Japanese massage technique Asahi (Zogan). Japanese Asahi Facial Massage: Learning the Technique

Japanese facial massage Zogan (or Zogan) is an ancient Japanese self-massage of the face, it has been passed down from generation to generation. The first to use it was the beautician Hiroshi Hirsashi. Make-up artist Yukuko Tanaka made it widely known and called it "Become 10 years younger."

(By the way, its second name is Asahi (Rising Sun), not Japanese. That’s what Laine Butter, an English-speaking beauty guru, called him when she met him on the Internet and decided to use it in her work.)
Ten is not ten, but the condition of the face becomes much better. And you will see the result within a week, unless of course you do everything correctly and regularly. To do this, learn how to properly the techniques shown in the video below.

Here are the problems that the Japanese lymphatic drainage self-massage for the face Zogan (translated as “facial transformation”) removes:

Removes around the eyes, bags, dark circles, sagging skin and wrinkles.
Helps to make the shape of the nose more elegant.
Removes wrinkles on the forehead, swelling, cheeks, double chin, nasolabial folds.
Significantly improves complexion.
The face is tightened along the contour.
There is some weight loss in the face.
Removes excess fluid and toxins. Due to this, it also has a healing effect.

And interestingly, this massage acts in a complex way: on the lymph, bones, muscles, and skin. What is much more important, because it is precisely because of the drying of the muscles that wrinkles appear on the face.

The massage takes about 5 minutes. You can perform it at any time of the day, in complexes or daily. There are no specific recommendations for this. It is possible that at first your hands will hurt, since you need to press hard enough, but after a month they will get much stronger and will not cause you any trouble.

Zogan massage has contraindications.

If you have a fever or simply feel unwell, then it is better to refrain from performing a massage complex, since in the event of an infection, toxins can spread throughout the body. This is because the massage is lymphatic. And the lymphatic system of the body is one whole, regardless of where in the body we act on it.
It cannot be done if you have diseases: the lymphatic system or autoimmune, inflammatory processes on the face or rosacea. If in doubt it is possible or not, it is always better to consult a doctor.
A thin face with sunken cheeks.
It is undesirable to do during menstruation.

How to prepare for a Zogan massage.

Wipe the skin with your usual cleansing toner or lotion. Apply a special massage cream to the face and neck area, or a special oil (almond, apricot, olive, coconut oil is said to work best) or just a baby cream in a large enough amount. Let your hands slide freely over your face. During the massage, add cream as needed if you feel that your hands do not glide well. After the massage, remove the remnants of the cream or oil that you used for the massage with a napkin.

How to do self-massage for the face from Yukuko Tanaka.

The video is divided into 3 parts.
In the first, Yukoku (by the way, she is 62 years old in this video!) shows a massage on a model.
In the second, the model shows how to do Asahi self-massage.
In the third part, Yukuko Tanaka talks about common mistakes during Zogan lymphatic massage.
First, carefully review all 3 parts and only after that begin to perform facial massage.

And remember!: On the temporal cavities and lymphatic pathways, use only light pressure!!!

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 40 years

Remember that these are additional techniques, first you need to do the main set of movements.

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 50 years

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 60 years

Here are some reviews copied from the rutracker forum:

Now as for the active distributor and inspirer to perform the ancient Japanese massage Asahi (Zogan) - the respected Yukuko Tanaka. On the Internet you can read different theories. But in fact, Yukuko died in 2013 - and lung cancer ruined her, as she was a heavy smoker. So please do not smoke - take care of your health and watch your beauty.

You can read other articles, for this use

Zogan facial massage is considered one of the most popular and effective rejuvenating massage techniques. Many women have personally experienced the effectiveness of this technique. The systematic implementation of special massage techniques will allow in a short period of time to improve the oval of the face, smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate swelling under the eyes, the second chin, as well as nasolabial folds.

The founder of the Japanese technique of rejuvenating massage Zogan is the stylist and cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. She brought together her research and improvements in this area and in 2007 her book “Facial Massage” was published.

What is the secret of the Japanese rejuvenating Zogan massage?

In fact, the technique is a lymphatic drainage massage, which improves blood circulation in tissues, improves lymph flow, thereby removing accumulated toxins in skin cells. The massage therapist simultaneously affects the muscles, lymphatic system and connective tissue. The uniqueness of this method primarily lies in the impact on the deep tissues of the face. As a rule, a classic facial massage consists of applying oil to the skin with soft stroking movements along the massage lines.

The masseur of the Zogan technique involves the underlying tissues and even the bones of the skull. It should be noted that the techniques are performed not with the fingertips, but with the whole palm. The next positive aspect of the rejuvenating Japanese massage is considered to be its detoxifying effect on the skin of the face. The hands of the master move along the lymphatic vessels, which allows you to increase the lymph flow of the face and neck, removing accumulated toxins in this area. During the procedure, facial muscles are well worked out, strengthened and toned. Thanks to this, the oval of the face acquires a tightened clear contour, pronounced wrinkles are smoothed out, improving its appearance.

The main benefits of Zogan massage:

  • The circulation of the lymph of the facial zone is enhanced.
  • The contour of the face is noticeably tightened, its color improves.
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Edema is reduced.
  • The second chin disappears.

Like other cosmetic procedures, anti-aging massage has certain rules for performing, without which the effectiveness will not be so visible.

Basic rules for massage:

  • The procedure is carried out only on a previously cleansed face. Hands should also be cleaned. At the end of the procedure, clean your face from the remnants of the sliding base.
  • Massage should be carried out only on a sliding basis. As a basis, you can take almond, olive, linseed oil, make-up remover milk. In massage parlors, masters prepare special massage mixtures. The palms should glide well over the skin.
  • The basic rule of massage is that hand movements should be directed from the periphery to the center, moving along the lymphatic passages.
  • The procedure is performed sitting with a straight back or standing.
  • Receptions should be smooth, without sudden movements, evenly slide along the intended trajectory. You can not put pressure on the lymph nodes. Hand movements should be practically uninterrupted.

Contraindications for implementation:

  • Diseases of the lymphatic system in a patient.
  • Angina, pharyngitis and other ENT diseases.
  • Rash, pustules on the face, diseases of the skin of the face.
  • Painful feeling unwell, SARS, runny nose.
  • Couperose.
  • Tired state, increased fatigue.

Zogan massage technique by Yukuko Tanaka

First of all, let's clarify that all massage exercises should be completed with the so-called "final reception". The reception is performed in this way: we place our fingers in the region of the parotid lymph node (the point is located slightly below the temple), we begin to move along the ear along the jaw joint, moving down the neck, almost to the collarbone.

The pressure of this exercise should not be strong. The essence of the reception is the withdrawal of lymph to the region of the lymph node located near the collarbones.

  • Forehead area (wrinkle smoothing): we start the massage with the study of the forehead area. We use both hands, put our fingers on the forehead so that they practically touch each other. With moderate pressure, we begin to move towards the temples. Having reached the temples, we smoothly move on to the “final reception” (forehead-temples-neck-collarbone). Repeat all the way 3 times.
  • Eye area (elimination of edema): fingers are placed in the area of ​​the outer edge of the eyes. With a light, barely perceptible pressure, we move along the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes. At this point, we hold our fingers with pressing for 2-3 seconds, and then we continue to move with a slightly strong pressure along the upper edge of the eyelid, under the eyebrows and stop in the temple area, holding our fingers for 2 seconds. We do the reception 3 times.
  • The zone of the mouth and chin (raising the corners of the lips): the fingers of both hands (middle, ring) are placed in the center of the chin, the dimple area. Hold your fingers with pressure for 3 seconds and begin to move around the mouth to the center above the upper lip. Hold the fingers for 3 seconds with pressure, then remove the fingers from the face. We start the exercise again from the center of the chin. We perform 3 times.
  • Cheek zone (smoothing nasolabial folds, cheeks): we place the fingers of both hands near the wings of the nose, in the so-called "dog's hole". We make 5 translational movements up and down, outlining the wings of the nose. We move the fingers to the bridge of the nose, perform rubbing movements from the top of the bridge of the nose to the nasolabial fold.
  • Zone of the mouth, chin, cheeks, cheekbones: fingers are placed in the center of the chin, in the dimple. With a little effort, we begin the movement from the chin, around the mouth, to the inner corner of the eyes. From the eyes to the temples, and then perform the final movement.
  • Cheek zone (raising the lower part of the face): each part of the face is worked out separately. We place the fingers in the center of the lower jaw bone. With effort, we begin to draw a line, sliding over the skin: the center of the lower jaw bone is the inner corner of the eye, we linger for 3 seconds and continue moving to the ear tragus and finish with the final technique. Similarly, we work out the second part of the face.
  • Cheek zone (face lifting): we place our hands with palms up. With effort we put our palms to the corners of the mouth and “put” our cheeks into our palms. We fix the position for 3 seconds and press them to the temples. Next, we perform the final movement.
  • Chin zone (lip formation): we place our fingers in the center of the chin, tilt our head forward a little and “draw a smile”, moving towards the tragus. The exercise should be performed 3 times.
  • We smooth the second chin: we work on each side separately. We place the base of the palm under the chin, fingers to the ear. It is important to work out not only the jawbone, but also the muscles under the chin. With moderate pressure, we draw from the center to the tragus of the ear, and then we perform the final movement. We perform 3 times.
  • Forehead zone (smoothing wrinkles): we place the fingers of one hand on the left side of the forehead, with zigzag movements we begin to gently smooth the forehead, moving to the right. Then zigzag to the left. We work on the forehead area 3 times.

Such a massage complex can be included in your morning wash diet, which will take no more than 15 minutes. Regular performance of Japanese massage for 1-2 months will noticeably improve the contour of your face, refresh it, having a lifting effect.

Zogan massage video

Useful tips and recommendations on how to properly perform Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka for wrinkles at home: technique for its implementation, indications and contraindications for the procedure, rejuvenating mechanism of action on the skin, lymphatic map of the face.

Despite the rapidly developing modern cosmetology with its magical procedures and miraculous remedies, every woman understands all her shortcomings. In this regard, you really want to pamper your skin with something natural and natural, but the food products from which you can make homemade masks also contain the same notorious “chemistry” - the scourge of our time. However, there is a way out of this seemingly impasse: try to rejuvenate your skin by mastering Japanese facial massage from Tanaka Yukuko, a talented stylist from the Land of the Rising Sun. Judging by the reviews of ordinary people who have already tried it, and experienced cosmetologists, it is worth spending time on it.

A bit of Japanese massage history

In fact, the Japanese Asahi (the name, which sounds very beautiful in translation, as “massage of the morning sun”) is an old and effective way to restore youth. The technique of its implementation has been perfected for centuries, the effectiveness has been proven by a large number of the most rave reviews. In our time, it was revived by Tanaka Yukuko, a popular Japanese stylist.

For your information!

She was taught the basic nuances of massage by her own grandmother, although Tanaka herself brought it to perfection.

She laid out all her achievements, experience, observations in a book that was published in 2007 - “Facial Massage”. If you want to fully master this technique, you should find this publication and study it.

Mechanism of action on the skin

A truly miraculous effect has a Japanese facial massage Zogan (another name for this technique), if performed correctly and regularly. What is the secret of the rejuvenation that is so easy to achieve with it? The thing is that with proper stimulation of the right points, skin cells seem to wake up from sleep and begin to work at full strength. Here's how it goes:

  • under the point action are the deepest tissues, in contrast to standard techniques, when light stroking movements along the massage lines do not affect the underlying tissues, and they remain indifferent;
  • another significant difference between Japanese massage and European techniques - it is not done with the fingertips, as we are all used to, but with the whole palm;
  • a detoxifying effect occurs: movements within the framework of Japanese massage are made along the lymphatic vessels, concentrating in the areas where the lymph nodes are located;
  • it improves the outflow of lymph;
  • toxins are actively removed;
  • the muscles of the front part of the head are toned and strengthened;
  • the oval of the face acquires clearer contours;
  • the severity of wrinkles is significantly reduced;
  • appearance, skin color is noticeably improved.


The process of Japanese massage involves skin, muscles, connective tissue and even (surprisingly!) bones of the skull.

This is the effect of the Japanese Asahi-Zogan facial massage, the art of which can be mastered by every woman whose dream is to stop time and slow down, as far as possible, the aging processes that occur with her skin. Since the lymphatic system of the body, which is very important for human health, is involved in the process, it is necessary to keep in mind the indications and contraindications for such a powerful massage.

Indications for Japanese massage

Keep in mind that Japanese Tsogan facial massage can not be done by everyone and not at all at any age. Since it has a targeted effect, you need to know in which cases cosmetologists recommend doing it. It will actually have an effect on the skin in the following cases:

  • if you wake up every morning swelling on the face: they testify precisely to the malfunction of your lymphatic system, and the Japanese facial massage Tanaka normalizes it, promotes the outflow of fluid;
  • with blurred facial contours with age when the oval is spoiled by cheeks, a double chin and other sagging folds;
  • When complexion is unhealthy: yellowness or grayness, for example;
  • considered the most effective japanese face massage for wrinkles, and from any - both mimic and age-related.

Judging by the reviews, Japanese facial massage allows you to look 10 years younger if you do everything in accordance with the recommendations. By normalizing the lymphatic system, it seems to slow down the aging process. Accordingly, wrinkles become smaller, and, and the condition of the skin improves significantly.

Usually no one complains about the results, because they become noticeable already a couple of weeks after the first procedure. However, they can be achieved only by those who take into account not only the indications, but also contraindications for Japanese massage.

About contraindications

Before you fight age-related changes that have affected your skin, please note that the rejuvenating Japanese facial massage has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ENT pathology;
  • skin rashes of any kind on the face;
  • SARS;
  • rosacea;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • thin, sensitive skin.

Due to its powerful effect on the lymphatic system of the body, Japanese can aggravate the course of these diseases, cause a number of side effects and not give the desired results. In order not to be disappointed in this method of rejuvenation, be sure to adhere to these contraindications. If everything is in order with your health, you can begin to master the technique of performing this amazing massage.

Describing Japanese facial massage in her book, Yukuko Tanaka told in detail how, in what conditions and even with what mood it should be performed. Every little thing matters. If we sum up all her useful tips and recommendations for those who want to master the technique of performing Japanese rejuvenating massage, the following postulates are obtained.

  1. All manipulations must be done exclusively on clean skin. Therefore, wash your face before the procedure, remove all remnants of decorative cosmetics with any cleanser.
  2. The skin of the face at the time of the massage should be absolutely dry. If there is moisture left on it after washing, blot it with a cosmetic tissue.
  3. The greatest effect can be achieved if you first clean the pores with a scrub. This must be done at least once a week.
  4. Learn where the lymphatic vessels and nodes are localized on the face and neck, what can skillfully influence them during the massage. This is the main condition for its effectiveness.
  5. Each movement must be done in a strict direction, created specifically for him.
  6. The force of pressure when manipulating the fingers should be palpable, but not painful.
  7. The back during the Japanese Zogan massage should be straight. It is better to do it sitting or standing. But if you can't keep your posture straight, it's best to lie down.
  8. The massage time is 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. Before the procedure, the face and hands should be lubricated with a special massage cream. Be sure to test it for allergies.

If you follow the advice of Tanaka Yukuko and regularly do Japanese facial massage competently, with skill, the results will not be long in coming. These helpful tips will help you make the procedure as efficient and useful as possible. Do not forget to study the location of the lymph nodes and blood vessels on the face.

Before practicing the Japanese Zogan massage, you will have to carefully study the anatomical atlas, which describes in detail the localization of the lymphatic vessels and nodes on the face. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to fulfill a prerequisite for proper massage - the normalization of lymph flow. Lymph nodes are located on the face and neck in the following places:

  1. Around the ears.
  2. Behind the ears.
  3. On the back of the head.
  4. On the lower jaw.
  5. Under the tongue.
  6. In the corners of the lower jaw.
  7. On the neck.

Working with these points, according to the Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka, you need to be extremely careful. If all movements have sufficient pressure, then in these places it must be weakened. This also applies to the basic rules of the Asahi Japanese massage technique, which is designed to make young and beautiful even mature, wrinkled skin, which has been touched by inexorable years.

Asahi massage technique

To master the correct execution of Asahi massage, it is best to watch the training video in advance, read the detailed description of each movement again, practice, and then practice. If there is any doubt, you can sign up for the first session with the master and during the massage, carefully monitor the manipulation of his skillful, professional hands. This will help you understand many aspects of the procedure.

  • Finishing move

Oddly enough, you need to start with mastering the final movement, which will end any Asahi exercise. Here's how it's done:

  1. With 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press (slightly) on a point located near the very shells of the ears - in the region of the lymph nodes.
  2. Pressing should be done not with the fingertips, but with the entire length, while pressing the fingers tightly to the face.
  3. The duration of pressing should be approximately 2 seconds.
  4. After that, smoothly go down to the collarbones, but do not change the intensity of pressure.

This movement in Japanese massage Zorgan is the main one, so it must be mastered one of the first.

  • Forehead

With 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press firmly to the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, smoothly take them to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Near the temples, turn your palms 90 ° C, slide them down, complete the final exercise.

  • Eyes

With the pads of the middle fingers, touch the outer corners of the eyes, slide without pressure to the inner corners, resting on the bridge of the nose - this will be the point of beauty (hold on it for 3 seconds). Increase the pressure, run your fingers in a circle below the eyebrows, where the very edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners, fix the pressure there for a duration of 3 seconds. Release the pressure, return to the inner corner, following along the lower eyelid. Increase the pressure, return along the lower eye socket to the outer corner, linger at the point, pressing lightly. Make the final move.

  • Lips

Place the ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, press, linger. Move your fingers around your lips with intense pressure. Finish the movement in the very center above the upper lip, hold the pressure at this point for a few seconds.

  • Nose

Place the middle fingers near the wings of the nose in the depressions, make 5 sliding, smooth movements from the bottom up, then back. Attach the ring finger, intensively rub the back of the nose, move towards the cheeks.

  • lower face

Press three middle fingers firmly to the center of the chin. Without releasing pressure, move towards the eyes, while bending around the corners of the mouth. Fix near the eyes for 3 seconds, turn your palms, spread them to your temples.

  • Cheeks

Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open your hands with your palms up, put the base of your palms to your lips. Raise them to the nostrils with effort, cover your cheeks with your palms. Fix for 3 seconds. Spread your palms to the temples with pressure.

These are the basics of the Japanese Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka facial massage, which should be mastered by everyone who wants to prolong the youth of their skin and somehow slow down the aging process. It will justify the time spent on it, and will surely delight you with its rejuvenating effect. With it, it is possible even in years to be without a single wrinkle and surprise everyone with an even tone of elastic, elastic skin.

Japanese facial massage Asahi against wrinkles at home: mastering the technique

4 /5 - 75 ratings

If you have already heard about the amazing results of rejuvenation, improving the condition of the skin of the face after using various face-building methods, massage techniques, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with a really effective method that will help not only noticeably get rid of wrinkles even after 50 years, but also look 10 years younger in appearance! This japanese facial massage, which is desirable to perform in the technique of zogan (asahi), in order to achieve the maximum lifting effect already in 1-2 courses. Of course, massage is one of the key ways to improve appearance, but it is important to properly organize comprehensive facial skin care at home, regularly using cosmetic creams and nourishing anti-wrinkle masks, moisturizing gels, essential and vegetable oils, serums (after 45-50 years).

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So, why exactly the Japanese zogan (asahi) facial massage will help you look 10 years younger if you carefully study the technique and perform the procedures correctly at home? The fact is that the Zogan (Asahi) massage intensively affects not only the upper layers of the skin, but also the entire muscular frame of the face. Moreover, during the procedure, not only numerous facial muscles are actively involved (because of which we observe the appearance of the first wrinkles on the face, "crow's feet"), but also deeper motor facial muscles. Even bone tissue is actively stimulated and therefore massage is often called osteopathic.

Zogan (asahi) effectively eliminates congestion, significantly accelerating the outflow of lymphatic fluid and venous blood, and the accumulated intercellular fluid "resolves" after just a few procedures. As a result, blood circulation improves, toxins and slags are removed 5-10 times faster! In the morning, noticeable swelling under the eyes will no longer upset you, dark circles around the eyes will disappear, there will be no trace of wen and milia due to the lymphatic drainage properties of Japanese massage. In adulthood, even bags in the periorbital region noticeably decrease in size after several courses. Thanks to this technique (combined with proper skin care), many Oriental women after 50 look like they are in their 30s!


During the procedure, the trophism of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue is activated, oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the deep layers of the skin occurs. It improves blood circulation and accelerates the restoration of collagen and elastic tissues, which contributes to the normalization of the visco-elastic properties of the subcutaneous structures of the face in adulthood.

The result is a natural skin rejuvenation process. The oval of the face is tightened, the contours become more clear and drawn without a second chin. The skin becomes more elastic, due to the strengthening of the structure of the facial muscles, the effect of sagging skin is eliminated.

Due to the outflow of excess fluid and improved blood circulation down to the network of the smallest capillaries, chronic puffiness under the eyes disappears, dark circles no longer appear in the periorbital area.

Thanks to the Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage, the complexion improves, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, which allows you to look 10 years younger!


Japanese facial massage is shown not only in adulthood to improve the appearance and get rid of wrinkles. Women after 30-35 years old, who have found the first signs of age-related changes on their face, will also be useful to adopt this rejuvenation method in order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. However, there are a number of contraindications in which facial massage will have to be abandoned:

- large birthmarks on the face;

Signs of herpes on the face;


Active inflammatory processes;


Fresh wounds or scars.


▪ Before the procedure at home, thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup and accumulated dirt with a cleansing lotion (or milk) on a cotton pad. If there are no contraindications, it is useful to do a superficial peeling with a coffee or oatmeal scrub (if the skin is problematic, you can use a gentle gommage) and then apply a moisturizing tonic;

▪ during the massage, the palms and fingertips should easily slide over the surface of the skin of the face. As a massage base, you can use a fat cream, but it is best to choose an oil suitable for your skin type (grape seed, olive, avocado, linseed, jojoba). From time to time it is useful to use a massage base with active nutrients and anti-aging properties (milk from seaweed kelp or oatmeal, cosmetic cream, flaxseed decoction with essential oils);

▪ According to the rules, Japanese massage can be performed both in a vertical position (it is important to keep your posture) and in a horizontal position. In the Zogan (Asahi) technique, stroking movements are performed from the periphery to the center of the lymphatic ducts, while you should not press hard on the lymph nodes (before the procedure, it is useful to carefully examine the picture with the location of the lymphatic ducts and nodes on the face);

▪ during the massage, slags and toxins are actively released through the pores, so be sure to clean the skin of the face after the procedure with a cotton pad with your cosmetic product;

▪ Of course, a Japanese facial massage performed by a professional with experience is much preferable to a homemade, do-it-yourself massage. Usually a session lasts 30-40 minutes and once a week is enough (one course: 8-14 procedures, depending on age and skin condition). At home, perform the procedure for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week.


- in the photo: appearance before the course (14 procedures) of facial massage using the zogan (asahi) technique and after


In the arsenal of a professional, as a rule, there are 30-40 exercises for facial massage with lymphatic drainage and osteopathic effects. Below are 10 basic exercises to perform at home. Exercises are performed with both hands. Below you will find video tutorials that clearly demonstrate the zogan (asahi) technique performed by Yukuko Tanaka.

So, evenly apply the massage base on the face and proceed:

❶ We smooth wrinkles on the forehead.
With effort we press the pads of the index and middle fingers to the middle of the forehead and move to the temples. From the temples we go to the points under the earlobes. Total: 4-5 times;

❷ We remove the second chin, smooth out the nasolabial folds.
With the pads of the middle fingers, we press the central part of the chin and evenly stretch the skin towards the nasolabial fold in the nose area. We press on the nasolabial folds, hold the fingers for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Total: 4 times;

❸ Get rid of puffiness and circles around the eyes.
With the middle finger, we stretch the skin from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, and then with a little more pressure we move from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples along the lower eyelid. Total: 5-6 times;

❹ We remove the wrinkles in the nose area.
Press the middle and index fingers on the wings of the nose and move in the area of ​​the nose, as if drawing an infinity sign. We stop on the wings of the nose and stretch the skin towards the ears. Total: 6-8 times;

❺ We smooth out the wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.
We press the skin strongly enough over the upper lip, move around the mouth, then move towards the upper jaw and then to the lower eyelids, press and hold our fingers there for several seconds. After that, we move to the ears, slightly reduce the pressure on the skin. Total: 3-4 times;

❻ We strengthen the muscles and skin in the cheek area, eliminate the fleas.
Press the chin with one hand. With the middle and index fingers of the second hand, we press on the point between the upper and lower jaws, and then we move diagonally up to the eyes, from there, also diagonally down. Change the position of the hands and repeat the massage on the other side of the face. Total: 4 times on each side;

❼ Face lifting.
We rest on the fingertips with our chin, press with force with our palms and lift the skin up, just above the temples, slightly touching the ears with our palms. Total: 5-6 times;

❽ We tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin.
We put our chin in the palm of our hands and, pressing hard, lift the skin towards the ears. Total: 8 times;

❾ We strengthen the muscles of the face in the chin area.
Fold your palms in front of your face, spread your elbows to the sides. Press your nose with your fingers and rest your chin on your thumbs. Now you need to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin in a circular motion for several minutes;

❿ We smooth wrinkles on the forehead. With the middle and index fingers of each hand, massage the forehead from the center to the temples. Total: 6-8 times.


Get rid of wrinkles on your own, without surgeries and expensive procedures... It sounds like a fairy tale, but Japanese asahi massage fans say it's real. Daily facial massage at home - and wrinkles will be smoothed out. To what extent do cosmetologists agree with this opinion?

Asahi massage. Short description

Lymphatic drainage facial massage has been performed in Japan for many decades, but it gained wide popularity relatively recently thanks to the beautician Hiroshi Hisashi, who learned the basic techniques from her own grandmother. Another cosmetologist (and part-time stylist) Yukuko Tanaka, interested in this technique, described it in her book Special Facial Massage - Back 10 Years, recorded training videos - and caused a sensation among Japanese women. The book soon became the top seller in Japan, beating even Harry Potter in terms of ratings.

The Japanese also call this massage - zogan (in translation - "creating a face"). And only in the post-Soviet space, thanks to the intricacies of translation, this technique has another name - “asahi” (translated as “morning sun”).

This technique is aimed at working with the deepest muscles of the face. According to Ms. Tanaka, Zogan massage helps to get rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, enlarged pores, double chin and bags under the eyes. If you devote a few minutes of time every day, your face will look 10 years younger. This is true?

Reviews of Japanese facial massage Zogan

It is enough to study the popular Russian-language review sites "Otzovik" and "Recommend" to understand: the impressions of our compatriots vary greatly. Some write that asahi massage smoothed out wrinkles, tightened the oval of the face. In other reviews of Japanese facial massage - horror stories: rashes appeared, bags under the eyes, the face became elongated, exhausted, etc. Different reviews about Japanese facial massage are a consequence of the fact that the technique has both pluses and minuses. Let's start with the first.

Benefits of Zogan Massage

During Asahi massage, lymphatic drainage techniques are performed, which (if performed correctly) really improve blood circulation, reduce swelling of the face, and have a lifting effect. But this is not a “wonderful wonder”: any lymphatic drainage facial massage has similar techniques. The difference is that different techniques use different schemes of these techniques, so the result varies up or down. But he is always there.

Another plus of the Japanese zogan facial massage is simplicity. Compared to other methods, the technique is quite simple. Massage is positioned as a home care in the home, it is easy to remember. Self-massage does not last long (3-10 minutes), each exercise is recommended to be performed 3 times.

1) The main disadvantage of asahi massage is that it is easy for a beginner to make a mistake by doing something wrong. Firstly, there is no single technique in massage (depending on the age, the existing problem and the type of face, certain techniques are recommended). In Runet there are only pieces of a video course with a Russian translation, but who can guarantee that these techniques are right for you?

Secondly, in the Zogan massage, the correct pressing force is very important. If you massage with light movements with your fingertips, the skin condition will hardly improve. But it is also impossible to press with all force. Balance is important, you need to understand the massage technique before you start practicing.

It is difficult for a beginner to do Japanese asahi massage on their own correctly, without detailed guidance. Unfortunately, at the moment, Yukuko Tanaka's book has not yet been translated into Russian, which means that there is a risk of harming yourself.

2) Another drawback - since the technique is very intense, aimed at working with deep muscles, the face after the Zogan massage can lose weight. Therefore, for girls with an already elongated face, prone to shrinkage, it is better to choose another anti-age method.

3) Many specialists are wary of some of the techniques used in the Japanese zogan facial massage. We are talking about strong pressure against the massage lines.

To look good, you need to take care of your face comprehensively; unfortunately, massage alone is not enough. Japanese asahi massage can be an important part of complex care (if done correctly), but not the only tool in the fight for youthful skin.