Methods of treatment. Why does hair split? Treatment of split ends along the entire length and ends with salon procedures and folk remedies

How to get rid of split ends, what to do when the hair is very split, and how to prevent it? These questions still remain relevant for many women, despite the abundance of cosmetics designed to solve this problem. But, as practice shows, even high-quality preparations are not always effective in caring for split ends. And in order to determine how to get rid of split ends, you first need to establish the causes of the problem.

Why does hair split and what can be done to avoid it?

With long hair, split ends are primarily due to the structure of the hair, which consists of several layers. The innermost layer is made up of keratin, and the outer layer, called the cuticle, is needed to protect the inner layer. The cuticle, in turn, consists of several layers of cells that are layered one on top of the other. The destruction of the cuticle cells leads to damage to the inner layer, and stratification of keratin fibers occurs. Even with proper care, as the hair grows, the cuticle cells wear out. Therefore, when the ends of the hair are split with long hair, it is clear what to do - go to the hairdresser and cut the desired length. But before removing split ends, other factors that lead to the destruction of the hair structure should be taken into account:

  • the impact of weather conditions. Hair must be protected from sunlight, and from temperature extremes, and from cold, and from rain. During the summer holidays, it should be borne in mind that sea water also causes the destruction of the hair structure;
  • thermal impact. Hairdryer, iron, curling iron, curlers, and other devices destroy the hair structure, and are unacceptable when caring for split ends. If the use of these devices is necessary, then a heat-protective serum should first be applied to the hair;
  • mechanical damage. Wet hair is the most vulnerable, so they can not be intensively rubbed with a towel, combed, tied tightly. When combing, sudden movements should be avoided. The comb also plays an important role - it is preferable to use brushes with rare teeth, made of wood with a dense structure, or high-quality massage brushes made of natural bristles;
  • wrong care. Too frequent washing, the use of low-quality products, leads to the destruction of the hair structure. Perm, dyeing also require special care. It is important to provide hair with good nutrition and protection, which should become an obligatory part of the care program.

Split hair care involves a whole range of activities. First of all, it is necessary to cut off the split ends, otherwise the hair will be damaged along the entire length. Haircut with hot scissors is one of the preventive methods. After such a haircut, the ends of the hair are sealed, which prevents their destruction. Next, you should choose the care products that match the type of hair. If the hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, you need to regularly apply moisturizers to the ends of the hair. Hair nutrition, protection, strengthening procedures, massage should become regular. Saturation of hair with vitamins and nutrients helps to strengthen the structure of the hair, and, therefore, it is necessary to prevent hair splitting.

How to restore split ends?

When it is necessary to quickly revive the hair, special cosmetics will come to the rescue. Various companies produce ampoules, gels and balms that are applied to the ends of the hair, covering each hair with a thin protective layer. For example, Act, from the Schwarzkopf professional line, quickly fixes split ends and lasts up to 5 days. After such products, the hair looks smooth and shiny, but it is worth noting that these are only temporary measures, and it is better not to put off going to the hairdresser.

What to do when the hair is very split?

First of all, it is necessary to revise the hair care program, as well as to conduct a thorough revision of the cosmetics used. And it is best to contact a hairdresser, trichologist or cosmetologist to prescribe treatment tactics. Restoration of split ends requires an integrated approach, the appointment of multivitamin complexes, the use of special cosmetic preparations of a professional line. You can also resort to proven folk recipes for hair treatment, the main thing is to make sure that the selected products match the type of hair.

What to do if the hair splits even with proper care?

In rare cases, even proper care for split ends does not bring results. If at the same time problems with nails or skin are observed, then it is necessary to check the state of health. Some clinics carry out hair diagnostics, determining which vitamins and microelements are lacking, as well as identifying other possible hair diseases. In addition, internal diseases also affect the condition of the hair, which is also a reason for examination.

How to get rid of split ends with folk remedies?

The most effective way to get rid of split ends is with oil-based masks. But with oily hair, you can not use such masks more than once a week, or apply funds only to the ends of the hair. The following few recipes will help strengthen the hair structure and prevent split ends:

With the help of folk or cosmetic products, you can solve the problem of split ends or even prevent its occurrence. The main thing is to take care of your hair and take care of it, then the result will definitely please you.

Split hair is a common problem for those with long hair. This pathology is the gradual death of the hair, followed by its loss. If you do not give due attention to this pathology, you risk completely losing your hair (it will have to be completely cut off to eliminate brittleness and split sections of curls). Therefore, to prevent such a condition, regularly cut the ends of the hair, which are the focus of the appearance of sections.

The section extends precisely from the ends of the hair. As the cuticle grows and lengthens (a protective layer consisting of many microscopic scales) at the end of the curls, it gradually dries out, becomes thinner and cracks. A delamination of the curl into several separate thin fragments is formed. The end of the hair takes the form of a tattered rope. In the absence of cutting, the section gradually extends to the upper areas, more and more affecting the cuticle.

The scales delaminate, and the density of their adhesion to each other deteriorates. Moisture and nutrients are lost through the opened gaps. The curl gradually dries up and becomes brittle. What to do if the hair is severely split along the entire length? First, let's look at the reasons for the development of this condition.

The reasons for the development of this pathology

Hair is split and broken - what to do? This condition is possible due to the following reasons, eliminating which:

  • Overheating. This includes the abuse of hair dryers, curling irons, which dry out the curls, thereby making them vulnerable to damage from contact with the environment. It is recommended to limit the frequency of use of these tools, using them solely for lack of time.
  • Chemical damage to the cuticle. Appear with frequent dyeing, perm or abuse of hair styling products (varnishes).
  • Poor nutrition. What to do if the hair is split and broken? Normalize your diet by enriching it with foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Lack of fluid in the body. Lack of water adversely affects the condition of the hair. Drink at least 2-4 pure water per day (tea and other drinks do not count).

Boar bristle brushes

  • Bad habits. Refuse to use tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. They dehydrate and poison the body, making the curls weak, dull and vulnerable.
  • Heredity. In this case, you will have to take care of the condition of your hair as much as possible.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Slowdown of metabolism.
  • Disorder of the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Hair contact with cold or hot air.
  • Use of unsuitable combs. Avoid using metal and plastic combs. Teeth made from these materials can severely damage the cuticle. It is better to buy a wooden comb or a special brush made of natural bristles.

Tip: Follow the rules for hair care. Normalize your diet, and eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Paint your head less often and use varnishes less. Track the state of your body.


What to do if the hair is severely split and broken? Use the following guidelines:

  1. Choose shampoos for your hair type. To do this, consult with a hairdresser or doctor - trichologist. To eliminate cross-section and brittleness, use special therapeutic shampoos (Dove Hair Therapy, Vichy Dercos, Salon Professional Deep Repair with placenta).
  2. You can resort to a haircut using a tourniquet. The master twists the strand into a thin bundle, or winds it around his finger. Healthy curls remain inside, cut sections protrude beyond its limits. Cutting them off with hot scissors prevents them from spreading to undamaged areas, making the hairstyle smooth and silky. The cost of the procedure is 3000 rubles.
  3. Use special masks, leave-in conditioners and preparations that weakly fix curls. The components that make up these substances stimulate the regeneration of the cuticle, restore nutrition and hydration of the hair.
  4. Darsonvalization procedure. A special device is used, shaped like a comb, and emitting electrical impulses. This radiation stimulates the blood supply to the hair follicles, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands (thereby improving the lubrication of curls with sebum), and restores the supply of nutrients. The price of one session varies from 400 to 1000 rubles.

  1. Taking medicinal hydrolyzed keratin. This substance is part of the hair, nails and skin. Taking this drug restores elasticity, increases elasticity, restores the cuticle of the curl and stimulates regenerative processes.
  2. Biolamination. A special composition rich in proteins, amino acids and vitamins is applied to the head. The composition forms a protective film that does not interfere with gas exchange and restores the structure of the curl. The price of the procedure is from 3000 to 7000 rubles.

Strongly split hair along the entire length - what to do? Choose one of the above methods. Eliminate the causes associated with the development of the disease.

Tip: Before undergoing procedures, choosing a shampoo, mask, conditioner and medication, it is recommended to consult a trichologist.

(what to do and how to solve the problem, we will learn below), then it is advisable to immediately begin to deal with the bifurcation. How to achieve a smooth structure? What to use in additional care? What could cause this, and how to prevent re-section of the hair? Now let's figure it out!

what to do and where to start

So, they can for various reasons, each of which can complement the other.

  1. Firstly, bifurcation is a consequence of improper care or neglect of the state of hair. Frequent hair coloring, constant thermal exposure - all this leads to the fact that the structure becomes thinner and loses its elasticity.
  2. Second, it's stress. Constant depression does not put the nervous system in the best position, and this, of course, affects the appearance of a person.
  3. Thirdly, the comb may be to blame. How to get rid of split ends if everything is fine and you have neither stress nor overdryness? Pay attention to your comb. Wrong assistants, as a rule, can be hard metal combs without massage nozzles, which are very traumatic for both the scalp and the entire hair as a whole. Here you will need to replace the metal comb with a wooden one.
  4. Fourth, malnutrition and lack of vitamins. It also greatly affects the external state of a person as a whole. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet regularly.

at home

So, we figured out the reasons, now we need to decide how to solve this problem. Everyone's favorite traditional medicine will help us in this. Namely: oils (it can be both burdock and almond), gelatin (a new trend in hair care), honey. All these remedies for split ends have long been tried by more than a dozen women. But it is worth noting that everything is strictly individual, depending on the degree of damage. How to use it? In the first case, before each wash, preheated oil is applied in large quantities to the ends of the hair (this should be done at least two hours before bathing). The second remedy is gelatin, better known to girls as home lamination: stir three tablespoons of the ingredient with water and let it brew, then add a teaspoon of balm and apply to clean hair (do not touch the roots!), then wrap it in polyethylene and a towel, warm it up blow dry and rinse! The last savior is honey. Masks based on it are made in the same way as oil masks. Only honey can and should be applied to the entire length (do not forget that the hair must be clean).

Hair splits: what to do? Ask for help at the salon

It is worth saying a few words about salon procedures, or rather, about such a popular method as hot scissors. allow you to solder the ends of the hair, but this is only a cosmetic and temporary effect. From this procedure, the hair will not come to an ideal condition, but will only improve by a small fraction. Another nuance: in order for the effect to be maximum, you need to cut your hair using this technology at least 3-4 times.

Thus, you can choose the best recipe that will suit you and which will help get rid of split hair!

cross section can be masked with special products with silicone, but you can get rid of the problem only by cutting off damaged hair.

Unfortunately, without enhanced hair care, the cross section quickly starts again.

To prevent cutting regular use of masks is required. Application after washing makes combing less traumatic, but its nutritional properties are not enough to restore hair health.

Masks made from natural products are left on the hair for as long as possible. To enhance the effect the product is slightly heated if it does not contain eggs.

It is convenient to wrap long hair in a film or plastic bag. To keep warm Can:

  • put on an old hat over the bag;
  • wrap your head with a cloth or terry towel;
  • Heat your hair with a hair dryer several times.

Yeast mask

Yeast contain vitamins, most of all - group B, due to which they positively affect the quality of the hair. For the preparation of masks, it is more convenient to use yeast in briquettes than in bags.

  • 100 g of henna;
  • 300 ml of hot water or liquid kefir.

When stirring henna, you get the consistency of sour cream. Before application, the product must be cooled to a pleasant temperature. Need a mask do not rinse for a couple of hours.

More complicated mask comprises:

  • 1 pack of henna;
  • 3 art. l. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • two yolks;
  • 2 tsp .

The mask is applied under the film. It must be kept on the hair for more than an hour and washed off with shampoo.

Ways to use oils, their properties

Vegetable oils- Affordable and easy-to-use remedy for restoring elasticity and shine of hair. Regular masks with them not only prevent cross-section, but also generally have a positive effect on the appearance of the hairstyle.

For different types of hair like different oils. If one of the remedies did not lead to a positive result, you should not give up and try oils from other plants. Essential oils can be added to vegetable oils, which are suitable for the type of hair. They can be mixed in the ratio of 1 drop of ether to 5-10 ml of oil.


Olive oil
obtained from olive seeds. It is best to purchase first cold-pressed oil, as it contains the maximum amount of fatty acids and vitamins.

It is affordable, safe and has a great effect on hair, restoring elasticity and eliminating dryness.

Can be added to egg masks or applied separately. For this you need:

  • heat 2 large tablespoons of oil to about 40 degrees;
  • rub the product into the scalp, distribute it through the hair with a comb or hands;
  • cover the hair with a bag and insulate;
  • wash off the oil with shampoo after 2 to 8 hours.

You can stir a spoonful of cognac in the oil to improve blood circulation for hair roots. By adding lemon juice or a drop of its essential oil, you can enhance the shine of your hair after the mask.


For masks, you need to purchase a real Burr oil. There are many products with this name in stores, where the basis is mineral oil.

Against split ends oil can be mixed with any masks or used after washing. To do this, rub a small drop of the product in the palms of your hands and distribute it over the tips of wet hair.

Burr oil- relatively light, therefore, from a small amount of it, the hair will not become greasy.

Unusual includes:

  • 7 art. l. oils;
  • 1 ripe banana.

To prepare the composition you need a blender. Banana needs to be crushed and mixed with oil. The mask must be kept 1 hour and wash off with shampoo.

Another mask comprises:

  • 5 st. l. ;
  • yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hand creams, such as Velvet Hands.


Jojoba oil dissolves the remnants of varnishes and gels, nourishes and softens the hair. The longer the product is on the hair, the more noticeable the effect of the procedure. You can apply the oil separately - rub into the skin and distribute the residue through the hair. It can be added to other masks and oil blends.

Mask against dryness and section includes:

  • 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oils;
  • liquid from three vitamin A capsules;
  • a drop of essential oil.

The product must be applied in the direction from the roots to the tips and leave for an hour.


Castor oil Ideal for thin and split hair. It is usually used in combination with other agents. The oil is thick, heavy and does not rinse well from the hair. The inconvenience of application pays off by the fact that even after its first application, an increase in the density of the hair is noted, which creates the effect of increasing the density of the hairstyle.

Anti cut at the tips hair fit way:

  • heat 2 teaspoons of oil;
  • apply generously to the ends of the hair;
  • wrap the tips in a bag and secure with an elastic band;
  • wash off after 1.5 - 2 hours.

full length it is better to apply a mixture of oils, for example:

  • 2 tsp ;
  • 4 tsp olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of essential oil for fragrance and hair conditioning.


Almond oil belongs to the lighter category. It is easily washed off with shampoo the first or second time. This tool is great for restoring brittle and tangled hair.

Suitable for adding to any oil masks. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve well in it. Against dryness suitable mixture of:

  • 1 st. l. milk;
  • 1 st. l. powdered hercules;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Such a tool must be kept on the hair 1.5 - 2 hours and wash off with shampoo.


Coconut oil
not suitable for any hair, but in most cases it has a positive effect - it restores elasticity and gives a healthy look.

Hair needs to be purchased unrefined oil. It has a more useful composition and a wonderful aroma.

To make a mask, you need to melt a piece of oil in the palms and distribute it over all the hair. The product can be left on the hair for a couple of hours or overnight. rinses well with shampoo. Oil can be mixed into any masks, but for this it will need to be melted first.

Herbal rinse recipes

Herbal infusions- a well-known folk remedy for restoring the beauty and health of hair. Their use heals the scalp, which leads to an improvement in the quality of the hair. To prepare the infusion, you will need to purchase grass in a pharmacy or stock it in the warm season. pour boiling water like tea, or boil for several minutes over low heat.

Sage. The section of the hair is enhanced by frequent washing, without which owners of oily hair cannot do. Sage infusion helps to cure excessive oiliness of the scalp. Regular rinsing of the hair makes it stronger and slightly darker. Sage infusion will not restore damaged hair, but its use is a long-term prevention of hair problems by healing the scalp.

Plantain. Plantain decoction nourishes dry hair, which is most prone to splitting. To prepare it, you need to boil two tablespoons of leaves in a liter of water for 20 minutes. This remedy helps to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp. In addition to the decoction, plantain juice can also be used. It is applied to the roots and kept for 2 hours.

Linden blossom. A decoction of linden blossom makes the hair manageable and soft, as a result of which they are less damaged during combing and styling.

Main application linden decoction - rinsing hair. Additionally, it can be rubbed into the roots every 3 days. It is necessary to carry out the procedure for a long time, since it has a cumulative effect.

Chamomile. Chamomile infusion adds shine to blond hair. Regular improves their quality and helps to avoid split ends. The infusion can be used to disinfect and soothe an irritated scalp. Chamomile can be purchased in bags, which facilitates the process of preparing the infusion.

Which cosmetic product to choose


In selection cosmetics for split ends, you need to focus on personal feelings. At the peak of popularity are natural shampoos and balms, but they do not suit all buyers. It is important that the hair roots are well washed, and the hair is not overdried.

After every wash on damaged hair, you need to apply a balm or express mask. Such products form a thin film on the surface of each hair, which protects the strands from external damage. Applying such funds to the scalp is not only useless, but also harmful. Purchased masks are best used for the lower half of the hair.

For combing hair you need to use a personal comb that does not pull out the hair and does not scratch the skin. Some people like wooden brushes, but even a good plastic comb can fit the bill. If the hair is difficult to comb, you need to purchase a spray or serum to facilitate this process.

Haircuts with hot scissors

Haircut with a hot razor or scissors is a relatively new procedure. It consists in a combination of cutting the hair with soldering its cut. For the success of the procedure, the hairdresser must accurately determine which temperature of the blades is suitable for the client's hair.

People who attended the procedure have different opinions about her. For some, it really helps to get rid of split ends for a long time, but sometimes its result is quite comparable to a regular haircut.

Trichologist's consultation

The futility of self-treatment of hair makes people turn to a specialist. The trichologist determines whether serious diseases of the scalp. This doctor can conduct a number of hair studies and give many individual recommendations for caring for them. In some cases, the specialist selects suitable cosmetics and prescribes a number of drugs for oral administration.

The section of the hair along the entire length is due to the general condition of the body. The most likely causes of the phenomenon are:

  1. hereditary diseases.
  2. Genetic aging of the body.
  3. Dehydration.
  4. Deficiency in the body of nutrients, vitamins.

In addition to internal problems hair is exposed to external influences that negatively affect their condition:

  1. The use of chemicals for styling and coloring.
  2. Exposure to high temperatures during installation.
  3. Mechanical impact of care tools.
  4. Influence of external environmental factors (frost, UV rays, salt water, etc.).

Strongly split hair along the entire length: what to do first?

It is advisable to start solving the problem with consultation with a trichologist. He will conduct a study of the material and assess the general condition of the body. A blood test will help identify the internal causes of the section.

Having determined the reason why the hair is very split, the doctor will prescribe what to do for treatment. In addition to taking medications, completely change your own diet and give up bad habits:

  1. Include in the diet foods containing vitamins: fruits, seafood, milk, fish.
  2. Exclude fatty and spicy foods from the menu.
  3. Limit sugar intake.

Proper nutrition is the first step towards healthy hair.

In addition, it is necessary to change the method of caring for them. The following actions should be excluded:

  1. Use metal massage brushes and combs for combing.
  2. Comb wet hair.
  3. Rub your head with a towel.
  4. Wear tight tails.
  5. Walk without a hat in cold weather or during rain.

emergency measures

The untidy appearance of split hair gives a lot of unpleasant feelings, so before the moment when their health is restored, you need to remove the dead rods with a haircut. This can be done in two ways.

salon haircut

Cutting with hot scissors is the most effective way to restore. This procedure is quite complicated and not all salons do it.

You can entrust the performance of such a haircut only to a highly qualified specialist who will diagnose the condition of the hair and select the required temperature of the tool.

All actions must be carried out carefully and painstakingly. The procedure takes an hour and a half.

The master twists the strands into flagella and removes the damaged rods, which are soldered, and further delamination stops. If the dissection process has affected a large part of the head, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Self cutting

You can cut off dead rods to give your head a neat look yourself.

For this you need to carefully comb the hair along the entire length and start processing individual strands. It is necessary to separate a small strand, twist it into a flagellum, and, pulling it down, draw it with two fingers from the bottom up. The rods that come out are carefully cut with sharp scissors. And the strand unravels.

Then a new strand is separated, with the capture of a part from the previous one. The described action is repeated. So you need to process the whole head.

All split hairs cannot be removed in this way, and there is still a lot of work to restore them, but the head will look neater.

How to cut the ends yourself is described in this video:

Care rules

To prevent further delamination, it is necessary to reconsider the methods of hair care. For recovery, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Regular, once every 1.5-2 months, trimming the ends hair contributes to the fact that they begin to recover on their own.
  2. Refuse for the duration of treatment from hot styling and drying with a hairdryer. Subsequently, be sure to use thermal protection for hot styling.
  3. Do not dye your hair during treatment. To give tone, you can use a tint balm, which does not penetrate deep into the structure of the hair and does not spoil their condition, but rather restores them.
  4. Use for brushing only wooden combs with rounded ends.
  5. After washing Dry your hair with a towel, separate with your fingers and leave to dry completely.

A useful video about choosing a comb that does not damage your hair:

Methods of treatment and recovery

What to do when hair is very split? To care for split ends, there are a lot of industrial and folk remedies. Their use will help maintain healthy, smooth hair.

Industrial care products and rules for their use

You can restore split ends along the entire length of hair in salon and at home. Salon treatments include:

  1. Bio lamination. A special composition is applied to the hair, enveloping them and providing protection.
  2. Keratinization. It is processed with a special composition of protein origin. Hair becomes smooth, obedient and gets the necessary shine.
  3. Glazing. Hair is covered with a layer of glaze, which can be colored or colorless. Simultaneously with smoothness, the hair acquires volume due to their thickening.
  4. Shielding. A nourishing procedure that gives elasticity and smoothness.

Recovery can be done independently. The modern industry offers a wide range of care products that allow you to make your hair healthy:

  1. Balms and conditioners. This is a must-have product. The components included in their composition cover the scales that have opened after washing, and do not allow them to exfoliate.
  2. Masks and wraps. Fill hair with nutrients, restore their structure. Used 2 times a week.
  3. Spray with SPF protection. Means that protects against the effects of adverse environmental influences.
  4. Oil. Therapeutic moisturizer.
  5. Leave-in conditioners. They are made on the basis of silicone, which evenly covers the hair, creating a protective film on them. The flakes of the rods stick together and delamination is prevented.

Such remedies do not have a therapeutic effect, but it is quite possible to give the head a well-groomed appearance with their help.

home methods

Strong split hair - what to do at home? The most effective home treatments are masks made on the basis of organic substances:

  1. Burdock. It is made on the basis of burdock oil, which is heated and rubbed into the scalp and hair along their entire length. The head is wrapped with a film and a towel. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes. It must be done 2 times a week.
  2. cognac. Yolk, cognac (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons) are mixed and applied for 40 minutes under the film.
  3. egg and onion. The egg is mixed with 1 tablespoon of onion juice. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
  4. herbal. It is made from crushed raspberry and currant leaves mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of starch and 2-3 tablespoons of cream. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.
  5. Kefir. Heated kefir or curdled milk is applied for 7-8 hours under a shower cap. Top wrapped with a towel. This mask can be done at night. You can add fresh yeast to the composition.
  6. Gelatinous. The animal collagen contained in this product helps to effectively protect the hair. Give them elasticity, glue the scales. Soak 1 tablespoon of gelatin in 3 tablespoons of water. 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is added to the composition. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees and applied for 30-40 minutes under the film.
  7. Chocolate. This product seals the scales. Only bitter chocolate with a cocoa butter content of at least 70% is used. Half a tile of 100 grams is melted in a water bath, 3 tablespoons of cream and 1 tablespoon of aloe juice are added. The composition is applied over a warm bandage for 40 minutes.
  8. Banana. 1 banana is kneaded, mixed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and applied for 30 minutes.

Hair is very split and broken - what to do? Another useful homemade mask recipe on video:

Reanimating mask with dimexide

The effect of this mask is based on the healing effect of Dimexide, which improves blood circulation in the scalp. As a result, the bulbs are strengthened and hair nutrition is improved.

The mask is made on the basis of dimexide (1 tablespoon) with the addition of castor and burdock oil (2 tablespoons each). Oils are heated in a water bath, after removing from heat, dimexide is added to them. After the composition has cooled to 40 degrees, 1 egg yolk is added.

The composition is applied to the washed head for 30-40 minutes under a film and a towel.. During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt. If the pain is strong, the mask should be washed off immediately.

IMPORTANT. Dimexide can give an allergic reaction, so you need to start using it in small quantities and with caution. In undiluted form, the substance should not get on the skin, so as not to cause burns. Preparation of means is carried out in gloves!

Recovery carry out 8-10 procedures no more than once every 7 days. The effect of the procedure is noticeable after the first application. Hair is revitalized, gains elasticity and shine.

After resuscitation with this mask you need to give your hair a break from intense exposure and continue to use only oils.

Cross-section of hair along the entire length is a problem that is easier to prevent than to deal with it later. Following the recommendations for hair care will help keep them healthy and shiny, able to decorate the appearance.

Useful video

Hair is very split and broken along the entire length - what to do? Watch the video!