Deep hydration of the skin of the face at home. How and how to moisturize the skin of the face at home

Scientists claim that 99% of people are deficient in fluid in the body.

Excessive dryness of the skin is considered a striking proof of this phenomenon. This state is fraught with a number of problems.

That is why many women are wondering how to moisturize the skin of the face at home with folk remedies.

Causes of problems

Dehydration of the dermis can occur for various reasons.. The most common factors include the following:

  1. Wrong care. The frequent use of scrubs, soaps and lotions containing alcohol leads to the washing off of the lipid layer that retains moisture.
  2. Insufficient water intake.
  3. Use of hot water for washing.
  4. Increased dryness of the air in the room.
  5. Wrong nutrition.
  6. Prolonged exposure to the skin of wind, sun, frost.
  7. Smoking.
  8. The use of diuretics and laxatives.
  9. stressful situations.
  10. Age changes. Many women over 50 experience similar problems.

The human body is 90% moisture.

If the volume of fluid is less than the required norm, this adversely affects the normal functioning of cells. As a result, dehydration occurs - the main sign of aging of the epidermis.

The main symptoms of increased dryness of the dermis include the following:

  • peeling of the face;
  • the appearance of a grayish or dull skin tone;
  • the formation of dead cells on the surface of the dermis;
  • the appearance of a feeling of tightness;
  • increased dryness and inelasticity of the skin;
  • the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines.

All these symptoms indicate that the body needs a large amount of moisture. In this case, dehydration can be a consequence of both heat and cold.

Basic Rules

To ensure deep hydration of the skin of the face, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Drink enough liquid. Many people do not drink even 1.5 liters of water a day, which is a major mistake.
  2. Making masks for dry skin.
  3. Normalize nutrition. It is very important to exclude fatty, salty, smoked foods. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets. Experts advise to completely abandon alcohol and smoking.
  4. Take vitamins to moisturize your skin. This is especially important with hormonal changes in the body.

Particular attention should be paid to skin care in winter - it is at this time of the year that the epithelium becomes drier.

To prevent such problems, you should follow these recommendations:

Equally important during this period is a balanced diet.. The diet should contain foods with vitamins A and E. An excellent option would be fish oil, which can be bought in capsules and taken as a course.

Flaxseed oil will also help fill the deficiency of vitamins.. It should be taken 1 tablespoon per day.

Today you can find many different creams, tonics and lotions that provide excellent hydration to the skin of the face. It is quite difficult to choose a suitable tool from this variety. However, there are simple rules that allow you to buy a quality product.

In creams for dry skin, the following components must be present:

  • petrolatum;
  • natural oils;
  • glycerol.

Ceramides and collagen are used to ensure good moisture retention and improve nutrition.. No less important ingredients are trace elements - selenium, magnesium, silicon.

Creams based on plant extracts have a short shelf life. Owners of dry skin are ideal products containing nettle, sage, yarrow. You can also buy a remedy with strawberry leaves and hops.

It is important to consider that tonics designed for dry skin should not include alcohol and zinc. These substances dry out the dermis.

Instead of tonics, you can use ice cubes.. For their manufacture, pure water or vegetable decoction is used.

Effective folk recipes

Many people are interested in how to moisturize the skin of the face instead of a cream. To do this, you can use effective folk remedies.

To restore the acid-base balance of the skin, special lotions are used. The easiest remedy will be a decoction of mint or chamomile. You can also make more complex products:

Effective face masks for moisturizing are prepared according to the following recipes:

During the procedure, you need to lie down and relax. The course takes 1.5-2 months. Masks are recommended to be applied twice a week.

After a couple of months, the treatment can be carried out again. To maintain the effect, it is enough to apply 1 mask per week.

Yeast face masks for dry skin

It is very useful to use oil to moisturize the skin of the face.. The most useful are olive and grape seed. So, olive oil has antioxidant, moisturizing and cleansing properties. It also promotes skin regeneration.

Thanks to the use of the product, it is possible to restore the protective properties of the dermis and improve its tone. The oil does not clog pores and normalizes breathing. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids.

Grape seed oil perfectly nourishes the skin, saturates it with vitamins, provides deep hydration. Thanks to the use of the product, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases.

In addition, the oil has an astringent, antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect. With its help, it is possible to narrow enlarged pores, strengthen capillaries, and achieve an antioxidant effect.

Dry skin is considered a very common problem that can lead to premature wrinkles and premature aging.

To avoid this, you need to provide the dermis with complete care, eat right and use effective folk recipes.

A feeling of tightness, dull color and peeling are signs of overdried skin. The lack of moisture leads to increased sensitivity of the integument. On such a face, redness and spider veins often appear. Mimic wrinkles appear on it faster. Deep moisturizing of the skin of the face can correct the situation. But how to achieve it at home?

Skin care tips to prevent dehydration

The main reason for excessive dryness of the skin is improper care. Dehydration leads to prolonged exposure to the street in cold and windy weather, at the peak of solar activity. Drying of the skin contributes to low humidity in the room. Peeling occurs after washing with hard water, abuse of cleansers and disinfectants.

How to properly care for your face? Here are 8 simple rules, following which, you will forget about dry skin.

  1. Wash your face twice a day - morning and evening. By resorting to a hygienic procedure more often, you wash off the lipid layer that prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin.
  2. Use body wash, not soap. You can completely do without cosmetics if you wash your face with thermal water.
  3. After cleansing and toning, be sure to moisturize your face with cream.
  4. Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol, as it dries out the skin.
  5. Exfoliate your face no more than once a week. For deep cleansing of dehydrated skin, products with harsh abrasive particles are not suitable.
  6. Apply to face twice a week. It can be both professional and home cosmetic products.
  7. Remove makeup with micellar water or milk.
  8. In summer, use creams with SPF protection, in winter - oily products enriched with vitamins A and E.

All caring cosmetic products contain moisturizing agents, or hydrants. They work differently. So, hygroscopic humidifiers have the ability to draw moisture from the air.

You can moisturize the skin of the face with derivatives of paraffin, petroleum jelly, vegetable and animal wax. Such substances are called hydrophobic hydrants. By creating a water-repellent film on the surface of the face, they thereby prevent moisture from evaporating.

The list of products that moisturize the skin is very wide. This:

  • masks;
  • lotions;
  • decoctions;
  • creams;
  • tonics;
  • compresses;
  • infusions;
  • ice cubes;
  • cocktails.

Moisturizers often contain vegetable oils: olive, argan, almond, sesame, jojoba, shea. Auxiliary ingredients of cosmetics are extracts of cucumber, burdock, lotus, osmanthus, kelp, wild rose, aloe vera.

It is important that the saturation of the skin with moisture does not take place superficially, but also its deep layers are captured. To do this, it is necessary to apply moisturizers for the face in a complex, one will not work.

Skin Moisturizing Products

  • First of all, it is aloe vera. The properties of the plant allow you to cope with dehydration at several levels at the same time.
  • Agave, which is a conductor for various kinds of useful substances.
  • Among the useful products that help moisturize and nourish the skin, one should highlight honey, raspberries, cucumbers, plums, apples, lemon, carrots, vegetable oils, avocados, kefir, sea kale.
  • Of the medicinal herbs, linden, rosemary, calendula, chamomile, parsley, and birch are especially useful and valuable for moisturizing the skin. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect, and therefore useful for older women.

Homemade moisturizing masks for different skin types

In addition to good components, store-bought cosmetics also contain harmful substances. Among them are fragrances and dyes that cause allergies. Some creams contain petroleum products - silicones and paraffins. To keep cosmetics longer (2-3 years), preservatives are added to it - parabens and alcohol. You should be aware that such substances inhibit the activity of not only microorganisms in the cream, but also skin cells. Thus, they slow down the regeneration and lead to premature aging of the skin.

To avoid the negative effects of preservatives and carcinogens, folk remedies for moisturizing the skin of the face allow. For a noticeable result, homemade masks should be done 1-2 times a week from fresh and high-quality products. The cosmetic oil introduced into the formulations must be cold-pressed. Without being subjected to heat treatment, such a product retains a maximum of useful substances. Essential oils should be used in doses, after making sure that you are not allergic to them.

How to moisturize dry skin? Use the recipe of Evgenia Selifanova - a naturopath, aromatherapist and cosmetologist. You will need avocado and coconut milk (not water!). Alligator pear should be peeled and cut in half. Grind one of the halves, and mix in a blender with coconut milk (35 ml). Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. The recommended course is 14 procedures. According to the same recipe (with the addition of water and some kind of sweetener), you can prepare a healthy smoothie - this way you will nourish the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

How to moisturize the skin of the face if it is naturally oily? Yes, this happens too. Dehydrated oily skin has an earthy tint, it shines in places, and flakes in some places. To correct the situation, a mask according to the recipe of Gregory Landsman, a beauty blogger who went through a modeling career and wrote a popular beauty book, will help to correct the situation. You will need organic strawberries, natural honey and quality olive oil. Cut four berries, and then mash with a fork. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey and olive oil to the puree. Mix everything. Keep the mask on your face for 30 minutes.

Advice! With a combination skin type, fatty compounds are applied only to the cheeks. In the area of ​​the T-zone it is necessary to apply masks with strawberries, lemon, sour berries.

What is the best way to moisturize the skin of a fading type? The epidermis of women over 35 years of age requires not only saturation with moisture, but also vitamins, minerals, and fats. You can include a mask according to the recipe of Olga Seymour, an expert in home cosmetics, an expert in Ayurveda and a TV presenter. . Peel one tuber and mash with a fork. In a separate bowl, beat the yolk with 10-15 ml of castor oil. Add a tablespoon of milk to the mashed potatoes. For very dry skin, you can take cream. Mix all ingredients. Apply the mask for 20-40 minutes. Such moisturizing of the skin of the face at home is done in a course of 8-10 procedures.

Compresses and oil rubs

You can improve the condition of dry skin with vegetable oils: coconut, almond, shea butter, jojoba. Thanks to fatty acids, they nourish and soften the integument, envelop the face with the thinnest lipid film that prevents dehydration. You can apply them to the skin once a week after bath procedures, supplementing with a light massage. To enhance the effect, 5 drops of "ether" are added to each tablespoon of vegetable oil: blue chamomile, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, rose, sandalwood.

Moisturizing the skin of the face with folk remedies is done using compresses. Take a leaf of indoor aloe, rinse it and cut off the skin. Grind the agave pulp and transfer to a glass dish. Pour a tablespoon of dry plants there: roses, St. John's wort, lime blossom. Pour boiling water into the container and cover it with a lid. Take a piece of gauze or bandage, fold it several times. After half an hour, soak the cloth in the infusion, wring it out and apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour.

There are recipes on how to moisturize the skin of the face at home with cleansers. Use oat milk instead of soaps and gels. It takes two days to prepare. On the first day, pour oatmeal with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. After a day, strain, squeeze the oatmeal. Let the resulting solution stand. Remove the water that is on top, and use the sediment for washing. Store "milk" in the refrigerator, covered.

Of course, we must not forget that a well-groomed face is the result of not only good care and the use of cosmetics. To always look fresh and young, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Particularly important are regular physical exercises, the balance of work and rest, good sleep, the absence of bad habits and stress. All this at times increases the metabolism in the skin and organs of the body.

Any woman wants to look attractive, so they are often interested in how to moisturize their skin at home. The skin is a kind of shell to protect the body from external influences. It can self-repair, but with age, this ability decreases, the skin lacks oxygen and nutrients, so it needs to be provided with timely and proper care.

Over the years, the skin is increasingly lacking oxygen and moisture. This is what causes flabbiness and wrinkles. To delay such occurrences, you must adhere to the following rules:

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to change your lifestyle and give up the usual things. However, attractiveness and good health are not easy, so you need to try to keep the skin always beautiful.

Effective Ways to Moisturize

The face is a kind of "calling card" of absolutely any person. However, it is this part of the body that suffers most from external influences. Therefore, the skin of the face needs to be provided with regular and proper care. For this purpose, you can use a variety of methods and means, the success of treating dry skin directly depends on the choice of the latter.

Cosmetics companies put a lot of emphasis on nourishing and moisturizing the skin. These are lotions, night and day cream formulations, masks, gels and serums. All of them have a different composition, cost and are designed for different ages and frequency of use. Such cosmetics must be applied to clean skin.

The range of products for moisturizing the skin is simply huge. Therefore, you need to choose the right one very carefully, guided by the type of skin and the tasks assigned.

home remedies

Can do excellent skin moisturizers at home on your own. Their benefits are confirmed by the experience of ancestors. Some recipes that allow you to nourish the epidermis and increase its moisture are passed down from generation to generation.

The simplest and most affordable folk "moisturizer" are considered regular ice cubes. They allow you to align the contours of the face. They can be used every day before bed and after waking up. To make ice, you need to pour clean water (preferably mineral) into special molds. For maximum effect, instead of ordinary water, you can use fruit juices, herbal decoctions or a special oil to moisturize the skin of the face.

Tinctures, compresses and useful tonics are made by brewing oats, wheat grains and medicinal herbs. They can be steamed with boiling water or infused for a certain time. After this, the broth must be carefully filtered and cooled. In such products, you can add fish oil, oily vitamins, oils and honey. Thanks to the daily use of homemade mixtures, the skin will not experience a lack of nutrition and moisture. In addition, they allow you to smooth out fine wrinkles.

Moisturizing masks

To moisturize the skin masks can be very effective. It doesn't take long to prepare them. Each of the masks should be kept for at least half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Means it is desirable to alternate. Their most popular recipes:

These products provide the skin with effective hydration and nutrition. Also, do not forget about nutrition, which must be balanced.

Winter Care

The cold season is a very significant test for the skin of the face. Low temperatures provoke constriction of capillaries and deterioration of blood circulation. In addition, cold air currents and wind can lead to redness and dryness of the epidermis.

The skin condition also worsens due to a long stay in rooms with working heating devices. Regular moisturizing of the skin of the body and face, as well as competent care will avoid discomfort, make the skin tone attractive and even. In winter, experts advise the following:

  • it is better to completely abandon lotions and tonics before the arrival of spring:
  • do not use alcohol-containing gels;
  • before leaving the house, you need to treat your face with a special cream for protection, since the temperature difference can dehydrate the epidermis from the inside;
  • tinting agents should be applied exclusively to a cream with a greasy base.

After returning home, you can use chamomile decoction to soothe the skin. However, before that, the face must be properly cleaned with a soft deep scrub.

Attention, only TODAY!

Moisturizing your face is one of the main conditions for maintaining the health and youth of your skin, along with cleansing and nourishing. And this applies not only to dry skin - normal and oily also need life-giving moisture. If the water balance is disturbed, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear on it. To moisturize your skin and prevent aging, trust in proven folk remedies that are not difficult to prepare at home.

Restoring water balance

One of the causes of dehydration is the lack of fluid in the body. If you drink little water, it directly affects the condition of your skin. Other factors include ultraviolet radiation, hypothermia, stress, malnutrition.

To moisturize the skin of the face, certain rules must be followed.

Drink water. The human body contains an average of 8 liters of fluid. 25-30% of this figure falls on the skin. Water penetrates the cells and is retained there by hyaluronic acid. Drink 1.5 liters a day and your skin will feel much better.

Wash your face with warm or cold water. Too hot water upsets the balance and can damage the cells. If you have dry skin, don't use soap more than twice a week. Wash with milk or special gel for dry skin.

Use sunscreen when going outside on a sunny day. Ultraviolet dehydrates cells and promotes premature aging. Also protect your face from the cold.

Use a moisturizer for your skin type. For oily skin, it is enough to apply it once a day, for other skin types - 2 times. Change it periodically so that the skin does not get used to it.

Eat more vegetables and fruits and less fatty foods and starchy foods.

Use natural folk remedies for care - moisturizing tonics and.

Moisturizing tonics

Use toner after washing. They neutralize the effects of hard water, wash off the remnants of detergents, restore water balance, tighten pores, give freshness, and increase the effectiveness of the cream. Since your goal is to moisturize, you should not use alcohol-based tonics.

  • Lemon tonic. Squeeze out the juice and dilute with water 1:1.
  • Herbal tonic. Take one of the herbs for tonic: chamomile, parsley, or a mixture of medicinal herbs. Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped greens in 100 g of hot water. After 2 hours, when infused, strain.
  • Cucumber tonic. Grate the cucumber. Squeeze out the juice after half an hour. Use neat or mix with water 1:1
  • Berry tonic. Grind seasonal berries and leave for half an hour. Squeeze out the juice, dilute with water 1:1.
  • Cabbage tonic. Grind the cabbage, squeeze the juice out of it. Can be used in pure form.

Such tonics are stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Lubricate the face 2 times a day after washing. If there is no risk of ruining makeup, you can do it more often.

Moisturizing masks

Before making a moisturizing mask, cleanse your face of dirt, makeup and steam your face.

  • A honey mask will perfectly moisturize and saturate your skin with many trace elements it needs. Warm up some honey and apply it on your face. If it is too thick, dilute a little with water or milk.
  • Curd mask is ideal for moisturizing dry skin. You can add sour cream to the grated cottage cheese.
  • Oatmeal mask is also called a beauty mask. This cereal contains a huge amount of nutrients. Pour oatmeal with hot water or milk and let it steep. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to first grind the flakes in a blender or coffee grinder.
  • An egg yolk mask is great for moisturizing and is suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Mix different ingredients to get a new recipe of your choice. Excellent masks are obtained from the yolk and oatmeal, cottage cheese and honey, honey and oatmeal. In addition, it is better to change different ingredients so that your skin does not have time to get used to the product.

Oils can be added to any mask for moisturizing and nourishing. Olive oil is wonderfully moisturizing and contains antioxidants and vitamins A and E that are beneficial for the face.

Keep the mask on average for 15 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. After this procedure, it is useful to treat the face with a tonic. Do moisturizing masks once a week and you will see the result very soon. You will not only restore the water balance, but also nourish your skin with useful substances and get rid of wrinkles.

To look good, it is not necessary to spend money on salon procedures. In the piggy bank of folk remedies, there are enough ways to maintain the health of your skin. Moisturize your face and you will always look amazing.

Hydrated skin of the face, body always looks younger, more pleasant than lacking nutrition, moisture.

How to achieve the result so that the appearance is perfect? What steps should be taken to preserve the charm and youthfulness of the skin for a long time? Unfortunately, some industrial cosmetic tricks will obviously not be enough here, they give a short-term effect.

The content of the article:

  • two ways to keep skin hydrated
  • various skin types: dry, oily, normal
  • care methods: moisturizing, recommendations, masks
  • how to prepare a mask

Beauty begins with a sufficient amount of fluid in the body.

Everyone knows this, but does everyone drink the amount of water per day that is required?

Human skin is 75% water. If this ratio changes, it dries out, peels off and ages.

Any type can suffer from a lack of fluid: dry, normal and oily. The problem becomes extremely urgent over the years, when the production of collagen slows down, a gradual process of withering begins and the barrier of horny cells is destroyed. Moisture begins to evaporate faster from the surface, it loses its density and elasticity at a catastrophic rate that is noticeable to us.

To maintain water balance, steps should be taken to moisturize the face and body: proper nutrition, masks, cosmetic and hygiene procedures.

There are two ways to keep skin hydrated: preservation of own moisture and increase in the amount of moisture with the help of replacement therapy.

The first step towards this- the creation of protection, which will form a film that prevents the loss of water. It will not evaporate from the surface, retaining natural moisture. This can be achieved by applying products containing fats, oils, wax, silicone, glycerin.

Second step- the use of care products that restore its moisture. These are products that contain amino acids and proteins.

Dry skin. Moisturizing and care.

If you are the owner of dry skin, you can not do without deep intensive moisturizing of the face and body at home, not only in summer but also in winter.

You, like no one else, are prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. You are familiar with dryness and tightness, peeling, loss of elasticity and sagging. Your skin is dehydrated and should be dealt with.

You can do this at home as well. By creating your own customized masks and scrubs, you can achieve noticeable shifts in your body care: moisturize and rejuvenate.

The following recommendations are for you:

  1. Actively use masks that moisturize and which include various oils and herbal ingredients. It can be olive, linseed, sea buckthorn, peach, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, almond and others. And from fruits, vegetables and other plants, aloe, cucumber, chamomile flowers, banana, oatmeal, carrots are great.
  2. When making masks, use egg yolk, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables that have a lot of juice.
  4. Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of fresh pure water or non-carbonated mineral water daily.
  5. When using cosmetics, pay tribute to hydration in the summer and nutrition in the winter.
  6. When taking a bath, add a little of any oil or 0.5 liters to the water.
  7. Drink vitamin complexes to replenish skin moisture.
  8. Eliminate fatty, spicy, fried foods, spicy spices from your menu - they entail dehydration, dryness.
  9. Deep intensive moisturizing of the face at home should be your daily ritual.

Some great masks for your skin type.

For dry skin.

Scald 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile with boiling water. Let stand 30 minutes. Drain the broth and use separately for rubbing. Mix the slurry of flowers with 1 tablespoon of any warmed oil. Add not a full tablespoon of glycerin or pulp with aloe juice. Apply the mask evenly over the face for 20-30 minutes.

Mix 0.5 teaspoon of honey with egg yolk, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of linseed oil, a few drops of lemon juice and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons ground oatmeal. The mask time is 20 minutes.

1 tablespoon of thick sour cream, chopped or grated cucumber, ten drops and half a teaspoon of cocoa butter melted in a water bath. Mix everything and apply. Withstand 20 minutes.

50 grams of sour cream, the yolk of one egg, finely ground peel of one lemon and olive oil, bring to the consistency of sour cream. Let stand for a few minutes and apply. After a few minutes, remove the decoction of chamomile, parsley.

Equally take milk, cottage cheese, carrot juice, olive oil. Apply for 25 minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.

Mix banana and yogurt equally. Keep 10-15 minutes.

Masks for dry skin.

Scald 2-3 teaspoons of calendula and chamomile with boiling water, let it brew, strain. Add a few tablespoons of any juice or fruit pulp, a teaspoon or any oil. Mix everything until smooth. Apply to hands, put on cotton gloves, then cellophane (or rubber). Keep 2-3 hours. Remove, wipe with ice. A protective film forms on the skin of the hands, and they will appear much younger.

At night, apply a mixture of any oil with steamed ground oatmeal to your hands. Put on gloves. In the morning your hands will be pleased with freshness, smoothness.

Masks for dry skin of the body.

On wet skin, apply equal amounts of mixed cottage cheese, sour cream, cream and milk. Leave for 15-20 minutes. The skin will be soft and velvety.

Chamomile (you can take a decoction of coltsfoot, mint or linden) pour almost boiling milk, let cool, brew. Add grated strawberries, raspberries. Wipe the body. You can add the mixture to the bath, soak in it for 20 - 30 minutes, then take a warm shower.

Mask for dry scalp and dull brittle hair.

Take a quarter cup of plantain broth, mix with two eggs, a teaspoon of castor oil, a bag of gelatin dissolved in warm water. Mix everything, spread evenly over the entire surface for 30 minutes. You should put on a cellophane cap, wrap your head with a cloth napkin. Wash off with slightly warm water.

Masks for the skin around the eyes.

Care of the skin around the eyes should be given great attention. Especially for those who have dry skin. Under the eyes, it is the thinnest and is not protected by fat cells. There are too few muscles here, so it is one of the first to stretch and wrinkle. If you do not take measures to preserve it at a young age, then it will lose its elasticity early.

For care, you should choose natural light ingredients so that skin stretching is minimal.

Noticeable moisturizing of dry skin around the eyes at home is provided by natural oils: shea butter and flaxseed, which need to be applied slowly with your fingertips. Leave until the morning.

Mash banana pulp with a small piece of butter, gently, without stretching the skin, apply under the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Fresh cucumbers left for 30 minutes around this area will perfectly moisturize the skin around the eyes. After such a procedure, you should not wash your face.

Mix the grated raw potato with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. Apply for 20 minutes. It is washed off with warm milk, rubbed with a piece of ice.

Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with boiling milk, cool, add half a teaspoon of butter (any). Apply for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oily skin. Moisturizing and care.

This type of skin often needs extra moisture, but moisturizing techniques with various oils and ingredients containing fat molecules are completely unsuitable. This type has large enlarged pores, which make it problematic due to the sebaceous glands not working properly.

Owners of such skin make one unforgivable mistake in relation to their appearance - they use cosmetics that contain alcohol tinctures. For the treatment of frequent inflammatory processes, acne, such methods do not help, but only complicate the problem. Alcohol dries the skin - it produces even more oil to protect itself. Moisturizing is not obtained, fat content increases. Inflammation, blockage of pores intensifies.

  1. For care and moisturizing, you should use lemons, kiwi, apples, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits.
  2. Will become indispensable for care: aloe, potatoes, starch, egg white, low-fat dairy products.
  3. Complete rejection of cosmetics containing alcohol.
  4. Cleansing your skin up to five times a day with foams, herbal decoctions or gentle gentle peels.
  5. Once a day, be sure to make a mask of low-fat fermented milk products and a small amount of yeast to restore the percentage of water in the skin, reduce the release of sebum.
  6. Eliminate fatty, salty, spicy foods - it provokes an increased work of the sebaceous glands.

Good mask recipes for oily skin.

1 teaspoon honey, egg white, 2 tbsp. oatmeal spoons. All this is diluted with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile tea. Apply for 20 minutes. It is washed off with warm water, wiped with a cube of herbal ice.

Grate cucumber and mix with Add egg white, half a mashed banana. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

10 drops of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, a quarter of a kiwi fruit, 7 drops of vitamin A and E. Mix everything and apply to the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Mash the tomato until puree, add 1 tablespoon of starch. Apply for 25 minutes in a thick layer. Wash off with cool water.

Grate carrots on a fine grater, add egg white and 2-3 drops of vitamin E. Hold for half an hour. Rinse with water and rub with nettle ice cubes.

Mix raw grated potatoes with a little lemon juice and three drops. Add apple, egg white. Keep 15 minutes.

Apply aloe juice, soak for 15 minutes, then grapefruit pulp mixed with potato starch. After 10 minutes, wash everything off with cool water.

Wash your face with almost hot water to open the pores, apply orange juice with a small amount of kefir on your face. Avoid application to the area around the eyes. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Normal skin. Moisturizing and care.

In order for the skin to be always healthy, moisturized, you should not wash your face with tap water. Everyone knows that our tap water has, as a rule, a high level of hardness, the percentage of chlorine in it leaves much to be desired. This is very bad for the skin of the body, hands, head, face.

For washing and at the same time moisturizing, nourishing the skin, infusions, decoctions of herbs will be an excellent alternative to tap water. A good effect is given by rubbing the skin in the morning with pieces of herbal ice. If your skin does not have any special problems, then you should simply support it to maintain it in this state.

For any skin type, moisturizing during the day with a small spray bottle filled with herbal infusions or vegetable decoctions diluted with thermal water will be useful. Almost imperceptible to the prying eye, such irrigation will perfectly affect the general condition of the skin.

Masks that can moisturize and nourish normal skin .

Mix grated cucumber with oatmeal, add 1 teaspoon of honey, a few drops of olive oil and. Apply to cleansed face and keep for 25 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

1 st. mix a spoonful of milk with crushed banana, oatmeal and a small amount of jojoba oil. Keep 25-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Wipe with a piece of herbal ice.

Put warm tea bags around the eyes for 10 minutes, then remove, lubricate with an oily solution of vitamins A and E added to your favorite cream.

1 teaspoon of honey, one egg yolk, aloe pulp, 3-4 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Mix everything, add oatmeal until the density of liquid sour cream. Apply for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

When making masks and other skin products on your own, you must adhere to certain rules and remember that:

Masks do several things. They moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate, cleanse at the same time.

Before applying any mask, the first step is to cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells: use herbal decoctions, peels, scrubs, self-made or purchased cosmetic products.

Do not forget that not only the face needs a mask, but also the neck, chest, and arms.

The skin of the body is also in dire need of hydration and nourishment. Pamper yourself.

The prepared mask should be used soon after it is ready.

Do not store even a short period of time in the refrigerator.

Prepare masks exactly according to the recipe, do not violate the time of exposure to the skin.

Many masks create a protective film that retains moisture in the skin. It is better not to wash them off, but to use a towel, cotton pads, paper napkins.

Apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream after removing the mask.

For dry skin, you need to do masks 3 times a week, and for oily skin, one is enough.

In order for the result to be fixed and, as they say, “on the face”, it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin with the help of appropriate masks for 2 weeks with a break of two months.

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