How to bleach black hair. How to lighten dyed hair yourself? - Personal experience

Crow-colored curls make a woman strict and mysterious. But for some, this shade can add a few extra years. But what if you don't like the result of a radical image change? How to remove black hair color quickly and without harm?

In order not to harm the strands, to return the natural color to the hair, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

  1. If compositions based on henna and basma were selected for coloring, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the dark color.
  2. For weakened and thin hair, acid brighteners, soda and ammonia should not be used - this leads to severe loss. It is better to use products from herbs and other natural ingredients.
  3. Washes based on acids and soda can be applied 1-2 times a year, otherwise the curls will become very dry, brittle.
  4. After any clarifying composition, it is necessary to apply a conditioner, use mild, neutral shampoos.

You should not try to return the natural shade to the hair quickly - haste can cause irreparable harm to the hair, it will take a long time to restore the strands.

How do you lighten hair in salons?

If the curls are painted black, paints of light shades will not be taken. It is necessary to first remove the black pigment from the strands. To do this, you can turn to professionals or use folk recipes at home.

When removing a dark color in the cabin, the strands are evenly coated with a special chemical preparation. But even experienced craftsmen cannot always predict what the final result will be after washing.

What methods are used in salons:

1. Bleaching with special compounds allows you to make dark hair 3-4 tones lighter. The agent is applied to the strands, without affecting the regrown roots. Often, after lightening, the curls acquire a reddish tint, it will be possible to paint over it only after 12-14 days. The main disadvantage - the high content of ammonia in such products causes severe allergic reactions, the curls become brittle, begin to fall out intensively.

2. Oxidizing dyes are a very aggressive way to wash black dye out of your hair. However, they are less effective, greatly destroy the structure of the curls.

3. Highlighting, coloring, ombre staining are alternative and relatively safe bleaching methods. Individual strands gradually lighten up, the hairstyle looks more voluminous, over time, you can achieve a uniform light shade of curls and at the same time maintain their length and health.

4. Cutting your hair is a radical method that will allow you to try on a new look with a short haircut.

Professional products for home use

As an alternative to going to the salon, you can use professional washes or correctors for dark curls at home.

Wash overview:

  • Color off - a wash from Estel, one of the latest developments to get rid of black. Allows you to remove the dark pigment at home, while not disturbing the structure of the strands.
  • A professional remedy from Brelil - acts quickly, after half an hour you can lighten the strands by several tones.
  • Efassor from L'Oreal - acts gently to completely bleach hair at home, it will take 3-5 procedures.
  • Syoss clarifier - there are 3 types that differ in the degree of impact on the strands. The least concentrated agent makes curls 1-2 tones lighter. The strongest drug brightens strands by 9-10 tones.

You can prepare a wash yourself, which will allow you not only to get rid of black, but also turn into a blonde. To prepare a brightening agent at home, you need to mix peroxide and Supra or Blondoran powder in equal parts. Spread the mixture evenly through the hair, stepping back 0.5 cm from the roots. For a more even discoloration, wrap each strand with foil. After 45 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

The procedure must be carried out three times - after the first wash, the hair color will become bright red, then it will gradually lighten. After bleaching is completed, you can dye the strands in the desired shade.

Safe way to lighten hair

At home, it is easy to make a gentle remedy for getting rid of black color based on natural oils. This method cannot be called fast, but it will make the shade of the strands lighter, heal and strengthen the curls. It is necessary to carry out an oil wrap 2-3 times a week.

What oils can be used:

  • olives;
  • burdock;
  • linen;
  • almond.

You need to take 15–40 ml of any oil, heat it in a water bath, apply hot to dry, dirty hair. Wrap your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel, periodically you need to warm the towel with a hairdryer. You need to keep the mask for at least 1 hour, and it is better to leave it all night. Oils draw out artificial dyes from the hair, return the natural shade to the strands.

home remedies

At home, you can use effective masks to remove black hair color without harm, or use improvised means.

Laundry soap is an alkaline product that quickly neutralizes artificial coloring pigments. You need to wash your hair with shampoo, whip up a stable soap foam, distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair, leave for 3-5 minutes. Rinse the strands well with warm water, wash them again with shampoo. The disadvantage of the method is that the paint is not always washed off evenly; after the first application, the hair can become spotty.

Soda acts on black hair like a scrub, allows you to eliminate coloring pigments. You need to mix salt and soda in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is gradually diluted with warm water until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. It needs to be distributed over all the curls, warm the head, leave for 40 minutes. Wash off in the usual way, rinse with herbal decoction.

What is necessary:

  • kefir of any fat content - 500 ml;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • ordinary or sea salt - 10 g;
  • raw yolk.

Combine all the components, distribute the mass over all the curls, insulate the head with cling film and a towel. The mask can be washed off after 40 minutes, to enhance the effect and eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can rinse the strands with a decoction of chamomile.

Cinnamon is an anti-black brightening agent that nourishes and strengthens the strands. Mix 30 g of cinnamon powder and warm honey. For oily hair, add 1 egg white, if the hair is dry - 1 yolk. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous consistency, apply to the strands, leave for 2 hours. You can do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Lemon juice will help restore the strands to a light shade. Grind the peeled fruit in a blender, distribute the mass over all curls, warm the head. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask, apply burdock oil to the strands. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your hair in the usual way.

Regular ascorbic acid will help restore the natural color to the hair. Mix 20 vitamin C tablets with 120 ml of shampoo, use the vitamin product for daily hair washing. The method works slowly, the strands lighten gradually, but evenly. This shampoo will keep the hair healthy, strengthen it, accelerate growth.

It is difficult to make the color lighter without harm to the hair - the use of professional and folk methods does not always allow you to get the expected result. To preserve the beauty and health of hair, it is better to choose alternative methods - cutting, lightening individual strands.

Sometimes, after staining, the result obtained does not match the expectations of the woman. If your hair is darker than you would like, you can lighten it at home. Not all girls are ready to wait until the color is washed off naturally, so they are ready for decisive action.

How to lighten dark-colored hair?

The black pigment is lightened gradually, so the procedure is carried out in several stages. The frequency is one week. Then the hair structure will not collapse. If you are ready to sacrifice silkiness and smoothness of curls, you can reduce the interval.

The procedure involves the oxidation of the pigment inside the hair, so then it may be necessary to restore the structure. Masks, medical formulations will cope with this task. Professionals recommend washing with an oxidizing agent, blondoran, water and shampoo. The combination of these components makes it possible to return the natural color in a short time.

It is important to control the clarification process. Neutralize the oxidizing agent in the ways indicated in the instructions.

You can lighten dark dyed hair with a deep action shampoo. To enhance its effect, you need to add a pinch of citric acid to a portion of the shampoo. After the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the curls. For these purposes, you can use a balm or conditioner.

Peroxide completely washes away the pigment, destroying it. The impact is quite aggressive, so after the hair will need special care. It is important to choose the right concentration and exposure time. Pre-lighten a small strand, and only then process all the hair.

A fashionable and affordable solution is highlighting.

You can lighten dyed strands all over the head or just in the face area. So the image will look much more interesting, fresh. It is unlikely that it will be possible to strongly lighten the hair, but 2-3 tones lighter is quite realistic. In the future, it is enough to highlight only dark regrown roots - so you do not dry out the curls.

What else can lighten dark-colored hair?

Natural brighteners are not as effective as chemical agents, but they do not spoil the hair.

Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar make the colored strands lighter, shiny, return a fresh look. For a liter of water you need to take a tablespoon of acid. Rinse your hair several times a day.

Hot vegetable oil destroys the pigment. Heat the right amount and distribute throughout the hair. Leave for 15 minutes, warm your head with polyethylene and a towel. Rinse afterwards with shampoo.

At night, you can apply burdock oil. It will not only restore the natural shade, but also strengthen the hair, nourish it with useful substances. If the curls are oily, the oil can be mixed with lemon juice. To enhance the effect, create "greenhouse" Effect.

If a girl wants to become lighter, ordinary baking soda will do. Dilute two tablespoons with water to make a slurry. Lubricate the strands and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the mixture with shampoo and rinse your hair with acidified water. If the hair is too coarse, use a balm or conditioner.

Professionals know how to lighten dyed hair. Mix water with lemon juice in a ratio of 3:1, add 60-70 ml of chamomile decoction and pour in 10 ml of castor oil. If you have a dry hair type, you can replace it with olive oil. It is necessary to keep the composition for at least 2 hours. The mask not only brightens, but also strengthens, moisturizes, restores silkiness and shine. Carry out the procedure several times a week.

Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar dry out the hair, so they need to be combined with components that will soften the aggressive effect. Mix equal amounts of kefir and cognac, add the yolk, juice from one lemon.

It is necessary to apply the mass on dry and clean strands. "Greenhouse" the effect will enhance the action. After half an hour, you can wash it off with shampoo. Do the procedure 2-3 times a week. The composition brightens, restores the structure, stimulates growth, moisturizes and nourishes.

Pour 150 grams of chamomile with vodka (500 ml). Insist in a dark place for two weeks, strain. Pour 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% into the infusion. Moisten the strands with this composition, controlling the degree of clarification. Rinse afterwards with shampoo.

If the color that turned out after washing off the dark paint does not suit you, you need to stain with a resistant composition. If you want to lighten one tone, you can take an oxidizing agent of 6%, for several - 9%.

It happens that after dyeing the hair, their color turns out to be somewhat darker than expected. It is not difficult to lighten dyed hair, it is enough to know a few secrets.

How to lighten dark hair?

You can lighten dyed hair with citric acid shampoo.

The duration of the procedures and the quality of hair lightening depend on the applied paint. You can speed up the wash of color by some procedures:

  • Wash your hair immediately after unsuccessful painting with a deep cleansing shampoo that washes away some of the paint from the curls.
  • Do not use cosmetics for color fastness.
  • Apply oil compresses to the curls, which eat away the coloring pigment.

In addition, a conditioner with lemon juice will help to gradually lighten dark dyed hair. To do this, add the juice of one lemon to any suitable conditioner, apply the product as needed.

How to lighten dark hair at home?

Hot oil compresses will help lighten hair without damaging its structure. To lighten dark hair, burdock oil is used, which is evenly distributed over the strands. To improve the effect during the procedure, put on a shower cap, and then wrap your head with a towel. This mask can be left overnight, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Soda masks quickly and effectively lighten hair by one tone. Baking soda is mixed with water to a mushy state and applied to the hair, being careful not to get on the skin. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. After the soda mask, the hair is softened with a balm.

A quick and noticeable result is given by a mask based on lemon juice and chamomile infusion. Pharmaceutical chamomile is brewed in a glass of boiling water, combined with the juice of one lemon and a couple of tablespoons of castor oil

Naturally dry hair can be bleached with kefir. It will not only remove the coloring pigment, but also improve the structure of the curls. To prepare the mask, use 2 tbsp. l. kefir, cognac, juice of one lemon, egg yolk and a spoonful of shampoo. All components are mixed and applied to dry, clean hair. During the procedure, the head is warmed with a towel. Maintain the mask for 30 minutes.

Lightening dark hair without harming its structure is quite simple. It is enough to try out a few of the above tips. Remember that the effect of home procedures does not appear immediately.

Girls always love to experiment and try new things, whether it's cooking, dressing up or styling their hair. You can not wear one dress daily, even if it is "your favorite." Likewise, you can't wear the same hair color all year round. Each season has its own requirements and trends.

Lemon juice

Dark curls in the summer months look heavy, and they want to be bleached. But are you avoiding it because you don't want to use bleach chemicals? Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to lighten black hair without harm. All methods contain natural ingredients and are therefore 100% safe.

How to lighten dyed dark hair with fresh lemon juice? Lemon will help lighten black hair and get rid of dandruff. If you apply lemon to your colored locks and sit in the sun for a while, the citric acid in the lemon will activate. Always use SPF 30+ sunscreen on your face and exposed areas to protect your skin from sunburn. Citric acid removes a dark shade well, and the curls become much lighter.

Do-it-yourself classic brightening rinse

Dilute 100 ml of lemon juice with water (1:1) and pour into a spray bottle. The resulting clarifying lemon water is applied to clean strands and roots, washed off after about an hour. But do not exceed the time (no more than 1 hour), otherwise your dyed curls will become dull and frazzled. For best results, you can add chamomile or bee honey to this whitening mixture. Lemon juice is recommended to be added to regular shampoo for clarification and wash your hair with it for 1-2 weeks. Only lemon juice must be fresh. After use, it is best to moisturize the curls with a conditioner.

Pour a small amount of fresh lemon juice into a plastic bowl. Add the conditioner in equal proportions and mix the ingredients well using a plastic whisk. Protect your clothing and skin with a towel around your shoulders. Mix the clarifying mask and rub it into the root zone with massaging movements, gently spread the comb over the strands and in the root zone. Sit in the sun for one and a half to two hours. Rinse off the brightening mask under running water and apply a balm or conditioner. Use this home remedy to lighten colored strands weekly until you get the desired shade.

How to bleach curls with bee honey and vinegar

Dark hair at home can be lightened with a mixture of honey and vinegar mixed with water, but sometimes after this cosmetic procedure, they look dry. In order to avoid this undesirable effect, trichologists recommend adding a few drops of olive oil to the clarifying mixture. You can moisturize the strands and roots with a conditioner with the addition of coconut oil.

Black hair bleached with honey and apple cider vinegar

Bee honey contains in its composition, in addition to useful substances and vitamins, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is an excellent clarifying agent. When using dark bee honey, the clarification process improves. But such a tool should be used with caution, since honey can cause allergies. Actions:

  • to 100 g of bee honey, add 200 ml of vinegar diluted with water and 10 grams of cinnamon (cinnamon);
  • distribute the resulting slurry on the root zone and strands, wrap your head with a film, rinse under water after half an hour.

Lightening Secrets

How to lighten hair with henna? If you mix pharmacy chamomile and henna powder (colorless), then the brightening effect is greatly increased. This is one of the best natural brighteners that can be used to lighten black dyed strands. This method is 100% safe for their health. A mask of colorless henna and pharmacy chamomile is not only a natural and easily accessible cosmetic product, it very rarely causes allergic reactions.

Henna for lightening is a great option that has been used since ancient times.


  • a small amount of colorless henna and dry pharmaceutical chamomile are mixed in plastic dishes;
  • add water to the mixture, mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous gruel is obtained and apply to the root zone and strands;
  • cover the head with a bag;
  • rinse with water after 2 hours.

How to lighten hair with chamomile? Chamomile has found its wide distribution in cosmetology and medicine due to its unique properties. This flower contains valuable essential oil, flavanoids, coumarins, choline. Chamomile is primarily known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Chamomile tea can be drunk in acute and chronic inflammatory processes. This plant can be used in the form of decoctions and tinctures, externally and internally. Chamomile is one of the best options for lightening hair without much damage to their health. The brightening effect will be enhanced if you are in the sun with this mask, but do not forget to apply sunscreen to the skin. A decoction of dry pharmaceutical chamomile (room temperature) should be applied to the roots and strands. Wash off with water after half an hour.

You can whiten curls with:

  • honey;
  • vitamin C;
  • baking soda.

One of the cheap methods to lighten strands at home without harming them is honey.

How to lighten dyed dark hair with bee honey? The hydrogen peroxide found in natural honey is known for its lightening effects. In addition, bee honey moisturizes and gives curls a natural shine. Mix a small amount of water with bee honey to make a thin slurry, and apply it to the roots and strands. After half an hour, wash off this brightening mask and wash your hair with shampoo.

For the purpose of clarification, bee honey can be added to the conditioner and rinsed with it. To improve the lightening process, trichologists recommend adding coconut or olive oil, banana to the honey mask.

How to lighten hair with vitamin C tablets? Vitamin C or ascorbic acid not only helps to lighten hair without much harm to their health, but also keeps them healthy and shiny. You can buy vitamin C tablets or ascorbic acid ampoules at your nearest pharmacy. It is a safe and effective remedy for colored strands and roots. Grind the tablets thoroughly, add to shampoo or balm, apply to the roots and strands. Wash off with water after half an hour.

Baking soda - gentle bleaching lye

How to lighten hair with baking soda? Baking soda is a natural ingredient and therefore 100% safe. You can always find it in the kitchen and use it to lighten even very dark hair at home. Mix water with baking soda (until the consistency of a thick slurry). Distribute it evenly over the root zone and strands. Wash off after an hour.

Masks and shampoos

A yogurt mask is widely used to whiten strands. The ingredients used in this brightening mask are environmentally friendly. Actions:

  • mix fresh lemon juice, chamomile decoction (100 ml), 20 grams of yogurt (without dyes and additives), 20 grams of cinnamon;
  • distribute evenly over strands and roots;
  • rinse with water after half an hour.

For visible results, use this mask every week.

How to lighten dark hair at home with shampoo? Can I lighten very dark dyed strands with shampoo? How to go from black to chocolate brown without harm? To safely lighten your hair, you can use a special lightening shampoo such as John Frieda Sheer Blonde®. It is designed to gradually lighten colored strands. It contains an extract of pharmacy chamomile and citrus fruits (lemon, orange), which are natural remedies for lightening strands, strengthening the follicle. The advantage of John Frieda Sheer Blonde shampoo is that it does not contain such aggressive ingredients as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It allows you to very gently and gradually move into a lighter shade.

Lightening shampoos are special cosmetic products designed to lighten dark and colored strands. They usually contain a small amount of hydrogen peroxide or any other bleaching agent. Most clarifying shampoos can make your curls dry and brittle. Therefore, during their application, you need to constantly use moisturizing conditioners.

Few women are 100% satisfied with their natural color of the strands. Often girls want to lighten their black hair to freshen up their appearance. This procedure cannot be called sparing, and some methods are even aggressive. It is important to choose a color that will provide the desired result and cause minimal damage to the hairstyle.

How to lighten hair at home

Strands can be adjusted by several tones using the following improvised means:

  • Lemon juice. It will lighten red and light blond hair by 1-2 shades. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and add 0.5 liters of water. After washing, rinse the dark strands with this solution. If you want to enhance the result, go out into the sun for 10 minutes. A kefir mask has the same effect.
  • Peroxide. Prepare a decoction of chamomile from 100 g of dry grass and 300 g of water. When it is infused (after 20-30 minutes), strain the liquid and add 50 g of peroxide. Before washing your hair, apply the resulting mixture along the entire length, wrap with a plastic bag. After half an hour, rinse off the composition and wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Cinnamon and honey. Take 50 g of these products and 100 g of conditioner. Mix the ingredients, apply the composition to clean, damp hair. Do not rub the mixture into your skin. Wrap your head with polyethylene, wrap it with a warm cloth. After 30 minutes, remove the cloth, hold the mask on the curls for another 2 hours.

These methods spare dark and light strands, but do not provide a radical effect. To thoroughly repaint, you must use chemicals. The stiffer and darker the hair, the greater the percentage of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia should be in the paint. If the strands are soft and not burning dark, do not choose aggressive compositions, otherwise you will ruin your hair.

Lightening dark hair

Oily and thick strands are more difficult to lighten than soft, dry and thin strands. For these purposes, it is worth using ready-made paints, and often they do not have the best effect on health. You should not prepare aggressive compositions on your own, since it is very difficult to choose the right concentration of substances (peroxide and ammonia). There are ammonia-free cream paints on sale that do not have such a negative effect on dark strands. However, it is not always possible to achieve high-quality discoloration with their help. In one procedure, the hair is lightened by 2-3 tones.

How to choose a hair lightener

Lightening hair at home will be great if you choose the right product. In this case, it is worth focusing on the condition of your strands and the desired effect. What kind of paint to lighten dark hair and not ruin it? Characteristics of existing funds:

  1. Paints with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia. Designed for deep lightening. Ammonia slightly opens the scales and facilitates the penetration of active substances inside. Peroxide enters the rod and washes out melanin. Dyes settle instead. To achieve the ideal result, it is worth resorting to the procedure several times, and this is very traumatic for the strands.
  2. Ammonia-free paints. More gentle, but not as effective. Damage to dark strands with this composition does not threaten you. The paint envelops the hair shaft from the outside, providing a slight lightening. Available in the form of a cream, oil composition, powder. The latter is the most difficult to work with, as it must be properly diluted and ensure a quick, uniform application along the length.

The best lightening hair dye

What is the best color to lighten dark hair? Such manufacturers deserve special popularity among girls and women:

  • Wellaton. Cream paint neutralizes dark pigment, contains vitamin B5, healthy oils. It does not leave yellowness, it is well fixed on the strands.
  • Garnier. A relatively inexpensive paint that helps lighten both the roots and tips. Provides a good result without yellowness, which lasts a long time. Doesn't make hair stiff.
  • Loreal Platinum. A bleaching paste without harsh odors. Carefully affects the skin. Suitable for dark strands, paints them with high quality.
  • Estelle. Allows you to quickly discolor dark strands. Easy to apply, does not contain aggressive substances. The manufacturer included a soothing balm in the kit.
  • Palette. It has a gentle composition that does not dry or destroy hair. If irritation occurs, the emollient cream will remove it.

What color to lighten hair

You should choose a product so that it does not leave yellowness. This happens if:

  • the paint was of poor quality;
  • you have increased the exposure time on the hair;
  • previously painted strands with henna or basma;
  • did shielding, lamination;
  • had a perm less than 14 days ago;
  • clarified natural black, red or chestnut color without knowing the intricacies of the process.


If you have not used paint before, then you need to take a product a couple of tones lighter than yours. Then the composition is mixed with an oxidizing agent 9% in a ratio of 1:1. Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair, hold for a certain period of time and rinse. If the resulting tone is still too dark for you, the re-lightening procedure can be carried out after 2 weeks.


Dark hair should first be lightened with solutions based on hydrogen peroxide. For hard black strands, you will need a composition of 8-12%, for lighter and thinner ones - 6-8%. If you want to wash off an unfortunate dark color, use a deep cleansing shampoo. It removes pigment particles. Next, you should take a course of restorative procedures and only then use the hair dye of the desired color.

For 2 tones

To lighten dark hair a couple of shades, you can use a safe cream dye that does not contain ammonia. It contains hydrogen peroxide, which provides the desired result. The product has a thick dense consistency, does not exude a pungent odor. If you need a tone that is slightly different from yours, you can safely buy any high-quality brightening cream paint.

Hair roots

Use half a pack of professional bleaching paint. You should treat only the regrown dark areas, while it is advisable not to affect previously dyed hair. 5-10 minutes before you need to wash off the chemical composition, spread it along the entire length to refresh the color. Do not wash your hair for at least a day before the procedure.

Hair ends

After lightening the ends of the strands, you will get an ombre or balayage effect, but these procedures require a high level of skill. If you decide to deal with dark hair yourself, use high-quality paints. Which one is better to use? Here are good products for lightening the ends: L'Oreal Ambre, Swarzkopf Essential Color, Wella Professionals. When coloring strands, grab only the tips. To remove sharp boundaries, go through the strands with a comb a few minutes before washing.


Highlighting will refresh the image and give the hairstyle an attractive shape. Strands lightened by 2-3 tones look harmonious. For this purpose, for dark hair, use ammonia-free paints, they will achieve the desired result. If you want to achieve significant contrast, resort to the help of perhydrol-based oxidizers. Process individual strands and wrap them in foil.

How to lighten hair correctly

Please note that if you are a burning brunette, then the blond effect will not work right away. It is necessary to achieve the desired color gradually with an interval of at least two weeks. How to lighten hair properly? Follow the tips from the general instructions:

  1. Choose the right paint, guided by the tips above. Be sure to calculate how much money you need for your length.
  2. Read the manufacturer's recommendations, look at the color change chart on the package. Be sure to determine the exposure time.
  3. Apply the product to the entire length, roots or ends. This must be done quickly so that the hair is dyed evenly.
  4. After the indicated time (recommended sparing interval of 30 minutes), wash off the paint, apply a moisturizing and firming mask. After the procedure, regularly engage in hair restoration, as they often deteriorate under the influence of chemicals.

Video: how to lighten the ends of the hair at home