Japanese facial massage Asahi 2 after 40 years. Zogan massage. Reviews from cosmetologists. Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan: exercise for the mouth area

Asahi massage, or Zogan, which means “face creation,” became famous thanks to beauty expert Yukuko Tanaka. She studied ancient Japanese facial massage techniques and based on them she created her own simple technique.

The main differences between this massage and others are a stronger physical effect on the skin and a partial deviation from. Also, the process affects not only superficial facial muscles, but also deeply located muscles and even bones. Besides, great attention is given to the lymphatic vessels, which improves the nutrition of all facial tissues and accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Who can and cannot have a massage?

Since Asahi affects different fabrics, improves lymph outflow and blood circulation, it allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • smooth out wrinkles and slow down aging;
  • increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and generally improve its condition;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • relieve swelling.

Therefore, it can be performed not only by those who have serious age-related changes, but also twenty-year-olds.

However, there are contraindications:

  • skin diseases, including inflammation;
  • ENT diseases;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bad feeling.

Things to remember

1. Before and after the massage, the skin of the face must be washed.

2. During the procedure, you need to use massage products. Natural oils, oat milk, and cosmetic creams are suitable.

3. Massage movements are performed with pressure, but should not cause pain. In the places where the lymph nodes are located, light stroking is sufficient.


4. The massage is performed sitting or standing, with a straight posture.

5. Almost all exercises end with a final movement along the contours of the face and along the neck, from the parotid lymph nodes to the collarbones. It is what promotes the outflow of lymph.

The massage begins in the same way. The movement must be repeated three times.

6. To achieve visible results massage . Its average duration is about 10 minutes.

How to do an Asahi massage

All exercises are repeated three times. Full video instructions are at the end of the article.

1. Strengthening the forehead

Press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands tightly to the middle of the forehead so that the palms take a horizontal position. After three seconds, move them with pressure to your temples. Then turn your palms 90 degrees and, reducing the pressure, move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

Using the pads of your middle fingers, touch the skin at the outer corners of your eyes. Without using force and moving towards inner corners, line your eyes from below. Next, apply pressure along the upper orbital edge. Pause for three seconds at your temples.

Then swipe your fingers again bottom edge eyes from outer to inner corners. After this, come back with pressure. Pause at the outer corners of your eyes for three seconds and move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

3. Strengthening the area around the mouth and chin

Press the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the hollow of your chin. After three seconds, press around your mouth, connecting your fingers in the hole above upper lip. Press on this point for another three seconds, trying to lift the nasal septum. Then sharply remove your fingers and move them to the starting position.

This is the only exercise after which the finishing move is not performed.

4. Elimination of nasolabial folds

Immediately after the previous exercise, move to the wings of the nose and massage them with pressure, and then the sides of the nose itself. Next, move your fingers with pressure along the cheekbones to the ears and perform the final action.

Place your index, middle and ring fingers in the hollow of your chin. With maximum pressure, move them around the lips to the nostrils and maxillary bone. Then move higher to the inner corners of the eyes. Stay there for three seconds and move towards your temples. Reducing the pressure, move to the ears and do the finishing move.

6. Strengthening the lower face

With one palm, fix the lower jaw, with the other, with pressure, move along the cheek from the place where the masticatory muscle begins to the inner corner of the eye. Hold for three seconds and move towards your ears. Take the final action. Do the same exercise on the other side of your face.

7. Midface Strengthening

Place your index, middle and ring fingers horizontally on your cheek bones. Press your fingers hard against your nostrils, then move them towards your ears and do the finishing move.

8. Face lift

Bring your arms together in front of you at chest level and open your palms at a 90-degree angle. Press the heels of your palms to your chin and hold in this position for three seconds. Next, move your palms up to your nose, then along your cheekbones to your temples, then to your ears. Do the finishing move.

9. Correction of facial contours

Place your chin on the base of your palm with your fingers pointing towards your ear. Forcefully move your palm towards your ear and make the final movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side of your face.

10. Double chin removal

Join your palms into a triangle so that your chin rests on your thumbs and your index fingers touch the bridge of your nose. Lock thumbs, and move the rest with force towards the temples (the index fingers should move along the lower orbital edge). Then move to the ears and perform the finishing action.

11. Zigzag forehead smoothing

Press your index, middle and ring fingers to the forehead (they should lie horizontally). Then begin to move in soft zigzag movements from temple to temple and back. At the end, repeat the first exercise.

And here is a video instruction for the massage.

From time immemorial, women have been tirelessly looking for ways to prevent the beauty of their face and body from fading, and how to keep their skin smooth and elastic. Science and medicine are actively helping in such a difficult search. Some ladies are ready for such drastic measures as plastic surgery, some choose methods that are not so aggressive: masks, massages.

The latter includes Asahi massage, video lessons for which were developed and presented to the public by a Japanese beauty expert.

Yukuko Tanaka has developed a special course on facial skin rejuvenation - Asahi

Also, training in self-massage techniques was published in Tanaka’s book, published in 2007. in Japan. The book quickly won the hearts of women and became a bestseller. Millions of women took the time to understand the intricacies of self-massage and deservedly achieved the promised results: their faces looked several years younger. So what is the secret of such a miraculous effect?

Asahi massage takes about 10 minutes a day, but its impact is not limited to the superficial facial muscles: the work includes lymphatic lines, deep facial muscles, even bone tissue. Thus, the nutrition of skin cells improves, toxins are removed through normal lymph circulation, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and clear facial contours return.

Due to the inclusion of all structures that form the beauty of the face, massage is called osteopathic. One of distinctive features is that the massage is carried out along the lymphatic lines, which sometimes run counter to generally accepted massage lines, therefore, you should first carefully consider and remember which lines the lymph circulates in the face and neck.

How to do Japanese Asahi massage

The massage is performed in the morning on cleansed and prepared facial skin. Natural oils are used to prepare the skin: almond, oatmeal or cosmetic cream. The choice is individual and depends on skin type. If rashes appear after self-massage sessions, then one of the reasons may be the wrong choice of oil base.

The movements are performed with the fingers with maximum effort, but not to the point of painful sensations, using a pair for pressure: index and middle or a pair: middle and ring. In order not to get a negative result and to understand how to properly perform Japanese Asahi facial massage, the video in Russian should be studied before the start of the session. Considering the depth of impact of the massage elements, it cannot be done for ENT diseases, skin rashes, or general malaise.

Japanese Asahi massage exercises

The complex consists of 11 general movements. But it should be borne in mind that massage has specific features for different types faces: thin, round and others, described in Tanaka’s book. But considering the subtleties of the movements, video is the best for learning Asahi facial massage visual material. The massage begins with movements for a smooth forehead: press three working fingers of both palms to the center of the forehead, move to the temporal lobes, unfold, lower along a vertical line to the collarbone. To maintain the delicate skin of the eyes, use your fingertips to easily move from the periphery to the center along the lower eyelid, increasing the pressure, continue moving along the upper arch of the orbit, completing the circle.

Place two fingers in the dimple of the lower jaw. With pressure, bring your fingers to the dimple under the nose, going around the lips. Each hand goes around the lips on its own side. A 2-part movement is excellent for eliminating nasolabial folds. First, with two fingers, arcuate movements are made around the wings of the nose down and up, then smoothing the bridge of the nose in the direction from the center to the temples. To lift the drooping corners of the lips, a movement in which the fingers are located in the dimple under lower lip. Then the fingers rise with pressure to the eyes, where they linger for the count of “one-two-three” and go to the temporal sockets. Perform the next element separately for each side of the face.

The head must be kept in a straight position, so support is provided by the hand. With your free hand, forcefully move away from bottom corner jaw to the inner corner of the eyes, fixate on the count of “one-two-three”, continue moving in a straight line to the ear. To strengthen the middle part of the face, place the 3 working fingers of each hand at the nostrils and move in a horizontal plane to the ear with force. To lift the face, place the base of your palms, continuing the line of the nose, and spread your hands to your ears along the line of the smile. The double chin will remove the element in which the heel of the palm is drawn with maximum pressure from the center of the chin to the ears.

Also enhances the effect in the fight against nasolabial folds, the element when the nose is covered with the palms, with the thumbs placed under the jaw, with pressure applied with the fingers from the bridge of the nose to the ears. Wrinkles on the forehead are eliminated by zigzag movements of the fingers from right side to the left and back. Perform each element three times, between them there is a final movement, which is not necessary after working with the lowered corners of the lips. Completion consists of moving the hands from the ears to the collarbone in a vertical line. It is recommended to perform self-massage while maintaining a straight posture.

The manifestation of age and other life “imprints”, reflected on the face, change the appearance beyond recognition. Recently, a young girl, seeing an old woman in the mirror, becomes desperate. Return former beauty it will work out different ways. Regular massage to maintain skin and muscle functions - optimal solution. An effective option is the Japanese Asahi facial massage. Having understood the intricacies of the procedures, it becomes clear why the method is so valued by women around the world.

Yukuko Tanaka and her massage technique

The name of the Asahi technique translated from Japanese means “morning sun massage.” The technique of influence has been known since ancient times. Japanese women begin to practice facial and body massage from their youth, staying until old age attractive in appearance.

Tanaka Yukuko, a famous Japanese beauty stylist, systematized ancient knowledge and popularized the technique. The biography of the famous lady is replete with achievements in the field of beauty. This encourages trust. Works on revival massage technology were presented in book format.

The publication, authored by Tanaka Yukuko, quickly sold out in huge quantities in different countries peace. In addition to the printed version describing Japanese massage techniques, there are many videos on YouTube that are best watched with Russian voice acting and subtitles.

The obvious difference between the Japanese Zogan technique (the name of massage in Western countries) is the depth and power of elaboration. Unlike classical techniques, known everywhere, Asahi involves intensive work with the skin, muscles, fascia, and lymphatic system. The actions are performed with the palm of the hand, significant pressure is applied, and lymphatic drainage work is present.

Indications for use

Japanese massage Asahi Zogan perfectly tones and trains the muscles in the affected area. The oval is tightened and strengthened. Establishing clear contours, reducing the severity of wrinkles, and improving the appearance of the skin are the main advantages of the technique that create its mass popularity.

Japanese massage is a universal effect, suitable for prevention and elimination of most age-related and cosmetic problems. It is advisable to use the technique if necessary:

  • eliminate swelling, dark circles, improve skin color and elasticity;
  • oval tightening, improving the clarity of contours, correcting shapes;
  • getting rid of wrinkles of different nature and depth;
  • relieving age-related deficiencies ( double chin, jowls, eyelid ptosis);
  • detoxification, healing of soft tissues.

Important! It is permissible to start performing a massage in at a young age. Regular sessions help minimize unpleasant symptoms. The onset of old age is noticeably delayed. Experts confirm this.

Efficiency of the procedure

The complex effects of Japanese massage involve the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and skull bones. Deep study helps to quickly achieve tone. After the sessions, the tissues acquire firmness, elasticity, and take on a natural shape. There is an emergency tightening of sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles. The lifting effect is the most popular result of such procedures.

The effect on lymph flow has a significant detoxifying effect. Accumulated toxins and impurities are removed. The skin begins to function fully. Are becoming more active internal processes, the quality of the integument improves.

Execution Rules

When performing a Tsogan massage, maximum attention is paid to the pressure force. Fabrics require deep elaboration, but painful sensations unacceptable. Emergence unpleasant symptoms indicates a violation of the rules for performing actions at home. You need to be more attentive to mastering the information covered in the video lessons.

IN as a last resort It is useful to use the services of a professional massage therapist 1-2 times, remembering the correct actions of a professional.

The speed of achieving results depends on the regularity of the procedures. For young skin, 2-3 sessions per week are enough. To solve existing problems you will need daily procedures. The session lasts 10–15 minutes. The intensive approach allows for morning and evening exposure.

Lymph drainage is a prerequisite for the session. Actions stimulating outflow are performed carefully, applying minimal pressure on the nodes. The movement of lymph occurs due to the descending development of a line from the ear lymph node to the collarbone along the border of the oval. The beginning and end of the path are a gentle pressure. Additionally, the point located under the lower jaw (the end of the bone under the chin) is stimulated.

Preparing for the session

Cleansing - mandatory procedure before performing Japanese massage. Covers are freed from cosmetics and used easy cleaning remedy (gel, foam), tonic. To enhance the effect, it is permissible to steam the skin a little by taking warm bath, shower. This is often overlooked when preparing for the procedure.

Clean covers are lubricated with oil (cream). There are special compositions for Japanese massage sessions. Suitable base It is permissible to prepare it yourself using low-fat base oil.

To increase the effectiveness of the effect, add 1-2 drops of esters that are suitable for your skin type and are useful for solving existing problems.

Pre-study movements, sequence of actions. Knowing the location of the lymph nodes is a must. Mistakes when performing actions can negatively affect your appearance and health.

Attention! The procedure is performed in any comfortable position allowing you to maintain your posture. When self-massage, the most common position is sitting (standing) in front of a mirror.

Instructions for implementation

The set of exercises of Japanese Zogan massage is extensive. Actions are selected individually. Age, existing problems, skin type are taken into account. Universal option performing exercises for rejuvenation consists of the following effects:

  1. Middle fingers are applied to areas of nasolabial folds. The pads of the fingers rest against the wings of the nose. Make a smooth movement of your fingers down and up. Perform 5–8 repetitions. The block is completed by rubbing the wings of the nose. The movements are energetic, directed from the back to the sides, reaching the cheeks. A series of exercises helps eliminate nasolabial folds and improve breathing.
  2. Improving the situation in the mouth area It helps to work the area with jerky pressures of the middle fingers with moderate force. Move from the center line of the chin to the sides. The circle is completed above the middle of the upper lip. The exercise helps eliminate wrinkles and lift the corners of the lips.
  3. To prevent sagging cheeks The hands are tightly connected with the palms inward, the top is unclenched. Cover your lips with your palms slightly open and move upward towards the wings of your nose. From this position they make a move to the temples. These movements are performed with significant pressure.
  4. To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, puffiness, circles work the area with circular movements. Start from the outer corner, moving along the edge of the orbit as carefully as possible. Impact on upper eyelid similar, goes in the opposite direction, more intensive elaboration is expected.
  5. Forehead support occurs due to the development of the area from the middle to the temples. A series of similar movements are carried out, affecting the entire surface of the forehead.

Each movement is performed 5–8 times, do not forget to do the final lymphatic drainage movement. Watching a short version of gymnastics with pictures, a program about the Japanese technique will help you master the actions more reliably.

Consolidate the result

You will be able to achieve an improvement in your condition after the first session. A pleasant feeling of skin tone will come, blood will flow to the integument. The color will improve, swelling and dark circles will decrease. To achieve a sustainable cosmetic effect, you will need 5–7 sessions. You can get rejuvenating results in 10–20 procedures. You can consolidate your achievements by regularly performing sessions.

Advice. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, controlling facial expressions, and supplementing achievements with face-building gymnastics exercises will make the results of the procedures more noticeable.

Cost of a session in the salon

You can master Japanese Zogan massage on your own. It is required to carefully study the rules for performing procedures and consolidate the actions in practice. Performing the treatment on a regular basis is required, the cost of sessions with a professional master is 500–2500 rubles. This is a considerable amount for 20–30 minutes of exposure, which must be performed as often as possible.

Precautionary measures

The main limitation when performing Japanese massage procedures is the need for careful pressure on the lymph nodes. Careless, excessively intense actions can cause harm to health. Any doctor will confirm this. The overall treatment of the tissues is deep, but the presence of pain is unacceptable.

Perform actions with prior consultation with a doctor in case of rosacea or skin rashes. Japanese Asahi Zogan sessions - perfect solution for owners curvaceous. Thinness is aggravated by active actions.

You will have to abandon the Japanese Zogan massage technique if:

  • inflammatory diseases (runny nose, sore throat, fever);
  • damage to skin integrity;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • oncology;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In order to maintain a young, blooming appearance until old age, you will have to try. Appearance needs to be taken care of early years. Massage is a promising option. You just have to perform the actions regularly, without skipping procedures without good reason.

Useful videos

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka at home.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage technique from Yukuko Tanaka with Irina Barbarich.

Japanese massage Zogan faces(Asahi) with Russian translation. Part 1.

Japanese Asahi facial massage is one of the special massage techniques modern cosmetologists, who is able to restore youth to a woman’s appearance in just enough time a short time.

The technique is based on the fact that the master presses on the necessary points according to a certain pattern, due to which the speed of lymph movement increases. This fluid moves in the human body due to muscle contraction. It carries lymphocytes, which supply the tissues with blood.

Thanks to its activation, cells are restored faster and decay products are eliminated faster. All this together leads to the fact that a woman becomes approximately 10 years younger in just a few sessions.

If we touch on history, the idea of ​​lymphatic drainage massage comes from Japan and belongs to cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. And stylist Tanaka Yukuko has already introduced her own elements into this technique, thus making the procedure much more effective. This massage has a number of advantages:

  1. Blood circulation and lymph circulation improves.
  2. Unnecessary fluid and toxins are removed from under the skin.
  3. Puffiness of the entire face is eliminated, and bags under the eyes disappear.
  4. The skin acquires freshness, clear contours appear around the oval of the face.
  5. Wrinkles smooth out and become less noticeable, and in some cases smooth out completely.
  6. The skin in the neck area is tightened and the double chin effect is eliminated.

The correct Asahi Zogan massage technique according to the system of Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, common mistakes

The very scheme of Japanese Asahi facial massage is designed to influence muscles located both superficially and deeply. They, in turn, activate the flow of lymph. Therefore, any touch begins directly from the lymph nodes.

The massage involves only two fingers of the right and left hands. This can be the index and middle or, depending on the convenience of the massage therapist, the middle and ring.

The main rule is that all movements are performed towards the central zone from peripheral, according to the lymph flow. From the submandibular nodes - to the ears, from the parotid to the temporal lobes.

Touches should be smooth, but without pressure. Massage of the nasolabial folds is performed towards the sides, and wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out with light movements from the temples.

It is important to know that massage performed using the Asahi method has a number of features. It is imperative to strictly differentiate the methods of influence, depending on what type of face a person has.

For thin, fat, round, square or oval are selected perfectly different systems. All properties of this procedure should be taken into account so as not to cause unintentional harm.

Exist the main mistakes that beginners encounter:

  1. You cannot begin Japanese Asahi massage for the face without prior knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes located on the neck and face.
  2. It is imprudent to perform the procedure without first cleaning the skin.
  3. Massage is recommended for people who have impaired lymph flow, but it should not be performed by those who have a tendency to dry out.
  4. This procedure is contraindicated for persons with pronounced vascular pathology due to the fact that the technique itself is aimed at increasing blood flow, and this can increase the appearance of spider veins on the skin.
  5. Do not perform exercises without applying special basis.
  6. It is under no circumstances recommended to use force when pressing on the lymph nodes.
  7. Massage is contraindicated if the skin has pronounced inflammatory processes and swollen.

Ignoring the basic rules and carelessness when performing lymphatic drainage massage leads to serious violations. A careless attitude towards your body can cause the expected result to follow. long-term treatment.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi Zogan for rejuvenating the entire face, treating swelling, slimming the cheeks

Many young women complain that their faces often swell after sleep and their cheeks become puffy. To correct the situation, you need to work with the central part of the face. You should clench your hands to form a fist.

All work will be carried out externally index fingers. They need to squeeze the two nostrils, and then move towards the temporal lobes. This exercise must be done 3 times in a row.

The second exercise is aimed at lifting the face. Your elbows and palms should be brought together directly in front of your chest. Then turn your palms up and open your hands. The palms must be placed in front of the lips. Their base is located in the central part of the chin.

Raise your palms to your nose, but do it with pressure, while placing them on your cheeks. Fix this for exactly 3 seconds, then lower your face and make a “smile”, pulling it towards your ears. Then bring your palms to the temporal lobes and complete the exercise. This exercise is also done in 3 approaches.


  1. Facial swelling subsides.
  2. The skin becomes elastic and tightened.
  3. “Cheeks” are eliminated.
  4. An oval face appears.

Japanese massage technique Asahi Zogan for women against sagging cheeks in 10 minutes a day

One more actual problem is sagging cheeks. To prevent this phenomenon, Asahi suggests the following exercises. It is necessary to firmly press the ring and middle fingers to the center point of the chin.

Applying pressure, you should perform sliding movements to the outer corners of the eyes. Without catching your lips. After freezing for 3 seconds, turn your palms and move them to your temples.

Exercise two. The elbows, like the palms, are in their original position. They need to be folded so that you hold them in front of you. Then open your palms up so that they are at the base of your lips. Using slight pressure, lift them to the nostrils, so that the cheeks are covered.

Stay in this turn for 3 seconds, after which you can release the pressure and spread your palms to your temples.


  1. The skin becomes elastic.
  2. Excess liquid is removed.
  3. The original contour is restored to the face.

Asahi Zogan anti-aging massage for wrinkles: minus 10 years, Japanese technology
Massage aimed at rejuvenating the skin ranks first in demand. First of all, his exercises are aimed at eliminating wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds.

To make the grooves on the forehead disappear you need two fingers light zigzag smooth out with movements top part located directly above the eyes. First from right to left, then vice versa and then again in the same direction.

It is important that the movements are gentle; there is no need to try to move the skin.

And to prevent nasolabial folds, the following exercise is used. The thumbs on both hands should be placed directly under the chin in the center. At this time, do the rest of the nose girth.

It should look like your nose is between your palms. The hands are folded in a praying pose. Extend your palms towards your ears, as if you were doing a face push-up. The task must be repeated three times.


  1. The skin returns healthy and full vitality view.
  2. The woman becomes much younger than her years.
  3. Small wrinkles and folds are smoothed out.

The effectiveness of Asahi Zogan rejuvenating facial massage at different ages: whether it helps or not

In addition to the frequency of Japanese Asahi massage for the face and professional qualities cosmetologist, there is another factor that influences the result - age.

The older a woman is, the less active her lymph outflow will be, which means rapid aging of the skin, premature sagging, the appearance of wrinkles and swelling. Therefore, at a certain age, attention should be paid to the corresponding problem areas.

IN 20 summer age Neutral techniques are used to maintain youth and preserve beauty. At the age of 30, you should take into account the prevention of the appearance of bags under the eyes, dark circles and swelling of the face.

At the age of 40 it is necessary to prevent the appearance facial wrinkles, especially on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Maintain the tone of the lower part of the face and prevent sagging cheeks.

At the age of 50, exercises are selected in order to maintain the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face and the chin itself, which is especially important for this age.

At 60 years old, a woman needs to not skip the neck area, cheek lift and base of the face.

Self-massage at home: short version for 6 minutes a day, implementation schemes, lesson in pictures

Japanese Asahi facial massage is good because it does not require special equipment other than the hands of a cosmetologist. This means that it can be done at home. But if we talk about quality, it would be fair to note that the massage is high level Only a trained person can carry it out.

Here is a sample diagram. You need to start with mastering the final exercises that should end each session:

  1. Using three fingers (without using only the thumb and little finger), you need to press on a point located near the auricles in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
  2. In this case, the touch is made not with bunches, but with fingers along the entire length.
  3. This lasts about 2 seconds.
  4. After this interval, you should smoothly move to the collarbones, maintaining the intensity of the touch. This movement is the main one and it needs to be mastered first.

You need to massage the forehead area with the 3 fingers indicated above, pressing it to its center. And after 3 seconds, slowly move to the temples. Turn your palms exactly 90 degrees and move them down. Finishing with the same finishing movement.

When eliminating wrinkles around the eyes, you need to touch the outer corners with your fingertips. And then slip into the inner corners, the famous “beauty spot.” Stay there for three seconds.

The pressure should be increased slightly. The movement itself is performed in a circle, slightly lower than the eyebrow line. Fix at the outer corners and hold for 3 seconds. Return to the inner corners, along the lower eyelid. And execute the completion again.

When the turn comes to the lips in the Japanese Asahi facial massage, the middle and ring fingers must be placed in the center of the base of the face, then press and hold them. Move them in a circle, pressing intensely. Fixate above the upper lip and stay in this state for several seconds.

When massaging the central part of the face, you need to press the middle of the chin with three fingers and move towards the eyes. Apply pressure without releasing. Fix near the eyes for 3 seconds and turn your palms towards the temporal lobes.

If, while performing these exercises, you notice that the skin is covered with wounds or pimples, then be sure to stop the session. This type of Japanese Asahi facial massage is contraindicated for you.

The pressing itself should be strong enough, but it will not cause pain. Before starting, sit comfortably, keep your back straight, nothing should distract you from the procedure.

It is preferable to do the exercises in front of a mirror so that you can make sure that you are performing them correctly.

Japanese Asahi facial massage must be carried out in a prepared state. Without negative thoughts, with an attitude towards a positive result.

Features of performing Asahi Zogan facial massage in specific cases: the opinion of a specialist doctor

Quite often the question arises whether there are any contraindications to its use after cosmetic procedures. Each case must be considered individually.

After Botox injections

After a Botox injection, there is a general prohibition on any physical impact on the face. It lasts about a month. But after thirty days, such exercises are both permitted and encouraged. Because they can be used to improve appearance women.

But before taking active steps, you need to consult a specialist.

After fillers

Fillers allow women to surgical intervention execute contour plastic surgery problem areas lips, eyelids, chin, nasolabial folds.

But after this procedure, you are prohibited from touching your face for the next six hours. If you violate the recommendation, a hematoma may occur.

But there is no need to talk about massage for the next thirty days. But in some cases it is prescribed specifically to ensure uniform distribution under the skin. In this case, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.

After facial cleansing

IN beauty salons you can find such a service as facial cleansing. Is it allowed to combine this procedure and massage according to the Asahi system? To answer this question, it should be noted that cleaning can be done in different ways: manual and mechanical, as well as using an electric current laser or ultrasound.

In some cases, cosmetologists perform a massage after manual cleaning. It stimulates collagen production. This substance quickly restores damaged skin. But when deep cleaning You should not resort to this service, since it can cause harm to those areas of the skin where microtraumas have appeared.

Therefore, there is no way to do without additional consultation regarding permission to perform massage after cosmetic procedures.

Prices for Asahi Zogan massage in major cities of Russia: what does the cost depend on

This service is very popular and is offered in most salons. The cost of a massage depends on the level of the clinic and the duration of the session. The price of cosmetologist services in Moscow and St. Petersburg is approximately the same. They range from 1500 to 2000 in 30 minutes.

So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg. So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg.

How often should you do an Asahi Zogan massage for rejuvenation: recommendations from experts

Experts recommend performing massage 2 times a day. For one session, 10-15 minutes are enough. And when positive results after a while you can switch to 2 or 3 times a week. Everything will depend on the condition of the skin and the intensity of the recovery processes.

Have you developed wrinkles and your facial skin has become sagging? No problem! Japanese facial massage will help you rejuvenate your skin by 7-10 years, make your oval clear. Mastering his technique is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you don’t have to take paid courses; you can simply watch free video lessons that can easily be found on the Internet.

History of Japanese facial massage

Japanese facial massage was born thanks to cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi. She kept this miraculous recipe for youth a secret for a very long time, fearing that her technique would not be taken seriously.

But having received a blessing from her mother, she still decided to reveal her secret to Japanese women, after which the technique from Hiroshi Hisashi spread throughout the world. If no one suspected the existence of this massage for literally several decades, then after the release of the bestseller “Asahi Massage. Morning Sun”, which was created by Lila Butter, today it is already known in every country and is very popular among the female population.

Why this technique was called Asahi is still not known. Its real name is ZOGAN-massage, which translated means “Creating a face”.

Impact principle

Japanese Asahi facial massage affects all structures, right down to the bone base, which allows you to use both superficial facial muscles and motor ones. Due to this, blood circulation increases, which allows for faster flow nutrients into the skin cells, thereby giving the face a healthy color.

During the procedure, muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, due to which the skin tone increases and its tissue is transformed, the number of wrinkles decreases, and the oval of the face becomes clear. And for some women, Japanese facial massage even improved their vision. Thanks to this technique, you can rejuvenate your skin by 7–10 years.


In order to master the massage technique, you need to know about some rules:

  • Asahi facial massage should only be performed on clean skin. It must be cleaned of makeup, as well as the fat layer. To do this, you need to use a scrub and wipe your face dry;
  • Before contact, the skin must be softened with natural oils. For these purposes, you can use flaxseed, olive, almond or cotton. Today, these oils can be easily purchased at any pharmacy;
  • Japanese massage can be done in any position - sitting, standing or lying down. However, your posture should be perfectly straight;
  • Each exercise should end with final movements: after finishing the massage, you need to move your fingers towards top edge auricle, stay there for literally a few seconds, then move down with sliding movements of your fingers, while still making a short pause at a point that is located 2 cm below the edge of the lower jaw. Then we bring the exercise to the final point.
  • You need to massage twice a day - morning and evening.

After the first procedure, you may experience headache and dizziness. This is explained by the strong flow of blood into the head. As a rule, this goes away after the third procedure.

Asahi facial massage includes 12 exercises. Let's look at each of them separately in the order in which they should occur.

Exercise No. 1

Japanese facial massage begins with the frontal bone. It is necessary to fix the pads of the fingers in the center of the frontal bone (we use two fingers on each hand), and then move them towards the temples, while using force. Next, you need to turn the palms of your hands by 90 0 and, slightly reducing the pressure, make the final movement, which was described above.

Exercise No. 2

Next comes gentle massaging lower eyelids in the direction from the outer area to the inner corner. Then from the inner corner you need to smoothly move to the bridge of the nose, and from there to the superciliary area, after which a reverse movement occurs in the same direction, only with the use of force.

Then, from the outer area of ​​the eyelids, you again need to smoothly move to the inner corner and, slightly reducing the pressure, perform the final action.

Exercise No. 3

Next, Japanese facial massage is designed to strengthen the muscles around the mouth. The fingertips must be fixed in the hollow of the chin, after which, using force, you need to make Roundabout Circulation around the mouth, connecting the fingers above the upper lip at the central point. This exercise does not require a finishing movement. It is performed 3 times.

Exercise #4

It is necessary to fix the fingertips on the side walls of the nose. You need to make quick massaging movements using force in the up and down direction 20 times, then move towards the temples in the direction of the zygomatic area and perform the final action.

Exercise #5

Exercise #6

This exercise is performed first with one hand, then with the other. While one hand performs the exercise, the other fixes the skin in the lower jaw area, which results in the effect of stretching the skin.

So, the fingertips need to be fixed at the corner of the mouth. Then, using force, move them along the cheeks up to the eyes. From the eyes, reducing the pressure, to the temples and make the final movement.

Exercise No. 7

For this exercise, you need to fix the fingertips along the edges of the nose and make a smooth pressing movement to the temporal area, from which the final movement is then made.

Exercise #8

This exercise is performed not with the fingers, but with the hands connected at the wrists and spread apart at the fingers. They need to be placed under the chin and forcefully make a smooth movement towards the temporal region, after which the final movement is made.

Exercise #9

The same movement must be made from the corners of the mouth to the temples, from where proceed to the final technique.

Exercise No. 10

We use our hands again, only now pressing movements occur along the edge of the mandibular bone to the temples, then the final technique.

Exercise No. 11

To perform this, you need to fix the pads thumbs under the chin, and clasp your index fingers together. You should get a kind of triangle into which you need to “push” your face. Next, without opening your thumbs, move your index fingers forcefully towards your ears, then, without lifting your fingers from your face, you need to move them under the lower area of ​​the eyes.

Exercise No. 12

Japanese facial massage ends with zigzag movements on the forehead bone, which smoothly flow into the final action.

This technique works very quickly. Once you have reached desired result, there is no need to completely stop anti-aging procedures. In order for the effect to last long, it is necessary to do preventive Japanese massage using the same technique at least once every 2 days.

By secret

  • You missed your classmates' reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And you catch the admiring glances of men less and less...
  • Advertised skin care products don't freshen up your face as much as they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror increasingly reminds us of age...
  • Do you think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to “preserve” your youth for many years...
  • You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery but today he showed up!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth