How to remove scratches on a ceramic pan. An elementary way to remove scratches on dishes and not spend money on a new one

The main criterion for the quality of stainless steel household items is a smooth surface. If not promptly removed scratches from the surface, the metal will become unusable. Mechanical damage destroys its thin oxide layer, which protects the metal from corrosion.

You will need

  • - lint-free sponge
  • - polishing spray
  • - soft cloth or brush


1. Remove scale left by rough water on stainless steel items. To do this, use a clean, dry cloth. To get rid of stubborn blockages, treat them with a sponge dipped in an undiluted vinegar solution. Let the surface dry.

2. Observantly inspect the cleaned surface for mechanical damage. For those areas where scratches are clearly visible on stainless steel, apply a polishing spray to care for products made of this type of steel. Manufacturers recommend purchasing such drugs only in specialized stores.

3. Thoroughly wipe the damaged surface with a lint-free sponge. During processing, navigate through scratches, avoiding circular movements, so as not to damage neighboring areas. This is extremely important when it is necessary to remove scratches from a matte surface.

4. After the initial treatment of the metal surface with a polishing spray, let it dry. After that, spray the preparation a second time so that it fills the smallest scratches. Re-treat the resulting imperfections with a lint-free sponge.

Use only mild detergents for stainless steel items. Abrasive preparations of local use lead to a change in the texture of the metal in the treated areas, which negatively affects the appearance of the product. Remove grease residues from the inner and outer surfaces with preparations recommended by the manufacturer.

Helpful advice
Experienced designers recommend that customers purchase matte iron products. It is easier to remove any blockages, scratches and chips from their surface. Minor mechanical flaws can be neatly sanded.

When buying a new refrigerator, we hope that it will serve us for a long time and will not cause much trouble. Especially if it is made of stainless steel, which contains chromium. It forms a protective layer that can resist rust. But despite its resistance to corrosion, the metal itself is quite soft, dents and scratches easily appear on it, which spoil the appearance of your kitchen assistant. Deep scratches usually cannot be removed without the help of a qualified technician and equally qualified equipment. But small surface imperfections can be removed with a rag and a mild polishing agent. Consider several ways to remove scratches from a steel-colored refrigerator.

Preparatory work

First of all, any stainless steel has its own structure or, as it is called, texture. When cleaning the surface or when polishing it, you need to move along this texture. To do this, you need to determine its direction. Take a closer look at the refrigerator door. You will see small footprints indicating the direction of the structure. Once you have decided which direction you want to go when polishing and cleaning the surface, you need to prepare the surface for sanding.

To do this, it needs to be cleaned so that dirt and dust do not spoil the whole thing when polishing:

  1. Wet the entire surface with water.
  2. Apply a mild cleaner, such as Comet, to the damp surface and wipe the surface along the texture.
  3. Rinse the refrigerator door with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning agent and dirt.
  4. Dry the surface with a microfiber cloth.

To clean the surface also of greasy stains, clean it with vinegar. Just dilute it first in a small amount of water:

  • Pour vinegar diluted in water into a small container.
  • Take a clean rag, soak it in the vinegar solution and, moving along the metal texture, wipe the surface.
  • Remove residual vinegar by wiping the surface with a soft, dry cloth.

Polishing the refrigerator door with cleaners

There are several solutions designed specifically for cleaning and polishing stainless steel. On sale there are funds from Bon Ami, Ajax and Comet in the form of powders or ointments. If you decide to use such a tool, then carefully study the instructions that come with the composition.

Important! Pay special attention to safety precautions, in most cases it is suggested to work with gloves.

Try treating a small, shallow scratch first and see how the product of your choice behaves. Further:

  1. If you are using powder for polishing, dilute it with water until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the scratch with a damp cloth or sponge and rub it in.
  3. Polish the surface until the scratch is gone.

We use a special converter

Try WD-40. Place a small amount of WD-40 on a dry paper towel. Gently wipe the scratch.

Important! This tool can be harmful to your health, so use it with extreme caution, always wearing protective gloves.

baby oil

To remove small scuffs, you can use any baby oil. Simply apply a small amount to a clean cloth and rub into the problem area. The oil will fill the microcracks, making them less noticeable. Remaining oil can be removed with a paper towel.

Polishing with toothpaste

How else can you remove scratches on the refrigerator? Minor minor scratches can be removed with a white toothpaste without crystals and granules. If polishing with a soft cloth did not bring proper results, you can resort to harder ones, that is, a toothbrush:

  1. Apply a little toothpaste to the bristles of the toothbrush, rub the problem areas with it. Move along the metal texture and don't rub too hard.
  2. Periodically wipe the toothpaste with a cloth and check the result. Continue until you are satisfied with the results of your efforts.
  3. After all manipulations, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  4. Apply a little olive oil to the cleaned and sanded surface.


Deep scratches can be removed with sandpaper. But first, check with the manufacturers, if possible, to find out what size sandpaper you need to choose for your model. When you have clarified this issue, you can start:

  1. The surface must remain wet during the sanding process. So wet the scratched area and make sure it stays wet throughout the polishing process.
  2. The sandpaper needs to be damp, so lightly dampen it and run the sandpaper lightly over the scratch, working your way along the metal texture.
  3. Finally, go around the scratch to smooth out the sanding.
  4. Dry the treated area. For these purposes, a fabric with a micro-wavy surface is perfect.
  5. Apply olive oil to the polished area.

Stainless Steel Scratch Removal Kit

If you have a huge number of scratches on your refrigerator, then you should consider purchasing a special scratch removal kit. It contains a sander, three or more types of sandpaper, lubricant. As a rule, a CD with a training video is included.

To remove scratches from a steel-colored refrigerator in this way, proceed as follows:

  • Attach the finest sandpaper to the polishing stick, apply lubricant to it and process the damaged area.
  • If the problem persists, attach the next largest sandpaper and treat this area in the same way.

Important! If the scratch is still visible, use even larger paper.

  • Once you've got rid of the scratches, sand the entire surface of the refrigerator with your last used sandpaper.

Important! Remember to always move along the metal structure.

Help from a specialist

If the refrigerator is badly damaged and you do not want to fight for its appearance yourself, then you should turn to professionals who can handle this task. The master will assess the scale of work and suggest ways to restore the surface.

Important! In extreme cases, you can completely replace the damaged door. If you have come to such a decision, then contact the service center and find out how this can be done.

  • Remove scratches from the surface very carefully, moving only along the metal structure. Polishing stainless steel across its texture will only add to your problems - noticeable streaks will appear on the surface of the door and you will have to figure out how to remove them as well.
  • Do not use steel wire for polishing. It will not only not help to remove old scratches, but will also add new ones. In addition, it can lead to rust formation.
  • If you have deep scratches, but they are not very long, you can simply mask them. Place magnets large enough to cover the scratched area.

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One careless movement - and a scratch appeared on your favorite thing. Do not rush to despair or throw away an object dear to your heart. Not too deep scratches can be removed on their own.

We are in website We have put together a few tips that will help you save different surfaces at home so that they shine like new again.

Glass surfaces

To remove or mask small scratches on glass surfaces, use one of the following methods.

  • Apply a little toothpaste(without granules and bleaching effect) on a cotton pad or cotton cloth. Gently rub it into the glass in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Remove traces of paste with water.
  • If applied to a microfiber cloth or cotton wool thin layer of vegetable oil and gently rub it for a few seconds, you can temporarily get rid of shallow scratches. To achieve the same effect, you can use a small amount of vaseline.
  • Make a polishing paste by mixing regular baking soda with a little water. Apply to glass and wipe using a cotton or wool cloth. Gently remove the remaining paste with a damp cloth.
  • Deal with scratches on glass surfaces car glass polishes. Follow the instructions, after making sure that the composition of the reagents is suitable for the surfaces on which you apply them.

Leather Products

Scratches on leather goods Not unusual. If the damage is not too serious, fix the item yourself.

  • Apply to the scratch with a cotton swab vegetable or baby oil. Rub it in in circular motions and let dry. Wipe off any residue with a clean cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  • You can mask the damage on the leather surface using nail polish. To do this, apply varnish of a suitable color with a toothpick on the damaged area.
  • A special tool will help remove scratches. wax for the skin. In its absence, you can use the usual bee, for example, from a candle. Heat the wax and apply to the scratch. Wipe with a flannel cloth. Paint over the treated areas on colored items with a felt-tip pen, marker or shoe polish of the desired shade.

wooden surfaces

To mask or remove defects from wooden surfaces the following tips will help.

  • If scratches appear on a dark tree, it will help out iodine. Dilute it with water, apply on a cotton swab and paint over the defects. Lacquer if necessary.
  • Take half the core walnut and rub it on damaged areas. When the scratch darkens, wipe with a napkin and cover with a colorless varnish.
  • If the wood is cracked, try using it for restoration mayonnaise. Apply it with a cotton swab to the damaged area and leave for 2-3 days, removing excess. The wood will swell a little and the crack will heal.

plastic surfaces

Remove scratches from plastic surfaces A few tricks will also help.

  • Defects on smooth plastic surfaces will help to remove conventional or building hair dryer. Turn it on to minimum power and direct hot air along the scratch. Raise the temperature as needed to start smoothing out the dashes. Wait 10-15 minutes and polish the surface to completely hide problem areas.
  • Remove scratches from plastic polishes and pencils designed for cars. Remove the dirt from the scratch, apply the product. Polish with a soft, lint-free cloth.

metal surfaces

metal surfaces differ in diversity and require a different approach to restoration. Get rid of scratches jewelry safer in jewelry and watch workshops. Try to fix defects on stainless steel surfaces yourself.

  • A scratch on brushed stainless steel can be removed with block for polishing nails.
  • Can be used as an abrasive whitening toothpaste. Apply it to the damaged area and rub with a soft-bristled brush or soft cloth along the metal texture. Wipe off the paste with a clean damp cloth.

When experimenting with any of the above methods, remember that none of them will help to cope with deep scratches. In such cases, it is better to contact professionals or replace the damaged product.

There is no perfection in the world. In any case, it is difficult to find a thing on which traces of use and time would not appear. Especially for daily use. Inspect the plates in the kitchen: you can probably see these thin scratches on the bottom that do not go away even after the hundredth wash. Throw out? No. There is one tool that will return even old dishes to a completely “appetizing” look. And you can try it in action tonight.

Thin scratches on the bottom of the plate were noticed by many. Alas, they attack from
the same frequency and budgetary dishes from IKEA, and expensive sets. It's all about frequency of use. But do not rush to send such "worn out" plates to the landfill, even mentally. The good news is that as long as the scratches aren't too deep, you can still get rid of them. An elementary tool that everyone has at home will help to revive the dishes - soda.

To get rid of scratches on plates, you will need:

2. Warm water;

3. Kitchen towel.

It's simple: generously sprinkle the surface of the plate with baking soda. Don't spare money.

Now add quite a bit of warm (not hot!) water to form a paste from the soda. Wet a clean kitchen towel and rub the dishes vigorously. After that, spread the paste evenly on a plate and leave for a couple of minutes.

Rinse off baking soda residue with warm water and dishwashing detergent. The result should please. With light scratches, soda will cope with a bang. And for more complex cases, bloggers suggest using cream of tartar(potassium hydrotartrate) according to the same scheme.

No matter how carefully you use this or that product, scratches appear on its surface. No need to get upset and change or throw away the thing. If the damage is not deep, then you can deal with them yourself. The site "" has collected for you a few tricks with which you can remove such damage from any surface.


The following methods will only deal with minor damage to the glass. In most cases, they are simply masked, but very small scratches on glass surfaces can be removed by polishing.

Toothpaste. Use a product without granules and whitening effect. Additionally, you will need flannel fabric or cotton wool. Apply a little product to the material and in a circular motion begin to process the glass. Keep doing this for 10 seconds. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth or paper towels.

Petrolatum. Using a cotton pad, rub the product on the scratched area for a few seconds. Remove the rest with a tissue. Vaseline will only remove minor scratches. Any vegetable oil can be used instead.

Baking soda. Scratches can be buffed out. This requires a polishing paste, which can be made from soda. Dilute the powder with water to a state of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to the glass surface and wipe with a woolen cloth, then wipe with a damp cloth.

But to eliminate scratches from the glass of the phone, use the following options, which are described.


Scratches on leather items and accessories are not uncommon. You can try to save the thing yourself.

Vegetable oil. Ordinary vegetable oil can soften the skin. Apply it to the scratch with a cotton swab, leave to dry. Then rub the surface with a soft cloth. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use a baby remedy.

Beeswax. If you do not have a special skin care wax, then use a candle with natural beeswax. Cut it into small pieces, warm it up and gently apply it on the damage. Rub the area immediately with a dry and soft cloth. When the wax has hardened, apply a skin cream of the desired shade on top.


The wooden surface is easier to disguise from scratches. Only polishing will help to completely remove them.

Iodine. Iodine will help to cope with minor damage on dark wood. Dilute it with warm water, apply only on the scratch, let dry completely. If the scratch is wide, then additionally cover this area with wood varnish.

Walnut. Treat the scratch with a walnut, wait until the scratch darkens. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Mayonnaise. Ordinary mayonnaise will help to quickly restore the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tree. Spread a thick layer on the scratch, leave for a couple of days. During this time, the wood will swell and fill the scratch.


Of course, plastic things can be replaced. But, such small tricks can change the situation and postpone a new purchase.

Fen. Turn on the device to the minimum mode and direct the warm air stream along the length of the scratch. Gradually increase power. The plastic will melt a little. Then immediately steam the surface.

Pencil, polish. With damage to the plastic, pencils that are designed to polish the car panel will help to cope. Clean the surface of dirt, apply the product and polish.


But surfaces with a metal base are very diverse and need a special approach. Trust the damage to professionals, after all, a valuable thing. But with scratches on stainless steel, you can try to cope on your own.

Device for polishing nails. This unit can cope with small defects on a matte surface. Handle it dry only.

Toothpaste. A product with a whitening effect for cleaning teeth can be used as an abrasive for the care of metal products. Scrub the scratch with a soft-bristled brush and buff with a soft cloth.

These methods involve getting rid of only small and shallow scratches. If the thing is badly damaged, then use the services of professionals or you will have to buy a new product.