Home remedies for softening cuticles. List of practical means. Review of cuticle removers: choosing the best tool

The cuticle performs a protective function, it does not allow microbes and foreign bodies creep into nail plate. The cuticle is dead skin, which, when overgrown, spoils appearance hands and makes it difficult proper conduct manicure procedures. With untimely removal, it begins to grow into the nails, slows down their growth, contributes to the appearance of burrs, which are often accompanied by painful sensations.

Preparation for the cuticle removal procedure

First you need to soften the skin for the procedure to be effective. For these purposes, hot decoctions are used.

Baths for softening cuticles

  1. In 250 ml. warm water add 30 gr. starch, 15 gr. food salt or soda. Stir until the granules are completely dissolved, dip your fingers into the composition, wait a quarter of an hour.
  2. 100 ml. olive or corn oil heat in the microwave to an acceptable temperature. Lower your fingers, perform the procedure for 10 minutes. Then remove the oil with a paper towel.
  3. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon, combine it with 80 ml. vegetable oil, add 50 ml. hot water to make a mixture comfortable temperature. Lower your fingers, do a bath for 15 minutes.
  4. 60 gr. baking soda pour 300 ml. warm water, drop 6 ml. iodine, carry out the procedure for 10 minutes. The bath will not only soften the cuticle, but also strengthen the nail plate.
  5. Microwave 230 ml. beer, add 12 drops of rosemary ether and calendula ether to it. Dip your fingers into the composition, hold for 20 minutes.
  6. Warm up 240 ml. milk and add 60 gr. flax bran, leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then dip your fingers into the container. Wait 20 minutes.
  7. Pour boiling water over 20 gr. chamomile flowers, 20 gr. birch bark and 30 gr. plantain, insist 40 minutes. At the end of the period, heat the bath to a comfortable temperature, add 30 ml. aloe vera juice and proceed with the procedure. The exposure time ranges from 15 to 25 minutes.

After your fingers are well softened, rinse them with warm water and dry them with a towel. Now you need to rub into the cuticle and nail plate, first vitamin A in ampoules, then vitamin E, all these products are sold individually at the pharmacy. Next, cover the fingers or skin of the hands with a completely nourishing cream (preferably for children).

At home, two technologies are used: classical and European. Let's consider them step by step.

Classical technique
Required tools:

  • manicure tongs;
  • vitamins A and E in ampoules;
  • cuticle spatula or stylus.

Be careful during the procedure, the method is extremely dangerous for an inexperienced person. Proceed to remove the cuticle only after it is completely softened with the help of trays. It is important to understand that you need to remove only the keratinized part, without touching living tissues. The dead epithelium is separated almost immediately upon softening, difficulties should not arise if all recommendations are followed. Disinfect forceps and scissors with alcohol, vodka, peroxide, or chlorhexidine to prevent bacteria from entering the cavity of the nail plate.

  1. Spread cuticles with a special compound or use natural oil. This is necessary so that it remains soft throughout the removal procedure.
  2. Now you need to move the cuticle to the base of the nail so that its edges are clearly visible. You can do this with a nail stylus or orange sticks.
  3. Grab one finger with your other hand, pull on the cuticle to poke the edge. Take nail clippers and cut the cuticle first from one side, moving towards the middle, then from the second. You can not cut it in one direction, otherwise you will touch the living areas with the other side of the forceps.
  4. Now remove all hangnails without affecting the skin around them. Your movements must be careful not to create neoplasms.
  5. Wipe the cuticles with a peroxide solution or chlorhexidine, giving Special attention sheared burrs. Reapply vitamins A and E to the skin, massage the living tissues of the cuticle and leave to be absorbed.

The classic cuticle removal procedure is completed!

European methodology
Most safe way cuticle removal at home

Depending on the temperature regime and appointments share three types of European technique: wet, dry and hot.

The wet method involves the use of baths, as with classic way cuticle removal.

The dry method consists in softening the keratinized areas with the help of natural oils or special cuticle products. It is important to understand that such drugs can be allergic reaction. Test in advance on a small area of ​​skin.

The hot method involves excessive steaming of the skin with baths, which may be required in the case of a strongly overgrown cuticle at the base of the plate.

Necessary materials:

  • cuticle remover;
  • cotton buds;
  • vitamins A and E in ampoules;
  • a cuticle agent that slows down its growth;
  • stylus or orange cuticle sticks.
  1. Give your nails desired shape and length, then proceed to the direct softening of the cuticle. Choose 1 of 3 ways depending on the condition of your fingers.
  2. Push back the cuticles with an orange stick or stylus by lifting them up.
  3. Apply to cotton swab cuticle remover in small quantities. Distribute it evenly over dead and steamed areas, trying not to touch healthy skin. Wait for the time indicated on the package, as a rule, it is 10-20 minutes, depending on the manufacturer.
  4. Take a dry cotton swab and go over the softened areas where the remover has been applied. The cuticle should soften by this time and turn into a kind of jelly, which is easily removed. If everything is not removed with a stick, use the stylus. Clean off the cuticle from the nail plate with it, moving up, and not to the free edge of the nail.
  5. At the end of the manipulation, wipe your fingers with a paper towel, treat your fingers with hydrogen peroxide. Rub vitamins A and E into the skin around the nails with massaging movements, leave for 40 minutes until completely absorbed. After that, cover the cuticle special means slowing down its growth.

Congratulations, you have successfully removed the cuticle using the European method!

  1. You can buy a cuticle remover at a pharmacy. The product belongs to nail care products. Pay attention to the Smart Enamel series, the company produces a remover with a convenient dispenser, due to which the composition is squeezed out into the right quantities. Apply the composition in such a way that the cuticle is covered by 1 mm. in height.
  2. Wash dishes and do other housework only with rubber gloves. Purchase baby talc fragrance-free, put it in gloves to keep your hands from sweating.
  3. Do not allow the cuticle to grow on the plate. Otherwise, it will grow into the nail, due to which it will be difficult to remove it later. Do classic or European removal 1 time in 10 days.
  4. Carry a moisturizer in your purse. Always lubricate the skin when it is too dry, especially summer care. IN winter time lubricate your hands with anti-frost cream half an hour before going outside, always wear warm mittens.
  5. If you often relax on the beach, try to avoid prolonged contact with the sand. Rinse your hands with running water after bathing in salty springs. This also applies to visiting the pool, chlorinated water dries the skin.
  6. Lubricate the cuticle with essential oil every day. Give preference to jojoba, orange, tea and rosewood, ginseng and geranium. Once a week, do a nail and cuticle bath with natural oil(olive, vegetable, burdock, corn, sea buckthorn, castor).

To get rid of the cuticle at home, you must first prepare the fingers. Do not be lazy to mix the composition for the baths, they are also useful for the nail plate. It is important to understand that classical technology is quite dangerous if carried out incorrectly, so for the first time it is recommended to resort to the European method.

Video: how to cut the cuticle in one strip

In most cases, dry cuticles indicate that your body lacks moisture. You may feel quite comfortable, but you can not ignore this signal of dehydration. The reasons may be different: dry climate, too strong influence heating appliances, insufficient fluid intake. If you are unlikely to be able to do anything with the weather outside the window, then installing a humidifier in the room is completely. As a result, after a few days you will notice not only more well-groomed appearance cuticles, but you will also feel better overall. Drink more water to keep your skin internal organs did not suffer.

However, water alone is unlikely to soften the cuticle. On the contrary, if you do homework without gloves, and your fingers are constantly in contact with water and household chemicals, dry cuticles will be only a small consequence of all this.

cosmetic care

Choosing the right skin care products will help you soften your cuticles for a long time. It is a big mistake to choose products such as hand creams containing silicones and mineral oil. Such tools act instantly and create the appearance well-groomed skin hands, nails and cuticles. In fact, the active ingredients create an invisible film that only prevents moisture. visual effect The food will disappear as soon as you wash your hands.

Really soften the cuticle will help you natural fatty products, the most affordable of which are shea butter and beeswax. you can buy finished products with various accompanying additives, transfer them to small containers and always carry them with you. You will have to rub such a tool into the cuticle 10-15 times a day. However, this will only take you a few seconds. Moreover, natural products have a cumulative effect, and after a couple of weeks you will be able to carry out this manipulation much less frequently.

Keep in mind that solid oil and wax are absorbed for a very long time, so they can leave marks on the glossy surfaces that you touch. If this is really a problem for you, opt for lighter textures. For example, some brands have a range of cuticle pencils that are convenient to carry around. Make sure that the composition contains natural liquid oils: avocado, almond, peach, sweet orange. With such a pencil, you can simply run over the nail without rubbing the product and without soiling the fingertips.

Heavy artillery

Sometimes the cuticle is in such a deplorable state that only more serious methods can help it. Try paraffin baths, which can be done both in the salon and at home. You can buy everything you need in a cosmetic store and save a lot on the cost of the procedure.

No less effective cosmetic masks for hands, which are applied for 10-15 minutes under polyethylene or cotton gloves. You can find such funds in the lines of the brands Tony Moly, Holika Holika, Burt's and Bees, Sally Hansen.

Removing the cuticles on the nails is an integral part of any manicure or pedicure. Due to anatomical features, the skin adjacent to the nails is especially rough and difficult to influence with mechanical instruments. That is why, before the procedure, the cuticles must be softened in order to subsequently avoid soreness, minor bleeding and injury. For this purpose, today developed a large number of removers with different effects. From the article you will find out which cuticle softeners are the most effective for home use. But what exists best oil for the cuticle and how to use it correctly, indicated

Varieties of funds

Today, the range of cuticle softeners is represented by the most different forms and compositions. These are gels, creams, pencils and oils for working with nails. Among them there are professional and amateur brands, and for home care often used and traditional way- bathtubs. The choice of technology depends on the skill of using the compositions, the condition of the nails and skin of the hands, and the budget.


This is the softest, but longest method. Cuticle softening occurs under the influence of high temperature, and with the help of auxiliary components, you can additionally moisturize the skin of the hands and strengthen the nails. This method can be used at home, since it requires only a small container and a prepared composition.

Using high temperature, the main thing is not to harm the skin

  • The water should not be too hot, but not cold either.. Optimum temperature- 40 degrees, which will completely dissolve all the components and steam out the skin of the hands;
  • ingredients for the composition must be selected depending on the problems of nails. When exfoliating the nail plate, it is recommended to add iodine or salts, essential oils are better suited for skin problems or severe coarsening of the cuticles;
  • before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the old layer of varnish from the nails, and also wash your hands with soap;
  • the recommended duration of the nail bath is 7-10 minutes;
  • after steaming, massage your hands and apply a moisturizer or gel.

But how to use the gel to remove the cuticle sally hansen, very detailed.

To soften the cuticles, baths with a decoction of chamomile, sage or linden are used. Often used linen or olive oil. The most effective are baths with the addition of sea ​​salt and combinations of essential oils (lemon, eucalyptus, sage or tea tree).

All on video possible ways cuticle removal:

With a strong keratinization of the cuticle of the nails after the bath, the surface should be treated with a scrub. With this, you can not only further soften the skin, but also remove dead cells.


Products for direct application to the nails in the form of a cream has a targeted and gentle effect. By using active components there is a softening of the keratinized skin around the nails, and with regular use, the formation of a dense layer is reduced. Softening cuticle cream does not require special skills, so they can be used at home. For the care of cuticles and finger skin, the most popular are the following products:

A quality product can only be purchased in specialized beauty salons. In addition, there you can consult with a specialist on the choice of composition, depending on the condition of the nails.

Do not forget that you can use cuticle nippers, including professional ones, and you can also find out what exist about such a tool.


This professional tools to soften and remove cuticles, called removers. Thanks to quick effect they are usually used in most salons as part of the European method of manicure. They can have a different composition, depending on which professional and home remedies are isolated.

Most often used by professionals in cosmetology

When choosing a gel, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • products based on alkali or inorganic acids soften the cuticle almost instantly, so a special skill is required to use them. If the application technology is not followed, there is a risk of damaging the skin of the fingers;
  • gels based on fruit acids are best suited for home use. They not only quickly soften the necessary area, but also further enrich the skin with vitamins. The AHA label on the package indicates the presence of fruit acids in the composition;
  • high-quality products have a pleasant aroma, it is not recommended to purchase products with a strong chemical smell;
  • it is advisable to use the same brand for working with cuticles and for manicure. This reduces the likelihood of a reaction between formulations.

But how to cut the cuticle at home and how the procedure takes place, you can see

Gels that are soft in composition can be used weekly, which will allow you to keep the result longer, make the cuticle skin softer. Subsequently, this will reduce the time to perform a manicure, reduce the process of growth of rough skin.

Cuticle softener gel can be used to combat dry corns, corns, and a lot of keratinized skin on the legs. Regular use of the composition can completely get rid of the problem.

But what are the best ways and how to clean the cuticle can be seen in this


Outwardly, such a tool resembles an ordinary felt-tip pen or pen. In the center of the pencil for softening the cuticles there is a special rod soaked in an alkali or acid solution with the addition of essential oils and vitamins. They effectively soften the skin around the nails, make it elastic and reduce the growth of dead cells. After use, the cuticle softens, it can be moved or cut.

Cuticle softener can be used on its own at home

Some manufacturers use aqueous solutions, as well as special additives that reduce the growth of new cells. It is these pencils that are desirable to purchase for regular home use.

The following advantages of this technology are distinguished:

  • the procedure can be performed independently, no special skills are required;
  • despite the high price, the product is economical, as it is consumed slowly;
  • allows you to remove the toughest cuticles in just a few applications;
  • no need to purchase an additional tool for skin removal;
  • the pencil additionally cares for the skin around the nails.

At regular use cuticles become softer, grow slowly, making nails attractive and simplifying the manicure procedure. It is advisable to purchase a pencil in special salons.

Among professionals, the following brands are most popular:

Pencil is considered the best tool for regular care for nails and cuticles. Ease of use and compact packaging allow you to carry out the procedure in any convenient place.

There is also cuticle oil in a pencil, but how and in what case it should be used can be seen in this


This soft remedy, which performs several functions at once. Thanks to natural composition and consistency, they envelop the entire surface of the cuticle, softening, nourishing and restoring its cells. With regular use, the color of the epidermis improves and the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases.

cuticle softening oil

Oils are usually produced in the form of small bottles with a brush for application. Among the brands there are professional and home remedies. Depending on the composition and goals, oils are used to remove or soften cuticles as part of regular care, in addition, on sale you can find special formulations necessary for restoring and fortifying nails (but what should be the treatment if the nails on the hands exfoliate, you can read ) and the skin of the fingers. After using the product, the softened cuticle is squeezed or cut off mechanically.

But what are professional cuticle nippers and how to use them correctly, you can read

How to choose a product for home use

Today on sale you can find a huge range of products for working with cuticles. They can be professional or for home use, and also have various properties.

When choosing a tool, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • all products are divided into care formulations and removers. The latter are presented in the form of a varnish or a pencil and are suitable for instantly removing the stratum corneum;
  • for home use, it is advisable to purchase products without a strong alkali or acid in the composition. The best option - fruit acids, which are gentle on the skin;
  • an allergy test should be carried out before the first use. To do this, a drop of the product should be applied to the skin of the elbow and wait 5 minutes, if not side effects, the composition is suitable for use;
  • the release form depends on the condition of the nails, as well as the goals of the procedure. Oils or creams are best for regular maintenance, improving skin condition, and softening overly hard cuticles.

The best option for softening cuticles is a cream or oil, which contains a large amount of natural ingredients and vitamins.

But what is the name and which is the best, you can see in the article at the link.

Cuticle softeners make nails look beautiful and attractive. Today, a large number of cosmetics for working with fingers and nails are presented on the market, among which creams, gels, pencils and oils are very popular. Traditional baths are also suitable for home use, but they have low efficiency. When choosing a product, you should carefully read the composition. It is advisable to purchase removers only in specialized salons.

On the video - the rule for selecting funds:

well-groomed hands, beautiful manicurebusiness card any girl.

She may not have time to make up her eyelashes or lips, curl her hair, but her nails should always be neat.

A respectable man has also not been accepted for a long time to appear with unkempt nails and hands, especially if the company is large and you need to communicate a lot with people.

The cuticle is the leathery band around the nail. Cuticles are designed to protect the nail, prevent bacteria and infections from entering the nail plate, but to make a beautiful manicure, you will have to sacrifice it.

To remove the cuticle, nail scissors, forceps and gels are used.

Cosmetics soften the skin around the nail and remove it freely.

To do this, it is not necessary to use the services of a manicure master, the entire procedure can be performed at home.

The traditional way to remove the cuticle is the following procedure:

  • Steaming hands;
  • We move the cuticle with a stick for manicure;
  • We cut off excess skin with special care;
  • We treat our hands with a nourishing softening gel.

This method is considered classic, but it can be circumvented by applying a gel to remove the cuticle.

Cosmetics in the form of gels can be bought at a specialized cosmetics store, ordered from an online store or purchased at a professional salon.

It is a fast acting agent.

The gel gently softens the skin around the nail for shortest time and after a few minutes the cuticle can be removed. The composition of the gels includes proteins and conditioners, which contribute to rapid softening.

The application is very simple: you need to squeeze a little of the product onto the tip of the applicator and apply it to the nail cuticle or use the product with a brush.

Wait 2-3 minutes. After removing excess skin, push back the cuticles with an orange stick and cotton pad.

You can buy a special gel to soften the cuticle.

It is applied to more long time(6-10 minutes), but it is able to soften very dry or even hard skin around the nail. The principle of application is the same as for instant removal gels.


Generally, cosmetical tools to remove the cuticle, perform the following functions:

  • Soften and moisturize the skin;
  • Penetrate deep into the skin, contributing to its rapid removal;
  • Allows you to remove the cuticle without resorting to scissors;
  • Prevent the formation of burrs and wounds around the nail.

Cuticle softening gel Severina intended for not trimmed manicure.

Its uniqueness lies in the anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved due to the content of herbal extracts and vitamin E in the composition.

This product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Cuticle softening is provided by lanolin, and in addition to moisturizing, it makes the skin of the hands silky.

Severina perfectly prevents the formation of burrs, enhances nail growth, and is effective with regular use.

Gel Application:

  1. Apply to cuticles.
  2. Treat nails with a manicure stick.
  3. Wash off in warm water.

You can use the product for 2-3 minutes no more than once a week.

Sally Hansen Cuticle Gel Reviews

One of the revolutionary preparations for removing hardened skin around the nail is Sally Hansen Cuticle Gel. It is designed for hard-to-remove cuticles.

Its properties:

The main feature is instant action. In a matter of seconds, the gel penetrates the tissue structure, dissolves and removes unwanted skin.

It does not spread on the fingers, as it has a gel consistency.

Composition of the product:

  1. natural extracts of chamomile flowers,
  2. camellia leaves,
  3. aloe,
  4. kiwi,
  5. jojoba extract and proteins.
Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover Gel