How to make a man out of fabric. Why do we need amulet dolls and how to make them with your own hands

Today I will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself fabric doll at home, such a scheme and method with which you can stamp dolls, I only change their clothes, hair, face, etc. This method of creating dolls from fabric is certainly difficult, but it is practical and the girls themselves like homemade products of younger years. Here in this craft you definitely need to be able to sew, and even better if you know how to embroider. If you fantasize well, then make a large number of such dolls with your own hands and decorate the entire children's room with them, of course, the toys should all be different. We already did, but this method is completely different.

We will need:
Fabric in different colors.
Threads for embroidery.
Threads for knitting.
Sintepon or cotton wool.
You will also need a variety of improvised means.

I will briefly describe the method of creation, but you yourself will see in the photo, everything is very clear there.

We take a fabric, draw a pattern on it, then with the help of special tools we embroider the doll's face, eyes, eyebrows, etc.

This is how we sew. If you don't know how, you can try to draw.

We use the fabric practically and try to take every piece for crafts. We draw pupae next to each other.

Now we cut out.

These are the legs, the handles we get, as well as the face and torso.

We combine the body completely, see how it will be.

I made six dolls, the head and body are solid, and the arms and legs are separate.

With the help of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, we stuff our craft and thereby make it voluminous.

That's how it works.

Closer view. Volumetric dolls filled with cotton wool. The head is a little flat, but it doesn’t matter, there will be hair to add volume and hide everything.

If you have hair from a purchased doll, then you can also try it on.

It is difficult to cling to the hair, first you need to collect it in a pile, then tie it, and only then sew it on your head.

Who is not too lazy, can sew clothes.

In general, fantasy is limitless, do what your heart desires.

Here we have such a basic do-it-yourself fabric doll.

Try, learn and try, it's never too late to do this business. For many, this is an exciting business that develops into an everyday hobby. And if you don't like sewing, then try or learn.

Homemade toys have long won the hearts of not only adults, but also children, and, remaining at the peak of popularity, these handmade creations are gaining more and more fans. This phenomenon is not at all surprising, because the creation process is quite interesting, and the result is worth the effort.

How to sew a doll with your own hands? To answer this question, you should first consider what they are, textile dolls.

Tilda doll and its features

Especially popular today are embroidered tilde dolls created by the famous Norwegian artist Toni Finanger. They have special features that make them stand out from thousands of other textile toys. Why toys and not dolls? Yes, because tildes are not only dolls, girls and boys, but also bunnies, bears, cats, and even snails. The main distinguishing feature of these toys is the special selection of fabrics and, of course, the shape of the dolls themselves. For a hare, these are huge ears hanging down to the elbows, long paws and a relatively small body. Snails and seals are usually made flat. And the girl's body is disproportionately large relative to the head and has a pear-shaped shape. Dolls and bunnies of this type are cut in profile. In finished form, the seam along the body and head runs in the middle, dividing the body into two symmetrical parts. But seals and snails are cut full face. And in finished form, such a toy looks flat. Another feature of textile dolls from the Norwegian designer is a special facial expression with small eyes and expressive blush on the cheeks. Knowing such subtleties regarding cut and design, as well as how to sew a tilde doll, you can create more and more new images.

Raggedy Ann doll and its distinctive features

Another popular textile toy is the Raggedy Ann doll. Such a toy has a one-piece body and head, but the arms and legs are sewn on. The pattern of the Raggedy Ann doll differs from the tilde in that the legs are designed with turned feet, which are quite large in relation to the size of the toy itself, and the hands are made with fingers, which looks very interesting when finished. Raggedy Ann's head, unlike tilde dolls, is made big. Huge eyes with long eyelashes, a small nose and a smile are drawn on the face with acrylic paints directly on the fabric.

Doll from kapron stockings

Quite popular among needlewomen is also a toy, the main material for the creation of which are nylon stockings. There is a whole science of how to sew a doll out of tights. Craftswomen quite often call this occupation textile sculpture. After all, the principle of creating a kapron doll is that a stocking stuffed with padding polyester is molded in the truest sense of the word, fixing all the notches and bulges of the face and body with a thread with a needle. Only experienced craftsmen undertake to create such a toy, because in comparison with tilde or Raggedy Ann dolls, this work is much more difficult.

Initial stage: sketch

To sew a textile doll, you first need to decide what material her body, hair, shoes and clothes, as well as accessories will be made of. In general, first of all, you need to think about the image. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the end the product may differ slightly from the idea. At the same time, a preliminary sketch will not hurt, because with its help it will be easier to navigate the sequence of stages of work.

Selection of materials for the doll

How to sew a doll with your own hands, what materials should be chosen for work and what exactly will be needed to create a complete image of a toy? For the body and head of the Tilda and Raggedy Ann dolls, white cotton fabric is usually taken and dyed with coffee beans to give it a skin-like tone. As a filler, as well as for a nylon toy, a synthetic winterizer is used. Sometimes, in order to be able to fix the position of the arms and legs, a wire is inserted into them. To create a hairstyle, you can use a variety of materials. It can be loose satin ribbons or clothesline, felting wool, yarn, floss threads, and even natural hair from end-of-life wigs and hairpieces. It is worth noting that the hairstyle is one of the significant details of the doll, on which the whole image directly depends. For a romantic tilde girl, straight hair from loose ribbons or curls from a clothesline would be ideal, but for a strict lady with a high hairdo or a bun on her head, it is better to use wool.

We build a tilde pattern

A lot has already been said about how to sew a tilde doll. However, keep in mind that this will not be possible if you do not have the appropriate template at hand. So, immediately after creating a sketch, you should begin to develop a pattern. There should be three main details here:

  • a body with a one-piece head, similar to a pear with small indentations in the neck area and with a cropped bottom;
  • leg, drawn in a side view, with a small foot and extension to the top, the length of which is equal to the body with the head;
  • an arm as wide as a shin, and a length equal to the distance from the shoulder to the bottom of the body.

At the same time, the bottom of the torso should be of such a width that both legs of the doll could be sewn to it freely, without stretching and tucking. By observing these proportions, you can easily make a pattern yourself, without wasting time looking for descriptions of how to sew a tilde doll.

We build a pattern of Raggedy Ann

As already mentioned, the peculiarity and main difference between this toy and the tilde doll is that Raggedy Ann has a big head and feet, and hands with fingers. And having at least the slightest idea of ​​​​how to sew a doll out of fabric, you can create any patterns. The pattern for the Raggedy Ann doll is no exception. So, the template of the torso of such a toy is built along with the head. Moreover, it is much wider and has the shape of a slightly flattened circle. And for a special charm on the template, you can draw ears in the form of small semicircles at eye level. The width of the head should be about a third more than the base of the body, which, like the tildes, is pear-shaped. The leg and arm are made straight, without thickening, the same width. The foot should be equal to one third of the length of the leg, which, in turn, is the same height as the torso and head. The arm is slightly shorter than the leg. In order to make fingers on the brush, it is not necessary to cut them out, just the thumb will be enough, and the rest are done using the firmware.

Selection of materials for clothing and accessories

Textile dolls, homemade bunnies and cats look very original in embroidered dresses with frills and lace. Beaded beads and bracelets made of beads, shoes, handbags and hats will also perfectly complement the image of the toy. And to create a princess doll from gold fabric, you can build a crown. As a rule, for sewing clothes, tilde dolls take cotton fabrics with small floral or geometric patterns, all kinds of colored rep ribbons, as well as natural leather, suede and furs. The choice of material for clothes depends on the image of the toy. For a romantic doll with curls, you should sew a dress made of chintz with polka dots or a flower, but for a strict, respectable lady, it is better to take more noble fabrics, such as velor, velveteen and velvet.

How to sew clothes for a doll

It should be noted right away that sometimes it happens that sewing clothes for a finished textile doll is much more difficult than the toy itself. In childhood, all the girls tried to make some outfits for their wards, and now you can also remember how to sew a dress for a Barbie doll, these skills will not hurt. However, if such an activity is new, then you will need to make every effort, because all the details are quite small, and the work should come out as accurate as possible.

We build a dress pattern

So, in order to sew a dress for a doll, you need to take the following measurements: the circumference of the neck and chest, the width of the back, shoulder and front, the depth of the armhole and the length of the product. After all these measurements must be transferred to paper. To sew a dress in the form of a trapezoid, you should draw an isosceles triangle on the sheet. Mark the bottom of the product on it. Then go up to measure the length of the finished dress (if you do not plan to make a frill on the bottom). At this height, draw a line parallel to the bottom with a length equal to half the circumference of the neck + 2 measurements of the width of the shoulder. Next, make cutouts for the armholes of the sleeves and the neck (for the back and front separately). To make the dress removable, the back part should be made up of two halves and in the middle seam, fasten with Velcro or buttons. Sleeves for such an outfit can be of different lengths and styles. The main thing is that the okat (upper part) is equal to the length of the armhole, so that it can be easily sewn into it. Sewing dolls in such dresses look very cute. Such clothes can be decorated with frills made of fabric or lace, as well as ribbon bows or textile flowers.

Appointment of textile toys

Textile dolls, home-made fabric toys have become a very popular decorative element of the interior. Cutely seated tilde angels or bunnies on bookshelves or near photo frames look very original. Having created a whole collection of such toys, they can beautifully decorate a children's room. Yes, and many girls and women will be pleased to receive a gift in the form of an amazing doll, so similar to their new mistress.

Summing up the above, we can say with confidence that, knowing how to sew a doll with your own hands, it is quite easy to acquire an interesting hobby. With the help of such leisure activities, you can give joy to your own children, decorate your home and make original gifts for loved ones. And it is quite possible that this activity will bring some income to the family budget, if you seriously get down to business.

The range of children's toys is growing every year, so satisfying the needs of a child of any age is quite simple. Unfortunately, today many parents are faced with the problem of the quality and safety of toys. The number of manufacturers of children's goods is constantly growing, while their quality leaves much to be desired. If you want toys that are safe, non-allergic, and fun for kids, make them better by hand. In this article, we decided to offer you a few master classes.

Small do-it-yourself doll for girls

Doll- an integral toy for girls of preschool and primary school age. The dolls come in a variety of styles, ranging from baby dolls to grown-up girls who can wear heels and fashion items. This toy plays an important role in the development of the child, because in the game he imitates the adult world and reflects his ideas about life. The doll contributes to the development of imagination, helps to remember parts of the body, as well as what clothes are intended for different situations. Try to make a toy with your child and it will become his favorite.

The doll is an essential toy for girls of preschool and primary school age.

- wire;
- thick thread;
- light knitted fabric
- wool for felting;
- blank for the head of foam;
- fabric for doll clothes.

Take a piece of wire and make a frame out of it for the doll. The size of the toy will depend on the length of the wire. It is best to make the frame from two segments: fold the first in half (this will be the torso and two legs), and thread the second in the upper part through the first (these are the arms).

Don't forget to leave some wire for the neck, as well as a piece of wire so that you can attach the Styrofoam head blank to it. Styrofoam must be covered with a light knitted fabric so that its ends are at the back. They can be covered with hair. Attach the workpiece to the body.

Now take a woolen thread and start wrapping it around the doll's frame. With a thread, you can form the figure of a toy, while the arms should not be very thick in comparison with the body. From a light knitted fabric, sew a “skin” and pull it over the workpiece. After that, you can start sewing clothes. To do this, cut out a blouse according to the patterns and sew it, and then make a skirt or pants. If your doll is a real fashionista, tie or sew a bag for her.

Doll hair is easy to make from felting wool. You can shape the hairstyle yourself and then glue the hair on the doll's head. It remains to draw the eyes and brown the cheeks. The doll is ready and at the same time it is not worse than store products.

Original toys from wine corks

Toys are loved not only by children, but also by adults. If you dream up a little, then you can easily make creative crafts that can be presented as a memorable souvenir. Wine corks are an environmentally friendly material for needlework, while products from it are quite original.

Cheerful cat - wine cork doll

In order to make a cat toy, you will need two wine corks, wire, beads and knitting threads. First, cut one cork - this will be the head, and the torso needs to be cut out of the second. Now take three pieces of wire and pass them through the upper, lower legs and tail. It is advisable to stretch the wire completely through the cork so that the paws do not fall off.

Connect the head to the body with a hard wire and start wrapping the product with threads. In order for the thread to hold, periodically lubricate the turns with glue.

The cat will turn out more funny if you use threads of two colors. Do not forget about the muzzle, which can be embroidered or glued with beads of a suitable color and size.

Since corks come in many different shapes, you can make some fun animals. See photos of finished cork toys for inspiration. Think toys are small for kids?

But after all, there are no more figures in Kinder Surprise. If you create a whole series of toys, then your children will collect exactly

It is impossible to imagine our life without such a toy as a doll. The modern doll is bright, fashionable, beautiful. Often dolls are accompanied by outfits, houses, cars.

But, despite all this splendor, do-it-yourself rag dolls are becoming increasingly popular. They are used not only for playing, interior dolls, amulets dolls are now in fashion.

Creating dolls, craftswomen invest in their products not only skill, but also their whole soul. A handmade toy will always be a great gift.

How to make a beautiful doll with your own hands, you ask? In our article we will talk about this.

History of dolls

The doll accompanies humanity literally from the beginning of time. Carved from wood or molded from clay, the dolls accompanied the rituals of shamans and sorcerers, they were animated and deified.

The Slavic peoples made bundles from bundles of straw and scraps of fabric, they were mainly talismans for the house from illnesses, evil spirits and misfortunes.

Children's toys, too, of course, have always been. Animal figurines were carved from wood, dolls were sewn from scraps of fabric and stuffed with straw.

Much later, when they began to produce porcelain dolls in luxurious clothes, only very wealthy people bought them, the children of ordinary people played with rag toys.

Mechanical puppets were first made in the 18th century in China and also cost a fortune. Now dolls are sewn not to save money, but to have something original and exclusive.

Charm for home

The most uncomplicated doll in needlework is a knitted amulet, made from bundles of straw, threads and pieces of fabric.

Knitted, because the doll is not sewn with a thread, and its details are interconnected. Ideally, even scissors are not used in the work on the amulet, the necessary pieces of the canvas are torn off by hand, and the details of the doll are tied together with threads.

The product will be an excellent amulet if it is sewn from the worn clothes of the owner, worn at the best moments in life.

The eyes and mouth of the amulet are not drawn. Outwardly, amulets may differ, it depends on who they are made for, newborns for intercession, newlyweds for happiness in family life, for a home for abundance and prosperity. Amulets for wealth and an excellent harvest are decorated with wheat, seeds, nuts. For good health, a herbalist doll is made, filling it with fragrant herbs.

You need to make a charm in a good mood, sing songs, read prayers, talk about pleasant things.

The doll absorbs good emotions and words, and the same good will exude in your house.

Work on the amulet cannot be interrupted, so prepare everything in advance, pick up the time so that you are not distracted and finish the job.

To make a knitted doll you will need:

  • white patch for making the head
  • filler (synthetic winterizer)
  • patches of colored fabric (10 * 10 hands, 5 * 8 apron, 9 * 16 skirt)
  • floss threads for hairstyles and tying

Wrap the filler with a white cloth and wrap it tightly with a thread, the “tail” of the fabric will be the body.


Gather a flap of the skirt in folds and tie it to the body, do the same with the apron, without tearing off the thread, wind it up to the doll's head, making a beautiful body.

Gather a piece of fabric for hands with an accordion in length and wrap it with thread. Wrap hands to the body of the doll crosswise - crosswise. You can put a scarf on your head, or you can make hair from threads.

Stitched dolls

The world of sewn dolls is diverse, here are soft cozy toys for children, and sophisticated elegant interior dolls and wonderful options that do not have the right proportions.

The Tilda doll, which appeared not so long ago, has become extremely popular. Such a doll has disproportionately long legs and arms, only eyes and cheeks are depicted on the face.

Below is a pattern of a Tilda doll to realize your ideas.

The creative potential of each needlewoman is diverse and each sewn doll is unique.


A beginner can start by sewing small felt dolls, the clothes of these ladies are embroidered from beads and don't be afraid, such dolls always turn out.

For needlework, prepare:

  • felt fabric
  • hair yarn
  • filler
  • kapron threads
  • beads

You can use a ready-made pattern, you can draw a template yourself, everything is up to you. Transfer the pattern to the felt and cut out the blanks. Embroider or draw a face on one of the blanks.

Now you can embroider, on each of the blanks, a dress with beads. Sew dresses for the doll separately and change outfits regularly. To make a hairstyle, cut the yarn into 15-20 cm pieces and sew on both blanks along the forehead line and the neck line.


The sewing method presented above allows you to create any dolls, and change the patterns at will.

Nylon dolls

Recently, nylon dolls have become popular, nylon allows you to make any facial expression of the doll.

How to sew such a magnificent doll? Experience is required to create this variety of dolls, and now we will present a simpler version of sewing from kapron.

You will need:

  • nylon tights
  • filler
  • beads
  • threads
  • floss threads for hair
  • safety pins.

You should start by filling and creating a form. After filling, tie or sew up the top tightly. To create a face, use pins, for example, marking the nose, stick the pins in place of the nostrils and sew between them, as shown in the photo.

  • Sew the nostrils and wings of the nose with literally two stitches, you need to stitch each new detail of the face with a new thread.
  • The cheeks are pierced with a pin from top to bottom and stitched in the same way.
  • The line of the mouth is stitched, also after shaping it with pins.
  • The doll's navel is marked with pins and stitched; a running stitch is used to create the legs.
  • Sew on beads in place of the eyes, do a hairstyle on the head by sewing in floss threads.
  • Eyebrows and eyelashes are easy to draw, clothes for the doll can be any, at your discretion.

There are many techniques for sewing dolls and types of toys themselves, do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed. We present photos of dolls for inspiration.

Photo of do-it-yourself dolls

Each master has his own techniques, patterns and his own peculiarities of sewing an interior doll. In this master class, we will try to tell in great detail how this is usually done. The material is suitable even for beginners with no experience. So let's get started.

MK interior doll from A to Z

What we need:

Sewing machine.
Knitwear for the body, interlining, cotton, jersey for clothing.
Shoes for a doll, a hat for a doll, hair tresses.
Threads are white and beige, needles.
Filler - synthetic winterizer and synthetic winterizer. You can only sintepon, if you do not find sintepuh.
Large (long) needle for sewing on arms and legs.
Glue is transparent.
Invisibility needles or safety pins.

So, the first and most important thing is the pattern. Print on A4 and cut out.

For sewing the torso, you will need knitwear. You can purchase special doll knitwear, which almost does not stretch. It is most often found under the name "White Angel". You can get plain knitwear from a fabric store. In order for it not to stretch too much, glue it with interlining. We glue the fabric from the inside, except for the place where the head will be. We fold and cut off facing each other, outline the pattern, sew. Details are not completely stitched together. There are places for eversion and a place where the ball for the head is inserted.

We cut out the body parts with zigzag scissors. If you don’t have them, then we cut them out with ordinary ones and be sure to make small notches at the folds, for example, on the neck. We just take this cut edge and carefully, not reaching the seam of a couple of millimeters, we cut it.

After we have flashed all the details, we need to modify the legs. We take the leg, fold it around the foot, seam to seam and draw a rounded line.

We sew along this line. Cut out. Here's what we should get.

We turn out the details with a wooden stick.

Let's get to the head. We need a foam ball 8 cm in diameter. We cut out a circle from the padding polyester, such that it completely covers the ball, if it is wrapped.

We wrap the ball and put it in the head through the space that is not sewn on top.

If you do not want to make a nose for your doll, then you can skip the next step. For the spout, we need a safety pin with a bead at the end, a piece of padding polyester, thread and glue. So, let's take a pin. Apply glue to the tip of the plastic bead. Wrap with a strip of synthetic winterizer. Then we fold this roll on a bead in half. We tie a thread around the base of this ball.

Necessary strip of synthetic winterizer.

A roll wrapped around an invisibility.

We folded this roll in half and wrapped it at the base with a thread.

We outline on the face with an invisibility where we will have a nose.

Gently move the fabric aside and at the place where the needle enters the ball, insert our nose, and remove the invisibility.

Sew up the top of the head.

Now the most responsible and difficult moment is the neck. For the neck you will need a wooden stick. Cut off Chinese chopsticks and sharpen the end. You can use wooden skewers, but they are more brittle. You will also need a strip of synthetic winterizer and glue.

We cut a strip of synthetic winterizer in a width equal to the length of the stick before sharpening, and the length is such that when rolled up, the neck coverage is approximately. Lubricate the stick with glue and, starting from the end, roll up the padding polyester with a roll around the stick - like a carpet.

Carefully insert this roller into the body through the lower unsewn hole and prick the ball in the head on the tip of the stick. For a beginner, it can be difficult to immediately make a beautiful neck. With experience it gets better and better.

We stuff the torso with sintepuh. Gently, in small pieces. We help ourselves with a wooden stick. If you do not have synthetic down, then you can use a synthetic winterizer, tearing and fluffing it into small pieces. We stuff tightly.

Stuff the neck first with a stick. We try to align everything so that there are no bumps.

After the neck turned out to be even and neat, you can already stuff the body without a stick, with your hands. A very important point! The stuffing should be very dense, tight. This is necessary in order for our doll to stand later. This applies to the torso, and arms, and legs. Don't rush, use small pieces. Large pieces give the so-called cellulite - not a smooth surface of the doll.

We sew the bottom.

We fill the arms and legs in the same way. There is no way to do without a wand. Tip: put your feet in boots first, and then stuff them. You can do this again with a stick. We put it in the leg and put it in the boot. And then we stuff. This will help the foot not deform during stuffing and take the shape of the shoe. Sew up the openings of the arms and legs.

Let's get to the clothes. Cut out pantaloons. We take fabric. Lay facing each other. We draw our pattern on the fabric. Sew top and bottom. And then sew the top side seams.

We unfold and sew the bottom seams so that we get panties.

We twist and put on the legs through the top.

Insert the body between the legs. We fix with safety pins, and better, if any, with long needles. And we sew by button fastening the legs to the body.

That is, you insert the needle into one leg and stitch it through the torso to the other leg. At the same time, sew on each side through the buttons.

We put on pants. We collect them from behind and sew them to the calf. If they turned out to be too wide on the leg, then they can be picked up on a thread and sewn to the legs.

We sew a dress. It will consist separately of the top, skirt and sleeves. We sew the upper part. To do this, we need to measure the girth of the torso in the waist area and the height of this upper part.

The girth turned out to be 21 cm, and the height is 7.5 cm. For the allowance, add 0.5 cm in width and 2 cm in height.

So, we need to cut out a rectangle 21.5x9.5 cm. And hem it on a typewriter on both sides in width.

Then we make grooves on both sides. To do this, we apply our cut to the body, wrap it around and outline for ourselves the fold of the fabric. You can first draw a line and sweep it by hand. Sew one side. We do not sew to the end, since along the bottom we have the length that we need. And it doesn't need to be reduced.

We apply again to the body and in the same way outline the excess on the second side, which must be removed into the tuck. We are sewing. We apply to the body, fasten with pins and carefully sew the two halves at the back. The top part looks like this:

We sew a skirt. Everything is simple here. From the waist, measure the length of the skirt you need. Please note that if the skirt is fluffy, then it will look shorter. We cut out a rectangle equal in width to your skirt length + 2 cm for allowances, and as long as you want. The more, the more magnificent. For this doll, I made a length of 45 cm. If one piece of fabric is missing, then two can be sewn. So, cut out, hemmed the edges, and then sewed it into one circle. Gathered with a thread along the length and tightened on the belt. Then they sewed it straight to the calf.

This is a petticoat. Skirt top, pleats. The technology is the same. Sewn on by hand.

Down you can put on a tulle skirt for pomp. On the belt in order to hide the seam, you can glue or sew on braid or lace.

Knitted jacket, but you can use both cotton and jeans. In this example, jersey and cotton as lining fabric. We cut the fabric facing each other. We draw a pattern. We do not stretch to the end. We turn it through the hole and sew it by hand.

We attach our jacket to the doll and fix it with pins. Sew it in the center. Decorate with a button or something else. You can not sew, then it will not be buttoned on the doll.

On a small rectangular piece of knitwear, we sew the bottom. We chip off the face and draw the sleeves. We attach the handles to the fabric and outline where the sleeve should go.

Sew, twist and put on hands.

We sew the arms in the same way as the legs, using a button mount.

The last step is hair. Hair can be made from artificial wefts or from natural sheep curls. You can also use yarn or wool for felting. How to make hair from tresses?

We need wefts, transparent glue, or a needle and thread, safety pins, a comb.

There are two options. The first is to glue the wefts with glue, the second is to sew with threads. For beginners, the second option is easier. It is easier. And here's how to glue the wefts.

Draw a line around the head with a simple pencil. Squeeze out a small layer of glue along this line.

We apply the base of the wefts to this layer and fix it with pins. The pins are only needed for a few seconds for the glue to set. When we glue the second row, then we already pull out the pins from the first.

In the same way, the third row, etc. Until the tress is over.

You can sew the wefts with threads to the head in the same way in a spiral. It's a little longer, but your hands will be clean from glue :) Or buy a wig, it is put on the head and easily sewn along the edge.

We draw eyes with acrylic paint and blush the cheeks with ordinary blush or pastel.

We put on a hat, decorate it to your taste (a bear, or a handbag, or something else), and voila! The doll is ready :)