Lunar haircut calendar for february. List of auspicious and unlucky dates of the month. The influence of the moon on man

Despite the fact that February is the coldest month, and it is difficult to see a girl's hair behind warm hats, scarves and scarves, this does not mean that hair should not be taken care of. Moreover, during this period, on the contrary, the hair needs double care, because in addition to the lack of vitamins, they are also damaged by low temperatures.

That is why in winter you need to contact hairdressers more often. But at the same time, it is important to remember that you can take care of your hair and cut it only on those days when there will be a favorable time for this. But to determine such a day, you can refer to the lunar calendar of haircuts.

Favorable days for cutting hair in February 2018 for women: a good time for a haircut in the first half of the month

After analyzing the influence of the moon on the human body this month, astrologers have compiled a lunar haircut calendar. According to this calendar, favorable days for cutting hair will be February 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 25, 27 and 28.

On February 9, a haircut will not only bring the desired effect, but also bring prosperity and good luck.

On February 14, you must definitely visit a beauty salon. This will be a very successful day, both for haircuts and for other hair manipulations. They will make the appearance much more attractive.

On February 16, a haircut will not only be successful, it will also help strengthen the hair roots.

Favorable days for cutting hair in February 2018 for women: a good time for a haircut in the second half of the month

On February 19, a haircut will improve not only the hair structure, but also your financial situation.

February 24 will be one of the most prosperous days for a haircut in the whole month. This haircut will bring diversity to life and help make it brighter and more colorful.

February 25 haircut will help get rid of bad emotions. That is, along with split and diseased hair, all problems and depressions will go away.

See also: Eastern horoscope for 2018 for all signs

On February 27, a haircut will not only improve your hair, but will bring good luck. Moreover, the more hair cut, the more luck you can get.

On February 28, a haircut will bring a good mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions. And if you turn to a specialist with good energy, then you can attract profit.

Favorable days for cutting hair in February 2018 for women: days when you should not cut your hair in the first half of the month

In addition to prosperous days for cutting hair, there will be days in February when astrologers categorically forbid such manipulations. After all, this can harm not only the hair, but also the health of the body as a whole. These days this month will be February 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20 and 22.

Today, February 7, will not just be a bad day for a haircut, but even dangerous to some extent. Therefore, you should not change your image today, because it can play a cruel joke.

See also: The influence of the phase of the moon on human health

On February 10, having cut your hair, you can attract illnesses that will later be very difficult to get rid of.

February 13 is to postpone the haircut for one day. After all, it can spoil the mood, and also provoke trouble.

Favorable days for cutting hair in February 2018 for women: days when you should not cut your hair in the second half of the month

On February 15, it is worth abandoning the change of image and a new hairstyle. After all, a haircut on this day will contribute to the appearance of a bad mood, and it will bring trouble.

February 17 will not just be a bad and unsuccessful haircut day, it will be the most dangerous day of this month. After all, cutting hair will lead to a sharp deterioration in health.

On February 20, a change of image and a new haircut will bring serious problems to life. Therefore, it is better to postpone such manipulations for a more suitable time for this.

At the end of winter, the hair gets tired of tight hats and lack of nutrients. It's time to strengthen their fading strength by taking specially selected vitamin complexes, a series of nourishing masks and especially gentle care. And it’s easiest to plan it based on the lunar calendar for February 2019, which will help you calculate the most favorable days for cutting, coloring, laminating and other procedures that are so necessary to maintain the beauty of hair.

List of auspicious and unlucky dates of the month

Overall February

The most favorable days for haircuts are:

  • February 6,
  • February 11 and 12,
  • The 14th of February,
  • February 18 and 18,
  • 28th of February.

The forbidden day when you can not touch scissors and pick up hair dye is only February 24th. Other days are neutral. You can learn more about what you can do with hair in each of them from personal recommendations for the day.

Full lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 by day

Sign up for today to your favorite master - get an excellent result!
  • Date: February 1
    Lunar day: 26–27
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Open the month with a visit to a beauty salon? Why not, if today any of your undertaking promises to turn into a resounding success. A haircut will make the curls stronger, the new color will be to the face and mask the gray hair for a long time, the perm will not harm the health of the curls. You can even try to realize a fantasy long cherished in your soul - for example, choose an unexpected bold shade of hair or decide on a creative haircut. But the styling is better to do simple, but with some attention-grabbing detail.

  • Date: February 2
    Lunar day: 27–28
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Put the scissors away and pick up a brush: this day is made for creation, not for destruction. The idea of ​​getting a new haircut will almost certainly be a failure, but the coloring will go off with a bang. Moreover, astrologers assure that a change of color on this day can improve your relationship with others, so decide on the most daring experiments up to a cardinal color change.

  • Date: February 3
    Lunar day: 28–29
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

The opposite situation: Capricorn retrograde welcomes the click of scissors, but categorically does not want to see you with a different shade of hair. Sign up for a haircut - there is a chance not only to get an attractive updated image, but also, along with extra centimeters of curls, to shed the negative that has accumulated recently. Some playfulness does not interfere with styling. Allow yourself to be frivolous, Capricorn will turn a blind eye to this.

On the evening of February 3, leave your hair completely alone, this is the most unfavorable time this month. You can do whatever you like in the morning.

  • Date: February 4
    Lunar day: 29–30
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

The influence of stars on the condition of the hair is minimal, make a decision about visiting a hairdresser, focusing on your own desires. The only thing that should definitely be avoided today is excessive conciseness and rigor in styling. Try sprucing it up with wildly swept bangs, a zigzag parting, or a stylish accessory.

A haircut on a new moon can damage your hair and cause it to break or fall out. Give your hair a rest or arrange a SPA session with masks made from warmed butter, fermented milk products and honey mixed with aloe juice. The lightest toning by natural means is allowed. From hairstyles, give preference to a tight braid.

One of the types of such free braids is French or fishtail.
  • Date: February 6
    Lunar day: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

The third lunar day, which begins at 09:09 am, encourages novelty and exploration. Talk to your master about a complete change of image, look for interesting ideas on the Internet, consult with your friends - today there is a great chance to find a really good solution for a haircut. However, do not complicate the styling, the simpler and freer it is, the better. Before going to bed, make a restorative mask of warm beer, dry your hair well and comb it in different directions at least 100 times.

  • Date: February 7
    Lunar day: 3–4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Pisces

Give up cutting and curling, the result will not satisfy you. Coloring with natural dyes is allowed and even recommended as a way to boost your self-esteem and attract the attention of the right people in business and on the love front. It will not be superfluous to visit a beauty salon and conduct cosmetic procedures that strengthen the roots.

  • Date: February 8
    Lunar day: 4–5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Pisces

Unsuitable for contact with scissors, 4 lunar days will end at 09:44, after which you can head to the hairdresser without hesitation. The air around is boiling with creative energy, inciting bold experiments, and they have every chance to end successfully - most importantly, remember the proverb about "measure seven times." In coloring, give preference to natural products and light shades, in styling - volume and airiness.

  • Date: February 9
    Lunar day: 5–6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

Usually Aries doesn't mind some liberties with his hair, but he's not in a good mood today. Refrain from cutting, prefer toning to coloring, soft waves for wild curls. Gather the curls into a strict hairstyle without any frills and fix it with wax.

  • Date: February 10
    Lunar day: 6–7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

A haircut will sharpen your intuition, but it can slightly undermine the health of your hair, so when planning a visit to the hairdresser, take care of restorative procedures. For example, massage your head with a handful of wet sea salt or mix a mask with shilajit, egg yolk and honey. If you want to dye your hair, choose a shade that is close to natural, it will increase your self-esteem and attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. In styling, curtsey towards Aries - build a hairstyle with neat curls.

In winter, it is equally important to care for any type of hair.
  • Date: February 11
    Lunar day: 7–8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

If you're an early bird, manage to run into the hairdresser before 10:30, this morning any hair treatments are allowed, including eyebrows and eyelashes - you can adjust the former and build the latter. Closer to dinner, the positive influence of the stars will decrease, but the opportunity to make a successful haircut will remain, although the coloring will be unstable. Thinking through the styling, put on the parting and soft curls, they will bring you good luck.

  • Date: February 12
    Lunar day: 8–9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

A haircut will heal hair and scare away diseases; paint of a natural shade will reliably mask gray hair and protect it from negativity; procedures aimed at strengthening the follicles will be doubly effective. To feel more confident, make a high, but not frilly hairstyle. Aerobatics if it looks natural.

  • Date: February 13
    Lunar day: 9–10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

A haircut is contraindicated, it is unlikely to succeed as you intend, and weaken the health of the hair. To change the color, use natural henna or basma, chemical dyes today will only be harmful. In the evening, comb your hair thoroughly in different directions - ideally, with a comb made of natural wood.

  • Date: February 14
    Lunar day: 10–11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

Welcome: dyeing, toning, chemical or curling waving, cosmetic masks, herbal rinses, massage, slight negligence and airy styling. Care should be taken with a haircut that does not damage the hair, but will make it naughty and slightly frizzy. Contraindicated: too strict lines, dull colors and heavy decorations.

  • Date: February 15
    Lunar day: 11–12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

Coloring, toning, gray hair masking will be excellent, the perm will last a long time, cut hair will grow well, but differ in self-will. You will have to call them to order with the help of varnish and hairpins, but do not overdo it with styling products - the airy Gemini do not tolerate unnecessary fetters. At the same time, it is better not to allow yourself too much creativity in styling: choose something classic, moderately strict.

Choose natural hair colors
  • Date: February 16
    Lunar day: 12–13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

12 lunar days are not conducive to a haircut. It will not harm the health of the hair, but the hairstyle will quickly lose its shape, and the cut strands will bristle in all directions with unruly whirlwinds. But on this day, curls are susceptible to dyeing and curling, so you can play to your heart's content with colors and caliber of curls. Tip: choose juicy, bright colors, with them not only hair, but life will sparkle with new colors. In styling, do not be too restrained, modesty does not always adorn a person.

  • Date: February 17
    Lunar day: 13–14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

A visit to the hairdresser is highly recommended. If you don’t think about making changes to your image, just correct your hair or ask the master to remove split ends with hot scissors - the strands will become stronger, lush, silky, acquire a pleasant shine and grow faster. One “but”: astrologers believe that a haircut made on this day can change the course of fate, so impressionable young ladies who are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs should refrain from it. It is better to make a nourishing hair compress from a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, mint, birch leaves.

  • Date: February 18
    Lunar day: 14–15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Leo

Until the end of the 14 lunar day, lasting until 15:46, the forecast of the previous day is valid, but after this period it is better not to touch the scissors and paint. A haircut will have a depressing effect on both your hair and your state of mind, the new shade will quickly fade, the curl will turn into a tangled nest. Make a simple styling with a parting and let the hair spend this day in peace.

  • Date: February 19
    Lunar day: 15–16
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac: Leo

the full moon unpredictably affects the hair, so it is better to give thin, overdried, falling strands freedom from scissors and chemical dyes. But healthy and strong curls can be cut or dyed a new color, with the exception of too extravagant options. Perm will be a risky venture, but large "lion" curls, twisted on a curling iron, will surely succeed.

  • Date: February 20
    Lunar day: 16–17
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

Feminine and curious Virgo removes all prohibitions on hairdressing procedures in one fell swoop. A haircut made today will slightly slow down hair growth, but so much the better: the hairstyle will not require correction for a long time. Coloring will add sexuality to you, a light curl will endow your look with romantic notes, natural styling will give you looseness. Experiment without hesitation, the stars give you carte blanche for change.

If you are growing your hair, then it is better not to trim the ends today.
  • Date: February 21
    Lunar day: 17–18
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

Tired of yesterday's activity, Virgo is resting. Do not cut your hair, so as not to provoke a deterioration in their condition, but you can resort to dyeing, especially in light sunny colors - red, golden, wheaten. Perm is allowed, but not chemical. We welcome salon procedures to improve the condition of the hair: lamination, polishing, massage.

  • Date: February 22
    Lunar day: 18–19
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Libra

The day is not suitable for a radical change of image, but you can make light changes to it. Bet on tinted shampoos, curling irons, hair dryer with brushing. Give up tight buns and braids, ideally, curls are best left free, only slightly fastening the hair with varnish.

  • Date: February 23
    Lunar day: 19–20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Libra

The unfavorable period for a haircut continues. Cut strands fluff, get out of the style and collect static electricity, coloring looks sloppy, curling is disappointing. It is acceptable to change the color by 1-2 tones with the help of natural dyes, but no more. In favor of Libra are airy hairstyles with a minimum of styling products and hairpins.

  • Date: February 24
    Lunar day: 20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

In the days of strict Scorpio, you should be more careful with innovations. Hair after a haircut will get healthier and stronger, but will become stiffer, so it’s better not to cut your hair. Refreshing the color will be successful, but its complete change risks a fiasco. Frivolous perm curls will be in disarray, while heavy large curls in the manner of a Hollywood wave have every chance of succeeding. In a word, be careful in your search and better not take risks in vain. Spend the evening combing your hair for a long time, this will make the strands more obedient and give them shine.

After a long walk in the cold, make a nourishing hair mask, and it won’t hurt your skin either.
  • Date: February 25
    Lunar day: 20–21
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

A haircut will provide curls with strength and density, have a beneficial effect on health in general, and give you a creative impetus. Coloring is not prohibited, but it is better to choose light colors and shades for it. Important: the hair is tuned to actively absorb nutrients, so do not fail to pamper them with a healing mask with Aevit, rinse with herbal decoction and massage.

  • Date: February 26
    Lunar day: 21–22
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

It is better to postpone a haircut, perm and full coloring for a more successful period. It's time to bring your styling fantasies to life, so your work tools should be a comb, tongs and a bottle of varnish. You can slightly tone your hair or trim the ends, but refrain from more serious steps.

  • Date: February 27
    Lunar day: 22–23
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

The nature of the hair is changeable, and the results of hairdressing experiments are unpredictable. Do without visiting a beauty salon, but you can refresh your hair color with home remedies - strong tea leaves, coffee or rhubarb infusion, lemon juice or linden blossom decoction. Attract a close friend or relative to help you, on this day the touch of loving hands will not interfere with your hair. Salt peeling and rinsing with mineral water are useful. To raise your vitality, arm yourself with a curling iron and run light curls over your head.

  • Date: February 28
    Lunar day: 23–24
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn

Good time to take care of your hair. A haircut will give your hair health, and you - energy for bold accomplishments, coloring will give confidence and attractiveness, a curl will keep curls elastic for a long time. Voluminous hairstyles, curls and bangs are recommended, but torn edges and artistic mess on the head are not welcome. Capricorn is a serious sign.

  • February 1, 2018, 17 lunar day (19:23), Moon in Virgo, waning Moon. This is the perfect day for a haircut, which will help you get not only a beautiful hairstyle, but also have a positive effect on the condition and health of your hair, you can trim split ends. To activate hair growth, they need to be combed more often. You should stop coloring your hair.
  • February 2, 2018, 18 lunar day (20:47), Moon in Virgo, waning Moon. A good day to visit a beauty salon, get a real pleasure from the haircut procedure. Your hair has been missing sharp scissors for a long time.

Moon in Virgo

A haircut will give more attractiveness, health, strength, energy and self-confidence. During this period, energy processes in the body begin to work much more actively, the body is renewed, and therefore the hair will grow back quickly.

  • February 3, 2018, 19 lunar day (22:09), Moon in Virgo, waning Moon. A haircut will help prevent hair loss, and their growth is also accelerated. The ends of the hair will stop splitting, the curls will become obedient and smooth. Today you can paint over gray hair or radically change the color of your hair.
  • February 4, 2018, 20 lunar day (23:27), the Moon is in the sign of Libra, the waning Moon. An ideal day to create a new image, it is recommended to dye your hair. This will help bring positive things into your life. Any effect on the hair that is performed today will positively affect their appearance and the general condition of the body.
  • February 5, 2018, 20 lunar day continues, the Moon is in the sign of Libra, the waning Moon. Favorable haircut, which will help to avoid various health problems. Today it is recommended to brush your hair as often as possible, which will help to significantly improve their condition.
  • February 6, 2018, 21 lunar day (00:43), Moon in the sign of Scorpio, waning Moon. If you get a haircut today, your intuition will increase, which will make it possible to achieve your goals much faster. Coloring will give you more attractiveness, which will help increase your self-esteem and confidence.
  • February 7, 2018, 22 lunar day (01:56), Moon in the sign of Scorpio, waning Moon. Today it is recommended to cut dull, thin and weak hair, making it thicker and tougher. The roots of the hair will be strengthened, but their growth may slow down.

Moon in Scorpio

Not the best day to perm or color your hair.

  • February 8, 2018, 23 lunar day (03:06), the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, the waning Moon. A haircut done today will help get rid of health problems. Also, a haircut will attract money to you, but you should not dye your hair on this day.
  • February 9, 2018, 24 lunar day (04:13), Moon in Sagittarius, waning Moon. Favorable haircut on this day, which will help save your own vitality. It is recommended to use only natural dyes for hair coloring.
  • February 10, 2018, 25 lunar day (05:16), Moon in Sagittarius, waning Moon. To get rid of accumulated fatigue, you can make a new hairstyle. This will help stabilize the financial situation, give strength and improve health.
  • February 11, 2018, 26 lunar day (06:13), Moon in Capricorn, waning Moon. This period is considered neutral, therefore, if desired, you can do a haircut. But there is a possibility of stopping hair growth.
  • February 12, 2018, 27 lunar day (07:04), Moon in Capricorn, waning Moon. Great day for a makeover.

Moon in Capricorn

If you make a haircut on this day, you can get rid of negative emotions and cleanse the body. Today it is recommended to dye your hair.

  • February 13, 2018, 28 lunar day (07:47), the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, the waning Moon. A haircut performed on this day will give more vitality and energy. It has a positive effect on the hair - volume appears, loss decreases.
  • February 14, 2018 29 lunar day (08:22), Moon in Aquarius, waning Moon. It is not recommended to do a haircut on this day, as there is a risk of getting a lot of trouble as a result.
  • February 15, 2018, 30 lunar day (08:52), Moon in Aquarius, waning Moon. Not the best day for a haircut, as the hair will grow back very slowly, and the hairstyle may be very disliked.

Do not dye your hair, the paint will quickly lose its saturated shade.

  • February 16, 2018, 2 lunar day (09:17), the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, the new Moon. Absolutely no haircut today. If on this day you change something in your own body or cut off some part, there is a risk of losing touch with the cosmos.
  • February 17, 2018, 3 lunar day (09:39), the Moon in the sign of Pisces, the growing Moon. A haircut on this day is contraindicated, since such changes can adversely affect the general state of health.

Moon in Pisces

Hair can become dry and brittle.

  • February 18, 2018, 4 lunar day (09:58), the Moon in the sign Aries, the growing Moon. Not a good day to visit the hairdresser. If you cut your hair today, your hair will become thin and brittle. It is worth refraining from painting.
  • February 19, 2018, 5 lunar day (10:17), the Moon in the sign Aries, the growing Moon. If you get a haircut on this day, your financial condition will be strengthened. But do not make drastic changes in appearance.
  • February 20, 2018, 6 lunar day (10:36), the Moon in the sign of Taurus, the growing Moon. Hair coloring will be successful, you can make curls, because such a hairstyle will give the image lightness and help get rid of negative thoughts. You can slightly trim the ends of the hair, but it is better to refuse a radical haircut.
  • February 21, 2018, 7 lunar day (10:57), the Moon in the sign of Taurus, the growing Moon. A great day for a haircut that will make the image even more stylish, bright and attractive. A neutral day for hair coloring, but it is best to give preference to natural shades today.
  • February 22, 2018, 8 lunar day (11:22), the Moon in the sign of Taurus, the growing Moon.

Moon in Taurus

Having made a new hairstyle on this day, a person will be able to contribute to the extension of his own life.

  • February 23, 2018, 9 lunar day (11:51), the Moon in the sign of Gemini, the growing Moon. Today it is not recommended to have a haircut for those who are trying to arrange a personal life. This day will bring global changes in life, but they will not always be for the better.
  • February 24, 2018, 10 lunar day (12:29), the Moon in the sign of Gemini, the growing Moon. If something is very tired, there comes an ideal time for cardinal changes in life. Owners of long hair can make a short haircut. To bring something new and bright to life, dye the strands in light colors.
  • February 25, 2018, 11 lunar day (13:17), the Moon in the sign of Cancer, the growing Moon. Do not cut or wash your hair, because as a result of exposure to the scalp, a dandruff problem may appear. Under the ban is coloring and perm, otherwise you can greatly ruin your hair.
  • February 26, 2018, 12 lunar day (14:18), the Moon in the sign of Cancer, the growing Moon.

Moon in Cancer

You should not do a haircut, as this procedure will negatively affect the health of the hair and severe depression may appear.

  • February 27, 2018, 13 lunar day (15:31), Moon in Leo, waxing Moon. A haircut on this day will positively affect not only the appearance, but also the state of health, first of all, the changes will affect the respiratory system. However, hair can grow very slowly, but this will help to keep a beautiful haircut for a long time.

To attract positive energy, you can dye your hair in the color that was in the most successful period of life.

  • February 28, 2018, 14 lunar day (16:15), the Moon in the sign Leo, the growing Moon. A haircut made today will make you feel like a happy person, self-confidence will appear.

Hundreds of years ago, scientists proved the fact of the influence of large celestial bodies on living organisms, but only in recent years has a scientific explanation been found for an unusual phenomenon. As a result of ancient and modern research, numerous and very popular calendars appeared in the tables, indicating favorable and unfavorable days for self-care: cutting and dyeing hair, cutting and coloring nails, cosmetic and medical procedures. Since then, the lunar haircut calendar for February 2018 has been a faithful and reliable assistant to all girls who want to live in complete harmony with themselves, wildlife and space. We also recommend that you use simple tables and useful oracle tips in order to maintain both your own appearance and inner world at the proper level. When to cut hair and nails, read our today's article.

When to cut and dye your hair in February 2018 according to the oracle

February is the most difficult month for the human body. Dozens of unfavorable factors leave their negative imprint on the condition of the skin, hair and nails: dry frosty air, sudden changes in temperature, fatty festive food, drunk alcohol, seasonal beriberi, periodic lack of sleep. As a result - dullness, brittleness and a painful appearance even before the onset of the calendar spring. The prognosis is unpleasant, but not final. You can avoid all these problems by following the tips and prescriptions of the lunar haircut calendar for February 2018.

Before planning any manipulations for the care or improvement of hair, you should familiarize yourself with the phases of the night star and their effect on the growth and condition of curls:

  • February 1-15 - waning moon. A haircut these days slows down hair growth, so it’s worth trimming only bangs or strands that grow faster than desired. On the waning moon, you can use strengthening masks for weakened hair or wellness masks for the scalp;
  • February 16 - New Moon. Not the best time to change hairstyle or hair color. On this day, it is not recommended to visit a hairdresser or cut your own hair (dye, do highlighting). Any manipulation can cause trouble, emotional depression, allergic reactions, etc.;
  • February 17-28 - the growing moon. Such days are most suitable for haircuts and hairstyle changes. The cut strands will grow back faster than usual and will retain a healthy look for a longer period. In this case, it is better to postpone the staining, since the paint can be washed off ahead of time.

Tables of the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for February 2018

So that your hair always remains strong and healthy, and your hairstyle retains its shine and shape for a long time, we suggest using the lunar haircut calendar for the last month of winter. Looking through the tables and recommendations, you will determine when to cut and dye your hair in February 2018 according to the oracle, and on which days it is better to refuse to visit a hairdresser, beautician or stylist.

Haircut lunar calendar for February 2018: auspicious days for hair coloring and changing hairstyles

In the coldest and windiest month of 2018, the stars recommend that all girls and women pay special attention to nourishing and moisturizing their hair with home or cosmetic products. And only on certain days of February you can afford a couple of not too bold experiments (cutting your hair or dyeing it in a color close to natural). It is better to completely refuse a cardinal change of hairstyle or contrasting coloring. There are only 28 days in February, so you won't have to wait long for changes. All other hair care procedures are recommended to be carried out at specific periods dictated by the stay of the night luminary in one or another zodiac sign. They are also indicated in the haircut lunar calendar for February 2018 (with favorable days for dyeing hair and changing hairstyles).

So, a haircut during the period of the Moon in Aries will not spoil the hair, but will significantly weaken the immune system. In Aquarius, in principle, you should not touch your hair. When the Moon is in Pisces or Cancer, hair growth slows down, but the roots are strengthened. A haircut in Leo can lead to bankruptcy. The most suitable for healing hair are the days of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and for giving curls splendor and shine, the days of Gemini and Libra.

Favorable and unfavorable days for hair care according to the calendar for February 2018

Using the lunar haircut calendar for February 2018, you can always find favorable days for hair coloring, changing hairstyles, manicures and other manipulations. That will help to successfully distribute free time and always remain stylish and well-groomed.

  • Unfavorable days for a haircut in February 2018: 1-4, 9-10, 15-18, 20, 26;
  • Successful periods for haircuts: 5-8, 11-12, 14, 19, 23-24, 28;
  • Suitable times for hair coloring in February 2018: 2-3, 6-8, 14-16, 19, 21, 27;
  • The best days of February for manicure and pedicure: 1-2, 6-8, 10, 12-16, 19, 21, 28;

When to cut and paint nails in February 2018 according to the lunar calendar (according to the oracle)

To understand when it is better to cut and paint nails in February 2018, take a look at the manicure lunar calendar (according to the oracle). Such an indispensable adviser eliminates the need for independent calculation of the lunar phases, favorable and unfavorable days, zodiac signs and other factors. The standard calendar is a list of dates and manipulations suitable for them.

Optimal days for a manicure:

  • February 2 - painting nails in soothing light colors is allowed;
  • February 11-12 - a bright manicure with an extraordinary shape of the nail plate will strengthen health and add internal energy;
  • February 19 - cutting nails on this day will save you from many troubles and drive away annoying ill-wishers;
  • February 21 - it is recommended to strengthen the nail plate, conduct medical procedures, etc .;
  • February 27-28 - a visit to the salon on this day will entail a good mood, an influx of financial resources, and the attention of the opposite sex.

Unfavorable days for nail care:

  • February 3 - a manicure on this day will lead to the loss of friends and quarrels with loved ones;
  • February 10 - cutting nails or changing the shape of the nail plate can worsen general health;
  • February 17-18 - it is not recommended to turn to new products: only proven materials and tested tools. Any experiments will seem unsuccessful, even if they are not;
  • February 24-26 - visiting a manicure or pedicure salon is strictly prohibited, any manipulation of the nails will lead to the loss of a lot of money or close friends.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for February 2018: table

See in more detail when to cut and paint nails in February 2018, according to the lunar calendar (according to the oracle) in the table. In it, green symbols indicate favorable days, and red symbols indicate unfavorable periods.

Studying the lunar haircut calendar for February 2018, we can notice: the last month of frosty winter is not very favorable to lovers of bold experiments, but quite loyal to admirers of conservative solutions. So is it worth the risk of ignoring favorable days and giving preference to inappropriate periods of the table? We recommend that you carefully look at when to cut your hair and nails, dye strands and take care of the skin of your hands and head, so as not to cause irreparable harm to your own health.

In accordance with the lunar calendar, a haircut and hairstyle change on certain days of the month affects not only the condition of the hair, its growth and color intensity, but may also have some effect on our entire future destiny. If you have never encountered a certain energy of the Moon, then we advise you to carefully read this article.

The influence of the moon on man

It has long been known that it is the Moon that has a great influence on many earthly elements. So, for example, under its influence, the electromagnetic field can change, ebbs and flows are also very susceptible to certain of its phases, even the earth's crust is affected. With such a sufficiently strong impact, the human body also cannot avoid a certain influence of lunar energy.

The human body is almost 80% water and, of course, is subjected to a fairly strong gravitational effect, this is reflected in both physical and emotional well-being in certain lunar phases. As a rule, especially since she herself has a predominantly female energy, the male sex is not so strongly dependent on the Earth's satellite. To determine exactly how and when the lunar effect on you is the strongest, you should regularly compare your feelings with the lunar calendar, then you can understand how actively this or that phase affects your mood and well-being.

Moon phases and their activity

The moon has several active phases: waxing, full and waning. During the growing phase, a person, as a rule, feels an increase in strength, a readiness to fight any troubles, in general he is quite optimistic and resolute, his state of health during this period is also good, and his mood is upbeat. The phase of the full moon is a logical conclusion, respectively, and positive emotions during this period reach their peak stage. Upon its completion, during the period of decrease, the person is also subjected to some negative sensations. During this time, many feel some apathy, a decline in vitality, weakness, and some anxiety and depressive diseases may worsen. According to this calendar, during this period it is not recommended to carry out any important business, make new acquaintances and embark on any kind of undertakings.

With such a significant influence of the Moon on the human body, of course, such important accomplishments as changing hairstyles, coloring hair and even an insignificant haircut can have different consequences. To determine in February, the lunar calendar will help. Perhaps this simple action will help to avoid some troubles and problems in the future.

Hair care according to the zodiac signs

To go to the hairdresser, you should choose the days according to the lunar calendar, which are controlled by the earth signs of the Zodiac. Virgo is considered the most ideal sign for any kind of procedures related to hair. Also very favorable are the days under the control of Taurus or Capricorn.

But on days when the Moon is ruled by signs such as Aries or Aquarius, you should refrain from any kind of manipulation with your hair. In addition to the destructive power for the hair itself, it can have a negative impact on the immune system and attract various diseases.

The rest of the signs of the Zodiac are fairly neutral to hair care procedures and will not bring any significant changes.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting in February

In addition to the signs of the Zodiac, the phase of the moon on certain days has a great importance for a favorable trip to the hairdresser. Therefore, before you go to the hairdresser, you should compare the day of the trip with the lunar calendar and determine which are the most favorable days for cutting hair in February.

First decade of the month

February 6. Hair care procedures these days can bring problems to your business and create additional obstacles. Avoid going to the hairdresser.

February 8. As the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for February shows, the day is very favorable. A change in hairstyle can improve the overall condition of your hair and bring some positive changes into your life.

February 9th. Any changes in hairstyles on these days have an adverse effect on the emotional side of a person. Possible: frequent mood swings, apathy and even depression.

February 10. Ambiguous day. Coloring and cutting hair brings good luck in business and provides peace of mind, but it can be quite unfavorable for love affairs.

Second decade

11 February. Manipulations with the hairstyle will contribute to good luck and luck, as well as help to solve financial troubles. A very positive day when you can cut your hair in February.

February 13. An unfavorable day for dyeing and cutting, will worsen the health of the hair, and can contribute to the appearance of trouble in your life.

The 14th of February. The haircut calendar for February does not recommend hair care on this day. Various procedures for hair on these days carry some troubles associated with eye diseases.

February, 15. A good day to visit your hairdresser. Changing hairstyles on these lunar days will improve your mood, attract good luck and add joy.

February 16. Also a very prosperous day for a change of image and changes with hair. This will best affect the health of the curls themselves, they will become shiny, lush and obedient. Also, care procedures will help strengthen your position in society and give you additional self-confidence.

February 17. A day that is not the best fit as an answer to the question of February. Problems can primarily affect the curls themselves - they will lose their vitality.

18th of Febuary. The most unfavorable day for hair procedures can bring bad luck.

February 19. On these days, haircuts and hair coloring are highly undesirable. The calendar says that any changes at this time worsen health, reduce life expectancy and attract conflict situations.

February 20th. Hair care procedures on this day can harm the health of the whole body. Going to the hairdresser is highly discouraged.

Third decade of February

February 21. Hairstyle changes on these lunar days can help weaken immunity, increase psycho-emotional problems such as anxiety and fear.

February 22. For going to the hairdresser, the second half of the day will be the most successful. A haircut at this time will add to your self-confidence and positive.

February 23. Not the best day to answer the question of when to cut your hair in February. Haircut can negatively affect the sense of smell and hearing.

24 February. Bad time to go to the hairdresser. Hair care procedures on these lunar days promise conflicts with loved ones.

25 February. A very positive day - one of those when you can cut your hair in February. Particularly conducive to going to the hairdresser's second half.

February 27. As the lunar calendar for hair cutting in February shows, any procedures on this day are fraught with significant damage to them. Avoid going to the hairdresser.

28th of February. A good time, besides, any kind of hair manipulation on this day, especially in its second half, can significantly develop your intuition and improve the condition of your hair in general.

Our hair is an important carrier of information, so be sure to check before going to the hairdresser what are the favorable days for cutting hair in February.

Do not forget that this article only shows the influence of the lunar calendar on changes related to hair. But everything in our life has a balance, and an unfavorable day for a haircut will surely become useful for something else. To fully understand the meaning and influence of the moon in our lives, you should carefully read the general recommendations of the lunar calendar, relating to almost all of its areas.