Ho'oponopono technique reviews. Love relationship

Modern people, especially those who live in big cities, tired of the hustle and bustle, often fall into a state of internal disharmony. This is understandable; so many contradictions and temptations haunt people today. To fight this disease, people began to resort to help various methods self-cleaning. One of them - Ho'oponopono. This Hawaiian method of harmonization will teach you how to clear a situation or find a path to yourself.

What is ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono- a technique for harmonizing all aspects of a person’s life: health, career, family, relationships with people. This technique was first used in the Hawaiian Islands, but global recognition acquired thanks to Dr. Ihaliakala Hew Len. Its essence is that we understand our responsibility not in a narrow sense, only for our actions and deeds, but in the broadest sense.

We are responsible for everyone who is sick, everything that happens somewhere. It doesn't matter where. It is important that for healing the practitioner directs all on yourself.

In practice it looks like this - you need to constantly repeat the following phrases:

  • I love you;
  • Thank you;
  • I'm sorry;
  • I'm sorry.

This approach is the complete opposite of what has been known so far: seeing problems in others and trying to treat those around you rather than yourself.

The fact that the technique works has been proven in practice. Dr. Hew Len, who works in a psychiatric clinic in Hawaii, introduced the ho'oponopono system in his hospital. Not only ordinary mentally ill people were kept here, but also dangerous criminals who, due to insanity, escaped imprisonment. As well as patients with severe mental disorders. Therefore, the situation was tense - no one wanted to work in this clinic, and the attitude towards patients was negative.

Hugh Len achieved unimaginable results. People who got jobs here never left. The patients began to recover, and soon the clinic closed altogether and everyone was discharged. Hew Len did not conduct meetings or interviews with reprimands. He did not communicate with patients, did not diagnose them. He I just studied the histories of their illnesses and said the cherished 4 phrases.

Not everyone believes what happened in this clinic, but it is a well-known fact, the story of which has spread all over the world. After which the ho'oponopono technique spread beyond Hawaii and began to enjoy extraordinary popularity.

In this video, Tatyana Kondratieva will tell you how, with the help of hooponopono and a signature cell, you can heal from mental suffering:

Ho'oponopono - cleansing from negativity

In addition to the four cherished phrases, the teaching also contains the following postulates:

  1. The real universe exists thanks to my thoughts. He is what I make him;
  2. Negative thoughts create negative reality;
  3. Perfect thoughts create a reality that is filled with love;
  4. Nothing can exist separately from a person.

These are 4 laws that everyone who wants to cleanse themselves of negativity and find harmony with others must adhere to: help themselves and their loved ones.

The theory of ho'oponopono is closely related to faith in God, refusing which a person takes the path of suffering, because he believes that he himself knows everything better. By adhering to the rules of ho'oponopono, we can get into the divine flow, accepting everything that happens as God's will.

Thus, there is no room for negativity in my soul- the generation of human physical desires.

Healing Meditation

This is an active process during which your consciousness falls into a state of some kind of trance. You are setting yourself up to heal the problem that is preventing you from creating a perfect physical reality.

You need to do it like this:

  • Find a comfortable place. Look around where your gaze falls and it will seem to you that this is where you will feel comfortable;
  • Sit down and focus on the problem that is bothering you;
  • Think and send the words to the situation: “I love you! I am grateful to you for appearing in my life. Now I want to heal you and myself”;
  • If you want to say something else, say it. This is very good, express everything that is painful to close the issue once and for all;
  • Perhaps in the process of work it will appear It's a dull pain in some part of the body. This is normal, it happens often. This means that this part of your body is sick from this conflict. Then direct your thoughts to him too. Also ask for forgiveness and give thanks.

You will feel when it is time to finish. If you return to reality, you will feel that you have healed the problem not completely, repeat the conversation with her.

Helping tools: clearing the situation

To help yourself, take available items. In order to clear a certain situation, different objects are suitable:

  • Glass of water- place it on a piece of paper on which your problem will be written down or on a photograph;
  • Coins- help change your attitude towards money. Talk to them, ask for forgiveness. Money doesn't like to be neglected, clear your money history and start over;
  • Flower. Anyone will do. This is the same appeal to the divine. It’s a good idea if it grows right in your home so you don’t have to pick it. Come up to him, talk about love for people, about gratitude to God. He will become your partner on the path to self-purification;
  • Dew drop. Go out early in the morning, preferably outside the city, and choose your own drop. Considered the most a powerful tool cleansing. Tell her about conflict, internal or external. When it dries, so will your conflict;
  • Butterfly- will cleanse relationships, take away negativity and clear the way to perfect reality. Looking at her, whisper those 4 phrases that we told you about above.

You can choose any subject, the main thing is tune in to it correctly. By telling him about your problems, you will clear your mind of unnecessary negativity.

Representatives of the weaker half of humanity have their own meditations. Their job is to help you survive difficult periods in life and learn let go of any situation:

  • You need to undress and lie down. For comfort, you can cover yourself with a sheet;
  • Turn on calm music;
  • First, forgive yourself. List everything you feel guilty about. Sincerely, slowly to the beat of the music. Clear yourself of accumulated personal claims. We all have them;
  • Accept your shortcomings as the will of God. Tell yourself about them and understand that they exist and it is not your fault;
  • Now love everyone who once offended you, ask for their forgiveness and thank them.

Such self-analysis will not be easy for you, but the result will be changes that have occurred in you and the world around you. Repeat the meditation as needed. Better yet, make it a rule to do it at least every other day.

In this article, we tried to clearly explain the complex specifics of ho'oponopono and how to clear the situation using this harmonization technique. Now you know everything you need to build your perfect reality.

Video tutorial on clearing situations and memories

IN in this video Alina Vetrova will talk about ho'oponopono, which clears memories and situations:

The first stage of Ho'oponopono is energy purification.

After this, a miracle happens. There is not just a neutralization of energy, but its release, resulting in the release of space. In Buddhism this is called Emptiness. The final step is to allow God to come and fill that emptiness with light.

To practice Ho'oponopono, you don't need to know exactly what the problem or error is. All you need to do is identify something that is hurting your body, mind or soul. As soon as you have identified the problem, you must immediately begin cleansing, say “I’m sorry. I'm sorry".

I finally found the prayer she used to heal the sick, whom she often never even saw. It sounds like this:

Almighty Creator, one Father, Mother and Son... If I, my family, relatives or ancestors have offended You, Your family, relatives or ancestors with my thoughts, words, behavior or actions from the creation of the world to the present day, we ask You for forgiveness ...

Let me redeem, cleanse, extract and release everything negative memories, blocks, energy, associations and transform this unnecessary energy into pure light...

Let it be so.

The main obstacle to our well-being was the lack of love. Forgiveness made it possible to make up for this deficiency.

We must take full responsibility for our lives - no exceptions, no excuses, no conditions.

“Can you imagine what would happen if everyone realized their full responsibility? - he asked. “Ten years ago, I promised myself that I would allow myself to eat ice cream so big that it made me feel sick if I could go the whole day without judging anyone for anything.” I have never managed to do this yet! I started to notice that I had more control over myself, but I could never make it through the day.”

“But how can we prove to people that we are 100% responsible for our own problems? - he asked. – If you want to solve a problem, work on yourself.

For example, if it lies in another person, just ask yourself:

“What is happening in me that makes this person go into conflict?”

People always come into your life to hurt you in some way. Realizing this, you can find a way out of any situation. How? Just say:

“I’m sorry that everything happened like this. I'm sorry".

In our souls we are all pure, free from programs, memories and influences. This is the zero state. There are no restrictions in it. However, throughout our lives we pick up attitudes and memories the same way some people catch a cold. When a person has a cold, he does not become bad. However, he must, at all costs, get rid of her. It's the same with programs. We pick them up too.

“At Ho'oponopono, a problem is seen not as a challenge, but as an opportunity.

The problem is simply repeating memories from our past.

She appears to give us a chance to look at a situation through the eyes of love and act on inspiration.”

Full responsibility means responsibility for everything - even for the people who appear in your life, for their problems, because their problems are your problems. They are part of your life, and if you fully accept responsibility for your life, you must accept responsibility for their feelings. (Re-read this! Get into it!)

One of the key messages of the workshop was that we act based either on our memory or on inspiration. Memory makes you think and doubt, inspiration gives you freedom. Most of us still live on memories. We do not realize this because it is not given to us.

If your memory is active—and most of the time it is—you won't feel inspired, let alone follow through. As a result, words sent from above will not be heard. The constant interference of our minds prevents us from hearing them.

If you don’t like something about another person, then it’s inherent in you too. Your job is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also get rid of this quality. Eventually the whole world will get rid of him.

This is not a window where orders are constantly taken from cars. The Higher Power does not take orders. What is needed here is constant concentration on purification, purification, purification.”

“You will always be surrounded by what is beautiful, pure, high and beneficial for you when you follow the path of your own “I.” To follow this path means to live consciously perfect life filled with divine thoughts, intentions and actions. On the contrary, by putting your sinful thoughts first, you are choosing with your own hands an imperfect life filled with illness, confusion, resentment, oppression, condemnation and poverty.”

Our consciousness can perceive only 15 bits of information per second, while every second the information field around us contains about 15 million bits. We are not given the opportunity to understand everything that happens in the world around us. Let everything take its course. You need to be able to trust.

Interestingly, many of those present in the class had Hawaiian names, although they did not sound like Hawaiians. Mark and I asked them about it. We were told that Dr. Hew Len could give those who wanted a new name. This was done with the goal of gaining a new “I” in order to subsequently move away from this “I” and merge with God at the point of no restrictions.

“What each of us holds within us, our memories and desires, has an immediate and pervasive influence on everything from people to the inorganic, plant and animal world,” he said. “When a memory in someone’s subconscious is reduced to zero by God, it is reduced to zero in all subconscious minds—in all of them!”

I returned the universe of my mind back to zero. There is no information left in it. Have you heard about in various ways achieving this state - a state of emptiness, purity. It doesn't matter what you call it. My mind is now back to zero. It doesn't matter what happens, even if I'm not ready for it. The process I am talking about is a constant infinite zeroing, that is, I can be in a zero state.”

It doesn't matter what happens, even if I'm not ready for it. The process I am talking about is a constant infinite zeroing, that is, I can be in a zero state.”

Joe Vitale.

Be Lucky, Successful, Rich, Loved, Healthy and Happy!

Do you want to study and understand more deeply how the Ho'oponopono method works so that you can consciously apply it in practice for the benefit of YOURSELF and your UNIVERSE?

Everything in life is good, and at the same time something goes wrong... Sound familiar?

You clearly want more, but it’s not clear how to achieve it;
- You are stuck with routine, it seems that one day is exactly like the other;
- There is no required level of mutual understanding with other people;
- Do you feel that something is wrong? life goes on not the way you want;
- Sometimes it seems to you that it is very difficult to work with other people;
- Sometimes it is difficult for you to agree with others or your agreements are violated;
- Everything seems good, but you clearly want more!

Do you find yourself in at least one point? Yes?

I have great news for you: everything can be changed!

Contact us.

Sign up for a Skype meeting Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova and find out how to find a solution to your problem, situation or task. Together we will look at each situation in detail and deal with them.

Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova

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Viber: +3 8068-782-79-34

You will understand and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that cleansing can bring.

according to the Ho'oponopono method in all areas of life.

Get answers to questions about the essence of Ho'oponopono in an easy and accessible form:

What does Morrna Nalamaku’s phrase “H’oponopono is the path of complete liberation from the past” mean?
What is the zero state?
What does it mean to trust God/the Universe and how to achieve complete trust?
How God\Universe knows what and how much it attracts (chooses) special person? How does the Higher Mind not confuse us, since we are all created in the image and likeness of the One?
How and what is erased in us when using the Ho'oponopono method?
How to practice the method to get fewer “bumps”?
How not to turn practice into running in circles: from problem to problem?

Get very simple, but highly effective techniques:

on establishing personal relationships;
for rapid transformation of negative emotional states: fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.;
to cleanse the body of energy blocks.
techniques, the use of which facilitates the path of self-knowledge, in particular helps to overcome the most difficult life situations and difficult periods.

There will be an understanding that:

The whole World is You and only You are responsible for it - There are no others in your world.

People often come to me with questions about what to do with their husband, child, neighbor, boss...?

One day a man asked Morrna, the man who adapted Ho'oponopono into modern style, is it worth marrying this girl? Morrna replied that she was standing.

A few years later, he came to Morrna again, already divorced, and said, “You said that you can get married.” See how it all turned out! And she: “Have you cleansed yourself?”

So it turns out that all those people whom we consider our other halves are the most necessary and important people! with whom we share a huge number of programs!!!

And that, in my opinion, was a great idea. You live with a person, look at him as if in a mirror and work on yourself. Well, who doesn’t have irritation, resentment in family life. As they say, this is an everyday matter. A loved one only pushes our buttons to show us what else in you needs to be released.

That's what I was thinking the other day. But did God create us so that we would not be pleased with each other? No. There is only one answer - something happened at some point that we introduced into ourselves a program of pain and resentment in a relationship with a loved one.

A long time ago, even before ho’oponopono, in one of the films about love, the phrase “If you love a person, let him go, if it’s yours, he will return.” A truly Ho'oponopon phrase!

There is no need to hide that in a problematic relationship, then one, or even both, tries to save the relationship. Hold, glue what you can. It’s good if both partners have a desire, but when one tries and the other doesn’t? Hmm... A difficult and painful situation.

From a Ho'oponopono point of view, this is an attachment program. And we all know that it really hurts when one doesn’t value the relationship. And mental anguish, tears and snot are just around the corner.

In such situations, “I love you or I don’t love you,” it is very difficult to keep your mouth shut and contain the conflict. However, it is better to do it anyway. And it is best to talk to a person when he is sleeping. Yes, yes, it is better to tell a person everything when the conscious mind is asleep. We know that the conscious will begin to argue and swear. And the subconscious is the Inner Child. It turns out that the conversation will take place with the Inner Child of your loved one.

I would have said To the Inner Child, for example, my husband, how I love him, how glad I am that I have him in my life, that I thank him for everything he does for me and just gratitude for the fact that he is who he is. The main thing is to do this regularly.

From my practice, relationships become much better, full of love and understanding.

And what? I think this is a wonderful way to resolve conflicts and difficult relationships.

And in situations of being together or not being together, it’s better to clear yourself and not expect anything. Of course, everything will be just as wonderful for you and your half. And most importantly, there is no need to cling. The clues are exactly what we all need to work on. We all cling not only in relationships with loved ones, but also to bad habits, money, etc.

I love you!
Thank you

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: At every moment of time, something happens around us. The atmosphere around us is filled with light, sound, color, smells, all kinds of information - from thought forms to radio waves. Scientists estimate that the flow rate of information entering our brain from the external environment is 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits out of these millions are perceived by us consciously.

In today's article we will talk about the main ideas of Ho'oponopono - the Hawaiian way of harmonizing relationships.

The Ho'oponopono method has 5 basic principles:

1. You don't know what's happening and you can't control it.

At every moment of time something happens around us. The atmosphere around us is filled with light, sound, color, smells, all kinds of information - from thought forms to radio waves. Scientists estimate that the flow rate of information entering our brain from the external environment is 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits out of these millions are perceived by us consciously. Just think about it - some forty bits out of eleven million. It's dust, nothing. The rest of the mass settles in the cells of our memory in the form of unnecessary experience or, I would even say, in the form of unnecessary trash.

Yes, we all live with our own individual world, creating it every moment right here and now, but this happens mostly unconsciously, and we cannot keep it under complete control.

And if it seems to us that everything is going according to our plan, then this is a trap. The trap of our Ego, which creates the illusion that the whole world is in our pocket. Well, since our Ego, or our Consciousness, is not aware of what is happening in the world at every moment, it would not be entirely reasonable to give it the control panel of our life and decide what would be best for us, would it?

Want to make God laugh? Tell him about your plans for tomorrow.

According to Ho'oponopono, we have the right to choose. We can and should choose what we want to experience or experience, but the right to decide whether this event will happen, and if it happens, when? - we must leave it to the Supreme.

Therefore, there is no point in worrying about what is happening to you at any given moment. You just have to accept this moment. Accept and trust your Higher Power.

2. You have the power to heal everyone in your life.

According to Ho'oponopono, no matter what happens in your life, no matter what problem appears on the horizon, it is not your fault. But you are able to heal it for the simple reason that it is in your sphere, it concerns you personally, therefore it can be healed.

In short, if you were able to notice a problem in someone else and it hurts you (you don’t like it or annoys you), then this problem is already in you. This means that you are able to solve it (erase or delete) by healing yourself.

Remember how in the Bible?

We don’t notice the log in our own eye, but we see the speck in someone else’s eye.

This is all from the same opera.

And the more often you heal everything that comes your way in life, the deeper you can cleanse yourself and the more creative energy that helps us fulfill our desires will be released.

3. You are 100% responsible for your entire life.

As mentioned above, everything that happens in life is not your fault. But you bear full (100%) responsibility for all events, because you are their author. You are responsible not only for yourself, but also for all the people who appear in your life along with their problems. That is, if someone around you has a problem, then this is your problem too. Accepting this fact is accepting 100% responsibility. This is perhaps the most important thing about Ho'oponopono.

We have no right to blame anyone for what is happening. We can only accept it and heal it by healing ourselves. And we can do this only when we recognize him as ours and love him. Loving a problem heals its cause. At the same time, purification occurs and our connection with the Primary Source strengthens.

4. Your passport to life without restrictions is the repetition of the phrase “I love you!”

A simple phrase “I love you!” - can turn your world around, heal it and fill it with life-giving power.

Repeating “I love you!” again and again, you awaken spiritually and cleanse your inner space, thereby opening the doors to Miracles.

The whole point of Ho'oponopono is to love everything around you - your naughty child, picky boss, his overweight, bad weather, restless neighbor - love them all.

There is nothing stronger than Love in the world. She cleanses negative energy, transforms it and opens the way to Inspiration.

Simple words “I love you!” become a magic password to the absence of restrictions.

5. Divine Inspiration is more important than personal intention.

In the Ho'oponopono technique, all our intentions are just toys of our mind, and Inspiration is a message from God.

Intention is an attempt to manage your life with the help of the inner Ego, overloaded with memory.

Inspiration is a signal from the Supreme with instructions for action.

Intention can work and bring results.

Inspiration works and works Miracles.

Cheat sheet for the Ho'oponopono method:

If you decide to practice the Ho'oponopono method, then you need to firmly understand and apply the following 5 postulates daily in your life and in your relationships with others:

1. The physical Universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are negative, they create a negative physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a perfect physical reality that radiates LOVE.

4. I take full (100%) responsibility for the creation of my physical Universe.

5. Nothing exists separately from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Cleansing technique

Ho'oponopono Tools "Pencil" (Eraser)

The Ho'oponopono technique, with the help of a wide variety of its "cleaning" tools, allows us to reach the state of "zero" and act according to Inspiration.

Today I bring to your attention one of the additional ones - “Pencil” or “Eraser”

Ho'oponopono Pencil Cleansing Tool

The technique for using it is quite simple:

Take a regular pencil with an eraser at the end (new, not sharpened) and lightly tap it on the object that you need to clean (it can be any thing, or you yourself). Mentally (to yourself) repeat the word “Dewdrop” to enhance the effect.

It could also be your negative memories that you need to get rid of (in this case, tapping is done on any surface).

In this case, deep cleansing occurs over many generations. As practice has shown, some severe and deep-seated problems can only be eliminated using the “Pencil” method.

This might interest you:

Joe Vitale, popularizer this method and the author of the best-selling book Zero Limit (Life Without Limits), which made Ho'oponopono famous throughout the world, describes his experience with this tool:

“... I realized that I could use the eraser on the other end of the pencil to erase negative programs and cleanse. All I had to do was tap it on the item I needed to clean. This is a vivid symbol of cleansing memories.”

Clear your memories! published

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. In Hawaiian, the word Ho'oponopono means "to correct a mistake" or "to do right."

Ho'oponopono helps to remove, neutralize and erase destructive programs in order to become one with the Divine consciousness that is inherent in every person, merge with the flow of Abundance and receive Inspiration. It turns out that loving yourself is the most The best way improve yourself, and when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world. To explain this technique, it is enough to say that everything that you would like to improve in your life is all in one and only accessible place - in you.

To understand how it works and what benefits it can bring to you personally and our Planet, please watch this video:

What is the essence of Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono is based on the concept that nothing exists beyond our perception. The cause of any problems that people encounter in life are memory imprints, they are also called programs. Programs are embedded in our subconscious and are passed on from generation to generation. They are the ones who model our thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions and encourage us to behave in one way or another.

According to Ho'oponopono, we are carriers of unconscious programs, and therefore completely, i.e. We are 100% responsible for everything we attract into our lives. With Ho'oponopono we can attract what we need.

What does Ho'oponopono teach?

Inspiration helps you take the path of happiness and live a joyful, fulfilling life. But the negative programs that scroll through our subconscious block us and prevent Inspiration from coming. To open access to the flow of happy patterns, you need to create a world within yourself, erasing the imprints of memories.

Ho'oponopono allows you to enter the state of "Zero". Only in this state does life events synchronize and everything turns out the way we want.

What is the “Zero” state?

Erasing programs or memories using Ho'oponopono results in the "Zero" state. When we come from the state of Zero, where there are no limits, we do not need to show intentions, repeat affirmations or create visualizations. In the Zero state, we are able to receive and act through Divine Inspiration or the Universe. It is in the state of “zeroing” that miracles are born.

We cannot completely control life, but we can learn to embrace every moment of it, let go of our prejudices and expectations, and allow the Divine to bring Inspiration. Fixation on expectations brings disappointment. The ability to let go and accept what is happening as a given, continuing to cleanse yourself using the Ho’oponopono method is the most The Easy Way finding happiness.

Ihaleakala Hugh Len on the state of Zero:

HOOPONOPONO: HOW TO LOOK BEYOND YOURSELF? If someone behaves in a way that we do not like, then we have created the situation in which we experience this experience.

Ihaleakala Hugh Len on cleansing:

The Hawaiian technique of ho'oponopono is based on four phrases that purify the soul and mind.

"I'm really sorry". By saying this phrase, a person expresses regret about the negative thoughts and actions that caused the launch of unfavorable programs.

"I'm sorry". Such words in the Ho'oponopono method represent repentance and a plea for forgiveness for past actions and thoughts. When pronouncing them, you can feel freedom.

"Thank you". The phrase is intended to express gratitude to the Universe and To higher powers for what a person has.

"I love you". Such words help a person, through love, to cleanse himself of negativity and come to the truth. They also increase self-esteem and teach you to love yourself.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Regular practices give a person a chance to cope with various problems, for example, get rid of a pessimistic view of the world, conflict situations and feelings of guilt. Ho'oponopono is produced in humans positive reactions to life’s difficulties, and helps to heal the spirit, and with it the body. The Hawaiian method gives a person a chance to find guidance in life and achieve harmony in himself. You can get all this by clearing memory of garbage. Known basic principles of ho'oponopono:

* The physical Universe is embodied in human thoughts.

* If you think positively, then you can create a reality based on love.

* Each person bears full responsibility for his life and for what happens around him.

* Negative thinking only attracts problems.

* Nothing in life exists separately from a person, since these are the results of his thoughts.
ho'oponopono philosophy

How to practice ho'oponopono?

To use the Hawaiian method, you do not need to create certain conditions, because everything is simple. The practice of ho'oponopono allows the use of some available items:

Coins help change a person's attitude towards finance. You need to talk to them, be sure to ask for forgiveness.

The flower is used to appeal to divine powers. Turn to him for love. The plant will good companion on the path to self-purification.

A drop of dew is considered a powerful remedy to cleanse yourself of negativity.

A butterfly helps remove negativity and find the right way to perfection.

A pencil with an eraser is used to erase negative memories.

The sunflower is a symbol of abundance and harmony, including in the material sphere.

Ho'oponopono is a very simple method that you can teach in 5-10 minutes to your children, parents, friends and acquaintances. This method can be used by everyone, regardless of mental or physical abilities, religious and other accessories. This method can be practiced in any place and setting. This method can be practiced without any teachers or gurus.

Even more details about the essence of ho'oponopono. Joe Vitali on clearing any problem from the subconscious (video only 15 minutes):

Ho'oponopono is for lazy people. Important nuances and subtle points. Kerl Toham says:

Here is a very interesting, rich program about the ho'oponopono method. What results does it give - real stories:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Ho'oponopono method is really simple and very effective, which has been tested many times in Life. However there is one important nuance, which is associated with the method phrase "I'm sorry (that this happened)." The fact is that when we regret something, we seem to question the “correctness” of the plan that was developed for us by the Universe (God) so that we would receive a certain (often even negative and painful) experience. In other words, we seem to be telling the Universe that we did something wrong, something not according to the Universal plan. But this cannot be! Everything that happens (especially “important” events, actions, etc.) happens clearly according to the Creator’s plan, without exception! And what is according to plan is ideal option events leading to a certain goal, to obtaining a certain experience and awareness, working through and, accordingly, regretting it is not correct, it does not make sense. There is even an opinion that one of the reasons why ho'oponopono does not work as a method for some people is the phrase “I'm sorry.” In addition, the phrase “I’m sorry” is somewhat negative and it is better not to program the subconscious with negative phrases. In this regard, we recommend using three of the four phrases proposed in ho’oponopono for cleansing: “Forgive me,” “Thank you,” “I love you.”

Ho'oponopono conversation with money

Many people have problems related to finances. To deal with them, they are often used various conspiracies, rituals and meditative techniques, which include ho'oponopono. The method involves the formation correct attitude to money, creating positive energy and using verbal formulas. There are special instructions on how to properly practice ho'oponopono for money:

A person must understand that money is nothing more than a means to achieve goals. It is important to treat them with gratitude.

It is important to stop having fears related to finances. Many people are afraid of losing their job or money, which creates an internal block that prevents them from interacting with cash flow. It is important to accept your fears and live happily.

The ho'oponopono method for attracting money involves composing a phrase to appeal to money, which will express gratitude, regret, a request for forgiveness and love. For example: “Money coming into my life, thank you for that. I'm sorry for my fear of losing you, forgive me for that. I truly love you."

Ho'oponopono prayer for money:

1. “Dear Money, Please forgive me, my family, relatives and ancestors for the fact that we offended you from the very beginning of Our Creation until today. I don’t know how I offended you, I don’t know when I offended you. I know that I am 100% responsible for everything that I, my relatives, family and ancestors have created and I want to make a correction. I ask for your forgiveness, I beg you to please forgive me. I love you and thank you for everything... I love you. I love you. I love you... etc.”

2. “Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Consubstantial Son…. If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors have offended You, your family, your relatives and ancestors and have offended money in thoughts, words, actions and deeds from our creation to the present, please forgive us. Free us from fear, negative programs and blocks, causing problems with money. Eliminate the causes of these problems. Transform these energies into a flow of monetary abundance. Fill us with pure Light and Love. Let it be so!"

When we say a Ho'oponopono prayer aimed at Money, we cleanse the programs within ourselves that block the coming of Money into our lives. We turn to God with a request to transform our negative programs associated with Money. Money is not just pieces of paper. This is a powerful energy-information flow. One of the manifestations Divine energy. That's why I talk to Money. And I ask their forgiveness for blocking their manifestation in my life.

Ho'oponopono cleansing of negativity

A new and unsharpened pencil must be activated with the word “dew.” It should be used periodically and for each session new pencil no need to buy.

To cleanse yourself of negativity, you need to tap a pencil on an object or your body, mentally repeating the activation word to enhance the effect.

It is important to imagine how everything negative is erased. This technique provides a chance to carry out deep cleansing, even affecting previous generations.

Ho'oponopono for solving problems in relationships with loved ones

The technique helps to cope with various problems, including those related to personal life. To do this you need to use general algorithm action, which includes several principles.

Ho'oponopono forces a person to analyze his own state in order to understand what caused his beloved to leave. Often, internal blocks that arise as a result of fears or resentments are to blame.

You need to forgive yourself and your lover who left. The situation must be reset.
Finally, the ho'oponopono method involves the formation of a special code phrase, which will include four main components: a request for forgiveness, regret, gratitude and recognition.

How to improve your health with ho'oponopono?

If you have various diseases, in addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can use additional ways to speed up the healing process. The ho'oponopono method for curing diseases involves going through certain steps:

It is necessary to remember when the disease was caused, since it is always based on some kind of stress or other irritating factor. It is believed that heart problems occur in people who showed indifference to others, or, conversely, forgot about themselves, paying attention to others.

Let go of the situation, forgive yourself and other people responsible for the current situation. After this you should feel comfortable.

The ho'oponopono method involves composing a special verbal form, focusing on four important principles. Repeat the text until the problem goes away.

Ho'oponopono for marriage

Many girls worry that their partner does not propose marriage, and often internal blocks and negative energy. The Ho'oponopono technique helps change relationships with a loved one for the better.

First you need to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and fears.

Mentally ask your loved one to forgive for possible offenses and forgive him yourself.

Ho'oponopono for women who want to get married includes talking with a loved one and doing this better when he is sleeping, since in this state the unconscious part comes first, which will easily perceive information.

When talking to your loved one, be sure to use the four basic components discussed earlier.

Ho'oponopono for weight loss

Specialists Hawaiian method present excess weight in the form of a negative program that you can get rid of. To do this, you need to work on self-esteem and start loving yourself. Eat certain rules how to lose weight with ho'oponopono.

It is necessary to remember when the weight began to increase, since it almost always becomes a reaction to numerous stresses and negative memories.

It is important to throw off the burden of the past by analyzing the situation and understanding what conclusions were made.

The next stage of the Ho'oponopono method involves having a conversation with your body. Say that you consider yourself beautiful man, thank your appearance and ask your body for forgiveness for not giving it the opportunity to get rid of excess weight.

Learn to treat food correctly, perceiving it as fuel for the body.

Ho'oponopono - prayer for everyone

The Hawaiian method offers not only meditation, but also a prayer text that is used in different situations. It is recommended to read it after you already have an understanding of what ho'oponopono is and how to use it correctly.

For some reason, for us, prayer is an appeal to God with some kind of request. Maybe not for everyone, but for many of us. Having told God that we love him, ask for forgiveness, we immediately begin to ask for something worldly - a husband, children, money, a job, etc. And for some reason God either does not answer at all, or answers, but in his own way.

In one of his articles, Mark Perkins writes that “the key to Ho’oponopono is prayer.” In ancient times, for Hawaiians these were various rituals performed by kahunas - holders of secrets. And Morrna Simeon improved prayer and made it accessible to ordinary people.

That American blog provides the full form of the prayer. Here is my translation.

"PART 1.

ALL HIGH CREATOR, Father, Mother, Consubstantial Son:

If I, …………………….., my family, relatives and ancestors, have offended you, ……………………, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and deeds since the beginning of our creation until now, we humbly, humbly ask you all for forgiveness for all our fears, mistakes, grievances, guilt, insults, blocks and bindings that we have created, accumulated and accepted from the beginning of our creation to the present.

Yes, we forgive you. May the water of life free us all from spiritual, mental, physical, material, financial and karmic dependence. Pull out all the accumulated memory, release, compartmentalize and cut off all the unwanted and negative memories and blocks that have tied, bound and anchored us together.

Clear and transform all these unwanted energies into PURE LIGHT. Fill the empty spaces after these energies with DIVINE LIGHT.

MAY DIVINE ORDER, LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE, WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING AND ABUNDANCE be realized for us all in our affairs through the SUPREME POWER OF THE ALL HIGH CREATOR, FATHER, MOTHER, SON OF THE ONE, ON whom we rely, in whom we submit and in whom we are our existence now and forever. WE ARE ALL FREE! AND SO BE IT!”

Joe Vitale gives a short prayer from Morrna in his book.

THE HIGH CREATOR, Father, Mother, Son of One Essence:

If I, …………………………….., my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the time of our creation to the present, please forgive us.

Clear, release, compartmentalize and cut off all unwanted energies and vibrations that we have created, accumulated and/or received from the beginning of our creation to the present.

Please transform all negative, unwanted energies into PURE LIGHT. WE ARE ALL FREE! AND LET IT BE SO!

(The phrase “so be it” means that man’s work is finished and God’s work begins)

You can learn a prayer you like by heart and say it every day while you are eating in public transport, for example. Prayer is a good way to take your mind off your thoughts. It is also useful to say short version prayers like a mantra, automatically.

IN full form prayers can be added either by children or ex-husband, any person with whom you have any relationship. These prayers not only help to cleanse oneself and one’s family, but also all invisible connections between people. Say the complete prayer in the morning after waking up and before going to bed. Short - all the time.

By the way, in these prayers you can turn to any object, money, house, etc. Because everything living and nonliving has an energy field.

We like these prayers because here we do not ask for anything (worldly). We ask only for forgiveness and cleansing. Because when we are cleansed, Inspiration comes to us, help comes to us - everything that God considers best for us. Because our desires are still limited. So why limit yourself? It's better to let go and let God come!

Here are some more prayer options:

1. Prayer for two:
Divine Creator: father, mother, son, consubstantial:
If I, ____________________, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, __________________, your relatives and ancestors, in thoughts, words or actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, I humbly apologize for all my mistakes, insults, guilt, hatred , pain, trauma that I created and accumulated from the beginning of creation to the present day. Please forgive me!

Let this water wash away, cleanse and free me, the offender, and the offended from spiritual, mental, material, financial and karmic dependence. (Note: actual water usage
not required. The symbolic gesture of sprinkling is enough)

Pull out from my mind all the unwanted, negative memories and blocks that bind us together.

Release these unwanted memories and blocks.

Transform these unwanted energies into “Pure Light”!

Fill the spaces occupied by these energies with Divine Light.

May the “Divine Order,” Light, love, peace, balance, understanding, Joy, Wisdom and Abundance appear to me through the divine power of the Divine Father, Creator of all forms of life, in which we abide and exist... From now on and forever and ever. Let it be so!

2. Advanced option:
The Most High Creator, one Father, Mother and Son.
If I, my family, my relatives or ancestors have offended You, Your family, Your relatives or ancestors with my thoughts, words, behavior or actions, intentionally or accidentally, from the creation of the world to this day, We ask You for forgiveness...
Forgive us for pride and contempt, for condemnation and hatred, for ridicule and slander, for blasphemy and curses.
I also forgive all the evil and insults caused to me, my relatives and ancestors.

Let me redeem, cleanse, extract and release all negative memories, associations, claims, blocks, and transform this unnecessary energy into pure Light...
May our United Family grow stronger and develop, grow richer and prosper, and may Light, Harmony and Love abide in our Family!
Let it be so!

Why doesn't ho'oponopono work?

You can find reviews from people who claim that such meditative practices do not produce any results. The explanation for this is quite banal and lies in misuse existing method and non-compliance existing rules. Ho'oponopono and faith are two inseparable things that activate energy. Many people count on quick results, so they skip important stages preparation and cleansing of the body. It is important to follow all the rules flawlessly.

Ho'oponopono and Christianity

Among people who regularly use techniques for cleansing negativity, there are many believers different religions. Pronouncing affirmations and self-hypnosis cannot become an obstacle to faith. Experts say that the method is beyond understanding and in no way interferes with going to church and saying prayers. Many practitioners claim that ho'oponopono and Christianity have much in common; during meditation, they often see saints next to them, who are helpers of all believers.

The above text is from this

WE RECOMMEND ALSO LISTENING TO JOE VITALE'S AUDIOBOOK “LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS.” This book completely changed the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people around the world! The author of the world bestsellers “The Key” and “The Secret of Attraction,” Joe Vitale, reveals to us the secret of the ancient Hawaiian system for improving one’s life, healing oneself and others. You will be able to understand why certain problems arise, what prevents you from finding the love of your life, achieving success, becoming absolutely healthy, prosperous and in harmony with the world around you. You will be able to get rid of negative attitudes and gain positive attitude for a long time.

The training takes place in the form of retelling conversations with the Hawaiian healer Dr. Hew Len. Gradually, from chapter to chapter, a world of amazing possibilities will open before you, available to everyone who returns to the “zero state” and accepts “life without limits.”

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the wonder of existence in every moment. From this moment on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. These will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.
My own experience the journey on this spiritual ship beyond the limits of human understanding into the realm of the incredible is very difficult to describe. I have reached heights that I could never have dreamed of. I have learned new skills and my level of love for myself and the world around me cannot be expressed in words. I live in a state close to awe.

I'll try to express it differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious leaders, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages look at the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no restrictions.


Friends, start practicing this method and help all the people around you with this. What prevents you from teaching all the people you come across more or less closely in life this simple and effective method? Can you imagine what positive influence to our shared reality Can we help if we all start practicing and spreading this method together?

Teach this method to your children, parents, and friends. Make sure that all your friends, at least close ones, on VKontakte and Facebook know about this method. Post a link to this article and video on your wall. Dear group moderators and public pages, please write about this method in your groups and pages.

Friends, each of you has 100 or more friends on VKontakte and/or Facebook, and every day you receive a notification about which of your friends has a birthday today. Do a good deed and give it to the birthday people magical gift- this wonderful method so that they can harmonize their lives and the lives of other people. The congratulations can be in the following vein: “Happy Birthday, Anna! I wish you Love and Harmony in all areas of your life! Accept the gift" (and attach a video about ho'oponopono to the message or provide a link to the article). People will be pleased and it will be of great benefit to everyone.

When people on your page like your posts or comment on them, thank these people by writing to them: “Good afternoon! Thank you for liking the post on my wall. Accept the gift” (and attach a video to the message or provide a link to the article). If people write not very pleasant comments on your posts, then you can recommend this video to them, perhaps it will help them become more harmonious.

Join our action, because you are the reason for harmony in the world. We have been convinced for a long time and persistently that one person cannot change anything, but in fact, each of us is a force! Everyone can really make their practical contribution to the common cause. energy cleansing of our planet! Join us!

Join our action, because you are the Cause of Harmony in the World. We have been convinced for a long time and persistently that one Person cannot change anything, but in fact, each of us is a force! Everyone can really make their practical contribution to the common cause of energetic cleansing of our Earth! Let's sow Love, Harmony and Happiness around us!

On the effectiveness of group prayers and meditations on reality

For 8 days from September 14 to 21, 2009, a large-scale experiment “Intention of the World” was conducted. Tens of thousands of people from 65 countries concentrated and prayed for peace to be brought to a small part of the Earth where the level of violence was the highest on the planet - the Vanni region in northern Sri Lanka. The result was the end of more than twenty-five years civil war and terror in this country. This was a trial experiment.

Initially, it was not planned to attract many people, but thanks to the Internet, thousands and thousands responded and wanted to take part. According to the report of independent experts, the joint intention of the world played key role in hastening the end of the war in this place. It was during this week that the turning point for the government forces came and they subsequently defeated the rebels.

In the United States, another 50 studies were conducted on the influence of meditation and prayer on the level of crime and social tension in society. One of the experiments was carried out in the summer of 1993. Approximately 4,000 volunteers gathered in Washington, where they practiced meditation and prayer techniques twice a day in a group for 6 weeks. Using data obtained from the District of Columbia Police Department for 1993 and the previous five years (1988-1992), the researchers looked at changes in crime rates during and after those 6 weeks. During the study period, the number of assaults decreased by 23%, and violence decreased by 58%. The number of murders decreased by 42.8%. The chance that this result is due to random fluctuations in crime rates is less than two in a billion (p< 0,000000002).

Society is characterized by the quality of its collective consciousness, which is formed from the consciousnesses of all its members taken together, and, in turn, influences individual behavior. Increasing stress in the lives of individuals increases stress in the collective consciousness, which is expressed in an increase in violence, crime and other social problems. On the other hand, an increase in the level of coherence and harmony in social consciousness has a positive effect on the behavior of the individual and is practical means improving the quality of life of society, and also solving difficult social problems.

Individual consciousness is the unit of collective consciousness, the most strong impact meditation and prayer on individual behavior is a condition for sociological change. It is estimated that the group practice of meditation and prayer by even 1% of the population will produce a change in the entire society. This proportion is based on physical models, where several homogeneous elements in physical system(for example, a laser) can cause phase changes leading to uniform functioning of the entire system.

Moreover, there is an indicative relationship between the increase in groups of meditators and the reduction in the level of serious crimes, that is, the maximum decrease in the number of serious crimes per year was observed during periods when the group was largest. The analysis showed that other factors such as weather, police efforts, age-related changes population, etc. had no connection with a reduction in crime.

Here is a short excerpt from the movie "The Secret" about how the group mind creates the world around:

If you decide to participate in the “I am the cause of Harmony in the World” campaign, then you can share with your friends and acquaintances or repost these articles about ho’oponopono.