12 years together what a wedding. Nickel wedding (12 years old) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

There is some discrepancy in the celebration of this anniversary: ​​some believe that 12 years should be celebrated life together, others -12.5, apparently identifying this figure with a half of , meaning silver wedding anniversary. And you can’t refuse logic to those who celebrate 12.5 years - a wedding is called nickel, and nickel is a metal similar to silver and often replacing it in products.

Nickel is a durable metal, it is resistant to moisture and air, it is quite difficult to mine it, and in the old days it was valued almost on a par with silver and gold. Everyone knows shiny nickel-plated objects, they are flawless in their smoothness, emphasize special order wherever they are used, whether they are elements of room decor or excellent kitchen utensils. Like a husband and wife, living together is already enough for a long time. Even if there were scratches in their life together (and there are objectively difficult moments at certain stages of marriage), to this day they managed to maintain their feelings and give the relationship strength and brilliance, comparable to the strength and brilliance of nickel.

There is another interpretation of the name - it is believed that a woman who has been married for 12, and even more so, 12.5 years, should have beautiful and quite expensive nickel-plated dishes in her arsenal and keep them in perfect condition so that it resembles silver with its brilliance. These can be cupronickel cutlery, chrome-nickel steel pots and other household utensils.

Nickel Wedding Traditions

12 years is not a round date, it does not require a magnificent celebration, you can invite only your closest ones. According to tradition, the spouses come to the celebration last. In the old days, before the celebration, they always visited the church in which they got married. Modern couples can also go to church if they had a wedding ceremony, or they can just visit places that are memorable for themselves.

When the heroes of the occasion return to their guests, they, as on the day of the first wedding, will be showered with coins, moreover, white, nickel, because everyone remembers what a wedding is 12 years of marriage.

The decoration of the festive table should also be traditional. It will be decorated with shiny cupronickel cutlery, rings or napkin holders.

Or maybe there is a cupronickel dish or a bucket for ice or champagne in the house! A table with a shiny samovar will be the perfect end to the feast.

Music, playful always make the holiday even better. You can, for example, check how seriously the spouses are family budget- pour out a bag of change and offer to count the amount, while distracting the spouses with a variety of questions.

What gifts can please a husband?

It is always easier for a woman to choose a gift - she will be pleased to receive a new piece of jewelry or a desired item from her husband. household appliances. And what to give her husband for 12 years of marriage? What wedding? Nickel! This is what you need to start from. For 12 years of marriage, the spouses know each other well, it is worth paying attention to the hobbies, habits and desires of the husband.

If the head of the family is fond of hunting or fishing, he will undoubtedly be pleased with a beautiful nickel-plated flask with engraving. For a solid office worker a good gift there will be an expensive pen in a nickel-plated case, a metal business card holder, an original flash drive of the corresponding color. Someone will admire a set of shiny wrenches or screwdrivers, and for a coffee lover, a Turk decorated with embossing is suitable.

Now on sale a lot of household appliances in a metal case. TO lucky gifts cupronickel sets for wine, a coffee machine, souvenirs made of metal. You can look after an electric razor, a cigarette case, a lighter and an ashtray.

What do guests give for 12 years of wedding?

Understanding what kind of wedding 12 years of wedding, what to give, the invitees will decide without any problems. Here, the degree of closeness to anniversaries and financial opportunities. Relatives, for example, can present large household appliances or a luxurious set of cupronickel cutlery. Great gift there will also be a set of nickel-plated kitchen utensils.

Gifts from friends can be both expensive (grandfather clock with a metal dial) and playful (a family portrait stylized as a famous painting in a nickel-plated frame). Lamps, candlesticks, and faucets with taps are appropriate if the heroes of the occasion are planning repairs or a country house is being built. For the interior, you can buy a box or some piece of furniture with metal inserts.

The main thing is that the family has taken place, successfully passes the test of time, there are relatives and friends, and when to celebrate - in 12 years or 12.5, everyone decides for himself! - what is the symbol and how to celebrate this date.

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main pledge family happiness- Loyalty and care for each other.

It is not necessary to celebrate a nickel wedding splendidly; according to tradition, the spouses spend this day together, walk around memorable places, remember their first dates and the wedding day. Great as a gift for wife fit decoration nickel or its alloy with silver. A husband can pick up a keychain or an ashtray made of shiny metal.

Congratulating your friends on this symbolic anniversary is as easy as shelling pears - for a gift, you can choose nickel dishes or buy any other useful thing for home. Sets will look appropriate bed linen, bathrobes, table sets, Wall Clock.

Interestingly, the second time the couple will celebrate the Nickel wedding exactly 28 years after the wedding. Congratulating friends, you can wish them to live in love and harmony until the next anniversary.

12 years since you've been married...
Not just a number or a date
She carries destiny
12 zodiac signs,
12 months a year.
Nickel is popularly called:
Feelings in the round dance
After all, they have been hardened for years,
So let the union always grow stronger.
And if time is fleeting
Let love turn into eternity.

Twelve years you've been together is a lot:
Hand in hand, soul lives in the soul.
Let the love road never end
And luckily you confidently leads!

Let there be ups, there will be downs,
Help each other in everything.
Work hard, don't rely on luck
Then the house will be cozy, warm!

Rejoice kids, appreciate all the moments,
They are your reward from the Lord from heaven.
Love is both help and patience,
And a lot of work, and a long process!

I sincerely congratulate you on your twelfth wedding anniversary! May your family always remain so friendly and cheerful! I wish you great happiness, inexhaustible mutual love And harmonious relations!

12 years hand in hand
What could be more important in fate?!
What is your secret to happiness?
There is no more important family in the world!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we sincerely wish you
May it always be so with you!
Hand in hand, eye to eye!

So that sorrows and adversities,
And so that any bad weather,
And happiness together to meet
Not to offend each other!

Your marriage has become stronger, it has become strong,
Like amazing metal
What is nickel called?
Only a ray of sun hits -
He will shine.
Not for nothing in the old years,
He was greatly appreciated
And together with gold and silver
Stored in safety.
And you keep your union
Always loving each other
How nickel will become your spouse,
If his wife is next to him.

You've been together for 12 years
This is a happy date.
And there is no more beautiful family
Keep it up, guys!

Let goodness come to the house
Staying alive forever.
Happy Anniversary, Happy Day
I congratulate you heartily!

Twelve years of marriage
It's called a nickel wedding.
On such a date, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
We would like to wish you.

Let your house be a full bowl.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
Please accept our congratulations
And be happy forever!

Twelve years - not too much and not too little
And the years flew by like the wind.
Your love has only grown stronger
And as if the bird conquers the heights.

You also experience everything together:
And their joys and sorrows.
Discover everything new in each other,
And may your days be joyful.

Not a short period, 12 years,
Live even longer.
Together in happiness and without trouble,
More love and money.

Today is a nickel holiday
The wedding day is like an anniversary.
Live brightly, diversify your life,
And it will be even more fun.

No wonder 12 years of marriage
Crowning the nickel anniversary.
Your marriage, as an ideal, is impeccable,
More stable than metal and whiter.

We heartily congratulate you.
We wish you understanding, smiles,
Love each other so forever
Without quarrels, insults, without any mistakes.

Although nickel is a strong and good metal,
But still his gold is more valuable.
Let's in a year, later,
Let's celebrate your golden anniversary!

Your marriage is 12 today!
We want you to always smile
Live only in happiness - beautiful, carefree,
Your love lasted forever!

To take care of each other
Hands would not open in difficulties,
Joy was also shared all the time,
So that only bright days last!

Congratulations: 46 in verse, 15 in prose.

By the 12th wedding anniversary, the husband and wife have time to go through a lot: joys and sorrows, happiness and disappointment, and if they managed to cope with everything and stayed together, then their union is really strong.

nickel wedding, which is exactly what they call the 12th anniversary of the marriage, “hints” to the spouses that they need not to stop and make the marriage so strong, the nickel itself is so strong. Our article will reveal all the secrets of this anniversary and help you choose the perfect gift.


Traditionally, Nickel or, as it is also called, Silk wedding is celebrated only after 12.5 years from the date of marriage. But, now few people pay attention to this, they celebrate the anniversary, like everyone else, exactly one year after the previous one.

If a couple wants to follow the old traditions, then on the day of the wedding they should visit places that are significant to them. This may be the place of acquaintance or the first kiss, the registry office where the marriage was registered or the church where they got married.

A nostalgic walk with a couple can be done by their relatives or close friends who are invited to the celebration. It is believed that such a walk will further strengthen family ties and family ties.

Directly the celebration of the 12th anniversary is no different from the rest. Of course, you need to invite close people, and gather everyone for a big festive table. You can decorate the table with nickel appliances and lay a silk tablecloth, otherwise everything is as usual.

Choosing a gift

But if you are invited to a celebration as a guest, then you will have to rack your brains over the choice of a beautiful and original gift. To make things easier for you, we've put together a list of 5 nickel gifts that are perfect for your 12th wedding anniversary:

Do not forget that silk gifts can also be given for the 12th anniversary, perhaps one of our ideas will appeal to you:

  1. . Of course, using a silk tablecloth daily will not work, but for solemn events it will fit perfectly;
  2. with silk lining. Decorate the wall in the bedroom or living room;
  3. . If you search well, you can even find silk paintings, and believe me, the search is worth it;
  4. Curtains. Large chic silk curtains will look great in any room.

In addition to offerings from guests, spouses should receive pleasant surprises friend from friend. The wife will be delighted with a brand new silk dress or suit. For a husband, you can buy a silk bow tie and a tie. Or other surprises:

And with a strong desire, you can also make a dress or a butterfly with your own hands. It is enough to download a pattern from the Internet and buy the necessary materials.

Choosing an offering for a wedding or anniversary is always a very important and touching moment, especially for those who are close to the couple. Therefore, you do not need to buy a gift hastily, take the time to choose, design and present the present, then the spouses will appreciate your efforts and, with great joy, will remember this day.

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Every married couple has one day a year that is important for both spouses. On this day, their family was born. Each date of the common celebration has its own name. For example - what kind of wedding 12 years of marriage?

Nickel and 12 years of marriage

After living together for 12 years, the couple celebrate a nickel wedding. Why nickel? The history of the date goes back to the time of Rus'. But then they celebrated not twelve years of marriage, but twelve and a half.

The reason is very simple - this is half the way to silver date, which is celebrated on the twenty-fifth anniversary.

Nickel is one of the resistant and durable metals. In Rus', it was valued almost the same as silver and gold. Having lived like this short term, it is believed that further life together should be like this metal. Over time, the story was forgotten a little, but the tradition of celebrating has remained, despite the fact that this is done six months earlier.

Traditional nickel wedding celebration

Ever since those times, it has remained that it is necessary to celebrate the nickel date of the wedding without loud feasts, in the circle of only the closest people.

Keeping up the tradition, this day happy couple trying to spend exactly the same as his wedding celebration, to renew in memory all those wonderful moments of youth:

If the family couple does not have such an opportunity to walk along the paths of the past, then you can do this in the place where this moment spouses live. Walking just in a different area, remembering those times with a smile.

Photos are a great reminder tool. Considering them, one can recall no less interesting and entertaining stories. Perhaps even more vividly than when walking through unfamiliar terrain.

On this day, you can make a special memo album together with family and friends. Then, many years later, both the spouses and their children, looking at it, will remember how they celebrated the nickel wedding.

Of course, many believe that the celebration of such a date is not so serious occasion. But this big mistake. The number twelve in numerology is considered superperfect. In addition, it has an interesting meaning.

It is twelve, and no other number, that completes the circle of the universe. It also stands out for its inconsistencies. This is because it consists of two numbers - one and two.

Nickel is a very picky metal. Its extraction is not only difficult, but also dangerous. Once upon a time, miners claimed that an evil spirit, which they called Nickel, was hindering the extraction of metal.

Among jewelers, this material was valued because of its brilliance and resistance to external natural factors. For example, water. The reliability of a nickel is equated to the relationship of spouses who have been married for twelve years.

It is worth remembering that in order for nickel to shine, it needs careful care. So in family relationships, with the constant care of the spouses about each other, with mutual understanding, their relationship will remain bright and valuable.

There must be shiny dishes on the table, as a symbol of the fact that there is care in everything in the family:

  • each other.
  • About children.
  • About home comfort.

Even if feelings have cooled down a little, it is on this day that everything necessary should be done to make loved ones feel needed.

It is advisable for “newlyweds” to visit the church on this day in order to again feel that atmosphere of twelve years ago. If there were any misunderstandings, then after a joint visit to the place of the wedding, everything will fall into place.

What to give on this day?

Invited guests to a nickel wedding should definitely give some useful thing that contains nickel. This is not a problem nowadays, since it is found in many metal alloys. You can present anything in honor of the holiday - from dishes to appliances. The main thing is that the gift matches the taste of the newlyweds. And on top of that, if it is packaged in an original way, it will acquire a special value.

Spouses also face at least serious question What to give to your soulmate?

For a husband, you can stop at the following options:

  • Donate something. It can be a shirt, and a suit, and a tie, and a sweater. Perhaps he dreamed of some kind of update, but somehow he couldn’t get it.
  • You can donate a mug, with the words engraved on it. Every day, during coffee or tea drinking, the spouse will feel the care of his soulmate.
  • To please a loved one, the most wonderful gift will be something from his hobbies.

You can give your wife the following gifts:

  • The thing that she dreams of, but she will never allow herself to acquire. To please your beloved and show feelings, you do not have to spare your precious time.
  • Be sure to please her with your favorite sweets and flowers. This will not only cheer you up, but also show your attitude towards her.

pearl wedding

The twelfth anniversary is still preferred to be called the pearl one. The name, as it were, emphasizes the value of the relationship of a married couple who have lived together for so many years.

A treasure is considered a symbol of this date, since both nickel and pearls are precious. This combination emphasizes that both husband and wife are the best wealth for each other in this life.

After such a long joint life path, between the spouses there is more friendship and mutual assistance than passion. We must not forget about her and about those feelings that were twelve years ago. Since at this time the children have grown up and do not require the constant presence of their parents, you can devote some time to yourself.

Nickel celebration or pearl anniversary weddings, just the occasion to rekindle the fading fire with new force. To do this, you should try to spend more time with each other.

Every couple celebrates wedding anniversaries differently:

  • Some have new traditions every year, their own customs, which the couple maintains every year. next year life together.
  • Some only note round date, while others believe that this event should be celebrated every year, as it is an important part in the life of both spouses.
  • Someone likes to spend this day alone, indulging in the memories of the past joint years and making plans for the future.

There are many options, but the most important thing is that if there is love and mutual understanding in the family, then not only will there be a celebration of a nickel wedding, but also a golden one.

What to give your husband for 12 years of marriage is a rather complicated question. Not only does the celebration itself require careful organizational preparation, considering the list of invited guests and the menu of the holiday, the most important thing remains to be decided - what present to present to the beloved spouse. A well-chosen gift is a guaranteed success of the celebration.

The wedding anniversary of 12 years is a nickel wedding. This celebration says that many years have been lived together, and we have already managed to go through and overcome a lot, but you should never forget about maintaining the purity, brilliance, and radiance of your marriage. Since the date cannot be called round, the nickel wedding is celebrated in the close circle. As a rule, relatives and friends from both sides are invited to this celebration. You can send out invitations that indicate the reason for the holiday - the wedding anniversary.

Thinking about what to give your husband for 12 years of marriage, think about premium items. On our site you will see a rich assortment of orders, medals, figurines and gift cups. Each piece has a memorable inscription suitable for one or another solemn occasion. You just have to decide whether you choose an award with the wishes that are engraved on the items, or you want to order a different inscription on the award you like. In this case, our qualified specialists will complete the order in 1 day, taking into account all your comments and requirements.

Thinking about what to give your husband for 12 years of marriage, give your loved one a keychain made of two halves of a heart. Unique items will delight and touch male heart. Leave one half of the key chain for yourself, and hand the other half to the faithful with words of love and devotion, then your man will be happy. This gift is symbolic. Representing the invisible connection between the two loving hearts The gift will last for many decades.

Another original present your spouse might like it. It's a breakfast table in bed. This is not an easy gift, but a very romantic and touching surprise. What man does not dream of breakfast in bed, presented by the woman he loves. The table is decorated with inscriptions in different languages ​​of the world, which translate as I love you. This gift every day will remind everyone of love and attention happy years together. Another great feature regarding this present is that you can attach a metal nameplate with an engraving at the request of the donor to the table.

Flying chinese lantern"Heart" is also a great solution for a gift to her husband. If you purchase several of these lanterns, you can arrange an unforgettable romantic evening beloved spouse. Just imagine how many luminous hearts soar into the sky in front of your faithful.