How to stop your husband from drinking: the most effective folk recipes and psychological methods. How to wean your husband off alcohol

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Many women today are familiar with computer addiction in men. Because of this dependence, relationships collapse, “family boats” fall apart, mutual understanding completely disappears, and the father’s participation in raising children ceases. Computer addiction has long been put by experts on the same level as gambling addiction, as well as alcohol and drug addiction. How can you distract your spouse from the computer and prevent this process of getting used to the virtual world?

  • intimate conversation

If your relationship is still at the stage when a man hangs on your every word, and even a day without you is torture, then it will be enough to simply explain to him that in the real world it is much more interesting, and you are not going to compete with the computer. If you are eloquent, your spouse will be inspired, and the bad habit will disappear without ever appearing. At a more mature stage (when the spouses have already become a little tired of each other, and the passions of youth have subsided), an intimate conversation will most likely not bring results - more radical methods are needed.

  • Ultimatum - “either the computer or me”

It's tough and ugly, but it can help.

  • Copying our husband's behavior

He shrugs off household chores, comes to bed at 2-3 am and immediately falls asleep, in the morning instead of a kiss he sips tea and immediately runs to the computer, doesn’t he take care of the children? Do the same. Of course, continue to feed/cloth/walk the children (they are not to blame for anything), but you can deprive your husband of “sweets”. Mind your personal affairs, completely ignoring both your husband and your household responsibilities. After a week or two, he may get tired of eating sandwiches, wearing dirty shirts and going without sweets. Then the moment will come when you can discuss the problem with him and find a joint solution. However, if the addiction is strong, this option may not work either.

  • Wedge with wedge

An option that combines the previous two. The scheme of action is simple - sit down at the computer yourself. Now let him fish you out of the virtual world, demand you return to your family and go crazy with uncertainty (you never know what you’re so busy with there). As soon as it reaches the boiling point, give an ultimatum - “don’t like it? So do I too!” Let him feel himself in your skin.

  • We join his “field of activity”

That is, we start playing (on social networks, etc.) with him. We get carried away to such an extent that he gets scared and gives up the computer in favor of real life. This option often works, but there is one drawback - you can become so immersed that you yourself will have to be “treated” for computer addiction.

  • Full blocking

There are different ways here. For example, set a password to log into the system or the Internet. If the spouse is not strong in this matter, then the “system glitch” trick will be successful. True, not for long. Sooner or later, the spouse will find out everything or will figure out these “subtleties” himself. The 2nd option is cardinal - turn off the electricity (or simply “accidentally” pull out the wires from the router, etc.). 3rd option (if you have friends who are electricians) is to turn off the lights (Internet) at the very moment when the husband usually sits down at the computer. It seems like you have nothing to do with it, and, at the same time, your husband is free and given to you entirely and completely. Minus: if this happens regularly, the husband will solve this problem quickly - either he will sort it out with electricians or buy a modem.

  • Seducing your spouse

Here it is - who has enough imagination for what? Whether it’s a super delicious dinner by candlelight, an erotic dance or a daring seduction right next to the computer – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it works.

  • Cultural program

Every day, at the same time that your husband uses after work to immerse himself in the virtual world, plan a new interesting event. The spouse is unlikely to be interested in tickets to the theater, but airsoft, billiards, the last row of the cinema, bowling or karting - this might work. Come up with something interesting and exciting every day, and don’t forget to remind your spouse that you really miss him in real life.

  • Well, the last thing...

If your husband spends time on the computer for work or reading the news, there is no point in panicking. It’s better to learn how to occupy your time in such a way that you are not offended by your spouse’s lack of attention. That is, to become self-sufficient.
If the husband’s addiction is gaming, and not only have the children forgotten what a normal dad looks like, but they haven’t seen their spouse at work for 2-3 months, then it’s time for a serious conversation and drastic changes in the family.


Have a serious talk with your guy. Don't turn off his computer or while he's busy playing. So you won't be able to enjoy your computer games. Wait until he is distracted. Talk about your fears of losing him if he doesn't stop playing. Let him know how much you, your parents, need him. Don't forget to mention how harmful computer gambling addiction: loneliness, deterioration of vision, physical and psychological condition, loss of a job or expulsion from a university.

Find out the reasons for leaving for the virtual world. Addiction to computer games can arise due to existing problems in your studies or in your personal life. Ask your guy that he cares about whether there are problems at work/study. Perhaps the young man wants to hide from reality due to the difficulties that have arisen. Ask leading questions that require a detailed answer, rather than “yes/no,” and solve his problems together.

Distract guy away from the computer with other activities that interest him. Meet his friends more often, go to a cafe, a movie, bowling, go to the dacha on the weekend. At the same time, don’t let him get bored. He must understand that the world is much more interesting than computer games.

Knock out a wedge with a wedge. If you live together and you have one computer, then start playing yourself. Don't cook for him, don't buy groceries, don't clean or iron his things. Let him see how addiction to computer games affects life and how bad it is to lose a loved one in virtual reality. The danger with this method is that you yourself can get drawn into the game. Sit down at the computer only just before he arrives and don’t let him play games.

Contact a specialistIf you are unable to wean your child off computer games on your own. guy, then take him to a psychologist, to a special center for combating addictions. Naturally, one time to visit a specialist will not be enough. Computer treatment gambling addiction will be long but effective.

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Family life not only brings joy, but can also present a “bouquet of surprises.” One of the troubles that you may encounter is the annoying habits of your loved one, and in particular, addiction husband to computer games. They solve this problem in different ways: some suffer in silence, closing their eyes, some even put an end to family relationships, while others may try to wean husband from this dependence.

You will need

  • You, husband, computer with games, psychologist.


Arm yourself with long-suffering: without it you will not be able to overcome the ingrained husband habit.


Do not criticize your husband for his addiction, as this will only worsen the relationship between you and will also undermine his desire and determination to fight the bad habit. That is, criticism will have the opposite result.

Helpful advice

Often, addiction to computer games is the result of a person’s lack of self-confidence, as well as the lack of any other ways of self-expression. In view of this, the wife's help may be to help her husband improve his self-esteem. This can be achieved by praising him for everything, including the most minor successes and achievements in the fight against the habit.


  • A forum thread discussing how to wean your husband off computer games.

Some girls are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon: their lovers are lying! And it would be okay if we were talking about some harmless fantasies. Lies and insincerity concern things that are very important for a girl. The guy can swear his love to her, simultaneously promising that preparations for the wedding are about to begin. And then more and more “good reasons” are found for postponing this event. There can be many situations. How to wean a young man from lying? And is it even worth maintaining relationships with liars?


In each specific case, you should behave differently, depending on many factors: the duration of your romance, the depth and sincerity of your feelings for the young man, character, temperament, and, of course, upbringing. There are no universal “recipes” here.

Try to understand why the young man lied to you. It is very important! For example, the “curator of a major project” sincerely loves you, values ​​your relationship, but was either embarrassed to admit that he occupies a very modest position, or was afraid that you would lose interest in him and would not want to meet. So he “promoted” himself.

In the above case, of course, it is a lie of honor, but there is no particular sin here either. It’s best for you to seriously but kindly explain to your loved one, saying that you were very upset by both his insincerity and the fact that he said such things about you, so that you could imagine that his status plays a decisive role! If he wants your relationship to continue, let him forget about the lies. And then remind him that everything is in his hands. He wants to make a career - for God's sake. Let him put in the effort and perseverance.

In parallel with this, medications are taken that block alcohol from affecting the body. They are taken over a long period of time.

As an additional option, the doctor prescribes psychotherapeutic medications. In addition to drug treatment, it is advisable to conduct several sessions of psychotherapeutic treatment with an appropriate specialist.

As an addition, “coding” using “Torpedo” or the Dovzhenko method is often used. It is necessary to understand that coding itself is not a method of treatment, but is only an auxiliary tool, and does not have a separate therapeutic property.

When preparing specialized treatment, you need to realize that the healing process itself is quite long, and a positive result is one hundred percent with the full cooperation of the patient.

Video on the topic


In medicine, alcoholism and drug addiction (regardless of the type of drug used) have one common name - diseases of addiction. Why? We will try to answer this question. From a medical point of view, alcoholism is a chronic, progressive (progressive) disease caused by the effect of alcohol as a narcotic substance.

Alcohol in the family is more often a problem than an addition to a cheerful lifestyle. Over time, stable consumption of alcoholic beverages results in addiction, and then the person suffering from it begins to experience problems in the family, at work, and in life in general. What can we say about the wives of alcoholics, their children and other people with whom he interacts?

It is possible to cure a person from alcohol addiction. And although it is believed that there are no former alcoholics, the period of remission can be made for life. And many even manage to integrate into the normal timbre of life and even subsequently drink alcohol in small portions and very rarely.

Alcohol addiction affects everyone differently. Some people want to drink it in the morning, once every few days. For others, once a week is enough, but consistently. Still others cannot live a day without alcohol, and some even wake up at night to drink and then go back to sleep.

But where does this dependence come from? It does not appear out of nowhere and does not speak only about the psychological component of the problem.

Alcohol dependence occurs primarily due to the fact that the drink balances human cells. This makes him feel a false sense of calm. Processes similar to those occurring when taking heroin begin to occur in the brain.

Alcohol addiction also occurs when a person experiences weakness and illness after becoming sober. The body begins to perceive this condition as extreme, to get rid of which you need to drink alcohol.

Another reason for addiction is the insufficient production of enzymes that suppress the effects of alcohol.

Signs of alcoholism

There are several main signs of alcoholism:

  • A person needs to drink more and more to feel better.
  • Without alcohol a person feels bad, but when drinking he becomes cheerful.

Without drinking alcohol, irritability, nervousness, and a feeling of deep depression appear. Then, with more frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, the dose becomes insufficient for a person, he reaches out again and again to replenish the dose of suffering, and over time it becomes less. A man is falling into an abyss.

There is a term in narcology – increasing tolerance. It characterizes a condition in which an alcoholic constantly needs to increase the dose of alcoholic beverage taken.

Another term – “withdrawal syndrome” – reflects a situation when an addict realizes that it is time for him to stop drinking alcohol. But when he does this, his health deteriorates sharply, which is why the person drinks again.


Medications are extremely effective in the fight against alcohol addiction. They act primarily in a similar way as alcohol itself, only in reverse. When taking a pill and an alcoholic drink at the same time, a person develops a feeling of nausea, pain, weakness, and terrible sensations that are difficult to cope with. The body reacts to this as if alcohol caused illness.

Gradually, a response is developed to the intake of alcoholic beverages - the person can no longer take them, the dependence disappears. However, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it, so maintaining and controlling actions is always necessary (both on the part of the problem person and on the part of his loved ones).

Some types of tablets:

  • Teturam;

Anti-alcohol medications are also taken to reduce withdrawal symptoms, help normalize the mental state, and reduce the effect of ethanol on the body.

In any case, complex therapy is more effective, but it must be selected by a narcologist.

Folk remedies

– a good remedy for the treatment of alcoholism. Therapy will take 2-3 months, and the effect can be noticed within a week. The main thing is for the patient to know what awaits him. And his condition will worsen as a result of drinking alcohol along with taking lovage tincture, which should cause a gradual refusal of alcohol.

To prepare the infusion, cut the lovage root into pieces and add it to vodka. Keep for 2 weeks. Then 50 ml of vodka is given to the addict. The effect is powerful. A weaker, but easier for the patient effect can be achieved by making a regular decoction of lovage root. Just finely chop the root, add it to water, and boil. There should be a liter of water for 2 roots. We also add two bay leaves, after which we strain out the grounds. We give half a glass of liquid to the addict in the morning, on an empty stomach.

A simple way to reduce alcohol addiction is to eat a lot of sour apples in your diet. However, those with stomach problems need to be careful.

15 grams of thyme can be poured into a glass of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. It is enough to take the infusion three times a day, one large spoon.

There is an important recommendation - when getting rid of alcohol addiction, it is better to actively remove toxins. The fact is that a certain mutual responsibility arises here. A person drinks alcohol, which causes toxins to appear. And these same toxins contribute to increased dependence on alcohol.

Natural antioxidants are suitable for this - raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, berries, fruits and vegetables in general, as well as drug therapy, vitamin complexes. All this must be prescribed by a doctor so that the composition of the drugs does not contradict the main therapy.

Is it possible to use the products without the knowledge of the drinker?

If we talk about the legal part, then no, it is impossible to treat a patient for addiction without his knowledge. If a person finds out about forced therapy, and, even more so, if he suffers from it, he will have every right to go to court.

And speaking of health, methods that involve the secret addition of drugs or even do not promise anything good. No one knows how drugs can affect a person who does not take into account drug interactions, risks, and who does not expect a certain effect from the drug. Therefore, it is not recommended to use any secret methods of influence on a person dependent on alcohol.

The fact that it is impossible to treat him without the knowledge of the addict has already been indicated. It is also not recommended to treat a person with folk remedies, exceeding the dosage. Of course, the same applies to the dosage of medications.

Do not ingest products that require the addition of iodine, soda, or herbs, the effects of which you have not personally studied.

The fight against the addiction of a loved one is akin to the war against windmills waged by Don Quixote - as noble as it is senseless. Fortunately , gambling addiction is not the worst thing that can strike your husband, but it’s unlikely to console you in any way. After all, immersing himself in the virtual world, he completely forgets about his family responsibilities, stops taking care of himself, and shows aggression if they try to deprive him of his favorite toys. And here the question of how to wean your husband from computer games becomes acute.

Limitation by special means

Surely, your spouse understands that he is doing wrong towards you, but he can no longer control himself. Offer to limit it to a time frame using technical means, because an agreement and his determination may not be enough. To do this, use antiviruses that can be flexibly configured to use certain programs, special settings in browsers that prohibit access to certain sites, as well as various schedulers. Only you will know the password for the blocking program. Knowing that he will only be able to play from 6 to 8, he will already be able to properly distribute his playing time.

Find a healthy alternative

What does a man look for in games? Entertainment, the opportunity to feel omnipotent, cool, beautiful. Someone even finds the meaning of life in a game, especially if real life is boring and unpromising. He just doesn't have enough adrenaline in his blood. Look what he's playing. If these are shooters, find a local tactical games club in your city. The guys in them buy uniforms and participate in special tasks that make what they see only on the screen real. If his favorite pastime is racing, then you should join a karting club. But how many such healthy entertainments can be found in any city? "Mafia", role players, reenactors... If you have the desire, you can easily find a new interesting hobby that will replace sitting on your butt in front of the monitor.

Give him free rein, but with some reservations

If you cannot tear him away from the computer by any means, agree that at night or in your absence he can play as much as he wants - his business, but only after he has completed his duties. Let him play all night long, but if he has to go to work or take the children to school, it’s his personal problem that he didn’t plan his rest time wisely.

He began to neglect his household responsibilities. Do as he does - don't respond to his requests, don't cook for him, don't wash his things, because you're busy too. Spend exactly the time he spends playing the game exclusively on himself - doing cosmetic procedures, hanging out with friends, going to a cafe, a movie. If at first he breathes a sigh of relief that you have finally left him behind with reproaches, Over time, he will understand that you have a much more interesting life without him than with him, which means he can lose you at any moment. And all this without scandals and ultimatums.

If a person stubbornly does not want to meet you halfway, does not care about you and your family, does not spend time with you, maybe you don’t need this additional device for the game console called “husband”? Love requires constant attention from both sides; your efforts alone to maintain the relationship will not be enough. Perhaps it's time to decide to radically change your life - file for divorce. And then computer addiction will no longer be your problem.

Excessive alcohol consumption not only threatens a person’s health and life, but also destroys family relationships. The desire to cope with addiction is not enough; the patient needs medical help. You can fight alcoholism without the knowledge of the drinker. To do this, they use pharmaceutical drugs and resort to alternative medicine. Many methods are effective and help get rid of addiction once and for all.

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    Causes of addiction

    If a man drinks every day, then this indicates alcohol dependence. A person can drink alcohol for a number of reasons: an unsettled personal life, hereditary factors, a weak-willed character.

    A woman must understand that alcoholism cannot be overcome without specialized medical help and medications. But in this case, you may encounter resistance from the addict. To stop a guy or husband from drinking on your own, there are several methods: consultation with a narcologist, pharmaceutical drugs, folk remedies, prayers and conspiracies. The decisive factor in the fight against addiction is the psychology of relationships. The patient needs the support of loved ones and family; only in this case can one cope with the disease.

    The treatment process for alcohol addiction can take a long time. However, results can appear only after applying several methods. In any case, a woman should not despair, since the success of therapy will depend on her.

    Expert in narcology

    Before you start fighting addiction, you need to contact a narcologist for consultation. The specialist will give recommendations that will allow you to cope with alcoholism without the knowledge of the sick man. Compulsory treatment does not produce results, since subconsciously the person does not want to give up his addiction. Therefore, doctors identify several groups of drugs that can help you get rid of drunkenness without the patient’s knowledge:

    1. 1. Remedies that relieve binge drinking and relieve hangover syndrome. If a woman is trying to wean her husband from addiction, it is recommended to use compounds that eliminate intoxication and improve overall health. After using the products, the craving for alcohol decreases.
    2. 2. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol. A man will have to be given funds from this group for several days. If a patient starts drinking alcohol during treatment, it will be difficult for him to deal with the clinical manifestations of a hangover, so he will not want to lift another glass.
    3. 3. Drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. If a man drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, he develops intoxication, which is difficult to control at home. The drug contains a unique composition that causes unpleasant clinical manifestations when interacting with alcohol.

    These products can be discreetly added to the drinker’s water, juice, or added to food. To help a husband stop drinking, the following pharmaceutical drugs are used:

    1. 1. Lidevin.
    2. 2. Colma.
    3. 3. Disulfiram and others.

    Coding is considered the best way to get rid of alcoholism. But not every addict wants to deal with the problem of alcohol abuse.

    It will be possible to get rid of a person’s drunkenness only with complex treatment and compliance with dosages. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve any effective result.


    It is possible to cure an alcoholic once and for all without his consent using alternative medicine methods. But any therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a physician, so as not to harm the person instead of the desired benefit.

    Folk remedies can reduce the patient’s desire to drink and have an aversive effect.


    To prepare the product, take 40-60 green bugs and fill them with a liter of vodka. The resulting mixture must be left for 72 hours, then strained and given to the drinker a glass daily.

    At the same time, a man will feel an aversion to alcoholic drinks, since even small doses lead to a severe hangover, which is impossible to cope with on your own.


    To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water over 60 g of dry and pre-crushed centaury herb. The mixture should be brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 12-17 minutes, then let it brew for 2.5-3 hours.

    The tincture is filtered and given to a man to drink 70-80 ml 3 times a day. The course of therapy is a month. Under no circumstances should treatment be interrupted; the dosage must be strictly observed. The tincture is prepared daily and is given only fresh. In this case, the patient has an aversion to vodka and other alcoholic drinks.

    Red pepper

    To prepare the tincture, add 40 g of crushed red pepper to a liter of alcohol. The resulting mixture should be infused for about 14 days.

    Shake the bottle of infusion periodically. It is used in the following way: add a few drops of it to alcohol and wait for the result. The patient has an aversion to alcohol.


    The lovage root needs to be crushed, passed through a meat grinder or coffee grinder several times, and a bay leaf must be added to it.

    The resulting slurry is poured with vodka in an amount of 200 ml and left for about 14 days. The tincture is given in a glass. The product causes an aversion to any strong drinks.

    Lemon and honey

    You can stop a man from drinking by adding honey and lemon to the water. This requires 50 g of water and the same amount of lemon juice mixed with the peel of a young nut (it should be green) and honey.

    The composition must be mixed well and poured with wine (for 20 g of product you will need one glass of drink). After 30 minutes of settling, the product is ready. It must be consumed within a month.

    St. John's wort

    An infusion made from St. John's wort helps suppress cravings for strong drinks. 8 tablespoons of dried and pre-crushed plant are mixed with a liter of boiling water. You need to insist for a couple of hours. To rid an alcoholic of addiction, the infusion is given to drink half a glass 2 times a day before meals.

    To prepare a decoction of St. John's wort, you need to pour 6 tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant into a liter of boiling water. It should be infused for 5-6 hours in a dark place. The patient is given 10-20 ml 3 times a day before meals.

    Green apples

    To create a remedy that will save you from drinking a glass, you need to prepare green apples. Several nails are driven into 3 medium fruits. After a day, the apples are ready to eat; the metal is removed from them.

    Eating 3 fruits daily will relieve addiction.

    Dung mushroom

    For a healing infusion, you need to prepare the mushroom in any form and add it to your daily menu. During treatment, you need to make sure that the man does not drink a single gram of ethyl alcohol, otherwise this can provoke poisoning of the body, fraught with serious consequences for health and life.

    Therapy with alternative medicine prescriptions is carried out only after consultation with a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient. If adverse reactions occur, the patient must be referred to a medical facility for medical assistance.

    Conspiracies and prayers

    Prayers and conspiracies are another way to cope with a man’s addiction without his knowledge. Desperate women resort to magic, but this treatment has no scientific confirmation.

    Before choosing a prayer, psychologists recommend going to church to consult with a priest. The priest helps develop a strategy to combat her husband’s addiction and suggests the correct texts. The main prerequisite is faith in the effect of prayers. This is the only way the saints help the person asking to cope with the illness of his loved one. To help your husband get rid of bad habits, you should turn to the icons:

    1. 1. The Blessed Virgin Mary.
    2. 2. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
    3. 3. Moses Murin.
    4. 4. Bonifatia.

    You can choose a suitable prayer yourself by studying the prayer book.

    Conspiracies, magic and witchcraft are methods to stop a husband's alcoholism that are not approved by the church. However, even the fortune tellers themselves claim that there are no quick results with such therapy, and there may not be any at all. This must be understood when turning to magic for help in an attempt to save a loved one.

    Not a single magician or fortune teller can guarantee 100% recovery from addiction. Before paying such specialists for their work, you should weigh all the pros and cons of this approach to treatment.