Twentieth lunar day. Lunar Day Forecast

It is a pity that we are not birds, because on the twentieth lunar day everything is going so well that we only lack wings. But the soul can flutter without additional attributes - today is the day of insight and inspiration.

  • The earth is our flesh mysterious world, she is the element of 20 lunar days. The planet keeps us from doing stupid things, and draws us to itself if we fly too far and are about to burn our wings. But the Earth is not associated with routine today - it maintains traditions, and endows us with wisdom.
  • The 20 lunar days have two symbols, these are the Muse and the Eagle. Everyone has their own muse - she endows someone with the talents of a dancer, patronizes someone in writing, and someone is friends with this mysterious lady, while writing beautiful pictures. The Soaring Eagle is a proud bird, it personifies strength and power. The eagle soars over the world and does not pay attention to everyday problems - he is the master of the air, and is ready to conquer the universe.
  • The eagle flutters in the sky, and the happy color of the day will be bright Blue colour. It is cold, but fraught with such depth that you can watch without stopping. Blue gives us life energy. The indigo color also brings good luck - on the 20th day it enhances our intuition and helps in the implementation of creative ideas.
  • The figure, compared with a swan from school, will be the key to luck on the 20th lunar day. The deuce will give good luck to everyone, but it is not necessary to walk all day as a couple, and you don’t even need to sit on two chairs. The Moon patronizes the two - the proud companion of the Earth will help those who respect this figure.
  • Jaspilite, Rhinestone and Red Jasper will become talisman stones. Jespilite today acts as a reliable shield - it will protect us from energy attacks and make us stronger. Rock Crystal will open the veil to the astral worlds, and Red Jasper will get rid of negativity and enhance the owner's sexuality.
  • As soon as the Moon comes into its own, we run to the South-West - this is a happy direction for 20 days. But nothing will happen in the Northeast if we take care of necessary amulets. Today, multi-colored candies will become our assistants - they are unnecessary for scammers, but just right for us, because even a difficult journey becomes fun if there are caramels in your pocket (and no mysticism).
  • The master of the lunar mirror, the blue-eyed angel Lamas, will give us his independence and independence. Let's trust the guardian angel, because he is as ancient and wise as the sorceress Moon.

Characteristics of the 20 lunar day

If today we experience doubts, this does not mean that we are mistaken or behaving incorrectly - it's just such a day, and we need to be philosophical about it. After all absolute happiness unattainable, except perhaps in childhood, and even then, this carelessness is fleeting, and barely perceptible.

Let's leave the lyrics to the stars and heavens, and we ourselves will improve our lives, because the twenties lunar day came for just that. By the way, about the stars - today the Moon itself favors dreamers and poets, so we can admire the sky and not scold ourselves for inactivity.

Fear will be our biggest enemy today. But not panic horror and not nightmare- the most common fear, but you don’t need to drive it deep, on the contrary - let’s look at his face and laugh. And then you won’t have to fight with him - any fear will rush off to hell, leaving behind a path of hesitation and doubt.

Today we will get chances to improve, because spiritual growth does not happen by itself - it is the result of our work on our weaknesses and shortcomings. The moon seems to be saying: take a look at your life from the outside, and draw conclusions.

From a bird's eye view, you can see better, but climbing a multi-storey building or buying a parachute is not necessary - the spirit will cope with taking off into the heavens much better than our body. Today you also need to take care of the body, but in between times - they dreamed, then they did exercises, wrote poems, and then went for lunch.

It is undesirable to overwork on the 20th lunar day - things should not absorb us, and we need to do things that we understand and that are interesting to us.

Today is the day of victories, accomplishments and achievements. As you know, you can’t jump above your head, but on the twentieth lunar day this saying is not relevant - you can jump, take off, and even do a somersault in the air, there would be a mood and desire.

The conclusion suggests itself - the day gives inner freedom to those people who are ready to accept this freedom, and if we are waiting for changes, they will definitely come.

This day is full of meetings, acquaintances and dates. But the Moon advises to communicate with nice people and avoid relationships with those who annoy us. Of course, nothing bad will happen if, on duty on the twentieth day, we need to conduct conversations with hypocrites and intriguers - we learn to switch, and hide from negative impact for the armor of indifference and composure.

Any quarrel that happened today can drag on for a very long time. long term. But if you can’t control yourself, and a grandiose scandal is about to break out, we will try to prevent a fit of anger. We don’t even have to count to ten, just for a couple of seconds we mentally transport ourselves to some pleasant place, and imagine that the interlocutor has evaporated, or turned into our best friend. The method is naive, but its value is obvious.

The day is favorable for gardening - the plants that we care for today will bloom and smell for many years, and they are not afraid of any pests. It is useful to get out into nature (preferably away from the city), and wander through meadows or forests. But we won’t pick flowers or cut down trees on the 20th day - it’s better to arrange little picnic and admire nature without leaving your spot.

Meditations on the twentieth day will not harm, but you will not expect much benefit from them either. We use practices in which we understand, but we will not master new methods. The same advice applies to witchcraft - if you want to beat the tambourine and call the spirits, then there will be no obstacles. And if we begin to bewitch a loved one through force, the result can upset.

In general, we do our favorite things, periodically flying into the seventh heaven - with this approach, the day will seem clear, bright and harmonious.

Haircut on 20 lunar day

All hairdressers today are serious and thoughtful - a haircut on the twentieth lunar day is not just a hair manipulation, but a kind of ritual. The moon is waning, and the hair grows slowly after today's meeting with scissors, but we will save money (then we will buy good shampoo) and we will enjoy a neat hairstyle for a long time.

In addition, cutting our hair today, we attract good luck in life, and are filled with optimism and love of life. But let's leave extreme hairstyles to lovers of adrenaline and adventure, and we ourselves will limit ourselves to “our right haircut”.

The stars say that on the 20th day the “Cascade” is successful - this haircut will never go out of fashion, moreover, hair can be charged with magic, with the help of simple way. Take a wooden comb and comb through your hair different sides Sveta. The movement of the comb to the south will attract good luck in creative activity, to the north - love, to the west - career success, well, and to the east - financial well-being.

The moon also does not mind against "Kare", but the main thing here is to choose a bang suitable for the occasion. Bangs today will not only rejuvenate, but also attract cosmic energy. We can make thick and long bangs- Yes, the Universe will immediately rush to help us. A torn bangs will add chaos and confusion to life, and if we are ready for adventure, thinning scissors will become our best friends.

Walking bald on the twentieth lunar day is not forbidden, but remember that hair will grow slowly - if you need creativity, then a shaved head is just right for the topic (the main thing is not to roam the streets without a hat in winter, and panama will not hurt in summer).

For those who do not want to meet with scissors, on the twentieth day, the moon advises to braid pigtails. We don’t need 20 braids - two classic braids are enough, all the more, and a deuce brings happiness today, but it’s important to choose cute elastic bands or hairpins. Today, blue rubber bands, or bright blue bows, are appropriate. Headbands are also in price - there are no restrictions in color, but it is desirable that silver or golden (like moonlight) elements be present in the jewelry.

Elegant hairstyles on the twentieth day is on fire green light. But to any, even to the most strict turret of hair, you need to add a little eccentricity. It can be a random strand, or an absurd but cute flower on top.

If scissors and combs are at the helm today, then you can’t say the same about hair dye. Coloring on the 20th lunar day can lead to unpredictable results, and not only in hair color. Difficulties and obstacles may arise in business, and personal life will become hectic and incomprehensible. Well, the hair generally reacts strangely - we paint it black, it turns out green, we apply red paint, and an hour later the head looks like a bucket of lime was poured on it.

But if we are confident in ourselves and know that today we just need to dye our hair, then we forget about star tips, and boldly go to the masters, trusting the hands of specialists, and listening to the prompts of intuition (if inner voice insists that the trend is blue, so be it).

There were many tests for the hair, and on the 20th moonlit evening, curls need our care and proper rest. Let's give them magical herbal water procedures. Let's take two chamomile flowers, marigolds and marigolds, add a couple of birch leaves, throw herbs into boiling water and say: "The moon illuminated, empowered." Cool the broth, and rub it into the roots of the hair, distribute the remains along the entire length with a spray bottle. The procedure is simple, but we do not need any difficulties on the twentieth lunar day.

Also read: Haircut lunar calendar

Beauty on the 20th lunar day

Beauty, of course, is a secondary matter, and our happiness does not depend on appearance, but on the twentieth lunar day the situation is ambiguous. Inner world we are good, and why not achieve harmony, and become perfect from all sides?

Let's start with the eyebrows. If nature has not endowed us with sable silky brows, today there is a chance to fix everything. Let's take warm peach oil and rub it into our eyebrows with massaging movements - if we are not lazy and start following the advice every day, then by the next 20 lunar days we will be able to safely claim the title of Miss Luxurious Eyebrows!

Face today wants to meet with ice water. Throwing yourself into the hole is not necessary, but green ice cubes (from parsley and celery) will come in handy.

On the twentieth lunar day, it’s good to take care of the neck - she dreams of exercises to strengthen muscles. So, we take a pencil in our teeth and begin to write poetry in the air - you can do something from the classics, and it’s good for the neck, and it’s not harmful for the mind.

It remains to deal with our nails. Nails, like hairs, do not want to grow on the waning moon, so if we do not want to grow meter-long claws, we can safely trust the master with manicure scissors. But too short a manicure is not appropriate today, because this is a day of struggle with doubts, and nails cut to the root will scare away luck, and we will become timid and indecisive.

Let's file, and calm down, because we are still waiting for multi-colored varnishes, as they say, walk the soul, enjoy the hands. On the 20th lunar day, symbols of the day can also be depicted on the nails - on right hand eagles will show off, and on the left, muses with wings will sit down to rest.

For especially creative ladies in the salons, they prepared a “Social Manicure” - on the little finger there is a button of classmates, on thumb in contact, and on the average facebook (fun and unusual, if only no one wants to go to the page through our nails).

But the most successful manicure for the twentieth lunar day will be a black manicure with elegant painting - the patterns can be different, it all depends on our desire, and on the imagination of the master.

The nails on the hands are beautiful, you can’t even look away, but we still need to have time for a pedicure, because today there are terrible queues of ancient grannies and young coquettes (even respectable men bearded men impatiently push women to break through to the procedure).

The moon will appreciate any pedicure, but the companion of the earth has one condition - there should not be red nail polish today. Interestingly, on the twentieth lunar day, nails painted with blue (in the color of the day) varnish and decorated with white peas on top will look interesting, you can arrange a flower meadow and decorate your nails with yellow buttercups, white daisies and bright purple butterflies.

Let's wait until the varnish dries, put on fashion sandals and let's run to pierce our ears - today this the procedure will pass quickly and painlessly, like a piercing of the nose, navel or even tongue. It is important to buy immediately suitable decoration so that it is not only stylish and beautiful, but also safe.

Beauty requires not only sacrifice, but also money - on the 20th lunar day we should not deny ourselves anything, and if there is a desire to buy an expensive bag, then we go and buy it. But a bag is different for a bag - as you know, it doesn’t pull its own burden, but we won’t buy a bag in which you can carry bricks. Today, our girlfriend will be a small elegant handbag in golden tones (just under our tiny black dress).

But with makeup on the twentieth day, it’s better not to overdo it - naturalness is what we need, because evening is coming soon, and washing should be quick, as we are waiting for a chic bath with rose petals and tangerine. We throw flower petals into the water, clean the tangerine and put the slices in the bath with the words: “Moon day, twentieth day, take away the shadow from life. Give me a bright light, give me your advice, Moon. I want to be young, and to slay everyone with beauty!

We plunge into the magic water - the transformations begin! The main thing is that relatives are not afraid when a young beauty queen comes out of the bath.

Wedding on the 20th lunar day

The bride meditates on the table, the groom, on the contrary, climbed into the nook and teaches the guests different postures yoga, and the toastmaster joyfully flew into the astral plane, and is looking for original toasts- the twentieth lunar day is ideal for the marriage of couples who are engaged in spiritual practices and constantly improve themselves.

Such unusual families there are no quarrels, the husband reads his wife's thoughts, and the wife guesses the desires of her beloved partner. Children in these couples are born geniuses, and life becomes like a fabulous dream. True, there is a danger of oversleeping into old age, but where love and tenderness live, this is not scary - they woke up, noted golden wedding, and further: to nirvana.

If young people think that only money, a rich house, and influential friends are needed for happiness, it is better not to go to the registry office on the 20th day. In this family, everything will look fine, and the total bank account will be solid, but the spouses will begin to suffer from a lack of mutual understanding and love.

But if such practical young people start living together on the twentieth day without going to the registry office, they will be lucky - life without a stamp will show all the pros and cons of family life, and the couple will make the right choice.

Today, couples who have just met and realized that they are two halves can run to the registry office - the moon will not interfere with happiness, and the stars will begin to patronize reckless lovers. The union may be short-lived, but very happy - how the planets will develop.

Day 20 is good for getting to know parents - if the future mother-in-law or mother-in-law had doubts about the correct choice of her child, today they will dissipate. It is also better not to postpone the search for a joint home, scheduled for today - the apartment will turn out to be nice and comfortable, the neighbors will be kind and helpful, and the landlord will come across an honest and non-greedy one.

On the twentieth day, you can safely go to Honeymoon- young people will not face resort difficulties, and the surrounding people will meet happy couple with smiles and compliments.

Those couples who decide to get married are patronized by heaven on the 20th lunar day. Everything in the church is beautiful and unusual - some impressionable brides and grooms can even see the angels that have come down to bless the union. The storks do not hide either, and are just waiting for the young people to leave the church in order to follow their way home and make a nest on the roof as soon as possible.

Birthday on the 20th lunar day

Children born on the twentieth lunar day know something about the world that is beyond the control of the rest. Babies lie in their beds and frighten experienced midwives with a wise look, and chief physician the maternity hospital begins to stutter - it feels like the kids can undress themselves at any second and go on important business.

If the "twenties" begin to cry, it is useless to feed them, or entertain them - they will stop crying when they see fit. They also love to laugh - the whole house is shaking from the laughter of the "twentieth children", and even the evil neighbors begin to roll with laughter and fight in hysterics.

The “twenties” are considered strange, because even in kindergarten these kids do not need the usual fun in the sandbox, or games with the teacher - they would rather watch the flight of a butterfly, draw logarithmic formulas on the ground, or depict a model of the Universe.

By school, the "twenties" gain such knowledge that they can not study at all, they are often considered lazy, because the guys do not consider it necessary to answer questions, since they have studied the subject much better teacher. But bad grades do not frighten the “twenties” - they solemnly burn the certificate for prom, and with a mysterious look they take out wads of money from their pockets.

"twenties lunar creatures"could not work, because financial luck follows them on their heels with early childhood. The guys find wallets full of banknotes, win random lotteries, and constantly win some contests. But they love to work - preferably in their office, and without any control.

The “twenties” make incomparable bosses - these bosses know how to organize the process so that subordinates walk along the line, but do not feel oppressed. "Twentieth people" do not know fears and doubts, if some thought came into their brilliant minds, they immediately begin to embody their ideas, without thinking about the consequences.

It is the same in love - the "twentieth" born ladies' man and coquette. Behind them constantly roam fans and admirers who dream of a registry office. But the "twenties" are in no hurry to the wedding palace - if the half has not yet been found, then there is no need to start a family. But when the "twenties" find the chosen one, they stop at nothing - if the beloved is married, or married, these creatures will recapture, steal, bewitch, but achieve reciprocity.

Households live well under the wing of the "twentieth relatives" - they are excellent family men, and they know how to take care of the household. In addition, the "twenties" always come up with festive events, and indulge relatives with surprises. But there is no need to argue with them - they have unraveled all the secrets of the world, and their opinion is the only true one.

"Twenties" are always in some kind of limbo - today they are sure that their happiness consists in daily astral flights, tomorrow they see themselves as great sorcerers, and a week later "twenties" shave their heads and go to the desert to test their strength. spirit and body.

But they do not suffer from loneliness - people are constantly following the "twentieth lunar eccentrics", someone wants to learn magic, someone needs wise advice, and some run after them just like that, because next to the “twenties” it is never boring.

The “twenties” can become healers, or robbers, saints or sinners, but fate will favor them in any case - these unusual creatures do everything sincerely, and if they are mistaken, they will certainly realize their mistakes and look for another way.

The Twenties don't know the word Old Age, and they won't allow themselves to be imprisoned in a nursing home, or in a hospital - even if the Twenties can't get out of bed, they will call a helicopter and order them to be taken to the sea to warm their bones. And they have enough savings, the “twenties” know how to save money for a comfortable and fun life.

Dreams on 20 lunar day

Even the Moon goes to bed, well, but we still can’t sleep - on the 20th lunar day it’s hard to turn off and fall into the arms of Morpheus. Some thoughts, images and visions haunt us all evening, and dreams cannot be distinguished from reality, and an incomprehensible fear looms - these are evil demons playing hide and seek with us, but dispersing a crowd of unclean spirits is easy.

Let's take two river pebbles, it will be better if we come across a pebble - smooth and even. On one pebble we will draw a cold moon, and on the other - a hot and gentle sun (for this purpose, acrylic paints or even nail polish). Let's put the moonstone on the left side of the bed, and sun stone will be on the right. We are talking Moon rock: "Moon, moon, it's time for me to sleep. Give me a bright dream, let it not disturb me. And now it’s the turn for the Sunny pebble: “Sun, sun, take away sadness, sadness, take it with you into the distance.”

Let's stroke the pebbles and calmly lie down in a bed - the night labyrinths are confusing today, because the future, present and past will intertwine together, and the solar-lunar threads will come in handy for us. We can ask the Moon a question, or just make a wish - the twentieth lunar dream will certainly give a hint and help you sort out any situation, you just need to correctly interpret the plot.

The main thing to pay attention to in the twentieth lunar dream is the color of our pictures.

The blue color, and all its shades, indicate that something beautiful, unusual and magical is about to happen in our life. Perhaps we will receive good news from relatives, or we will hear a declaration of love from a person whose reciprocity we no longer hoped for.

Red, scarlet and burgundy images in the twentieth dream will come to extraordinary people. The dream is not bad, but you need to carefully look at the main plot. If we climb the rocks, and a beautiful lake opens up in front of us with pink trees growing on the shore, we should beware - in reality we have to make a difficult choice, and the clue is under water (in a dream you can dive if someone bites, so some skinny leech).

Well, if in the “red twentieth dream” we run across a poppy field, or admire rose bushes, it means that in reality pleasant changes are about to come, and we will be overwhelmed with interesting proposals of a creative nature, besides, we will be lucky in the love sphere .

Yellow, green and white dreams say: it's time to shake things up and do something worthwhile, instead of vegetating at a boring job and communicating with unpleasant people.

Well, black-and-white and gray visions will be seen by those of us who do not notice problems and enjoy every moment - the Moon helps us take a break from a vibrant life, and that's why such a boring plot throws up.

The most successful dream will be in which we admire the planets - these are our talisman stones that have bewitched such kind pictures. This vision is full of surprises, and if at night we walk on the clouds, collect moonlight in a basket, and bathe in the sun, it means that a holiday will soon happen in life, and luck will settle on our street along with success.

Twentieth dreams can be prophetic, but it all depends on our faith in the other world. It's great if a Muse or an Eagle appears to us in a dream - these symbolic creatures will answer all questions, the main thing is not to start stupid conversations about the weather, or about the political situation in the country (and, of course, you should not ask them about the size of the future pensions).

Let's enjoy the 20th lunar dream in full, and all the fabulous creatures from the dreamy-lunar looking glass will turn into good angels who will protect and protect us in our night journeys.

Business sphere 20 lunar day: business, work, finance

The financial situation on the twentieth lunar day is not good, but excellent - money is literally falling from the sky. In places, rain from banknotes is expected, at times hail from gold bars, and in some areas a blizzard from stocks. Well, we stock up on small bags, get rid of doubts, and go to sign contracts and conclude agreements - everyone will be lucky today, and even those of us whose wallets have collapsed from old age will be able to catch their luck by the tail.

The symbol of the day of the Muse has many guises, and today a capricious lady flies to visit not only poets and artists, but also businessmen and other business people. Imagine that the symbol of the day Eagle forgot that he can fly - of course, in this case, the bird will fall from the sky. Therefore, let us leave all our hesitations alone, drive out fears and fears, and let's go to conquer the world.

There are many ideas on the 20th lunar day, and one is more beautiful than the other. Someone will succeed in construction, someone will be lucky in cooking, and some will even discover in themselves the talent to make money out of thin air (if only they have left to breathe).

Let's attract luck and use some simple magic. So let's take a clean landscape sheet, and draw two identical circles on it. On one we write: Wealth, on the second: Money well-being. The circles should take up the entire leaf. Close your eyes and poke your finger into the paper. Look, where are we? Yes, monetary luck will be confused, and will rush to us at the first call - we are preparing a pen to sign for receiving benefits.

If businessmen and knowledge workers are so lucky today, what can we say about students. This cheerful people is no worse than the rest, and students on the twentieth lunar day are on their own wave. Losers and truants mutter outright nonsense, looking straight into the teacher's eyes, and get fives and offsets. And the excellent students just look into the audience, the teacher begins to sing praises, and fill up the clever people with compliments.

If the 20th day is not as rosy as the stars predicted, you need to urgently work on the situation. To look for shiny caps, and students to become sorcerers unnecessarily, the main thing is to find a piglet among their cash reserves (although the scholarship is small, even notorious spenders have a trifle for a divorce).

Next, a new handkerchief is taken (the one with which the students wiped their tears after the blockage is not recommended). Piglet is wrapped in a rag, and a knot is tied: “Freebie, freebie, you are never enough. You now come to me, and make friends with me. It would seem much easier - but the method is unique precisely in its simplicity.

Today we can safely open new branches, recruit employees, and sign important documents. For those who decide to change jobs, the green light will be on for the entire twentieth day. Even if we thought until the evening, and decided to go into the vending office after closing, there will certainly be a late director who will receive us with open arms (he will also give an advance from an excess of feelings).

But we will not go to give money on the twentieth lunar day - they will lie perfectly in our wallets until next day, and no one will steal them from bank cards. Fraudsters in general today are some kind of sluggish, just look, they will give all the dishonest money and repent.

And competitors on the 20th day can suddenly turn into our allies. We will take advantage of the situation and sign the necessary papers so that the rivals do not suddenly change their minds about cooperating.

On the evening of this lunar day, you need to put money in beautiful box, or a vase (without counting), and cover with a blue silk scarf: “Money, money, friendly guys. You lie, do not be bored, and call for wealth. I want to live beautifully, I love money very much!

It is better not to take off the magic blue handkerchief until the next morning - the money will be saturated with the necessary lunar energy, and will spend this night cheerfully and comfortably, most importantly, then spend it with benefit and with pleasure.

Health on the 20th lunar day

Oatmeal without milk and butter boils cheerfully on the stove, cheeses and smoked meats are thrown out of the refrigerator, and the cat hides mice in a panic, fearing that losing weight people will get to his supplies.

Of course, on the twentieth lunar day, we will not starve ourselves, waiting for a flight, like the girl from Yeralash, who ate only carrots. But overeating is undesirable - again this golden mean, whoever invented it. Yes, and counting calories is a difficult and thankless task - it’s easier to buy a lock and lock the refrigerator.

But we will do the following on the 20 lunar day. Did you want to eat so much that a moonlight sonata played in your stomach? We cut an apple and a pear, fill them with kefir - a delicious and hearty breakfast is ready. The stomach sang a song about Antoshka and potatoes? We will not fry potatoes, but mashed potatoes for lunch are not forbidden.

So the twentieth day will pass, we will deceive the feeling of hunger, and please the moon. But it is not recommended to eat food after sunset, except that boiled beetroot or baked pumpkin will save us, and we will leave steaks and hamburgers to the enemies.

In the detachment of smokers on the 20th lunar day, there was a revival - tobacco-addicted guys plucked up courage and went to fight with their enemies. True, cigarettes are in no hurry to raise the white flag, and the tobacco kings did not rush to close the kiosks and shops.

But on the other hand, smokers (now former ones) did not have a single doubt, and the Moon will definitely tell you how to cope with addiction and become a happy non-smoker.

First, you can use worldly (not magical) advice and cover up the pictures in packs with photographs of unpleasant people. A snapshot of a neighbor, or a relative from a partner’s side, a photo of a boss, or a harmful colleague - yes, smokers won’t even come close to a pack if an unsympathetic muzzle looms there.

But if the hand is shaking, and still reaches for the pack, you will have to call for help from Lunar magic. Luna has her own scores with cigarettes, and today's conspiracy should work. Two cigarettes are taken and placed next to each other. Two matches are laid crosswise on top and then you need to whisper: “The power of fire, I call on you. Take the tobacco spirit away, help me soon! Matches are lit and smokers are left to watch the flames devour their tobacco buddies - welcome to the clan of non-smokers!

They sat down on diets, quit smoking, it remains to run to the doctors. The most sought-after doctors on the twentieth lunar day are massage therapists. Today, our back may ache, and the touch of the doctor's magic hands will be useful. But if the situation is not neglected, we will ask a friend or chosen one to massage with oils or creams - the back will not be offended, and the body will thank you.

You won’t be crowded with dentists on the twentieth day either, because even toothless old women, who all their lives could not dare to meet with a dentist, signed up for an appointment with them. Feel free to sit in a comfortable dental chair - it won't hurt, the joker-Moon has already released laughing gas.

Today you can undergo a comprehensive examination, take tests and even decide on expensive procedures- the result will please, the Moon will take care of it. If we are annoyed by the shape of the ears, and infuriates a long nose It's time to visit a plastic surgeon. Doctors from the beauty industry on the twentieth day are not aimed at money, but at our good mood- if there is no need for an operation, they will tell us so about it. Well, if the nose, ears, or lips need to be slightly corrected, then we will be satisfied with the work of the doctors, and will not tear ourselves away from the mirror until the next twenty days.

It is difficult to feel healthy if nothing seems to hurt, and the mood is at zero. On the 20th lunar day, it is easy to find joyful moments. For some, it is enough to look at the children playing, and someone will catch a laugh if they notice a thoughtful passerby. To be sure, we can brew a magical tea for ourselves - today Linden, Bird Cherry and Rosehip will become our friends. We mix dry berries of bird cherry and wild rose with linden flowers and pour boiling water: “Herbs, berries, flowers, save us urgently from the blues. I drink a magical decoction, the Moon Gift will help me! But the Lunar Ministry of Health is in a hurry to warn: for reliability, it is better to consult a doctor.


Fears are defeated, doubts are overcome - we are about to take off, and take a closer look at the Eagle, which has fluttered over us all day and did not allow us to make a mistake. Muse sat on her shoulder until the evening, and whispered various useful tips.

But if the twentieth day was successful, then first of all we should praise ourselves, and only then scatter in gratitude to the moon, stars, and the world.

If, on the whole 20 lunar day, we felt dissatisfied with ourselves and the people around us, it means that we have not learned a lesson, but the day is not over yet, and there is a chance to correct our mistakes.

We run to put up with enemies, we hurry to ask for forgiveness from close friends, we rush to hug relatives whom we have not seen for a long time. And most importantly - you need to urgently call your loved one and tell about your feelings. And only then you can fly - the choice of the route is ours, if only it was calm and comfortable there.

On the 20th lunar day, it is important to listen to all the advice, our inner voice will become especially talkative. Any thoughts or ideas that have arisen in our head should be considered and implemented as soon as possible (a second chance for implementation may not appear soon).

We see, as Kozma Prutkov said, at the very root, and the twentieth day will pass as it should. Or let's remember one more statement of this brilliant person - be happy if you want to be happy (not literally, but on topic).

In the evening we will remember about meditations, but in no case should you do something through force - if you don’t feel like looking at a candle, there’s no need to light it. But you can stare at the night starry sky, if today we see a falling spark, then the wish will certainly come true.

And it is not at all necessary to shout out your dreams - people who scream loudly and heart-rendingly, demanding wealth or happiness, the Moon will ignore. But the Universe will hear a sincere whisper coming from the heart and soul.

Features of the twentieth lunar day:

  • the period is passive;
  • happiness and good luck on the twentieth lunar day will bring the number 2;
  • the earth is charged with energy, therefore it is the most powerful element;
  • blue color and its shades bring success;
  • when choosing precious stones stop at rock crystal, red jasper also has considerable positive energy in this period;
  • the effect is brought by meditative techniques associated with the sky, nature, wildlife;
  • the shoulder area is vulnerable, as well as the shoulder blades;
  • observed harmonious combination given days with Saturday;
  • the southwest direction is considered lucky;
  • the shape of the period resembles a square or an elongated rectangle;
  • the symbols are the Eagle soaring high in the clouds; Muse;
  • on the twentieth lunar day there is no need to doubt, your task is to stand firmly on your feet and be completely sure that every action brings you the expected result;
  • peace and quiet is provided by the servant of heaven under the name of Lamas - an independent Angel (it helps to become more independent, teaches you to make the right decisions without unnecessary hesitation).

20 lunar day: main characteristics

A favorable time to overcome inner uncertainty. Remember the main rule - not a single doubt! Do not waste energy on the 20th lunar day in vain. What you need at this stage of life will come by itself. Of course, if you did not deviate from the intended path.

Due to the fact that the moon is waning, everything in nature happens more slowly, less actively. This also applies to human behavior. The processes in the body do not proceed as quickly as in the first half of the month. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend postponing for the time being all matters that require large labor costs. It is better to find an occupation for yourself that has long been established and has become a habit. So you spend a little energy and do not harm your health.

Everything comes to its logical conclusion. The peak of active actions has already been passed. You should not make important decisions or plan any serious business. If you have no choice, then be sure to complete it before the new lunar cycle.

With each waning particle, the Moon gives a person inner strength. But these forces should not be directed to global affairs. If you can't get rid of extra pounds, then this period is ideal for such an activity. Energy that has not yet been fully used up can be released during exercise. This will benefit your health, body and add self-confidence.

On the twentieth lunar day at the physiological level, the body is cleansed. He independently gets rid of harmful toxins, poisons, accumulated water. Remember to drink enough fluids to maintain a healthy balance.

On the 20th lunar day, you, like a bird in the clouds, soar and see from above what this month was filled with. You begin to realize what you did wrong, and what steps really brought great benefits. Your main task is to understand that all events in life happen for a purpose. Also, everything around is closely connected by inseparable threads.

It is not for nothing that the symbol of the day is an eagle proudly flying high in the sky. You must associate yourself with this beautiful bird. If you gain confidence and strength, you can easily fly over the obstacles encountered on the path of life. You just need to flap your wings wide. Realize that what is happening around you has a connection with the entire surrounding reality. Great spiritual mentors have always warned their students: in order to realize the truth, first of all, attention should be paid to the relationship between things.

On the 20th lunar day, each person has unique opportunity take a fateful step. If this opportunity is not missed, success is guaranteed. Moreover, in various spheres of life: in the spiritual, in the material, in the social, etc. But those who do not know how to make risky decisions and are always afraid of innovations are unlikely to achieve much. Progress always begins with a step into the unknown. There is an old but very useful example: the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The caterpillar does not understand what is really happening to it. Turning into a cocoon, she is absolutely sure that this is the end. She loses the old feelings, the old sensations. But one moment passes, and the nondescript caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly, causing real admiration.

Mystical schools, conducting rites of initiation, always use the process of death. In order to be reborn in a new incarnation, it is necessary to completely do away with the old.

Fear is a normal feeling for every person. But some he instantly stops, not allowing to develop. And some, on the contrary, are spurred on to more decisive and active actions. It is important to find strength and become a winner in the fight against your fear. In no case should you just hide it deeper. All the same, soon the feeling of fear will make itself felt. Stop treating him like a hated enemy. Gradually accept it into your life.

Council of the 20th lunar day: "Watch your words, thoughts, deeds"

Lunar energy on the twentieth lunar day is useful for us, because thanks to its power we can transform our life and attitude towards it. absorbing given energy, a person grows spiritually, becomes wiser.

If you have planned construction, you can start it on the twentieth lunar day. It will pass quickly, smoothly, and the constructed facility will serve for many years with high quality.

The timing is perfect for important decisions. If you are at a crossroads, then do not be afraid to make a choice. The moon will tell you which path will be right.

On the 20th lunar day, you have a chance to find a true friend. Also during this period it is good to make useful acquaintances. For new communication to be truly successful, pay attention to the relationships between people. By doing everything right, you will achieve perfection in establishing contacts. You will understand who true friends are and good colleagues. You will accept sincere smiles, friendliness and trust into your life.

This is not the time for selfish displays of affection. Arrogance and excessive self-confidence can lead to a complete loss of previously done work. Forget about the neglect of other people and the world. Always watch your words, behavior, deeds. Otherwise, a complete collapse awaits you - it will be extremely difficult, almost impossible, to restore the position.

Any disagreements lead to serious conflicts. In this regard, try not to quarrel with loved ones. Because of the interconnections in the world, everything happens in a chain reaction. And therefore, on the 20th lunar day, an incorrectly spoken word can cause a mass undesirable consequences further.

If on the twentieth lunar day you meet a new acquaintance, then your communication will grow into something more. Moreover, it is possible that this person will turn into your best friend.

Aspects of the 20th lunar day

mystical aspect

Mystics advise making confessions on the twentieth lunar day. It can be a declaration of love or an admission of guilt - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it be sincere and come straight from the heart.

During this period, try to get rid of all debts and responsibilities. You must transform into a more developed spiritual personality.

The day is full interesting events. It will bring new emotions and sensations.

Social aspect

The period is suitable for any kind of undertakings. Especially favorable for people who know what they are striving for. The strong will be rewarded.

On the twentieth lunar day, success pursues leaders.

household aspect

You can do all the chores around the house with confidence. Just diversify them a bit. For example, when doing household chores, turn on cheerful music.

Nutrition on the 20th lunar day

Watch what is on your plate on the twentieth lunar day. Extra calories in this period is completely useless. They will turn into extra pounds, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of. Do not limit yourself too much - nutrition should be sufficient to provide you with energy and strength. Astrologers advise not to sit down at the table after five in the evening. If you really want to eat, then allow yourself a glass of low-fat kefir and a green apple. Appetite will decrease a little.

Engage in breathing exercises on the twentieth lunar day. Also visit a professional massage therapist who will relax your body with aromatic oils. Such a procedure, in addition to a calming effect, helps to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body.


Astrologers are forbidden to show arrogance, disrespect, pride on the 20th lunar day.

There is a very great danger of damaging the upper back (especially the shoulder blades). Also, be careful not to injure the abdomen.

Conception and birth

A very risky period for conception. The born child in the future will set himself an unattainable goal. He will devote his whole life to keeping the dream in his hands. But it is not certain that he will succeed. Fall and collapse will be very difficult for such a person to survive. They cannot stand lies and treat them like a mortal sin. There is a chance that conceived on the twentieth lunar day will really succeed. But it is minimal.

Those whose birthday falls on the 20th lunar day have a great creative potential. They are overwhelmed with pride, and someone else's opinion means nothing to them. Very pushy. Sometimes they become leaders, but the ideas they follow are not always honest.

Business and work

Success in the business sphere on the 20th lunar day will be received only by those who work in a friendly and proven team. Trying alone to achieve any results, you will only aggravate the situation and lead the company to ruin. Besides independent work will quickly deplete your entire energy supply. The result is numerous health problems.

Make sure that all your actions are considered. It is better to work slowly, but qualitatively, checking every step taken. Do what the circumstances require. Each event on the twentieth lunar day is connected with what is happening - do not ignore this fact.

If you own a business, devote the twentieth lunar day to a complete analysis of your affairs. Do not miss the details - it is better to check everything several times.

Astrologers recommend to innovate in the work of the firm. This also applies to cooperation with partners, and the opening of new branches, and renewal working system. But the interruption of business relations is highly undesirable. Consequences can remind of themselves for a long time.

Marriage and marriage

The period is well suited for creating a family. This is a very serious step, so both partners must be completely sure that their feelings are real. If this is true, then the marriage will be happy, and everyday life will not turn into boredom and longing.

The only point: it is undesirable to create a family for people whose profession is focused on social relations. Similar marriages do not trust each other. Husband and wife will always stand only on their own opinion, not trying to yield a single step.

Health and Wellness

The back is prone to injury, especially its upper part. Therefore, athletes whose loads are aimed at the spinal and shoulder muscles are recommended to take a break on the twentieth lunar day. If you don't want to miss a workout, work on a different muscle group or just stretch.

Group sports during this period will bring much more benefits than single classes. For example, you can invite your friends to play football or volleyball.

To get rid of muscle tension, it is recommended to visit a massage parlor at the end of the day. In particular, ask the specialist to pay attention to the back.

intimate relationship

On the 20th lunar day, the main thing is to have fun. No need to reinvent the wheel and try to surprise your partner in bed. Have sex in a normal position, but do it well. But don't turn intimate relationship in the usual occupation - boring and insipid. Imagine that you and your loved one are floating down a quiet and peaceful river. In the flow of love, you exchange energies. You feel each other. And you love each other.

Dreams and dreams

There is a relationship between a person's past, present and future. In a dream that you will see on the twentieth lunar day, there will be elements of this relationship. Your task is to correctly interpret the image. And then you can look at your entire life path: understand what you are doing right and what needs to be corrected.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

In esoteric terms, the twentieth lunar day is considered the time of rebirth. During this period, a person must leave the old essence and turn into a new one. It has long been customary to conduct initiation rites.

On the 20 lunar day, beginners learned completely new knowledge about the structure of the Universe, about its mysteries and secrets. The wise men explained what close connection between every part of our world. Realizing the meaning of all living things, the disciples filled their hearts with spirituality and developed as individuals.

In mystical schools, special attention was paid to group studies, since it is they that give best result. They held collective meditations, sang mantras and read prayers.

Today, those who are professionally engaged in healing practices, on the twentieth lunar day, perform collective therapy sessions.

Magic rituals: 20 lunar day

During this period, it is worth conducting an internal analysis and getting rid of unnecessary emotions that carry a negative meaning. Astrologers recommend engaging in meditation aimed at contemplating heavenly signs.

Sky Contemplation Practice

You should wait for the first minutes of the 20th lunar day. Usually this is at night. When the moon rises, look up. The light of the satellite is still very weak - it has not gained full strength. If the sky is clear, you will see the twinkling of the first night stars.

You are truly lucky if you spot a shooting star at this moment. The probability of making a wish come true is maximum.

When morning comes, don't stop looking at the sky. Watch out for bizarre cloud shapes. Try to create a connection between them and the events that take place. For those who find sure sign and solve it, it will be possible to achieve desired result or protect yourself from impending danger.

20 lunar day (video)

In that short video(08:07 min) Practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric characteristics of the twentieth lunar day.

Alena Golovina

Other days of the lunar cycle:

People born on the twentieth lunar day usually live with the expectation of some kind of miracle, and feel a kind of feeling of flight in the soul. Also, these people are able to easily master the science associated with astral movements and quite often they are magicians, healers, psychics, and also clairvoyants. Some of their best qualities are altruism, sacrifice, generosity and compassion. In the worst case, this type of people may be inclined to rise above others, while the person considers himself higher and better than the rest, they can also be overwhelmed by arrogance and pride.

in the 20th
lunar day

Those born on this day have an uncompromising character. His parents will have to suffer, eradicating anger and stubbornness from the heart of the child. IN best case a person on the twentieth lunar day becomes an ascetic. He prefers to explore any idea alone or seek secret knowledge. Sometimes he becomes obsessed with his idea. Pride and arrogance can wake up in his soul. If you do not suppress these feelings, a person will rise above others, become a dictator. He will promote his idea as the only true one. It won't lead to anything good. Only healthy laughter can overcome vices in oneself. People born today love and know how to laugh, they have a good sense of humor. The main thing is that it does not disappear under the onslaught of excessive arrogance.

The potential given by nature, born on the 20th lunar day

  • may be aware of their purpose or not attach importance to it
  • able to sacrifice everything for the cause, live in anticipation of a feat and learn many laws of Being
  • can become dictators due to the belief that it is they who “know how to do it”, these are false teachers

People on the 20th lunar day can live with a constant expectation of a miracle and with a feeling of flight in their souls. Given contact, the ability to stand up for themselves and for those who are dear to them. Natures are creative and active.

Do not be arrogant and control the load.

Those born on the 20th lunar day live in anticipation of flight and euphoria, they are very prone to astral travel. The best people of this day are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and uncompromising character, with which parents have to fight already from the cradle. Such people become false teachers, dictators, but often this creative people. They tend to tower over those around them, in both good and bad ways.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 20th lunar day

  • at a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and uncompromising character
  • such people become false teachers, dictators

Nothing is given to people on the 20th lunar day just like that. A long search for simple joys can harden, but they know the price of everything that comes into life and are ready to pay for their happiness. Main danger- Take pride in your knowledge. But, as a rule, opinion about yourself is quite reasonable.

People born on the 20th lunar day

Moon phase: Third quarter, waning moon.
The symbol of the 20th lunar day is the eagle.
Stones of the day - jasper,.

The energy of the twentieth lunar day is aimed at new transformations. It enables a person to grow spiritually and express himself as a person. During this period of time, it is recommended to concentrate all your efforts on the most important task and it is necessary to act. To do this, a person will need a lot of energy that the Moon will give him on this day.

Today we must act decisively and actively. The main thing is to overcome the fear and doubts that interfere in life. It is necessary to spend the 20th lunar day with an open heart and allow new vibrations to enter.

It is necessary to try to avoid conflict situations and quarrels with people. Any quarrel today can cause another conflict situation and there will be no end to it. We must maintain friendly relations with everyone. This time is especially favorable for new acquaintances and new friends, and it would also be good to meet old friends. During this period of the lunar day, people are sociable and open.

It is necessary to use this day to communicate with family and friends, as well as like-minded people. These meetings will bring the joy of communication and the opportunity to understand and get to know people from the other side.

Do not neglect the opinions of others, it is best to be more attentive to them and listen. Perhaps, in communicating with them, a person will be able to understand something for himself and sort out issues that have not been resolved for a long time.
With all the positive aspects of these lunar days of the month, it is worth remembering the negative phenomena. At this time, such qualities as hostility and envy can be especially acute. It is recommended to control your emotions so as not to harm yourself.

The twentieth lunar day of the month is one of the most better days for business. This period of time is favorable for starting any new business or event. Everything started on this day will have a successful and successful continuation. You can make any decisions related to business and take important steps in this direction.

You can go on a business trip. The 20th lunar day is also good for resolving issues with leaders. For people who decide to change jobs, this day will bring good luck.
Leaders will achieve success on these lunar days, because they go towards their goals confidently, without doubts. The energy of the moon during this period helps them.

On the twentieth lunar day of the month painful symptoms are not clearly manifested, but the resulting disease can last long period time. There is a risk of injury. Today it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the spine.

On this lunar day, fasting is recommended. If, for your health reasons, it is not possible to starve, then you need to exclude fish from your diet and meat dishes. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is also not recommended.
To maintain health, you can visit the sauna or bath.
This twentieth lunar day of the month is not favorable for marriage.

20 lunar day - the time of spiritual transformation. This is a day of insights, revelations and discoveries. Today we get the opportunity to see the world in a new light, to look at our lives from a different angle, to change internally for the better.

Symbol - eagle.

What will the 20 lunar day bring with it?

The 20th lunar day is the time of “high flight”, when you have the opportunity to look at the lived lunar month from above, to realize its internal connections, to understand that nothing happens by chance - everything is natural and follows from one another.

This period is intended for active, decisive, breakthrough actions.

The maximum has been passed, now it remains only to use resources to the end and complete things. You can start only those that can be completed before, the beginning of the rest should be left until the next cycle.

The symbol of the eagle means that now you can rise very high and simply “fly” over life's obstacles. But for this you need to realize the connection between your problem and the whole world around you.

20 lunar day gives such an opportunity. You can trace the connections between ongoing events. Anyone who manages to take advantage of this chance will gain a lot of useful things not only spiritually, but also materially. But a step into the sky always begins with a step into the abyss, from a step into the unknown.

The moon on the twentieth lunar day gives a person a lot of energy, which he must direct first of all to the transformation of his personality, to spiritual growth. The Vedic lunar calendar recommends starting construction on this day, taking responsible positions, and making important decisions.

By its nature, this is a very communicative period, and it is better to use it to make new acquaintances, establish friendships, visit friends, and so on. But at the same time, as mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention not to words and people.

The fact is that in relations between people on this day there is a chain reaction, since everything in the world is interconnected. And if today the thread breaks in one place, then a similar effect can be expected in others. It's like with knitted things, if you pull just one thread, the whole thing can unravel.

Therefore, at all costs, maintain friendly relations with everyone. If you manage to establish a new relationship with someone, then such a connection will last a very long time and will be very strong.

Influence in everyday life

During the waning period of the moon, the vitality of the body decreases slightly, the person becomes less active, gets tired faster, and his reactions slow down, so during this period you should engage in well-established, not requiring special efforts affairs.

mystical influence

Day of revelations and discoveries. Day of release from any debts or difficult conditions. A very serious and interesting day: a time of spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts, ascension, knowledge of cosmic law.

Social impact of the day

In general, the day is favorable, especially for purposeful, strong people. Day of leaders and speakers. Good for almost everything.

Impact on those born

People born on this day have a pronounced creativity. They are very proud and impregnable.

One born on this day lives in constant expectation of flight, is very prone to astral travel¹.

The best people of the twentieth day are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the cause. IN worst case- tend to tower over others in a negative way - become false teachers, dictators.

Effect on conception

Critical day. A child conceived on this day will want to achieve the impossible in life and find out everything. Anger, collapse, fall, or grandiose spiritual achievements can await him. Lying to him is tantamount to suicide.

stones- red jasper and jaspilite.

How does the twentieth day of the moon affect business?

A very productive day, especially for team work. And for single actions, it is very detrimental, since a loner runs the risk of quickly using up the reserve of strength, undermining health and, ultimately, reducing the level of productivity.

Those who can organize teamwork will achieve high results. It is very important during this period to observe the golden mean - do not rush, do not fuss, do not rush frantically from side to side, but do not show passivity either. It is necessary to be guided by the circumstances and adequately respond to emerging situations.

The ideal option on the 20th lunar day is to analyze everything that has happened in your business over the past lunar days, look at everything from the "height of an eagle's flight." Remember to break any business relationship or contracts on the twentieth day are not recommended, this can lead to far-reaching undesirable consequences.

This auspicious time to start new businesses, conclude contracts, sign contracts, open new branches, hire new employees, and so on.

What will be the marriage concluded on this day?

Due to the fact that these lunar days are favorable for creating new contacts and connections, they are also ideal for marriage, especially for those couples who are one hundred percent confident in their relationship.

This is the best period for creating a family in which both partners are intensively engaged in spiritual practices. Such an alliance will very quickly give positive results.

Harmonious combination female energy yin and male yang will “elevate” the family above worldly fuss and will contribute to the speedy achievement of enlightenment² of partners. People with a strong orientation towards social life marriage is not recommended, because then there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

How does the 20th lunar day affect health?

During this period, it is best to start losing weight³, since there is still a lot of strength - physical activity will not lead to exhaustion. In addition, on the waning moon, the body loses fluid more actively, toxins are removed. Take care to compensate for the losses with mineral fortified drinks.

At this time, it is better to limit calories, give up flour and sweets. Phytotherapy and breathing exercises. Eat as usual and watch the quality of your food. It is not recommended to eat after 17:00! It is advisable to do a daily massage using oils that promote.

The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from heavy loads on this area. It is better to work with other muscle groups.

The most useful exercises today will be performed with a partner, and ideally, the more people involved, the better.

Sexual relations may remain the same. Today it is not necessary to introduce something new, you can limit yourself to just high-quality sex. The main thing is that both partners feel pleasant and comfortable.

This, of course, does not mean that love relationships should become boring, mundane and insipid, no, they should be calm, like the flow of water. No need to look for exotic, now well proven old love technique better than new.

What do dreams say on the 20th lunar day?

Predictions and decoding of dreams of the twentieth lunar day show a person the very connecting thread that unites his past, present and future into a single whole. That is, the images of dreams provide an opportunity to look at your underlying life from a bird's eye view, to take a look at all subconscious activity with a single glance.

How is the esoteric aspect manifested?

This is a period of spiritual rebirth, a transition to a new level, therefore, initiations were held in many esoteric schools on the twentieth lunar day.

This is the time when the student of the mystical school usually discovered the knowledge of the interconnections between the phenomena of the Universe, they said that everything in the world is interconnected and all the creatures inhabiting the earth are one.

Therefore, with each act of enlightenment, the entire universe changes, and not one single individual. And perfection is not the perfection of the mind, but of the heart. In addition, collective spiritual exercises, meditations, joint reading of mantras, singing of spiritual songs, work with energies and so on were carried out during this period.

Modern healers use the twentieth lunar day for healing sessions involving several people, as well as for collective therapy.

The twentieth lunar day always begins late in the evening or at night. If the time of moonrise catches you outside, look up at the sky. Stars can be seen, the moon shines at half strength, and the stars are clearly visible. Maybe you will see a shooting star and have time to make a wish.

Exist different kinds lunar calendars based on different astrological approaches. But the most accurate is still considered

² Enlightenment (awakening) is a religious concept meaning "a holistic and complete awareness of the nature of reality" (Wikipedia).

³ If you are concerned about the problem of excess weight, you will be interested in familiarizing yourself with the methods of losing weight outlined