How to dress for overweight men. Suits for men with a tummy from TRIMFORTI are the perfect solution for respectable business men. Use monochrome style in clothes

Regardless of the style of clothing that a man likes, he must acquire some wardrobe details. Yes, he must have shirts.

When choosing them, consider your own taste - someone likes silk shirts, and someone likes classic ones. Be that as it may, it is impossible to do without them.

This article will offer stylish plus size shirts for men . It will also talk about the nuances of slimming men of non-standard sizes models.

Options for stylish plus size shirts for men

So, the following options for stylish shirts are suitable for full men. Shirts will look good on them. dark tones . However, do not limit yourself to black. Add green, navy and gray shirts to your wardrobe.

You may also like stylish plus size shirts for men with small pattern And narrow vertical stripes . It is desirable that there are no large figures or ornaments on the shirts. Monochromatic clothing visually makes the silhouette smaller.

In addition, a tunic will look good on overweight men. This is a narrow long shirt. She came to our wardrobe from Ancient Rome. Such clothes will hide a big belly and full hips. This shirt Best worn with jeans or dark trousers .

They will help to hide the belly that obese men have, shirts with psychedelic print . Such clothes distract people's attention from problem areas. Stylish plus size shirts for men with a printed chest draw attention away from a big belly. However, it is better to wear them on vacation or on vacation.

Well hide the fullness checkered shirts. That's just the size of the cell must be chosen correctly. A medium-sized plaid shirt is best.

When choosing shirts with short sleeves, give preference to models with sleeves ending above the elbow , because they will help to hide full hands. Young men can roll up the sleeves of their shirts. It looks fashionable and slimming since the wrist is open.

Stylish plus size shirts for men with fitted or semi-fitted silhouette because they visually slim the figure. Suitable for large men shirts with embossed lines because they visually lengthen the figure.

Many obese men believe that white shirts make them fat. However, this is not the case, so do not be afraid to wear them. The main thing is to choose the right shirt style. Finally, for overweight guys, it’s better not to wear T-shirts, but shirts made of thick fabric .

Best suited for overweight men shirts with straight sleeves . But models with a lowered shoulder line are not recommended to them, because they make the figure massive and shorten the arms. Shirts look good on them tapered sleeves .

Also help to hide the fullness of the shirt with V-neck . With their help, you can visually make the neck narrower. This is especially important for those with a double chin. Thanks to such shirts, you can draw attention to the chest area, and not the neck.

Overweight men should choose vertical striped models - it visually slims

For a suit, it is better to choose shirts with narrow collar . So you can draw the attention of others to your face. But it is better not to choose shirts with a high collar. After all, the neck will not be visible in them. As a result, the person will appear fuller.

Choose the length of the shirts so that they are below the widest point. If you want to choose a shirt with a pattern, do not forget that it must be designed in one color. You can choose a shirt in a small check in a muted tone.

For dense men with a medium-sized top, but an outstanding belly, you can choose a shirt with horizontal stripe . Just pair it with a neutral bottom. It is possible for men with such a figure to combine a dark bottom with a light top or wear a shirt with diamond-shaped or oblique pattern .

Regardless of the shirt you choose, make sure you don't have to pull it up to button it up. After all, you often see fat men in a shirt that is small for them. It looks ugly, so when choosing a shirt, check if the buttons are easy to fasten .

What shirts are not recommended for overweight men

Next, let's talk about which stylish plus size shirts are not recommended for obese men. First, they better avoid baggy shirts because they visually make the figure fuller. Second, big men Tight shirts are not recommended. , as they only emphasize the flaws of the figure.

Thirdly, dense men do not choose brightly colored shirts , for example, orange. After all, bright clothes only emphasize excess weight and look comical on overweight people.

Fourth, shirts with horizontal lines are not suitable for overweight men , as they visually complete the figure. Fifth, undesirable men with a non-standard figure choose shirts with patch pockets , because they only create an extra album. The same can be said for shirts. with welt pockets .

Avoid shirts made of satin or shiny fabrics. If you have a prominent belly, cover your white shirt with a dark jacket or vest. Or choose a gray, blue or burgundy shirt.

Business style for overweight men

When combining a shirt with a suit, remember that the jacket should be single-breasted with a V-neck, and the trousers should be classic

In addition to what stylish plus size shirts are best for large men, we will give some tips on business style. An elegant suit is the basis of any man's wardrobe. The suit will fit perfectly in size if, after purchase, some of its details are adjusted in the atelier.
Read the popular article heading: The most fashionable plus size shirts for men

The suit visually makes the figure slimmer. So, don't be afraid to wear it on special occasions. In addition, it makes the male image more elegant.

It is better for tall and full men to choose a suit with Obottom-breasted jacket . Preferably to his buttons were low . His throat cutout it should be V-shaped . It is also recommended to choose loose and long jackets because they help hide the belly.

choose jackets with large pockets . With their help, you can visually balance the proportions of the figure. If a full guy is tall, he'd better stay on a jacket with large pockets. Then the jacket will not look like it was pulled on with difficulty.

Coats for overweight men should be straight-cut and mid-thigh length.

You can visually make your figure slimmer even with a tie. So, for men with a non-standard figure, it is advisable to wear a tie more often. They suit them best dark colored ties .

When choosing pants, avoid pleated slacks. Such a model of trousers completes its owner. However black or navy pleated trousers will look good on large men.

Wide trousers make the figure heavier. So you better choose fitted trousers . However, they should not be tight.

Also in the wardrobe should be a good coat. It adds style and visually slims. These tasks are best handled by well-tailored models.

How to choose winter clothes for large men

In addition to stylish and fashionable plus size shirts, it is worth giving some advice on choosing winter clothes for men with a non-standard figure. They are encouraged to choose long coats or jackets . In length, they should reach the middle of the thigh.

You can hide figure flaws with long raincoats . It is desirable that they end at ankle level. Outerwear that reaches the middle of the calf muscle will not suit full men of small stature, because such a length shortens the legs.

Do not forget that down jackets are only suitable for slender tall guys. If a man has extra pounds, it is better for him not to choose such clothes. Models with wide cuffs are also not suitable for plump guys. But jackets or coats with tapered sleeves will look good on them.

The main mistakes of overweight people are postponing the purchase of beautiful things until they lose weight, and dressing in baggy clothes, trying to hide figure flaws. The first leads to a depressed moral state, the second to a disgusting appearance.

Even if you are an obese man with a belly, you can find stylish, comfortable things that will correct your figure, give you self-confidence and good mood.

A man is adorned by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all.

Mark Twain, writer

Why is it important for big men to dress properly?

Fat people are often uncomfortable to be in society. They are accused, even behind their backs, of laziness, incontinence in food and other sins that lead to fullness. The accusations are not always fair, but there is no escape from them.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary. And it's not even about social condemnation, but about the fact that it is important for maintaining good health. However, you should not dream that you will lose weight and buy clothes. Dress nice and right now.

If a thin or athletic person is dressed casually, they are not particularly noticed. The sloppy look of a fat person is another confirmation of how lazy he is: after all, he did not even have the desire to make a decent wardrobe.

We know it's frustrating to hear that. But let this be a strong argument for changing something in your style.

Basic rules for choosing clothes for large men

We'll talk more about which pieces of clothing will help you look your best later, but first, remember the four basic rules.

1. A good fit is important

Excessive folds on clothes, sagging fabric, wrinkling give the suit an untidy look. On a full man, this effect is enhanced. Trying to disguise excess weight with clothes a size or two larger leads to the opposite: you only draw even more attention to your figure.

The better the clothes fit, the more comfortable you feel in them, and this improves your mood and appearance.
So, clothes should not be too tight, but should not hang in folds. Finding something that fits perfectly in the store is an almost impossible task, don't even torture yourself looking for it. It is more profitable to find a good atelier or a tailor who will fit the purchased clothes according to the figure.

2. The simpler the better

Your physique makes you look impressive. Therefore, dressing is easier, so as not to overwhelm others with your appearance.

Clothes without bright patterns and prints are suitable: basic, plain.

3. Benefits of lightweight fabric

Thick, heavy fabric emphasizes your size, makes you bulky. In such clothes it is hot, you sweat more. And even if you don't sweat, try wearing lighter clothing anyway.

At first glance, you probably won't tell the difference between fine wool trousers and tight jeans, but as you wear them, you realize how different they are. Smooth, lightweight fabric that drapes neatly will flatter your figure and feel more comfortable.

4. Do not try to drag the figure

All things that are aimed at tightening - corsets, special underwear, etc. - have a short-term effect (only while you are in them) and deprive you of comfort. And this is a big minus. A person who is uncomfortable, constantly twitches, trying to straighten his clothes, looks nervous, unsure of himself.

How the right clothes will help you

Good clothes will visually change the shape of your body: you will look proportionate and neat.

The best effect of the right clothes is to change the first impression of you: not a fat man, but a big man. It seems to be not so significant, but in the minds of people you will appear not as lazy, soft-bodied and weak, but as powerful, imposing, self-confident. And that means that they will communicate with you differently.

Clothes for big men: the good, the bad and the ugly

So, we have decided on the general principles of choosing clothes, let's add specifics.

Good clothes

Proper clothing forms a neat, clean and collected silhouette. Suits, blazers, sports jackets cope with this task.

Instead of jeans, choose loose-fitting trousers made of thick cotton or wool. In cool weather, complete the look with a long coat to look solid.

bad clothes

Danger lies in wait for you when choosing soft, shapeless clothes. Be careful when buying sweaters and sweatshirts. They can visually reduce the stomach, as they cover the belt of the trousers, however, these things should fit quite snugly against the body so that there are no wrinkles, folds, or overhanging fabric.

Sportswear will make you shapeless. Therefore, wear it only for training. Appearing elsewhere in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you will again confirm the stereotype of a lazy fat slob.

Terrible clothes

The worst outfit combines shapelessness, low-rise trousers or jeans, and overly bare arms and legs. The bottom line is that when your arms and legs are bare, you draw much more attention to your rather big belly.

How to look better now without throwing your entire wardrobe in the trash

Are you depressed? Are you thinking that you will have to change your wardrobe completely, but there are no funds and forces for this? There are seven tricks that will help you make visible changes to your existing wardrobe.

1. Replace your belts with braces

The belt does not always cope with its functions on a full man. Trying to fasten your pants around your waist with a belt is like trying to tighten the belt around the bottom of a basketball.

But the suspenders will definitely not let the trousers fall off you, besides, the trousers will sit correctly and beautifully, without slipping under the stomach.

There are two types of suspenders: with buttons (classic) and with metal clips. Metal clips will look very frivolous and even funny. Therefore, it is better to take the trousers to the atelier and ask them to sew on buttons or snaps on the back of the belt so that they can be worn with classic suspenders.

Of course, this will not be an ideal result, since the waist of trousers worn with suspenders should be slightly higher than the waist of regular trousers, but for a while you can put up with this state of affairs, and buy the following trousers specifically for suspenders.

2. Choose Shark Collar Shirts

"Shark" - a collar, the ends of which are widely separated to the sides. The edges of the collar can be rounded, sharp, cut, the collar itself can be longer or shorter - choose what you like best.

With a shark collar, a wide face looks proportional, moreover, with this type of collar, you can tie a large one (Windsor, for example) or a neckerchief. And you only need to use wide ties and large knots, because a big man with a thin tie and a tiny knot looks ridiculous.

3. Put on a hat

A hat is a magical element of the wardrobe that turns almost any outfit into an outfit for going out. By wearing a stylish hat, you demonstrate to others that you have put a lot of effort into thinking through your costume. This will dispel their assumptions that your obesity is the result of laziness.

And the hat will stretch your figure a little visually.

4. Swap jeans for work overalls

When you have to do some work with your hands, put on overalls instead of jeans and T-shirts that will constantly ride up or slip down.

Work overalls are classic men's clothing that will hide your belly and protect you from minor abrasions.

5. Grow a beard

You don’t need a big boyar one, but a short and neat one will hide the excessive fullness of the face. The goatee will sharpen the chin, the mustache will correct the shape of the cheeks.

Just watch your beard very carefully. A big guy with well-groomed facial hair is a stylish man, a big guy with tufts of hair sticking out is a lazy man.

6. Use big accessories

In everything, it is important to observe proportions. The bigger you are, the larger accessories should be: watches, ties. Even a plastic ballpoint pen that you use regularly should be replaced with a heavier one.

Bonus - large accessories are perceived as an indicator of the strength and power of the owner. And these are exactly the sensations that you should evoke with your appearance.

7. Wear loose shirts

This will help to stretch the silhouette, hiding the belly hanging over the trouser belt. Pay attention to shirts with a rounded bottom and guayaberas - classic Cuban shirts. You can replace the shirt with a thin sweater.

Hemingway in guayabera

Be honest with yourself, take your body as it is at the moment, and dress it nicely. Choosing the right elements of the costume and fitting them to the figure in the atelier, you will look stylish, neat and elegant, regardless of the volume of the figure. understands style and certainly knows how to dress a plump man in order to look stylish. What clothes are suitable for the summer. What if a wedding is planned, and you need to present yourself with dignity, whether as a groom or an invitee?

How to dress - we are talking with you today.

Properly selected clothing helps to make even a full and overweight man look fit - of course, not like Apollo himself, but still. You will look more imposing. People around will simply see a quite interesting large man in front of them, who simply does not have time to visit the gym, for example. And not a lazy and incapable of dressing a fat man.

The main thing is that the suit sits!

A full man rarely admits this even to himself, but he is uncomfortable because of his weight, it can be not only because of health problems. Sometimes he doesn’t even feel them the way he feels awkward from sidelong glances. And it seems like you want to lose weight, but nothing. And until better times, the purchase of new beautiful and stylish clothes is postponed. Do not do it this way.

Dressing decently for a full man is even more important than for a thin man. Because those around you immediately begin to accuse you of laziness and disorganization, even if not in your eyes, but simply mentally or even discussing behind your back. Yes, this is unpleasant, but it once again suggests that you need to reconsider your wardrobe.

And the first and most important thing is how the clothes fit. When there are extra folds, the fabric sags, then all this only emphasizes even more that the person is full. Although sometimes a full man, paradoxically, tries to disguise excess weight by taking things a couple of sizes larger. This is very eye catching.

The other extreme is when a man is so overweight that he cannot find clothes that fit and is dressed in tight, trousers are shortened. It seems that in front of you is a kind of overgrown child, and this also does not look cute, because a man, no matter how the jokes about the “first forty years of childhood” say, is not a baby at all.

If you couldn’t find something in the store that you could dress in as if it were made for you, then you can take things and come to the atelier so that the tailor adjusts.

Simplicity in clothes is the key to success

Not everyone knows how to dress properly for overweight men, and they mistakenly believe that an abundance of prints and patterns will help smooth out figure flaws. That's where all those shirts with Hawaiian motifs or Turkish cucumber come from.

However, if a man is full in build, then all this only visually adds kilograms. Therefore, as the base of the wardrobe, it is worth giving preference to simple and plain clothes.

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Wardrobe for the summer

For some, the question arises of how to dress for overweight men in the summer, because when it's hot, you want to wear as light things as possible, but some of them do not sit. The stomach is visible - and the general view is not the most stylish.

It is right to give preference to light fabrics. In contrast to heavy fabrics, the image as a whole makes it lighter and helps prevent the problem of excessive sweating, which affects not only obese people in the heat, but a full man, and even a sweaty one rarely causes pleasant impressions.


Even a very full man can dress well if you wear suits, jackets - this is for the top.

And the bottom - trousers of a free cut. It is desirable if they are sewn from cotton. But wearing jeans should be avoided. The site even heard from girls with a small tummy that jeans can be very tight, and not only is it uncomfortable, but also the tummy becomes visible, as if you are fat. And when a man is already full, the extra “evidence” in the form of a belly hanging over tightly buttoned jeans is definitely not in hand.

Formless things - fight

Now in fashion - sweatshirts and sweatshirts. But how to dress stylishly for a full man is impossible for sure, so it is in everything shapeless, soft and “plush”. Or very carefully. Because, of course, a sweater and sweatshirt without a clear shape help to visually make the stomach smaller, because it falls below the level of the pants waist. But this will only be correct if there are no folds and overhanging of the fabric.

And the prize for the worst outfit goes to...

Mike. And with it - a T-shirt, baggy shorts, no matter above or below the knees. Instead, wear long-sleeved outerwear, as well as normal-length trousers. Not shortened and without folds, even if it is so fashionable now.

A full man may be indignant, because it's hot. But let's remember that it can be hot even if you dress in such a way that your arms and legs are open, your tummy sticks out. Because everything depends not on how long or short the garments are, but on the material from which they are made.

Wedding: how to look stylish?

How to dress a plump man for a wedding, more often even his bride begins to worry, and not the man himself. You don't need to run a weight loss marathon to suffer. One of the interesting options on how to make a full person look impressive is to pay attention to style.

You may have to make sure that the wedding matches the groom's outfit according to the theme. But this is rather something pleasant, because unusual marriages are always better remembered.

Here is a list of chips that can be used in the costume.

  1. Suspenders instead of a belt. A belt tightened tightly at the waist is perceived as a kind of restraining force, it always seems that a person has just had a hearty lunch, even if this is not so. But suspenders look stylish and do not focus on the stomach.
  2. Shirt with a collar, the edges of which are strongly parted on both sides. However, they can be cut, rounded or pointed. Neckerchiefs, wide ties are suitable for such shirts - this gives the man a more impressive look.
  3. Hat, large accessories, beard. All this should be perfectly combined with each other.

By the way, a shirt can be put on loose - and then a wedding, even like a feast by a mountain, will not be a test for the groom. The guy will be able to eat properly, and it will not be noticeable in the photo or video.

In general, it doesn’t matter if it’s a wedding or an ordinary day. A well-groomed and tidy appearance is the key to what others pay attention to. And not for extra centimeters at the waist.

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And even if nature has not rewarded you, men, with the figure of Apollo, do not despair and complex. Some tricks will help you look stylish, fit and slim. This is the opinion held stylist Anastasia Kozko .

Suitable styles

It is so inherent in nature that in men, excess weight is concentrated, as a rule, on the stomach. It is to this problem area that all your attention should be directed when compiling sets (looks).

To date, there are several styles in clothing: classic, casual, preppy, bohemian style, country, grunge and many others. Fat men should opt for a classic business style for the work environment and a preppy style for everyday wear. Sets in these styles are able to hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of your figure.

Business style is a conservative, strict image without frills. Includes a classic two- or three-piece pantsuit, tie, and classic accessories. The preppy style originated from the school uniforms of pre-collegepreparatory students at prestigious colleges, which prepare young people for admission to elite institutions of higher education and universities. Clothing in this style is quite restrained, but more relaxed than in the classic one.

Rice. good images

How to fool nature: visual tricks

Designers have long used the laws of visual illusions when modeling clothes. Visual illusions created by color, cut, a certain arrangement of details, cutouts, seams can greatly change the proportions of the body. To elongate the silhouette and make it visually slimmer, use vertical lines and try to avoid horizontal ones.

How to wear

Wear shirts with open collars, and choose jumpers with a deep V-neck or scoop neckline. This will help visually lengthen the neck. To appear slimmer, wear your jacket unbuttoned - the fronts of an unbuttoned jacket and tie create several vertical lines that stretch the silhouette.

Rice. Example


Choose vertically directed prints, stripes are especially good. Large and sparsely spaced prints are best avoided. You should also be careful with vertical stripes on knitwear. When stretched in some parts of the body, the strip is likely to deviate from the vertical, which, on the contrary, will emphasize problem areas.

Fabric and style

An equally important role in choosing clothes for obese men is played by the fabric from which these clothes are sewn. It should be thin, but able to hold its shape. Avoid thick fabrics (velvet, velvet, tweed): they will add extra volume to you. Very thin and flowing fabrics also need to beware. They are able to envelop the body and unfavorably emphasize all roundness. Avoid layering too. Try not to wear bulky sweaters and vests under a coat or jacket.

Give preference to single-breasted jackets, coats and jackets. Choose a fitted silhouette.

On obese men, elongated outerwear - coats, raincoats, trench coats will look advantageous. Avoid short, bulky jackets such as bomber jackets and pilots.

Rice. How to choose the right outerwear


Pay attention to the location of the details on the clothes. Pockets, cutouts, flaps, patches, darts, etc. must be vertical or at an angle. The horizontal arrangement will make you visually wider. The size of these parts is also important. They should not be small, they should be proportionate to your figure.

An accessory such as suspenders will be a real find for you. It is problematic to find trousers with a perfect fit for a non-standard figure; suspenders will make you feel more confident. And the vertical lines of the suspenders will "break" your torso into three sections and it will not look like such a massive monolith as without them.

Rice. How to use suspenders correctly

In creating the right set for a full man, do not underestimate the role of other accessories. Shoes, belts, briefcases, bags must be of high quality, rigid, clear shape. The clear shape of the accessories will create the illusion of a frame, beyond which your figure will not “blur”. Worn-in shoes, of irregular and fuzzy shape, will blur the entire silhouette and make the image sloppy.

You should also remember that you should not choose a belt in the color of the shirt. Matching the color of the shirt, the belt will add extra centimeters to your torso and visually enlarge your stomach.

Follow the stylish tips and be confident in any form!

Even overweight men try to dress with taste, but this is not always possible, because the stores do not have such a large selection of clothes of the right size. And yet, stylists have some tips to help you find the perfect look. Men's fashion 2017 for obese men defines the rules for choosing fashionable clothes, because overweight men also want to dress beautifully, stylishly and with taste, especially since behind their backs such people are often called fat or fat.

men's fashion 2017 for obese men

Men's fashion 2017 for obese men

The fashion trend for overweight men is the most important thing - you always need to choose clothes according to size. The opinion that loose-fitting jackets, sweaters and jackets hide figure flaws is nothing more than a delusion. In a baggy outfit, there is a risk of seeming untidy and ridiculous. Tight clothes are also unlikely to sit well. Rather, on the contrary, it will emphasize every crease and fullness of the body.

Men's clothing 2017 for obese men photo

Fashionable clothing style for a fat man
What does a fashionable full man look like Fashionable shirt 2017 for overweight men Green knitted vest, plaid shirt and beige jeans for obese men

Fashionable colors of clothes 2017 for obese men

In 2017, overweight men should avoid bright and catchy clothes with an abundance of decor in the form of patch pockets or patches. It is better to give preference to clothes of rich dark colors - black, coffee, dark gray, blue. If you choose light-colored clothes, then let it be in a small vertical stripe, this will allow you to visually stretch the silhouette.

Rules for choosing clothes for obese men

Fat men should not completely abandon accessories, sometimes they are appropriate and allow you to divert attention from figure flaws. But it should be noted that their abundance is unacceptable. It is worth abandoning massive jewelry and wide ties. Shoes are better to buy stable, comfortable sitting on the foot. To make your legs look longer, match your shoes with the color of your trousers.

In order not to add volume to the forms due to clothing, you need to forget about heavy fabrics - velvet, tweed or velor. Clothing made from light natural fabrics will look more advantageous, and the body will be more comfortable. Fat men must also constantly monitor and then they will recognize and like themselves and others. Read about that in 2018 - the rules of the fashionista's wardrobe.

Fashionable coats 2017 for obese men

When choosing outerwear for fat women, you should pay attention to classic coats and lightweight sheepskin coats. But down jackets or voluminous jackets can only emphasize fullness and visually add extra weight.
Gray and black coat for obese men
Fashionable men's coats 2017 large sizes Chic black coat for a full man

Fashionable suits 2017 for overweight men

For men with chic shapes, nothing goes as well as formal suits. But even with their choice, one must be careful. Let it be deuces from black, dark blue or dark gray fabric. The jacket should fit perfectly on the figure, try not to unfasten the buttons on it, so as not to visually increase the volume. The color of the trousers should not differ from the color of the jacket, and the legs should be without arrows. It is better to choose a light-colored shirt, without drawings. It is better to prefer a wide collar with sharp corners to a small turn-down collar.
Fashionable suit 2017 for obese men

Supporters of freer clothing styles can replace the jacket with a more democratic three-button blazer or sweater. By the way, every man should know. As for the sweater, several principles apply here: natural fabrics, no volumetric textures, only vertical patterns.

Fashion jeans 2017 for overweight men

When choosing jeans, overweight men should give preference to models with a low waist so as not to focus on the stomach. Give up the habit of tucking t-shirts, tank tops or shirts into them. Sports pants should be in harmony with the color of the top.
Fashion jeans 2017 for overweight men

As for the top of the image (t-shirts, T-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts), then you should give up bright clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Cotton will keep you comfortable all day long. Also avoid bright colors and large patterns.
Remember that clothes should not restrict movement, be baggy or too tight.