The procedure is absolute happiness for hair reviews

In the concept of external attractiveness modern man, no doubt, includes the condition of his hair. This issue is especially of concern to the beautiful half of humanity, because the curls of women today are subjected to a variety of, sometimes harmful, manipulations: blow-drying, coloring, styling with an iron or curling iron, etc. Plus, mousses and styling gels, varnishes, which not the most in the best way affect the condition of the hair.

Sooner or later, girls begin to notice that the hair, which they were proud of until recently, loses its vitality, natural shine, becomes dull and lifeless. Unfortunately, many young women face this problem today, and hair restoration is becoming more and more important for them.


Beauticians in Japan have been working on solving this problem for a long time, creating comprehensive programs for the care and restoration of damaged hair. The magnificent and, most importantly, effective products of the Lebel brand have been tested by time. The company began its work in the twenties of the last century. At first, she successfully collaborated with Wella, and later it was decided to create her own brand. Thus, a brand appeared on the global cosmetic market, known today throughout the world - Lebel Cosmetics.

A little over ten years ago, Takara Belmont, part of a well-known holding, released a series cosmetics, calling them "Happiness for the hair" under the Label cosmetics label. Ee was appreciated by women all over the world. Some time later, having improved the technology, she introduced Label “Absolute Happiness for Hair” - a complex that includes cell membranes identical to natural ones.

It was created as a professional salon remedy, able to cope with any hair problems, and at the same time, do not confuse it with keratin straightening and other similar programs. Today, the procedure from Lebel "Absolute Happiness for Hair" is successfully applied in eighty-five regions of our country.

What is included in the complex?

Products created by the Japanese company Lebel Cosmetics - "Absolute Happiness for Hair" - will help restore lost beauty and beauty to damaged, burned and lifeless strands. healthy shine. Japanese beauticians designed for active and at the same time gentle care unique healing system.

The Absolute Happiness for Hair set (Lebel) consists of four bottles, two tubes and one jar. All compositions are applied in a certain sequence during one session.

Serum #1

This composition is designed for active moisturizing. Recommended for the treatment of dyed overdried strands.

Composition No. 2 (N)

Means for healing damaged rods, restoring the structure of the hair. The tool acts at the cellular level, filling lifeless hairs with energy.

Serum #3 (P)

Thickens the rods, nourishes, gives elasticity to the strands.

Composition No. 4 Element Fix

A drug that is designed to consolidate the result of exposure to the previous three active substances. It retains moisture, restores shine to hair, maintains elasticity. This substance covers the hairs with the thinnest film, protects against negative impact precipitation, frost, heat.

Gum Lipid 1 - #5

This composition affects the outer shell of the hair, restores softness and elasticity to the strands, restoring the quality of the lipid layer. After its application, the beneficial substances seem to be sealed inside the rods.

Gum Lipid 2 - #6

The action of this remedy is similar to Lipid 1. The ingredients of this serum have beneficial effect to the outer layer of hairs.

Relaxing Slime (mask) - №7

Very effective composition designed for healing skin heads. The developers of the product recommend combining it with an active massage of the head, more precisely, its scalp. This tool strengthens the bulbs, stimulates growth zones, fights hair loss. After its use, the epidermis softens, noticeably decreases, and then dandruff disappears.

Features of the procedure

What is the secret of Lebel products? "Absolute happiness for hair" is a complex, the effectiveness of which lies in the phased application of formulations with health effect. In one session, the scalp and hair shafts receive the maximum amount of nutrients.

The essence of this development can be summarized in a few sentences:

  • the first stage is treatment from the inside of the rods, processing the deepest layers of the hair;
  • the second - the restoration of the cuticle (external), smoothing the scales, saturation with melanin;
  • the third is fixing, which allows you to normalize the protein balance, stimulate growth, strengthen the bulbs, and gently affect the scalp.

Revitalizing procedure from Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair" is recommended:

  • girls with brittle and thin hair;
  • those whose hair has suffered from highlighting and other chemical exposure(frequent dyeing, discoloration, perm);
  • owners of porous, curly, poorly combed strands;
  • the complex is successfully used after childbirth, because during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, hair often falls out.

Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair" in the salon

The complex for improving hair from Lebel is considered professional cosmetics designed for spa treatments in salons. Treatment is carried out in several stages. It is advisable to spend from seven to ten sessions, visiting the salon once every two weeks. As a rule, in salons, masters use additional Lebel care products. "Absolute Happiness for Hair" is a procedure with a cumulative effect: with each session, your curls are getting better, although a noticeable improvement in their condition is visible after the first session.

The only drawback of visiting the salon is the high cost. A professional service will cost you from two and a half thousand rubles.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

Many women, in order to save money, carry out the procedure from Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair" on their own. To do this, you just need to carefully study the instructions, find an hour and a half of free time, clarify if you have any contraindications to the active compounds, and you can proceed.

First, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo to deep cleaning(for this reason, recovery should not be done more than once every fifteen days). The fact is that the usual cleansing shampoo will not open the scales, nutrients it will be difficult to get inside the rod.

Now carefully divide your hair into several zones: six to eight will be enough. Apply compositions from number one to four in turn. The layer is applied on top of the previous one, it is not necessary to wash off the compositions before applying the next one.

You will need a regular shower cap. It must be put on the head and warm the hair with a not too hot hair dryer. Simultaneous head massage will enhance the penetration of the ingredients. The duration of this stage is about ten minutes.

Remove the cap and apply serum number one and two (Gum Lipid) alternately on the strands for about fifteen minutes. Heat a tablespoon or a teaspoon (depending on the length and thickness of the hair) of mask No. 7 in a water bath. Apply the composition in a warm form to the skin, and massage again for fifteen minutes. It remains only to remove the active substances with running water without shampoo.

Completion of the procedure

Dry your hair, preferably without a hair dryer if you have time. The reward for your patience will be shiny, elastic strands and well-groomed appearance your hairstyle. This ends the procedure from famous brand Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair." Before and after photos you can see below.

Further care

During treatment, if possible, minimize or eliminate the use of irons, curling irons, various straighteners, hair dryers. Although we are sure that after the first session you will consider that now you do not need these devices, because your hair will become unusually beautiful.

At all times in various national cultures luxurious curls were considered almost the main attribute female beauty, a symbol of health and the ability to take care of yourself. After all, even in ancient times, when environmental issues there was no question, hair had to be carefully looked after: washed in spring water, rinse with decoctions of herbs, carefully comb, braid, style.

Today, maintaining the health and beauty of hair is even more difficult. Toxic substances are contained in the atmospheric air, the hardness of tap water is increased, heating devices dry the air in the room. In pursuit of fashion, girls dye their hair with products containing chemicals harmful to curls (hydrogen peroxide, ammonia), style them with thermal tools.

Wanting to save time, the strands are combed with hard brushes, without waiting for them to dry, they are dried with a hairdryer at the maximum setting. All this damages the hair cuticles, disrupts the lipid balance of the hair shafts and the dermis of the head. Excised hair loses its healthy shine, looks like straw, does not fit well, fluffs and breaks easily, begins to fall out. This is not surprising - because they are constantly under stress. They need special care.

The Happiness for Hair system, developed by Japanese experts, is called upon to restore curls at the molecular level.

A sensation in the world of cosmetology

A few years ago, in elite beauty salons, they began to offer clients the Happiness for Hair SPA treatment. The admiring reviews of beauties who have tried this program for restoring curls at the molecular level have blown up the Internet. The photographs of their hair before and after the procedure were amazing and envious. The service became possible to receive in almost every good salon, and there were more and more lucky women who acquired renewed hair shining with health and beauty after the session. Almost all of them were satisfied with the results, despite high cost services even in the cheapest salon (from 15 to 30 thousand rubles).

What is the secret of a miraculous transformation? Yes, in unique composition products included in the Happiness for Hair kit, released by a well-known Japanese company under the well-known brand Lebel Cosmetics.

About the manufacturer

The legendary "Happiness for Hair" is produced by the Japanese cosmetic company Takara Belmont. It has been operating in the cosmetics market for almost a hundred years, but the company created its own brand, which combined hair care products, only in 1977.

For nearly 40 years, shampoos, balms, serums, styling products and other products under the Lebel Cosmetics brand have delighted women all over the world with their the highest quality and invariably good result, providing professional care. High manufacturability of production, reliance on the experience of folk oriental medicine and cosmetology, constant scientific research in the field of trichology allows the company to produce effective means having the claimed properties. The Heppiest program was no exception.

What is the Heppiest program

Heppiest is a set of 7 products that provide comprehensive care for hair and their full restoration at all levels. Let's take a closer look at what each of these tools represents:

  • cmc. The composition of the serum includes ceramides, which are the "bricks" from which cell membranes are built. This is the main component that helps restore the structure of the hair shaft at the cellular level. Vitamin E, betaine, phosphoric, oleic and lactic acids, lecithin and glycerin, which have moisturizing and antioxidant properties, help him in this. The purpose of the serum is to moisturize and prepare the curls for the acceptance of others. useful substances.
  • NMF. Serum is based on a molecular complex for intense hydration. It includes amino acids, hyaluronic, lactic, linoleic acids, urea, glycerin and other components, famous for their ability to moisturize and retain moisture inside the cells.
  • PPT. Thanks to the proteins of soy, wheat, silk and hydrolyzed keratin obtained from wool, the serum restores the protein structure of the hair shafts. Figuratively speaking, the tool repairs the hair follicles.
  • Element Fix. Castor bean seed oil, hydroxypropyl cellulose, soy protein (hydrolyzed), glycerin “smooth” the hair scales, creating a protective film.
  • Cum Lipid Contains creatine, vitamin E, linoleic and citric acid. Restores hydrolipidic balance.
  • Cum Lipid Wheat protein and xanthan gum reinforces the result of the previous treatment.
  • Relax Slime. The massage gel is based on a vegetable polysaccharide that has a beneficial effect on the scalp.

How "Absolute Happiness for Hair" differs from the usual

The beauty salon offers an improved program called "Absolute Happiness for Hair". The manufacturer is the same, the price is higher, the number of funds in the set is eleven:

  • Shampoo mousse for deep cleansing and hydration.
  • Protein serum, the purpose of which is to prepare the hair for the restoration procedure.
  • A cream that strengthens curls, making them soft, silky.
  • Intensive moisturizer.
  • Fixative gel that fixes the result of the previous products.
  • A tool for restoring the structure of the hair, after its application, the curls become denser, acquire elasticity.
  • Means that normalizes the hydrolipidic balance.
  • Nourishing serum that simultaneously prepares the hair for the perception of subsequent products.
  • An agent that saturates the strands with amino acids, restoring the structure of the hair shafts.
  • Means for thickening hair and giving them elasticity.
  • A fixative that creates a protective film.

The new program also provides perfect hair care.

Carrying out the procedure at home

SPA-treatment with products from the "Happiness for Hair" set takes a lot of time, but is nothing complicated. If you don’t want to leave extra money at the hairdresser, you can do everything at home, on your own or with the help of a friend. You just need to purchase the product and read the instructions.

You can buy a set in the salon, but it will be cheaper to order it on the Internet, for example, on the official website of the company.

The procedure is carried out in three stages.

First stage:

  1. Pre-washed hair should be divided into 8-10 strands. On each should be applied the first serum (CMC), then the next two (NMF and PPT).
  2. From above, cover all the curls with a fixative.
  3. Without washing your hair, wrap it with plastic wrap and warm it up well with a hair dryer. Remove the film.

Second phase:

  1. Divide your hair into strands again. On each alternately apply nourishing creams that restore lipid balance.
  2. The second time wrap the curls with polyethylene film, warm again with warm air. Release the hair from under the film.

Third stage:

  1. Massage the gel into the scalp with massage movements. It is difficult to conduct a full-fledged massage on your own, it would be better to resort to the help of a friend.
  2. Wrap your hair in a towel and start rinsing the products right through it.
  3. Remove the towel and rinse the curls to the end. Shampoo should not be used.

It will immediately be noticeable how much the curls have become more elastic and silky, and when they dry, you will be pleased with their elasticity and lively shine. The effect of using the product at home will be exactly the same as in the hairdresser's, but time and money will be saved.

We prolong the effect of the procedure

After a single application, the magical effect will not last long, only 2-3 weeks. One set of "Happiness for Hair" can be enough for several times, and each time the effect will last for more than long period. But sooner or later the bottles will be empty. In this case, there are two options left on how to keep the curls healthy and beautiful: order another set of Japanese cosmetics or resort to folk remedies. The second one is much cheaper.

Women who choose home care We offer several recipes to choose from:

  • Yeast mask. Pour 50 g of yeast with half a glass of warm kefir, stir until the yeast dissolves. In this case, the mixture can be heated in a water bath. When the yeast dissolves, leave everything for half an hour so that the yeast ferments. Mix everything with a tablespoon of sour cream if your curls are dry. Process the curls along the entire length with the resulting mass, rub it into the roots. Warm your head with a plastic cap and a towel. After half an hour, everything can be washed off. The mask nourishes the hair from the roots, gives it shine and density.
  • Gelatin mask. Dilute a teaspoon of gelatin in 50 ml of mineral water, let stand, then heat a little, stirring, so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. When the gelatin has cooled down a bit, mix it with an equal amount of hair balm. Apply the mass to the curls along the entire length, without affecting the roots. After a quarter of an hour, the product can be washed off warm water without using shampoo. The mask smoothes the hair, covers it with a protective film. This is a kind of lamination at home.
  • Protein mask. Three tablespoons of soy protein are diluted with mineral water to the density of sour cream, two tablespoons are added to the mixture powdered sugar. This mixture is applied to the strands, left for at least 30 minutes, the hair is washed well. The tool restores the hair structure well. Provides intensive care.

Weekly treatments that are easy to do at home will prolong the pleasure of having beautiful and healthy curls. Constant proper care - here it is, real happiness for hair!

A post about how to divide the Absolute Happiness for Hair procedure into parts with benefits for hair and relative safety for the wallet and successfully use them separately from each other.

I wrote in detail about the procedure of Absolute happiness for hair (how to breed, what to apply, how much to withstand, as well as the cost of products) in.
About the shampoo and mask, which are also involved in this procedure, I wrote in.
Now it's time for Part 3.

The complete procedure of Absolute happiness for hair, the one that in a decent salon costs from 4500 rubles. for medium, not very thick hair length, consists of 11 care products + 3 styling products:

1. Shampoo (any of your choice, I have Lebel Cosmetics Shampoo for severely damaged hair Proedit Bounce Fit).
2. Lebel Float Cleansing Cleansing mousse for the scalp.
3. Lebel IAU Cell Tune 1 Mousse to moisturize the scalp and hair.
4. Lebel Cosmetics Serum C (Preparation for treatment, molecular restoration and nutrition of the hair structure).
5. Lebel Cosmetics Serum N (Moisturizes, renews and revitalizes damaged hair that has lost its structure. Restores intercellular bonds. Nourishes hair with amino acids).
6. Lebel Cosmetics Serum P (Gives elasticity and flexibility to damaged hair. Thickens and nourishes hair. Supplies hair with rice, wheat, soy and silk proteins).
7. Lebel Cosmetics Element Fix Serum (Fixes and fixes all serums inside the hair, returns flexibility and elasticity. Forms a protective shell).
8. Lebel IAU Cell Fiber 2 Protein Hair Serum Activator (Designed to prepare the hair structure for intensive restoration)
9. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Melt 3M Intense Firming Cream ( deep hydration).
10. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Silky 3S Intensive hair strengthening cream (gives silkiness).
11. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Sealed 4 Fixing Hair Gel (Fixing oil to fix the components in the hair and complete the program).

Well, as a bonus, some salons offer to use as many as three styling products in this system at once:
12. Lebel Cosmetics IAU Forti Essense Strengthening Gel (for thin and weak hair).
13. Lebel Cosmetics IAU Sleek Essence Smoothing Oil (For Fine dyed hair, hair after perm etc.).
14. Lebel Cosmetics IAU Moist Essence Moisturizing Milk (for deep hydration, but not for fine hair).
I consider three styling products to be too much, so for my thin, porous hair I chose Lebel Cosmetics IAU Forti Essense Firming Gel and am extremely happy with it (I will write a separate post about it).

I have been using LEBEL cosmetics on a regular basis for about 5 years, of which I have been using the Absolute Happiness for Hair procedure for 3 years (at first it was just happiness, and then it became absolute). Thanks to LEBEL, my hair, despite all its genetic scarcity and poverty, is still in a fairly good and well-groomed condition. Therefore, when I put all 11 products + 1 styling product on my hair, this is too much for them. Sometimes it happens that after such happiness, hair looks dirty, tired and completely unhappy - i.e. they have an overdose. Although at first, when the hair was completely tortured, withered, cut and broken, they ate all these remedies and did not even mind, but now they are fed up and no longer want so much. Although sometimes, after exposure to an aggressive external environment (sun, sea, pool), I can use all the products at once and my hair will take it well, but because. there is not as much sun, sea and pool in my life as I would like, most often I use a part of Absolute happiness.
For myself, I divided the whole procedure into several parts, which allows me to:
1. Do not overload the hair in one procedure;
2. Significantly reduce the time of one procedure;
3. If necessary, caused financial difficulties, I can always save money without much harm to the beauty of my hair by buying not a complete set of products for the procedure, but choosing only one part.

So - we divide and conquer:

The first part of Absolute Happiness is more for scalp care.

1. Shampoo (any of your choice, I have Lebel Cosmetics Shampoo for severely damaged hair Proedit Bounce Fit). I wash my hair as usual. Wash off.
2. Lebel Float Cleansing - Cleansing mousse for the scalp. We apply the mousse along the partings, then lather it with wet hands and rub it into the scalp with massaging movements. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off.
3. Lebel IAU Cell Tune 1 - Mousse to moisturize the scalp and hair. Beat the mousse with water in a separate container using a cappuccino mixer. Apply to the scalp along the partings. Massage by rubbing into the scalp. We distribute the remains through the hair, wait 20-30 minutes, rinse. It is necessary to wash off very carefully, especially the temporal zones and the top of the head, because. it is likely to leave the product on the head and after drying the hair will have a dirty look.
12. Lebel Cosmetics - IAU Forti Essense Firming Gel. I'll apply for more wet hair and dry.

In this part, we pay more attention to the scalp, clean it and moisturize it, but a lot of useful substances also fall into the hair, because. we distribute moisturizing mousse over all hair and they literally drown in fragrant moisture (the smell of this mousse is amazing).

Note: Lebel IAU Cell Tune 1 moisturizing mousse for scalp and hair can also be used as an independent mask, but you need to understand that without preliminary peeling of the scalp, the hair follicles will get less useful substances, because. this will be prevented by the unexfoliated stratum corneum of the skin.

Feelings: the hair is nourished, moisturized and elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch, the cuticle is closed, but there is no feeling of unreal hair silkiness (slipperiness).

The second part of Absolute Happiness " life force"- the most beloved part of happiness, these serums do miracles with hair.

4. Lebel Cosmetics Serum C (Preparation for treatment, molecular restoration and nutrition of the hair structure). We don't rinse.
5. Lebel Cosmetics Serum N (Moisturizes, renews and revitalizes damaged hair that has lost its structure. Restores intercellular bonds. Nourishes hair with amino acids). We don't rinse.
6. Lebel Cosmetics Serum P (Gives elasticity and flexibility to damaged hair. Thickens and nourishes hair. Supplies hair with rice, wheat, soy and silk proteins). We don't rinse.
7. Lebel Cosmetics Element Fix Serum (Fixes and fixes all serums inside the hair, returns flexibility and elasticity. Forms a protective shell). We don't rinse.
Next, I use one of the LEBEL masks, any. But most often - my favorite: Lebel Cosmetics Mask for severely damaged hair Proedit Bounce Fit +. I stand all this for 20-30 minutes. I wash it off (everything is easily washed off here).

When I first applied these serums (I used them even before Absolute Happiness for Hair, I started building my happiness with these serums), the result was a real revelation for me - this is the case when the wow effect went off scale: my thin, dry, split hair has never had such a pleasant heaviness at the ends, as after the application of these serums - n-and-to-o-g-d-a! The ends became dense, nourished and elastic, my natural curl reappeared, which, due to the strong thinning of the ends of the hair, had long since disappeared, turning into fluff. Now, after several years of using these serums, moisturized ends are the norm for me. Now I use these serums every 3-5 weeks, and started with weekly doses.

Note 1: You can do without a final hair mask (in my case without Proedit Bounce Fit +), but I really like the silky smoothness of the hair, which, in my opinion, this particular mask gives, or rather, of course, the silicones included in the composition of this mask (but silicones are different for silicones).

Note 2: When using serums C N P and Element Fix, it is necessary to follow a strict sequence of their application, because. this is due to a certain sequence of reactions they cause in the hair.

Feelings: it is this procedure that gives my hair perfect smoothness, the hair after it becomes unrealistically silky and shiny, dense and elastic.

The third part of Absolute Happiness is aromatherapy: a breathtaking smell, simply divine.

1. Shampoo (any of your choice, I have Lebel Cosmetics Shampoo for severely damaged hair Proedit Bounce Fit). I wash my hair as usual. Wash off.
8. Lebel IAU Cell Fiber 2 Protein Hair Serum Activator (Designed to prepare the hair structure for intensive restoration). We don't rinse.
9. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Melt 3M Intensive firming cream (deep hydration). We don't rinse.
10. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Silky 3S Intensive hair strengthening cream (gives silkiness). We don't rinse.
11. Lebel IAU Cell Serum Sealed 4 Fixing Hair Gel (Fixing oil to fix the components in the hair and complete the program). I keep it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off. It is necessary to wash off very carefully, especially the temporal zones and the top of the head, because. it is likely to leave the product on the head and after drying the hair will have a dirty look.
12. Lebel Cosmetics IAU Forti Essense Firming Gel. I put it on still damp hair and dry it.

The first thing that attracts attention when using these products is the aroma: an intoxicating, delicate and sensual aroma of orange, bergamot and lemon. And how many compliments will you hear from men admitted to the "inner circle" ...

Note: In this part of happiness, you can only use 3M or 3S depending on the condition of the hair, financial opportunities and your desire, the main thing is to maintain the sequence, the need for which is again associated with the reactions in the hair that these serums cause.

Feelings: the hair is nourished, moisturized, elastic, shiny and very soft.
So, through simple manipulations, you can significantly reduce economic costs while maintaining a very high-quality result.

If you are only thinking about buying a procedure like Absolute Happiness for Hair, but you are scared total cost By all means, try to use only part of the procedure. I advise you to start with Part Two "Life Force" - it is the most revealing in my opinion. Of course, miracles do not happen, and two procedures performed will not be enough for you for life - everything works only on a regular basis, but it works.

Everyone Thanks a lot. Hope the post was helpful.
Good luck and beauty.

Girls, chasing flawless hair, do not even think that frequent drying, washing, dyeing, curling and “ironing” curls with a straightener simply wear out the hair. And soon, instead of a shiny and long hair, modern beauties on their heads, a dull and shabby tow is formed. But there is something that will help almost instantly return former beauty hair - this procedure is an absolute happiness for lebel hair.

Secrets of the Lebel session “Absolute happiness for hair”

The Japanese brand Lebel has been producing effective hair care products for many years. The latest Japanese development has become a restorative hair program - Lebel Cosmetics Happiest - Absolute happiness for hair. We will tell you about this wonderful procedure in detail. What effect can be obtained from the passage of such a treatment session ?!

The effect of the Lebel Cosmetics Happiest procedure

The very first and noticeable effect of this procedure is molecular healing, you will see a complete “revival” of dead hair. A healthy, mirror-like shine will return, as well as hair growth will be activated and the scalp will be moisturized. In a word, total rejuvenation, as if you had never “tormented” your curls with constant staining, curling, drying, changing shampoos and your favorite straightening. And all this can be achieved in a few procedures, and you will see the first noticeable effect immediately after the end of the first session.

The superiority of “Absolute Happiness for Hair” over competitors

None of the already known hair care products can win neither in popularity nor in efficiency Lebel absolute happiness for hair. And there's no magic here just cosmetics of this caring series, has powerful positive characteristics:

  • The entire line of products is based on natural ingredients;
  • Suitable for children and adults;
  • The formula for the penetration of active molecules and cleansing is at the highest innovative level;
  • Completely absent in cosmetics harmful substances and dyes;
  • All tools are easy to use;
  • The Lebel Cosmetics Happiest series is able to restore even the most deplorable hair damage;
  • Even everyday care with this cosmetics does not weigh down the hair;
  • Pleasant aroma of the entire cosmetic line, gives the feeling of an aromatherapy session;
  • All cosmetics are universal and quite economically consumed.

These are the benefits, now we can talk about the cosmetics from this wonderful care line.

Cosmetics Lebel Cosmetics Happiest - the whole truth about the line

The entire set “Absolute Happiness for Hair” is products made only on natural, vegetable raw materials, such as:

  • Silk proteins - they cover the curls with a protective “cocoon” and make them even and smooth;
  • Sunflower extract is a powerful antioxidant;
  • Hyaluronic acid - “seals” moisture in the hair;
  • Honey serum - has a moisturizing effect on the scalp and on the hair itself;
  • SMS complex - returns integrity to the hair structure;
  • White limnantes extract - gives curls elasticity;
  • Bamboo extract - gives the hair elasticity and elasticity, as well as moisturizes;
  • Vitamin E - contributes to the preservation of cell integrity, an excellent antioxidant;
  • Hydrolyzed collagen, keratin and soy proteins give curls strength and density.

Salon session “Absolute happiness for hair”

Now we will describe the process of the procedure step by step. Our instructions will help you figure out the deception of incompetent hair masters who may try to give you a different care and pass it off as a session of absolute happiness with Lebel cosmetics. The master for the session must carry out three stages:

  1. Anti-aging therapy - detoxification - cleansing - molecular restoration of moisture levels in the scalp and hair structure.
  2. Restorative improvement of the hair structure from the inside.
  3. “Locked Moisture” - return of elasticity and shine - strengthening.

Now detailed diagram actions of a hair-specialist

  1. First of all, the master collects a set of 11 products on a hairdressing “wheelchair”. If you have been on the procedure “Happiness for hair- Shine and Strength”, then we saw 7 active tubes. To these 7 tubes, 4 bottles of serums were added, and thus there were 11 products. Shampoos, essences and mousse for cleansing are not included in the Absolute Happiness Hair sets, but the master should have them in his arsenal. Total: Lebel IAU Cell Tune 1 - mousse for moisturizing curls and scalp, protein serum-activator - Lebel IAU Cell Fiber, intense hair strengthening creams Lebel IAU Cell Serum Silky 3S and Lebel IAU Cell Serum Melt 3M, fixing gel Lebel IAU Cell Serum Sealed 4, Lebel IAU Cell Silky Lipid 5M hair moisturizing cream, Iau Cell 5S strengthening concentrate, Lebel Cosmetics C, N, P and Element Fix serums, recommended IAU or Proedit shampoos, and Essence IAU essences.
  2. Now the master should start washing his head with Proedit or IAU shampoo, 5 ml of shampoo is required for short hair, 10 ml for medium hair, 14 ml for long hair, and 20 ml for very long hair.
  3. After washing, apply a cleansing mousse, such as Float Cleansing, to the hair and scalp. On short curls applied 15 ml, medium 25 ml, long 30 ml, and very long 40 ml. Application is carried out with massage movements, after which a little water is added. Continue massaging until foam appears. Massaging is over, the mousse is washed off with water. This procedure removes all impurities that shampoo cannot handle.
  4. next step application in progress Lebel IAU Cell Tune mousse into short 9 ml, medium 18 ml, long 24 ml, and extra long 30 ml. Mousse is poured into a bowl and poured there hot water in a ratio of 2: 1, where 2 is water, and 1 is mousse. A hairdressing mini-blend is taken and the mass in a bowl is whipped until foam appears. The foam mass must be distributed over the head and hair moving along the partings. After that, it is necessary to massage the scalp and rinse off the cosmetics with water, and then slightly dry the hair with a towel.
  5. The entire hair is divided into 10 strands and Lebel Cosmetics Serum C is applied to each strand - for short hair - 1 ml, medium - 2, long - 4, indented from the roots. The next serum N- is applied with the same indentation from the roots and in the same proportions. Now you need to cover the strands with P serum and then with Element Fix gel serum for the entire length of the hair, “moving away” from the roots by 2 cm. The last Element Fix serum must be distributed in a thin layer. After each application of all 4 serums, the hair is combed with a massage comb.
  6. A plastic cap is put on the head and in this state all serums are kept for 5 to 15 minutes. Exposure depends on how “dead” your hair is.
  7. Without washing off all the serums from the hair, Lebel IAU Cell Fiber is applied, strand by strand. For short haircut you need 2 ml of cosmetics, for medium 4 ml, long 6 ml, and for very long 10 ml.
  8. The time has come for Serum Silky and Serum Melt cosmetics, these creams are applied in stages if the curls are not too damaged, and for owners of “too bad” hair, two creams are used in tandem. For short, the master takes 3 ml of cream, for medium 9 ml, long 12 ml, and very long 18 ml.
  9. Now it is necessary to apply Cell Serum Sealed on the strands - 0.6 ml on short hair, medium - 2 ml, long - 2.8, on very long - 4 ml. The product is not aged on the strands and is immediately washed off with water. Do not forget to comb the strands after each application of cosmetics.
  10. It remains at the finish line only to cover the hair with Essence IAU indelible essences for short hair you need only 0.5 ml, for medium 1 ml, long 1.5 ml, very long 2 ml.

If this step-by-step instruction too complicated for you, then watch the video tutorial at the bottom of the article about the home use of Absolute Happiness for Hair cosmetics!

If you love curls laid in your hair, then the very last manipulation of the master will be the creation of your favorite styling. As you can see for yourself, the Lebel happiness hair treatment is a long-term session, so you need to be patient to sit in the hairdresser's chair for such a long time. But this whole long-playing story is worth it, you will leave the master's chair with a completely renewed, healthy-looking hair. What is the cost of this wonderful service? The price of the service varies in the following price ranges:

  • If you are the owner of a short haircut, then this is 2800-3000 rubles.
  • If you are the owner of a medium length haircut, then this is 3300-3500 rubles.
  • Girls with long haircut will give from 3900 to 4100 rubles.
  • For over the length of the hair, you will have to pay from 4500 to 5000 rubles.

Naturally, you can buy the entire Lebel Cosmetics Happiest line and use it at home on your own or with support. close friend or your household. The cost of the entire set with a discount starts from 20,000 rubles and more, it all depends on the store where you can buy this series of skin care cosmetics.

The quality of Japanese products is rarely questioned. This even applies to cosmetics. IN Lately you can find a lot of rave reviews for the Happiest hair series from the Japanese company Lebel. A miracle procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. The result in some cases is really surprising.

Lebel - absolute happiness for hair: what is it?

Cosmetic products of this brand are time-tested. The firm began its work in the 20s of the last century. The company collaborated with Wella and soon decided to create a new brand. So in the 70s, Lebel Cosmetics appeared. Currently, under the brand, many care products are produced. Lebel happiness for hair is the most popular. The procedure is performed with the help of several means - serums and oils.

These products will help:

  1. Owners of thin brittle strands
  2. Women and girls whose curls have suffered from highlighting and other chemical exposure, discoloration, permanent coloring
  3. Those who have porous, curly, poorly combed strands
  4. Lebel is used after childbirth. Because During this period, due to hormonal changes in the body, the hair begins to fall out.

Lebel absolute happiness for hair has a restorative effect. Cosmetics treats hair both from the outside and from the inside. As a result - shiny silky curls that do not fluff and are easy to comb. Another plus is that the products from this series stimulate hair follicles. Therefore, hair growth is accelerated. The whole procedure is based on the consistent use of mousse, several serums and a mask.

At the 1st stage, the head is washed with any shampoo. Hair is a little dry. They should be moist, like the scalp. Then the curls are disassembled into strands. Float Cleansing mousse is applied to partings. It has to get on the skin. Then add a little warm water and begin to massage the head. The resulting foam is distributed over the entire surface. The head is washed, the hair is dried.

The next product to be applied is Element Fix. It is distributed with fingers over the surface of the hair in the same amount as serum. This stage ends with the fact that the curls are hidden under a hat, wrapped in a towel and kept for about 10 minutes.

After this time, apply 15-20 ml. the next remedy is Gum Lipid 2. The strands should be combed very well (lumps may form. They must be pulled out of the hair).

At the end, all products are washed off the head with warm water without shampoos. They are not recommended to be used for a couple more days, because the recovery processes continue in the hair.

The Lebel care and recovery complex works due to the fact that each product has a specific effect. So serum C penetrates deeply into the hair structure, affects the penetration of nutrients. She seems to be preparing curls for further treatment nourishing from within.

Serum N has a moisturizing effect. She feeds brittle hair. Serum P makes them supple. It thickens them and improves the structure of the protein. Element Fix fixes the result. The product creates a protective film on the hair. Under it, the recovery processes caused by serums continue. Treatment and revitalization of hair is carried out by Gum Lipid 2.

The method described above for the implementation of the spa treatment using Lebel happiness for hair can be done at home. Used in salons additional funds. The cost of one procedure starts from 1500 rubles. Set for home use you can buy for 6-7 thousand rubles. Some girls order Lebel products directly from Japan online because it's cheaper.

Happiness for lebel hair: reviews

  • Most buyers of Lebel cosmetics praise her. Women especially like the result in the first days. Already after washing off the last component, you can see how the structure of the hair has changed. They are very easy to separate into strands, even in wet. When dried, the curls become flowing silky and shine very beautifully.
  • A series of happiness for hair is not suitable for very few people. The effect is visible immediately. This is especially true for damaged and constantly tangled hair. Surprisingly, in the morning after the procedure, the curls can not even be combed! They are so equal.
  • Many women advise purchasing a kit to do this spa treatment on their own. There are practically no negative reviews for happiness for hair. Of the minuses - a short-term effect. On a very strong damaged hair it stays on for about 3 days. Sometimes, in rare cases, curls look healthy for up to 1 month. To prolong the effect, many recommend using extra care- masks and shampoos of the same company.

Shampoo lebel: what to choose?

The lebel brand has many lines. Many have shampoos. Particularly noteworthy are series based on natural ingredients. For example, Natural hair soap treatment. There are 4 shampoos in this line. Some of them have medicinal properties.

If you have sensitive skin head, which suffers from peeling and dandruff, then you can choose CYPRESS. Interestingly, this product has a medical license. It contains cypress oil, licorice root, soy lecithin and other useful components. Shampoo eliminates itching, improves blood circulation, normalizes the cells of the scalp.

Shampoo from the same series with jojoba oil will help to revive dry hair. In addition to it, the composition includes 2 more components - chamomile extract and a protector that protects from the sun. This product is suitable not only for colored and natural, but also for hair extensions. It has moisture-retaining properties, thanks to which the curls become elastic and nourished.

Another amazing product in this series is recommended for those with oily scalp. We are talking about shampoos with calendula oil. The manufacturer writes that it should be used by teenagers, as well as those who wear Afro-braids and dreadlocks. Menthol in its composition eliminates itching, and chamomile extract moisturizes and nourishes the hair. Because All these shampoos do not have chemistry in their composition, they may not foam very well. The manufacturer recommends washing your head 2 times.

Also, the Lebel brand has developed a special series for bleached hair. It includes pearl shampoo. It is recommended for owners of light or highlighted curls. The composition includes quite exotic components like pearl moss and pearl proteins. According to the assurances of the Japanese company, the shampoo helps to fix the color, gives the hair elasticity, and nourishes it. It can be used before coloring.

Another well-known series is Cool Orange Lebel Cosmetics. Shampoo Ultra Cold Orange is used for hair loss. It cleans up great oily skin heads and gives a feeling of coolness and freshness. Also this lebel shampoo improves blood circulation. It's not quite standardized. It should be held on the hair for 1-2 minutes, and then washed off. The composition includes orange oil, pepper tincture, mint oil, jojoba, wasabi extract.

The cost of Lebel shampoos starts from 1 thousand rubles. It is worth remembering that for some they may not be suitable due to the individual structure of the hair and intolerance to the components. So on the Internet there are people who have itching after washing their hair with products.

Lebel happiness for hair is a set of Japanese care products that allow you to carry out a restorative spa treatment. The set includes several types of serums, mousse, fixing composition. You can use happiness for hair at home. As a result, you will get shiny luxurious curls. The effect of the procedure with proper care lasts up to 3 weeks.