Date - how to make it unforgettable and romantic. Non-standard date and unusual pastime for a couple

Of course, nothing sets you up for a romantic mood like a date. Organizing something unusual is not so difficult, it just takes a little imagination. In order for the evening to be remembered, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive restaurant; a date at home is also a great option. It's even better, because no one will disturb you for sure, you can really enjoy each other's company and relax a little.

The idea of ​​spending the evening at home in a pleasant date will appeal to both married couples who have been living together for a long time, and those who are just starting to build their relationship. In both cases, everything goes according to approximately the same scenario. The difference is only in the effect produced. So, such a date will allow spouses to remember the old days, when life has not yet eaten all the romance. For young couples, a date at home will provide an opportunity to get to know each other better, take their romance to a new level.

Preparation is the key to success

Dinner in a cozy environment is a great idea, but sometimes it can be very difficult to bring it to life. How, for example, to organize houses in such a way as not to spoil the first impression, but, on the contrary, encourage a person to continue communication? It's actually very exciting. After all, not even the interlocutor himself can cause rejection in a person, but, for example, his apartment. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the first date with special care. You should not immediately reveal all the cards, showing all the rooms and every thing. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that she or he will want a tour of the house.

To avoid inconvenience, spend in your home getting rid of all the strange, distracting details. Another important point: do not be too assertive. Referring to the general rules of behavior on a first date, behave with restraint. No need to immediately rush to the embrasure. Also, if there is no desire to continue the evening until morning, just say so.

Meeting with an ex

With the first date, everything seems to be clear. But there is another no less stressful situation for the fairer sex - a date with the former at home. Wanting to renew a romantic relationship, it is important not only to make the evening go well. It is also necessary to show your partner a willingness to go further, back. Something unexpected works best in this case. Not just, but, perhaps, some kind of themed evening, which can be supplemented with watching a good movie. To do this, you just need to find the right movie. Choosing a film, you should be guided not only by your preferences. It is unlikely that the former will appreciate the fact that he was forced to watch a hateful melodrama.

It doesn't matter if it's a surprise or a planned event. It doesn't matter who will be the organizer. Although, it still depends on something. If women always pay attention to details, try to create the perfect atmosphere, choose the right music and lighting, then men are much less likely to do this. They will think more about what to cook, what to wear, and what, in fact, to talk about.

clear plan

In fact, any evening with a loved one is an event that requires special attention, otherwise it is very easy to make a mistake. It would seem, what could be better than a home environment? However, it is actually not as simple as it seems to be. To minimize all the risks of failure, it is important to know exactly what is fraught with a date at home. The preparation of such an evening should be based on a clear plan. Do not take on everything at once, something can easily pop out of your head. And no wonder, because there is so much to do.

We think over the menu

It’s worth starting accomplishments with a shopping list, and for this you need to first think over the menu. It is good if it contains a lot of so-called aphrodisiac products, namely: seafood, mushrooms, almonds, avocados, strawberries, bananas, honey, celery and others.

With their help, you can cook a huge number of dishes. The main thing is not to forget that dinner should not be too heavy. The meal should bring a feeling of satiety, not abdominal pain and discomfort. It can be accompanied by absolutely any drink, to taste. True, strong alcohol, as well as cocktails consisting of several degree drinks, are not suitable for a romantic date. They can quickly turn your head, then you can no longer count on the continuation of the evening.


In addition to food and drinks, it is worth thinking about the surroundings. It can be cute candles, garlands, aromatic oils, balls or flowers. A date at home does not mean that creating the right atmosphere will not work, you just need to take into account some points. These are, of course, colors. For the most suitable shades that encourage active brain activity, exciting desires.

It is red, orange or bright yellow. However, an abundance of bright colors can lead not to excitement, but to the emergence of aggression. Therefore, it always needs to be balanced by something, for example, white. But it is better to refuse the use of black, as it usually causes negative emotions. In addition to tablecloths, matching napkins and dish sets, it sometimes makes sense to think about buying new bedding. It will come in handy sooner or later anyway.


It is worth thinking about Many girls and women for some reason forget about this point, especially if they are not the organizers of the date. It is very wrong to think that a date at home with a girl is a meaningless event for a guy. Men, as a rule, are picky about their own appearance no less than the fair sex.

They can choose the color of a tie for a shirt for a long time, especially if the girl is really nice to them. It is simply unforgivable for women to come on a date in jeans. The dress must be perfect, as well as what is underneath. Beautiful underwear and fishnet stockings are an indispensable attribute of the image. After all, you can never say for sure how it will end.


Arranging a date at home is not so difficult. You just need to follow a clear plan, step by step thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, everyone wants something unusual, but here in the foreground is not the originality of ideas, but the approach to their implementation.

It is not at all necessary to arrange something intricate, simple romance is enough. The desire to please a loved one is quite feasible, you just need a little imagination. Taking the initiative, you need to be a little bolder. Then everything will work out and will go even better than a banal evening in a restaurant.

Recently, young guys have completely lost their orientation in space. This is us about the fact that the excuse “nowhere to take the girl” is increasingly heard from the lips of our acquaintances and readers who send us letters with questions of a similar nature. Traditional cinemas, parks, exhibitions are, of course, good, but sometimes it's worth coming up with something more extraordinary. Moreover, in a modern city, even with a population of 500,000, there are plenty of opportunities for an original pastime with your beloved, and even without spending extra money.

Work as volunteers

cook dinner

On a first date, you should not please an unfamiliar brunette with your own bolognese. But cooking together is incredibly close: culinary magic will force you to constantly be centimeters apart and chat at ease about food preferences and other fascinating things. By the way, it is unlikely that a friend will agree to come immediately to your house or invite you to her place - the most neutral option would be a culinary master class, where she will be more comfortable and will not have to carry pepper spray with her.

Go to a lecture

Curb your skepticism - you have no idea what a great chance to impress a girl. Especially if the lecture concerns an area in which you know something. In the mature version (i.e. you have already graduated from the university), such a date is not at all problematic, even if it is not a master class. It will be very romantic if you manage to get into an educational institution under the guise of students and, embarrassed, go “late” to the first chosen lecture, perching at the last desk.

Pretend to be foreign tourists

Even if you both know your city to the very last public garden, there is an opportunity to diversify a banal walk through the streets. Of course, the beginnings of a foreign language will be required, but it's worth it. Just take your camera, dress like you arrived yesterday from Ohio or Westchester, and get into character. Ask passers-by for directions to the nearest monument, take funny pictures at sights, explore local establishments. By the way, even more “foreignness” will be added to you by rental bicycles or gyro scooters like a typical Hoverbot - riding them is not only more practical, but also not our way. Gyromarket will pick up a modern hoverboard model for you and even teach you a couple of foreign tricks for more vivid impressions!

play tennis

If you haven't watched the Wimbledon movie, you won't understand the intensity of passion that arises between two players. This is a great chance to awaken emotions in each other, driven by sports passion - be sure, any quiet person is liberated on the court. Even if it's her first time out with a racquet, you'll gently show her the basics by standing behind her and gently guiding her hand. And short breaks between blows will allow you to have a very practical conversation (there will be no time for extra words) and find out everything you need about the interlocutor.

Blind a vase

Okay, you can blame us for the lack of personal ideas, but agree that the scene from "Ghost" is just the ideal romantic date. We are talking about the one where Patrick Swayze carefully helps his beloved Demi Moore to bungle a vase to the song of "holy brothers". Or you can take as an example the brilliant parody of her in the series Community. One way or another, even if you do not live in a large city, there are chances to find training courses for your missus, where both of you will be able to create not just a vase or a bowl, but a real exotic masterpiece that you can also take home - such a thing will be a great reminder of the first date.

Spy on others

The option is suitable if the girl is as crazy and turned on modern technologies as you are. The essence of the game is simple: you choose the first resident of your city in the social network search and try to find him personally (naturally, without contacting by phone) using a variety of clues, such as his check-ins, hobbies on the page and traces on the network. The result should be a threesome selfie - no matter under what pretext. If you take it seriously and do not give up until the end, you will get a very exciting event. Take erudition, unlimited internet and Sherlock's hat with you.

Find a book in the library

Another, this time already uncomplicated, test of your personal qualities. It's the same game, but more relaxed. You just give each other key tasks like “who will be the first to find the oldest book” or “show me the book you liked as a child” or “what book would you like to write”. In general, invent yourself. The main thing here is that between times you can tell and learn anything about a person. Books are an integral part of our life, and some memories are always associated with them.

Go extreme with her

Another adrenaline rush that will not leave any of you indifferent. But not every one of them is suitable here: a parachute jump is too strong, and rollers cannot be called extreme. Moreover, winter is coming, so we decided to choose kiting - skiing or boarding in the snow with the help of a kite (a thing like a parachute). To race with each other and the wind across a snowy field or the crust of a frozen lake is an incredible feeling that brings together no less than a tennis court. True, for the first time you will have to take a training course at school, because it will not be easy to deal with equipment. But imagine how after the race you sit down at a table with hot tea and dryers and share your impressions with each other - the first ice will crack like a shell.

Evening of improvisations

The option is also not for everyone, but rather for those who are distinguished by their love for art, and even better - knowledge. Just bring your guitar/violin/piano/ and tell your girlfriend to do the same. Tune your strings and play whatever your heart desires. If there are no skills, you can sing along. This is great for liberating and gives you the opportunity to show your creative side. The same goes for art: take albums and give each other tasks like “draw your favorite food” or “draw me in the style of expressionism”. Here skill is not important - the main thing is desire and imagination.

Techniques and rules of seduction are, of course, a very effective tool. And this tool often means minimum number of standard courtships. But sometimes it's still important to do something nice for a girl! For example, arrange a romantic date.

If you have already managed to get to know the pickup truck closely, then you might think that the girl might lose interest in you after that. But usually this is due to the wrong behavior of the guys. Now you will learn step-by-step instructions on how to arrange a romantic date for a girl, and at the same time keep her attracted to you.

First of all →

Making a plan

This is the foundation! Impromptu is an interesting thing, but it only happens when you don’t have enough time to organize a romantic date and you have to make quick decisions.

And if you have time, then the choice, of course, should be made in favor of drawing up a plan.

Think about the ideas that are already in your head and write them down on paper so that it is easier to choose the best one. Remember what exactly you know about her, and choose those places for a romantic date that may be of interest to her.

Your plan should include:

  • Meeting place and time
  • First date place
  • Second meeting place
  • Romantic Dinner Menu
  • Your money investment

As you noticed, I mentioned the second date. Those. until you come to your house, you have to stay with the girl in two places. This is the number of places that allows you to have a full-fledged romantic date, and at the same time - not hit your budget.

Because you can’t always guess with the choice of a meeting place (for example, when you haven’t had time to find out about the girl’s preferences yet). In general, the more diversity when meeting, the richer the romantic date turns out.

Step Two - Get Ready!

Now take a close look at your plan and make sure you have identified all of your cash investments. Prepare the necessary amount of money and go to the store to buy food for a romantic dinner.

By the way, if you find it difficult to choose a dish, then focus on Chinese or French cuisine. For example, from Chinese cuisine you can cook "Gu Lao Zhou" (pork in sweet and sour sauce), and from French cuisine - julienne. The girls' eyes light up at the mere pronunciation of these names.

Also buy some wine. This is a great attribute of a real romantic date. Choose light wine (for meat - red, for poultry and fish - white), so that your guest does not think that you want to get her drunk. Wine should only slightly emphasize the taste of dishes and set you up for a more open conversation. You can buy a bottle of sparkling wine for dessert and offer it to a girl a little later. Serve fruit and cheese with this wine.

If you are going to go with a girl to some event, take care of invitations (tickets) in advance. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a very awkward position if you do not get to the scheduled event!

Step Three - Have a date

Once you have decided where and how you will arrange a romantic date, make an appointment at the place you have planned. And when the meeting begins, it remains only to “listen” to the girl. When you notice that her (and yours, too) emotions have subsided, change the date. And this will definitely happen, because even a very interesting place starts to get bored after a while.

By the way, the second place should be different from the first one. "polarity". That is, for example, after the rides, a calm and at the same time interesting pastime is best suited (as an option: a Chinese tea ceremony). And karting in this case will have a much smaller effect, because it does not differ from the first place in polarity.

A few tips:

  • Use the "closer-further" technique. The main mistake most guys make is that they are in “closer” mode during the entire romantic date, i.e. show a lot of interest, talk a lot, try to please, etc. Therefore, the girl's interest after the meeting noticeably weakens.

This manifests itself both in an excessive desire to fill the void in the conversation, and in the desire to please.

Don't always try to fill the gap in the conversation. After talking for a while, deliberately shut up. Let the girl also take part in the conversation and fill the pause a little.

  • Use "closer-further" and at the bodily level. For example, at one time you hold her hand or hug her, and at another time you walk beside her without touching (as “just a friend”). The strategy of "two steps forward, one step back" in the case of a romantic date is more effective than constantly moving forward.
  • Casually switch to topics such as: family, first love, etc. The very atmosphere of a romantic evening will be conducive to conversations. about "personal".

And as a logical conclusion to the evening - a romantic dinner at your home.

Step Four - Have a Romantic Dinner

By the time you arrive at your home, all meals should be ready. Alternatively, you can leave something on purpose not fully cooked. This is a good idea to get her actively involved in your romantic date. Therefore, let her contribute to the preparation of dinner. She will be very pleased to help you set the table. In addition, joint activities bring together.

When you feel that the girl is relaxed,. But not earlier than after 30 minutes, because. this is a necessary minimum for its adaptation at your place. You should also choose music for it in advance.

If you notice a girl's openness to your kiss, then feel free to move on to action. Only do not rush things, because your goal is to have a romantic evening, not banal sex. When you do everything for the sake of an atmosphere of romance and mental pleasure, then sex happens by itself.

Now, having “in your hands” instructions for holding a romantic date, remember one thing: you don’t need to organize such evenings often, because there must be romance in a relationship. dosed!

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Some more information on the topic:

4 original ways to ask a girl out on a date Unusual date with a girl: advice from a female person

If you are again thinking about what you could do together and how to diversify your life, choose an idea for a date to your liking. Here are my recommendations on this topic:

    Dinner or cinema

  1. Pizzeria: Ask him to cut a slice of his favorite pizza in the shape of a heart.
  2. A bar with live music is a great alternative to cinema.
  3. Choose your favorite show program or series, let regular viewing of the new season become an occasion for a new meeting.
  4. Night watching movies in the cinema.
  5. Dinner and star show at the planetarium… Very romantic.
  6. Tea room for two in a restaurant (you can find an afternoon snack in expensive restaurants at very affordable prices).
  7. Drive your car to interesting places in the city.
  8. Secrets of Seduction

  9. Choose the sexiest outfit and go to the trendy bar.
  10. Bubble bath for two. Candles. Champagne. Is there anything else that needs to be added?
  11. Shrimp are aphrodisiacs. Cook them for dinner.
  12. Dinner on the beach to the sound of the surf.
  13. Order a fondue, watch a French movie, and let it all end with a French kiss.
  14. Jazz? Go to a jazz concert or listen to Casandra Wilson's CDs.
  15. Prepare different canapes and feed each other with your hands.
  16. Have a masquerade. Dress up as different characters and take a few photos in a new look.
  17. date at home

  18. Take turns singing old karaoke songs.
  19. Play twitter.
  20. Have a picnic in the yard: cheese, croissants, chocolate and wine.
  21. Is it too cold outside? Spread a tablecloth on the floor in your room 🙂
  22. Write a message to future generations on a disk and post it on the Internet.
  23. Announce an evening of unusual cocktails. Exotic recipes can be found on the Internet.
  24. Invest in a bread maker and experiment with your favorite recipes.
  25. Solve crossword puzzles.
  26. Organize a board game tournament.
  27. Organize a romantic evening by candlelight.
  28. Make a dream card by cutting out pictures from old magazines.
  29. Plant a flower or tree together.
  30. Budget dates

  31. Go on a tour of the museum.
  32. Buy a voucher and go for a massage together.
  33. Go cycling or rollerblading in the park.
  34. Go to the sports ground and play basketball.
  35. Have fun in the amusement park.
  36. Visit the city fair.
  37. Arrange a reading club in a cozy cafe.
  38. View the city from a vantage point at sunset.
  39. Find the bridge of love in your city and walk across it.
  40. Visit the botanical garden.
  41. Drive out of town and lie on the grass watching the starry sky.
  42. Take part in a charity event.
  43. creative dates

  44. Arrange a viewing of your dream home.
  45. Paint the cups.
  46. Take a photo of your aura.
  47. Play with the flying kite.
  48. Sign up for massage lessons.
  49. Buy a remote control plane and go to the park.
  50. Go on a one-day mushroom picking trip.
  51. Arrange extreme rock climbing on an artificial wall in the tourist club.
  52. Go ice skating.
  53. Give each other new hairstyles.
  54. Go on a photo session for two and hang your favorite photos on the wall.
  55. Play Frisbee.
  56. Try horseback riding.
  57. Go bowling.
  58. mini dates

  59. Throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish.
  60. Write a poem together.
  61. Check out your favorite bakery.
  62. Feed the swans or ducks.
  63. Kiss each other while riding in the elevator.
  64. Meet the sunrise.
  65. Have a 3 hour kissing session.
  66. Do couple yoga.
  67. Dating for men's taste

  68. Give her a lecture about football and go to the match with your friends.
  69. Take a test drive of a sports car.
  70. Ride an SUV.
  71. Visit a sports bar and support your favorite team.
  72. Go to the gym together.
  73. Have a picnic and treat all your friends to burgers.
  74. Play paintball.
  75. Go to the bar for beer and billiards.
  76. Go to the lesson of oriental wrestling.
  77. Go to the casino.
  78. Prepare a barbecue.
  79. Privacy

  80. Book a 2-hour spa treatment.
  81. Spontaneously buy tickets and travel to a new city.
  82. Go to a monastery, church or temple and listen to the silence.
  83. Adventures

  84. Grab some binoculars and go birdwatching in nature.
  85. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  86. Have a health day and swim in the pool.
  87. Rent an expensive car and drive around the city.
  88. Go to the aquarium.
  89. Ride on a boat or catamaran.
  90. Take a trip to the open ocean and watch the dolphins.
  91. Did the first snow fall? Make a snowman.
  92. Walk along the beach.
  93. Cultural events

  94. Visit the art gallery.
  95. Get moving: learn how to swing, tango or waltz.
  96. Sign up for an acting class.
  97. Pass the casting and play in the extras in the commercial.
  98. Find out about wine tasting. Sometimes they are free 🙂
  99. And the same goes for cheese tasting.
  100. Get dressed and go to the theater or opera.
  101. Gaze at the stars together at the planetarium.
  102. Nostalgia

  103. Make a collage of photos of the brightest events.
  104. Explore childhood photo albums and learn more about each other's life story.
  105. Decorate the T-shirt with the name of your favorite band.
  106. Sign up for a tour of the historical places of the city.
  107. Write down your most vivid memories and seal them in a bottle that you will open in 10 years.

And remember that this list is endless. Our imagination knows no limits.

Be yourself,
Love Carrot

Already bored with banal evenings, walks by the hand, flowers and cinema, then organize an original, memorable date for your loved one.

How to arrange a romantic date for a guy or girl?

Organizing such an amazing, fabulous date today is very simple and there can be many reasons for such an event, for example:

First romantic date, tender glances, quivering touches are very exciting and touching feelings that are remembered for a lifetime. Often such a romantic date suits a young man to his girlfriend, but a girl can also arrange a very good evening for her beloved boyfriend.

Date for two: Nice to propose marriage , you can also celebrate another wedding anniversary or celebrate a date that is very dear to both of you at such a mini holiday.

Surprise your wife or your husband with a pleasant surprise by arranging a wonderful, touching evening. Such an evening will refresh feelings for each other.

Date as a gift to a couple in love

Romantic date ideas and photos

But remember, to organize an ideal date, you need to carefully prepare all the details, if there is no time to organize such a memorable date yourself, then special agencies will come to the rescue, they are in many cities today (in Moscow, St.

The most romantic date on the roof

Evening city, flickering light, idyll and delight for two

How to organize:

Prepare a plate of fruit or order sushi and rolls

Delicious wine and glasses

Decorations for the table (candles, flowers) if it is, if not, then take small pillows and a tablecloth.

A large blanket to cover up together on a chilly evening.

If possible, prepare suitable music.

At the end of the evening, you can launch Wish Lanterns or fireworks.

Limousine ride through the city at night

How to organize:

Book a limousine in advance.


Fruits, sushi, canapes

Date on the beach or on the beach

This option is suitable if you have a river, sea or even ocean. For the organization, you need everything that was on a date on the roof. Such a date can be arranged during a joint trip to an exotic country.

Date on a boat

Unusual and original idea. You can take the most romantic shot, like the movie "Titanic"

Date on the ice rink

A date at the skating rink is a great idea for the winter season. You can rent a skating rink to ride just the two of you, and then have a winter picnic with hot tea or mulled wine right in the center.

Fairy tale carriage ride around the city

Immerse yourself in the world of medieval romance, after a walk, organize dinner in a restaurant or at home.

Dinner on the tram

In many large cities there are tram-restaurants, and it is in this that you can organize an unforgettable dinner.

Flying in a hot air balloon or helicopter

Out-of-town horseback riding

Bicycle ride

Romantic dinner in nature

Date at the hotel

Romantic date at home

Romantic candlelit dinner at home

What to cook, how to decorate, how to spend

Romantic evening. What could be better than such an environment to express your feelings or recall them.

If you decide to stay at home and have a romantic dinner, then this article will help you prepare gourmet dishes without special culinary skills and surprise your soulmate.

Romantic dinner for a loved one by candlelight

Holiday for two

How to decorate a room?

Everything should be associated with romance and talk about the upcoming evening. Ideal for this would be to arrange a candlelit dinner for your loved one or loved one. Since red is the color of love, try to pick up the attributes and arrange everything in this color. Perhaps it will be red candles or red napkins, roses.

To arrange a really beautiful, festive atmosphere - do not spare candles, there should be a lot of them. They can be of different shapes or sizes, but the style should be the same.

It is better to put some chocolate hearts wrapped in bright foil on the table.

What to cook for a romantic dinner? Menu and recipes for the evening at home

Here are some candlelit dinner recipes that will come in handy. Since for a romantic dinner all dishes should be light, they should not include onions, garlic and other ingredients that are not in the best way to set up a romantic mood.

Do not forget about aphrodisiac products, it is preferable to make your own menu from these products. What applies to them?
















Salad with shrimp

You will need - 10 shrimp;

A little leaf lettuce;
olive oil;
A couple of pitted olives;
fresh cucumber;
Bulgarian sweet pepper;
A little dill.

First you need to boil the shrimp in boiling water, no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will become tasteless. We remove the shell from them, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with fresh dill.

We clean the pepper, cut into strips - not too thin. We clean the cucumber and also cut into strips. Mix everything, add salt to taste and olive oil. Decorate with lettuce and olives, cut into rings. This salad goes great with white wine.

Avocado salad with grapes and ham

For this fairly light and easy-to-make salad, you will need seedless sweet white grapes - up to 20 berries;

Avocado - preferably ripe;
Low-fat ham - 200 grams;
Olive oil; Nutmeg;
Wash the grapes and cut into halves. Then cut the lean ham - it shouldn't be smoked - into small pieces. The smoky flavor will overpower the delicate taste of the avocado. Now peel the avocado, separate the pits, cut into strips or cubes and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice, so the tender flesh does not darken.
After, mix all the ingredients and salt, pepper to taste and season with olive oil.

You can not make salads at all, but prepare small appetizers canapes.

Main dish.

Chicken fillet with pineapples

For this salad, you will need the following list of products:

A little white chicken meat - somewhere around 200 grams;
Bank of canned pineapples;
tangerine juice;
Salt, herbs.
Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, squeeze out the juice of one tangerine, salt. Now you need to marinate the fillet pieces for 4 hours.
Then, take wooden skewers and string equal-sized pieces of chicken and pineapple on them. When you're done, you need to bake them in the oven. Pour the tangerine juice over the skewers two or three times during baking. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with chopped fresh herbs.

As for dessert

The simplest and easiest option would be light fruit desserts. Do not get carried away with whipped cream or high-calorie cakes - this will reduce your passion.

Chocolate covered bananas with coconut

You will need these products:

2 bananas;
50 grams of dark chocolate;
10 grams of coconut flakes.
Peel bananas, cut into small pieces. Place fruit in the freezer for 40 minutes. Now melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Add a teaspoon of skim milk.
After 40 minutes, pierce the bananas with a fork and dip into the melted mixture. Sprinkle with shavings after five minutes and serve.


As for drinks, it depends on your preferences. It is advisable not to choose cocktails that mix two or more alcoholic drinks. After them, you can quickly feel a headache.


Prepare a selection of romantic musical compositions in advance.

When to Have a Romantic Evening

Of course, the more often, the better. but special occasions are especially preferred - memorable dates and holidays.

As you can see, nothing complicated. It will be good if you know the preferences of your other half, so it will be easier to guess what dishes to cook, although food and drinks are not the most important thing, but still, it is better if they are present, especially if flowers are present.

ideas for the holiday