There is no sensation during sex. No sensations during sex, is it bad? Why does a girl have no sensitivity

Frigidity of a woman is a rarity, despite the fact that the representatives of the weaker sex during sexual intercourse may experience discomfort more often than their partners. Most often, frigidity develops against the background of hormonal disorders. The same goes for psychological trauma. “I don’t feel anything during sex” - if this is a reality for you, then it’s time to understand this problem and try to cope with it .


  • stress;
  • irritability;
  • depressive state;
  • one of the partners feels guilty;
  • rape or perverted sex, the consequences of trauma.


  • systemic diseases - diabetes mellitus or neurological ailments, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism, drugs;
  • use of antidepressants.

Many conditions affect the degree of manifestation of factors:

  • age;
  • sexual experience and education;
  • character of a person, his temperament;
  • "map" of erogenous zones;
  • the day on which menstruation began.

What leads to the lack of a full orgasm

  1. Fast transition from caresses to active actions. It is very important for a woman to reach orgasm - this requires full sexual arousal. Therefore, the prelude should take at least 10 minutes of time.
  2. The sensitivity of the vagina is reduced - this may well be the reason why it is impossible to achieve pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  3. Very often, girls are more sensitive to the clitoris than the vagina. Therefore, the partner should not only act on the vagina, but also stimulate the clitoral zone.
  4. The man's lack of skills. The ability of a partner will help bring the girl to the peak of pleasure. Therefore, it's time to read special literature in order to comprehend the art of love.

Why does a woman not have an orgasm? The cause may be the pathology of the female organs, poor blood flow, psychological stress.

Learn more about the causes and methods of solving problems

Passion has passed, satiety has come with what is happening in the bedroom. As a result, intimacy with a partner ceases to excite. The same applies to a partner - he understands that now he is not an ideal lover.

One of the reasons why it can dramatically lose its libido is hormonal failure in the body. As a result of lower levels of certain hormones, women's desire to have sex decreases. The hormonal background can be leveled by applying certain therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

You may be approaching menopause. In this case, the gynecologist will suggest choosing a drug suitable for hormone replacement therapy. This way you can relieve your symptoms and enjoy sex again.

A diseased thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism, can be the cause. If you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, the doctor will refer you to an endocrinologist for examination.

Different approaches to sex are also a possible reason. So, for a partner, sex is a means to relieve tension. But you are the opposite. Sex begins in the head, and this immediately affects desire. If a woman has recently experienced something that makes her live in a state of stress, for example, temporary problems at work, resentment towards a partner, then the desire to love may disappear if the lady is not at ease with herself. After all, she does not separate emotions from sex. In this case, you just need to wait - you should not force yourself. After the stressful situation is resolved, everything will fall into place.

Depression, neurosis - causes of a psychological nature. In the case of serious emotional problems, the desire to have sex often disappears.

Sexual incompatibility is one of the problems of lack of sensitivity during sex.

Partners often blame each other when problems arise in a relationship, especially sexual ones. As for sexual dissatisfaction, it oppresses partners, especially if there are several years of marriage behind them. And here suddenly there were problems with sexual contact. The reason may be some kind of incipient disease or a difference in temperament. The same applies to anatomical disproportion, complexes.

Many women fake an orgasm - in this way they try not to offend their beloved. Men can do the same.

Quite often, due to the fact that the girl's vagina is short, pain occurs during sex. In this case, of course, she cannot get pleasant sensations from sexual contact, sensitivity is lost. The reason is anatomical incompatibility. In order to cope with this, it is necessary to talk with a partner - he should not enter the penis very deeply. You can also put a special ring on it to limit the length of the organ.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity in girls

  1. Incomplete physiological maturity.
  2. Pain during intercourse, as a result, there is no excitement, orgasm.
  3. Inexperienced sexual partner.
  4. There is no skill and knowledge of your body.
  5. Fear and shame, complexes.
  6. Physically or emotionally traumatic first sexual experience.

What to do

To begin with, it is worth talking with a gynecologist - an examination by a specialist will help to exclude diseases that could cause a lack of sensitivity. After that, you can not be afraid that you have any physical problems. Start studying your body - you need to find those zones, the stimulation of which will be a pleasure.

In order to become aroused, women often need more time than men - you need to prolong the foreplay with a partner.

If pregnancy is not planned, then you need to choose the most convenient contraceptive to feel more relaxed and confident during sex.

If there is still no result, then you need to seek individual advice from a sexologist.

Sexual life is a very important aspect of human life. Thus, we are liberated, freed from fears and life problems. Sex is a pleasure, a consolation, a calm, it takes us beyond reality. But this is possible provided that the woman experiences a real orgasm during sex. Otherwise, intimate life can turn into a real routine, become one-sided, unpleasant.

Lack of sensitivity during sex is possible in both women and men. It is very important not to be silent, but to talk with a partner, to explain how you feel. Together you can always find a way out of the situation. Consultation with a specialist will help you make the right decision and achieve the desired results in treatment.

Hello Renata.

In fact, similar questions arise in the lives of most women, why, while always experiencing an orgasm during clitoral stimulation, they rarely experience orgasm during sexual intercourse, or they cannot experience it at all. Unfortunately, there is no single answer, everyone needs to look for their own solution, on their own or at an internal consultation with a psychologist or sexologist. But still I will try to describe possible options for causes and solutions.

For starters, age. With all the advantages of youth, your sexuality is just beginning to take shape. This is the time to explore your body, your desires and fantasies, experiment and find what will give you the most pleasure. a fairly large number of women begin to experience orgasm after 25-30 years, when sufficient experience has been accumulated, a woman knows what she wants and how she wants to get it.

Another very important point is your relationship. They can be beautiful and cloudless, but can you openly tell each other about the most frank sexual fantasy, without unnecessary "well, you know" explain what you want at the moment and how the partner should act. If so, then usually there are no problems at all, if not, then learn to trust each other with the most intimate. By the way, intimate games and appropriate toys contribute to this, this is an adventure experienced together, which leaves a lot of memories. You can get oils and creams for a sensual preparatory massage, and then, if you wish, you can blindfold one partner, take brushes for stroking, you can equip your partner with a dildo, and together look for a pace and depth at which the sensations are more pleasant, you can add clitoral stimulation so that the partner can It's good to understand what kind of caresses you like.

On your own, you can do gymnastics, this improves blood circulation and the condition of the muscles of the vagina. For 3-4 weeks daily, every hour you make 30 contractions of the vagina (together with the muscle of the anus): it retracts the muscle for 5 accounts, holds it for 5 accounts, slowly relaxes for 5 accounts, and rests for 5 accounts. There are 30 cuts in total. Takes a minute. You can make contractions while sitting, standing, lying down - while they are invisible to others, so you can perform it in any situation. The main thing is regularly, and not leaving it for later, in order to make the entire daily norm at once in the evening. At night - do not, rest. With gymnastics, blood flow (and oxygen) to potentially sensitive areas improves - their sensitivity will gradually increase. You yourself will feel that the retractions will become more pleasant - it is not known only from the tenth retraction or from the twentieth day. Plus, the vagina will wrap around the penis more tightly - and this will give additional sensations.

Another moment, why are you not satisfied with the clitoral orgasm? After all, if during a normal sexual intercourse, the partner will additionally stimulate the clitoris, the sensations will be more than pleasant. Orgasm may not work the first time with the inserted penis and clitoris stimulation, but slowly you get used to the new sensations and learn how to experience an orgasm in a new way. Which option - first, clitoral stimulation, and at the very orgasm - the introduction of the penis (for the first time, when penim is inserted, pleasant sensations may disappear, but if you relax and continue everything will work out). Over time, you will be able to have an orgasm without clitoral stimulation (although the sensations are completely different and you should not refuse it at all).

And do not delay with imitation of an orgasm, the longer you are silent (and your husband is confident that he is acting correctly and you are happy with sex), the harder it will be later to tell that you did not experience pleasant sensations. Even not so important is the clitoral or vaginal orgasm, but sex should be enjoyable. Tell us now how it is and look for a solution together. At a face-to-face consultation, it would be faster to find a suitable option for you, I hope some of the above will be useful to you.

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Hello! At me such question: has begun to live a sexual life less than 2 months ago (there were more than 15 sexual acts). But the problem is that I still get pleasure from the clitoris, I almost don’t feel sensations from sex itself, there are practically no unpleasant or pleasant ones. How to switch the body to a different kind of pleasure? Can I somehow speed up this process on my own (whether Kegel exercises or vaginal balls are suitable in my case), otherwise I'm already starting to get very worried if this is normal. Could acute defloration cystitis affect this? Thank you!

Hello. Please specify the details: 1. what does it mean "from the sex itself, I almost do not feel sensations", if you live a sexual life and describe a clitoris orgasm? 2. Who diagnosed you with "acute defloration", how was it treated, was your partner treated, are you protected with a condom? Experience an orgasm during intercourse: often, or almost always - 1/3 of women; in about half of the cases - 1/3 of women; rarely or almost never - 1/3. Most women begin to experience orgasm during intercourse after some period of regular and successful sexual life; begin to experience an orgasm during intercourse from the first intercourse - about 3-5% of women. Of those women who experience orgasm during sexual activity, 60% experience clitoral orgasm, 40% vaginal; both types of orgasm - about 10%. I'm waiting for clarification.


Thanks for the answer! I mean vaginal sex, sometimes I have a little discomfort during intercourse (as if the bladder is a little full), with some positions they then disappear, but at the same time I do not experience any pleasant sensations from the process itself when inserting the penis I just feel almost nothing. I understand that girls very rarely get an orgasm immediately after the start of sexual activity. This diagnosis was made by a urologist, because a day after 2 PA, a very acute bloody cystitis began in my life, I immediately ran to the doctor, was treated for a week with antibiotics, even with herbal medicines, the urine test was normal after treatment (tell me, could it be from the purchased lubricant, which burned a little?). We have always protected ourselves with a partner and use a condom. You could not specify, what for it or him to treat? I would also like to clarify that I don’t experience problems with arousal, my lubrication is always enough. Is my situation normal given my recent onset of sexual activity? When approximately girls begin to have fun (not to mention orgasm?) I would be grateful for an answer.

Thanks for the clarification and new questions. Sensations from frictions are often sensations JUST physical: something moves in me, and that's it. Excitation comes from additional caresses of the clitoris, from feeling the situation itself, from feelings for a partner. So there is nothing unusual in your description. Perhaps there will still be arousal from vaginal stimulation, or maybe everything will go exactly as I described (with the involvement of the clitoris, etc.). About cystitis. It's an infectious disease, right? Where did this infection come from? Only from a partner. Lubricant, of course, can also be a source of infection, but not at all because it burned a little - but only if it was stored incorrectly and deteriorated. The fact that you use a condom is fine, but what happens during caresses and other things is unclear. Cunnilingus can be a source of oral germs; caresses with hands - a source of infection of any type, etc. In this case, accordingly, there is no need to treat a partner like you, but purely hygienic measures should be even more active and effective. About the orgasm, I already wrote to you - there is nothing unusual in the situation described. Still coming. Good luck!

Hello! With my husband for 4 years, there is no vaginal orgasm. Before the start, I get excited, but as the process itself begins, I don’t experience any sensations at all and have never experienced it! It's like they're giving you something and that's it. Why is that? Why are there no feelings? Why is there no orgasm? There are no psychological problems. There were no more partners. What could be causing this and what should I do? Thank you.

It doesn't matter, Moscow

ANSWERED: 09/18/2014

You need to visit a sexologist together with your husband! Problem solved! Good luck and love to you!; .

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 09/25/2014

Hello! In order for there to be a vaginal orgasm, an erogenous zone in the vaginal area must be formed, if it is not there, then an orgasm too. In your version, you can wait (the chance to experience a vaginal orgasm increases with age, with a constant partner, in a comfortable environment), or work with a sexologist to remove possible blocks and obstacles, negative beliefs (if any), the formation of an erogenous zone (there also have their own secrets), and in general, of course, such issues are resolved at an individual appointment. Only then can you understand the reason. Contact me - I'll help. Good luck!

clarifying question

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