Congratulations on the 40th fifth anniversary of a woman

As the famous children's song goes: "Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year."

Yes, you want to spend such a wonderful holiday in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, especially if you are celebrating the anniversary year. So, let's take as a basis congratulations on the anniversary: ​​40 years for a woman.

Forty years is a special date, the age when a lady blossoms, achieves many life goals. Such a day is best celebrated in the circle of loved ones and close people who are dear to the birthday girl.

And do not save on the celebration, it is best to hire people who will serve the guests. This applies to the festive table: on this day, the birthday girl should not stand near the stove in the morning, then cutting salads and decorating desserts. No, this should be done by cooks, and everything should be beautifully presented by hired waiters.

And, of course, it is not worth the hero of the occasion to organize the holiday: write a script, hold contests. In this case, she will not even be able to appreciate her birthday, and there will certainly be much less positive moments for memories! As a last resort, if there is no way to hire a professional presenter, ask your creative friend or friend to organize a holiday.

Of course, the guests also need to be thoroughly prepared, because, in addition to gifts, they must also pick up congratulations for the anniversary of the 40-year-old woman. And not just congratulations, but very memorable ones.

So the banquet begins...

The most important man at the holiday (whether it be a father, husband, boss) can at the beginning of the celebration say such a toast for 40 years to the birthday woman:

Of course, this is just a start. You can organize an event in such a way that everyone has the opportunity to say their wish on the fortieth anniversary.

Is it possible for one person, such as a colleague, to congratulate her several times? Undoubtedly. And it is better to diversify your wish: it can be poetry, that is, congratulations in verse:

Or short:

Happy birthday greetings to a woman on her fortieth anniversary can be picked up and funny, which also contain humor, but you need to choose them carefully, because the female sex can be touchy.

Best of all, a woman will also be understood by a woman, especially close to her in spirit, for example, her best friend. Let's take congratulations on the anniversary: ​​40 years old girlfriend.

There are congratulations on the 40th anniversary of a woman in prose. For example, congratulations on your 40th birthday to your sister:

Congratulations on your 40th birthday to a friend:

Commander's request:

I would especially like to highlight birthday greetings for 40 years to a woman from her husband. A man needs to pick up congratulations to his wife well - as you know, women love with their ears, they need to know that they mean a lot to someone. Such a congratulation to a beloved woman for 40 years is suitable:

The wife will be very pleased to hear compliments addressed to her. Despite the fact that a woman turns 40, in her heart every woman is an eighteen-year-old girl, and the pleasant wishes of her husband at this moment are very appropriate. So a husband can congratulate his wife many times.

Summing up, we note that all congratulations on the anniversary of a 40-year-old woman should contain the implication that she is beautiful at any age. Twenty-year-old, forty-year-old - it doesn’t matter, she is still the best for the people around her.

And a few more little tips for a magnificent celebration of the anniversary:

  • Do not forget not only about the presenter (which we have already talked about), but also about the sound engineer. Dancing is an integral part of the celebration, so you need to choose the music in such a way that people of different ages can dance and have fun.
  • You can, without relying only on the toastmaster, come up with and organize your own contests and games. For example, a childhood friend can hold a game that the hero of the day loved very much as a child. Or mom can hold a competition: “Who knows the birthday girl better?”, Where everyone has to name a fact from her life, unknown to many.
  • You also need to take a responsible approach to giving gifts. They can be handed out when a guest makes a toast. If the transfer of gifts is coordinated and inscribed in the script, this is even better.

And most importantly - do not forget to take pictures and shoot the celebration, for this you can also hire a cameraman / photographer so that you will have these wonderful moments for a lifetime! Author: Olga Tyutina, sources:,,,

40 years for a woman is not an age, but just a time of change. The most beautiful age is young, beautiful, the children have grown up, a career has been built, what more could you want? In order for you not to think about what to wish a woman at this age, we have selected for you congratulations on the 40th anniversary of a woman.

You can also cheer up the hero of the day with a cool audio greeting on your phone. Listen to all congratulations and schedule a shipment for a specific day and hour. This will take a couple of minutes. but it will charge the hero of the day with a positive charge for the whole day.

Anniversaries are different
Your fortieth!
It is important in a woman's life
Symbolically becoming a feature.

Experience accumulated, life experience,
Made it clear to myself
What is more important - your cry or whisper,
to hear you;

What is more desirable - passion or friendship,
Peace in the family or height,
So enticing in the service;
Your success or beauty?!

Goodbye - parting
Your life has been generous.
Do you know the value of attention
Yes, everything has a price!

With joy in heart and soul
Looking into the distance with optimism
You still open the doors
where happiness and prestige await.

happy birthday congratulations
On your wonderful anniversary!
We wish you happiness, joy
And happy bright days!

You are celebrating your anniversary
And you look eighteen!
I can't help but admire
your blooming beauty.

Fate brings you towards
Gods most beautiful nectar -
Drink of eternal youth
Enchantment is a precious gift.

In "40" a woman is wiser,
Blooms like a flower
And from every situation
Can take a lesson.

Congratulations on the anniversary.
You, as in 20, are good,
Sparkles in the eyes play
And the soul does not age.

I wish all dreams come true
Feel free to move forward.
Let only good things happen
Joy and good luck awaits.

Years rush frantically,
Suddenly for forty years
But you know you're getting younger
Tell your secret, dear.

'Cause you're still interesting
You saved youth in your heart,
And on your anniversary you are like a princess
Delicate, effective and fresh.

You have become more precious to us
And your forty is just the start,
Will always help you now
Life experience and talent.

Mind, beauty and kindness
You will surprise us all more than once.
Follow your dreams with a smile
And great success awaits you!

May your years be golden
Keep the warmth
After all, at forty women are valued
Like expensive wine.

Cool congratulations on the 40th anniversary of a woman

Not yet a berry, but still in bloom,
Only one passport knows your age,
For the rest - it's just useless,
He can't hide this beauty!

Smart, wise, flirtatious, funny,
You know how to pick up the keys to men,
You are the best friend and best friend
Wife and mother, we are silent about the rest.

So many qualities can be listed
They will probably take many days!
But, for now, you can drink heartily,
For your wonderful holiday - anniversary!

You are forty today!
Well, put down your ladle,
Why do you avert your eyes
Is there a tear down your cheek...?
At forty, our (Name) will only begin to live!

Does she, beauty, grieve about something?
The children grew up, and the husband became bald,
Today (Name) has a lot of things to do:
To conquer all men with beauty,
Husband will love you more!

Today you are twice twenty,
Doubly I want to wish
For upcoming all distances
Choose the right path.

Love, dream, make a career,
Let love reign in the family
Be soft, bold, modest, bold,
Doubly happy - again and again!

Short congratulations on the 40th anniversary of a woman

You look fabulous in your forties
You attract the eyes of all men.
And your portrait without reservations
Worthy of many pictures!

Forty - and not a lot, and not a little,
And the taste of happiness has long been understood.
No matter how life bends, breaks,
Let your pulse always be even.

40 years is not years at all,
This is the life of the whole heyday,
Let all adversity recede.
And live a hundred and forty years.

Give life everything you like
Days will be bright and clear!
Everything begins at forty!
Smiles, tenderness, love!

40 years is not yet a date,
This is the pinnacle of fate.
Be desired and loved
What is appointed - will come.
40 years old - how beautiful you are!
New peak and new rise!

Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of a woman in prose

40 years is exactly the age when a woman is still young and beautiful, but already experienced in work and everyday affairs. Let me wish you to remain as beautiful, successful and purposeful. Meet every day with a smile! Congratulations!

A wonderful wife, the best mother, a conscientious worker, an excellent hostess and a beautiful woman. All this is you, dear birthday girl! Someone will say that half of life has already been lived, but do not believe it, this is only a third. There is still a lot of time to multiply successes, gain new knowledge and skills. May every step of your life be given to you with ease and pleasure! Congratulations!

Congratulations on such a wonderful and wonderful holiday! 40 years is a reason for fun, as all the most interesting things are still ahead of you. Now it's time for your life to flourish. You are a wise and experienced woman, continue to make such difficult and correct decisions! Let life sparkle with new colors, health will increase and problems will bypass you!

Happy Anniversary! The moment has come in your life when the school years are far behind, the career has already been built, the children have grown up and settled successfully. We wish you to achieve even greater results in your wonderful life. Happiness, health and prosperity!

So you are forty years old. At this solemn moment, you can begin to say beautiful words and tell you exactly forty compliments. But why? After all, you can say everything in one word - you are an ideal in everything!
Happy anniversary and so that every year you become more and more ideal!

A woman is not beautiful with a smooth face, she is beautiful with inner light, wisdom and self-confidence. Therefore, on your fortieth birthday, I want to wish you to always remain beautiful, true beauty, reasonable, wise and understanding. May good luck always smile at you, and misfortunes do not even look in your direction. Happy anniversary.

Entries 1 - 20 from 121

In "40" a woman is wiser,
Blooms like a flower
And from every situation
Can take a lesson.

Congratulations on the anniversary.
You, as in 20, are good,
Sparkles in the eyes play
And the soul does not age.

I wish all dreams come true
Feel free to move forward.
Let only good things happen
Joy and good luck awaits.

On the anniversary of the fortieth
Give a head start to a twenty-year-old.
So graceful and luxurious -
It is impossible not to gasp after.

I want to congratulate you
I don't know what to add.
You are both beautiful and smart
I wish - be rich:

And friends, and health,
And money and love
And dreams and soul
Like the world, its big.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Let life be a solid dessert at 40, consisting of sweet love, a cocktail of friends, girlfriends and like-minded people, berry and fruit days. I wish you to be an inspiration, a muse, necessary like air, surrounded by a caring family and success, so that life is in full swing, only good people meet, and problems burst like a soap bubble.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness over the edge!
Who said forty years?
I confirm - this is nonsense!

Beauty - eighteen,
And health - for twenty years,
For sixteen years - a figure,
Refined nature!

Let there be prosperity in life
Let new friends arrive.
Travel - three times a year,
Ocean of warm waters.

I wish you not to change
And stay the same!
After all, we gathered soon
Celebrate your anniversary!

You are shamelessly beautiful
And young in those 40 years,
And in your happy eyes -
Dazzling dawn.

I wish you love
Faithful, devoted friends.
Let your heart melt with happiness.
Bright, incomparable days!

In life, let it be immensely lucky -
Every moment, in everything.
Strength, health, strong nerves.
Know that everything is in your hands!

Forty years is a big date
But do not despair:
You have a great suggestion.
"Two by twenty" to celebrate.

This day will be happy
And successful - a whole year.
Let in a good mood
The holiday is over for you.

You with a smile through the years
Go with a young soul.
Let there be surprises with a plus,
What will you meet on the way.

Forty years for a woman - it's time
When she certainly knows her worth.
Smart, beautiful, a little cunning,
He is not looking for either an audience or a stage for himself.

We congratulate you on an important anniversary
And we admire you as a woman.
Let fate be even kinder to you.
We wish you the brightest, golden life!

At 40, I wish you
Even more victories in life
Be happy, healthy, beautiful,
Decorating with white light.

Do not meet with sadness and sadness,
Don't know what trouble is
Enjoy this life
And always stay like this!

Forty years are sometimes not celebrated,
But we will change the traditions so
Happy anniversary we all congratulate
And we want to say a word to you:

You are beautiful, very energetic,
Young, pretty
We wish you good luck
Keep your joyful mood!

Young and beautiful,
Don't be sad about your age
Forty years is just the beginning
Only good things lie ahead.

We congratulate you today
And we wish you not to mope,
Stay as beautiful
Give us smiles and joy!

And what are your years?
You are still fresh
You are good by nature -
Both figure and soul.

Always be unique
Be on top of everything
Be desired and loved
Follow your dream.

Where else can you find one like this?
Maybe in the movies?
Drink slowly and savor
Life is sweet wine.

Happy birthday, happy anniversary!
Let the face not touch the shadow.
And perky, more fun
You celebrate this day!

40 years is a wonderful age!
You are fresh and fun!
The years pick up speed
And you're just as cute.

Let luck be your friend
Let love be stronger
Let the snow and blizzards go away
There will be many bright days!

Not a berry yet, but still in bloom.
Your age is only known to your passport -
For others, it's just useless.
He can't hide this beauty!

Smart, wise, flirtatious, funny,
You can easily pick up keys for men.
You are the best friend and best friend
Wife and mother, we are silent about the rest.

So many qualities can be listed -
It will probably take many days!
In the meantime, you can drink a little
For your wonderful holiday - anniversary!

"40 years" for a woman is not age,
And it's just time for a change.
You, as in your youth, are not serious today,
But you have become much wiser.

Congratulations and we wish you love.
May the day be filled with it
Well, the night, of course, let him not know
Cold as a bed can be.

40 years is still flowers!
Berries will be in five years!
Happiness may not part with you
Don't let hope die!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I don't wish you much.
Just be healthy to me!
All diseases are nonsense!

To happiness without borders,
To a lot of kind people.
Let luck be in full swing
What problems - nothing!

Let love flow from the heart
May the soul always sing!
You are warm relatives, friends,
Beaches, sun and seas!

They say they don't celebrate forty years
They say it's a lifeline.
But we still congratulate you on your anniversary
And we wish a sea of ​​​​fulfilled hopes.

Let worries and fatigue be forgotten,
Let tenderness and love fill your soul,
Joy never leaves the heart
And calls to wonderful goals behind him!

We are in honor of such a holiday,
Kohl is forty years today,
We wish you even more
In the life of significant victories.

Any undertakings
Let them come true with a bang.
They go smoothly, like clockwork,
All-all-all your business.

Let the days be happy
Also one and all.
And of course health
After all, it is the most important thing.

Forty years - milestone
And you're still young and fresh.
And on your wonderful anniversary
You will spin all your friends in the dance.

You know, the legend is old
About forty years and "the demon in the ribs."
You're not like that, because I know
What is most important to you is family.

Enjoy your family
Bathe in love and luxury.
In general, always live decently
And make good money!

Today at your forty years
I wish to meet less troubles,
Be happy, swim in love
And smile more in life!

Let forty years not be celebrated
But don't get bored on your birthday!
We will lay the table slowly
Let's have a drink first
And, having eaten a piece of cake,
We read you our congratulations.
Forty years is the color of life,
And the time of joyful victories,
Tired of life - no,
And there is only the light of the sun.
So, happy 40th birthday to you!
Another hundred years live in the world!

Forty years - almost half a century
Behind a man
Seen a lot in life
And maybe lost
For sadness - not the time
Better listen to congratulations:
Take care of friends, relatives,
After all, your support is in them,
And love and respect
We wish you a birthday
Find happiness in life
Proudly carry your head!

On this wonderful day, when the restless years of study are already behind us, a difficult career struggle, and the children are successfully placed in school, we wish, first of all, a vibrant life, bright emotions, new meetings and prospects. Happiness and health, fulfillment of desires!

Dear lady! Congratulations!
About your fortieth birthday,
First of all, we wish women's happiness,
We kiss you with tenderness, we hug you with respect!
You warm everyone around with your warmth,
We want to tell you that you are a great friend,
A good, kind man and a woman is a dream,
Stay like this, please, always!

For 40 years, what to wish you, beauty?
So that the weather is always sunny for you,
So that your legs are slender,
And so that men give you flowers!
So that you walk around Paris under the moonlight,
So that the globe of the earth submits to you,
So that you live easily and beautifully,
And so that women's happiness does not pass by!

There is no limit and boundaries to female beauty,
Birthday girl! This is for you today!
Congratulations! 40 years! You look like candy!
Young, mischievous, nice, sweet coquette!
How do you manage to look so young?
How does your age not lend itself to time?
Share the secret, because everyone is interested to know
What does it feel like to be at forty, to feel at twenty!

On this anniversary day
Put on the best dress
Be healthy and happy
The rest is rubbish!

The rest is nonsense
Nonsense and husk
With the "fortieth", girlfriend!
I send you a line of verse!

I want so much today
Kind, warm words to tell you
And wish on your 40th birthday,
Blooming beautiful rose.
We wish you to go successfully
Your deeds from year to year,
To make life seem like a song
To have less hassle and worries.

Congratulations on your 40th birthday,
May all days be good
Good luck let the doors open for you,
Happiness knows no boundaries.
May it be cheerful, bright, full,
Your future life will be
And, of course, we wish
So that all your wishes come true.

Here on your brow, like a shadow, remained Deep traces of 40 winters, And to the question: "Where did the beauty go?" - So that you answer with dignity to the young. And weighty words would be heard: “Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them, In them is the justification of my old age. Let the blood that freezes over the years burns again in the heir!

Today I changed my fourth decade
And do not be afraid of years of increase:
You are from head to toe
Stay happy yourself.
So that no tears, no wrinkles
Didn't let you get upset
And all worthy men
Confessions of love whispered.
To live with my mother, do not grieve,
You are very, very, very long
And they were just as devotedly friends,
And that the road was easy.

Anniversaries are different
Your fortieth!
It is important in a woman's life
Symbolically becoming a feature.
Experience accumulated, life experience.
Made it clear to myself
What is more important - your cry or whisper,
To hear you;
What is more desirable - passion or friendship,
Peace in the family or height,
So enticing in the service;
Your success or beauty?!
Your life has been generous.
Do you know the value of attention
Yes, everything has a price!
With baggage in heart and soul
Looking into the distance with optimism
You still open the doors
Where happiness and prestige await.
happy birthday congratulations
On your wonderful anniversary!
We wish you happiness, joy
And good bright days.

40 is a lot and a little,
A lot for those who are tired in life,
Little for those who have little time
But in his life he always succeeded.
Usually women "under 40"
They try to keep silent about their age.
Oppresses their number 40
And a bunch of memories
And there is no desire to object.
And you, like 20 years ago,
Slender, cheerful and sparkle in the eyes.
Sitting next to us today
And I want to say in verse:
"How old are you? Give answer,
Tell us your secret.
Fourty? Well, what are you?
Honestly, you are not thirty yet!

In "40" a woman is wiser,
Blooms like a flower
And from every situation
Can take a lesson.

Congratulations on the anniversary.
You, as in 20, are good,
Sparkles in the eyes play
And the soul does not age.

I wish all dreams come true
Feel free to move forward.
Let only good things happen
Joy and good luck awaits.

And what are your years?
You are still fresh
You are good by nature -
Both figure and soul.

Always be unique
Be on top of everything
Be desired and loved
Follow your dream.

Where else can you find one like this?
Maybe in the movies?
Drink slowly and savor
Life is sweet wine.

Happy birthday, happy anniversary!
Let the face not touch the shadow.
And perky, more fun
You celebrate this day!

Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish at this wonderful age to be healthy, loved and loving, that is, the happiest! I wish you warmth in relationships, peace of mind, peace in the family, success in your career, good luck in business, beauty in the environment, respect for loved ones and relatives!

Great age - forty years,
We wish you all victories in life,
For everything to be successful,
And be happy, of course!

So that you go through life laughing,
Resentment, adversity, so as not to be afraid,
You boldly, only looked ahead,
In all things you have succeeded.

We wish peace and love
Keep, appreciate your dreams,
To be close, relatives,
And they loved you with all their hearts.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness over the edge!
Who said forty years?
I confirm - this is nonsense!

Beauty - eighteen,
And health - for twenty years,
For sixteen years - a figure,
Refined nature!

Let there be prosperity in life
Let new friends arrive.
Travel - three times a year,
Ocean of warm waters.

I wish you not to change
And stay the same!
After all, we gathered soon
Celebrate your anniversary!

On the anniversary of the fortieth
Give a head start to a twenty-year-old.
So graceful and luxurious -
It is impossible not to gasp after.

I want to congratulate you
I don't know what to add.
You are both beautiful and smart
I wish - be rich:

And friends, and health,
And money and love
And dreams and soul
Like the world, its big.

Forty years is a big date
But do not despair:
You have a great suggestion.
"Two by twenty" to celebrate.

This day will be happy
And successful - a whole year.
Let in a good mood
The holiday is over for you.

You with a smile through the years
Go with a young soul.
Let there be surprises with a plus,
What will you meet on the way.

You are shamelessly beautiful
And young in those 40 years,
And in your happy eyes -
Dazzling dawn.

I wish you love
Faithful, devoted friends.
Let your heart melt with happiness.
Bright, incomparable days!

In life, let it be immensely lucky -
Every moment, in everything.
Strength, health, strong nerves.
Know that everything is in your hands!

Happy anniversary
On a glorious day you now
Forty years old you, beauty,
Woman you are just class.

Be young at heart
Let beauty not fade
I wish you happiness,
Inspiration, warmth.

The wisdom you already have
Let me help you along the way
Be healthy, creative,
Believe that joy is ahead.

Let not eighteen.
How long lived - look
But now I want to point out
You continue to bloom.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
Fourty years? Can't be!
You look twenty years old
I ask you to reveal the secret.

You are good as a hostess
Like a friend, like a wife.
For you, such beauty
It's a sin not to drink wine.

20 in the second round -
You look great, friend!
I wish you
A bunch of money in a wallet.

Also warm and cozy.
Not for an hour, not for a minute
And let them be enough for life
For you and for your family.