Secrets of perfect foot smoothness: how to do a hardware pedicure. How to do a hardware pedicure

It will give the feet tenderness, smoothness, relieve rough skin, corns, return a pleasant appearance to unaesthetic areas.

No hot baths or cuts!

What should you know about hardware pedicure?

How to carry out the procedure at home? Let's figure it out.

Main difference hardware pedicure from classical technology - to treat rough skin, you do not need to steam your feet in hot water. Softening of the skin occurs under the influence of a special gel or oil applied to the feet.

The composition acts only on dead skin cells, without injuring the "living" zones. tissue safety, minimal risk of skin damage- a definite "plus" in the piggy bank of the original technique. Careful processing of all areas is provided by a set of milling nozzles of various shapes and sizes.

Benefits of hardware pedicure:

  • there is no contact with hot water, the risk of developing fungal diseases is reduced;
  • a special softener delicately affects dead tissue, the level of traumatization is significantly reduced;
  • the procedure takes place without pain and discomfort, the epidermis, nail plates are rarely damaged. Problems are associated with the inept actions of the master or the person performing the procedure at home without a sufficient level of training;
  • special gel acts quickly: only 10 minutes, and it is possible to carry out hardware processing of stops. Under the action of active components, the surface acquires a healthy appearance;
  • with the help of a hardware pedicure, it is easy to get rid of even old corns, rough calluses;
  • during the procedure, the active zones on the feet are massaged. After the session, a person feels rested, acupressure of reflexogenic zones has a positive effect on the body;
  • softener provides disinfection epidermis, heals wounds, cracks;
  • for gentle, but thorough processing, nozzles of various configurations and sizes have been developed. By selecting the appropriate hardness of the surface, it is easy to achieve perfect smoothness both on coarsened and on the most delicate areas. With proper treatment, injuries are practically excluded;
  • after removal of deep corns, the hole is filled with a special composition. The active agent acts on the root of the formation, prevents relapses;
  • hardware technique no risk of injury, steaming the feet is allowed for people suffering from diabetes. The use of cutting tools often provokes the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds on the surface. Fine abrasive, white stone - means for delicate processing of nail plates and skin;
  • one machine with a variety of nozzles provides a complete, comprehensive care for the feet and nails;
  • pedicure equipment allows you to gently treat the area around the wart without damaging the formation. The technique is acceptable for patients suffering from nail fungus. First, the affected plate is treated, after which an antimycotic ointment is applied to the prepared areas.

Note! The hardware method of caring for the nail plates and feet is recommended for men. The procedure is suitable for the representatives of the stronger sex, who pay attention even to such details as well-groomed toenails. To prevent cracks, maintain health and elasticity of the skin, one treatment every month is enough.

milling machine requirements

In the salon, you fall into the hands of a master who knows the secrets of modern foot care. Specialists carry out the treatment of nails, keratinized areas on the feet with the help of professional equipment.

Not a secret that many ladies eventually decide to carry out a useful procedure at home. The beautiful floor is concerned with questions: “Which milling machine to choose for home use? What to look for when buying a device for a hardware pedicure?

Special purpose

Decide what do you need the device for. If you plan to do only a pedicure, choose a device with sufficient power, a high number of revolutions. For manicure, nail extension, foot care, you will need a device with the maximum number of nozzles.

Power, number of revolutions

Important indicator, directly affecting the comfort, quality of work. Choose a device that produces 10-20 thousand revolutions per minute. For permanent use at home, a universal device with a power of 40 W or more is recommended.

A device for treating feet at home should have power/speed indicators within these limits. At lower values, the cutters will stop when pressed, you will not be able to fully carry out the procedure.

Important! Do not buy powerful professional pedicure machines with high performance (from 60 rpm to 100 watts). Devices are used only in the cabin. Violation of the requirement increases the risk of injury.


Helpful Hints:

  • for home use, choose not diamond, but ceramic nozzles: the risk of tissue damage is minimized;
  • the wider the range of nozzles, the easier it is to treat different areas, including delicate fabrics / uncomfortable areas.

The set must have impact nozzles to the following zones:

  • keratinized areas;
  • cuticle;
  • painful, ingrown nails;
  • nail plates.

Types of nozzles:

  • ceramic;
  • silicon carbide;
  • silicone;
  • diamond.

Noise, vibration

The lower the level of these indicators, the more comfortable it is to take care of the feet. Even a slight noise irritates, provokes headache makes it difficult to relax.

Note! There is no vibration in expensive pedicure machines of well-known brands.

Types of clamps

Do not be stingy when buying a milling machine: more expensive models have an automatic type of clamp for attaching attachments. semi-automatic the variety is also convenient, the replacement of the nozzle is quite fast.

Manual option- the most inconvenient. You have to unwind the washer, install a new fixture, press the button, re-fix the nozzle. The only advantage is the low price.

Instrument handle

When buying a device feel free to check if the shape, weight of the handle is right for you. Too heavy, uncomfortable handle creates discomfort during tissue processing. Check with the seller if there is forced cooling of this element.

Great option- brushless (brushless) device, however, there is one caveat. Many experts recommend a powerful fixture for professional use only.

Spray or vacuum cleaner: what to choose

Beauty salon masters use more expensive models that provide comfort for the client and the master. Each type of device has positive/negative sides.

Appliance with vacuum cleaner


  • health care;
  • active absorption of the smallest particles of nail dust.


  • higher cost;
  • In the event of a breakdown, repairs are quite expensive.

Spray device

Advantages: the use of anti-inflammatory, antimycotic, cooling sprays enhances the healing effect of the session.

Flaws: the composition flows down the legs, causes slight discomfort.

Advice! If your plans include not only a pedicure, but also the treatment of nails on your hands, choose a milling machine without a vacuum cleaner / spray. Reason: the smallest dust during nail extension, during manicure, is stuffed into certain parts of the vacuum cleaner, provokes a breakdown that cannot be repaired. A device without a spray / vacuum cleaner has a lower cost.

Application frequency

Before buying an appliance, consider how many times a week you will use the appliance. No need spend money on an ultra-modern device, if you use it a couple of times, then put it on the shelf, you will rarely get it, “according to your mood”.

If a milling machine is needed weekly, or you know that a sister or mother is also not averse to using a useful acquisition, choose a more expensive model. The tool from well-known manufacturers from high-quality materials will last a long time, without fail.

What is needed for the procedure


Stock up on the necessary devices, tools, medical, decorative cosmetics: a full set of tools will provide maximum comfort, high quality foot care.

Check the list to see if you have prepared everything for a hardware pedicure.

Perhaps at first you will have one or two types of foot cream: this nuance is not so important.

The main elements for the treatment of feet, nails, you must buy.

You will need:

  • milling machine with a variety of nozzles;
  • gel softener;
  • tweezers for processing burrs;
  • disinfectant composition;
  • paper napkins;
  • tampon holder;
  • protective oil for feet;
  • decorative varnish;
  • cuticle oil;
  • medical varnish;
  • foot cream (several types).

Advice! Choose cosmetics for hardware pedicure from well-known manufacturers , for example, the German company Lutticke. Hoznhautweicher's cornification softener works only on dead skin. The volume of the product is 500 ml. To consolidate the effect, rub Hornhaut Reduziercreme anti-keratinization cream from the same manufacturer into the skin of the feet twice a day. The volume of a useful product is 30 ml.

Hardware pedicure at home or in the salon: technique

After development, the hardware technique was applied for medicinal purposes. The owners of beauty salons quickly appreciated the benefits of the new technology, mastered the original method of caring for the feet and nail plates.

Now many high-level and elite salons offer customers hardware pedicure. During treatment, the client completely relaxes, sometimes even falling asleep. After exposure to biologically active points on the feet, the client receives not only perfect skin smoothness, well-groomed nails, but also feels a surge of vigor and strength.

Helpful Hints:

  • you decided to buy a device for a hardware pedicure? Before taking care of your feet at home, visit a beauty salon several times, where they do a pedicure using a hardware technique;
  • familiarize yourself with the process, watch the movements of the master. You will understand how to treat different areas of the foot, which tips are recommended for delicate / rough areas. Special attention- the use of nozzles on the nail area.

Stages of the procedure in the salon:

  • the master's hands, the client's feet are treated with a disinfectant. Without an antiseptic, the risk of infection increases several times;
  • the master lubricates the keratinized areas with a softener. Special gel remains on the feet within 10 minutes. During this time, dead tissue softens and can be easily processed;
  • the master goes through the areas near the cuticle with a small nozzle with a surface of fine abrasive. Horny areas around the nail plate require the use of a large round nozzle;
  • at the request of the client, the master gives the desired length of the nail with the help of pedicure nippers;
  • the next stage is delicate grinding of the edge of the nail plate. Processing is carried out using a special nozzle made of white stone. Requires professionalism, experience to gently remove excess nail to create the perfect shape;
  • from the nails, the master proceeds to the processing of the feet. With a paper towel, the specialist removes the remnants of the softening gel. It is desirable to treat a large area with cracks, a thick layer of rough skin with a pedicure machine;
  • using an apparatus with nozzles, softened cells are removed from thickened zones;
  • increased attention requires the area between the fourth and fifth toe (foot pads). It is here that corns most often appear among fans of high heels;
  • the next stage is the application of therapeutic compositions to the skin. Depending on the problem of a particular client, the master chooses a foot cream with special additives, for example, to relieve fatigue, against sweating. The tool works for 10-15 minutes.

Half of the procedure is over. Now it's time to do the toes, to spend the final stage.


  • a tampon holder is necessary when caring for the cuticle area. Burrs, often formed with poor care of the periungual zone, are removed by the master with pedicure tweezers;
  • An ingrown toenail is a problem that older patients often face. The hardware technique helps to solve the problem without pain, risk of injury. Problem area processed with a disinfectant and softener. Under the influence of active components, it is quite easy to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon;
  • the following steps in the processing of the toes are the same as for the impact on the feet. The difference is the use of a nozzle with a smaller diameter;
  • after removing the keratinization from each finger, the specialist rubs foot oil with protective properties into the epidermis with soft massage movements;
  • the final stage of the pedicure- application of decorative or therapeutic varnish. The client chooses the color, type of composition before starting the procedure;
  • after the product dries, the master powders the legs with a special powder-powder to prevent sweating and deodorize the skin.

Take note:

  • one of the advantages of a hardware pedicure is a gradual decrease in the rate of keratinization of individual areas;
  • the upper layer of the epidermis retains elasticity longer, the next procedure is moved further;
  • at first, every week, treat the keratinized areas, nails using special devices, and your feet will always be in perfect condition;
  • gradually the frequency of the procedure will decrease to 1 time in 15-20 days.

Now you know what it takes for a successful hardware pedicure. Prepare accessories, cosmetics for your feet, buy a high-quality milling machine with nozzles, carefully read the instructions. If you follow the rules, foot care will be simple and enjoyable.

Watch the video for a master class on hardware pedicure:

See the video below for a master class on hardware foot pedicure:

Hardware pedicure- This is a mechanical procedure for the care of toenails, as well as the skin of the foot. The main feature and its difference from the fact that water and skin softeners are not used here - everything is done by the apparatus.

The procedure includes a set of measures for the treatment of nails, cuticles and periungual ridges, as well as skin on the outside of the feet. During the procedure, the dry layer of keratinized skin is removed, corns, well-marked cracks on the legs are removed. A professional master will also help solve the problem or fungus and other little troubles on the feet.

I note that a hardware pedicure for home conditions (when performed by yourself) is not very suitable: it is unlikely that you can see all the problem areas well enough and perform their high-quality processing on your own, unless you are a professional master in this field.

In the salon, on the contrary, all conditions have been created: a special chair that raises the client to a height convenient for the master and supports the legs, a swivel lamp, a chair on wheels, etc. When performing a hardware manicure, the master must be dressed appropriately: gloves on his hands, an apron, a mask over his mouth and, of course, a mask with a transparent protective screen over his eyes.

Electric machine for hardware pedicure

To carry out a hardware pedicure, you will need to have several cutters and silicon carbide nozzles. To count on repeated and regular use, the machine must have a power of at least 40 watts and a rotation speed of cutters from 15 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a reverse reverse function.

About cutters

Cutters for pedicure can be divided into three types depending on the place of use:

  1. For the treatment of nails and cuticles. The same cutters are suitable here as for the nails on the hands. You can read more about them.
  2. To treat the skin around the nails. Ceramic or diamond nozzles are suitable here. The abrasiveness of the cutter is selected depending on the condition of the skin.
  3. For the treatment of the skin of the foot. Coarse-abrasive diamond cutters, silicone grinders and silicon carbide bits (disposable sand caps) are suitable here.

How to do a hardware pedicure: step by step instructions

Performing a hardware pedicure can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation
  2. Finger and nail pedicure
  3. Foot pedicure

1 - Let's start

The preparatory stage includes an examination of the condition of the skin of the legs and nails by the master, the identification of problem areas and, possibly, the identification of contraindications for the procedure. Next, you need to treat the legs and interdigital spaces with an antiseptic and clean them before manicure, then wipe them dry with a disposable towel.

2 – Nail pedicure

  • It begins with the correction of the length and shape of the nail. Here you can use the usual hard file, if the free edge is long, or with a machine. In the second case, we select a cutter in the form of an inverted cone and a speed of about 10,000 - 12,000 rpm.
  • Next, you need to lift the cuticle from the nail and remove the pterygium. To do this, they pass with a machine with a conical cutter (or a drop, or a ball), first in one direction, then change the reverse and go in the other direction. It is convenient to change the bypass method after all five nails on one foot have been processed. This saves time and movement. To avoid cuts and a burning sensation in the client, the movements should not be performed in one place - the machine is constantly moving. Do not forget to periodically clean the nails with a brush.
  • You can also lift the cuticle if the master considers it more suitable for this particular cuticle. In this case, it will not be completely hardware, but already a combined pedicure. The result of this will not be worse.
  • After lifting, the cuticle is removed with the same cutter, after which it is necessary to perform skin resurfacing in this place in order to prevent the formation and avoid unaesthetic torn skin edges.
  • Remains of pterygium can be removed with a pusher or cone cutter. Here, with a spatula, all contaminants in the space under the free edge of the nail are removed.
  • Next, we work with the lateral sinuses and rollers. First of all, it is necessary to clean with the thinnest needle cutter in the sinuses of keratinization.
  • With a truncated cone cutter, side ridges are processed along the lines of the skin, including the front pad.
  • The final of this stage is the polishing of the nail plate with the help of silicone nozzles at a low speed - about 10-12 thousand revolutions. To get a perfectly smooth surface, you can start with a coarser polisher and gradually move on to softer ones.

You can more clearly understand the whole process by watching the video. Below you can find a video instruction from my partner, the Krasotkapro online store:

3 - Foot treatment

This completes the hardware pedicure.


You may have already noticed that it has a lot of advantages over similar foot procedures, namely:

  1. Hygienic and safe. All tools before use, some materials are disposable. This way of working with the skin virtually eliminates the cuts that often occur with a classic pedicure.
  2. Solves many leg and foot problems: corns, calluses, ingrown nail, cracks, thickening of the nail plate, hyperkeratosis.
  3. No contraindications for those who suffer from diabetes.

After the procedure, you can cover the nails with varnish or. But that's a completely different story :) In the photo below, my legs after a hardware pedicure in the salon, I already did the gel polish myself:

If this page was useful to you, recommend it to your friends:

Lovers of high heels and open sandals, no doubt, know how important it is to always have a good pedicure. But well-groomed feet are not only the choice of those who wear open shoes.

A beautiful manicure and pedicure gives confidence and really inspires. You need to make time for your legs all the time. Sometimes it happens that there is no opportunity to visit the salon, but despite this, you want to stay “on top”.

With the help of a few simple tips, you will learn how to easily and correctly do a pedicure at home without the use of special devices and devices.

  1. preparatory procedure;
  2. foot baths;
  3. foot skin treatment;
  4. nail treatment;
  5. work with the cuticle;
  6. applying varnish.

Below we consider in more detail each stage of the pedicure.

What do you need for a pedicure at home?

As a preparatory procedure, make sure that all nail polish is removed.

Photo - Step by step pedicure instructions

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare special tools for pedicure..
If you have already decided to make a beautiful homemade nail pedicure, then get a good nail file for your arsenal. Experts advise to abandon too rough with a coating resembling sandpaper. Using such a tool will lead to the fact that the nails will begin to exfoliate and become unhealthy and unattractive. It is best to arm yourself with a glass nail file. It has many benefits. Firstly, it absolutely excludes damage to the nail, and secondly, such a nail file does not grind off and will serve you for a very long time.

Photo - File

File your nails in one direction only. giving them the desired shape. Do not experiment with the shape of the nail. Leave all the experiments for the fingers, where your efforts can be appreciated and it will not harm your health. Giving an unusual shape on the toes can lead to such a bad consequence as an ingrown toenail. This disease in the early stages can be treated independently, by treating the problem area with a solution of soda and potassium permanganate, but when the form is advanced, it is necessary to contact specialists.

The second stage of the pedicure is the polishing of the nail..
For these purposes, it is necessary to have a double-sided nail file for polishing. First, use the rough side to get rid of small roughness of the nail and remove the remains of varnish, and then resort to the second, less hard side. Carefully polish your nails and they will sparkle, become smooth and shiny.

Video lesson for beginners: home pedicure

Steam bath

The next requirement is the use of a steaming foot bath. It not only softens the skin and facilitates further pedicure procedures, but can also perform an indirect function, depending on the composition of the bath.

Consider the different types of baths:

  • Antibacterial bath will be useful for those who suffer from a fungal infection or have had contact of the skin of their legs with a surface on which many strangers have walked, for example, when visiting swimming pools, water parks and other things. For the prevention of fungus and its treatment, you need to add a little baking soda to the bath. Usually 4-5 tablespoons are enough. Such a solution disinfects well and eliminates unnecessary bacteria. This procedure will also help get rid of foot odor.
  • Relaxing bath with the addition of tincture of chamomile or calendula has a moisturizing effect. It is useful for those who have too dry skin of the feet and prefer narrow shoes or high heels in their daily life. Such a composition will not only moisturize the skin of the legs, but also disinfect and protect in case of small wounds or cracks.

It is not worth keeping the legs in the bath for too long, and watch how the skin is steaming. Usually 15 minutes is enough and you can resort to the next step. Then carefully wipe the legs with a waffle towel so that all the moisture is absorbed, and proceed to the next procedure.

Peeling and nutrition of the skin of the feet

In order to remove dead skin areas, you need to take pumice stone. It is best to use fine-grained, in order to give an even surface to your skin. This tool becomes indispensable for foot care. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas (corns and keratinized skin) and treat them more carefully.

But on our feet there are many places that are hard to reach for pumice. In such cases, you can apply foot scrub and carefully treat the areas. After the diligent procedure is over, it is necessary to wash the feet in clean warm water.

Now you will need wooden stick. The cuticle of the nails is sufficiently softened at this stage of the pedicure and can be moved without any traumatic consequences. Please note that experts do not advise cutting the cuticle on the toenails, it must be regularly pushed back.

It's time to do the last procedures for cleaning the marigold. By using bone or wooden stick you can easily clean the nails from the remaining dirt. The procedure is best carried out with the utmost diligence, in order to exclude injury to the fatty pad, which is located directly under the nails. When the cleaning is over, we proceed to the most pleasant process.

Now your feet can be pampered massage. Massage your feet with additional nourishing cream if they are too dry and need to be moisturized. If there is profuse sweating, then you can use special foot products with a deodorizing effect. And if you spent the whole day on your feet and feel noticeable fatigue on your face, in your legs, and in your whole body, then it will not be superfluous application of creams from the series with a tonic effect.

If there is no cosmetic product at hand, experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using the usual vegetable oil. With the help of ordinary olive or sunflower oil, you can achieve good results in restoring the water balance of the skin of the legs.

Lacquer application

Pedicure at home is completed by applying varnish to the surface of the nail. But before you paint your nails, you need to degrease them with a means which does not contain acetone. Lacquer is usually applied in two layers.

The best thing use spreaders- these are special separator plates that slightly spread the fingers during a pedicure and do not allow them to touch each other.

In order to speed up the drying process, some use a hair dryer. Experts are categorically against such experiments, because when exposed to a stream of hot air, the varnish will very quickly begin to peel off from the surface of the nail. Hairdryer is a last resort. It cannot serve as a nail care product.

Photo - Step-by-step creation of a pedicure

If the skin on the legs grows very quickly, it is necessary to do a pedicure quite often, for example, once every two weeks. But if there are no special problems, then it will be enough to limit it once a month.

Video: how to make real salon pedicure procedures at home

Drawings on nails for a pedicure

In order to appreciate all your efforts, in addition to the classic pedicure activities, it is important to choose beautiful and appropriate patterns for nails.

Below are popular photos of a bright pedicure, which is perfect for both summer and early autumn and late spring, when it's time for open shoes.

If you need a winter pedicure design for a sample, then we present you a selection of interesting drawings with a New Year and Christmas theme.

Created on 10/17/2010

Well-groomed feet are just as important as hands. Especially during the warm period. So don't forget your pedicure.

This is a treatment for the care of legs, feet and toenails.

The main rule of a pedicure is that pedicure at home is performed only on a healthy foot.

If you have changes in the nail plate: nail plate color, shape; the skin is infected or severely damaged, you need to contact a specialist - a pedicure room or doctors.

Tools needed for a pedicure

  • Various foot grinders
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail files. They can be metal, cardboard, glass with very high abrasiveness (hardness)
  • Wooden sticks for processing cuticles. They can be orange, birch, rose
  • Tweezers

Preparations needed for a pedicure

Bath salt. You can use professional salt. At home, you can add soda, herbal infusions and liquid soap to the water to "soak" your feet. The temperature of the foot bath should be 37-38 degrees. But with certain diseases, for example, varicose veins, with arthritis, the bath should be no more than 37 degrees. Feet are "soaked" for 20 minutes, in case of diseases - for 3-5 minutes.

If there is severe keratinization on the feet, a bath of decoction of birch leaves can help: take 1 part of birch leaves to 5 parts of water and make a decoction. For 1 liter of broth, add 1 tablespoon of salt. The duration of such a bath is 20 minutes. After you have steamed your feet, pat them dry with a towel. Clean the steamed cornification with a foot grater.

Corns are treated only by a doctor or in a pedicure room.

At home, corns in the initial stage can be dealt with, for example, using gruel from aloe leaves, or you can make a mixture of flour and table vinegar. In this case, such a composition should not fall on the skin around the corn.

Peeling (foot scrub) for foot treatment.

Masks and creams for foot care. Creams should be used only special for the feet, because creams for hands and body do not have the properties that are needed. Foot creams should be disinfectant. Often they are deodorant, with antifungal properties, warming, with the addition of red pepper; cooling, which are used for varicose veins and heavy legs, such creams with horse chestnut additives.

Special softening solution "Cutikremover" for cuticle treatment.

Oil for cuticles and nails. The oil is special, with medicinal antifungal properties.

There are diseases that you cannot fight on your own. You need to see a doctor if you have:

  • signs of a fungal disease - a change in the nail plate and its color;
  • ingrown nails
  • deep cracks

With diseases such as diabetes mellitus and varicose veins, there are features of performing a pedicure. Since even microtraumas do not heal well with diabetes, you can not do a trimmed pedicure. In this case, a hardware pedicure is recommended only in the specialist's office and the use of special products for a diabetic foot. Baths are made with a temperature of no more than 37 degrees and no more than 3 minutes in time. A light massage is done.

In the case of varicose veins, hot baths should not be taken, massage is contraindicated and the use of special products is recommended.

Before proceeding with the pedicure procedure, consider nail structure.

Nail plate- this is the result of the division of the main organ of the nail apparatus - the matrix. Matrix- this is the main part of the growth zone of the nail, that is, its own living part. The matrix is ​​located under the posterior nail fold, it determines the shape of the nail, its thickness, growth rate and its structure. The nail growth zone continues under the nail plate to form the nail bed. Here the growth of the nail continues in thickness until the transition of the nail into free edge.

Also part of the growth zone of the nail. It is often removed to achieve an aesthetic effect. During keratinization, part of the fibers of the posterior nail fold is woven into the nail plate, and part grows on the nail in the form of a cuticle.

The thinnest layer of the cuticle pterygium. It is always removed, as it grows very strongly and causes a lot of trouble - the nails often look unkempt.

A complete change of the nail plate occurs normally in 3-4 months. Therefore, when treating or restoring nails, the result will become apparent only after 3-4 months.

  • fingernails grow faster than toenails
  • men's nails grow faster than women's
  • nails grow faster in summer than in winter

The slowdown in nail growth is associated with general metabolism, as well as with local microcirculation in the nail growth zone.

Also for a pedicure there are such concepts as dangerous areas of the nail which are of practical importance.

First danger zone located along the perimeter of the nail plate, near the rollers, along the line of transition to the nail. This is the area of ​​the youngest and thinnest nail. And in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe posterior nail roller, it is also part of the nail root. Injuries and sawing in this area are extremely dangerous for the condition and normal function of the nail.

Second danger zone- this is the zone of the most frequent fractures of the nail plate. This zone is located in the area of ​​​​the line of transition of the nail to the free edge.

Pedicure procedure

Foot treatment

First of all, if there is varnish on the nails, wipe it off. Then make a foot bath with salt and steam your feet for 10-20 minutes. After this time, we wipe our feet and if there are corns or calluses on the feet, we remove them with a coarse grater with coarse abrasiveness. When processing the foot, focus not on the visual effect, but on the touch. Do not overdo it, do not remove excess skin. The skin should become soft. After you have processed the foot with a coarse grater, take a smaller one and grind the foot. We also treat the skin on the fingertips and on the little fingers, without touching the nails. After that, lubricate the skin with a fat cream. If there are cracks on the leg, then it is necessary to smear them with a special cream for cracks.

Handling of fingers and nails

Shorten your nails first. It is more convenient to use nippers, as the toenails are quite hard. Nails can be cut in a semicircle or straight, as you like, but you can not cut the corners very deep, because then the nails will grow. Also, don't cut your toenails too short. But if you play sports or wear tight shoes, you can cut it shorter. Next, file your nails with a file: metal, glass or emery. If the nails are uneven, wavy, you can polish them with a buff (nail file for polishing nails): we grind the nail with a rougher surface and then polish it with a softer side. Nails become even and begin to shine.

Now work on your cuticles. To do this, take "Cutikremover" and apply on the cuticles on each finger. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Then, with an orange stick, clean off dead cells and correct the shape of the cuticle. Do this very carefully, trying not to damage the thin skin of the cuticle. The remains of "Kutikremover" must be removed, for example, with a cotton swab. If there is severe keratinization on the fingers, you can cut off excess skin with tweezers, but be very careful.

After processing the entire foot, you can do peeling various scrubs (rub a small amount of foot scrub on the foot with sufficiently strong movements, treating each finger and nail plate, after which the foot must be washed and wiped dry), make a foot mask (the mask is applied to the feet for 10 minutes, the feet can be wrapped with a towel, then you need to wash off the mask and wipe the foot) and then moisten the nails with nail and cuticle oil (apply the oil on the cuticle and nails and rub it in), and the skin with cream. Everything is done in the sequence as described.

Next, you can paint your nails. To do this, degrease the nail plates with nail polish remover (preferably without acetone). You can use finger separators. Cover your nails with base coat. The basis can be curative. Next, cover your nails with 1-2 layers of colored polish. When staining, you can stain the skin and to correct, use a special corrector, cleaning up all the bumps. Let your polish dry and then coat your nails with a top coat that prolongs the life of the polish and prevents it from chipping. Dry well.

Everything, the pedicure is ready!

Not only their beauty, but also the health of the body depends on the condition of our legs. In order to have smooth feet, you need to constantly monitor them and do beauty treatments for your feet at home. The simplest procedures - various baths, masks or compresses - will restore lightness and beauty to the legs.

Foot baths

Loosening bath

Before treating the feet for a pedicure, a loosening bath is made to soften thickened skin and more effectively treat problem areas. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of soda, crushed laundry soap and ammonia to warm water - 2 liters. water. Bath time - 15 minutes. Essential oils can also be used as supplements.

Bath with herbal infusion

Softening baths

  • Rough skin softens and smoothes a warm bath from a mixture of thick hercules decoction - 500 ml. per bath and 1 tablespoon of coniferous extract.
  • Pour 1 l. boiling water 3 tablespoons of a mixture of nettle and St. John's wort. Let it brew for about 20 - 30 minutes, strain and add the broth to the bath.

milk bath

A milk bath for the feet will make the skin velvety. For this 1 l. add hot milk to the foot bowl. Duration - 20 minutes, then wipe your feet dry and grease your feet with lemon. It perfectly softens the skin.

aromatic bath

Mix 3 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of bergamot oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil, dissolve the mixture in 50 ml. any thick bubble bath. Then pour hot water into a bowl and pour the resulting mixture into it. Dip your feet in a basin for 10 minutes, then wipe dry and grease with cream. Course 1 - 2 months 2 - 3 times a week. Recommended for hands and feet affected by fungi.

Palm baths

People believe that willow has healing properties, and willow foot baths relieve pain and fatigue in the legs. Collecting willow in the old days was allowed only after Palm Sunday.

Recipe 1

  • willow bark (crushed) - 200 g,
  • boiling water - 10 l.

Insist 1 hour. Keep your feet in a warm infusion for 30 minutes.

Recipe 2

  • willow bark - 30 g,
  • oak bark - 30 g,
  • boiling water - 3 liters.

Insist 1 hour. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Palm foot baths should be done for 10 days and repeat the course after 2 weeks.

contrast bath

If your legs are tired, then contrast baths help to quickly relieve tension. To do this, the legs are lowered in turn either into hot or cold water for 10 - 15 seconds. And so 10 times. The procedure ends with cold water.

Sea salt bath

A warm foot bath with the addition of sea salt (for 3 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of salt) will relieve tired legs.

Paraffin foot mask

The procedure begins with a thorough cleansing, then a scrub is used, after which a moisturizing or softening cream is rubbed. Then they move on to a bath with paraffin, which should not be scalding, but very warm and pleasant. Next, the leg is then immersed in the bath for a few seconds, then taken out of it for a few seconds. And so 4 - 5 times, until the leg is gradually covered with paraffin. Then a plastic bag is pulled over the leg, and socks are put on top. After 10-15 minutes, the paraffin is removed and the foot cream is applied again.

Paraffin mask is indispensable for dry, cracked and sweaty feet.

Remedies for cracks and calluses on the heels

Crack Puree

Cracks can be healed with applesauce. Peel apples, cut into cubes, pour over a small amount of milk and boil until gruel forms. Apply the puree to the cracks in a thick layer, on top - a gauze bandage. Hold the compress for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

An old remedy for cracked heels

  • Alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Talc - 4 tsp
  • Chamomile flowers - 1 tsp

Grind chamomile flowers into powder. Wash your feet in warm soapy water, rub your feet with a pumice stone with light rotational movements. Dry your feet thoroughly. Lubricate the cracks first with alcohol, then with castor oil. Mix talc with chamomile, powder your feet with this mixture. Cream "Swift-footed doe"

4 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of nutmeg oil, 2 drops of orange oil mixed with 5 ml. fatty milk for the body. Apply the cream on the feet, do not rinse.

Rough skin on the heels

If the skin on the heels is rough, then it is necessary to make compresses from fresh tomatoes. Roughened areas of the skin are rubbed with a piece of tomato or a gruel of tomato puree is applied to them.

Mask "Pumpkin"

Remedy for rough skin on the legs.

For a mask, finely grated orange pumpkin (it has more vitamin A) is mixed with corn oil and applied to steamed legs for 30 minutes.

Blue clay mask

Dilute blue clay with warm water. Apply the mixture on your feet and wait until it dries. Rinse off the mask with warm water and lubricate the feet with a nourishing cream.

Folk remedies for corns and corns

With corns on the soles, you should make a soap and soda bath, then put a propolis cake on the corn, seal it with a plaster and wear it for three days. After three days, repeat the bath and clean off the corn. The cake is made from 1 teaspoon of propolis (soft consistency) and 0.5 teaspoon of butter.

Often calluses, rubbing of the legs make a person irritable, lead to rapid fatigue and physical pain when walking.

1 From corns, daily pouring of cold water on the feet helps well. 2 Tea tree oil can be used against corns. Every evening after a shower, rub the oil into the problem parts of the skin. After a couple of days, steam your legs and remove dead skin with a brush. 3 Finely chop the cabbage, add a little vegetable oil, apply evenly on a gauze bandage. Apply for 20-30 minutes to the keratinized area of ​​the foot. 4 An unaged callus can be painlessly removed by applying to it for 8 days at night compresses of bread crumb moistened with vinegar. 5 On old, deep corns, apply after a bath at night a piece of aloe leaf or lemon peel with pulp for 2 to 3 days. 6 Mix the ground onion with crushed head of garlic, apply on the corn for about 30 minutes, then steam your feet and treat with a pumice stone. To soften the skin, grease with olive oil. 7 Apply celandine juice on calluses for a week in the morning and evening. Then steam the skin and remove the corns. If this period is not enough, then continue the procedure until the result is obtained. 8 If the callus is deep, then it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water in the evening, wipe it off, tie a lemon peel with a small amount of pulp to the callus. In the morning, the procedure should be repeated.
Remedies for excessive sweating of the feet

First of all, thorough hygiene: daily washing of the feet, especially between the toes, cleaning the nails, polishing the soles with pumice until the keratinized tissue is completely removed, or using exfoliants for the feet. Don't forget to dry your feet with a dry towel.

It is possible to recommend the use of a special deodorant, which allows you to successfully fight the smell of sweat and prevents the growth of bacteria due to the presence in its composition of active components that have a cleansing and disinfecting effect. Often these are extracts of plants such as sage, lavender or cinquefoil (galangal). Remember to wear cotton socks, which should be washed in a detergent that has a germicidal effect. Alternatively, you can use a shoe deodorant aerosol that has a fresh, light but long lasting scent. Such a deodorant effectively fights unpleasant odors and even has a positive effect on a person's well-being.

It is necessary to take daily 10-minute foot baths with the addition of a decoction of oak bark, horsetail.

It is useful to use powder or a pencil from sweat.

Baths with sage, oak bark eliminate sweating and secretory odors of the feet, with willow - relieve pain, with chestnut - swelling.

Recipes for excessive sweating of the feet

1 With increased sweating of the soles, fungi often settle on them. The skin smells unpleasant, small bubbles and diaper rash appear on it. For treatment, special antifungal ointments are used. Be sure to consult your doctor before using these products! 2 For home treatments, you can use essential oils and plants that have an antifungal effect. 3 Areas affected by the fungus can be lubricated with essential oils of bergamot, laurel, tea tree, rosemary, cinnamon, thyme. 4 Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of sage oil, 3 drops of thyme oil with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and apply to the affected areas.