The art of paper figures. Shooting Japanese television - Japan about origami in Russia. Shinto ideas in the art of origami

First you need to do two things: print the multiplication table itself and explain the principle of multiplication.

For work, we need the Pythagorean table. Previously, it was published on the back of notebooks. It looks like this:

You can also see the multiplication table in this format:

So, this is not a table. These are just columns of examples in which it is impossible to find logical connections and patterns, so the child has to learn everything by heart. To make it easier for him, find or print a real table.

2. Explain the working principle

When a child independently finds a pattern (for example, sees symmetry in the multiplication table), he remembers it forever, unlike what he memorized or what someone else told him. Therefore, try to turn the study of the table into an interesting game.

Starting to learn multiplication, children are already familiar with simple mathematical operations: addition and multiplication. You can explain to your child the principle of multiplication using a simple example: 2 × 3 is the same as 2 + 2 + 2, that is, 3 times 2.

Explain that multiplication is a short and fast way to do calculations.

Next, you need to deal with the structure of the table itself. Show that the numbers from the left column are multiplied by the numbers from the top row, and the correct answer is at their intersection. Finding the result is very simple: you just need to swipe your hand across the table.

3. Teach in small chunks

No need to try to learn everything in one sitting. Start with columns 1, 2, and 3. This will gradually prepare your child for more complex information.

A good technique is to take an empty printed or drawn table and fill it out yourself. At this stage, the child will not memorize, but count.

When he figured out and mastered the simplest columns well enough, move on to more difficult numbers: first to multiply by 4-7, and then by 8-10.

4. Explain the property of commutativity

The most famous rule: the product does not change from permutation of factors.

It will become clear to the child that in fact he needs to learn not all, but only half of the table, and he already knows some examples. For example, 4×7 is the same as 7×4.

5. Find patterns in the table

As we said earlier, in the multiplication table, you can find many patterns that will simplify its memorization. Here are some of them:

  1. When multiplied by 1, any number remains the same.
  2. All examples of 5 end in 5 or 0: if the number is even, we attribute 0 to half of the number, if odd - 5.
  3. All examples of 10 end in 0 and start with the number we are multiplying by.
  4. 5 examples are half as many as 10 examples (10 × 5 = 50, and 5 × 5 = 25).
  5. To multiply by 4, you can simply double the number twice. For example, to multiply 6 × 4, you need to double 6 twice: 6 + 6 = 12, 12 + 12 = 24.
  6. To remember multiplying by 9, write down a series of answers in a column: 09, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90. You need to remember the first and last number. All the rest can be reproduced according to the rule: the first digit in a two-digit number is increased by 1, and the second is decreased by 1.

6. Repeat

Practice repetition more often. Ask in order first. When you notice that the answers have become confident, start asking randomly. Keep an eye on the pace: at first, let's have more time to think, but gradually increase the pace.

7. Play

Use not only standard methods. Education should be fun and interesting for the child. Therefore, use visual aids, play, use different techniques.


The game is simple: prepare cards with multiplication examples without answers. Shuffle them, and the child should pull out one at a time. If he gives the correct answer, we put the card aside, the wrong one - we return it to the pile.

The game can be varied. For example, give answers on time. And every day count the number of correct answers so that the child has a desire to beat his yesterday's record.

You can play not only for a while, but also until the whole stack of examples runs out. Then for each wrong answer, you can entrust the child with a task: recite a poem or clean up things on the table. When all the cards are solved, give a small gift.

From reverse

The game is similar to the previous one, only instead of cards with examples, you prepare cards with answers. For example, the number 30 is written on the card. The child must name several examples that will give 30 as a result (for example, 3 × 10 and 6 × 5).

Real life examples

Learning becomes more interesting if you discuss with the child things that he likes. So, you can ask a boy how many wheels four cars need.

You can also use visual aids: counting sticks, pencils, cubes. For example, take two glasses, each containing four pencils. And clearly show that the number of pencils is equal to the number of pencils in one glass, multiplied by the number of glasses.


Rhyme will help to remember even complex examples that are not given to a child. Make up your own simple verses. Choose the simplest words, because your goal is to simplify the memorization process. For example: “Eight bears were chopping wood. Eight nine - seventy two.

8. Don't be nervous

Usually in the process, some parents forget and make the same mistakes. Here is a list of things that should never be done:

  1. Force the child if he does not want to. Instead, try to motivate him.
  2. Scold for mistakes and scare bad grades.
  3. Set an example for your classmates. When someone compares you to someone, it's unpleasant. In addition, you need to remember that all children are different, so you need to find the right approach for each.
  4. Learn everything at once. The child is easily frightened and tired of a large amount of material. Learn gradually.
  5. Ignore progress. Praise your child when they complete tasks. At such moments, he has a desire to study further.

From childhood, the familiar song “2x2 = 4” makes adults smile. I immediately remember my school years and the multiplication table, which was given to many with great difficulty. Now nothing has changed and the children also have to learn the table. There are many methods for learning the multiplication table, some even promise to learn the tablet in a few minutes.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes - a competent approach

Where do we start studying the table? From the basics and first you have to explain to the child how to multiply a number by a number. That is, before you start cramming the table, you need to understand the principle of multiplication.

We explain to the child that a simple example 2 multiplied by 3 means that the number 2 must be added 3 times. And we show an example that is understandable to him, we write it down like this: 2+2+2=6. Explaining the essence of multiplication. If it is difficult for a child to understand why this example is written as 2x3 = 6, then we take counting sticks, seeds, sweets, cherries, etc. and with the help of these objects we show an example of multiplication.

If the child has learned this, then you can proceed to the next stage, in fact, studying the table.

Which multiplication table is easier to learn?

Teachers of the old school argue that the table, which is now presented on the back of the notebook in the form of columns, is not suitable for a first acquaintance. You can just learn it, but not understand how to use it. And the real table, which opens up all the possibilities of multiplication, is the Pythagorean table. It was placed on every notebook in the Soviet years. This table was used by our mothers and grandmothers.

The numbers in the tablet are arranged symmetrically and the child, without even thinking, will look for symmetry and quickly find the right answer.

And yet, if the child saw and understood the principle of how to use the hint sign, then he will need to learn only half of the table. Because the rest is a repetition of the learned material. And yet, the columns and examples of a regular table are sometimes distracting and the student can get confused why extra information is needed. He can learn the table in order, but using the learned material randomly is not an easy task.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes

The table for 2 and 10 is easy to learn even in 5 minutes! Here it is important to show the child so that he understands the principle of multiplication, and then simple mathematics. For example, to multiply a number by 10, you need to add it the same number of times, that is, 10 times. And so on. And to get an answer, you just need to add 0 to the received number and say the received answer. Children who have completed the first grade already perfectly count within 100 and will be able to convert one to tens.

How easy is it to learn a table for 2? You can do it in literally 5 minutes. The child already knows how to add the same numbers, you just need to explain the principle to him and work out the learned material.

Learned the sign for 2? Feel free to move on to the number 4, and put the table for 3 aside for later. A child will remember a table for 4 faster if he is explained that this is the same tablet as for 2, only all answers need to be doubled. If 2x2=4, then 2x4=8, and so on. Multiplied by 2, got the answer, then the result was multiplied again by 2.

Multiplication by 3 is sometimes harder than the whole table, so a simple counter will help:

How to learn the multiplication table. easy way

The multiplication table for 5 is just as easy to learn as for 2 and 10. Simple answers, counting within 5. A little hint: if you multiply even by odd, the answer is always odd by 0. For example, 5 times 2 will be 10, by 4 will be 20, 6 will be 30. And vice versa, if an even number is multiplied by 5, we get a number ending in this digit in the answer: 5 by 3 \u003d 15, etc.

After the table at 5, immediately jump to the study of the tablet at 9. And learning the table is easy with your fingers. When you master this number, all the rest will be easy to come by: a table for 6.7 and 8. The child just needs to be explained that he already knows the answers to these examples, only they are written the other way around. If 2 times 8 is 16, then 8 times 2 is also 16.

Now you know how to quickly learn the multiplication table, and we advise you not to rush, not to force the child to do what he does not want, to have fun always and everywhere, even on vacation and transport, turning the lessons into a game. Good luck!

We are all used to the multiplication table.But it turns out there are other options ... Let's see

2. Total 36 combinations

3. Poems to remember

Some children have difficulty remembering the multiplication table, some do not. The multiplication table must be taught to the child. You must explain that multiplication is the addition of the same terms. The first factor shows which term we take, and the second shows how many times we take it (add it). To better remember the multiplication table, you can use verses. For example, these:

A. Usachev. Multiplication table in verse.

What is Multiplication?
This is smart addition.
After all, smarter - multiply times,
Than to add up everything for an hour.

One penguin walked among the ice floes.
Once, one, one.

There is safety in numbers.
Once two two.

Two athletes took kettlebells.
It is: two times two is four.

The rooster sat before dawn
On a high pole:
- Crow! .. Twice three,
Two times three is six!

A pair of forks stuck into the pie:
Two by four is eight holes.

They decided to weigh two elephants:
Two times five, we get ten.
That is, each elephant weighs
Approximately five tons.

Met cancer crab:
Twice six is ​​twelve paws.

Twice seven mice -
Fourteen ears!

Octopuses went for a swim:
Twice eight legs is sixteen.

Have you seen such a miracle?
Two humps on the back of a camel.
Nine camels began to be counted:
Twice nine humps is eighteen.

Twice ten is two tens!
Twenty, to put it briefly.

Two bugs drinking coffee
And they broke three cups.
What is broken, do not glue ...
three times three makes nine.

He keeps repeating in the apartment all day
Talking cockatoo:
- Three times four,
Three times four...
twelve months of the year.

The student began to write in a notebook:
What is "three times five"?
He was terribly careful:
Three times five - fifteen spots!

Thomas began to eat pancakes:
Eighteen is three times six.

Three times seven is twenty-one:
Hot pancake on the nose.

Mice gnawed holes in cheese:
Three times eight is twenty-four.

Three times nine is twenty-seven.
Everyone needs to remember this.

Three maidens by the window
Dressed up in the evening.
The girls measured the rings:
Three times ten is thirty.

Four cute pigs
danced without boots:
Four times four is sixteen bare legs.

Four scientist monkeys
Flipping through books...
Each foot has five toes:
Four times five is twenty.

Went to the parade
Four times six is ​​twenty-four!

Chickens are counted in autumn:
Four times seven is twenty-eight!

Baba Yaga's stupa broke:
"Four times eight" - thirty-two teeth! -
Bezh zhubov she has nothing to eat:
- Four times nine - "thirty shesht"!

Walked forty forty,
We found cottage cheese.
And divide the cottage cheese into parts:
Four times ten is forty.

The hares went out for a walk:
Five five - twenty five.

The fox ran into the forest:
Five six makes thirty.

Five bears from the den
We walked through the forest without a road -
For seven miles jelly slurp:
Five seven - thirty five!

climb centipede
Difficulty on a hillock:
Tired legs -
Five eight - forty.

Cannons stood on a hillock:
Five eight - it's forty.

The guns started firing:
Five nine is forty-five.

If you slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes:
Five nine - forty five ...
There will be this bast
Drip everyone on your trousers!

Digging a bed of zucchini
Five dozen patches.
And piglets' tails:
Five ten - fifty!

Six old women spun wool:
Six six is ​​thirty six.

Six networks of six ruffs -
This is also thirty-six.
And caught in the net of a roach:
Six seven is forty two.

Hippo buns ask:
Six eight - forty eight ...

We do not feel sorry for the rolls.
Mouth open wider:
Six nine will be -
Fifty four.

Six geese lead goslings:
Six ten is sixty.

Fools do not reap, do not sow,
They themselves are born:
Family seven - forty nine ...
Let them not be offended!

Once the deer asked the elk:
- How much will seven eight? -
The moose did not climb into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!

At seven nesting dolls
Whole family inside:
Seven nine crumbs -
Sixty three.

Seven fox cubs are taught at school:
A family of ten - seventy!

Vacuuming the nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight by eight -
Sixty four.

Eight bears were chopping wood.
Eight nine - seventy two

The best account in the world
New Year is coming...
Toys hang in eight rows:
Eight ten - eighty!

Pig pig decided to check:
- How much will it be "nine by nine"?
- Eighty - oink - one! -
So answered the young pig.

The sandpiper is small, but the nose is:
Nine ten is ninety.

There are ten moles in the meadow,
Each digs ten beds.
And ten ten - one hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

Marina Kazarina Multiplication table

Pupils and students!
To make it easier for you to count
We are the Pythagorean table
We decided to write in poetry.

It is easy to find a solution for it,
The verse is enough to read,
And to remember the calculations,
Everywhere there is a clue!

Well, let's not delay
Get a notebook and a pencil
And let's get down to business.
So, the TWO goes to the start!

Multiplying two by one,
We get a TWO - a swan-bird,
Saves every student
From these "birds" your diary.

Known to children all over the world
That twice two equals FOUR.
They should also take into account
That twice three we get SIX.

Two by four is EIGHT.
And we ask all the guys
Forget whims, quarrels, laziness
March 8 - Mother's Day!

We need to multiply two by five,
And if we all take it together,
Let's push it guys
We'll be in the TOP 10 right away!

That twice six is ​​TWELVE,
The calendar will tell you, brothers,
And it will give you a hint
Twelve months of the year!

Nice to multiply two by seven
February holiday will help us,
Valentine's Day, I remember -
FOURTEENTH, friends!

How much is twice eight
We will ask tenth graders.
They give us the answer
After all, they are already SIXTEEN years old!

You have to try to remember
That twice nine is eighteen.
And it's very easy to guess
That twice ten is TWENTY!

We tried hard
And the two were quickly dealt with.
Now friends, stay strong
TROIKA is already in the game!

Multiplying three by one,
We get to the page
From a book of fairy tales for children
About THREE funny pigs!

That three times two equals SIX,
Let's take a look at the answer in the cheat sheet!
And three times three, we decide for ourselves,

Multiplying three by four
I imagine the dial
And I present at once
How the clock strikes TWELVE times.

That three times five equals FIFTEEN,
Should be easy to remember.
Imagine how first-graders are at school
They play tag fun!

Multiply three by six in two counts,
Rather, become an adult hunt!
You know the years go by fast
Look, you're eighteen!

Multiply three by seven
And it's easy for us
After all, three times seven - the answer is one,

How much is three times eight
We'll deal with the issue in a day,
After all, in a day, as is known in the world,
Hours only TWENTY-FOUR!

We secretly tell everyone
That three times nine is TWENTY SEVEN.
And it had to happen
That three times ten is THIRTY!

Well, here we defeated the three,
Luckily, we didn't have time to get tired.
And things are still unfinished,
We are waiting for the FOUR!

Multiply four by one
We can't change it
In products with unit
It should turn out FOUR!

Four by two - will be EIGHT,
We will throw the eight on the nose,
Suddenly fit you and me
Eight as a pince-nez?

How to multiply four by three?
I'll have to go to the winter forest,
Find snowdrops in winter!

Multiply four by four
This example is easy to solve!
In this work only
SIXTEEN available!

For you four by five
Musketeers will deftly multiply,
With the enemies of the sword again crossed

We multiply four by six
And what will be the result?
Hours go by, minutes go by...
TWENTY-FOUR - exactly one day!

Four by seven - TWENTY EIGHT -
Days are usually in February.
And to check all we ask
Look for the answer in the calendar!

Multiply four times eight
AND THREED TWO - the answer sounds.
A person has just as many
In the mouth of teeth in the prime of life!

Multiply four times nine
You will get exactly THIRTY-SIX,
Well, multiply by ten
Write more boldly FORTY here!

The worm was left behind
Another figure appeared...
And to be remembered
We multiply with the number FIVE!

Multiplying five by one,
We will easily get FIVE!
And our folding table
Let's continue to study further.

And five by two, I want to note
Multiplying is easy - it will be TEN!
The answer is always in your hands:
He's wearing gloves and socks!

Let's multiply five by three together,
We need some time.
FIFTEEN received immediately -
Done in a quarter of an hour!

How to multiply five by four
They will answer on TV!
See you on the screen
TWENTY MuzTV clips!

And five five - the answer is known,
He is sung about in a children's song,
And every student should know
That here we get TWENTY-FIVE!

Multiply five by six
As a result, we get THIRTY.
And five seven - easy to count -
Short answer: THIRTY-FIVE!

What is five eight
Let's ask Ali Baba from a fairy tale.
When I got to the robbers,
He counted them all FORTY!

Friends, I want to tell you
That five nine is FORTY-FIVE,
And each of the guys knows
That five is ten - FIFTY!

Five at a time we calculated
And not at all tired.
Let's decide on! There are forces!
Now let's do the number SIX!

Six on one - SIX came out,
And outside the window you can hear the guitar!
And songs are pouring on a moonlit night
Under the overflows of the six-string.

We multiply six by two -
We get exactly TWELVE.
At twelve o'clock every year
The New Year is coming to our house!

Six by three - only EIGHTEEN!
In such years it is possible, brothers,
Get married, get married
Drive your own car!

A simple example of "six four"
We were like him!
You need to think for half a minute ...
TWENTY-FOUR - again a day!

And six five - we get THIRTY,
This is where the dial comes in handy:
Big hand on the clock
Show exactly half an hour!

Oh, that's right, six by six times
The song will help us again
There is a solution in her words:
Six times six is ​​THIRTY SIX.

"Six by seven" we teach multiplication,
We'll get a hint in the shoe store
After all, many men wear
FORTY-TWO shoe size!

That six eight is FORTY EIGHT,
The boa constrictor explained to the monkey
But he himself is only thirty-eight in length
He was "in parrots"!

And six nine - we decided.
Let's get FIFTY-FOUR!
And everyone is happy to answer us,
That six ten is SIXTY!

Friends, great work!
With the six coped in two accounts!
And then we offer everyone
Solve examples with the number SEVEN!

"Family One" - find the answer
A seven-flower flower will help!
After all, flowers like him,
SEVEN colorful petals!

We simply multiply seven by two,
FOURTEEN is a good age
After all, at this age is beautiful
Guys get a passport!

That the seven of three are TWENTY ONE,
An important gentleman told us
Let's ask him:
"A family of four?" TWENTY EIGHT!

Multiply seven by five! Ready!
The answer is familiar - THIRTY-FIVE!
Let's ask thirty-three cows
Shout it louder!

Valery Syutkin sang for everyone,
That six is ​​seven - the answer is simple,
Spends FORTY-TWO minutes
He's underground every day!

Do you want to multiply seven by seven?
We can give everyone a hint:
Look, "FORTY-NINE" can be
Only once in the table to meet!

And multiplying seven by eight,
FIFTY SIX we will give the answer!
Carries people around the city
A bus with a number like that!

Multiply seven by nine
And with "seven ten" everything is in order,
Exactly SEVENTY here, look!

So, with the seven we are in the calculation,
And the number EIGHT is on the way!
So as not to waste time
Let's start, brothers, multiply!

Multiply eight by one
Underwater inhabitant octopus,
He cannot walk on land
Even though it has EIGHT legs!

And eight by two - know, brothers,
The decision is correct - SIXTEEN!
And eight by three - do not forget?
The answer is "in hours" - TWENTY-FOUR!

Multiply eight by four
There are only THIRTY-TWO, friends,
Although they said in Lukomorye
About thirty-three heroes!

Multiply eight by five
Here FORTY, there are no options!
And here's a hint:
“For forty troubles - one answer!”

Multiply eight by six -
Forty-eight comes out here!
Well, multiplying by seven, we can
We get - FIFTY SIX!

At eight eight learned
We multiply without error,
And exactly SIXTY FOUR
Must indicate in the answer!

We multiply eight by nine.
Here is the result: SEVENTY TWO!
At ten eight - we answer:
Here EIGHTY, gentlemen!

Hooray! Eight beaten!
One more push and we're on target!
But first things first
We undertake to multiply the NINE!

Multiply nine by one
Flipping through the history of the country,
Let every citizen remember
About the glorious day - the ninth of May!

Multiplying nine by two is easy,
And in order not to forget the answer,
Remember: your "civilian" age
Starts at EIGHTEEN!

"Nine by three", we count aloud,
Here TWENTY-SEVEN - there is a solution!
And multiply by four
We get exactly THIRTY-SIX!

It's not hard at all to learn
Multiply nine by five!
It should end up being

And to multiply nine by six,
We don't have to do anything!
We went through this with you
The answer is FIFTY-FOUR!

And here is clever Malvina
Diligently teaches Pinocchio,
And he says to him: "Look,
Nine seven - SIXTY THREE!

Nine-eight is the task
Come on, work, head!
But luck didn't let us down
We give the answer - SEVENTY TWO!

Multiply nine by nine
We check the answer in the table,
And, apparently,

The last example remains
And he immediately gives in to us!
Nine ten is easy!
The answer is exactly NINETY!

We multiply by 9.

All parents sooner or later face the question how to help your child learn the multiplication table.

The multiplication table is the necessary knowledge that a person needs at any age. In addition, knowledge of the Pythagorean table for a student is the key to success in further studies. Indeed, with a solid knowledge of the rules of multiplication, it becomes much easier to learn more complex topics of the school curriculum.

There are many ways to memorize - in poetry, pictures, games. We suggest you show your child another interesting way - multiplication table on fingers. This method is suitable for learning Rules for multiplying by nine. Often, examples with multiplication by 9 are the most difficult for children.

So, all you need is ten fingers. Place your palms on the table. Mentally give each finger, starting with the little finger of the left hand and ending with the little finger of the right, its number from 1 to 10.

Let's say we need to multiply 3 by 9. To calculate the answer, you need to find the finger number 3 and lift it. And then see how many fingers are left to lie on the right and left. The number of fingers to the left of the raised finger (in our case, their 2 ) are tens, the number of fingers on the right (we have this 7 ) are units. In total, we get - 2 and 7, that is 27 .

Try to do the same for other examples with "nine". It is not necessary to use fingers at all, although it will be easier for very young children to count on their fingers. You can also use 10 notebook cells or 10 drawn sticks.