How to break the astral connection with your ex-husband. Cleansing from energy ties with a former partner

The universe has its own "fuse" in relation to each person. She seems to know in advance the result of each of our actions. But on the 19th Lunar day, the Universe (God, Absolute, Space) seems to be dormant, it practically cannot protect us. Including from themselves. That is why various negative energy effects, better known among people as damage, love spells, and so on, are easiest to do on the 19th Lunar day, when the vigilance and wisdom of the World are as weakened as possible.

As the natural interest in revealing and returning the power of femininity to the beautiful half of humanity grows, the demand for various energy practices to restore and improve the female sphere increases.

One of the most fashionable practices in our time - energy release from a former sexual partner. Real passions are raging around this strong but unsafe practice! An unjustifiably many different opinions and gossip have grown around her. The practice is overgrown with myths and legends!

Some Ladies who have tasted this practice personally become its devoted admirers, while others vow not to come into contact with such rituals again.

What is this practice and why is it needed?

To explain to readers what this miraculous practice is and why it is needed, let's turn to the famous fiction book "Circle of Female Power" by Larisa Renard, in which the author explains the reason for the need for the practice of cutting off former partners:

“- ... After all, the more men a woman has, the less energy she has, the more she is devastated. A lot of connections with men deprive a woman of her power of attraction, the aunt went on explaining.
- In order to regain your energy, you need to free yourself from the connection that you had. Any connection is maintained for seven years.
"Even if it's a relationship with a man who is no longer alive?" I asked.
- Even if it is no more, even if it is thousands of kilometers away. Even if you had only one single night, he continues to draw on your energy, and this prevents you from attracting the man you are looking for, the aunt explained.

Larisa Renard describes the very technique of conducting this practice in an artistic presentation as follows:

« By connecting the thumb, symbolizing female sexuality, and the index finger, symbolizing power, you will receive a ring of female power. Lower the ring of female power to the lower abdomen, where your uterus is located. It is the uterus that is the place of female power, in it we accumulate energy and store invisible energy threads that connect us with all the men with whom we had intimacy.

We put the ring of female power at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down), turn our head to the left (our past) and inhale imagine the man with whom we once spent the night, then turn to the present (forward) and spiral movements in the direction to the center we begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise. We make three circles and, turning to the right (to our future), we throw out this connection on the exhale. It is better to remove all connections on 19th day of the moon, but if you feel that you are not ready to wait that long, do it when you see fit.

Now, we can safely move on to the myths born around this practice. Below are the most common ones.

1. The invisible connection through which a man receives energy from a woman lasts 7 years

In some trainings, it is advised to work out connections only with those men with whom we have had the good fortune (or misfortune) to be in the same bed over the past seven years.

As practice shows, the depth and persistence of this connection between different men and women can be completely different. Some connections are destroyed by themselves within a couple of months after contact, while others live and live for decades. Even if this man is no longer alive, I have repeatedly observed the long-term connection of a woman with his phantom state, which is also a drain of energy “to nowhere”.

If there was any exchange of fluids in the relationship - even kissing - the rope becomes steel. If there was sex, the thickness of the rope becomes even greater.

The duration and depth of such a connection depends on many factors that cannot be predicted in advance with all the will: our state at that moment, the level of energetic fullness of partners, the strength of emotional intensity, the imprints of past lives and the memory of the family, etc.. It is for this reason that if a woman decides to arrange for herself a total purge of her past, it is necessary to remember all who was connected. No matter how many years have passed.

2. You need to “cut off” all your “ex” as soon as possible in order to regain your energy!

Often, modernized trainings surprise with the recommendation to write out all the former ones on a leaflet and in one evening “walk” through them with the practice of energy cutting off a partner in order to speed up the recovery processes in a woman’s field.

However, both theory and real practice usually show a strictly opposite result. What is it connected with? In order to carry out this practice, one must be finished to this, and not just infected with the enthusiasm of a coach or a book to put everyone out of her life with whom it did not work out.

What does it mean to be “ready” to be released from a relationship with a particular man?

This means being in relation to a man in a state of gratitude. Yes, it is sincere gratitude, not feigned. At the words “I am ready to free myself from each other with gratitude”, hands should not clench into fists, and resentment or pain should not roll up to the throat in the form of a lump or bubbling!

If, remembering this man, some understatement is spinning on your tongue or negative experiences pop up, this is absolutely the wrong time to use this practice. This means that not everything has been worked out with this man yet - there is an experience that we have not yet learned, there is a lesson that we have not realized and have not passed.

The universe is surprisingly wise, and every man in our lives, like her messenger, comes to teach us something, present a lesson, act as a teacher (actually, like we do for him). If it hurts, if it's insulting, it means that the lesson is stuck somewhere inside, which means that the lesson has not been passed.

Unlearned lesson

Now imagine that in such a state of “lesson not passed” we simply take and cut off this man from ourselves. We seem to cut off and throw away what the Universe has given us for gaining experience, for development!

What does the wise Universe usually do when a woman in such a blasphemous way refuses an important lesson for her, without even trying to figure it out and learn from her experience? Right! She repeats this lesson for us! It’s good if the “freshly cut ex” soon looms on its own on the horizon for “refinement”. But it could also be otherwise: The Universe will send another teacher into our Life with the same lesson. And to be more approachable!

Surely you have seen (heard, know personally) such women who always step on the same rake with men, as if bewitched? The same problem that repeats itself from one man to another like an obsession ... Whether it be infidelity, alcohol, assault or chronic romances with married machos. This is just a vivid example of how a woman refuses the lesson she needs, and Life insists that experience be learned from this lesson and appropriate conclusions drawn. Which, by the way, can sometimes even run counter to public opinion and the traditions of society - everyone has their own experience.

Let's go back to our practice of "liberation". If you are preparing to cut off your partner and suddenly find that you are experiencing a lot of feelings for him, among which gratitude is corny out of sight, then immediately postpone this practice! No, not forever. Just for a while until the ballast of negative experiences is dropped.

How to reset this ballast?

In fact, there are many techniques for removing negative emotions from a person’s field and bringing experience out of a situation. The simplest and most common is the Liberation Letter Practice. You can study it.

Only after the “steam is released”, some conclusions that previously could not be comprehended were nevertheless revealed and added to personal experience, when instead of a storm of emotions, gratitude to this person settled in the heart for teaching you quite certain things, showed previously unknown aspects of life, only then it is possible with gratitude (!) to carry out the technique of cutting off a partner, which now has the right to be called a liberation technique.

Of course, you are already ready to part with one of your exes on a subtle plane, without additional letters and conclusions - and so there is a long-standing readiness for this. Here you go!

And with the rest - refine! Recognize, get rid of negative emotions and experiences. It may take you 20 minutes to clarify the situation and let go of your grievances with this man. But it may be that you have to spend several evenings or even weeks on it.

That is why the advice of some trainers to “deal with” hated exes in one evening is amazing. It is hardly possible to do this without hurting yourself by hasty action.

3. It is best to cut off connections on the 19th lunar day

Liberation practices must be done! But only "on the net" when the background is gratitude! There is a small nuance, the failure to do which so often results in frustrated, crying women having a painful repeat lesson, as a reaction to jokes with energies from the Space.

If the practice of decoupling is done on the 19th lunar day, then cutting off will definitely occur, even if it is insanely harmful and on any other day the Universe would not allow this cutting off in order to protect the woman herself from the unpleasant and painful consequences of this practice.

The 19th Lunar day is different from all the others, why on this day it is better to refrain from making any vital decisions and what it is connected with.

Consider that you have received the safety instructions and use this technique for good!

I'm not talking about the emotional bonds that come from grief or loss, which we know time and the right amount of chocolate heals. What I'm talking about is an energetic connection between two people. These relationships can be positive or negative.

A positive connection, for example, between close friends, fills you with warmth even at a great distance, like a hug.

Breaking up with your ex is more complicated than just breaking up. You are dealing with an energy that has connected the two of you on a deeper level than words and actions.

Science has now proven that at the quantum level we are all energy and we are all connected to each other. If we were intimate with another person, this connection becomes even closer.

And even after the break, the energy continues to flow through these channels. Therefore, when it comes to finding a new partner, your unbroken connection with a past man becomes a serious obstacle. The same goes for forming a new circle of friends: until you finally cut off the connection with the past, relations with the new ones will be clogged.

Saying goodbye to the former

Rest easy: even if you've started a relationship with a clean slate, there are a few techniques that can help you cut ties with past partners and say goodbye to them forever.

Disconnect Technique

There is an easy way to let go of the connection with your ex-lover. This is where you will use the power of creative visualization.

For example, imagine yourself sitting in a beautiful garden. You are wrapped in threads. Feel the protective energy of the threads that surround you. Now imagine that one of the threads connects you with your ex. Look at how he smiles at you, thank you for all the good things that happened between you, for the lessons that you received. And now it's time to say goodbye. Wave to him and watch him walk away. The space around you has been freed. There was lightness and calmness in my heart.

Cleansing technique

For this technique, you need salt and a warm bath. In a safe, calm environment, take a warm bath of water and add salt to it. Relax and imagine how the threads from your uterus diverge in space. Think in turn of all the men with whom you had an affair. One by one, break the threads between you.

Give this process as much time as you need.

Salt has a wonderful property to absorb all the negative energy.

Here are two simple techniques you can do to cut ties with your ex and make room for a new relationship.

Everyone has situations in life when, after parting with a person, we remember him for several years. An attempt to get him out of my head and our thoughts ended the same way, we still think about this person. This is due to the strong energy bond that has formed between people. In the process of any communication, an energy connection is formed between people. Communicating, we create energy channels through which the interchange of energies takes place. Anchor is also a channel, but built incorrectly.

This channel is built on the dependence of a person on someone or something (for example, dependence on the egregor of the church). The correct flow of energy is disturbed, a person who has an attachment becomes energetically unfree. In the process of life, we ourselves create attachments to things, events, and this slows down our development, makes us dependent and makes us easily controlled by others.

Getting rid of ethereal chains

When our attachment to a person or object is based on fear, we bind it to ourselves with ethereal chains. They look like hollow tubes. And the longer this relationship lasts, the more massive the chains become. This means that the most massive chains connect us with our relatives, children and those people with whom we have been communicating for a long time.

Through the ethereal chains, energy can flow in both directions. They are created by fear and are always harmful to a person, they always indicate a violation of some body functions. They have nothing to do with harmonious relationships and love that connects body and soul.

To break the ethereal chains does not mean to break off relations with a person, it means to heal these relations, improve and fill them with Love. For example, you are ethereally attached to a friend or relative who is experiencing depression. Your energy will flow to this person. You will be tired for no apparent reason. If the energy goes into the ether tube, then no auxiliary means will help restore strength. If the one with whom you have an ethereal connection is angry, then his negative energy flows through the ethereal chains directly into your body and chakras. Then, for no apparent reason, you may experience pain that is not amenable to any treatment.

Those people whose profession involves constant help to others - teachers, educators, healers - are often shrouded in chains of attachments of their students and patients. If a person constantly helps friends or relatives out of trouble, the same thing happens to him.

It is very important to get rid of etheric chains. If, after breaking off a relationship with a person, you start communicating with him again, and if there is fear in your relationship, the ethereal circuits may appear again. New chains are thinner, but your energy goes through them - and someone else's flows in instead.

How to break the ethereal chain

Archangel Michael holds a sword in his hands that can cut off everything that binds you to negativity.

Just mentally say:

“I appeal to you, Archangel Michael. I ask you to cut the chains of fear that are draining life and strength from me.

“Archangel Michael, now I turn to you. Please cut the threads of fear that sap my strength and vitality."

While he cuts the chains, sit quietly and calmly. When everything is over, Archangel Michael will send healing energy to you and to another person.

At the moment of breaking the circuits, susceptible people can feel changes on the physical level or feel a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure. Then they will feel a surge of energy; the pain will disappear or decrease significantly.

To cut the ethereal threads of your children, say mentally or aloud:

"Archangel Michael, please cut the threads of fear from (children's names) as it saps his/her energy and vitality."

As in the previous case, help your children to remain silent and maintain deep breathing while Archangel Michael gets to work. Your children's mood and energy levels will almost immediately rise to a normal (not hyperactive!) state.

Keep in mind that Michael will only be able to release you from the chains if you are ready to let go of the old grudges that you have for the object of your affection. If you continue to be angry with this person or cannot forgive him, you will not be able to cut the chain.

In such a case, do everything as described above, but when you think about who you are attached to, add the following:

“I want to trade pain for peace. I ask for peace - let it take the place of pain.

Think of each of those people—mother, father, children, former and current lovers—and your desire to break the chains of fear that bind you to them.

During sexual contact between a man and a woman, an intense exchange of energies takes place and an energetic sexual bond is formed, which is naturally eliminated only after seven years.

About the problems of unwanted karmic connection
Even if you only had one night, even if he is thousands of kilometers away, and even if he has already died, this sexual connection is still formed and maintained. Through it, your energy leaks to your former sexual partner (even if you forgot about him a long time ago), if he is in an energy-reduced state.

What is the cause of women's diseases?
A lot of women's diseases, especially those associated with a decrease in
immunity are associated with the leakage of energy from the sexual chakra. It is with this that the value of virgins in marriage is connected. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the family, and not who knows. Because the more a woman had men, the more devastated she was. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thus her attractiveness.

What to do to regain the lost energy?
To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Technique for release from sexual attachment

You need to remember everyone with whom you had sexual contact in the last 7 years. For this, it is best to choose the 19th lunar day. Connect the thumb and index finger of the right hand into a ring. The ring is lowered to the lower abdomen, where the uterus is located. The womb stores female energy, it is the center of female power, it is there that the threads are located that connect you with all the men that you have had. Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down). Turn your head to the left (this is our past).

As you inhale, imagine the man with whom you once spent the night. Then turn your head to the present (forward). And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise. You begin to collect the energy thread with small spiral movements towards the center. Movements are made counterclockwise. Do three such circles. Then turn your head to the right (to the future) and release this connection as you exhale. Repeat for each former partner.

forgiveness meditation

There is one magical meditation. Actually, all meditations are magical, but this one is able to cleanse us of old negativity and prepare the place for new happy events. This method has long been justified, after it you can see real results, sometimes even the next day.

When you have been offended, abandoned, or you have old long-term grievances, or at least a small residue associated with specific people - all this means that you are slowing down the emergence of a new one, ready to come to you. Sometimes resentment and shocks are unrealistically heavy, then all the more you need to act. Of course, depending on the severity of situations, this meditation will have a different degree of effect. If the offense is small, then one session will be enough. Well, if we are talking about a serious shock, it may be necessary to repeat it several times. You yourself will feel how it will become easier for you - this is the result that cleanses you.

Sit or lie down, relax, calm down, breathe slowly. Begin. Imagine that you are in a cozy place: a room or, even better, in nature. It should be very beautiful, peaceful there, for example, there is a gazebo with a comfortable bench. This should be the place where you will receive guests, because in different meditations different guests will come to you in this place throughout your life, you will get used to this place. You can invent it yourself.

So, you are sitting there, enjoying the peace and quiet of this place, for example, birdsong, lake or sea, etc. Next, you ask the angels to bring you the person you want to see. Imagine that this person is led under the arms of angels. He peacefully, calmly sits next to you.

Well, now it's time to talk. Imagine that you or this person ask each other questions, give answers to them about what specifically worries you and what is connected with this person. You can first tell him whatever you want, or you can listen to him. In the process, maybe this person will want to apologize to you, maybe you will want the same. Allow yourself free communication, as if you have long wanted this conversation. But remember, you are with this person in this meditation in order to forgive and let go of each other.

Therefore, your meditation should end with your words: "I release you, go in peace." And this person should leave you with a sense of peace and quiet joy that you have forgiven him. When leaving, he may even wave his hand to you. Thank each other for what may have been good between you, wish each other happiness, health and peace, and let go. After his departure, you should feel complete peace.

energy binding occurs in communication between a woman and a man. Energy is transferred in any case, when making love, communicating, spending time together, etc.

Many people break off their relationship, but both partners do not always want it, so the energy connection between people, even after the end of the relationship, in many cases remains.

Some people very often cannot come to terms with the idea that their loved one has left them. What to do in such cases and is it dangerous?

The danger of the energy binding of people

You have probably met people who, after parting, are sad, crying and withering right before their eyes for a long time.

Their sexual energy decreases daily. It is voluntarily transferred to another (former) loved one. No need to blame him, because he is not aware of all this!

Frequent experiences and concern for a former partner make a person weaker, he transfers all his energy to him.

The more often and more you think about it, the more energy you lose. In this state, it is impossible to build new relationships, even our body will gradually weaken each time.

The basic principles of energy bindings, what are they based on?

1. For revenge

A strong desire to take revenge on the former partner, worsen his life, hurt him, as he hurt you. This is an indisputable fact.

A person plans every day, thinks through every step in order to fulfill his dream. All this takes most of the accumulated vital energy, and even when revenge comes true, it will be very difficult to return it. Then you will be left only in complete despair, incomprehension and without any guesses what to do next.

2. Guilt

Many people blame themselves for the end of a relationship. They blame themselves for hurting, not being too kind to their partner, reacting wrong or saying too much, not stopping or doing it too late. All this takes a huge amount of energy and strength, especially if children have suffered as a result of a long relationship.

3. Resentment and disappointment

Grievances - these are your unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, desires and dreams.

We blame the former partner that he did not give us the opportunity to realize our plans, that all dreams and desires died long ago.

Resentment makes us weaker, we often complain to others, we blame the past loved one for all the troubles, we think that we are not bad, but the person who once left us.

Why do you think that someone else is to blame for all this? These were your desires and plans. And, most likely, they differed significantly from the desires and plans of the former lover. So, what is his fault? ...

4. Promises

Perhaps a person you loved once promised you a lot of things. He said that you will be his forever, give birth to children for him, he will build a house and your life together will be very long.

The woman believed and waited for this, but at one point he left. A woman cannot fully understand how it all happened, because he promised? She remembers all the words, emotions, feelings and continues to hold on to the past, believes that everything is still changing and this is not the end.

How to remove energy attachments to former partners?

To improve your life, raise the level of vital energy, you need:

  • Find all energy leaks and close them. Break all existing sexual energy attachments to former partners.
  • Develop your Svadhisthana chakra.
  • Manage your life energy. You must be able to turn the energy force on or off when you need it. Point her in the right direction.

Energy Bindings to Former Partners - Video

I think we all have people in our lives with whom there is a lot of good and bad. Perhaps you broke up with these people a long time ago, or perhaps you still meet often. But they take up a lot of space in our lives, as they settled in our heads. And we spend a huge amount of energy thinking about them, about what was wrong, or even just trying to forget them. It happened to me with my father, he left when I was 4 years old, but all my life I could not understand why he did this, it gave me pain, and I had to throw it out somewhere. Because he is already 24 years old, it doesn’t matter what happens to me, and I spend precious energy on my suffering. In this regard, the techniques "arbor" and "Forgiveness" helped me a lot. But nevertheless, if you have a very deep trauma that tears your soul apart, I would advise you to turn to a good psychologist, because it can be difficult to cope on your own. Therefore, my advice to you is that the fresher the wound, the easier it will be to deal with.

Technique for breaking ties with a man (according to the book by L. Renard)

We connect the thumb and forefinger, lower it into the uterus area, set it as on the dial for 12 hours, the dial is turned upside down (above the clitoris), it is better to do it with a lit red candle. We turn our heads to the left (our past) and while inhaling we imagine the image of a man, we turn forward (the present) and with spiral movements in a circle, counterclockwise to the center, as if winding all your remaining connections. We make three circles and turn to the right (future) and throw out the thread on the exhale. It is better to spend on the 19th day of the moon.

You can perform a ritual with a red thread. We imagine the image of a man, while you think about him, you wind the thread around your finger, then tear it off. You lower your closed fingers into the womb of passion (womb) along with the thread, scroll three times according to the diagram above. And burn on a red candle.

Technique "Arbor":

Relax, take a comfortable position. Get rid of all thoughts, you can turn on relaxing music. Dive inside yourself, you find yourself in a beautiful forest, you walk along the path, feel the smell, the color, the breath of the wind. And you come out to a very beautiful, large gazebo. And in it sits a person with whom you would like to practice. Sit opposite. Remember all your feelings, emotions and understatements, maybe you have questions for him that were never asked. Tell everything that has accumulated, about all the insults, pain, suffering. Feel free to say everything you were afraid to admit even to yourself. When you say everything you wanted, forgive him and let him go. Get up and go back the same way. Watch how everything around has changed, what colors it has acquired. If you fail to let go the first time, do not be discouraged, it means that the attachment is very deep, repeat as many times as needed.

Forgiveness Technique:

Imagine that you are in some important place for the two of you, it is filled with your feelings, emotions, memories. Imagine in front of a man with whom a breakup will take place, ask him for forgiveness and sincerely forgive him for everything, yourself. Let me know if anything is left unsaid. Imagine that a thick transparent thread stretches between you, it leaves his solar plexus and enters yours. Through it there is an exchange of your energies, disconnect this thread from yourself and give it to him, with the words "all mine is mine, all yours is yours." And leave with a smile on your face from your past, to your future. Repeat if necessary.

Technique "Cut-off":

Take a warm bath, pour salt into it (any one will do), it has the ability to absorb negative information. Relax and imagine how the threads connecting you with your former partners come out of your uterus, cut them off one by one, releasing the men. After flushing the water and be sure to take a shower.

Technique "Burning":

Take a red or black candle and in a clockwise circular motion, representing the person with whom you want to practice, we burn all the ties between you. Do it until you feel light.

Aphorism of the day: It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with herself, and only then with a man.