Coral lipstick who suits. Basic application rules. Makeup with coral lipstick for blondes

Coral lipstick is a universal tool for creating a spectacular look. The palette of this range is present in neutral nude, beige, terracotta tones, and in warm peach, carrot, orange, cold pink, cherry.

Coral lipstick is considered a must have in every makeup bag. The tones of the palette are suitable for ladies of mature age and young girls. They will complement the daytime makeup, add color to the evening look. It is not difficult to transform daytime makeup into evening makeup: you should choose a rich shade of lipstick, add a drop of shine.

Girls with thin lips should not give up on rich tones of coral color, but it is worth choosing pigments with glitter or applying it with an additional layer.

The make-up accent rule works when using coral lipstick. Saturated pigments create an accent on the lips, and with calm tones of lipstick, it is customary to highlight the eyes. The unspoken rule of make-up artists says that in daytime makeup you should emphasize the eyes, in the evening - lips. Recently, deep and bright colors have ceased to be used only in evening looks.

What shade is suitable for different color types

The color palette in the natural habitat of corals has more than three hundred shades. Manufacturers have great opportunities for experimentation and the release of new brands of pigments. A woman in such a variety will definitely find her own tone of lipstick, but you should follow certain rules.

Color type Eyes Lipstick shade
Blondes "Spring" Blue, green with gray patches, gray, hazel. Coral pink lipstick, pink-orange, beige, apricot, calm terracotta.
"Summer" Wine, berry shades, terracotta, peach, light brown, red-orange, crimson, purple.
brunettes Light, porcelain skin, "Winter". Dark eyes: brown, black, dark blue. Red-coral, wine, scarlet, chocolate. All rich, bold and bold, semi-matte.
Dark skin "Winter". Carrot-coral, peach-coral, cherry, brown, orange, trendy futuristic tones.
brown hair Light, transparent skin, "Summer". Light eyes, blue, blue, green, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown, hazel. Calm beige, neutral brown, pink, peach shades.
Dark skin, "Summer". Peach-coral, carrot, chocolate, beige palettes.
redheads Light skin, "Autumn". Green, brown, light gray, dark, amber-brown, blue with brown or golden patches, green-blue. Terracotta, bronze, chocolate.
Dark skin, "Autumn". Peach-coral, orange-coral, terracotta, chocolate palette.

If you use universal tips for determining the color type, you can avoid mistakes when choosing a lipstick color:

  • wreaths on the inside of the wrist in daylight shine through the skin in blue or purple, which means that the woman is a representative of the cold color type "Summer" or "Winter". If the wreaths are greenish, their owner is a representative of the warm color type "Spring" or "Autumn";
  • if the hair of a blonde or brown-haired woman has a grayish or ashy tint, then she is “Summer”, if golden, then “Spring”;
  • red-haired girls belong to the Autumn color type, they have a rich natural hair pigment and bright eyes;
  • if a woman goes pink, she is a cold color type; if peach - warm;
  • brunettes with fair skin, the vast majority are representatives of the Winter color type.

Rules for using with different makeup

In daytime makeup, ladies with plump lips can neglect the contour pencil, and if you apply the pigment with your finger, you will create the effect of velvety kissed lips, provided that the lipstick is matte. Girls with flat lips, on the contrary, should pay special attention to their eyeliner. Choose a pencil should be 1-2 tones darker than the pigment itself and outline the contour, slightly going beyond the natural boundaries.

Shades of coral color require a thorough preparation of the face. Skin tone is thoroughly moisturized, evened out, as lipstick will emphasize problem areas on the face, inflammation, dryness, wrinkles. Day makeup with a bright palette consists of an even tone, traced eyebrows, tinted eyelashes and matte lipstick. If you add blush on the cheekbones, a rich and persistent pigment on the lips, the make-up will turn into an evening one.

Coral lips are an accent on the face. Brunettes should pay attention to carefully traced eyebrows, and fair-haired girls - arrows on the upper eyelid and cilia dyed in several layers.

The general makeup rule for color types is characterized by the postulates:

  • warm color types choose a warm range, "Spring" - bright, "Autumn" - muted;
  • cold color types choose a cold range, "Winter" - bright, "Summer" - muted.

When creating a harmonious image with coral notes on the lips, it is worth adding several matching elements of a similar color scheme to your look. Our scarf, clutch, nail polish will add liveliness and coquetry to the image.

In what cases coral pink color is inappropriate

The appearance of a woman does not always allow her to use certain tones in makeup. Some shades of coral are capricious: scarlet, orange or beige colors will emphasize the yellowness of the teeth, coral-pink color on the lips in the winter cold will add coldness to the image, bright blush in combination with a rich palette will overload the face with makeup, the girl will look older.

Almost every girl likes to create bright, memorable images. And if you prefer to focus on the lips, then there is no better option than the coral palette. But at the same time, you need to be very careful with the tone, because you and I want to look great, and not incomprehensible how. First of all, it is worth noting the fact that lipstick of this shade is considered universal.

So it can be used by both a girl and a mature woman. As for the time of year when such a color on the lips will be especially relevant, this is summer. After all, it is at this time that you want to refresh your face and look bright.

But before we start discussing the options for combining this type of decorative cosmetics with shadows, mascara and blush, let's study the issue of choosing the right color and decide who suits it more.

Coral lipstick: who does it suit more

When choosing a shade, be sure to consider the color type of your appearance. For example, if you have dark hair, then all famous makeup artists recommend choosing darker colors. For example, brown-haired women can safely use wine or cold berry colors. But blondes may prefer a bright carrot or sexy red palette.

Remember that the orange palette is absolutely not suitable for dark skin, and the combination of blond hair and carrot color can look vulgar. In general, before buying this or that shade, feel free to use a sampler. Moreover, it is desirable to consider how this or that color looks in conditions of natural and artificial lighting.

How to choose and apply coral lipstick correctly

Before applying a coral cosmetic product to your lips, you should learn about several of its features:

  1. This shade is definitely able to refresh the face, but at the same time you can emphasize everything.
    skin imperfections. Therefore, before you paint, be sure to mask all skin imperfections with a tinting agent;
  2. If your teeth are yellowish, then you should not use this color of lipstick, because in this case the situation will only worsen;
  3. A similar shade on the lips is great for both daytime and evening make-up. But at the same time, you should not forget that during the day it is best to use more muted tones. But for the evening you can choose bright and saturated shades;
  4. Lipstick can be replaced with coral gloss if your lips are narrow. So you visually increase them and make them more plump.

And, of course, do not forget about the main rule: if you have focused on the lips, then eye makeup should be minimal.

Also, avoid bright eyeshadow colors when using coral lip glosses. After all, if you use them at the same time, then the makeup will come out in the style of the eighties, which is not very fashionable now.

Coral lipstick: application rules

The first thing you need to remember if you decide to use bright colors: take good care of your lips.

The reason is quite simple: bright makeup always attracts attention. And if the lips begin to peel off, then your appearance will be hopelessly spoiled.

By the way, if you are afraid to use bright lipstick right away, you can start with a translucent gloss in the same color scheme. But we recommend gradually adding a little lipstick to the gloss, and over time you will realize that a bright shade also looks good.

Those who constantly suffer from smearing the coloring matter behind the contour should use a special silicone primer. It can also prevent makeup from seeping into wrinkles at the corners of the lips.

And one more rule of beautiful lips: keep an eye on the condition of your teeth. The fact is that the look of any makeup with coral lipstick emphasizes the yellowness of the teeth. Therefore, if you have already decided on such a shade, then be sure to whiten your teeth first.

Makeup with coral lipstick for brunettes

Brunettes have a very bright appearance, and for this reason, the choice of makeup should be treated
carefully, because instead of an attractive and sexy image, you can create a vulgar one. But coral lipstick is perfect for girls with this type of appearance.

To create a beautiful image, lipstick alone is not enough. You will also need powder, shadows, eyeliner and mascara.

Let's start with powder. If you have dark hair, then a tan color will be the best tone. But for brunettes with light brown hair, natural-colored powder is best, you can also use powder with a slight pink tint.

As for the shadows, then opt for brownish or purple shades. Color may vary depending on eye color.

The same goes for the color of the eyebrow pencil. You can choose brown or black depending on your hair color.

Makeup with coral lipstick for blondes

The gentle and feminine appearance of blondes allows them to use only light coral shades. If you decide to use a darker color, then remember that you will look much older. A feature of makeup for blondes is the presence of a slight shine in the product. This feature is due to the fact that matte shades make the faces of blondes lifeless.

Also, do not forget about the correct selection of powder, blush and shadows. The main rule in this case: no bright colors. Everything should be a soft pink color with pearlescent particles to give the skin a slight glow.

Makeup with a pink palette for brown-haired women

Owners of dark blond or light brown hair fit almost all shades of coral lipstick.

If he does not suit the face or hair, lipstick lies idle. Choosing a shade is easy if you know the rules for choosing a shade.

You can learn how to apply matte lipstick correctly from our article.

First of all, you need to more accurately determine the color of the hair. Light brown shade is dark and light. The difference between them is significant.

It is also necessary consider eye color. Girls with dark and light eyes are different shades. Skin tone is also considered one of the guidelines, but plays a lesser role in the selection.

But it is important to remember that some shades, for example, red, look great only on perfectly even and healthy skin. Otherwise, the effect may be lost.

Also some colors may turn pale.

When choosing lipstick, you should first of all rely on hair color. Having decided on the tone, you can choose several options.

Girls with dark brown hair picking a shade is easier than others. Against the background of dark hair, even very bright shades look beautiful. Fair-haired girls are suitable for beige, golden, peach and light pink shades. They are considered optimal for everyday life.

You can also choose darker shades: chocolate, terracotta, wine. Coral, brick and strawberry shades of red lipstick are suitable for the festivities. Fuchsia lipstick will also look spectacular.

Girls with blonde hair it is worth paying attention to delicate shades. Nude makeup is perfect for every day. Suitable pink, apricot, peach shades of lipstick. They should look natural and emphasize natural beauty.

Bright and dark shades of lipstick should be selected with care. As a rule, they are more suitable for girls with dark blond hair.

In evening make-up it is worth giving preference to raspberry, pale coral, poppy, mauve shades.

Skin tone is considered one of the factors influencing the choice of lipstick shade. fair-skinned girls gentle and natural shades and lipsticks with a cold undertone are suitable. For owners dark skin it is worth giving preference to brighter options.

It is also important to consider that imperfections need to be masked. Too bright shades of lipstick can accentuate dark circles or blueness. The face looks tired, hence the effect.

Therefore, it is worth applying a concealer to the area around the eyes to neutralize the unwanted shade. It is also recommended to even out skin tone and, if necessary, use a corrector to hide pimples.

How to choose lipstick, given the color of the eyes? Choosing the perfect shade of lipstick, it is necessary to take into account the color of the eyes. Otherwise, you can break the harmony in the image:

  1. green-eyed. As a rule, persons with green eyes have a darker shade of hair. It is worth giving preference to lipsticks of raspberry, orange, pink, bright red, salmon, coral, terracotta shades. From neutrals, you can choose beige or apricot. However, they should not be too light, otherwise they will muffle the rich color of the eyes.
  2. blue-eyed. Owners of blue eyes should be wary of too bright shades. They shift the focus and in some cases can look vulgar and out of place. However, you can choose a rich lipstick that will look advantageous against the background of blue eyes. You can use red, cherry, wine shades. Of the calmer tones, pastel pink, beige, golden are suitable.
  3. brown-eyed. Girls with brown eyes are best suited for hot pink, brown, pale pink and peach shades. Quite often go coral, ruby ​​and carrot-red shades. But beige shades should be avoided. It is also important to consider that rich pinks and reds look harmonious only on young brown-eyed girls.
  4. gray-eyed. Owners of gray eyes should pay attention to cherry, beige, pink, golden shades. Neutral tones look better, so you need to choose lighter shades. Ideally, lipstick should not be much brighter than the natural color of the lips. However, for evening makeup, you can choose a lipstick of a more saturated color. A classic red shade will do. But still it is preferable to use nude lipstick and focus on the eyes.

When choosing lipstick, especially matte, you need to take into account many nuances. Primarily matte lipstick requires thorough hydration. It is also recommended to pre-scrub the skin of the lips to remove roughness.

It is important to consider that matte lipsticks visually reduce lips. Therefore, owners of thin lips should avoid dark shades so as not to enhance this effect.

The alternative is

Red lipstick

It suits many girls with blond hair.

In addition, bright matte shades accentuate the asymmetry than glossy. Therefore, you need to choose neutral shades or calmer options.

Otherwise, the color palette of matte lipsticks for light brown hair is the same as glossy. It is important to take into account the shade of the hair and the color of the eyes, then it will be possible to choose the optimal shade of matte lipstick.

Suitable for fair haired girls both bright and neutral shades of lipstick. You can choose red or dark lipstick, like wine, but it is worth considering other features of your appearance.

You can learn about which shades of lipstick are suitable for fair-haired girls from the video:

Every girl and woman dreams of being irresistible. It's no secret that lipstick is the final point in their image. It often happens that it is available, but lies without application. To avoid this, you just need to be able to choose the right one that will suit you perfectly.

The colors are quite varied.

There are 3 main groups of lipstick shades:

Cool (from lilac to pale red);

Warm (from carrot to peach);

Loyal (from brown to beige).

They also differ in color: pale, intermediate and dark. The texture is shiny, rough or iridescent. The perception of your image will depend on all these components. In order to perfectly complete the image and involuntarily attract glances, you just need to be able to choose the right lipstick that will suit you.

If it is chosen incorrectly, then it is possible to worsen the color of the face for the worse or add several years to your age.

There are two tones of blond hair: light and dark. Light and delicate colors will suit any female representative. For owners of dark hair, brighter ones are ideal: cherry, terracotta, brown, red colors: cherry, hot pink, plum, scarlet. If you have plans for a celebration, then red and brick ones will be appropriate.

Representatives fair skin it is worth paying attention to the cold base of the tone. Pink shades such as lilac pink, soft pink, salmon pink will be the perfect complement to makeup.

If you have dark skin, then regardless of the saturation of the hair, you can safely choose one or more of the bodily ones: coral pink, golden beige, warm pink, bronze, ocher, carmine pink or caramel.

It should be remembered that light lipsticks visually enlarge the lips, while dark lipsticks reduce them.

If your goal is to visually increase the size, you should circle them with a contour pencil in color. Next, apply lipstick with a brush, blending it evenly. For a greater effect, you should focus on the center of the lips, emphasizing them with shine, applying a larger amount to the lower part. Mother-of-pearl lipsticks will also increase the size, but also emphasize the existing defects.

If you are the owner of plump lips, then for evening occasions you should apply glossy lipstick, and keep matte for daily use.

It is important to take into account the time of day and lighting. If your plans are to stay in a place lit by natural light during the day, then it would be preferable to use medium saturation or completely neutral tones.

For gloomy and evening light, saturated and dark ones will be more suitable. If the light is cold, we recommend using a soft and warm palette, forgetting about purple. But if the lighting is warm, you should not give preference to beige and carrot tones, which can only make your image more blurry.

You will see some visual tips from a professional makeup artist on how to perfectly make up your lips in this video.

In order for the image to look more harmonious, it is necessary to take into account not only the shade of light brown hair, but also the color of your eyes.

blue-eyed girls should not abuse extremely bright tones. In most cases, they will focus on themselves and will seem obscene. It is preferable to use calm shades: light brown, pastel pink, gold. If you are planning a celebration, then you can make your makeup more saturated thanks to a cherry or red tone.

If your eyes green, then use lipstick in carrot, pink, red, wine or terracotta colors. In everyday life, it is recommended to prefer light or apricot. But you should be careful not to choose too pale, otherwise the depth of eye color will be muted and lost.

gray-eyed you should try to use golden, pale brown, pinkish and wine lipsticks. Lighter and smoother shades will look perfect. All lipsticks that are slightly richer than the natural color will harmonize with your image. They will focus on your gaze. But it is permissible to dilute the festive makeup with more saturated colors by choosing any of the red ones.

For owners grey-blue eyes, it is advisable to use a more restrained palette in your everyday look: from light beige to pink-brown. For special occasions, you can emphasize your individuality with a contour pencil.

Fair-haired owners hazel flesh, soft pink, orange and juicy pink shades are great for the eyes. If you are planning a festive event, then you can give preference to ruby, coral or bright red lipsticks. Of great importance is the fact that rich and bright colors will look spectacular only on young female representatives.

Dark-eyed and black-eyed girls with light brown hair can safely use beige, peach, orange and purple shades in their image. Bright colors will not spoil their image at all, but will only emphasize the depth of the eyes.

The right foundation is the foundation of any makeup. Special attention should be paid to his choice, as he will be fundamental to the overall image.

A win-win option for all fair-haired owners are matte lipsticks. Ideally, matte shadows in the color of the eyes will fit them.

Extremely suitable for self-confident and courageous cheeky lipstick colors: blue, cobalt, ultramarine, green, olive or neon. If your experiments are at an early stage, you can dilute these colors with gold glitter or mix them with red.

It is worth not to forget about the eyebrows. They should not stand out from the general ensemble. Too dark and black are not ways to make your look more beautiful. You should prefer a natural color to match the hair or a little darker. But you can safely experiment with mascara. Let yourself try colors like blue, grey, brown or green.

You need to be reasonable and critical in assessing your appearance. Take note of a few simple rules, thanks to which your image will always be perfect.

If desired, you can use a lip pencil, it should remain close to the tone of the lipstick or be a little deeper. It would be better to apply it before you take up the main tool. After application, it is not forbidden to use it to eliminate inaccuracies.

All bright shades from bright red to burgundy will look defiant if you plan to use them in everyday life. In such cases, preference should be given to calm and smoky colors.

In another case, the color palette of matte lipsticks for fair-haired girls is exactly the same as glossy. You just need to take into account the shade of the eyes and hair, then you can easily find the best solution for yourself. In addition, bright lipsticks with a matte texture can emphasize the existing asymmetry of the lips, unlike glossy ones.

Despite all the above instructions, you should be guided by your own style. By applying all this in a harmonious combination, it is possible to create your own original, beautiful and concise image that can emphasize all your advantages and hide your flaws.

Choose a lipstick that will be perfect only for you. Do not forget that you are unique.

It is hard to imagine a women's cosmetic bag without lipstick. She accompanies her everywhere and everywhere - at work, on a date, on vacation. Lipstick is just the tool that with one stroke can completely rebuild the image, and even change the appearance. That is why in the "combat" arsenal of every beauty there are always several options for lipstick of various colors and textures. But just as one stroke of lipstick can transform beyond recognition, the wrong choice can ruin the whole look.

Photo from the site:

Therefore, let's look at how to choose the color of lipstick for lips so that it goes perfectly with your face and hair. You will find everything about the rules for choosing the right shade of the main attribute of women's cosmetics in the next review from Red Lipstick.

So, let's immediately proceed to the analysis of the most common mistakes when choosing lipstick.

Photo from the site:

If you want to test how lipstick will look on your lips, never use a test sticker directly on your lips! The accumulated bacteria will easily pass onto your skin. At best, everything can end up so inopportunely with herpes, and at worst, there is even an option to catch an HIV infection, especially if you have wounds on your lips. Checking the color of lipstick is simple - apply the lipstick you like intensively on the fingertips and then apply them to the lips, avoiding direct contact with the skin of the face and lips. So you will visually see how your chosen shade will look on your lips.

Ask - how to choose the right color for lipstick so that it harmonizes with your appearance? Everything is extremely simple, the main thing to take into account a number of nuances:

Photo from the site:

How to choose the color of lipstick to face, photo examples.

So, remember that before choosing a lipstick for lips, you should determine your face tone. It is determined quite simply - you need to alternately bring gold and silver foil to your face and decide which option is better in harmony with your skin. If gold foil fills your face with a glow, and “loses” next to silver foil, then your undertone is warm. If, on the contrary, the face is transformed next to silver paints and “darkens” from gold, your skin tone is cold. Well, in the case when the skin reacts equally well to silver and gold, it is customary to talk about a neutral undertone.
Depending on the subtone, the shade of lipstick is determined.

  • Women with warm skin tone should choose warm shades of lipstick - peach, orange, coral, scarlet, ruby, etc. Cold shades are best avoided.

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How to match lipstick color to hair

Having decided on how to choose the color of lipstick for the face, many stylists, however, are advised to take into account the color of the hair. But there are certain difficulties here, because let's say, for example, brunettes can have hair color with a cold blue tint, or warm golden highlights will play in their curls. The same can be found in blondes - it can be a cold Nordic blond, or a warm straw shade. And at the same time, girls with the same shade of hair can have a completely different skin tone. What lipstick goes to blondes and brunettes in these cases? The question is difficult.

Therefore, it seems to us more expedient to analyze each example separately. First, let's look at the options for hair shades, and then how to choose a lipstick for your face based on the undertone, and, of course, a photo for each combination for clarity. Let's get started.

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On a note

When choosing a lipstick, you should take into account not only the undertone of the skin and the shade of the hair, but also ... the color of the teeth. If they are far from ideal white, then you should give up bright red and rich burgundy shades, as they will further emphasize the yellowness of the teeth.

What lipstick suits brunettes

  • “Cold” brunettes with pale skin should opt for bright scarlet and wine shades of lipstick, but with a cold tint.

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  • "Warm" brunettes with "cold" skin should choose bright pink and deep red tones, again with a cool sheen.

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  • Pitchy brunettes with dark skin should prefer brick red, bright scarlet (but with a warm glow) and brown shades.

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  • Luxurious brunettes with amber highlights in their hair and the same glow of the skin are perfect for all warm shades of lipstick, the main condition is rich pigment.

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What lipstick suits redheads

With red-haired beauties, things are a little easier. Copper curls always have a golden warm glow, regardless of the shade of the hair. Therefore, the owners of red hair can only decide on the undertone of the skin.

  • If it's warm, stick to warm browns and oranges, pinks are acceptable, but not too bright.

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As you can see, there are a large number of nuances in the selection of lipstick, but even their strict consideration cannot always be the key to an ideal choice, and therefore always follow the main rule - choose the color of lipstick that will not dominate on your face, because in this case you achieve the desired harmony in makeup.

Coral lipstick is a universal tool for creating a spectacular look. The palette of this range is present in neutral nude, beige, terracotta tones, and in warm peach, carrot, orange, cold pink, cherry.

Coral lipstick is considered a must have in every makeup bag. The tones of the palette are suitable for ladies of mature age and young girls. They will complement the daytime makeup, add color to the evening look. It is not difficult to transform daytime makeup into evening makeup: you should choose a rich shade of lipstick, add a drop of shine.

Girls with thin lips should not give up on rich tones of coral color, but it is worth choosing pigments with glitter or applying it with an additional layer.

The make-up accent rule works when using coral lipstick. Saturated pigments create an accent on the lips, and with calm tones of lipstick, it is customary to highlight the eyes. The unspoken rule of make-up artists says that in daytime makeup you should emphasize the eyes, in the evening - lips. Recently, deep and bright colors have ceased to be used only in evening looks.

The color palette in the natural habitat of corals has more than three hundred shades. Manufacturers have great opportunities for experimentation and the release of new brands of pigments. A woman in such a variety will definitely find her own tone of lipstick, but you should follow certain rules.

Color type Eyes Lipstick shade
Blondes "Spring" Blue, green with gray patches, gray, hazel. Coral pink lipstick, pink-orange, beige, apricot, calm terracotta.
"Summer" Wine, berry shades, terracotta, peach, light brown, red-orange, crimson, purple.
brunettes Light, porcelain skin, "Winter". Dark eyes: brown, black, dark blue. Red-coral, wine, scarlet, chocolate. All rich, bold and bold, semi-matte.
Dark skin "Winter". Carrot-coral, peach-coral, cherry, brown, orange, trendy futuristic tones.
brown hair Light, transparent skin, "Summer". Light eyes, blue, blue, green, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown, hazel. Calm beige, neutral brown, pink, peach shades.
Dark skin, "Summer". Peach-coral, carrot, chocolate, beige palettes.
redheads Light skin, "Autumn". Green, brown, light gray, dark, amber-brown, blue with brown or golden patches, green-blue. Terracotta, bronze, chocolate.
Dark skin, "Autumn". Peach-coral, orange-coral, terracotta, chocolate palette.

If you use universal tips for determining the color type, you can avoid mistakes when choosing a lipstick color:

  • wreaths on the inside of the wrist in daylight shine through the skin in blue or purple, which means that the woman is a representative of the cold color type "Summer" or "Winter". If the wreaths are greenish, their owner is a representative of the warm color type "Spring" or "Autumn";
  • if the hair of a blonde or brown-haired woman has a grayish or ashy tint, then she is “Summer”, if golden, then “Spring”;
  • red-haired girls belong to the Autumn color type, they have a rich natural hair pigment and bright eyes;
  • if a woman goes pink, she is a cold color type; if peach - warm;
  • brunettes with fair skin, the vast majority are representatives of the "Winter" color type.

In daytime makeup, ladies with plump lips can neglect the contour pencil, and if you apply the pigment with your finger, you will create the effect of velvety kissed lips, provided that the lipstick is matte. Girls with flat lips, on the contrary, should pay special attention to their eyeliner. Choose a pencil should be 1-2 tones darker than the pigment itself and outline the contour, slightly going beyond the natural boundaries.

Shades of coral color require a thorough preparation of the face. Skin tone is thoroughly moisturized, evened out, as lipstick will emphasize problem areas on the face, inflammation, dryness, wrinkles. Day makeup with a bright palette consists of an even tone, traced eyebrows, tinted eyelashes and matte lipstick. If you add blush on the cheekbones, a rich and persistent pigment on the lips, the make-up will turn into an evening one.

Coral lips are an accent on the face. Brunettes should pay attention to carefully traced eyebrows, and fair-haired girls - arrows on the upper eyelid and cilia dyed in several layers.

The general makeup rule for color types is characterized by the postulates:

  • warm color types choose a warm range, "Spring" - bright, "Autumn" - muted;
  • cold color types choose a cold range, "Winter" - bright, "Summer" - muted.

When creating a harmonious image with coral notes on the lips, it is worth adding several matching elements of a similar color scheme to your look. Our scarf, clutch, nail polish will add liveliness and coquetry to the image.

The appearance of a woman does not always allow her to use certain tones in makeup. Some shades of coral are capricious: scarlet, orange or beige colors will emphasize the yellowness of the teeth, coral-pink color on the lips in the winter cold will add coldness to the image, bright blush in combination with a rich palette will overload the face with makeup, the girl will look older.

Which woman does not dream of beautiful sensual sexy lips? With coral lipstick, a similar effect is easily achievable!

If in makeup you like to create the main accent on the lips, use a beautiful coral lipstick.

The coral color looks most impressive in summer looks against the background of tanned skin, but this does not mean that you cannot afford it in winter. The main thing is to decide on the right choice of coral shade so that the makeup with such lipstick turns out to be harmonious and of high quality.

For a fashionable and stylish look, beautiful coral lipsticks of various shades can be worn by both girls and women of Balzac age. Coral is suitable for any situation: both for every day and for lunch with colleagues.
There are so many shades of coral, so you need to find the right one for your skin tone.

Brand name coral lip palette

Almost all cosmetic companies include at least one coral shade in their warm season collections. Coral lipstick is a mix of shades of orange and pink, ranging from pale peach to berry strawberry.

Coral shades of lipstick company "MAC Strength":

Matte lipstick "Creamy Matte Lip Color" from "Bobbi Brown", able to stay on the lips for up to 8 hours:

The brand "Clinique" offers 8 coral shades of lip gloss "Chubby Stick Intense Moisturizing Lip Color Balm":

Also coral lipstick is available from other brands.
Coral lipstick is suitable for women of all color types, but it looks especially advantageous on red-haired young ladies, as well as owners of golden and wheaten-blond hair.

Good ideas for makeup with coral lipstick


In combination with discreet, barely noticeable eye makeup, simple styling and a natural tan, coral lipstick becomes a very successful and attractive accent! Use it to make a minimalist look more interesting and brighter. Coral lipstick is suitable for quickly turning daytime makeup into evening and heading to a party right from the office.

perfect skin

An even tonal coverage will allow you not to be afraid to get into trouble with this difficult shade. Take a cue from Cara Delevingne! In this case, even the colored eyeliner of the lower eyelid looks appropriate. A matte, not too bright, carrot shade is perfect for blue eyes, making their color even more saturated.

Main focus

Emma Watson successfully applied coral lipstick for an evening out at the premiere of the movie "Noah". This color is ideal for brown-haired women, especially in combination with classic styling and black mascara. If the shade seems too bright for you, use lip gloss instead of lipstick.

Transparent shades

Ideal for summer - use a light, peach shade. Looks very natural, good for holidays and accentuates the tan. In this case, you can limit yourself to the lightest eye makeup and highlighter for the face. Perhaps this option will look good with any color type!

coral lips

First, remove dead skin cells with a light exfoliation, then apply a balm to your lips and leave for a couple of minutes to absorb well. A soft pencil will keep your lips soft all day long.

Outline your lips with a pencil. To make the line even, apply it with strokes.
In addition, it will give the lips a more natural look.

Be careful - do not go beyond the natural contour of the lips.

Fill in the upper lip with short horizontal strokes. Start from the center and gradually move towards the edges.

To make the color even, lightly pat your lip with your finger.

Do the same for the bottom lip. Don't forget to finish the procedure with light touches of your finger to create an even shade.

Let the coral color soak in a bit.

Finally, apply short, light strokes to the lips using the second, “cold” tip of the double-ended pencil.

If necessary, take a lip brush and give the make-up a complete look.

Give your lips a "casual" chic by gently blotting them with a napkin. This will make the color more even! and soft.

It looks perfect both during the day and in the evening if your goal is a natural look.

How to choose coral lipstick

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the right shade of coral, you must not lose sight of the hair color and, of course, skin tone.

  • For blondes with fair skin, pink-coral lipsticks are suitable.
  • Girls with pale skin tone and dark hair should look at red-coral products.
  • Coral lipstick with an orange tint will perfectly emphasize the beauty of dark and tanned skin. Also in this case, you can use peach-coral shades.

How to wear coral lipstick:

  • for daytime makeup, you should choose more delicate, calm shades of coral, and for evening - more saturated colors;
  • owners of thin lips should choose coral lipstick with gloss. Matte lipstick of this shade is allowed only for women with plump lips;
  • coral lipstick draws attention to the skin of the face, which must be pre-aligned with a foundation to hide obvious imperfections;
  • when choosing a shade of coral lipstick, make sure that your teeth do not look yellow against its background;
  • having decided to apply a coral shade on the lips, you should not brightly paint your eyes - the emphasis in makeup should be one;
  • coral lips are ideally combined with thin arrows on the eyelids, as well as shades of purple, brown shades and smoky eyes makeup;
  • with coral lipstick, an accessory of the same color suggests itself, for example, the same shade of nail polish;
  • in order for the lipstick not to spread, it is worth using a special silicone primer;
  • lips should be carefully exfoliated, otherwise lipstick will emphasize all the flaws;
  • if you don't have the courage to apply coral lipstick to the entire surface of the lips, then apply it with your fingers in the middle, and then gently blend - the color of the lips will turn out very natural!

If you like bright and feminine makeup, be sure to replenish your makeup bag with coral lipstick. With the right choice of shade, you will amaze everyone with your beauty and originality!
based on materials

Coral lipstick has never gone out of style. This lively juicy and, despite the brightness, natural shade suits so many girls, besides, it is again at the peak of popularity. How to choose your tone?

Coral lipstick is back in fashion

Coral lipstick color: who suits?

Despite the versatility of this shade, it is worth choosing it based on your color type and shades of hair.

  • Blondes should stay in light colors of coral with a soft sheen. You can give preference to a more saturated only if you want to appear older.
  • Brown-haired women can apply more juicy tones. It is better if they are matte and natural.
  • Brunettes can fully enjoy the exquisite brightness of coral. The juicier the better, with black hair, a bright coral tone will be insanely sexy and inviting.
  • Girls with red hair can be even brighter with matte tones of coral. But they are categorically not recommended to brightly paint their eyes, three accents (hair, eyes and lips) will create a completely puppet, unnatural image.

When choosing lipstick in a bright shade, do not forget about the condition of the lips. If they are dry and flaky, coral will make them look like bloody vampire lips.

To prevent this from happening, moisturize your lips well with a balm a few minutes before applying lipstick.

Coral lipstick color: gamma, makeup combinations

The shade of coral is in the range of orange tones. This is a universal warm shade that will suit girls of a cold color type. It looks perfect muted matte - during the day, and juicy, glossy - in the evening. You can choose both options for daytime and evening makeup and be bright at any time of the day. To paint lips in a coral tone should be with such shades of blush:

  • sand,
  • natural.

You should not take blush with a pinkish undertone, in combination with coral lipstick, they will look defiant.

Let's move on to eye makeup. It should be basic, slightly noticeable, but not stand out. Smoky style will be appropriate in the evening. Shadows will look good:

  • terracotta,
  • muted purple,
  • gray and smoky
  • khakis and muted greens,
  • beige and flesh.

If there is little time for makeup, apply loose powder on the eyelids with an eyeshadow brush, and then emphasize the lash line with a brown or black pencil. Make gentle light lines, remember that the eyes should yield to the lips.

With coral lipstick, your makeup will be complete, bright and natural at the same time.