Congratulations on the Agate wedding (14 years of marriage). Congratulations on the agate wedding

Agate wedding! 14 years
You gave everyone joy and smiles light.
I wish you a lot of happiness
Love mutual sweetness.

Flowers, gifts and attention,
The need for each other's awareness, -
As has been with you for many years.
Friends only devoted advice.

Today is your wedding anniversary
14 years old - "bitterly" - the cries of people,
And let the kiss promise love
Let it repeat itself over and over again!
And in this verse, of course, there is a use,
About your love, this verse is congratulations.
We wish to love without self-interest, without evil,
For everlasting love!

Today we congratulate you on Agate's wedding,
You, our dear anniversaries from the heart.
We wish family peace, happiness and love,
To be like you are in Paradise, in silence.

Fourteen - after all, it's not enough anymore,
So many difficulties, misfortunes behind.
We wish that you only breathe with each other,
And so that only happiness is ahead.

How nice to be at this wedding...
Fourteen years have passed
As once the bride and groom
They created their days warmly.

We sincerely wish both
Love each other to the end.
And to melt the ice of worries,
We'll drink strong wine!

fourteen in numerology
It is considered the number of harmony.
And even if fate is sometimes stubborn,
Launches lightning into the sky.

Although your date is approaching the anniversary,
You will always be young at heart.
And in defeat, trouble will sign,
Well, let love please the game!

14 years is not a short time for marriage. The couple already know each other well and have experienced many different situations that have only strengthened their relationship. Naturally, such a date would like to be celebrated. Let's see how it is customary to celebrate the past 14 years and what kind of wedding it is.

What is it called and why

After 14 years of marriage, what kind of wedding is the most popular question. Everyone knows the names of round dates and anniversaries, but such anniversaries can get lost somewhere. But, it's not scary, today you can easily find out all the details that are of interest to you.

At fourteen, a wedding is called agate. Agate is a semi-precious stone that has a very interesting color. It is formed over many years and has many layers due to the hard work of nature. Just like the family - everything that the spouses have after 14 years of marriage - they all made money together and spent a lot of effort.

It is also considered symbolic that agate is semi-precious. 14 years is not an anniversary, but an anniversary, that is, in a sense, also a “semi-precious date”. There are no identical patterns on the stones, just as there are no similar days in the life of a married couple for many years. Dark areas alternate with light ones, and again we can draw an analogy with family life. Looking at the stone, you can see almost the entire life path of the spouses.

Agate is given to a dear person who is wished longevity and success in all endeavors, since it is he who is the symbol of all these blessings. He has a gift to protect his owner from dangers and the harmful influence of ill-wishers, so this semi-precious stone will be the best gift in honor of the wedding after 14 years of marriage.

Traditions and rituals

Like any other date, fourteen years of marriage is worth celebrating, given some details. Our grandparents followed them very strictly, but as time goes on, everything changes, and we can already make our own adjustments.

The most pleasant tradition, of course, is the exchange of gifts. Here you can strictly follow the custom: husband and wife give each other agate jewelry. They help each other to try them on as a sign of the feelings that they still experience. This case should be celebrated by taking a sip of the same drink from one common glass.

From this pleasant ritual follows the next one, which women will like very much. This is fortune-telling on donated jewelry. A married couple examines agate stones, trying to see drawings or some kind of outlines in the patterns. Someone sees flowers, someone sees the road, someone sees a house, and someone sees children. It is considered a very good sign if the husband and wife see the same silhouettes. Thus, they can find out what the future holds for them.

Agate wedding, unlike other important dates, gives us only this beautiful custom. The relationship of the spouses no longer needs to be tested for strength, since for 14 years they have convinced themselves, and convinced everyone around that they hold on tightly to each other; they no longer need to prove their feelings to each other, because now trust and respect come to the fore. Having honored the traditions of our ancestors, you can pay attention to your personal family rituals, because for such a long time, each family has its own rules.

What to gift

What to give for a fourteenth wedding anniversary is a rather serious question. But, the answer is already ready in the question itself - agate products. The choice is unusually large, it all depends on your imagination. It can be:
  • agate jewelry (but, most likely, spouses will make this gift to each other);
  • vases, bowls or goblets decorated with agates;
  • dishes;
  • interior items;
  • various souvenirs and figurines.
An original gift for a man will be agate chess, glasses or an ashtray, for a woman - a variety of jewelry and caskets. You can find out in advance what your significant other wants and prepare exactly that. By the way, do not forget that ivory is another symbol of the wedding, so products made from this material will also be quite appropriate.

Ah, this wedding...

14 years old. What is a wedding without a celebration? You can celebrate not only anniversaries, anniversaries are also a great occasion to gather all relatives and close friends around the table. The holiday should be fun, so that the next year of living together is as pleasant as this day.

It is best to invite a narrow circle of people to the celebration who have been close to your family for more than one year and know you very well. The main thing is sincerity and warmth, and then a good atmosphere is provided.

Beautiful rhymed congratulations, poems or just words spoken from the heart will be appropriate. A variety of games and competitions will also not be superfluous, especially if there are children. Then your anniversary will be remembered not only by you, but also by your sons and daughters.

Folk traditions tell us to celebrate only round dates on a grand scale, but if you have the opportunity and desire to celebrate the fourteenth wedding anniversary on a grand scale, please! You can invite everyone to a cafe and have a cultural time there. You can gather everyone at home and also have fun celebrating this date, it all depends on you and the nature of your environment.

The agate wedding came unnoticed,
Celebrating an anniversary is a sign.
Let not a round date - fourteen years,
A big achievement, no doubt about it!

Another year will pass and you are anniversaries,
Fire the fireworks, let the fanfare play.
Today is the day of the wedding, the day of the young,
From the bottom of our hearts - we congratulate them!

Shine mysterious agate,
enchants again
Remember how you once
We met our love.

All the years you were together
Been through a lot of hardships
Today again the bridegroom to the bride
Wedding makes a vow.

Your life will get better
The kids will grow up soon
Your wallet will get bigger
Warmth and comfort will come to the house.

Let the years strengthen
Your magnificent marriage.
Bitterly! - the guests exclaim
up to fourteen times.

With all my heart I congratulate you on the 14th anniversary of your marriage, accept my sincere congratulations on your agate wedding. I wish your life to be as interesting and patterned as agate, I wish your family health and well-being, I wish you to love each other and take care of your family for many years, I wish you home warmth and comfort.

Here comes the anniversary day
So many years have passed.
Well, you are happier
Tell me what's the secret?

After all, agate is a magic stone,
He tied you up for years.
Gave love and joy
And good luck forever.

Let your eyes sparkle
Spill wisdom, kindness,
Let health not let us down
And gives joy forever!

Today is an agate wedding!
We saved what was sacred
Opened up new paths
And they made sense together!

May our union last
Let the bird of happiness fly to us,
Waving a bewitching wing
And the house will be filled with magic!

agate wedding
Today is spinning you.
You are a wonderful couple
Don't take my eyes off me.

I wish the family
Love for all years
Let happiness surround
And trouble will pass.

In honor of your agate wedding, we hasten to wish that from now on your life will be as incredibly beautiful as the agate itself. Let there be no rainy cloudy days, pale or dark colors and windy weather in it. Let the only cataclysms that disturb your family be a love storm, an avalanche of money, a hurricane of passion and a flood of health.

You celebrate the agate wedding, which means
The family turns fourteen today.
I wish you great luck in everything,
I want everything to be perfect.

I also wish you to love each other,
So that happiness warms you forever.
In order not to find more beautiful spouses,
So that everything was both chic and class.

Can't believe it, but still
Fourteen years have passed
From your wedding cheerful and bright,
And there is simply no happier you!

Happy anniversary, we congratulate you
And we wish you eternal love
Let agate protect your peace
And give you strength.

We hasten to congratulate you on the agate wedding,
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
May the Lord himself guard your union,
A husband takes care of his wife.

And may your beautiful duet last,
And the bird of happiness is knocking on your window.
And let the fate of the mysteries of miracles,
Keeps your interest in each other.

Happy agate wedding! Fourteen years of marriage is a long time. You've been together for so long that it's hard to imagine you apart from each other. We congratulate you and wish your family prosperity and success in everything. May your hearts always keep the spark of love.

Agate is considered a precious stone,
And you, my husband, are like a treasure to me.
14 years of marriage
Happy, beautiful, my dear, for me.
I congratulate you on the agate wedding,
I wish you peace, happiness and goodness.
Good health, love, warmth,
And longevity for many, many years.

It's good that I have you
My beloved husband, reliable.
And I'm grateful to you dear
For being happy, we have a friendly family.
I want to congratulate you on the agate wedding,
Wish you confidence in the future.
Useful to do a lot in life,
And so that the heart beats in rhythm for a long, long time.

We are celebrating an agate wedding, dear,
And we invite guests to our holiday.
Let loudly "Bitter!" we are screaming
Even a hundred times in a row.
My dear! Fulfillment of all desires
What you dream about, let it come true.
And let the money come to you themselves,
I know it will be - make a wish.

My husband is 14 years old
There is no one dearer to me
What are you, believe me, in this world,
And the confirmation is our children!
I want to wish you good luck
And never lose heart
The path will be a sea of ​​kindness,
Let dreams come true!

I hope my dear husband
I do not regret that you are with me,
And now for 14 years
There is no happier me in the world!
Thank you for the love
For warming the blood with passion,
You are my only one -
You are the best of men!

Congratulations to my husband today
On your wedding day, I wish you -
So that, like 14 years ago,
He didn't take his eyes off me.
To always be happy
And you loved me so much.
Today is our holiday with you,
Let me tell you, long live love!

14 years flew by unnoticed,
But nothing goes unnoticed.
Now I know all your habits
We often see similar dreams.
May our life, my dear,
It will always be sweet and groovy.
Let every moment be a mystery
Let melancholy go into exile.


SMS congratulations on the agate wedding 14 years old in verse

Wedding congratulations:

"SMS congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 14 years"

You've been married for a very long time
Experienced a lot together
Passed through the obstacles
Luckily, we found our way!

Be happy rich
And live without being bored!
happy anniversary agate
I congratulate you today!

"Congratulations on 14 years of marriage"

Have you ever married for love?
Today he hides the luxury of agates!
Congratulations on your agate wedding!
And we wish you great happiness!

14 years is quite a long time!
We want everything to be great in life!
To live in harmony and understanding
Always paying attention to each other!

"Short congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 14 years"

We quarrel with you, it happens,
But still I love you
We are with you for a long time, I understand
Perhaps I will forgive you everything.

You just stay true
Support me always
Wife, smile more often
And trouble will not come to our house!

"Short congratulations on the agate wedding of 14 years"

Congratulations from children
On this day, accept
On your wedding anniversary
You honor each other

We wish you
Fall in love every day
Stronger in this world
Admire life!

"SMS congratulations on the agate wedding 14 years"

My husband is 14 years old
There is no one dearer to me
What are you, believe me, in this world,
And the proof is our children!

I want to wish you good luck
And never lose heart
The path will be a sea of ​​kindness,
Let dreams come true!

"Short congratulations on your 14th wedding anniversary"

Agate wedding is precious,
So appreciate every moment.
So always be true to each other,
Family is happiness for two.

Let the children delight your hearts every day,
Trouble will not knock, will not come.
And let happiness fall into your hands from the sky,
And let it be joyful every year.

"Cool and comic congratulations on the agate wedding of 14 years"

Girlfriend, I wish you success
It will be useful in family life,
You have a good husband - I know for sure
Look how in love he is with you.

14 years with you together
He tolerates your difficult character,
Blessed is that day, as from a bride
You have become a real wife!