Which month is the best month to get married? Wedding calendar: which month is good for a wedding

A very important point when organizing a wedding is the correct choice of wedding date. Newlyweds often wonder: what time of year is best to get married? The answer to this question is simple: all seasons are good in their own way for getting married.

But if the newlyweds are wondering: on which days is it better to have a wedding, then they should prepare - analyze the desired wedding day from many points of view.

The most ardent desire of the bride and groom is that their marriage be long, lasting and happy, so there is no need to neglect advice and signs.

Summer is ideal for modern newlyweds to get married: the warmest time of the year, the delights of a celebration in nature, lush flowering plants and a rich wedding menu are available.

Each season has its own advantages for a wedding celebration, the choice is up to the newlyweds.

First of all, you should check the selected day in the sad calendar of events of the getting married families. Were there any deaths in the family that day? It is believed that a marriage concluded on such a day will not be happy.

What date is best to have a wedding? - the newlyweds think. Read below about the dates when weddings are not celebrated.

It is believed that a marriage entered into on such days can also become “transitional,” that is, short-lived.

Another date of the year is not suitable for marriage - February 29. It only happens in leap years. A family created on such a strange day is considered complex.

When choosing the best number for a wedding, astrologers analyze the position of the Moon and the Sun. Symbolically, in the perfect sacrament of marriage, the husband is the Sun and the wife the Moon. In the lunar calendar you can easily see the position of the luminaries.

For a successful start to marriage, you need to choose a day when the Moon is in the zodiac sign under which the future wife was born, and the Sun is in the sign under which the future husband was born.

The exception is days when one of the luminaries or both are in the sign of Aries - such days are universally unlucky for marriage of those people who were born under other zodiac signs. Aries may not listen to this advice.

It is better not to have weddings at the end of October and in November - the Sun is in Scorpio, which is not favorable for a family union.

A family that begins in March or at the end of February does not last long. But if your future wife’s horoscope is Pisces, ignore this recommendation.

You cannot plan a wedding if the Moon is in the signs of Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn; The days of solar and lunar eclipses are also unsuitable for wedding celebrations.

What year is better to get married?

This question often finds very interesting answers. For example, 2014 was declared the year of widows and widowers, so some couples postponed the day of their happy union.

However, it was not worth doing this: according to statistics, mortality did not increase at all. 2018 is also called the widow's year, as it replaced the leap year.

However, if the young people are not too superstitious, there is no point in delaying their happiness.

The Year of the DOG, under the sign of which 2018 passes, is favorable to consummated marriages.

If you suddenly start having disturbing dreams, or something constantly interferes with your trip to the resort, or is haunted by an unpleasant sensation, then the best thing to do is not to rush. Postpone the decision, wait, and when your own desires and the plan of higher powers become clear, then act.

Folk signs have been passed on from one generation to another for a long time. They originate in ancient times, when people sacredly believed in the predictions of fortune tellers and magicians. Women have always wanted to know their future and the future of their children, and young girls have always been curious to know in advance who will become their betrothed. If it came to a wedding, then all the superstitions and signs that could possibly exist were used. Everyone knows firsthand about folk signs relating to wedding ceremonies. First of all, the bride and groom must follow the wedding signs by month and take the choice of the month seriously, since according to popular belief, the correctly chosen month for the wedding will promote good relations between the spouses.

Folk wedding signs

Winter weddings promise big expenses in the family budget, many unnecessary purchases and overspending. Spring weddings indicate that the life of the spouses will be cheerful and carefree, that the spouses will passionately love each other until old age. Summer weddings will bring a lot of joy, happiness and warmth to each other into the home of the spouses. And autumn predicts a very long and strong relationship for the newlyweds.

Wedding omens by month are already firmly rooted in people's minds. Our mothers and grandmothers wish only happiness for the newly-made couple, so a wedding by month is a fairly sure way to determine in advance what awaits the spouses in their future life together. It is believed that getting married in the rain means big profits and permanent prosperity for the family. And if, for example, you get married on Great Maslenitsa, then the young people will “roll like cheese in butter,” that is, there will always be money in the family. It is also good for Yablonevy to marry or get married: in this case, the spouse is not threatened with either ruin or bankruptcy.

Weddings in the winter months

Wedding in winter

December weddings are like stars: a family union concluded in December will shine brighter and brighter every year, love will flare up stronger and stronger every year. A very successful month for newlyweds, favorable for those couples who put their sincere feelings for each other in the first place.

January weddings always bring a lot of trouble to people. Many holidays, such as New Year and Christmas, are not so easily tolerated by our body. And then there's the wedding. And according to popular belief, January is far from the most successful month for getting married. It promises the early loss of one of the spouses. That is, a wedding in January will lead to widowhood at an early age.

If the newlyweds really want to get married in winter, then February is the most successful month for further warm relationships. A wedding in February promises a very long-term and strong union between spouses. If the newlyweds get married in February, they will live in peace and harmony all their lives.

Weddings in the spring months

Signs for spring

March weddings mean that one of the spouses will go to a foreign land to join the other. These are, as a rule, international marriages, where someone is forced to leave their homeland in order to live married to a spouse in a foreign country. So for those who are going to marry a foreigner or marry a foreigner, this is a completely suitable option.

April weddings will bring both joy and sadness to the newlyweds' home. They say that a wedding in April is similar to the mood of the bride: joyful days will be replaced by sad ones and vice versa, that is, April promises a rather colorful life. But it’s true that in family life there is both joy and sorrow, so April is a rather favorable month for marriage.

May weddings are unfortunate. “You will suffer all your life,” the grandmothers say. Weddings concluded in May will lead to instability in relationships and betrayal of one of the spouses. Therefore, it is better to choose another month for the wedding ceremony.

Weddings in the summer months

What to expect in the summer

June weddings are like a honeymoon that will last a lifetime. June, itself warm and the first month of the long-awaited summer, promises warm and faithful relationships between spouses. This month is favorable for weddings.

July weddings are similar in most cases to April ones. They also promise changeable happiness, but in July the scales are outweighed by sadness rather than joy. Therefore, July is considered not a very good month for marriage.

August weddings indicate that there will be a very strong love and friendly union between the spouses. The relationship promises to be very strong and promises mutual assistance and mutual assistance in family relationships, fidelity between spouses. A great month for weddings.

Weddings in the autumn months

September weddings are like the beginning of autumn: they predict a quiet family life. In nature, everything gradually freezes, prepares for winter, leaves begin to fall, leaves rustle quietly underfoot, the warm sun is shining: all the signs of peace are evident. It’s the same in the family: peace and quiet for many years. A good month for weddings.

Weddings concluded in October promise a lot of disagreements, bickering between spouses, difficulties in family life, and many obstacles. Therefore, if the newlyweds do not want such an unstable relationship throughout their lives, it is better to approach this issue of choosing a month seriously and choose another, most suitable month for the wedding.

For those who do not want to need money and live in constant prosperity, it is better to get married in November. This month promises financial stability and security, and this is not the last aspect in the modern world. And the saying “With darling is heaven in a hut” does not always remain relevant. As a rule, most divorces occur on domestic grounds due to financial problems. Therefore, November is the most successful month for those couples who want to live in abundance without financial difficulties.

The wedding day is a very important date in the life of future spouses. Preparations for the holiday are always shrouded in a lot of superstitions and signs. Of course, you won’t be able to plan your destiny for the rest of your life; the life path of two people is always quite thorny. And yet, most brides, even those who are not superstitious, hide their dress from the groom before the wedding, do not get married in May, and only buy new wedding rings. The wedding date itself is most often set for the future bride and groom on Friday-Saturday so that all relatives and friends can come to the wedding feast. This is done for convenience. But are these days really good for getting married? What day of the week is luckiest for a wedding? On what day is it better to plan a wedding in order to live a long married life together? What day of the week is best to get married? For these questions, it is best to turn to astrology.

Each day of the week in astrology has its own planet. On this day, the planet manifests its qualities more strongly and influences certain events in one direction or another. Let us now consider the influence of planets on wedding days.


The patron saint of Monday is the Moon. The Moon rules household chores, children, family, so getting married on Monday is a very good decision. The first day of the week symbolizes the beginning, a new countdown, a new life.

But not everyone thinks so. For example, among Jews it is forbidden to get married on Mondays. Although this day is associated with the beginning of the creation of the world, however, the Lord never said “good” about this day, as on other days.

The moon creates a very subtle emotional connection between people, attracts them and firmly connects them. But we must remember that the Moon has two sides, it is very changeable and capricious. And this suggests that married life will be bright, stormy, with moments of calm and bursts of emotions. It will not be monotonous and routine. Spouses will never experience indifference to each other. Thanks to its fluctuations, the Moon will fuel the mutual interest of lovers throughout life.

If the wedding day is still in doubt, then Monday is a great start for a new strong union.


This day is ruled by aggressive, militant Mars. Many astrologers strongly discourage young couples from using this day to get married.

It is believed that the uncompromising, hot-tempered Mars will “give” the new couple a lot of quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, aggression, and irritability. Mars cannot be “negotiated” or appeased. This planet patronizes wars and bloodshed. No warmth and harmony, no peace and cordiality. Only intransigence and power.

Sometimes marriages concluded under the protection of such a planet can be dynamic and very passionate, but, alas, short-lived. Almost all couples who got married on Tuesday break up. Mars is a destroyer, he is not a supporter of unification.

A wedding on Tuesday is suitable for those who are ready to turn their family life into an arena for battles with their soulmate.


The third, middle day of the week is ruled by Mercury. A planet famous for frivolity, cheerful disposition, and communication. Mercury is changeable, so any turn can be expected from a marriage created on this day.

The environment is certainly suitable for uniting two hearts that are inclined to communicate. For such a couple, it is very important to have common interests and a large circle of common friends. This is a springboard for family life. Coolness and alienation will reign inside such a family. Such couples, who build relationships more on friendship and positive communication with the outside world, usually easily make compromises and concessions to each other. Joint entertainment is of great importance; the value of family relationships itself is not so important.

Connections on this day are quite fragile. After some time, one of the couple will want more stability and privacy. It is very difficult to remain a family with different interests and lifestyles. The likelihood that both will want to “come down to earth” at once is negligible.

Wedding on Wednesday is for freedom-loving people who are ready to fly together with the wind without overshadowing each other.


Thursday is ruled by fair Jupiter. Astrologers consider this day one of the best for getting married. Jupiter is the leading planet, responsible for legal affairs, dispenses justice and helps financially.

The downside may be the fact that any petty quarrel will be considered in the family with all the scrupulousness of a criminal case. But this helps to put everything in its place, and not return to this topic again, which is not so bad, unlike families where they remember and remember things that were long past a hundred times.

But Orthodoxy, on the contrary, does not consider Thursday a good day for a wedding. Weddings on Thursday are prohibited. Popular signs support the church in this matter. It is believed that Thursday will bring big problems to the family.

People with leadership qualities, self-confident, standing firmly on their own two feet, who know the worth of themselves and their partner, should get married on Thursday. The decision to get married must be firm and deliberate.


Friday is the best day for a wedding according to astrologers. Venus, the patroness of love and passion, has a completely positive effect on creating a family.

The Orthodox Church here supports astrologers and most weddings take place on Friday. Many couples who decide on this ritual perform it on this day, even if the wedding is scheduled for another day. Both Muslims and Hindus get married on Friday.

Many couples have questions regarding Friday the 13th. This date is shrouded in a lot of rumors and rumors, and most people try to avoid this day. According to statistics, in Russia there are 80% fewer murals on Friday the 13th than on any other. Nevertheless, couples who got married on this day are considered the strongest.

Venus is the planet of romance and feelings. Therefore, in order for the bonds of marriage to be strong and durable, one must not forget about romantic pranks and whims.

People who sincerely love each other and are ready to give in for the sake of their other half should get married on Friday. And then Venus will present harmony and mutual understanding as a wedding gift.


Saturday is an extremely unlucky day for painting, both according to astrological forecasts and church canons. Saturn, ruling over Saturday, is a dry and callous planet in terms of emotional stress.

Marriages concluded on this day are marked by stability and prudence. They can be achieved by renouncing personal interests and self-realization. Saturn is the planet of self-sacrifice.

From a marriage concluded under the auspices of Saturn, you should not expect spiritual intimacy, any intellectual conversations, or special harmony. One cannot say “soul to soul” about such a family, however, for example, Saturday is perfect for a marriage of convenience. The basics of marriage contracts are stability, reliability, and confidence.

A wedding on Saturday is suitable for people for whom stability and reliability are much more important than ordinary everyday happiness.


Sunny day. To create a family on a day ruled by the Sun means to always be warmed by love and joy. The Sun, like Venus, promotes the harmonious development of the family and warm relationships. Marriages concluded on Sunday practically do not break up; the Sun protects its wards from discord, gossip, and misunderstanding. Such families always have children (if not, they will appear soon).

The most successful of solar marriages will be those where one person takes on the role of head of the family. In such marriages, one of the spouses is “like behind a stone wall,” and the other “always has a reliable rear.” This is the most durable and happiest family model.

People who love each other, understand each other and want to live a long, happy life together should get married on Sunday.

Astrology is, of course, a very good science. Many listen to her advice on various life situations. But still, we should not forget that love, mutual respect and work are the three pillars on which the institution of marriage rests.

Every person has their own favorite time of year. Therefore, it is best to choose a month for a wedding based on each other’s preferences, because in this way this day will become even more enjoyable. From a financial point of view, the best time of year to hold a holiday is winter and spring, since prices for all wedding services rise during the summer and autumn periods.

Do you believe in omens?

A wedding is an event that has deep roots in history. There are many traditions and customs associated with this day. Signs that have developed over the years tell in detail about each month of the year for a wedding ceremony. Getting married in January is not recommended. It is believed that a girl who becomes a wife this month will soon become a widow.

They used to believe that it unites the hearts of lovers for life. The young will live in love, and the family will be happy and strong.

March broadcasts life in a foreign land. The newlyweds will not stay in their native land, as popular omens predict. The lives of future children will suffer the same fate.

A wedding in April promises changeable happiness. White stripe, black stripe - family life will be as changeable as the weather this month. There are also advantages to getting married in April - husband and wife will never complain about the monotony and boredom of their family life.

There is no way a 19th-century bride would have gotten married in May, because she was firmly convinced: “A wedding in May means toiling for the rest of your life.” This month promised the newlyweds betrayal in their own home. The historical basis for this sign is the fact that in the old days this period was one of the busiest with field work. If the wedding took place during Lent, then the marriage, naturally, was not celebrated.

June is called the “honeymoon”. The ancestors spoke of a good, joyful family life, and most importantly, prosperity.

July is very similar to April, judging by old signs. If a couple wanted to live a varied family life, then they celebrated their wedding in this month.

Our ancestors believed that by getting married in August, the husband would become not only a loved one, but also a faithful friend, and the wife would become the closest person in the world to her husband. Harmony and mutual understanding will accompany the family throughout their lives.

For those for whom stability in relationships is very important, September will be the best month. A quiet and calm atmosphere will envelop the couple after the wedding, and troubles will bypass the house.

October does not bode well for newlyweds. Stability and reliability will not be present in family life. Difficulties and problems will become frequent guests of the young couple.

Previously, marriages were not celebrated during any fast, but as you know, the Nativity Fast falls in December and early January. If the couple nevertheless decided to get married in December, then the marriage will be strong and reliable, just like the frosts this month.

Only the bride and groom have the right to choose the month for marriage. The main thing is to be guided by the voice of your heart, because no signs can break the feelings of two lovers.

After marriage, the newlyweds begin a new, special period in their lives. Now they are one. Preparations before the wedding worry both the newlyweds and their loved ones.

I want the day to be perfect. Parents dream of a happy family for their children. Children dream of eternal love. Therefore, signs are especially relevant on this day. Even the most unbelieving people try to observe them.

Wedding signs

Choosing a month for a wedding.

People have preserved the main signs and take them into account to this day:

  1. Before the day of celebration, the bride needs to go to bed in her nightie, worn inside out. Put a mirror under the pillow, then she can ward off evil spirits from their family.
  2. The day before the wedding, the bride and groom should not see each other.
  3. The future spouse should not see the bride's wedding dress, and especially not on her.
  4. Until the official registration at the registry office, a girl is not allowed to look in a full-length mirror.
  5. Even in hot weather, you should choose shoes or boots with a closed toe or heel as footwear. It is believed that in this case happiness will not be able to leak out of the house, but will remain in the family.
  6. A woman who has been in a happy marriage for more than 7 years should help dress up the young lady in the morning. Then the newlyweds’ family will be successful.
  7. Shoes for both the groom and the bride should not be new. It’s worth going out for a walk in it at least once before the celebration. Old shoes promise stability and good luck in a new life.
  8. Mothers of future spouses wear dresses. One cannot choose costumes so that the life of their children will be without strife and disputes.
  9. A wedding dress should be kept for the rest of your life and not given to anyone, even close people.
  10. No one except the future spouse, especially after marriage.
  11. A young lady at a gala event throws a bouquet to the bride. The girl who catches him will be the next to marry.
  12. The future spouse keeps the wedding rings. He shouldn't give it to anyone to try on.
  13. When painting at the registry office, you should remove all existing rings. After registration, only one piece of jewelry will appear on your finger.
  14. When approaching the wedding ceremony, the wedding cortege should honk loudly to scare away evil spirits from the future family.

2018 is a favorable year for weddings

Signs about the wedding day.

It is no coincidence that spouses are considered the most superstitious. Deciding to take a responsible step and leaving the calm home of your father is quite difficult. I would like everything around to talk about the right choice and push me to the right decision.

That is why brides most often turn to astrologers to find out how successful the next year will be for marriage.

It can be answered unequivocally that The year of the Yellow Dog is more harmonious than ever for creating new families, because the:

  1. Not a leap year - 365 days means that the year is quite normal, which means there are no possible problems.
  2. The symbol is a faithful and devoted animal. It, like no other, is capable of being a best friend all your life, loving children and protecting your soul mate.
  3. A dog can give a family material well-being and prosperity. As a rule, at this time, alliances of like-minded people are consolidated, supporting each other in their endeavors. Often such starts end in very successful projects in the future.
  4. it will be summer. The lunar calendar claims that this season ideally coincides with the growing phase; accordingly, in such families, relationships will become stronger and marriage will improve.

In what month of 2018 should you get married?

Folk signs represent the wisdom of generations. It is no coincidence that for several centuries in a row, weddings have been organized mainly only on Saturdays. This is due to superstition, which foreshadows the most successful and happiest marriage concluded on this day.

There are also customs that indicate which month will be the most successful and harmonious:

  • January is a difficult month for creating family ties. Initially, the couple may encounter a lot of difficulties. Often men become widowers early.
  • February promises calm and peaceful relationships. Often they can even become boring with their cloying quality. But looking at them from the outside, you will want to return them to a quiet life again.
  • March - the family will change their place of residence more than once, perhaps even going to live permanently in another country.
  • April is like the weather, an unstable month. There may be major quarrels one day, but warm relations await the next morning. If such drastic and constant changes are suitable for young people, then the family can survive for a long time.
  • May has long been considered the most unlucky month. Husband and wife will suffer with each other all their lives. Quarrels and resentments are their normal relationships.
  • June - month to create an ideal union. The strongest families are formed at this time.
  • July is a deceptive period. Some may be lucky, while others will be unhappy. The secret of relationships this month is simple - treat your loved ones with enough respect and then they will repay you with love and care.
  • August is a passionate and hot time. At this time, the most sexual unions are concluded that can last on their energy for a long time.
  • September – reliability and stability in relationships. As a rule, marriage at this time is smooth and reliable.
  • October - frequent quarrels and misunderstandings can become constant companions of family relationships. Omissions can lead to breakups.
  • November is the time to create a financially secure family.
  • December is a union of two loving people who can support and help each other throughout their lives. This marriage often produces a large number of children.