Professional moisturizers for oily skin

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Oh yes, if you are reading this article, then you, like many of my friends, are tormented by this problem. The effect of many remedies is temporary. There is no way to get rid of oily skin completely. And even more so, it’s not worth talking about quickly disguising a greasy shine before an important interview or business meeting. Powder and tonalnikov do not save, and the effect of the solarium does not last long. Where my girls just didn’t go: to dermatologists and cosmetologists. All these doctors advised many cosmetics and expensive procedures. But on one point they were all unanimous.

Well, here are the basic rules that cosmetologists advise to follow in the fight against oily skin. So, how to care for oily skin: 7 main mistakes to avoid.

1 . You are not moisturizing your skin correctly

“Nonsense! Is she really that fat? Why moisturize it? you say. Our deepest misconception is that we think that if the skin is oily, then it moisturizes itself. But it's not. Only a properly selected moisturizer can normalize the level of fat on the skin of the face. For example, NYU professor Doris Day recommends using a hyaluronic acid-based moisturizer, as well as ceramide-rich creams and cleansers. But it is better not to use creams with a substance familiar to us in its composition, like petrolatum (vaseline), at all.

2. You exfoliate too often

Some ladies are overly fond of this procedure and carry it out almost every day. What in in turn, causes the opposite effect, the skin only becomes more oily, and acne appears even more often. All this is due to the fact that you are brushing off natural body fat from the skin, which are like a shield for germs. As a result, this shield disappears, bacteria get even more under the skin and contribute to the appearance of acne.

If you suffer from oily sheen, then dermatologists advise you to avoid cleansing your face with rough scrubs and gels, replace them with a facial wash or cleansing milk. If you are not ready to give up peeling, then do it no more than 2 times a week. But you can wash your face with foam 2-3 times a day. After exfoliation, do not forget to use a moisturizer to help restore the oil balance of the skin.

3 . Do you hope for the sunbeams

Almost all of my friends, in the fight against oily skin, attacked the solarium. Someone bought dozens of coupons on discount sites, and someone shamelessly spent money, all this in the hope that by drying their face, they will forever get rid of annoying oily sheen.

Unfortunately, in most cases it was useless. All because the sun let it be the sun of the southern islands or just a solarium) dries only the top layer of the skin, stimulating the lower epidermis to produce even more fat. As a result, the skin dries out, ages, and after stopping the visit sunbathing oily sheen triumphantly returns.

If you suffer from oily skin don't forget to use sunscreen with SPF over 35-40.

4 . Do you dry out your skin with cosmetics?

These include:

  • the use of alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • applying an abundant layer of powder or foundation.

After using alcohol-based cleansers, we experience new problem- peeling, irritation, redness, etc. Be wary of products containing more than 10% alcohol.

A thick layer of makeup does not allow air to pass through, the skin is like in a greenhouse, which contributes to the accumulation sebaceous glands and the appearance of new acne and blackheads.

To break this vicious circle, use all means correctly, do not overdo it, know the measure. And ideally, of course, at first it is better to cure the skin and refrain from foundation for this period.

Don't wash your face hot water. It is better to choose an average temperature, but not ice. Hot water also promotes the production of sebaceous glands.

5 . Squeeze your pimples too often

I once noticed how my employee, at the height of the working day, squeezed acne on her face in the toilet. Then I noticed that she does this from time to time.

Naturally, this is not correct. Pimples are also peculiar defense mechanism from the exit sebum to the surface. By squeezing them out, we open the way for the fat to come out. In addition, it leads to inflammatory processes. Have you noticed red bumps that form at the site of a pimple? In fact, this is fraught with consequences: infection, inflammatory processes etc.

Cosmetologists advise to crush acne no more than 1-2 times a week. At the same time, do not forget that the skin must first be washed, cleaned of cosmetics, and then softened. To do this, you can breathe over a herbal bath or just take warm bath or go to the bath. Nails must be perfectly clean to avoid infection. If you doubt their cleanliness, tie a few fingers with a bandage or squeeze out pimples with a cotton pad. After that, be sure to treat the place with alcohol.

6. You are taking medication

Medicines, in which a high content of vitamin B, as well as iodine, contribute to the production of sebaceous glands, as well as the appearance of acne.

If you have been undergoing any treatment for a long time, look at the composition of your medicinal product. And if possible, then of course it is better to consult a doctor and, if possible, change it.

Also read our article:

7. Proper nutrition is the key to clear skin

Today there are a lot of products containing harmful substances. Not to mention fast food. In addition, excessive consumption of spicy, fatty or very sweet foods contributes to the production of sebaceous glands on the skin.

In the fight for clear skin - less oil, more greens and fruits.

In addition, read our articles:

Well, now you know the main secrets in the fight against oily skin. In our read about masks for oily skin, which can be easily prepared at home.

Oily skin requires careful and constant care. It needs not only matting, but also moisturizing. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the right cosmetic product that will provide you with the care you need.

Moisturizers for Oily Skin: How They Work

Moisturizing is the most important step in skin care. Moisturizers for oily skin of the face provide it with all the necessary complex of substances.

Moisturizers for oily skin can be purchased at any beauty store.

It is believed that oily skin does not need to be moisturized, as the cream will make it even oilier. This is wrong!

A good moisturizer soothes the top layer of the skin, restores the sebaceous glands and has several other beneficial effects:

It is important to know! A moisturizer for oily facial skin should be selected according to individual indicators - age, presence skin diseases, level of skin rash, personal preferences and indications. An incorrectly selected product can cause a very unpredictable skin reaction.

Review of cosmetic moisturizers for oily skin

Moisturizers for oily skin can be purchased at any beauty store. There are some of the best, from the entire range presented, which will be discussed further.

Garnier moisturizing emulsion

Garnier products are always different high quality And good care behind the skin. Not inferior in anything and moisturizing emulsion. You have to apply it in the morning it remains on the face throughout the day.

This tool can be used at any time of the year. The emulsion is quickly and well absorbed, nourishes the skin, restores it, makes it shiny and healthy looking.

The product in question is equipped with a sunscreen in SPF 20. It resists UV radiation well.


  • improves skin tone;
  • refreshes and restores damaged epidermis;
  • gives a fresh shine;
  • well moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face;
  • provides protection from the sun and cold, wind and low temperatures for 24 hours.

Uriage Aqua Precis

This the cream is designed to moisturize the skin and its maximum protection from the influence of various external factors.

French cosmetologists in the manufacture of this product used water from the Alps. This thermal water is the main and most effective component of the cream.

Thanks to the components of organic and mineral origin, which are contained in large quantities in water, it quickly and easily penetrates the skin through the cell walls, providing a regenerating, rejuvenating effect. In addition, there is no feeling of tightness after using the product.

Uriage Aqua Precis is an oil-prone facial moisturizer that re-energizes damaged epidermis, revitalizes it and provides it with a healthy, radiant complexion. With constant use of this cream, you can get soft, velvety, healthy, radiant and well-moisturized skin.

Bioderma Sebium AKN

cosmetic designed to care for problematic, oily skin that is prone to acne syndrome and the appearance of acne.

Thanks to unique composition, a complex of all essential minerals and vitamins, Bioderma Sebium AKN:

  • eliminates problems associated with acne and blackheads;
  • restores water balance on the skin;
  • normalizes the level of metabolism;
  • cleanses pores and controls sebum production;
  • significantly reduces inflammation, redness and irritation;
  • suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Stiefel Physiogel Hypoallergenic Cream

The innovative formula of the cream contains lipids that are almost identical to human skin lipids. Designed and developed for very dry skin.

The cream copes with such problems:

  • redness, itching in places of inflammation are significantly reduced;
  • restores the optimal level of moisture;
  • moisturizes even the most dry skin after 5-7 days of use;
  • well softens the skin;
  • gives comfort and ease.

Vichy Normaderm

Moisturizers for the face with oily skin, which are represented by a whole line of cosmetics, are designed to care for and improve the condition of skin with severely enlarged pores, which has an oily sheen and frequent breakouts.

With constant use of Uriage Aqua Precis, you can get soft, velvety, healthy, radiant and well-hydrated skin.

Thanks to the unique composition, with the constant use of this line, you can forget about all the problems associated with the skin of the face:

  • recovering normal level water balance;
  • the pores narrow, and the production of their secret returns to normal;
  • redness of any nature is reduced, inflammation is removed;
  • thanks to the matting effect, it can be used as a foundation and hide small flaws.

Clinique Acne Solutions

Specially developed cosmetics for an instant fight against acne syndrome. Acne, redness, pimples are quickly reduced. All inflammatory processes and redness disappear in a very short time. time, due to the drying and antiseptic effect of cosmetics.

Plus, it feels like a great moisturizer for the skin. She receives the necessary moisture, vitamins and nutrition. The result is fresh, clear, healthy skin.

Be careful! When allergic reaction on any cosmetic product, you should stop using it and turn to a specialist for help.

Homemade moisturizers for oily skin

Skin health and condition is a complex process. It includes several important steps, following each of which you can achieve beautiful, and most importantly, completely healthy skin.

Principles to be followed:

NutritionBalanced and proper nutrition, the presence in the diet of all vitamins, minerals. Exclusion from the diet: fatty, fried, spicy foods and drinking plenty of water
Bad habitsComplete cessation of smoking, minimized alcohol consumption
stressDifficult environment and frequent stressful situations have a negative impact on health and skin condition
Work-leisureRest should always be full, and work normalized
Health statusYou must always monitor your health, get rid of diseases on time and correctly.
Folk recipesFolk recipes are the best moisturizers for oily skin

Oatmeal mask

Mix 50-60 g of flakes with 50 g of ground avocado, add 20 ml of honey and 10 ml of olive oil. Mix well, apply on the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and mouth. Leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

The mask moisturizes the skin as much as possible, prevents peeling.

Carrot-apple mask

Peel carrots and apples, grate on a fine grater. Mix until a homogeneous gruel, add a couple of drops of any oil (for example, olive oil). Apply to the skin for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

When using such a mask, the elasticity of the skin of the face returns, the hydrobalance is restored, complexion is evened out.

Note! For dry combination skin it is better to take a sweet apple, and for oily - sour.

White clay and olive oil mask

Mix well 50 g of white clay, 100 g of kefir, finely chopped parsley, a couple of drops lemon juice. Apply to face for 20-25 minutes. After such a mask, the face will gain color, firmness and good hydration.

1 st. l. white cosmetic clay, a little fresh milk, 1 tsp cottage cheese or fat sour cream - mix until smooth. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes. The mask will well moisturize dehydrated skin, relieve peeling.

Moisturizing tonic

To moisturize the skin of the face a good remedy is a tonic that can be made at home. It is characterized by simplicity and availability, fast use and good efficiency.

Tonic is most often used after any cosmetic procedures, to consolidate the result, but you can apply it several times during the day.

Tonic Recipes:

  1. Several large and well-ripe plums must be peeled and pitted. Mash and boil for 15 minutes in 250 ml of water. Strain, chill. Use morning and evening.
  2. 50 g apricot oil and jojoba oil mixed with 25 g of wheat germ oil, add 3-5 drops of rose oil. This means it is recommended to wipe the face at night.
  3. They take a lemon and a grapefruit, squeeze the juice out of them. The ratio of 50 g of grapefruit juice and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Mix and add to the mixture 1 tbsp. l. vodka. Leave this mixture in a cool dark place for three days. After, use as a regular tonic.

How often to use moisturizers for oily skin

With the choice and use of moisturizers for oily skin, the main thing is not to overdo it. Everything is good in moderation.

Skin care rules:

  • use cleansing or moisturizing tonics after washing 2 times a day;
  • moisturizers to use daily, while using both day and night means (if necessary);
  • folk ways and masks do no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Do a light exfoliation 1-2 times a week to completely remove keratinized and dead skin particles.

Skin health is ensured by an integrated approach. Oily skin needs just as much moisture as dry skin. It is important to choose the right tool that will meet the individual needs of the epidermis.

Review of the best moisturizers for facial skin:

Moisturizing oily skin:

Leather fatty type, like any other, may lack moisture. As a result, she becomes dehydrated. Oily dehydrated skin differs from dry skin in that it does not form flakes. Owners of this type of skin may notice a feeling of constant tightness, even if their face is excessively shiny from sebum.

Causes of dehydration for oily skin

Most often, dehydration of oily skin leads to excessive efforts to remove excess fat from it. As a result, the work of the sebaceous glands only intensifies, and the upper layers of the skin are deprived of moisture.

Owners of this type, according to the observations of cosmetologists, are the least prone to the formation of wrinkles - such skin looks young longer. However, wrinkles can form on it just as quickly as on dry skin, even if it is abundantly covered with small droplets of sebum.

Proper care for dehydrated, oily skin

The times when excessive oiliness was removed by aggressive cleansing and drying with alcohol are long gone. Any qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist will tell you that oily skin needs moisture just as much as dry or normal skin.

If the skin of the face is excessively dry, then the body tries to compensate for this by increasing the production of sebum. With proper care, you can not only get rid of dryness, but also normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The main principles in the care of oily dehydrated skin:

  • Delicate cleansing.
  • Toning.
  • Hydration.
  • Nutrition.


Most often, the skin becomes dry due to intensive cleansing. Soap, alcohol-containing products deprive the skin of not only fat, but also moisture.

Owners of very oily skin should opt for delicate gels or foam cleanser, and for those whose skin is moderately oily ideal solution will be washing with hydrophilic oil.

Oil cleansing works on the principle of "like dissolves like" - an oil cleanser not only perfectly removes makeup, but also dissolves sebum. If before washing there is a need to remove makeup, it is better to do this in advance with micellar water or special wipes, and only then proceed to washing with oil.

Once or twice a week, the use of a deep cleanser is allowed: herbal ubtan, beldi, tar soap.


The effect of alcohol on the skin is permissible only if the agent is applied pointwise to the inflammation. In other cases, the application alcohol solutions inevitably leads to dehydration of the skin.

Alcohol "talkers", lotions, tonics should be replaced with new generation products. If you need light drying, good buy will become a tonic with salicylic acid. No worse cope with the task of matting herbal decoctions and hydrolates. For example, a decoction of calendula, grapefruit hydrolat or tea tree.

The combination of moisturizing and cleansing tonic will be the most successful. Moisturizing tonic is applied in the evening, before the night cream.


Skin that has enough moisture produces less oil. Its hydration occurs both from the outside and from the inside. Sufficient water intake, proper nutrition, frequent consumption of foods rich in collagen contribute to the natural hydration of the skin.

Skin care products should be additional artillery on the way to hydrated skin. Moisturizer for oily skin should be gel-based, not oil based. Such a product will not provoke additional production of sebum.

Natural remedies can also make good moisturizers. The leading position is occupied by aloe gel. You can buy it in online stores of natural cosmetics, or make your own. A decoction of flax seeds has a similar effect.


Nutrients can instantly soften the skin and make it more hydrated. Purchased masks, according to the instructions, are applied 1-2 times a week. natural masks can be applied every other day. If you choose from home recipes, then the best option for dehydrated oily skin would be masks made from honey or from egg yolk. They soften the skin but do not clog pores.

Proper care will be a real salvation for oily dehydrated skin. Follow these simple tips and be always beautiful!

Dehydrated facial skin always brings a lot of discomfort. To fix the problem, you first need to find out what caused it. Indeed, in fact, the loss of moisture is always accompanied by some reason. At the same time, dehydration can occur with any type of skin, including oily. Moisturizing for oily facial skin is required to the same extent as for dry and mixed skin types.

Why does skin lose moisture?

The skin suffering from dehydration begins to peel off, there is a feeling of tightness, dryness, the tone becomes grayish, dull. The main causes of moisture loss include:


Dehydration of the skin of the face occurs even in the presence of one of given reasons. As a result, the skin becomes dull, sluggish, moisture is not retained inside the cells.

Features of oily skin

Determining oily skin visually is not at all difficult. Here are its main features:

  • almost constant shine, even after washing;
  • externally, the skin looks thick enough, in reality it is;
  • enlarged pores are visible in the locations of the sebaceous glands (forehead, chin, wings of the nose);
  • often in owners of this type of skin, comedones (clogged pores) are noticeable on the face.

If you find it difficult to determine the type of skin by external signs, you can do a simple oil test. In the morning, wash your face using the usual means - foam, gel and slightly dry your face. You don't need to moisturize your face. After 2 hours, apply a paper towel to your face, press well. Now we can evaluate the result:

Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands can be caused by various reasons, including: eating fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, hormonal disruptions, regular constipation, pregnancy, adolescence and others. Owners of oily skin often experience inflammation, pimples and acne, which can lead to infectious skin diseases.

Oily skin also loses moisture, although this is not so noticeable externally. It needs just as much moisture as other skin types, and sometimes even more. For more information on why you need to moisturize oily skin, see the video:

How to help dehydrated skin

First of all, care for dehydrated facial skin should include adjusting the drinking regimen. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of clean drinking water per day. Caffeine should be avoided. In the hot season, the rate of fluid intake should increase, as due to increased sweating, the skin dehydrates faster.

Moisturizes oily skin with special creams and homemade masks, as well as thermal water, wet wipes. It is advisable to give preference to plain purified water and berry fruit drinks. It is not recommended to moisturize oily skin with creams with glycerin. It is worth noting that the last water intake can be no later than an hour and a half before bedtime. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite, puffiness will appear on the face, and under the eyes dark circles.

The next stage of care is nutritional adjustment. The diet should contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Due proper nutrition there is an internal filling of skin cells with the moisture they need. External hydration is carried out thanks to special creams, thermal water, masks and other means.

Oily skin that lacks moisture should not be cleaned with ordinary soap, as this leads to a feeling of tightness and flaking. Instead, it is desirable to use foams and gels for gentle gentle cleansing. Dehydrated oily skin is cleansed with a gel whose action also covers sebaceous glands. Proper care for oily dehydrated skin excludes the use of alcohol-containing products.

Good for moisturizing throughout the day thermal water. It is necessary to use such a tool with a frequency of once every two to three hours. Several times a week, you should moisturize and nourish the skin with special masks.

Moisturizing masks for oily skin

For home masks are used natural ingredients. Products for the preparation of formulations must be fresh, stored ready-made masks not desirable, so it is better to cook them at a time.

Herbal mask

Great for moisturizing oily skin suitable mask from herbs. You will need the following herbs: hops, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow. A mixture of dry herbs should be poured with boiling water, insist and strain. In the resulting gruel, add honey and lemon juice in equal proportions, a teaspoonful, as well as two yolks. Such home remedy has a nourishing, anti-inflammatory and whitening effect, well reduces oily skin, eliminates greasy shine. The herbal decoction left after preparing the mask can be diluted with water, frozen and used for morning washing.

Carrot mask

Grate a small carrot and add one yolk. The resulting product is applied to the face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Banana honey mask

Mash the pulp of 1 banana, add 1 teaspoon of melted honey and the same amount of lemon or orange juice. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, you can add ground cereals. After the mask, wash your face with mineral water with the addition of herbal decoction.

Milk mask

Even our grandmothers knew how to moisturize the skin of the face in winter, using milk and yogurt for this purpose. The products are suitable for oily skin types.

To prepare a milky moisturizing mask, take 1 part sour milk and the same amount of ground oatmeal. Add a little olive oil to the mixture - 5 ml. The composition also has a whitening and cleansing effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Aloe mask

Take the pulp of aloe, use an adult plant. To 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pulp, add 20 g of honey and a few drops of tea tree. In addition to the moisturizing effect, the mask has an anti-inflammatory effect and nourishes the skin well.

Milk mask with herbs

Take 0.5 cups of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh mint and parsley. Finely chop the greens, pour 0.5 tbsp. water and soak in a water bath for 10 minutes. Also heat the milk (in a separate bowl). Mix both liquids and strain. Saturate a linen napkin with a slightly warm liquid and apply to your face. You can apply the mixture with a cotton pad. Then wash with cool water. Unlike other masks, this composition can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Apple Banana Mask

1 apple and half a banana, grate or chop with a blender. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mix and apply on a previously cleansed face. Wash off the mask with mineral water.

cucumber mask

This mask perfectly moisturizes, tones and refreshes the complexion.

You can grate the cucumber on a fine grater or, if there is not enough time, use thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetable plates. The pulp is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. If plates are used, they can also be applied to the eyelids. Whipped protein can also be added to the cucumber pulp, flour or starch can be used to thicken. Recommended for daily use.

You can add cream and a few drops to the cucumber mixture rose water, this mask perfectly copes with moisturizing oily skin of the face at any time of the year.

mask on beer

The mask promotes hydration, narrows pores, improves elasticity.

It will take 2 tbsp. spoons of beer, a teaspoon of grapefruit juice, 0.5 teaspoons of honey, starch can be used to thicken. If you add 3-4 drops to the composition lavender oil, you will receive a moisturizing mask with a rejuvenating effect.

Dehydrated skin is harmful products containing alcohol and high level RN. They dry out the already dehydrated epidermis, injure it and stimulate additional production of sebaceous fat. It is extremely important to pay attention drinking regime and humidify the air. In most cases, such measures are sufficient to return the person to normal condition. Sometimes dehydration needs to be treated with the help of specialists.

It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face not only in the evening, but also in the morning, immediately after waking up. For this purpose, it is desirable to use special products that do not contain alcohol. Often moisture deficiency is caused by a lack of vitamin E, you can take a course of treatment with this vitamin after consulting a doctor.

Use a light moisturizer at least twice a day. Oily, dehydrated skin reacts best to cosmetics containing aromatic oils. Before applying the cream, it is desirable to moisturize the face with vitamin C serum, which creates a kind of filter on the skin, allowing the epidermis to absorb exactly as much moisture as it needs.


Thus, moisturizing oily skin is just as important as any other. It is better to pay due attention to the skin in a timely manner, because it will be much more difficult to deal with the consequences of dehydration. Proper care for oily skin will help to avoid problems of greasiness and, at the same time, not to overdry the skin.

Taking good care of your skin

important rule - do not overdo it.


Thermal water

These include:


Homemade moisturizing masks

    egg mask

Regular hydration is the key to beauty and good skin condition. Competent implementation of such simple, but such necessary procedures will help to avoid the troubles associated with this type of skin, and will allow you to enjoy its cleanliness and health.

Oily skin needs special care. This type of skin is prone to oily sheen, the pores are open and enlarged, especially in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). Excessive secretion of sebum (sebum) causes the skin to look dirty, tired and unattractive.

But there is also good news- this type of skin begins to age much later than any other. Sebum protects the skin, acts as a kind of lubricant, which means that as you age, your skin will look younger than it should. So tune in late old age, being the owner of oily skin.
However, it is very important to remember that excess sebum must be eliminated day by day so that the products do not overdry the skin.
Many people think that oily skin does not need moisturizing due to excess sebum, believing that a moisturizer will only clog pores. This is a very common misconception - oily skin needs moisture!

Two basic rules for oily skin care:

1. cleansing- without drying the skin
2. Moisturizing- it is necessary to return the moisture that the skin has lost during the cleansing process

You should not neglect any of these rules, without cleansing the skin before going to bed, you can become a "happy" owner of black spots and rashes.

The face must be clean

Cleanse your face with soft remedies for washing twice a day. Never go to bed without first cleansing your skin. Otherwise, the pores become clogged, leading to the formation of blackheads or pimples. The best thing you can do for your skin is to cleanse it regularly - every day, in the morning and in the evening.

But do not go too far - cleansing the skin more than twice a day leads to overdrying, the skin loses the necessary moisture and oil that protect it and the result will be the opposite of what is expected. The intensity of sebum secretion will increase several times!

Never leave your skin without moisturizer

Moisturizing the skin after cleansing is very important. During cleansing, the skin loses essential moisture and oil. A moisturizer will help your skin restore its natural moisture balance. You may feel a feeling of discomfort, dryness and tightness immediately after washing - this is how it manifests itself moisture imbalance in the skin.

The Best Moisturizers to Moisturize Oily Skin

Always pay attention to the presence of a mark - for oily skin, on the label with the product. You must also choose means that do not contain oil- just on water based. Give preference to gels - they are lighter than regular creams, absorb faster and better, and contain more water.

Try products designed for oil control- they tighten pores and your face remains matte throughout the day. If you are using foundation or foundation - give preference to water-based products or BB cream for oily skin types.

You should also like the effect of creams and gels containing AHA acids- the pores are tightened and remain clean, the rashes are reduced and completely disappear. We recommend Christina's Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Formula, Kiss My Face Peaches & Creme Moisturizer with 8% Alpha Hydroxy Acids, AHA Gel.

Do I need moisturizing for problematic or oily skin?

Do people with problem or oily skin need a moisturizer? Many believe that these types of epidermis are already sufficiently and even excessively hydrated. In fact increased fat content- not at all an indicator of moisture. This feature indicates an increased production of skin secretion by the sebaceous glands.

And moisture, which is so necessary for the cells of the epidermis, has absolutely nothing to do with it. As for problem skin, it also needs liquid, because it is especially sensitive and quickly loses moisture. nutrients and moisture. So moisturizing oily and problematic skin is a must.

What happens if you do not provide adequate hydration? There will be a shortage of fluid, and the sebaceous glands will receive an alarm signal that will provoke an increase in the production of skin secretions in order to somehow compensate for the lack of moisture. And this, of course, will exacerbate the problem. The epidermis will become even more oily, the pores will begin to clog and inflammation and irritation will occur.

What properties should a cream have?

Moisturizing cream for oily and problematic skin must meet the following requirements:

  • A good remedy should have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for problem skin.
  • The ideal cream is non-comedogenic. This means that it will not clog pores and provoke increased production of sebum.
  • It should not be too oily, this can only worsen the condition of the epidermis.
  • Hypoallergenic. Oily or problematic skin is often prone to adverse reactions and is characterized by increased sensitivity.
  • The composition should not contain harmful and aggressive components, they can damage the skin and cause inflammation and disruption of sebum production.

What to look for when choosing?

How to choose a moisturizer? In order to get really high quality and suitable remedy, several points must be taken into account.


The texture should be very light, almost weightless. No greasy creams, they can clog pores and form a film on the surface of the epidermis, which will lead to inflammation. The ideal option is a gel base.

The components of such a product will penetrate the skin, providing it with moisture and nutrition, but do not form a film on its surface. In addition, the gel, as a rule, consists of water, and it is also necessary to replenish the moisture reserves in the cells.

To evaluate the texture, you can apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the face, rub it in lightly and follow your feelings after about 10 minutes (this is the time required for full absorption). Touch your face, change its expression, make faces. If you feel tightness, or the skin is excessively oily or clammy, then choose a different cream.

What should it consist of?

The composition of the cream for problematic or oily skin may include the following components:

  • Salicylic acid gently removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, cleanses and fights inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide has the same effect.
  • Water. It penetrates the skin cells and thus provides full hydration. By the way, micellar or thermal water can be used instead of ordinary water.
  • Antioxidants neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, thereby stopping the processes of tissue destruction and premature aging. The group of these components includes, for example, extracts green tea and tea tree.
  • Zinc has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, and also has a drying effect, which will be very useful for acne or black spots.
  • Essential oils. Some of them not only provide nutrition and hydration, but also normalize the sebaceous glands and eliminate inflammation.
  • Hyaluronic acid improves elasticity and restores youthfulness and freshness to the skin, and also provides intensive nutrition and complete hydration.
  • Bisabolol is obtained from chamomile extract. This substance has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and moisturizing properties.
  • Caffeine is also a very useful component, as it tones and helps to narrow pores, which is a must for problematic and oily skin.
  • Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, evens out color, cleanses, and also stimulates collagen production, thereby making small wrinkles invisible and restoring skin elasticity and freshness.
  • Panthenol, allantoin and retinol restore epidermal cells and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • Niacinamide effectively fights acne and eliminates irritation and inflammation.
  • Sulfur helps fight blackheads and redness.
  • Plant extracts contain a lot of useful substances.

Cream Review

How to choose best cream? Try the following tools:

1. "Nivea Matte Perfection". This cream maintains an optimal level of hydration, does not clog pores, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, protects against ultraviolet radiation and eliminates oily sheen.

2.Vichy Aqualia Thermal» not only moisturizes the skin, but also noticeably softens it, removes excess skin secretions, nourishes, and also protects against harmful factors.

3. "Garnier BB Cream The Secret of Perfection" eliminates redness, removes sebum, tightens pores and does not clog them, absorbs quickly, evens out skin tone, and also provides a mattifying effect.

4. "Natura Siberica Japanese Sophora" protects against ultraviolet radiation and negative environmental factors, stimulates collagen production, provides complete hydration and mattifies. Contains natural ingredients.

5.TimeWise Mary Kay» gives smoothness and elasticity, retains moisture, stimulates collagen production, nourishes, controls the level of sebum secreted, and also slows down the aging process.

6. "Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions" eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also cares for it. The cream is fat-free, so it won't clog pores.

How to use?

A few important usage rules:

  1. Apply a small amount.
  2. Do not try to actively rub the cream, gently spread it over the surface of the skin, moving from the center of the face to the edges.
  3. Remove approximately ten minutes after application. paper napkin excess funds.
  4. Cleanse your skin before applying the cream.

Choose the right cream and your skin will be perfect!

How to care for oily skin so that it does not dry out

The fact is that some procedures drive oily skin into a vicious circle of problems and discomfort. The drier the surface of the skin, the more sebaceous fat the epidermis tries to produce, the more powerful and aggressive care products we use. This is a vicious circle that is difficult to break. However, if you want to achieve the natural beauty of your facial skin, you need to know how to properly care for oily skin types.

  1. Do not use masks, lotions and tonics based on alcohol. Alcohol-containing formulations dry out the surface of the skin very strongly and are the main cause of moisture loss. At first, after the refusal, it may seem that the skin has become even more oily and greasy, but you need to be patient for some time so that the water balance in the skin is restored naturally.
  2. Do not wash with hot water. Heat water expands the pores, promotes the activation of the sebaceous glands. This also includes steam baths and steaming. Such cosmetic procedures not recommended for oily skin.
  3. Do not overload your face with an abundance of cosmetics, especially during the hot season. Numerous tonal creams, powders and concealers clog pores, prevent sebaceous fat from being excreted, which causes comedones and blackheads to appear on the skin. Try to leave your skin open in the summer if possible or use light moisturizers. Line only your eyes and lips, and give your skin a well-deserved rest. She must breathe and be saturated with oxygen - this is important condition to normalize sebum metabolism.
  4. To get rid of greasy shine on the face, use micellar water, special wipes (without alcohol).
  5. To normalize the water balance in the skin, drink plenty of water, at least two liters per day. This is usually enough to get rid of excessive dryness and tightness.
  6. Every evening, be sure to remove makeup, and not just soap, but by special means for makeup removal. Soap dries the skin, besides, it does not allow you to deep cleaning and remove makeup residue from the pores.
  7. Wipe your face with ice cubes twice a day. Ice tones the skin, helps to narrow the pores, reduces the amount of sebum. In the morning, this procedure will awaken the skin and invigorate you. In the evening, ice cubes will help soothe your skin after a long day. To make rubbing more effective, you can wipe your face not just with water, but with decoctions medicinal herbs, juice of vegetables, fruits and berries. Very moisturizes the skin with a decoction of chamomile with the addition of cucumber juice.
  8. Do exfoliating masks and scrubs regularly (once a week). Use small abrasive particles for this. This will allow you to get rid of dead skin and flaking.
  9. It is very important to watch your diet. A large amount of fatty, spicy, smoked and sweet foods leads to increased secretion of fat from the skin. Give preference to lean meats, cereals, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products. This will cleanse the intestines, which will certainly affect your face.

By following these simple rules, you can restore the natural water balance of the epidermis.

It is most effective to apply the mask on the skin after cleansing with a scrub. In this case, the pores are expanded and as ready as possible to absorb all the useful elements of the prepared composition. Here are some recipes that will help you suppress the active production of sebum and moisturize the skin at the same time.

  1. Kefir, cucumber, oatmeal and protein. A medium-sized cucumber should be crushed to a state of porridge in a blender or on a fine grater. Mix two tablespoons of pulp with the same amount of kefir, whipped egg white and crushed oatmeal. Cereals need to be added so much that the mass is creamy. Apply the mask in a thick layer on clean skin and leave for 20-30 minutes. Protein is an excellent remedy for oily skin, it gently dries and normalizes the production of sebum. Cucumber nourishes and nourishes the skin with moisture. Kefir restores water balance and helps moisture stay in the skin. But oatmeal is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs excess sebum. Make such a mask every three days, and there will be no trace of oily and dry skin.
  2. Peach kernel oil, aloe, honey. Oil and honey should be preheated. Mix the three ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the mass on the face, leaving it for 20 minutes. The mask is great for dry and oily skin. Peach kernel oil, unlike other oils, is very light and non-greasy, it gently moisturizes the skin and retains moisture in it without clogging pores. Aloe suppresses physical properties oil so that it does not cover the skin with a thin film. In addition, aloe is very effective in fighting various comedones, acne and other inflammations on the skin of the face. And honey provides nutrition and allows the skin to recover.
  3. Chamomile and white clay. White clay- This great way get rid of excess fat on the face and make the skin matte. To enhance the effect and moisturize the skin, a white clay mask should be made not with plain water, but with a decoction of chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of inflorescences with half a glass of boiling water, leave the broth for about two hours. From the strained broth and clay, prepare a creamy mass and apply on the face. Hold up complete drying and then rinse with warm water.
  4. Lemon-milk rubbing. In a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of lemon and the same amount of milk. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared product and wipe your face with this composition several times without rinsing. Lemon perfectly suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, and milk does not allow the acid to dry out the skin. In addition, lemon perfectly whitens the epidermis, so it can be used as a mask against freckles and age spots.
  5. Potatoes and yogurt. Raw potatoes should be grated, mixed with yogurt and applied to the face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off. Yogurt and other low-fat dairy products are great for moisturizing the skin. A potato, or rather, starch, perfectly absorbs sebum and normalizes the sebaceous glands. In addition, masks raw potatoes effective against wrinkles.
  6. Rye flour, cottage cheese and carrot juice. Juice should be squeezed out of one large carrot to make at least three tablespoons of liquid. Mix juice with cottage cheese and rye flour. The consistency of the prepared composition should be viscous. Apply the prepared mask on the face and leave for 10 minutes. The mask adheres perfectly to the skin, so after applying it, you can safely go about your business. Carrot juice nourishes well and restores water balance. Cottage cheese moisturizes the skin and protects it from the feeling of tightness. And here Rye flour absorbs sebum and makes the skin matte. But remember, you can’t keep the mask for a long time - carrot juice can give an unpleasant yellow tint.

All these masks act in two main directions - they restore the water balance of the epidermis, suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands and relieve the skin of oily sheen. If you carry out such procedures regularly, you can make the skin matte and monotonous. By trial, you need to choose the mask that suits you best.

Oily skin is not a problem. If you properly care for it, it is quite possible to get rid of oily sheen and peeling. When choosing cosmetics, pay attention to their composition. They should not contain sodium sulfates - this component dehydrates the skin. Keep an eye on the health of your skin, and it will certainly answer you with cleanliness and freshness!

Many people think that since the skin is oily, then it is not necessary to moisturize it, but to dry it. special creams. In fact, this cannot be done, because even this type of skin needs moisturizing and special care.

How to remove oily skin?

Because of improper care rashes, acne, pimples and comedones are formed on the skin. Oily sheen and enlarged pores also do not look good. the best way Therefore, it is better not to skip oily skin care, but always keep it in good condition. In most people, after 30, oiliness decreases, and the skin becomes combination. If this does not happen, then this is your hereditary skin type. But with proper and timely care, it will not bother you.

The secretion of sebum does not prevent the loss of moisture from the dermis and peeling. In summer, the active sun affects the skin even more, as does the sea. These two factors draw moisture out of the skin. As a result, the sebaceous glands begin to work with double activity, which gives excellent environment for acne. Therefore, in the morning and in the evening you need to use special moisturizers for oily skin. Such products should contain zinc, sulfur, hyaluronic and salicylic acid and antioxidants.

Acids help eliminate inflammation, zinc regulates the sebaceous glands, and antioxidants saturate cells with oxygen and restore water-lipid metabolism.

It is also better to use not a cream, but an emulsion for oily skin. Moisturizers are called hydrators. In addition to water, they contain enzymes, liposomes, ceramides and vitamins. They protect against pollution, smooth fine wrinkles and eliminate oily sheen. Try to avoid alcohol based lotions.

Most simple ways moisturizing is to use ice cubes from herbal infusions or plain water, spray boiled water on the face and drink water frequently. You need to drink water in small sips, try to “stretch” the intake of a glass of water for 10 minutes.

Do not wash your face with hot water, as this only increases the production of fat. From comedones - black dots - get rid of with a scrub 1-2 times a week, not more often.

From folk remedies, aloe juice will be an effective moisturizer. Do not forget also about fruit and vegetable face masks.

During the day, oily skin can be gently blotted, powdered with a compact or loose powder. Special wipes are also good, which remove oil and shine from the face.

Taking good care of your skin

Oily skin needs permanent care. But in this responsible business, the main thing to remember is one thing. important rule - do not overdo it.

Excessive enthusiasm can provoke hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, cause increased sensitivity of the skin, cause peeling and rashes. Therefore, to the question of care problem face should be approached wisely.

Care for the oily type of the epidermis is based on deep cleansing and hydration. Cleansing procedures should be performed carefully and delicately to avoid injury to the skin. The means used for this purpose must not contain aggressive chemical substances(sodium laureth sulfate), which disrupt the acid-base balance.

Tonics and lotions, which should be used to complete such manipulations, should be designed specifically for the fatty type, and should not contain alcohol.

After cleansing procedures, it is very important to moisturize the skin, because in the process of such "executions" the skin is deprived of the necessary moisture and fat.

Moisturizers help maintain natural water balance and prevent discomfort after washing.

How to moisturize oily skin? The best option is to use gels that do not contain mineral oils. Compared to creams, they have a lighter texture and absorb much faster. In the case of the use of creams, it is better to give preference to those that include antibacterial substances.

Effective moisturizers

How to moisturize oily skin? Today, the cosmetology market offers a wide range of care products. Permanent hydration epidermis may include the use of several options for cosmetic products.


The use of fat-free creams helps to eliminate inflammation and irritation. After the use of such products, the skin becomes soft and supple, the oily sheen completely disappears.

Such creams balance the water balance, preventing the appearance of peeling and rashes. Best face moisturizers for oily skin:

light balancing cream with mattifying properties from Melvita;

moisturizing emulsion that stabilizes sebum production La Roche-Posay EffaclarMat;

mattifying cream Babor organic.

Thermal water

Moisturize the oily epidermis should be throughout the day. This is especially important in the case of prolonged exposure to sunbeams or just on the street.

For this purpose, thermal waters are best suited, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and do a good job of moisturizing the skin.

These include:

a unique thermal remedy from the French cosmetics Avene;

thermal water saturated with natural sulfur Acqua Di Repole;

Sanoflore high performance facial toner.


Serum is one of the effective cosmetic products for problem skin care. Its active ingredients have a pronounced moisturizing effect, increase skin elasticity and firmness, and normalize the production of sebum (sebum).

It is important not to abuse serums, as their excessive use can provoke skin irritation, rashes and irritation.

In the photo, moisturizers and products for oily and problem skin.

Homemade moisturizing masks

You can also maintain hydroblend with the help of self-made moisturizing masks for oily skin. The main advantage of such products is that they are prepared exclusively from natural ingredients, of which there is no doubt.

In problem skin care positive results give these masks:

Banana and honey mask. To prepare the product, you need to mash one banana with a fork, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warmed honey and 1 tsp. a spoonful of lemon or orange juice. Mix the ingredients well. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

egg mask. It is prepared as follows: beat two egg whites until foamy, then add 1st. a spoonful of slightly melted honey and 1 tsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mask to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing starch and tomato juice mask. To prepare a homemade cosmetic product you will need: 1 hour. spoon of olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. Components should be placed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply after cleansing procedures, applying to the face for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse with water.

Regular hydration is the key to beauty and good skin condition. Competent implementation of such simple, but such necessary procedures will help to avoid the troubles associated with this type of skin, and will allow you to enjoy its cleanliness and health.

Useful video

Why oily skin needs to be moisturized and what is a good moisturizer for oily skin?

Oily skin often causes worries and additional costs for caring for it. After all, if you do not take care of such skin properly, there may appear serious problems. If you do not pay enough attention to oily skin, then inflammatory processes may occur, comedones, pimples and blackheads appear.

Although without such problems, oily skin with a greasy sheen and enlarged pores is not particularly beautiful in itself. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the skin in time, to carry out all the necessary procedures. Fortunately, with age, around the age of 30, the oiliness of the skin decreases, it becomes normal or combination. But even if this did not happen, you can provide her with such care that the skin will be very beautiful and healthy.

Moisturize and nourish oily skin

Everyone knows that skin care of any type consists of three main stages - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. In this article, we will try to understand the intricacies of moisturizing and nourishing oily skin.

Unfortunately, many owners of oily skin neglect moisturizing. And they can be understood. When faced with a thick moisturizer, you might think that such products make the skin even more oily. However, this is not entirely true. The fact is that oily skin has to be cleansed with rather aggressive products that remove all this fat and clean clogged pores. But these same products also dry out the skin very much. In response to this procedure, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more intensively and produce even more fat. To avoid this, it is necessary to saturate the skin with moisture after cleansing. Only the funds need to be selected correctly. They must be tender light texture, they should not leave a greasy sheen and clog pores. These remedies can be made at home. The main advantage of such funds is naturalness and obvious benefits.

However, if this option is not suitable for skin care, then you can pick up a moisturizer in the store, and even better - in the pharmacy. Nutrition for oily skin is also very important. After all, such skin is the result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Often this happens due to stress, wrong image life, food, etc. To help the skin overcome the influence of all these negative factors, you need to try to give it all the necessary nutrients - vitamins and minerals. For daily nutrition of oily skin, you can use creams, or you can do additional procedures 1-2 times a week, using nourishing masks. The composition of creams and masks should include biologically active additives, disinfectants, vitamins and minerals. And the products themselves should have a very light consistency, not leave a greasy sheen.

Home remedies for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin

Homemade skin care products are perfect option. Their composition is known, their benefits are obvious, and, moreover, they do not contain preservatives, dyes and other "chemistry".

To moisturize oily skin, the following recipes are suitable. They can be used every day.

Recipe number 1. Oatmeal mask

For the mask, we need oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of tomato, orange and lemon juice (freshly squeezed juices are best), and 1 tablespoon of milk. Flakes are best pre-ground in a coffee grinder. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face. You need to keep the mask for 20 minutes, then you can rinse with cool water. Oatmeal is an invaluable product for the skin, it softens and smoothes it. Tomato and lemon juice will help tighten pores, while milk and orange juice help moisturize the skin.

Recipe number 2. Moisturizing tonic

This toner will help cleanse, soothe and hydrate oily skin at the same time. To prepare it, you need one leaf of aloe (the age of the plant must be more than 3 years old) and 1 tablespoon of wine. Aloe must be ground to a homogeneous slurry and mixed with wine. Use this remedy at night, after cleansing the skin. The resulting liquid should be applied to a cotton swab and rubbed with it on the face several times. The skin must be moist. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with cool water.

Recipe number 3. Carrot-apple mask

For this mask, we need 1 carrot and 1 apple. They need to be peeled and ground to a puree consistency. To make the mask more viscous, you can add oatmeal to these components. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash off the mask with cool water. To enhance the effect, you can add a little apple cider vinegar to the water for rinsing your face (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

Masks for oily skin

Skin nutrition with the help of folk remedies can be done 1-2 times a week. Here are some recipes for oily skin.

Recipe number 1 Yogurt and honey mask
To prepare this mask, we need 1 tablespoon natural yogurt, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. All these ingredients should be mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Recipe number 2. egg mask
To prepare this mask, you need to beat 1 egg white and add a little lemon juice to it. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes. Then you can wash off the mask with warm water. Protein perfectly moisturizes the skin, and lemon juice tightens pores.

Recipe number 3.
To prepare this mask, you will need to take 1 tablespoon of white clay, cornmeal, 1 protein and 10 drops of alcohol and lemon juice. All these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the face for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water. White clay perfectly draws oil and dirt from the pores, and the rest of the components help to moisturize the skin and tighten the pores.

Cosmetics for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin

There are a lot of different types of skin care products on the market these days. However, do not rely on mass-market cosmetics. There are companies that have long been engaged in developments in the field of cosmetology and conduct a variety of research. Clinique is one of them. She offers a moisturizer for oily skin called Superdefense. This product simultaneously moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin from the effects of the environment. It also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing inflammation and making the skin soft and velvety. Also quite popular among owners of oily skin Day moisturizer for oily and combination skin from Doctor Nature. Many people like it primarily because it has a non-greasy, very light texture. This cream helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase the protective functions of the body. Another product that deserves attention is Olay's Triple Action Emulsion. It takes care of the skin for a long time after application and contains all the vitamins needed for oily skin.

To nourish oily skin, you can try the night nutritious cream by Doctor Nature. This cream is based on Dead Sea minerals, contains vitamin E and antioxidants. Thanks to liposomes, this cream penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, nourishes it and provides protection against harmful effects environment. Also check out Clinique's Anti-Blemish Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask. It allows you to regulate the production of fat, nourishes and refreshes the skin of the face.

It has always been vital for me, like most girls, to know my zodiac sign, lucky number and skin type. If there were no problems with the first points, then the last mystery could not be solved. It seems that the skin is oily - it shines and becomes inflamed, the pores are enlarged and instantly clogged with moisturizers. On the other hand, it constantly peels off, dries and reacts painfully to any degreasing agents. In a word, a complete set of joys.

After a long pilgrimage to beauticians, I finally received a diagnosis: yes, my skin is oily. But dehydrated. That is, it needs to be thoroughly cleansed and moisturized at the same time. Through thoughtful research, I have found that this is a problem that plagues thousands of women and men. Humidified in big cities clean skin- a rarity in general. This is due to the air-conditioned rooms, lack of fresh air and nervous environment. It is impossible to choose the right care and cosmetics on your own. I share the knowledge gleaned from professionals on how to turn dry, oily skin into clean.

The main signs of oily skin

First, you need to determine whether you are the unfortunate owner of oily dry skin. Here are the main signs:

It is dull, loose, gray in color;

The pores are enlarged and clog quickly;

Any moisturizer provokes the appearance of comedones (black dots) and;

Oily skin care

It would seem that with such a set of gifts it is easier to shoot yourself. In fact, even such skin can be brought into excellent condition. “Losing moisture, oily skin begins to actively absorb fat, which it secretes in excess,” explains cosmetologist-dermatologist Tatyana Stepanyuk. - Because of this, it becomes porous, tight and inflamed. Simply combining products for normal dry and oily skin is wrong - this will only exacerbate the problem. Oily, dehydrated skin needs special care. Here's one:

1. Refuse alcohol-containing tonics and products with high PH. They injure the epidermis and dry out the skin, provoking additional production of fat. If the label mentions Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, this cosmetic is not for you.

2. and use. Often this is enough to bring the face back to normal.

3. Thoroughly cleanse your face twice a day. Use "washers" based on water, gel and cream textures. They remove oily sheen and do not dry out the skin, leaving it clean.

4. Take courses of vitamin E (of course, after consulting a doctor). Often its lack provokes dryness and tightness of oily skin.

5. Cosmetologists advise using slightly acidic tonics two to three times a day. They really help a lot. Choose products containing AHAs and hyaluronic acid: they normalize the production of fat and retain moisture in the skin.

6. To cleanse the skin, use a facial scrub, but not aggressive, but soft. It should be creamy and contain fine exfoliating particles.

7. Be sure to use light moisturizers at least in the morning and evening. Oily dehydrated skin responds best to aroma cosmetics. Choose creams with essential and vegetable oils.

8. Before the cream, apply any serum with vitamin C. It creates a kind of filter that will allow the skin to absorb exactly as much moisture as it needs and not become inflamed.

Care and moisturizing of oily skin at home

In addition, oily dry skin is just the case when. During my torment, I went around dozens of masters, and even in very expensive salons I was certainly advised to make masks from oatmeal. Also in the set of must "diet for the face" includes honey, egg white, lemon juice and tea tree oil. Here are some effective combinations:

1. Dilute 50 g of white clay with warm water, add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply thickly on face, wash off after 15 minutes with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week: this mask absorbs sebum and at the same time normalizes the hydro-lipid balance.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 beaten egg white, a drop of tea tree oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently massage this mixture on your face and wash off after 5 minutes. This scrub perfectly tightens pores and improves skin tone.

3. Mix 50 g of natural yogurt and a handful of oatmeal flakes. Massage your face, then rinse with warm water. This is an all-in-one cleanser for oily, dehydrated skin that can be used every day.

4. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, cool. Add 2-3 tablespoons of rose water and a spoonful of lemon juice to it. Use in place of facial toner.