How to get rid of wounds. What should be in the first aid kit. General treatment algorithm

The skin on the face is called one of the main factors affecting the beauty of a person. Therefore, when wounds appear on the skin from inflammation, traces of surgical and cosmetic interventions, a person experiences a reasonable desire to speed up the process of skin regeneration and regain attractiveness. How to quickly heal a wound on the face is an extremely important issue, because wrong actions or products that are not intended for the delicate skin of the face can leave a scar or increase the degree of inflammation.

What are the damage

Before you figure out which remedies help get rid of skin wounds as quickly as possible, you need to understand that the damage is different. Their classification is as follows:

Chemical and thermal burns;

mechanical injury;

The consequences of surgical intervention;

Inflammation, including acne;

Dermatological diseases.

With minor damage to the epidermis, treatment can be done independently, knowing about the rules and methods of skin treatment. But if the injury on the face is extensive, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

There are factors by which it can be understood that the intervention of a surgeon is mandatory. A wound is considered serious if it has the following features:

Occupies most of the face (extensive);


Causes pain;

Accompanied by swelling or inflammation.

Features on the face

When analyzing how to quickly heal a wound on the face, you need to remember that the skin on the face is thin, there is practically no fat layer under it, but the vessels and capillaries are very close to the surface of the epidermis. In addition, there are muscles on the face, the activity of which is very problematic to reduce. Therefore, healing a wound will be somewhat more problematic than damage to areas of the body where immobility can be ensured, for example, by applying a fixing bandage.

Healing scratches

It is easier to learn how to quickly heal a wound on the face using the example of an ordinary scratch. Even such a minor damage to the face can become inflamed, cause redness and swelling of nearby tissues.

The purpose of the treatment is to wash and decontaminate the wound, as well as its direct healing. To do this, you need to prepare:

Hydrogen peroxide;

Regenerating ointment.

The first step is to wash the wound with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Next, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it in alcohol and press it against the wound for a few seconds. Then you need to moisten the other side of the cotton swab with iodine and treat the skin around the scratch. Finally, a regenerating ointment is applied to the wound in a thin layer.

Antiseptic treatment with iodine and application of ointment must be repeated every day until a crust forms and dries on the wound. It is strictly forbidden to peel off the crust. It is necessary to wait until it exfoliates itself.

acne scars

Acne or pimples is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The etiology of this phenomenon depends on many factors, ranging from improper hygiene to endocrine diseases. Single pimples go away on their own, not if you injure the site of skin inflammation (there is a risk of scarring, which will be difficult to get rid of even with the help of modern cosmetology measures. Therefore, knowing how to quickly heal a wound on the face after a pimple is very important.

In order to get rid of a pimple, you need to disinfect the skin and relieve inflammation. Therefore, the first stage of treatment of the area around the pimple is identical to the treatment of any scratch. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin with water, and then degrease with an alcohol solution.

After that, it is necessary to moisturize the skin area, otherwise the production of sebum will increase, provoking inflammation.

But the product that will be used for moisturizing should not contain any oils that have a comedogenic effect. As a traditional medicine, you can use a decoction of chamomile flowers or fresh aloe juice, which you need to moisten the acne wound locally. It is extremely important not to rub the skin of the face with a towel, so as not to irritate it and not provoke further spread of inflammation. Wipe the skin with blotting movements.

Ointments for acne

You can find an ointment that quickly heals wounds on the face at a pharmacy, for example, Synthomycin. Its advantage is a complex effect on the skin: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

You can also use these drugs:

- "Banaderm";

- "Ascocept";

- "Manisoft";

- "Kutasept".

With severe inflammation, when the pimple hurts and suppurates, it is best to contact a specialist who will open the pimple, carry out an antiseptic treatment and apply a regeneration agent. Also, the dermatologist will advise how to quickly heal a wound on the face from acne with the help of modern preparations for external use.

Is it worth using iodine to heal wounds on the face

Iodine is the most popular antiseptic. It really effectively disinfects the skin and serves as a reliable method of preventing inflammation. But when using it on the face, there is a high risk of scarring of the skin.

The fact is that iodine, getting on damaged skin, burns it, which is why the edges of the wound cannot heal. But if you need to treat the skin urgently, and there are no other means at hand, you can use iodine or medical alcohol, but with some restrictions.

Firstly, it is better to dilute the product with plain water. Becoming less concentrated, it will not be so aggressive to the tissues of the face.

Secondly, you can not apply the product directly to the wound. It is better to moisten a cotton swab with it and gently treat the area around the wound. In this case, the edges of the wound will not be damaged, and, therefore, the chances that the inflammation will pass overnight will be much higher.

And finally, after antiseptic treatment, it is worth using an ointment that quickly heals wounds on the face.

With delicate and sensitive facial skin, it is better to find hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet and treat the skin with it.

Wounds on baby skin

The skin of a child is much softer than that of an adult, but it has a significant advantage: a high regeneration rate. Therefore, wounds, cuts and scratches in babies heal much faster.

Nevertheless, information on how to quickly heal a wound on a child's face will be useful to every person. The processing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to clean the skin with warm boiled water and a small amount of laundry soap.
  2. After that, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic without potassium permanganate) and smeared with ointment to improve regeneration.
  3. Wounds usually heal faster in the open air. But a child can constantly touch the damage on the skin with his hands, introducing an infection there. Therefore, there is a reason to carefully seal the wound until the wound heals. After that, the patch can be removed and continue to use the ointment for regeneration until complete healing.

Sometimes even a small wound on the face of a child can bleed quite heavily. In this case, it is better not to think about how to quickly heal a wound on the child’s face on their own, but to consult a doctor who will apply a sterile bandage to the skin.

The effectiveness of ointments

Pharmacies offer many products that can speed up the healing process of shallow wounds. In fact, the process of skin regeneration proceeds in any case: skin cells exfoliate, giving way to new ones, so traces of skin damage quickly disappear. But the process and rate of skin renewal varies from person to person, depending on age, health status and individual characteristics. For some people, the use of products that increase the regenerative abilities of the skin is more than justified, especially in a situation where the question is how to quickly heal a wound on the face at home.

The principle of operation of skin regeneration products is to eliminate factors that inhibit the restoration of the skin, and to stimulate the process of rapid protein absorption. In other words, the acceleration of metabolic processes and the removal of edema and inflammation in the epidermis allows the skin to renew itself, and, consequently, to heal the damage faster.

List of ointments for regeneration

What ointment quickly heals wounds on the face, an individual question. The composition, prices and principle of action of ointments are different, and each person has the opportunity to choose the most suitable drug for himself.


Active substance







Russia, Croatia

An anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates tissue regeneration and strengthens collagen fibers.

170-300 for 25g.



RF, Belarus

Increases local immunity, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process.


Zinc hyaluronate

It produces a disinfecting antimicrobial effect, promotes rapid regeneration.

OK. 570 for 15g.


Bovine blood extract


It makes the process of skin regeneration faster by improving the metabolism in damaged tissues.

from 325 for 20g.


wheat extract

Prevents the formation of infection in the wound, stimulates the activity of connective tissue cells.


Essential and base oils, beeswax

Has absorbable and antibacterial effect.

OK. 150 for 30g.


Heparin and onion extract


Relieves inflammation, disinfects the wound and accelerates the work of fibroblasts.

Contraindications for healing

Any ointment that quickly heals wounds on the face should be selected, first of all, based on the composition of the product. Many drugs work due to the content of components of natural origin, which are powerful allergens. You should also pay special attention to the instructions for use, using the ointment only in the permissible dosage.

The desire to get rid of a wound or scratch in record time sometimes leads to the exact opposite effect. When studying the question of how to quickly heal a wound on the face overnight, it is necessary to understand that an important part of the task is to prevent scarring. To do this, you must follow a number of recommendations:

for quick tissue regeneration, do not apply masking cosmetic products over the wound;

If there is no bleeding, you need to leave the wound open, without bandaging it or sticking it with a plaster;

In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to prevent contact of the wound surface with dirty hands, pillowcases, and clothing.

In the event that the basic rules on how to quickly heal a wound on the face were not followed and a scar remained on the skin, it can be removed using cosmetic peeling or a laser.

Thus, having information on how to properly care for damaged skin, and having fast-healing ointments for facial wounds in your home medicine cabinet, you can easily deal with a scratch, cut, burn or inflammation on the surface of the epidermis.

How to speed up wound healing?

A wound is a damage to the skin and underlying tissues of the body. Such damage can be caused primarily by mechanical impact, as well as the influence of excessive temperature or chemical factors. The process of wound healing is absolutely physiological and proceeds independently: the body, using natural mechanisms, restores the integrity of tissues and integuments, thus protecting internal organs. The only thing that can ensure the acceleration of wound healing is the stimulation of regeneration processes and the exclusion of the development of complications.

A thermal burn is a specific damage to the skin and (sometimes) underlying tissues due to exposure to high temperatures. Sources of thermal action can be both solids and liquids, as well as steam or gas. As a rule, contact with the carrier of excess heat occurs as a result of a violation of safety standards for working with its sources or as a result of an accident. It should also be partially attributed to thermal and sunburn. They arise as a result of the combined effect on the skin and mucous membranes of both ultraviolet rays, which in themselves have a destructive effect on the integument of the body, and the thermal energy of solar radiation.

Each of us repeatedly received superficial skin wounds - abrasions and scratches. Such wounds are frequent companions of people leading an active lifestyle, athletes, travelers, as well as the inquisitive younger generation. As a rule, scratches and abrasions most often occur in the warm season, when people wear light clothing, and the skin becomes most vulnerable to injuries of this kind.

How to quickly cure an abrasion - this question worries people of all ages. Despite the fact that an abrasion is a relatively safe injury, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and complications.
To prevent infection through an abrasion and to avoid inflammation and suppuration, the following recommendations must be followed:

1. The abrasion must be washed from dirt under running warm water. If the wound is heavily soiled (for example, in the case of a fall from a bicycle in the forest), it is acceptable to use a mild soapy solution for washing.
2. If the abrasion bleeds intensively, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tight bandage. You can make a bandage from a bandage or improvised means - a handkerchief or any other clean cloth.
3. For disinfection, the wound must be treated with a non-aggressive antiseptic, for example, Sulfargin ointment. This product contains silver ions, which are a natural antiseptic that does not cause allergies, does not sting, does not dry or irritate the skin. The gradual release of silver ions will provide a long-term antibacterial effect, and will also contribute to the speedy healing of the abrasion.
4. In order to avoid damage to thin skin, which will gradually heal the abrasion, it is advisable to seal the wound with a patch with a soft base, preferably with antibacterial impregnation.
If you notice that the pain in the abrasion area is gradually decreasing, the redness and swelling are disappearing, the wound is tightening and slightly itchy - it means that things are on the mend.
On the contrary, an increase in edema, pain and pus on an abrasion are alarming signals that an infection has entered the wound! In this case, you must consult a doctor.
The specialist will examine the abrasion and prescribe treatment adequate to the severity of the injury. As a rule, this is a complex treatment that includes an antibiotic (inside or outward), dressings with an antiseptic and subsequent monitoring of the patient's condition until he is completely recovered.
Abrasions, like any other injury, are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, while on vacation or doing active sports, try not to lose vigilance, remaining extremely careful!

And if tomorrow you have to go to school or start professional duties, and a noticeable injury appears on your face, do not despair. Learn on the Internet how to get rid of facial abrasions in a short time and act immediately.

It may not be possible to quickly cure abrasions on the face, but you can significantly reduce the recovery period.

And this means that you will start work fresh, rested and full of energy.

Treatment of abrasions on the face - what is an abrasion?

Abrasions are formed on the skin as a result of falls, bruises, blows, and other mechanical influences that violate the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis. A red spot forms on the surface. Due to damage to the skin, blood can flow, an ichor can come out. The injury is characterized by swelling of the tissues.

The treatment of abrasions on the face begins with the antiseptic treatment of damaged skin. This is done to prevent infection from entering the body.

Considering what is happening, it is worth using transparent antiseptic preparations. Zelenka and iodine will perfectly replace hydrogen peroxide, which is necessarily included in the kit for a home first aid kit.

Facial abrasions can be treated at home if the damage is minor. But if, as a result of tissue trauma, severe bleeding begins, the temperature rises, chills and fever appear, this is a reason for immediately contacting the clinic.

There is no universal answer to the question of how long facial abrasions heal. But there are means by which you can quickly get rid of an unwanted "fellow traveler" that is comfortably located on the skin of the face.

Treatment of facial abrasions at home - life hack from professionals

In cases where the treatment of facial abrasions is supposed to be carried out at home, expert advice will come in handy.

These are simple manipulations, thanks to which your face will be cleansed and will take on a fresh look:

If the question of how to get rid of abrasions on the face is still relevant for you, resort to the help of special creams.

How to get rid of abrasions on the face - folk remedies

Facial abrasions require immediate attention.

Injuries are located in the visibility zone, and this significantly spoils the appearance, complicates communication and social contacts.

In folk medicine, recipes abound on how to quickly remove abrasions on the face and regain their former appearance. Among the fixed assets based on natural components:

  • Oil balm- in Rus', abrasions on the face were removed with this particular fatty substance. He also treated non-healing wounds so that they heal faster and disappear from the surface of the skin. To make the balm, butter and chopped needles are taken in equal proportions, which are thoroughly mixed and placed in a cool dark place. To remove abrasions on the face, apply balm to them up to 3 times a day, gently massaging the damaged area.
  • Quickly get rid of abrasions on the face will help aloe juice. A herbal bactericidal agent as if created to provide emergency assistance. How to quickly heal abrasions on the face using aloe?
  • How to quickly heal abrasions on the face with badger fat? It is necessary to lubricate abrasions on the face with a thin layer of fat. In addition to the healing effect, the balm has a rejuvenating effect. When figuring out how to heal abrasions on the face, keep in mind that the result can only be expected from a natural product brought from the north. What to do with abrasions on the face, if there is no access to the northern supplies of badger fat? Use another remedy and tips on how to quickly heal abrasions on the face from specialized resources on the Internet.
  • How long does an abrasion on the face heal if you use pork fat and goose cinquefoil juice. In a fatty base (2 tablespoons), it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of beeswax and a tablespoon of goose cinquefoil. If you are interested in how to remove redness after an abrasion on the face, this recipe will tell you an unmistakable action.
  • You can ask a doctor how to quickly heal an abrasion on the face and what means to use for the rehabilitation of an injury. This is especially true if the abrasion is deep and extensive.

Do not ask in vain how long an abrasion on the face lasts and whether it leaves a mark on the skin. The term depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, age, the ability of tissues to regenerate, and immunity. The restoration of the skin depends on how many days the abrasion on the face heals.

If the tissue recovery period is prolonged, in no case do not peel off the resulting crust from the wound. This contributes to scars on the skin.

The magical power of natural ingredients - cream Astroderm

If the question of how to quickly heal an abrasion on the face is relevant for you, but you don’t want to collect herbs and prepare homemade creams, give preference to dietary supplements, which include natural ingredients.

Specialists have developed an effective cream formula, organically mixing healing substances in it to neutralize abrasions, bruises, burns, wounds, cuts and scratches.

To the question of how to treat facial abrasions quickly, the answer exists: with the help of Astroderm cream! The cream restores the protective functions of the skin, accelerates cell regeneration, and helps moisturize the dermis. The tool was created not only so that you can learn how to quickly reduce abrasions on your face, it carries with it a powerful preventive effect, provides protection from wind, frost, dampness.

Among the components of Astroderm cream, the following substances are noted:

  • Vinylin- envelops the abrasion, reliably protecting the body from the penetration of infections, viruses, bacteria and other pathological microorganisms. Anesthetizes, heals, relieves inflammation.
  • D-panthenol and vitamin E- activate the processes of self-renewal of cells, start tissue regeneration, promote the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Extracts of yarrow and calendula- have a bactericidal, healing effect, relieve itching, redness, irritation.
  • Allantoin- moisturizes, acts as a local antiseptic.

If you get an abrasion on your face, don't be upset. Use Astroderm cream, applying it 2 times a day to the area of ​​injury, avoiding contact with an open injury. Promoting the rapid healing of damage to the skin, the cream will ensure rapid tissue repair and return to your blooming appearance. Be healthy!

The healing of wounds on the face is distinguished by a number of specific features due to the superficial location of the vessels, prolonged swelling of damaged tissues, facial muscles, which make it difficult to tighten the edges of the wound and the likelihood of its rapid infection.

Wounds on the face: how to speed up healing

However, the healing of wounds on the face has a high regeneration potential due to the increased blood supply and good innervation in the face area.

What can be done at home so that the wound on the face heals as quickly as possible and does not leave behind unaesthetic scars?

How to speed up wound healing

Uninfected wounds (pimple or scratch) heal fairly quickly and do not damage the face, so it is enough to follow certain rules for caring for them. First of all, they should not treat wounds on the face with undiluted medical alcohol and iodine.

Undiluted iodine and alcohol can burn and irritate the skin in the form of indelible dark spots, so always give preference to diluted medicines.

More complex wounds on the face (for example, after tattoo removal) should be treated with special wound healing products that stimulate tissue regeneration and improve their nutrition. The fast healing process means that rough scars on the skin are formed much less often and there is no need to remove scars. Such remedies can be recommended to you either at the clinic where you removed the tattoo, or at the pharmacy.

To speed up the process, you should use wound healing agents that improve tissue nutrition and stimulate cellular metabolism. If the recovery is active, rough scars are formed much less frequently. In parallel, you should take multivitamins and eat vegetables, fruits and protein foods.

How to heal wounds on the face

Means for these purposes are in the form of jelly and ointment. The first is applied to a wet, oozing wound and creates an antibacterial film, due to which healing occurs much faster. Dry wounds are lubricated with an ointment, the fatty base of which helps to successfully complete the regeneration of facial tissues.

Scratches, abrasions haunt us in everyday life. I think each of us has received a lot of bruised knees, wiped elbows and other injuries throughout our lives. However, it is not always possible to run to the pharmacy for iodine and brilliant green, especially if you are in a rural area, where the nearest help center is quite far away. Treatment of abrasions with folk remedies can also bring a good effect.

An abrasion is a mechanical superficial damage to an area of ​​the skin by an object. Most abrasions will not bleed profusely, but some wounds may shed a clear fluid. Abrasions, as a rule, can be accompanied by swelling and inflammation.

Seek medical attention if there is a need to administer tetanus toxoid (if it was last administered more than 10 years ago), for deep or long cuts, cuts on the face, and when it is impossible to close the edges of the wound with a patch. A cut in a small child, especially if he breaks the bandage, signs of infection, numbness of the damaged area also require a doctor's examination. It is necessary to call an ambulance if there is uncontrolled bleeding, inability to move normally or move fingers and toes, signs of shock. Remember that even the smallest abrasion can cause serious complications in the form of a scar, tetanus, sepsis.

As a rule, drug treatment is carried out by washing the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Then they take a solution of iodine or brilliant green and treat the skin around the wound. Remember, if the abrasions are deep, in no case do not pour iodine and brilliant green into the abrasion, but spread around it so that harmful microorganisms do not get in. You can also use dexpanthenol, it promotes healing of the affected skin and can be used even on deep abrasions. There are many more medications for the treatment of abrasions.

Cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to accelerate the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only a wound healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, it promotes wound healing without a rough scar.

Treatment of abrasions with folk remedies also brings results.

First, rinse the abrasion with clean water (not from the tap). Make sure that all particles of earth or other foreign bodies are washed out of it. And only then you can use folk remedies.

If you use any herb, leaves, flowers, make sure they are clean, as you can introduce dirt particles into the abrasion.


The well-known plantain will really help heal the abrasion, but for this it needs to be kneaded to a gruel so that the juice flows out and put on the abrasion. You can pre-put gauze fabric, and already apply plantain gruel on it.

Oak bark

You can use lotions from a decoction of oak bark. To do this, take 1 tbsp. oak bark, pour a glass of boiling water, put on a small fire for 15-20 minutes, and then let it brew for about 1 hour. Then soak cotton swabs with this decoction and apply to the abrasion.

Black tea

Take a very strong brew, you can add streptocide powder to it. Stir thoroughly, apply on the abrasion, cover with a plaster on top, remove after 2-3 hours. If you did not add powder, then moisten a cotton swab with tea leaves and apply to the abrasion.

Lungwort leaves

Take fresh leaves of lungwort, rub until gruel appears and put on abrasion, tie over with gauze, but do not tie too tight. Change this bandage twice a day.

Hypericum herb

St. John's wort herb decoction has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Take 20 g of St. John's wort, and pour 400 g of boiling water, put on a small fire until half of the water has boiled away. Such a decoction can be drunk in 1 tbsp. three times a day, and you can make lotions out of it.

stinging nettle

Take a fresh nettle herb and squeeze the juice out of it. Moisten gauze with it and bandage the abrasion. You can also wash the abrasions with juice.

Yarrow and Chamomile

Take 20 g of yarrow and 10 g of chamomile per 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour. Wet a gauze bandage and apply it over the abrasion for a couple of hours.


Take dried dandelion roots and use a coffee grinder to grind them into powder. Sprinkle the abrasion with the resulting powder. Such a remedy will help dry the abrasion and cure it faster.


Take 10 g of calendula flower powder and combine with 50 g of melted base (pork fat, butter, less often - vaseline) and rub thoroughly. This is how you get calendula ointment.

You can also make calendula oil at home. To do this, you need to tightly fill the jar with the flowers of the plant, pour them with refined vegetable oil and let it brew for 2-3 weeks. The affected areas are lubricated with calendula oil 2-3 times a day.


Take an onion and grind it to a pulp, pour it into a linen cloth and put it on the abrasion. Onions have antiseptic properties.


You can also treat abrasions with the help of bodyagi. For 1 tbsp. water, take 2 tbsp. bodyagi powder. Put the resulting dough on the bruise and bandage it. The healing properties of the bodyaga will show when it starts to dry out. Change this compress twice a day.