How to be beautiful, advice from Olga Sumskaya. Star cosmetic bag of actress Olga Sumskaya

Reading time: 4 min

In spring, the skin especially needs care, because all winter it suffered from dryness and lack of vitamins. Journalist "Today" and Liferead I found out beauty secrets from the stars.

Olga Sumskaya, actress, presenter: “In spring, the skin needs hydration, and I do this oil procedure. Wet a small towel well in hot water or chamomile decoction. Then drop a few drops of oil on it (cold-pressed olive, pharmaceutical, but not aroma: they can burn the skin). Gently but thoroughly dry the previously cleansed skin with a towel and apply moisturizer. The effect is truly amazing!

I also make aspirin-based masks. One tablet should be crushed well, dissolved in a teaspoon with water, and the resulting mixture should be applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. This mixture cleanses pores and tightens the skin. But check in advance for allergies by doing a test on your hand!

Hair also needs special care in spring, and it has its own beauty secrets. For hair growth, you can make the following mask: take 2 tsp. mustard and honey, 1 tsp. sugar, mix everything and dilute in water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo. And this remedy will help against dandruff: grind it in a coffee grinder sea ​​salt, mix it with soda (all 1 tsp). Rub the mixture into the roots of damp, washed hair for 5 minutes with light movements, then rinse without shampoo."

Olga Sumskaya pampers her skin with oils. Photo by V. Chuprin

Ruslana: prefers vitamins and sour cream

Ruslana Lyzhichko, singer: “With the arrival of spring, I, like all women, want to look good. But at the same time I am sure that no salon treatments will not be replaced home care And proper nutrition. And it is in the spring that you need to pay attention Special attention diet to saturate the body with vitamins. During this period, I include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu as possible, as well as fatty fish and high-quality milk.

There is also a wonderful recipe in my skin care arsenal for beautiful and youthful skin. This is a sour cream mask. It helps improve skin tone, slightly whitens and perfectly moisturizes (which is especially important in spring). I apply a thick layer of sour cream on my face and leave it on for 25 minutes. Then I wash off this mask cotton pad, soaked in milk. The result is amazing!"

Ruslana leans on vegetables and fish in spring

Svetlana Katrenko: refreshes her face with chamomile ice

Svetlana Katrenko, host of the program “Rank with Ukraine” on the TV channel “Ukraine”, also has her own beauty secrets: “Soon we will be wearing shoes open shoes. To make your heels look perfect, make this mask. In the evening, apply crushed aloe stems to your heels and secure cling film, put on your socks and go to bed. Instead of aloe, you can also use apple or rich cream.

And mine favorite remedy for facial skin care in the spring - ice cubes: now I recommend replacing washing with tap water with them (at this time of year it contains especially a lot of chlorine). Ice cubes will perfectly cope with swelling and help you cheer up. To prepare you will need water and various herbs, depending on the desired effect. For example, to brighten my face, I use lemon juice. But what I like most is the cubes made from chamomile infusion. They refresh, mattify, soothe and have an antiseptic effect on the skin. Pour a few tablespoons of dried chamomile into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, strain the broth, pour into molds and freeze."

Svetlana Katrenko refreshes her face with herbal ice

Anna Panova: washes her face with oatmeal

Anna Panova, host of the Segodnya news program on the Ukraine TV channel, has her own beauty and health secrets: “Spring is a time for cleansing, so once a week I try to arrange fasting days. I like apple and kefir. If I need to lose an extra kilo, I replace dinner with a banana or yogurt during the week. Also in the spring I load up on fruits and vegetables. The simplest and most favorite salad recipe is: grate raw carrots, finely chop an apple, cucumber and avocado or celery. You can add herbs, flax seeds, and water olive oil. You will get a real storehouse of vitamins! Another salvation from vitamin deficiency - Mint tea with honey, lemon and ginger. During the working day I drink 3-4 cups - it gives me energy and helps fight stress.

It is worth taking care of your facial skin in the spring. She will enjoy washing her face with oatmeal. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and, adding a little water, wash your face with it instead of soap. Your skin will thank you for it fresh look and a natural blush!"

The famous Ukrainian actress shares the secrets of slimness, beauty and success with men.

Photo 1 of 12: Separate nutrition - the secret slim figure actress Olga Sumskaya. © Oleg Batrak,

For questions website replies the famous Ukrainian actress and presenter Olga Sumskaya. Use her recipes for beauty and slimness to be successful with men.

- Olga, what is the secret of your slim figure? What diet are you on if you need to lose some weight? extra pounds?

: Now there is a new trend - the whole family is hooked on separate meals. I don't recognize my husband. Vitaly never bothered with any diets, cleansing, fasting... And suddenly his weight was minus 7 kg. For several months now we have been eating only fruit for breakfast and not mixing it with anything. If I want a piece of bread and butter, I can eat it separately, later, after breakfast, an hour and a half later.

The principle is this: eat a salad with salmon or a salad with meat, but do not mix it with fish.

You will see results appear in a week. Moreover, eat everything, just don’t mix foods different groups. Sweets are allowed, but separately from meat. Eat dessert, but before two o'clock in the afternoon. In general, I recommend consuming all carbohydrates before two o’clock in the afternoon. This diet really works.

-Like all girls, do you like sweets? What is yours favorite dish and how often do you allow yourself to do it?

: To be honest, sometimes there is a pathological desire to eat a bar of chocolate. (With a smile) Then I allow myself sweets, but until two o’clock in the afternoon.

- What procedures do you like in a beauty salon? beautiful skin faces and bodies? What can you recommend?

: I haven’t resorted to surgery yet, I’m very afraid of it. I get a facial massage at the beauty salon, I love the supportive cosmetic procedures. For example, biorevitalization. I didn’t do mesotherapy, because it takes several days and I don’t have time.

- How to win and keep the man of your dreams? What kind of woman should you be?

: It depends on your luck - keeping a man is not easy. If you want to keep a man, he will definitely be with you as long as you want. Of course, this is skill. If you feel your power over him, if you feel that you are loved, then there are no problems. Well, if you know that your husband is a real Don Juan, you can’t do anything about it. All that remains is to endure and be wise. Why and for what purpose should you tolerate such a man in your home? There are men who have already had their fill, they want a family home, they have already seen everything on the side. If you hold such a man in your hands and very tightly - hurray! Congratulations!

© Oleg Batrak, It’s best not to look for the man of your dreams, but to look nearby: maybe it’s your neighbor or an employee in the office. To find love, you don’t have to go far, just look around and don’t fantasize about a prince.

- How to always be sexy and desirable for a man?

: If you truly love your man, you will be sexy, relaxed, and uninhibited for him. But you need a good man who could dispose you to this. It is important to feel your man. When you meet your man, something happens, something inside triggers: it’s him. And one more criterion that is very important in a woman’s life: I would like to have a child with this man. If you feel and see the spark of reciprocity in a man’s eyes - act! Love is happiness, it is a gift.

Regarding the purely feminine aspects of seductiveness, all this can be gleaned from my new book.

: The main thing is not to bring this rain and these clouds into the house. Try not to be offended by your husband, do not hold grudges for a long time, and quickly forgive everything in your life. Easily let go of all adversity, surround yourself bright people. If you feel that a certain person is jealous of you or that negativity comes from him, do not communicate with this person.

© Lydia Tropman - How do you see the wedding of your eldest daughter Toni? (in the photo Olga with her eldest daughter)

: I think about it sometimes, what my daughter's wedding should be like. (With a smile) I'm already starting to worry about this. Wedding Dress must be new, and there must also be new rings.

It so happened in my life that my second husband Vitaly and I exchanged rings from our first marriage - and got the result: we had a very dark period in our lives, we were actually on the verge of divorce. But as soon as we gave each other new rings, something turned upside down in our lives. We began to appreciate each other in a new way, rethought the years we had lived (after all, 20 years together). We value each other very much, we value each other.

About my daughter’s wedding... It all depends on who will be next to my daughter. A lot of lush weddings which, unfortunately, end in divorce after a few months. Or you can modestly and quietly get married in a small church and live with the person all your life. If a girl is getting married for the first time, there must be a dress that fits her perfectly. Inner voice will tell you that this is exactly the dress and no other. And if this is the fifth or sixth marriage, I don’t know (laughs).

When a sixty-year-old singer, who looks twenty years younger, says that the secret of her youth is a special state of mind and homemade masks, it’s hard to believe. But the recognized beauty of Ukraine, famous actress Olga Sumskaya was not afraid to honestly talk about the means by which she maintains her youth. In matters of beauty, she is a real expert, because she manages to look simply wonderful.

In one of the interviews you said that you would not do plastic surgery up to fifty years old. What do you do to look good, besides going to the gym and trying to get enough sleep?

Just like that, tell you all about it! – laughs Olga Sumskaya.- What is fifty? This is the heyday for a woman! I'm forty, so what? As Lolita said: “I’m forty-one. And who will give it?

I have a thirst for life in my genes and I never let myself relax. For example, I had roles in the Lesya Ukraine Theater, where I played in very thin corsets. After the birth of my second child, I gained a little weight. But I tried so hard to fit into this corset that I managed to lose weight. Art is stimulating! When a famous director invites you, you have to be beautiful. You might actually go hungry. Just self-respect and the respect of my fans do not allow me to relax.

- But you need to do something with your face?

Of course, you need to systematically care for your face. Make masks. Carry out a rejuvenation course. Seems like banal truths. But in the daily hustle and bustle, we forget to simply make ourselves a mask from what we have in the refrigerator. We are lazy, and this is very wrong. We must not forget about ourselves!

-Do you do anything from hardware cosmetology?

Yes. And I do mesotherapy. Why not? Now there are a lot of new gentle procedures that allow you to hold on until a certain point. So entrust yourself to the hands of a talented plastic surgeon no earlier than fifty-five. Perhaps in the 21st century this will not be so scary.

- Is mesatherapy a painful procedure for you?

It doesn’t hurt, like a mosquito bite,” Olga laughs.

- How often should such procedures be done?- Based on the recommendation of specialists. But not more often than once every six months. You must not overdo it here. And peeling (it gives a lifting effect, that is, tightening), probably no more than once a year.

- How much money do you spend on cosmetic procedures?

Mostly for cosmetics, at least $500 every six months. And even with discounts, these are gentle prices. I know that it costs even more abroad.

(In Zaporozhye, for example, a course of rejuvenating mesatherapy only for the face, without the décolleté area, costs 250-400 dollars - S.O.).

I would recommend not to take any Vietnamese or Thai diet pills - they are very dangerous. And liposuction, from my point of view, is very big risk. You have to try to push yourself until you break a sweat - jogging, gym, fitness. Go hungry sometimes. Herbal medicine is very good.

I go to the gym - what should I do? (sighs) – two to three times a week. And sometimes even every day, if I need to look great, fit, I mock myself a little.

By the way

Did Andrei Malakhov get “beauty injections”?

Russian TV presenter Andrei Malakhov claims that he did not do “beauty injections” (mesatherapy), as was written in many media.

In fact, I ended up in the hospital, where they gave me IVs to flush my stomach,” Andrei Malakhov answers my question. - So my recipe: a week in the hospital, nothing to eat, IVs and vitamins every day - this is the result. I lost 8 kg. That’s why I had the feeling that I was doing something to myself. And to regain my strength, I sleep and go to the gym.

Olga Sumskaya, whom we know as an excellent theater and film actress (which is worth only Boris Nibieridze’s series “Roksolana”, in which Olga played the main role), is also an exemplary mother of two children, beloved and loving wife, and an active public figure - she recently became president of the Kyiv International Film Festival, replacing Bogdan Stupka in this post.

And recently, Sumskaya has also become a successful writer. Her first literary experience was a cookbook with recipes from the Sumsky family, starting from her grandmothers and great-grandmothers. But Olga did not stop there and wrote new book– about beauty, this is her theme.

Olga, you recently celebrated a certain... semicircular anniversary. At all-then, discussing her age with a woman is bad manners, but I was surprised to learn that you don’t hide yours?

This makes no sense, because anyway in all newspapers and magazines in brackets - there is such a form of presentation - they will write how old you are. You can even change your passport, it won’t help.

Perhaps your courage in this sense is due to the fact that you look great. Do you have any-the secret of youth and beauty?

Only movement. If I see that I have some hint of overweight, I immediately start working on myself - I go to the pool, do fitness exercises that will allow me to feel the tone of my body.

Do you limit yourself in nutrition?

Actually, no. But in Lately our whole family got hooked on separate meals, and I own experience I was convinced that this system works. All you need is willpower and the results will be visible very quickly. My husband lost eight kilograms in three months without any consequences.

What's on your daily menu?

In the morning we drink tea with honey and lemon, eat dates - they perfectly satisfy hunger, on two dates you can last until eleven or twelve o'clock in the afternoon - at this time we have breakfast, consisting of a large bowl of fruit salad. If you can’t live without bread, after an hour you can eat toast with butter – hooray, these foods can be combined! But God forbid you combine potatoes with fish, and bread with meat.

How did you come up with this food system?

It all started when my husband, after a meeting with friends, returned inspired: he saw the guys who a year ago were walking around with beer bellies transformed - slimmer and fifteen years younger. The example of male company became very contagious for him. Therefore, if earlier he could eat scrambled eggs for breakfast and wash it down with coffee and candy, now I don’t recognize him. Even at luxurious banquets and buffets, where he had time to try everything that was offered, he now holds on and allows himself only fish or meat with vegetables.

It must be difficult?

If the body requires it, you can allow yourself what I call “lyrical digressions” combine incompatible foods and eat to your heart's content. Once a week is quite possible.

And, of course, a woman cannot look good without daily care behind you?

I devote a lot of time to this, and those procedures that for some reason I cannot do in the salon (standing in traffic jams for two hours there and two hours back is a great luxury; time is probably the most precious thing we have today), I do it at home myself. Moreover, I have a whole arsenal own funds. My second book “Beauty Secrets” has already appeared on sale (Olga’s first book was dedicated to cooking - auto), and there you can find out all my secrets. And not only those related to self-care, but also psychological recipes from my experience, as well as the secrets of my grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which were kept in our family and have now waited in the wings. The leaves with them were lying in a pile, my husband cursed and called me Plyushkin, but when I was working on the book, they came in handy.

And what do you use in the fight for beauty?

Everything that is in the refrigerator, from sour cream to olive oil, which is always in my bathroom. I would generally recommend excluding soaps and gels when bathing, because they are filled with various components - fragrances, preservatives, which are harmful to the body and cause allergies. But there are people who take showers with such gels twice a day.

Better to use natural remedies– for example, I combine olive and rice oil with aromatic oils and, sitting in the bathroom, rub this mixture all over my body, then shower – wonderful! No body creams compare, I actually threw them all away. I use it once every two weeks coffee scrub, I also don’t recommend scrubbing your body more often; it’s already covered up for most of the year, without sunlight.

What do you recommend for the face?

The same thing - only natural ingredients. Check it out for yourself: set a goal and do it every day for a week. sour cream mask. First, clean your face with a scrub (I make a gentle one - from corn flour with olive oil) or just take a hard towel, soak it in hot water and wipe your face. After this, apply a layer of sour cream, preferably, of course, market sour cream, but in the absence of it, store-bought will do, as long as it is without preservatives. My skin, like a litmus test, immediately reacts to any allergens and turns red. When the first layer of sour cream has dried, apply a second one, and so on three or four times. Then rinse with hot water. I assure you, your skin will be like a baby's. You can add your favorite moisturizer and apply makeup.

What do you recommend for caring for the skin under the eyes - it is known to fade the fastest?

I have to get up early to do morning TV, and sometimes the whole look is ruined by a little puffiness under my eyes. My know-how in this area is to take thin layer soft napkin, moisten with spring water or just good mineral water, stick it under your eyes, apply a good lifting cream on top and walk for about fifteen to twenty minutes. It works just great! There are women who sleep with such applications - this is a very effective remedy.

There is also this wisdom: you need to cut out pieces from thin kid leather or suede and sleep, “sticking” them with eye cream. They say the result is amazing, but I haven’t tried it because I don’t know how my husband will react to it.

Perhaps you can take care of your facial skin in the same way?

Of course, you need to “stick” such pieces on your forehead or neck. And here is a recipe for you from the People's Artist of the Soviet Union Elina Avraamovna Bystritskaya, a famous beauty of all times and peoples - she bandaged her face at night, having first applied a layer nourishing cream. Every evening! This is, of course, a real feat. The main thing here Do not squeeze, so as not to make it worse, but she assured that in this way she managed to hold the oval of her face for quite a long time, without letting it sag.

Our grandmothers used such devices, we forgot about them, but they are incredibly effective. Main don't be lazy.

What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in taking care of your appearance?

Attention to yourself. There is money for good branded masks and creams, good. No, that's not a problem either. I still have a soft spot for those old ones good creams, which the Moscow factory "Svoboda" made and makes, “Theatrical”, “Delight”, “Gerontol”, which cost a penny. They include natural oils, including spermaceti, which simply has magical action on the skin. After the scrub, it’s very good to apply a layer of this cream and walk around a little. There are plenty of options for self-care. The most important thing is not to forget about yourself and do at least something, but every day.

What about physical education?

I do fitness at home. I have exercise CDs in different formats, from different stars - from Jane Fonda to Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer. Most of all I like exercises with dumbbells. I put on a disc and do it - much better than any gym, and you can always find a little time.

But sometimes you want to lie on the sofa under a blanket?

I’ll tell you honestly: I already forgot when I was lying on the sofa under a blanket. I have a completely crazy rhythm of life, I need to work, so I have to stimulate myself: get up and go!

I already have an offer from the Kharkov publishing house "Ranok", with whom we worked on my second book. This will be a story about the Sumsky acting dynasty.

Do you have enough time?

Remembering how I wrote these two books, I must admit that all this is very difficult. I didn’t want to follow the path of other stars who supposedly write books, but in fact completely different people do it for them. I wanted everything to be decent, so I spent all my time hugging the computer (thank you, my husband bought me an iPad) - both at home and on tour.

Recently, my godfather Vladimir Goryansky, with whom we travel around Ukraine with a play, jokes all the time: “Sumskaya, you’re like a horse at a wedding - your face is covered in flowers, and your rump is covered in soap. How do you manage to do everything?”

And really, how – recently you also became president of the Kyiv International Film Festival?

If a person sets himself to sacrifice something, this is what happens in the end. If you set yourself a plan to do everything, it will be so. Sometimes people ask: what is the etymology of the word “success”? It means to have time to do everything. How to do it? If you set a goal for yourself, this is already half the success, then you just need to go towards it. And you don’t have to sacrifice anything, you just need to work hard.

You also have time to take care of your family.

I don’t understand how it’s possible, being on the set from morning to evening, as is usually the case with us, without ever calling and asking how your husband and children are doing. I am a very meticulous mother who is interested in everything and goes into absolutely everything. In general, I care about everything, I even have enough for social activities, I also have time for some sports ground do for the residents of our area.

Whatever I do, be it cleaning or cooking, I do everything with love, otherwise I simply don’t know how - that’s how my parents raised me. And I don’t consider this a heroic act. Somehow our great-grandmothers managed to give birth, raise, and feed sixteen (!) children during the hard times of war, like my great-grandmother on my father’s side, Anastasia Methodievna, whom I am very similar to. A woman’s incredible adaptability to this life, her strength and power allowed a woman to always remain a woman, in the most terrible and difficult times, and to emerge from any situation with dignity. It's probably genes. I hope I was able to pass on these qualities to my daughters.

From bad mood how are you saved?

Our guardian angel is always guarding our well-being, but sometimes he throws up days of trials. You can’t be happy and in high spirits all the time, then you won’t experience the next moment of happiness. You won’t understand where the euphoria is and where the loss of strength is - everything is learned by comparison, this is an axiom.

A happy person is one who perceives all life’s ups and downs joyfully; he knows how to appreciate what life gives him. But no one is immune from depression, and I have them. The main thing in such cases is not to give up and not to go deeper into this state, not to cultivate it, but, like Baron Munchausen, to pull yourself out of it by the ears. How to do it? Everyone has their own recipes - some have shopping, some have a trip to the Opera House, others have a glass of champagne, which I would absolutely not recommend. Work saves me from depression.

What about the little feminine joys?

Of course, nothing excites a woman more than Nice dress or the sparkle of diamonds. I don’t know if these can be called small weaknesses, for some they are very big. Here's who can afford what. But, believe me, if I don’t have the opportunity to buy a branded item, I don’t suffer from it, and now I take shopping very calmly. Like many women, I have recently had another problem - where to put it all? You buy more and more new things, wear them a couple of times, and that’s it – forever stored in the closet.

I really like this kind of creative collaboration with designers now: you take a dress, appear somewhere in it once or twice, advertise the designer’s name, and return it with gratitude. By the way, everyone in Hollywood is doing this now - they rent not only clothes, but also jewelry. When I read how someone spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on rags, I think it's a crime: how many people in need could be helped with that money.

Lyudmila Grabenko

It’s hard to believe, but on August 22, 2018, Olga Sumskaya will celebrate her 52nd birthday. The dazzling beauty from Lvov, who won the hearts of viewers with her masterful performance of the charming Roksolana in 1997, today looks 100%. What is the secret of the charming actress? How does she manage to lose weight so quickly?

In 2002, during her second pregnancy, the TV presenter rapidly gained extra pounds, but after giving birth, the woman managed to quickly put herself in order and look, as always, irresistible. Of course, any solution related to appearance, lies in the peculiarities of nutrition. No wonder the phrase “we are what we eat” has become especially popular. «.

The secrets of the youth and slimness of the lovely Olga are largely related to the application nourishing masks, conducting rejuvenation courses and mesotherapy. However, do not forget about a healthy diet.

Principles of separate nutrition

A diet that can help you achieve incredible results requires adherence to the following points:

  • Every morning you need to start with a warm and invigorating glass of water., which starts the digestive system;
  • You cannot combine protein and carbohydrate dishes in one meal;
  • It is advisable to consume carbohydrates and sweets during the first half of the day;
  • You cannot mix products from different groups.

As mentioned above, you should start the day with 250 g of water. It is advisable to have breakfast at 11:00 o'clock or fruit salad. If there is a need for a snack before this time, then turn your attention to. Next appointment food comes in 1 - 1.5 hours.

Throughout the day, you can treat yourself to chicken or fish with baked, raw vegetables. The preparation of the dish can consist of any vegetables except potatoes. Until 2:00 p.m., you can treat yourself to delicious confectionery, and if you plan to achieve stunning slimness, then after 6:00 p.m. it’s better not to eat any more.

The daily diet can be varied with protein products such as chicken, turkey, fish of various varieties and other seafood. and a variety of sausages are not recommended.

Particular importance should be given to the drinking regime. In addition to water, try to drink green tea. It is better to refrain from using it, but in case of excessive cravings, you can allow yourself one cup, diluted.

Healthy image life does not involve consumption alcoholic drinks, so try not to attend big parties.

Olga Sumskaya also dilutes this diet with a seasonal diet. IN summer period she pampers herself with vegetables and herbs, berries and ““, she can afford a small dose of black a day.

Physical exercise

The blonde actress believes that to great effect dietary food will be able to lead together with fruitful and systematic training. In order to impress those around you with your sports uniform, it is enough to visit twice a week. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit specialized centers, do it.

Sumskaya prefers to study physical exercise under videos featuring popular models and actresses. Olga's favorite sports sex divas include Claudia Schiffer, Jane Fonda, Cindy Crawford and others.

Don't forget about the delights of certain seasons of the year. In summer, try to be outside more often fresh air and swim in the turquoise sea. In winter, head to the mountains and enjoy the picturesque views from above. But don't forget about sports! Arm yourself with skis, snowboards and skates. However, do not forget about rest. Exhaustive training will not lead to anything good, as will the abuse of strict diets and hunger.

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