What is the 22nd wedding anniversary called? Bronze wedding (22 years)

Each family has its own rules and traditions. Some people love peace and quiet, while others are always happy to have guests and are ready to throw a feast for the whole world. Now we will tell you how best to celebrate 22 years life together.

What date is this?

Everyone knows that every year a married couple celebrates a certain date. For example, three years of marriage is leather wedding, 10 years - pink (or pewter), 18 - turquoise. And if the young family still celebrates their first “anniversaries” with joy, then things may be a little different, because everyday life and everyday affairs and worries often make people forget that another anniversary no less important than, for example, a birthday. After all, in fact, this is a birthday new family. So, 22 years of marriage have passed and flown by... What kind of wedding is being celebrated? Bronze! May occur logical question: "Why exactly is that so?" Everything is very clear here, because bronze is a fairly malleable material when alloyed. The same can be said about spouses who long time have lived together: they know when it is better to give in to their partner, and when they can insist on their personal opinion.


The celebration in question has its own symbolism. So, traditional gift is, of course, bronze. However, Americans also call this date a copper date. The stone that symbolizes the time period passed by the spouses is spinel of any color.

Celebrating for two

So, the couple has 22 years of marriage behind them. It is known what kind of wedding is being celebrated, now it is important to think about how best to spend this day. Ideally, of course, it is better for the husband and wife to be alone: ​​it would be nice to go to the cinema or theater. The main thing is that everything that happens is to the liking of both spouses. Great option- go on a short trip or go to the sea. This is already possible, because the children, most likely, have already grown up and become quite independent, and everyday worries can be postponed. It is important not to forget to take photographs and videotape everything that happens. old age this will be a great find when spouses want to feel nostalgic and remember the fun past.

Celebrating with family

How else can you celebrate 22 years of marriage? It is known what kind of wedding it will be, so the celebration can be done in a bronze style. However, most likely, this will not be a chic dinner party, because the date is not round, but, so to speak, an intermediate party. So you can invite only relatives and close friends. You can celebrate your wedding day at home, and in warm time years - in nature. Wouldn't you like it? Well, no one forbade going to the cafe. What special things can be foreseen? On this day, why don’t the “newlyweds” remember their wedding vows and sum up the results: was everything fulfilled by their loved one? You can jokingly scold your spouse, but you definitely need to praise and thank them for everything that has been done. It's also a good idea to make new vows that are likely to be humorous and fun.


This paragraph is addressed to women. 22 years of marriage are upon us. What wedding is complete without a feast? Especially in our country, where everyone loves to take a walk and have fun. What to serve to dear guests? We will adhere to traditions and symbolism. Therefore, we will prepare dishes rich in copper (the American version, but that’s okay). No, we're talking about not about metal, although it is not a sin to use bronze for table setting, if possible. As for treats, either beef liver, squid, walnuts, hazelnuts But this is far from a complete menu; diversify it with your spouse’s favorite dishes. There must also be cocoa on the table, and light wine or champagne for alcohol.


It’s good if spouses remember every wedding day. 22 years of marriage should not be an exception. So, for example, for every anniversary it’s a good idea to attend a certain master class. On this day you can go to the artistic forging of copper or bronze and there you will learn the properties of these metals and see how work is done with them. And, of course, you should definitely try to do something yourself, and leave this souvenir as a reminder of the bronze wedding. Interesting idea it seems Well, again, I would like to remind you that everything needs to be filmed on photo and video tape, this will be an excellent memory.

What to gift?

Knowing that the 22nd wedding anniversary is bronze, it is necessary to prepare accordingly. You can, of course, present the family with a table set or household appliances as a gift - it will never be superfluous. However, it is better to adhere to traditions and give bronze or copper products (by the way, bronze is an alloy of copper and tin). What can you give as a gift from such metal? The simplest option is a bronze figurine. However, in this case, you need to take into account the size of the home and the gift, as well as the interior where the donated item will be located. In a tiny one-room apartment, a large bronze horse with wings (a la a present from the movie) would definitely look out of place. Love affair at work"). So you need to think very carefully about this option. A mirror in a beautiful bronze frame would not seem out of place. There is always a place for such a gift. And it will look very attractive. You can also present various bronze candlesticks, photo frames or paintings in frames made of the appropriate material. An interesting gift There will be bronze ones (however, just in case, it’s better to take a ransom for such a gift - a pretty penny), as well as chess pieces made of the mentioned metal. What else to give for 22 years? What kind of wedding is known, you can try to play with another symbol of this day - spinel. You can decorate a jewelry set with this stone - give each husband and wife a pendant. It would be appropriate to make it from copper, from which all guests can immediately help themselves.

What else do you give for a bronze wedding? In addition to the gifts from this, you can try to play with the number 22. So, why not give a married couple 22 chocolates? Just simply handing sweets to the “newlyweds” is, to say the least, banal. Another thing is to order covers separately for the mentioned gift (for example, from a printing house). What can be depicted on them? If a couple takes a photo every anniversary, then each chocolate bar can symbolize the year they have lived together and reflect the corresponding special day. Can be done on every tile wedding photo. Well, and so on... there are a lot of ideas. It should be noted that such a gift will be remembered for a long time not only by the married couple, but also by all the guests. Yes, needless to say, a serious wedding anniversary - 22 years. Therefore, it is quite possible to award seven well-deserved 22 medals - for each year lived. Why not make them from bronze? If the family collects something, you can present something from this area. It’s also good to do for a married couple creative gift. You can write a poem just for them, compose a song, draw a picture. Gifts made with your own hands will be especially expensive - knitted plaid, beaded photograph or painting. Grandchildren or children can make cards or small gifts from scrap materials. Such gifts are always pleasant and are given to people who are loved, appreciated and respected.

Everyone remembers from history that literally a few centuries ago the most significant events in the lives of spouses were their engagement, marriage and the birth of a child.

More recently, they began to pay more attention to marriage: they began to celebrate anniversaries married life, psychologists began to focus on the importance of such celebrations.

And today we are faced with the question: what kind of wedding is being celebrated on the 22nd wedding anniversary?

Bronze wedding anniversary

Anniversaries come and go. But 22 years of marriage is also worth being proud of, because even every month can add new colors to our lives.

It would seem that the children have already grown up and your family has come a long way in life. However, a bronze wedding is considered very positive and romantic. This is due to the material itself, which the title is dedicated to.

Bronze itself is a very expensive metal. But it is valued not so much for its high cost, but for its special qualities. This metal is popular among sculptors, jewelers and industrial manufacturers because of its flexibility and high thermal conductivity. So, by the age of 22, our spouses had learned to feel each other, exchange the warmth of still burning love and be patient, compliant and flexible. And this is a reason to celebrate!

Celebrating the occasion

Planning to celebrate significant event, think first about your inner desires and needs. Sometimes the soul requires rest, and sometimes loud fun. Surely you have already thought about the style and nature of the celebration. A romantic setting is suitable for this wedding.

The children have already grown up, and you can afford to stay alone this evening. If you prefer the comfort of home, be sure to think about a program for the evening: food, furnishings, watching a movie, giving gifts or mini-surprises. On the other hand, you can add solemnity to the event by going to a luxurious restaurant.

We also note that 2 years ago the couple celebrated their second anniversary of marriage. In addition, if you are invited to such an event, you should think not only about what kind of wedding this is for 20 years of marriage, but also what to give as a gift. If you find it difficult to choose, you can directly ask the celebrants what would be the best gift for them.

The main thing is to ensure that the premises are decorated in accordance with the 22nd anniversary:

  • Bronze tones;
  • Interior elements in bronze;
  • Bronze decor.

Gifts in bronze

Finding a gift is always a difficult task. However, with a wedding anniversary, things are simpler.

We already know that 22 years of married life are timed to the “Bronze Age” in relationships. Therefore, all our gifts will be associated with this metal or made from it. In addition, this will initially give the gift luxury and wealth, because bronze is highly valued along with precious metals.

The kingdom of bronze belongs to watches, door handles, lamps, sculptures and many other interior elements. Therefore, to decide on gifts, let’s look at the existing options:

  • The interior includes all sorts of original and useful items made of bronze (their main task is to be light, elegant, stylish and not take up much space, for example, a cigarette case or a candlestick);
  • Bronze figurines are also part of the interior, but they are the main task not in usefulness, but in endowment special meaning(for example, nature lovers will appreciate figurines of representatives of flora and fauna, or, if you know any family traditions, you can frame it in bronze);
  • Bronze in the style of “Feng Shui” (such a gift would be appropriate, since Feng Shui is the doctrine of maintaining harmony in everyday life with the laws of nature);
  • Antiques stand out among the usual bronze objects and look very impressive (these can be bronze objects from the past, copies of famous busts, sculptures and statues);
  • Large interior items (for example, a mirror with a bronze frame or an exclusive coffee table);
  • Kitchen utensils (bronze tea set or, for example, Turk).

A list of appropriate gifts for a “coming of age” wedding anniversary is listed in this article; you will also find out which wedding is celebrated after 18 years of marriage and what traditions are inherent in it.

Congratulations on the bronze wedding

The gift has already been chosen. But everyone understands that small event, albeit in family circle, asks nice words to the heroes of the occasion. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance.

On our website there is a huge selection of congratulations in poetic form. For example, this sounds very touching:

On your bronze wedding anniversary - 22 years!

I hasten to congratulate you and wish you from my heart,

So that happiness and prosperity awaits at the doorstep,

So that you don’t have to suffer in love!

Let everything that already exists and will still be in this life,

Only cherished love is big, without boundaries!

And this happiness is in the world of billions of destinies,

Find each other among many faces!

Any wedding anniversary must be accompanied kind words to the spouses. For example, you were invited to a fifteen-year anniversary and, based on the name, you need to find appropriate congratulations. Let's figure out what kind of wedding is celebrated on 15 years of marriage? The generally accepted name for a wedding is crystal, but sometimes it is given another name - glass. In any case, no matter what congratulation you choose, the main thing is that it sounds from the heart.

Video example of anniversary gifts

Various bronze products like in this video can become a great gift for the bronze anniversary. You can buy such gifts at the market, in a store, make them yourself or order them.

My parents will soon have a bronze wedding. I still couldn’t figure out what to give them. But as they say, it’s good that there is the Internet, with its help I found this article and now everything is clear to me. Thanks to the authors for the information.

Universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and reason. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Please your wife with a beautiful gift

It is unlikely that anyone would argue with me that women are much more more men pay Special attention anniversaries.

Men generally tend to forget about different dates and in best case scenario they remember the birth dates of their spouse and children.

But days like weddings, memorable date Most men don’t remember meetings and acquaintances. So if you feel dear men, forget about such a weakness important days, then mark this day in red on your calendar. There is nothing more offensive for a woman than to be ignored on her wedding anniversary.

Even if you just congratulate her in the morning beautiful bouquet- this will already be an excellent sign of attention. Well, if you go further and choose a gift from my list, then there’s simply no price for you

  1. Watch with bronze edging. Such things are worn by true connoisseurs of beauty, aesthetes. Therefore, if your chosen one is not a fan sporty style, then she will definitely be pleased elegant decoration. The I-touch watch, on the contrary, will be appreciated by a young and sporty girl who strives to keep up with the times.
  2. Umbrella cane with a handle decorated in bronze, your wife will definitely like it.
  3. Bronze coffee tray. Even if in 22 years you have never bothered to pamper your wife with morning coffee in bed, then the day has come when you should surprise her.
  4. Coffee service A coffee connoisseur will love it.
  5. Bag, stole, belt. You can never have too many accessories.
  6. Camera. What woman doesn't like to be photographed and photographed? If you decide to give her a real DSLR, it will be useful to give it along with a certificate for attending a master class on the basics of photography. This could be the start of an interesting hobby.
  7. Subscription to an expensive fitness club, swimming pool. Needless to say, such gift options should in no case be a hint?)

If your family often experiences discord based on discontent appearance each other or you often hint to your spouse that it wouldn’t hurt to slightly reduce her wide bones, there is no need to give such gifts. Still, it should bring pleasure, and not become an unpleasant burden. On the other hand, it can encourage and motivate a woman to take care of herself.

Give along with the certificate a stylish sports shoes or fashionable bag for the form. Believe me, this is the best incentive for a woman.

What to give to your husband?

The motorist will be pleased with the car radio, navigator, covers or wheels. Not sure if you understand the topic well enough? Present the certificate to a car store. And:

  1. Watch with bronze decoration will become symbolic and very pleasant presents for your chosen one.
  2. Photo frame in bronze which will help decorate his office.
  3. Pen bronze will emphasize status business man. In the same style you can present a stationery set and a business card holder.
  4. Ashtray made of bronze or hookah. Not the most useful gift option, of course, but we don’t pick things up for health day.
  5. Tool for home. Just like with a sports club membership, this gift idea is not intended to offend or insinuate. Therefore, if you often scold your husband for inaction and unwillingness to fix, repair and cleanly men's work, then the anniversary is not the best day to push him into action with such gifts.

But if your husband is interested in handicrafts around the house, then the tool will definitely please him and he will appreciate your attention.

Congratulations to the children

If you don’t know how to please children who seem to already have everything in their everyday life, then choose an original gift.

  1. Samovar. A very unusual and, I would even say, authentic gift that will be useful at the dacha, in country house. Just imagine how in the summer the whole family will gather on the veranda, drink aromatic tea and eat raspberry jam. In general, I like such homely and cozy things that seem to be designed to unite the family. You can decorate the samovar in an original way and present it with a bunch of bagels and a jar of jam.
  2. Set of garden furniture. Often they furnish a city apartment beautifully, but never get around to the dacha. A gift like garden furniture will definitely make children happy.
  3. Hammock or sun lounger. This is again an option for a summer house and for a picnic, but every time it will remind your children of their caring parents.

Gift ideas for parents from children

Of course, for parents the most best gift- this is attention. Therefore, surprise them with originality.

Throw them a surprise party. Yes, yes, the same one as in American comedies, with cake, candles and friends shouting “Surprise!” If you are not sure that your parents will appreciate such spontaneity of the evening, then book a table at the restaurant for them.

Make sure in advance that there are candles and flowers on the table. Write invitations and put them in each of their bags in the morning. It may not be their first, but very romantic date

Surprise your friends with an original gift

If your friends are into Feng Shui, then there are a whole bunch of ideas for you on the topic of bronze gifts:

  1. Mantel clock or a beautiful candelabra. Consider the general interior style of your friends' house so that your beautiful gift, chosen with love, did not go to gather dust on the far shelf of the mezzanine.
  2. Painting in a bronze baguette. It will fit perfectly into a classic, baroque, shabby chic interior, but high-tech lovers are unlikely to appreciate such decor.
  3. Hourglass. This type of gift can be presented very beautifully, hinting that let the time spent consist of the most beautiful grains of sand.
  4. Plaid. A cozy and cute gift that will be useful in any home.
  5. Arrange for them picnic. Yes, this is very unusual, because most often it is the heroes of the occasion who are bustling around the stove, preparing a treat and worrying about entertaining the guests. Just imagine how pleased they will be if you invite them to a picnic that is dedicated to them!
  6. You can order an evening in the sauna or give them a gift massage session or others salon procedures in an expensive spa club.

At this point, my gift ideas for a bronze wedding have almost dried up) Therefore, if I missed something, be sure to tell me in your comments. Share the link to this article with your friends and follow the news.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Valeria Zhilyaeva March 31, 2018, 01:35

The wedding day is always remembered by husband and wife with special warmth and trepidation. It doesn’t matter how many years have passed, but it’s always nice to return mentally to the past. This is especially true for couples whose wedding was a long time ago.

22 years later the bronze wedding is celebrated. It is likely that during this period the family has experienced many victories and defeats, but despite everything, they are still together and are happy to welcome guests on their anniversary. A logical question arises - what to give a married couple for a bronze wedding?

What can spouses give each other for their 22nd wedding anniversary?

On the birthday of their family, spouses must certainly show each other signs of attention. It is not necessary to give something expensive. The main thing is to remind your other half that your feelings are alive, despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed.

Consider each other's interests when choosing a gift. It's better to present something practical or romantic

Let's start with what to give my husband for 22 years of marriage. The options may be as follows:

  • a bronze statuette for the title “Best Husband”;
  • wrist watch, cufflinks, tie clip;
  • belt, gift pen;
  • bronze ashtray or lighter with engraving.

If the spouses spend most of their time together or in company with other families, then you can organize trip to Finnish sauna in exclusively male company. It will be incredibly pleasant to receive such a gift from a sensitive and understanding spouse.

Bronze Anniversary Gift Box

So, my husband and I sorted it out. What to give to your wife? A gift for your wife on her 22nd wedding anniversary could be like this:

  • jewelry with bronze elements: bracelet, earrings, wristwatch, pendant;
  • jewelry box;
  • aroma lamp and set of essential oils;
  • certificate for the purchase of cosmetics or clothing;
  • certificate for visiting the SPA salon.

Whatever your bronze anniversary gift for your wife, complement it with flowers. The wife will be extremely pleased to receive a bouquet from her beloved man.

The gift does not have to be tangible or material. You may well give each other time. How long has it been since you left everything and spent the evening together? Wedding anniversary is great occasion put aside everyday worries and devote time to each other.

Bronze pendant for 22nd wedding anniversary

Finding jewelry made of bronze is not so easy; you can easily replace bronze with gold or silver: pendants made of these materials, given with warm words, will be no less valuable for the recipient.

Gold pendants with diamonds and: topaz; amethyst, all SL (prices via links)

What to give parents for their 22nd bronze wedding anniversary?

Gift ideas for relatives or parents can be ordinary, as well as stylized in bronze - a symbol of the 22nd anniversary of marriage. There are many beautiful things to decorate your home.

You can give bronze dishes or interior items - a wine set, a bronze teapot, a table or grandfather clock

Of course, parents expect from their daughter or son at least symbolic gifts on the occasion of the anniversary. They will be pleased that children remember significant date and prepared for it in advance.

You can give your family:

  • a vintage manual coffee grinder decorated with bronze elements;
  • bronze tablecloth;
  • a set of bath towels or bathrobes;
  • watch;
  • bedding set;
  • bronze tray;
  • candlesticks with bronze;
  • decorative box made of bronze.

Can be prepared for parents memorable gift. For example, an excellent gift for a bronze wedding is family tree . The same gift would be appropriate to give to children on their 22nd wedding anniversary.

Family tree for 22nd wedding anniversary

Bronze watch for the 22nd anniversary

Other gifts made of bronze are also relevant. Married couples are often given figurines made of this metal. For example, a couple of swans. These birds are not only associated with marital fidelity, but also with the number 22 itself.

Bronze figurine for the 22nd anniversary

As an addition to the main gift, you can order personalized bronze medals. Wish your parents to collect a full set of “awards” and celebrate their silver and golden anniversaries together.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 22nd bronze wedding anniversary

Handmade gifts have special value. It is much more pleasant to receive as a gift a thing created with soul and love than something made by a conveyor machine according to established standards.

Use your imagination and create exclusive things for your closest and dearest people

What can you make with your own hands for the bronze anniversary? Gift options:

  • a unique greeting card;
  • embroidery with a wedding or family theme (for example, swans or a pair of horses);
  • photo collage of photographs of the married couple;
  • wall key holder;
  • exclusive photo frame.

Original gift option - collage of congratulatory text, created using photographs of family and friends holding one word from each congratulatory phrase. You can put all this together in any photo editor on your computer. The resulting photographs are printed and superimposed on a sheet of whatman paper. Glue is used for fastening. This collage is very unusual and will bring a lot of positive emotions to the heroes of the occasion.

No less original idea– recreate family history. To do this, photographs are selected from the family archive and placed in the album in chronological order. It is better to choose an album with a bronze cover or make it yourself.

If you know how to bake beautiful cakes or cookies, you can make delicious gift spouses Celebrating the Bronze Anniversary. Decorate the baked goods in symbolic shades and present them for tea.

DIY Cupcakes to Celebrate the Bronze Anniversary

A permanent attribute of any holiday - Balloons and flowers. Help with the design of the room where you plan gala evening. This feasible gift will be no less pleasant than a piece of furniture or any present made of bronze.

The bronze anniversary is a serious date, meaning that the relationship between the spouses has already become as strong as this metal. The married couple has been through a lot, but they still love and appreciate each other.

It is especially pleasant to gather family and friends around the festive table on this date.

Remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention. Any gift should be accompanied by a generous portion of wishes and warm words.

Are you interested in how to live with a loved one for 22 years and what kind of wedding it is? We propose to simply look into this issue now.

A wedding day is special for every person, because it is then that the hearts of lovers unite and begin to beat even stronger in unison. Starting a family is always a very important responsibility for each of the future spouses.

Wedding at twenty-two called bronze.

It is important to understand that family is not a gift from above, but, first of all, the daily hard work of two people. If two people try to work on the relationship, then the adjustments will not be so difficult and there will be a possibility that loving hearts will live together for many years.

Overcoming difficulties


Of course, the first year of marriage is considered the most difficult. And it’s clear why it’s so difficult for lovers to live together at first. After all, just yesterday there was a lot of romance, flowers, beautiful words and courtship, and now everyday life begins without frills. But even days that are so similar to each other can easily be diversified. It is important to have a desire to be together and an understanding that marriage is truly difficult, but very rewarding work.


The second difficult stage in family life It is not uncommon for spouses to have a child in the family. Of course, this is great joy for two loving people. However, during this period, husband and wife may move away from each other. It is very important at this time to try to understand each other and help if necessary. In family life, such concepts as mutual understanding and mutual respect are really very important.

If the spouses managed to get through this difficult and at the same time very happy period in their lives, there is a possibility that many things await them in the future. happy days. Not all modern spouses manage to live together for more than twenty years. But if this happened, you can really consider it a great success. Now we offer to find out what kind of wedding it is after 22 years of marriage.

22 years together - bronze wedding

22 years of marriage, what kind of wedding is this? First of all, it is important to say that crossing the twenty-year mark together is truly a success for every family. However, what is more important here is not even to walk this path hand in hand, but to preserve tender feelings, understanding and respect. If the spouses still live together, but their feelings have cooled down, then the anniversary of their marriage can hardly be called a great achievement.

Interestingly, each anniversary has its own name. So for twenty-two years the wedding has been called a bronze wedding. And it is no coincidence, because bronze is considered a fairly strong metal and, at the same time, quite malleable. Likewise, the relationship between spouses at this stage of life can be called strong and at the same time malleable. That is, over all the years they have lived, they have learned to listen and understand each other. This wedding is a metal one.

Since the date is not round, there are not many traditions associated with it. However, there is still interesting customs, which our ancestors tried to adhere to. So once on this day the couple turned to the blacksmith with a request to make a bronze heart.

It's great if people lived together for 22 years. What kind of wedding - bronze or gold - is not so important.

A wedding anniversary is always a very exciting day for a happy married couple. After all, it was then that their hearts united forever, and they began their happy life together.

What gift should I give for my 22nd wedding anniversary?

This day is exciting not only for spouses, but also for guests. That's what I want to do special gift for the heroes of the occasion. Now we propose to find out what they give for the twenty-second wedding anniversary. Of course it could be general gifts for the family or separate gifts for both spouses.

To a man

Among possible gifts for a man in honor of an anniversary:
  • bronze figurine
  • bronze cigarette case or ashtray
  • night light with bronze elements
  • men's perfume
  • hunting and fishing supplies
A wife can give such gifts to her husband. It is important to choose something original and certainly according to the man’s interests.

To a woman

Among the possible gifts for a woman:
  • expensive perfume
  • bronze decoration
  • beautiful bronze figurine
  • favorite flowers
On a woman’s 22nd wedding anniversary, just like a man, it is important to give a gift based on interests. Who else but the beloved husband knows everything about his wife’s preferences. Guests can even give a souvenir, flowers and sweets. And this is already a sign of attention.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary?

This question often interests spouses. Some people choose solitude together, while others prefer celebrating with family and friends. You can choose a luxurious restaurant as the venue for your celebration, or opt for a cozy home environment.

In the first option, be sure to create houses romantic atmosphere. You can also go to a cafe together or go on a trip. The latter will be especially appreciated by women.

If you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary in a restaurant and receive a lot of congratulations from dear people, then be sure to choose the best restaurant in advance and make a guest list. In addition, if you wish, you can invite a toastmaster to the celebration. In this case, your holiday will certainly be remembered by everyone.