addition, this name of this wedding anniversary is another reminder that the family builds their life together. And they say: "Strike while the iron is hot." It is already useless to reforge each other's character, but it is never too late to reforge feelings. This wedding anniversary is a rare event, it testifies to the strength of family ties, which become hard and strong as iron. Time can destroy a stone, but love, proven by such a period, nothing and no one can break. There's nowhere to be stronger. You have proven everything to everyone! Enjoy the attention of your children and grandchildren.

Stone wedding - 67.5 years of marriage

67.5 anniversary - Stone wedding.
The name of the wedding confirms again that the relationship between husband and wife is like a rock in the raging ocean of life.

Gracious (grateful) wedding - 70 years of marriage

70 years wedding anniversary - Gracious (grateful) wedding.
That wedding anniversary, when they cast a glance into the past and understand that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness. And thank God for it. On this day, children and grandchildren give the anniversaries whatever they wish.

Crown wedding - 75 years of marriage

The seventy-fifth wedding anniversary is the crown wedding. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren come to this day to honor you. best example For young people, it's unimaginable.
A date for which much, much time has passed since the day of the wedding - a green wedding. But those who made it to this date, this wedding anniversary, can rightfully be proud of the right choice of a life partner, or, at worst, their outstanding reserve of wisdom and tolerance. You need to be proud of such people and cherish and cherish them in every possible way - common man, who has just embarked on the difficult path of family life, it is impossible to even imagine what the crowned anniversaries had to endure. Glory to them and honor! Guests on this wedding anniversary give any gift, most importantly - from the heart.

If you wondered 2 years of marriage, what kind of wedding marks, do not expect a definite answer. There are several options for the name of the second anniversary, among them - paper, glass, cotton wedding. The characteristics of the three materials speak of their fragility and fragility, but with proper care they can last for many years. So the relationship of spouses who have been married for 2 years is still not strong enough and time-tested.

The euphoria of the honeymoon dissipated, and weekdays full of household chores came, the young managed to get to know each other better, discovered not only pleasant surprises in the nature of his soul mate, but I also had to face annoying disappointments. Often by this time a child appears in the family, caring for which takes a lot of time and effort and sometimes feels nervous system young parents for strength. However true love and mutual support help the couple go through all the difficulties that make marriage only stronger from year to year.

Celebration traditions and modernity

If you are at a loss for 2 years of marriage, how original way note, take note of the traditions and customs associated with the celebration of the second anniversary that exist in some countries:

  • In the People's Republic of China, spouses create through paper clothes red image of a chicken and a rooster, then, to the drum roll, they begin to perform a ritual mating dance around the fire. One of the guests dresses up as a black rooster and tries to recapture his wife from the red one, but the bird, of course, chooses a lover. This ceremony symbolizes the inviolability of the bonds of marriage and the strength of the feelings of the spouses, who are not afraid of any discord.
  • In Greece and Hungary, a barefoot couple performs a money dance, during which guests attach banknotes to their clothes, and for the right to dance with one of the spouses, those who wish must put a banknote in shoes standing in the middle of the room for this purpose.

Surely your holiday will become unforgettable if you bring such a ceremony to it. If you don’t want a noisy celebration with a large number of guests, arrange romantic dinner by candlelight for two. In both the first and second cases, do not forget to add to the design of the room and holiday table elements from symbolic materials: cover the table with a cotton tablecloth, prepare glassware and paper napkins, decorate the room with colored paper garlands. At the end of a memorable day, go outside and launch ) in the shape of a heart, which will become a symbol of your love.

Great idea to run paper heart from the sea or ocean, where you will go on a romantic trip in honor of two years of family life. A vacation trip will be a wonderful gift for your soul mate on the second anniversary.

Ideas for symbolic gifts

If you were invited to the second anniversary of your life together, and you have no idea what kind of wedding is 2 years old, what to give on such a date, use the custom to make gifts from the material on the name of the anniversary. Since 2 years of marriage is called a paper, glass, and cotton wedding, the choice of gifts is quite wide:


Make t-shirts or aprons for a husband and wife with a photo of them together or with a funny themed inscription like “It's been 2 years already best husband in the world”, “For 2 years the husband of the best wife in the world” (after the inscription there are arrows pointing to the spouse standing nearby).


You can give a glass coffee table, a breakfast tray or a hot glass coaster. A set of quality glassware is never superfluous, and a stylish glass vase will decorate any interior.


Order a painting with the image of your friends transferred to canvas from a photograph. Present the spouses with a book: the works of your favorite writer, a cookbook or a guest book, where visitors can leave their wishes and thanks for the reception. Useful for a couple and a photo album for storing family pictures. The best paper present will be an envelope with money, for which the owners can buy everything they need.

For a second anniversary gift, prepare something sweet and romantic for your significant other. For example, order a calendar that will be decorated with your photos every month. The design of such a calendar can be independently developed using a special online editor available on the website of almost every photo studio. Or burn your loved one a CD with your special songs that will evoke pleasant romantic memories.

You can follow the tradition of writing a “family letter” for a paper wedding, which has come from ancient times. In the letter, the spouses indicate in a mild form each other's shortcomings and admit that they would like to change their family life so that annoying little things cannot destroy the relationship.

The main thing is to do it with love and do not forget to remind about your tender feelings to your significant other. We advise you to read - for interior decoration and photo shoots.

Paper is a soft and flexible material. Paper wedding 2 years of marriage, it's new story written from scratch.

Traditions for the 2nd wedding anniversary

For the celebration of young spouses for 2 years of marriage, from the groans of relatives is given traditional present- paper money in paper envelopes. Usually, two envelopes are given for 2 years of marriage.

The first envelope contains large banknotes for the purchase of household appliances or for repairs. In the second envelope for 2 years from the date of the wedding, young parents invest banknotes of a smaller denomination for the purchase of an expensive stroller, furniture and clothes for the baby.

What to give your wife for a paper wedding

There are no traditional gifts for this date yet. A woman who has spent only 2 years in marriage is very sensitive to any sign of attention from her husband. A charming gift for a wife for 2 years of married life will be a modest gold ring.

small box with jewelry the husband hides in a pile of finely cut colored paper, and packs it in a large gift box.

What to give your husband for a paper wedding

A timely gift will be paper cash, based on the principle that banknotes are always presented on time, and even more so on such an anniversary as 2 years from the date of the wedding.

A wife for a paper wedding 2 years of marriage can please her husband with a trivial, but high-quality gift:

  • favorite author's collectible book
  • notebook in expensive leather binding
  • subscription to a glossy men's magazine

How to celebrate 2 years of marriage

The spouses should spend the anniversary day of 2 years in marriage surrounded by friends and relatives:

  • Outdoors
  • renting tables in a small cafe
  • having ordered banqueting hall in a restaurant

A celebration on the occasion of 2 years from the date of marriage is held, according to tradition. The walls of the room are decorated paper decor- crafts such as origami. Two must be placed on the table. paper swans by placing them between paper napkins.

The table for 2 years of marriage is traditionally covered with a red tablecloth, a white service is set, and white napkins are laid. More often they arrange a buffet with snacks and desserts. Wine, champagne and liquor are the main drinks by the date of 2 years from the date of the wedding.

Strong drinks - whiskey and vodka, should not be a priori. The hot dish is traditionally served with roasted duck, turkey or pig.

What to give friends for a paper wedding

The second anniversary is not celebrated in a big way. It should take place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. As a rule, on the date of 2 years in marriage, friends are given:

  • cotton bedding set
  • safety glass coffee, tea or table set
  • cookery books
  • expensive wallpaper (under renovation and by prior arrangement with the owners)

Among the gifts there are symbolic inexpensive souvenirs made of glass or plastic. Basically, for a paper / glass wedding, 2 years of marriage are given small household appliances packed in carton boxes and beautifully decorated with colored paper.

Each family has its own traditions. Celebrating a wedding anniversary and giving gifts to each other is one of them. Today we will tell you about the milestone of 2 years: what kind of wedding is it, why is it called that, how best to celebrate it. Best Ideas for celebrations and gifts - in this article!

Why is the second anniversary of marriage - "paper"?

Paper is a very fragile and at the same time elastic material. 2 years of marriage is the period for which marital relations have not yet had time to get stronger, they are going through the stage of building a family. That is why 2 years of marriage is called a paper wedding.

Celebrating this day and giving gifts is a tradition of many peoples:

Another interpretation of the name of the second wedding anniversary is a relationship that is easily torn like paper. Often by this day a baby appears in the family, which makes noticeable changes in the relationship of the spouses, complicating them. On the basis of fatigue and irritability, conflicts often occur in the family. In order for a young family to tear paper, and not relationships, it was customary to replenish paper stocks in the house. To do this, gave books, calendars, albums and more.

How to celebrate a paper wedding?

Two years of marriage can be noted in a narrow family circle or invite friends and family. For a family holiday, you can choose the most unusual venue:

  1. Go to nature. It can be a forest, a secluded beach or mountains. Even if the anniversary falls during the cold season, this is not a reason to stay at home. To make the holiday memorable, be sure to take a small collapsible tent or canopy with you and decorate it with paper garlands, lanterns, and flowers. Cozy sun loungers, blankets, fruits, favorite sweets, tea cooked on a fire will help to make the atmosphere even more romantic.

  2. Have dinner on the rooftop. A secluded roof is suitable for this. high-rise building. It is not necessary to equip it with a table and chairs - the most ordinary bedspread will do, but beautiful glasses and champagne - required attribute romantic evening. You can cook dinner together or order it ready in a restaurant. A paper Chinese lantern launched from the roof will be a symbol of the anniversary of family life.
  3. Arrange a quest in the library. On the eve of the holiday, you should prepare and hide notes with riddles and romantic wishes on the bookshelves. At the end of the quest, there may be gifts in the form of a collector's edition of your favorite book or a new bestseller.
  4. Send each other romantic letters. With the advent of the Internet and mobile phones, the custom to send postcards and Love letters almost forgotten. love confessions, written necessarily by hand and sent by mail, will become a pleasant and touching trifle.
  5. Go to an origami master class. Together you can design animal figurines or even home decor out of paper.

  6. Make greeting cards for each other. It is best to attend a lesson on making postcards, where the master will help bring any fantasy to life.
  7. Draw portraits or cartoons. Drawing is a process that helps to relax and become closer. In the picture, you can emphasize the best qualities and traits, or, conversely, hint at what you don’t like about the character or behavior of your spouse.

For a holiday with friends, a cafe or a restaurant, a cottage or a camp site is perfect. You can also have a party at home. For the entertainment of guests, you can arrange:

Regardless of the venue of the holiday, you should decorate the room and make pleasant surprises for guests. For girls, you can cook comic cardboard crowns or kokoshniks, for guys - cocked hats and skullcaps.

What to give friends for a 2 year wedding?

Surely, over the 2 years of married life, the young family has accumulated many happy moments captured in photographs. That's why great gift a large family photo album will become young. You can not only buy it, but also make it to order or make it yourself.

In addition, inexpensive and useful gift for a paper wedding will be:

What else do they give for 2 years of marriage? Of course, money. They can be presented as beautiful postcard or an envelope, and in the form of a whole bouquet. To do this, you should make tulips from banknotes, as they taught you to make from paper at labor lessons at school, and string them on wooden skewers. From other bills, you can make leaves to make the bouquet look more magnificent. You can decorate the gift with ribbons and bows.

What to give your husband?

A 2 year wedding anniversary gift for a husband is not only a book or a subscription to your favorite magazine. Although for lovers of printed literature, the smell of the pages of a new book - real pleasure. You can give your beloved husband:

What is the original gift for a paper wedding to her husband? If the spouse is a connoisseur of modern literature, a book autographed by the author or an invitation to the presentation of a new novel will be a great gift. And a few more options that wives give for a paper wedding to their husbands:

By the way, tickets for the game of his favorite football team are also a paper gift.

What to give your wife?

It’s a little more difficult for men to choose a gift for their wife, because it’s difficult to choose an expensive present, but you don’t want to give a cheap one. A few examples of what is given to the wife on the second wedding anniversary:

Gifts for a paper wedding do not have to be made of paper. Beautiful enough paper packaging or a box containing:

A wonderful addition to any material gift will be a certificate for the fulfillment of the desires of his wife. It can be either one thing, for example, washing dishes or coffee in bed, or a whole set:

  • cleaning the house;
  • massage;
  • wash;
  • joint shopping;
  • breakfast in bed;
  • cooking dinner;
  • a joint trip to the mother-in-law;
  • fulfillment of any desire.

The variety of wishes depends on the imagination and habits in the family. You can add to the list and various sexual wishes and fantasies.

What do not give their wives on the second wedding anniversary:

  • books on parenting;
  • cookbooks if the spouse does not know how to cook;
  • gym memberships (an exception is that the wife regularly attends it), since the gift can be regarded as an offensive hint of poor physical shape;
  • paper flowers.

DIY paper wedding gift

Handmade crafts are becoming more and more popular every day. Paper gifts made with soul with your own hands are a great surprise for an anniversary. It is best to agree in advance with your spouse that everyone should make a gift with their own hands. You can cook.

If you are going to celebrate your 2nd wedding anniversary, then it will be useful for you to find out what this celebration is called. After all, we are gradually starting to return to our traditions, and each family tries to celebrate this or that celebration in a certain theme and in a special style. And the second wedding anniversary is called - paper.

Paper wedding and its features

The custom of naming wedding anniversaries dates back to Ancient Rus'. Our ancestors subtly noticed the nuances of each year lived together by a married couple, and in accordance with the strength and hardening of the family, they gave the anniversary a symbolic name.

Of course, paper is not the most durable material, but for each individual couple, a paper wedding has its own interpretation:

To some, the paper seemed extremely unreliable, capable of instantly burning to the ground or drowning and softening in everyday turmoil.

Someone managed to build a bridge, albeit paper, but still, connecting two loving hearts.

But for someone Blank sheet paper is an opportunity to write a new, happy story of life together.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary 2 years?

A paper wedding is already the second experience of celebrating an anniversary. For many couples in love, it is important to recreate touching and exciting sensations. After all, not much time has passed since the painting, and Mendelssohn's bewitching march is still heard in my head.

It is not necessary to invite many guests to a paper wedding. This is mostly a family holiday and it should be held in a quiet and cozy atmosphere.

But, nevertheless, the holiday should be memorable. After all, what wedding anniversary will do without gifts, congratulations and family photos?

paper wedding decoration

Naturally, the highlight of the design of the entire celebration should be paper. A variety of handmade butterflies, pictures, bows and bouquets look very creative and interesting. With such decorative elements, you can easily decorate the venue of the event, the outfit of the bride and groom.

You can also surprise your guests with gifts. And what to give to friends and relatives for a paper wedding if not paper handkerchiefs, multi-colored paper cards, flowers or wedding hats? And do not worry that the gifts are inexpensive, the main thing is that you made them yourself and put a piece of your soul into each of them.

Paper wedding ideas

So that a family holiday does not turn into a banal feast, you need to consider entertainment program celebrations.

Start your holiday with solemn vows of love and fidelity and secure your words with paper letters with seals. By the way, it is advisable to come up with seals for letters yourself. Subsequently, these seals can become the emblem or motto of your family.

If in the family during these two years there were frictions and omissions, you can write messages to each other. From the side of the husband, the message will be read by the friend, and from the side of the wife by the friend. By the way, in this way, you can solve any family conflicts and in everyday life. But if you do not want to bring your family feuds to the public discussion, you can hand letters to each other at the end of the evening, when the guests disperse.

Install a wish tree near the couple's seats. There, each of the guests will be able to write parting words or wishes to the young family.

The entertainment program for guests may include such contests and quizzes:

  • Guests can be asked to draw a portrait married couple. Moreover, each guest will draw in turn on one large canvas;
  • Can play in joke game question answer;
  • Ask guests to make paper figurines, only they will do them with their eyes closed;
  • Don't forget about small rewards for the winner for each contest won;
  • And with the advent of evening, launch into the sky paper lanterns with wishes.

What to give for a paper wedding?

What to give a couple for a paper wedding? Of course, any paper products. It can be:

  • Money
  • Paintings
  • Icons
  • Useful books
  • Photo albums
  • Subscriptions to magazines, on topics of interest to the couple.

gifts for wife

A spouse can present a beautiful gift to his beloved on the day of the celebration. paper bouquet, a functional diary, a recipe book or sweets in beautiful paper wrappers. If finances allow, you can give your wife vacation tickets, somewhere in warmer climes. Invite your beloved to a concert or to the cinema, because tickets will be needed there too.

What to give your husband?

A gift for a husband should be special and memorable. Surprise your loved one and give him a subscription to a sauna or a billiard club for his anniversary. A business spouse can be presented with an expensive paper organizer or a personal notepad.

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