Coral, linen wedding (35 years). Thirty-five wedding anniversary

Over many years of marriage, it becomes clear that the words that you need to find your soul mate in order to live a happy life are true. Having lived together for many years, the married couple was able to convince themselves of the strength of their love and withstand all the trials sent by fate. And if 35 years of life together are left behind, then this is an occasion to celebrate this event. Not everyone can live so many years and not lose their feelings.

You can invite adult children and best friends to the holiday to have fun with them, to remember the past. 35 years of marriage is a wedding anniversary, which has two names: one is a coral wedding, the other is a linen wedding. Let's find out in more detail what a coral (linen) wedding should be like, how to celebrate this event and what to give.

Symbols of 35 wedding years

The main symbol of the holiday is coral. It is enough to look at this miracle of nature to understand why it was made a symbol. Coral has many branches that have grown together and become one.

It grows in difficult conditions of the sea day, where difficulties await it at every step, but despite this it turns into a beautiful tree. The couple lived together for many days and became one for each other. Every day of their lives brought something good and sometimes something bad. As a result, a unique pattern was formed, and the marriage bonds became strong.

The wedding was also given another name - linen. The canvas is made from flax, which gives it strength and wear resistance. This is exactly what the spouses’ life together and their feelings have become over many years of their lives.

In European countries, the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary is celebrated under the sign of jade. Jade stone is quite durable and has an attractive appearance. It carries the energy of wealth, which is why it was chosen as a symbol.

35th wedding anniversary traditions

Over many years of celebrating a coral wedding, certain traditions have developed among the people.

  1. The spouses must find a body of water, stand next to it, hold hands and say the words of the oath of fidelity to each other. Then they can go boating, and during the walk they can talk about all their experiences and fears. After this, you need to soak your hands in water so that it washes away all the troubles that bother you. It is believed that after this there will be no omissions left between the spouses.
  2. If possible, then you need to go on a trip and do the following ritual. The husband and wife should get up at sunrise and go to any nearby body of water. You need to take a red scarf with you, which you will need to throw into the water. It is believed that all troubles float away with the scarf. After this, you can thank nature for all the wonderful moments that were lived together.
  3. There is a popular tradition according to which, before the 35th anniversary, a husband and wife must go to sleep in another house. At the same time, they must take one thing that is dear to them. This ritual helps to test strength.
  4. During the celebration, the heroes of the occasion can exchange rings as at their wedding many years ago. If your wedding rings have become small, you can buy new ones.

Each married couple decides whether or not to follow traditions. The main thing is to have fun, and in order to do this, you need to organize a holiday party in honor of this event.

How to celebrate a linen wedding

At a wedding anniversary party, there should be red and orange shades, since coral has exactly this color. Spouses can wear clothes with coral colors. Room decorations, napkins, gift wrapping, and accessories are also chosen in coral color. In accordance with the second symbol, the festive table is covered with a linen tablecloth. Clothes for spouses can be made from linen.

Another tradition to celebrate a wedding day is to go on a trip together. However, this will not stop you from getting together with the whole family and celebrating the anniversary first.

The best idea is to visit a country where there is a sea with corals. There are many such countries where you can buy souvenirs made from coral.

What to give for a linen wedding

It is expected that items made of coral or linen items are given as gifts for 35th wedding anniversary. But it is quite possible to deviate from generally accepted standards and give other wedding gifts. For example, a coral wedding is a wonderful occasion for a husband to give jewelry to his wife with or without coral. It is best to present gifts for your 35th wedding anniversary in a linen bag.

A bouquet of flowers will decorate the holiday and lift your spirits. It doesn’t matter what kind of flowers they are, the main thing is that they are your favorite ones. The bouquet must contain 35 flowers.

A wife can sew a linen shirt for her husband or call a ready-made one and embroider some design on it. But if you have no desire for handicrafts, then it is better to buy a ready-made product - for example, a light linen jacket or a summer suit.

Not all men will be delighted with trinkets, so you need to think carefully about what to give for your wedding. And this must be what he really needs. A man will appreciate new gadgets or fishing gear better than jewelry. But in order not to deviate from the theme of the holiday, the gift can be packed in a linen bag or wrapped in coral-colored paper.

It is better to give practical gifts to friends and relatives for a linen wedding. Linen bed linen and linen tablecloth will serve for a long time, because this material is quite durable. Linen curtains will decorate the room, provide good protection from sunlight, and create a good mood. But if you are not sure about the preferences of the spouses, then it is better to give them beautiful table linen, which will always come in handy.

A set of towels, aprons, and oven mitts will always be needed in the kitchen. You can also present terry towels for spouses. Any practical thing that is useful in the house is suitable for a gift. This could be a tea set or tableware, household appliances and other things. Guests can even team up to purchase a gift they really need.

But if you don’t want to be banal, then give them an adventure gift, such as a ticket to an exhibition, cinema, theater, etc. If the spouses are creative people, then you can give them a beautiful picture with the sea, corals and other things painted.

Children of spouses should think about the gift more carefully to ensure that their gift is memorable. Making a video using family photos and videos is a great idea. Such a gift will be the best reminder of this anniversary.

Parents can organize a great vacation by buying them a tour to another country or a trip to a sanatorium. The grandchildren of a married couple can also prepare gifts, for example, draw a wall newspaper or make a postcard using the scarpbooking technique. You can also organize a home concert where all guests will participate.

Congratulations on a linen wedding

It’s impossible to do without congratulations on a holiday. Guests and friends choose beautiful words, compose poems and toasts to express their love to their spouse. Congratulations can be original and funny. Wishes can be written on a postcard or on canvas. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the words, but don't worry. Take ready-made ones that match the theme of the holiday and the spouses will be happy!

SMS - congratulations

Your children are already over thirty, and you feel each other’s heartbeat every day, every minute for 35 years! We congratulate you on your well-deserved coral wedding! We wish yours strong. The already cemented union lasted at least as long so that we would all gather for your golden wedding, and after another twenty years - for the seventieth anniversary of married life! Let there be more smiles and fewer tears, more joy and less sadness, a lot of mutual understanding and even more love! Health and happiness to you, your children and grandchildren! Wait for your great-grandchildren and show them by your example what true love is!

You are the real proof that time has no power over true love. Thirty-five years together, and through all these years you managed to carry your feeling. We wish you health, prosperity, happiness, family comfort. Let your hearts beat just as tenderly and reverently when you look at each other. Congratulations on your coral wedding and, of course, we shout “Bitter!”
Your family unit has lived in this world for 35 years and continues to walk along the path of life, delighting your relatives and loved ones. We express our gratitude and gratitude to you for being one of the most worthy examples of family happiness and well-being. We wish you good health, long life and many joyful moments that make everyday life magical and beautiful.
In the depths of the clear blue ocean
Coral reefs captivate with their beauty...
Who lived his life in a damp closet,
He considers these tales to be simply myths.
And for thirty-five wonderful years you knew
What is love in this wonderful world.
While others wondered in surprise:
“How can you live in year-round summer?”
Congratulations, beloved children, on your 35th anniversary of marriage! The canvas symbolizes strength - the main quality of your family. Carry it further with honor and dignity, maintaining faith in each other.

M Many people cannot imagine how one can enjoy life together for a long time and maintain a marriage, cherish feelings in the heart. However, when you meet your soulmate, all these “buts” cease to exist. The rest depends only on fate, which can give a chance for a happy family life and take it away. At the same time, there is no need to talk about sad things, because you are celebrating your thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Having lived together for so long, it is extremely difficult to believe that this fact has become a reality. At the same time, the couple managed to convince themselves of the strength of their love, which withstood numerous life tests. In addition, a coral wedding confirms that in your youth you created your family with exactly the person who deserves trust!

Symbolism of a coral wedding.

The symbolism of the holiday is felt in its name. So, coral is the main symbol. Corals include numerous branches that are separate but fused together. In nature, corals can give rise to large islands. Do you feel the analogy? That's right: 35 years are made up of thousands of days added together. Every day brought something different to the relationship: special events and vivid impressions, passionate love and quarrels with a desire to break up. All this was connected together, creating a unique pattern and making it possible to add strength to the marriage bond. As a result, the creation of relationships can be compared to a unique coral, which, despite difficult living conditions, strives to form on the sea and ocean floor and create entire colonies.

Another name for a wedding is linen (linen). How can this name be explained? Linen fabric is high quality, durable and wear-resistant. All these qualities are applicable not only to the products in question, but also to the romantic relationship of a married couple, their life together. Any dates cease to be important, because every day you live and the emotions that you can feel acquire value.

In Western Europe and the United States, a wedding that is the 35th wedding anniversary is also commonly called jade. However, is there symbolism in this case? Of course it is! Jade was found a long time ago. Subsequently, this mineral was used to decorate royal chambers and temple complexes, create statues of gods and utensils of priests. Jade was surprisingly popular. People sought to create legends dedicated to such a special stone. Jade is considered to be a magical stone that brings good luck in life. It is not surprising that a version of the wedding name was also created based on it.

How is it customary to celebrate a 35th anniversary?

Thirty-five years of marriage is one of the most pleasant holidays for spouses. Just imagine: the children have already grown up and there is most likely no difficult financial situation. In addition, the children may want to prepare for the anniversary date. The celebration can finally be celebrated the way you want!

Certain customs still exist. A married couple should use red in their celebration. This is due to the fact that coral is created by nature itself in a reddish color. It's no surprise that red should be used. The remaining features of the long-awaited holiday must be taken into account, taking into account your own wishes, financial situation, and the time of year in which the celebration took place.

The couple forgot about real romance a long time ago, because everyday life had become established and tenderness and care came into the relationship instead of passion and romantic impulses. You can move away from the usual pattern and remember the past. A husband can give his beloved woman a bouquet of thirty-five roses. Ideally, this bouquet should be made in the form of a flower. Roses should be scarlet or white, because these are the colors inherent in corals. If possible, you should give not only a bouquet, but also a piece of jewelry that will highlight the beauty of your dear woman. A wife can prepare a collection wine or other gift for her husband, showing her imagination and focusing on the wishes, hobbies of the chosen one, and the symbols of the celebration. A day should not be complete without declarations of love, kisses and hugs.

Spouses can take care of organizing a chic holiday, to which they will definitely invite guests. Regardless of the number of invited people, each of them must find a moment to say a toast and kind words, showing respect for the married couple. There should be a sense of sincerity in the wish. Spouses certainly want to hear that they should be happy and should continue to keep their love, so these words should be included in a sincere toast. A large cake must also appear on the festive table, because in this case the guests can try the treat and at the same time the spouses will show respect and wish everyone who spent time with them and decided to be around on the important day a sweet life.

What important actions can be taken at a coral wedding? Perhaps there are any traditions or rituals, classic celebration options?

A trip to the Coral Sea, which is located in the Pacific Ocean. This sea surprises with its depth, which can be compared with the strength of your feelings.
A husband and wife can agree on the following: go together to a pond, stand next to a moored boat and say such important, sincere vows that were made 35 years ago, but continue to remain in force. Now you can get into a two-seater boat and sail a sufficient distance from the shore. Being in such a wonderful environment, lovers must tell about all their secrets, wishes, experiences and disappointments. Then your hands need to be lowered into the water, while observing safety rules. This ritual symbolizes that all worries and omissions are given over to water, and relationships are purified and become even better. If possible, you need to take the coral with you and immerse it in water, then remove it and bring it with you.
For those married couples who cannot travel far and for a long time, there is the following ritual. The couple should wake up early in the morning, get ready before sunrise and go together to the local pond. With the first rays of sunshine, you need to throw a red scarf made of silk into the water. This action will represent a request for the blessing of the continuation of a happy marriage from the water element. In addition, you can thank nature for the life you have lived and a large number of truly happy days.
Have you stopped wearing the wedding rings you exchanged during your first wedding? In this case, the tradition needs to be renewed and today is the best day for this! If the rings are too small, it is recommended to buy new wedding rings and exchange them. Do not worry about this ritual being performed at home, because it is still powerful.
This ritual will allow you to remember all the nuances of the wedding and even improve your relationship. On the eve of the anniversary, the husband should go to his parents, the wife to hers. In this case, you need to take with you something that is valuable to your loved one. There is no need to sleep at night. All night you need to remember the nuances of relationships and rethink numerous events. However, you should not go deeper into reflection, because you can start soul-searching, carefully analyze your mistakes and note the development of depression. This option, of course, is not suitable, because it can even bring coldness into the relationship.

After the above-described rituals, most of which need to be carried out early in the morning, children should already be waiting at home, because they are the ones who are ready to say the nicest words to their parents. Now you can proceed directly to the celebration!

Choosing the best gift.

Who, first of all, should congratulate? The husband should congratulate his life partner, and the wife should congratulate her chosen one! In this case, give each other something special. A husband can please his wife with beads made using natural corals. They will become the embodiment of the power of love and the strength of family ties. A wife can give a sprig of coral, which will remind you of the mystery of the female soul...

After the first exchange, the couple should be congratulated by their children. In this case, you need to give something related to the earth. Spouses can even be given a small pot with soil and a planted plant or flower seeds that need to be grown.

There are no restrictions for invited people, but at the same time, proximity to the symbolism of the celebration is required. For example, you can give a picture depicting the sea and majestic rocks, amulets and amulets with coral or even jade, linen bedding, tablecloths, curtains. Remember that linen also represents a family's 35th anniversary.

Now it's time to celebrate!

Other wedding anniversaries: Descriptions

In this article:

The tradition of celebrating various wedding anniversaries dates back to ancient times, when almost every item in the house had special symbolism. Now much has been forgotten, but the names of anniversaries and anniversaries are well known to everyone. Let's talk here about what kind of wedding is celebrated at 35 years old. It is called coral. Corals form on the ocean floor from a large number of small calcareous skeletons. A complete mesh is created, very durable and beautiful.

Loving hearts like these corals have successfully passed the test of time. From the union of two people, an entire island called a family gradually formed. And indeed, by this time, the spouses have probably already grown children, have grandchildren, a large family is perfectly kept on the pilaf. Spouses are able to swim against the current if the situation demands it.

You can celebrate this date in different ways, although there are certain preferences and traditions. This is not such a high-profile anniversary, which has already been 30 years. And 40 years is still far away, so you are free to come up with something original. The recommendations below apply only to a holiday that is considered traditional. But times change, don’t be afraid to add something of your own to it.

It will be quite difficult for many young people to understand whether it is possible, after so many years, to maintain the initial tenderness and awe in relationships, the ability to achieve one's goal, and gradually move towards the desired result. Significant experience of family life perfectly contributes to the strengthening of strong feelings. Perhaps it is after this date that life will sparkle with completely new, previously unseen colors.

Let's remember our youth

If we turn to Ancient Rus', then this wedding was called a linen wedding. 35 years have passed, during which time the life of the spouses began to resemble a long canvas, which displays all the events of the past days. The end of this canvas does not break, but stretches forward, opening up space for new marks and patterns. This allows you to achieve an excellent result, adding a lot of new colors, interesting ideas, and memorable moments.

35 wedding years also seem very significant from the point of view of modern life, where most people quickly lose interest in their significant other. The variability of nature does not allow such spouses to maintain attraction for a long time; the sense of novelty comes to the fore. Therefore, if your parents have reached such a date, try to appreciate and respect it. Nowadays, this is truly a rarity.

Early in the morning the couple had to wake up and go to the nearest body of water. Coral color is considered to be light red with slight hints of orange. This is exactly the kind of scarf the wife should have made, or bought somewhere. Then they threw it into a pond, paying tribute to the water element. It was believed that such an object would rest at the bottom of the sea for a long time, bringing happiness, luck, and good luck to the spouses in life.

If the weather permits, it would be better to hold the celebration not indoors, but somewhere in nature, closer to a body of water. Each couple independently decides how many and what kind of guests they would like to see at the holiday. The closest relatives must be convened. Grandchildren should also be present, these little flowers of life that bring so much joy to older people.

Holiday tradition

In order for 35 years of marriage to remain in the memory of the family for a long time, it is better to plan in advance. It is convenient to entrust some of the work to children, since old people just want to rest and relax, to get a taste of life. I remember the children’s wedding, when the main burden of responsibility fell on the shoulders of the parents. Now is the time to do everything completely differently, showing concern for your parents.

An obligatory element of a coral wedding is a service with a coral color. You can find special red glasses or plates. And in the center, a few seaweeds, or an artificial coral reef, are ideally placed. All this will look very impressive, magnificent photographs will become a worthy memory of this time.

Such a solemn wedding anniversary of 35 years is celebrated in the circle of loved ones, although friends can also be invited here. A beautifully decorated holiday will be remembered for a long time. It is better to serve seafood on the table, and red wine, quite strong and aged, is ideal for alcoholic drinks. The strength of the wine symbolizes the strength of the marriage, which has also passed the long test of time.

On this day, wisdom should be passed on to the younger generation, for which spouses write special notes with their own secrets of family happiness. No one should read these pieces of paper; they are placed in a special box and sealed. They should be opened only at the time of the wedding of the grandchildren, who will keep them at home. This Slavic tradition dates back several centuries, but interest in it is not lost even in our difficult times.

Eternal marriage

A lot could happen in 35 years of married life, but an indestructible family union continues to exist through the years and decades. There is another interesting tradition associated with the night before the sacred day. It is believed that the husband and wife are obliged to spend it separately from each other, with friends and relatives. Each spouse leaves some item related to corals. These could be small souvenirs or sea pebbles.

An even more spectacular surprise can be made if the couple goes on a new honeymoon! Why not! So much time has passed since the last trip, many things could have disappeared from memory. It's time to update your impressions, enhance your perception, take a lot of photos and videos. You can go on such a trip with the whole family, taking your children and grandchildren with you. A real family idyll, a romantic trip to anywhere on our planet.

What to gift?

Since the 35th wedding anniversary is a very serious date, gifts should carry a certain symbolism. Initially, the spouses themselves should give gifts to each other. These are jewelry and products that contain coral. It doesn’t have to be natural, it can also be artificial, since this material remains quite expensive and inaccessible. Beads, bracelets, necklaces are suitable. The wife must present her husband with a coral sprig, which is placed in a vase near the bed in the bedroom.

But for children it can be much more difficult to decide on a gift, so it is better to give their parents a bottle of high-quality and aged red wine. This drink also has a certain symbolic character, since it symbolizes sincere love, devotion, and feelings. Children should be immensely grateful to their relatives for all the past years. Ideal family happiness, tested in various life situations. Few people can achieve this!

Another wonderful tradition: the 35th wedding anniversary cannot be complete without a luxurious bouquet consisting of 35 scarlet roses! Guests can also give it as a gift, although it would be much more impressive to give it to the husband. Suddenness and surprise become the companions of a good surprise. And even if these flowers do not last long in the water, they symbolize sincerity between spouses, the desire to make the marriage even stronger and more durable. And it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to separate loving hearts until death.

For 35 years of marriage, guests can give the spouses any items related to the sea and water. For example, a beautiful painting based on Green’s novel “Scarlet Sails”. It can be hung on the wall as a great reminder of this holiday. There are a number of special amulets that bring good luck to the house. Some charms are worn around the neck, others are simply placed on a prominent shelf. And don't forget about the luxurious nautical themed cake with an anchor on top!

In fact, the 35th wedding anniversary of two wonderful people is a victory over time and circumstances that often did not spare them. Symbolically, like any other anniversary of marriage, it consists of memories:

  • airy lace veil;
  • black butterfly;
  • flower boutonnieres;
  • procession of cars;
  • decorated with flowers and hearts;
  • wedding rings;
  • solemn feast;
  • laughter;
  • cries of "Bitter!"

All this very soon becomes a thing of the past, preserved in the memory of the newlyweds and guests, in wedding albums and video recordings. The holiday gives way to everyday life, and now the husband and wife are running the household and raising children.

Time passes unnoticed, and now the chintz and leather wedding has already passed. An anniversary is not just another 12 months on the calendar, it is everything that the family has experienced together: moments of happiness and new discoveries, seething grievances and sweet reconciliation. Living together is not only concern for each other, care, common joys and experiences, but also acceptance of your person for who he is. Every anniversary is a victory over oneself and one’s own egoism, a triumph of love and the coral anniversary is no exception.

And now 25, 30 years have passed since the wedding, and it seems that the spouses are already a single whole, because they have passed all the tests that they could, but this is not entirely true. Only when a married couple crosses a certain border and the 35th wedding anniversary is already a reality that has overcome midlife crises can we safely say that the marriage has taken place. But what is this magic number - 35 years and?

Symbolism of the anniversary

Linen, coral, linen, jade anniversary - this event is called differently, but the meaning remains the same: husband and wife have been together for 35 years. It’s interesting that many people don’t know when the coral wedding (anniversary) is, how many years should pass from the date of marriage? But the date is round and important!

It is worth mentioning the symbolism of the name. Why is it linen and linen? Linen fabric is of high quality, strength, and most importantly, wear resistance. This is exactly how one can characterize the relationship of a couple who have existed together for 35 years, hand in hand. 35 years since the wedding: what kind of wedding it is is not so important, the main thing is family happiness. And this is the best gift for a coral wedding.

An excellent gift for such a wedding would be bed linen made of linen, tableware made of the same material (for example, a tablecloth with an elegant pattern or handmade embroidery), shirts, curtains... In a word, everything that is sewn from luxurious and very valuable linen in modern times . Natural fabrics, like natural feelings, have their own value in our completely synthetic world.

We have already figured out why the 35th wedding anniversary is called linen. With coral and jade, the situation is a little different: this is what residents of Western European countries and the United States call this anniversary. However, this event is celebrated there no less solemnly, and the name is also fair.

  • Corals are growths of organic origin that form on the bottom of seas and oceans under extremely difficult conditions. Several corals are already a whole colony, and many such growths can even create an island, which is usually called an atoll. The same is true for a family: first growing on rocks, overcoming difficulties, it eventually forms a huge family tree. And a coral wedding (anniversary) is a kind of symbol of family life.
  • Finally we come to jade, and there is symbolism here. This mineral was developed by man first or one of the first. Statues of gods, decorations of kings, columns of temples, utensils of priests - everywhere jade could find its place. People created whole legends about this precious stone. It is not surprising that the magical gem, which is considered a talisman of good luck, has become a symbol of wedding anniversaries.

Gift for a coral wedding

We have already familiarized ourselves with some gift options, but still, 35 years - what kind of wedding is it, what is customary to give? It will be very convenient if the heroes of the occasion decide for themselves what symbol their anniversary will be held under and what to give each other. Spouses will be very happy to receive accessories and souvenirs made from the mineral for a coral wedding. Goblets and vases made of coral with bouquet compositions are also suitable. If the anniversary is jade, then products made from this stone will be used.

There is more choice here:

  • rings;
  • rings;
  • earrings;
  • bracelets.

It will cost a lot, but such an event does not happen every day; there is a lot of effort behind it.

gift for husband

When you think about what to give your husband for his 35th anniversary, it would be best to turn your attention to useful items. For example, does he dream of a GPS navigator for his car? Then definitely give it as a gift.

An e-book would also be a great gift, making it a special and useful gift. Today, not every man can afford a new phone with a touch screen or something from Apple products, so if your husband is a fan of Apple devices, you should give it as a gift - believe me, you won’t regret it.

For men who are involved in hobbies such as hunting, fishing, hockey, billiards, basketball, football, bowling, etc., it is worth giving gifts from these fairly narrow areas.

First of all, these can be items with a funny twist, some thematic figurines, but at the same time, for your anniversary you can choose:

  • soccer ball autographed by the star;
  • nominal cue for billiards;
  • an expensive hockey stick and much more in this spirit.

Gift for wife

One of the most interesting gift ideas for your loved one can be choosing a goldfish in an aquarium, which can be decorated with corals. What woman does not dream of fulfilling her desires? Here you can kill two birds with one stone: firstly, you will get a very original gift, and secondly, it will undoubtedly be symbolic.

The next great thing for your life together could be coral beads, which would be perfect for your spouse. You can also give a bracelet, rings, or earrings with corals as a gift. In all of the above cases, you will need to be guided by both your budget and the tastes of your beloved half.

A romantic and unusual gift for your wife on the coral anniversary of marriage could be a trip for two to Egypt to the Red Sea, where the entire seabed is decorated with corals. This mysterious and colorful world of colorful corals will be a real discovery that will make you admire the beauty of natural creation.

In general, sometimes you need to give not only something tangible. The 35th anniversary of marriage is already a long period of life, and during this time there were quite a lot of gifts, but the most important thing is attention, emotions and love, which must be given every new day. Remember that the person who has been with you for 35 years deserves love and affection no less than you, only together you can be happy and give each other warmth.

How to celebrate an anniversary

35 years of marriage: what kind of wedding you already know, but how can the “newlyweds” congratulate each other? It would seem that after so many years you no longer think about romantic impulses, but on this day you need to try with all your might to prove the opposite. A beautiful gesture on the part of the spouse would be a morning gift in the form of a bouquet of 35 roses, which will be decorated in the shape of a heart. The color should be chosen either fiery scarlet or pure white, because these are the shades that corals come in. If there is a box with jewelry next to it, even better. The wife will not stand aside, leaving a bottle of vintage vintage red wine for her husband on the bedside table. Of course, to all this we should add tender confessions, affectionate kisses and gratitude for what has happened over all these years.

Congratulations on the anniversary of marriage should consist of wishes for cheerfulness, youth at heart and love, because after each anniversary a new round of family relationships begins, full of no less exciting events.

At their own wedding, few people think about the fact that the years are passing quickly, irrevocably. At this moment, the whole world is playing with rainbow colors, it seems that it is ready to move mountains, turn back time. However, not each of us is destined to experience exciting moments of happiness and spiritual trepidation when we celebrate the 35th anniversary of marriage with our other half.

About the symbol of the holiday

35 years of marriage is a significant date when a couple feels the unity of souls, the immortal union of two hearts, more keenly than usual. The years have passed quickly, but the memory is filled with reverent memories of every happy minute, of the hardships experienced, of the ups and downs on the thorny path of life. The 35th anniversary of marriage has 2 symbols – linen and coral. Because of this, there is some confusion in the definition. Essentially, both the first and the second are true. Coral symbolizes a strong union, a strong connection between a couple. During such a long time of living together, many events were experienced that brought them together even stronger. The couple managed to have children, grandchildren, arrange their lives, and achieve something in their careers. Together they “overgrown” with a series of events, firmly “cementing” their world with love. On the other hand, they created well-being, a harmonious family, the symbol of which is the canvas.

Rites and traditions

Main attributes of the holiday

Relatives and close friends are present at the coral wedding anniversary. At such events there are practically no strangers, people from outside.

A holiday, like any event, has its own special attributes.


The solemn anniversary, which is dedicated to the coral wedding, is traditionally full of congratulations for the spouses. One of the popular ways to express your feelings towards the heroes of the occasion is parables.. Here are some of them. *** A long time ago, a couple of young lovers decided to unravel the secret of happiness. Having opened the ancient book, they read that they needed to find an absolutely happy person, tear off a piece of his clothes, and hide it. As long as the wonderful flap is with you, love and joy will be nearby. The young couple went in search of the absolute lucky ones in life. But bad luck - on the way they came across people who always lacked something for full joy. Some did not have children, others did not have enough money, others were sad that there was no roof over their heads. Completely despairing from their exhausting search, the lovers came across a man sitting on the lawn, singing a cheerful song with inspiration. When asked whether he was happy or not, the eccentric replied: “Completely and absolutely.” When the newlyweds asked him for a piece of clothes, he was surprised to say that he did not have them. Conclusion: you don’t need to look for happiness in the world, it’s important to find yours at arm’s length, then hold on to it with all your might. *** One wise ruler was asked what is the secret of his long reign with a high level of well-being of citizens. With a smile, he replied that the main thing is to maintain balance. When people are dissatisfied, the ruler tries to calm them down, to believe that the chosen course is correct. When the lord is dissatisfied, people calm him down by explaining their vision of the situation. The result is a constructive dialogue, a joint solution to the problem. The point of the parable? It's obvious. The family is a state in miniature. In order for peace to reign inside, calmness, you need to have tolerance for each other, be ready for dialogue in any situation. Then no hardships, obstacles can destroy the monolith of strong bonds. ***

A long time ago there was a family. They did not live long, but in such a short time they managed to fairly quarrel with each other. With grief in half, they decided to ask the wise man for advice on how to save the situation. The clever old man, to the surprise of both, gave them a box of matches. At the same time, he advised breaking a match after another quarrel. If the box is empty, alas, the lovers will have to part. Arriving home, the young people looked at the number of matches, realized that they would spend them for that very evening. Then they looked into each other's eyes and realized that they could not live without each other.


A long tradition is considered a way to express one's thoughts and feelings in poetic form. Thousands of lyrical lines are dedicated to the anniversaries of the coral wedding. Here are some of them.

1. One of the relatives, close friends, guests can say the poem

Let today be your cozy home

The soul will be filled with warmth!

And the warm words never stop,

My head is spinning with happiness and love!

Congratulations on your linen wedding!

You have been together for many years!

We wish you love and happiness from the bottom of our hearts,

May the unquenchable light of feelings not go out!

2. The following lines are spoken by one of the spouses to the other

We lived together many bright years,

They raised their children and grandchildren with you,

And let their love be an unquenchable light

It warms you up longer, my beloved.

May the tenderness increase over the years.

Let the warmth in your heart not disappear,

May they remain between us until the end

Love, unity of souls and kindness!

3. This toast can be made in honor of the anniversaries by close friends of the “coral” spouses, children, and other relatives

You go through life together,

Like previous years,

Teach children and grandchildren

Live with love forever!

Thirty-five is not much,

Valuable baggage of experience,

May the road be long

And love immortal experience!

What to gift

What to give to the celebrants on their 35th wedding anniversary? After all, I want them to remember this day for many years, on quiet family evenings.

  • The most important gift that anniversaries receive at the holiday is a surprise given to a friend. Along with a bouquet of flowers, men present their beloved with sets of luxury cosmetics, jewelry, souvenirs made from sea shells and coral. Aerobatics - a tour to an exotic island, a trip around the world. Women give their loved ones jewelry, marine-themed paintings, and expensive leather accessories.
  • Relatives and close friends can give the “newlyweds” as a present a trip to the coast of the sea, ocean. The gift will be a kind of honeymoon for the spouses.
  • Will be a great gift souvenirs, jewelry made of coral, shells, pearls. Products made from linen fabric are appropriate. This could be a set of napkins or towels with embroidery.
  • Also suitable a set of luxury bed linen with ornaments, embroidered linen shirts, shirts of the same theme for two.
  • The original move amulets made of linen who will become the guardians of the family hearth.

Living in their own special world, experienced lovers with 35 years of experience know for sure what real feelings are. Many people don’t believe that this happens, they say that there is no love, it’s all a matter of habit.

The number of days spent together, the incredible tenderness towards each other proves the opposite. It testifies that love, sealed by respect for each other, is eternal.

In conclusion, you will find a video in which you will learn a lot of interesting things about the symbol of the 35th wedding anniversary - coral: