All about wedding boutonnieres. Video: how to make a boutonniere from satin ribbons

Quite often, newlyweds, when ordering a photo session for a wedding, make a number of mistakes that lead to rather sad consequences, and their realization comes later. For example, when viewing a finished wedding album or printed photographs. And, unfortunately, for the most part, the newlyweds themselves are to blame. A wedding is an event, and when preparing for it, you often miss a lot of important moments, simply because you need to keep track of literally everything and everything. Let's take a fairly common and common mistake as an example.

15 common wedding mistakes

This material will be of interest to everyone who is soon going to legitimize relations with their soulmate.

Photographer's Choice

One of the decisive factors for a quality wedding photo shoot is the right photographer. This is an important day in your life that will not be repeated, so you need to look for a professional who will not let you down. Yes, exactly a professional who gives a guaranteed result, and who definitely has a second camera or an assistant with a camera. Expensive does not mean high quality, but cheap - this is most likely a novice photographer. Be sure to study the portfolio and carefully read the reviews on social networks. If you liked the photos and the person seems interesting, arrange a pre-wedding love story shoot. This will help to understand for sure that you made the right choice, especially since many photographers offer pre-wedding photography for free.

wedding style

Probably every bride, in her dreams, sees the wedding as an event that should be remembered by her, her future husband and all the guests they invite. A wedding should be fabulous, fun and lively. One that friends and acquaintances will talk about for a long time. In fact, most often young people are faced with the financial side of the issue and improvisation goes into battle. A wild west wedding? Easily! Hats, vests, boots. And what is the result? Half of the guests are in jeans and shirts, the other half look like they robbed someone on the way (I need your clothes and a motorcycle (c)). There are many examples.
In rare cases, the bride (or the bride with her husband, or just the husband), with the help of friends / girlfriends and acquaintances, or on her own, finds an option in which the bride and groom look amazing, friends and acquaintances buy or find suitable outfits in their bins /suits, and everything comes down to a single style. And if the newlyweds, when choosing the style of their wedding, consult with an experienced photographer or organizer, then with a high probability the wedding will go as planned.

Where to attach the boutonniere?

From French boutonniere is translated as "a flower in a buttonhole." Newlyweds who honor traditions do not forget about this accessory. Attached to the lapel of a jacket, or put in a pocket. Usually the boutonniere is styled with the bride's bouquet, and traditionally the bride attaches it to her husband's suit after he hands her the bouquet.

pale bouquet

This option is more suitable on a bright sunny day. But in cloudy weather - and a white dress and a gray sky, and even this pale bouquet, they will simply merge. Indeed, on a cloudy day, the frames are not very expressive anyway. Therefore, for an interesting color accent in photographs, it is better to choose a bright bouquet, and the main thing here is not to overdo it with a variety of shades.

Ordering just one bouquet

The bride traditionally throws her bouquet to her bridesmaids. But not every bouquet is designed for such a procedure. A bouquet that is too light or lush enough will not fly away anywhere. Therefore, it is better to order several bouquets in advance. A bouquet with which the bride will spend the whole day. The bouquet with which she will make happy one of the unmarried girlfriends - here the small size and special weighting are important. And one more thing that the groom should remember is a bouquet for the future mother-in-law.

When the wedding is in winter

If you don’t want to freeze even at 10 degrees below zero and don’t want to interrupt the photo session ahead of time, here’s a tip - it’s better to wear warm shoes and warm underwear for a winter wedding. After all, getting sick after the wedding is not the best thing to do. When the walk ends, it will be possible to change clothes without any problems - at the same banquet. This is also true for bridesmaids - they often go for a walk in the same shoes and, as a result, do not get out of the car.

Buy champagne, no water

This is especially true on hot sunny days. It happens that drinking water ends first, and not champagne at all. At a minimum, you can put two bottles of water with a capacity of one and a half liters in each car. In addition, on hot days, it is better for the groom to take two more shirts with him. He wears one up to and including the registry office, puts on the second for a walk, and the third for a banquet. For brides, of course, this is more difficult. But at least you can take more comfortable shoes with you, and sometimes relax in them at a banquet.

Take for a walk plastic cups of all colors of the rainbow

As a result, in the photographs then they immediately catch the eye, which is very distracting. It is better to take white cups or completely colorless. It is easy to find disposable champagne glasses on sale (newlyweds can grab something more original or glass for themselves).

The groom decides to shave with a new razor

On the day of the wedding, it is better to use all proven means. So with a razor, take an old one, so there is less chance of cutting yourself.

I don’t want to eat in the morning, and I’m afraid the dress won’t fasten

Breakfast on the wedding day is a must. You want a healthy complexion, not pale and tired. Well, after a good breakfast, you can drink 30 grams of cognac - it will also improve the complexion. Which is great for a photo shoot.

I'm finally going to try contact lenses.

For those who wear glasses and have never worn contact lenses. Don't try to wear contact lenses on your wedding day if you've been wearing glasses all the time before. You need to get used to the lenses, and for a long time. And out of habit, your eyes will turn red, and even discomfort will only aggravate the situation. And do not worry about glare from glasses in photos, an experienced photographer will shoot in such a way as to avoid them.

Before the wedding, I'll run into the solarium

You should not go to the solarium the day before the wedding, it is better to do this at least a week before the cherished date. The reaction of the skin can be unpredictable. Redness often occurs, which will not look good in wedding pictures.

Savings on a makeup artist

Everything should be in moderation. Naturally, it's beautiful.
And you want to look perfect in all the pictures? Therefore, you should not make yourself a plastic doll, with an unnatural complexion and hair shiny from varnish. A good makeup artist who knows his business will emphasize the right and smooth out the excess. For photography, the naturalness of the face and hair is especially important. In addition, an experienced makeup artist will make sure that makeup and hair do not fail throughout the day.

Men also should not neglect the preparation of their appearance before the wedding. Just cut your hair, shave will not work. Preparations require not only hair, but also the face and hands. After all, a photo of hands with rings will certainly be included in the wedding album.

We can't pose

Very often, not only at a wedding, but also at a regular photo shoot, young people do not know how to pose correctly. This ignorance leads to hundreds of broken frames and many hours of work when processing photos. And most of the time this is done by men.
Fixing this is easy. Spend half an hour - an hour looking at good photos and spin the same amount in front of the mirror. And the pre-wedding photo shoot in this case will be just that training.

Banqueting hall

The choice of a banquet hall is one of the most important issues when preparing for a wedding. It combines such factors as accessibility, beauty, design and, of course, service. Anyway, the banquet hall is not the best place for photography. The light is either dark or too light. The design is either too pompous, or vice versa, too dull (if I may say so).
To each, as they say, the taste and color. But still, if we take into account the banquet hall as a place where a photo shoot will also be held, the best is the golden mean. Comfortable, beautiful, good light and decoration.

The word "boutonniere" comes from the French boutonnière, which means "flower in buttonhole". To date, the boutonniere is an accessory for a men's suit and is one or more flowers / buds in a buttonhole.

Boutonnieres appeared in ancient Greece. In those days, men at the wedding ceremony attached a small bouquet of flowers and herbs to their clothes. This was done in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, and the groom's boutonniere was attached close to the heart. That is, the groom's boutonniere was not just an ornament, but a "protective measure" - after all, evil spirits, according to legend, could turn his heart away from his betrothed. Well, in Europe, the tradition of decorating clothes with a bouquet appeared only in the Middle Ages. Then the knights, as a sign of love and devotion to the lady of the heart, wore flowers on their chests - and not only at the wedding. Taking off their armor, they pinned a bouquet to their clothes close to their hearts. During the French Revolution, the boutonniere became a symbol of fearlessness: the nobles, who climbed the scaffold, put a red carnation into their buttonhole - it symbolized fearlessness. At the beginning of the 19th century, boutonnieres were worn by dandies: the flower in the buttonhole became their identification mark. Representatives of the labor movement - participants in demonstrations - wore a red carnation when red flags were banned - from the 40s of the 19th century.

Now boutonnieres are not common in everyday life and are a festive accessory.

The groom's boutonniere is part of a tradition that has evolved over the centuries. There is a certain rule according to which the bride chooses a boutonniere for the groom, and he, in turn, chooses a bouquet for the bride. But this rule is wrong: it is better for a florist to think about a boutonniere. The shape and composition of the boutonniere depends on the flowers in the bride's bouquet and on the wedding theme in general. The hairpin with which the boutonniere is attached to the jacket should not be visible from the side. Any decor can be used to decorate a boutonniere: decorative wire, satin ribbons, feathers.

Speaking of materials: a wedding boutonniere can be made both from fresh flowers and artificial ones - from beads, fabric and other materials. It all depends on the imagination of the florist and the wishes of the newlyweds.

If the choice of the bride and groom stops at a fresh flower boutonniere, you should take care of a spare one. Fresh flowers fade very quickly - even treated with a special compound. In addition, the fragile petals of fresh flowers may not withstand a few careless movements.

Currently, boutonnieres made of artificial flowers, boutonnieres made of satin, beads are becoming increasingly popular - it is due to a number of advantages. First, the artificial boutonniere will not fade. Secondly, the fantasy is limitless here: you can choose any color, texture. Finally, in the cold season, a wedding boutonniere made of artificial flowers is ideal. A wedding boutonniere should not be particularly large - this small decoration should complement the groom's suit, but not distract attention in any way. Therefore, the flowers should be small and graceful. It is good if the wedding boutonniere is decorated with ribbons - it looks more elegant with them. In any case, you need to remember that the groom's boutonniere should be combined with his suit and with the bride's bouquet.

Sometimes the costumes of a witness and even the costumes of the closest male relatives are decorated with boutonnieres. This is already a choice of personal preferences of the couple.

Some men categorically refuse to decorate their wedding jacket with flowers. For them, there is an alternative - a pocket square. It can be either white (a classic version, modestly and tastefully), or colored - it all depends, again, on the imagination and preferences of the groom. Previously, there was a tendency to select a handkerchief to match the tie, now this option is recognized as old-fashioned, and bold contrasts have replaced it. The emphasis on the pocket favorably emphasizes the overall picture, making the groom's suit even more stylish.

In general, we can say that there are no specific rules for choosing a wedding boutonniere or scarf: the main thing is that this small accessory should be in harmony with the suit, the bride’s bouquet (if the choice fell on the “floral” option) and the general mood of the newlyweds .

  1. What is a boutonniere?
    The word "boutonniere" comes from the French boutonniere and translates as "a flower in a buttonhole." If earlier, one flower, occasionally decorated with various herbs, was used as a decoration, now a boutonniere is a whole composition of flowers, which can be supplemented with a variety of little things: beads, mesh, twigs or even berries.
  2. Where did the tradition of decorating the groom's outfit with a boutonniere come from?
    This custom has come down to us since the time of ancient Rome, where the bride, as a sign of love, pinned a flower from her bouquet to the groom's clothes. Later, among the Slavs, brides wove wreaths for their betrothed. For the first time, the boutonniere in its current form was used at the wedding of the English Prince Albert.
  3. Who else, besides the groom, needs a boutonniere?
    Usually they order two more boutonnieres - for witnesses. But there is a tradition according to which the bride decorates her dress with a boutonniere. In addition, you can order boutonnieres for guests to highlight their special status - the father of the bride and the father of the groom, their grandfathers, best men, brothers.
  4. Where and on which side to attach a boutonniere?
    The groom attaches the boutonniere to the left lapel or suit pocket. However, if you order boutonnieres for all guests, then traditionally those who are married or married - cling to it on the right, those who are not - on the left. Brides attach a boutonniere to the corset along the neckline (side, center) or even to the skirt of the dress. The witness can attach it to her wrist or to her purse.
  5. How to choose flowers for a boutonniere?
    If we are to follow the traditions, then the boutonniere should contain the same flowers that will be used in the bride's bouquet and be in harmony with the bouquet in style. You can also choose a flower with a special meaning for the boutonniere - it can consist of those flowers that were presented on the first date, or in accordance with "".
  6. What is the boutonniere size?
    Usually does not exceed 10 cm in length, including the pedicel.
  7. Should the boutonnieres of the groom and guests be different?
    There are no special requirements for what boutonnieres should be. But, of course, it is better to single out the groom and pick up smaller and more modest boutonnieres for the guests. You can also order boutonnieres, consisting of the same colors as the groom, but in different shades. You can match the boutonniere for the witness to the color of the dress/bouquet of the witness. At some weddings, in order to save money, artificial flower boutonnieres are bought for witnesses.
  8. How to attach a boutonniere?
    Now, if the boutonniere is not standard, but slightly curved, then it is attached with a safety pin to the bot. And if "classic", then again, with the help of a pin, they are attached to the pocket, and the non-draped tail (and with the capsule too) is hidden in the pocket. The hairpin holds the boutonniere, and it does not fall. If you need to attach a boutonniere to a thin fabric (for example, to a shirt), put the tail of the boutonniere in your pocket, and fasten the pin to the inside of the pocket, i.e. on the part closest to the body.
  9. When to attach the boutonniere to the groom?
    In most cases, the boutonniere is attached by the bride after the ransom. The groom gives her a bouquet, and she, as a sign of love, attaches a flower to him. This tradition can be beaten by placing a boutonniere in the bride's bouquet, so that she, as in ancient times, would give her future husband a flower from her bouquet.
  10. Will there be stains on clothes if the boutonniere consists of fresh flowers?
    The pedicels of the flowers that make up the boutonniere are usually wrapped with a special tape or inserted into a capsule, so there will be no contact with the fabric.
  11. Where to put the boutonniere after the wedding?
    According to tradition, the boutonniere should remain in the house, like a family heirloom.

Wedding boutonnieres for the groom. Photo boutonniere.

Boutonniere(from the French word Boutonnière - “flower in the buttonhole”) is a men's accessory for the holidays, one or two flowers or buds in the buttonhole of a suit. The tradition of decorating the groom's clothes with flowers is deeply rooted in Ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, men wore flowers in their buttonholes as a sign of loyalty to their chosen ones, and even when they took off their armor, the flowers were still pinned to their clothes. But the very word “boutonniere” probably originated much later, during the French Revolution. Probably everyone remembers the red carnation - a symbol of the fearlessness of the nobles. They pinned it before they were sent to the scaffold. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, boutonnieres were worn by all secular and influential men. So, for example, without a flower it was impossible to see Oscar Wilde.

How to choose a boutonniere? How to choose a boutonniere for a suit?

There are many different theories about boutonnieres. For example, that the bride should choose a boutonniere, and the groom should choose the bride's bouquet. Often such advice is given by people who understand absolutely nothing about event design and floristry. Remember: the bride should not think about what her lover's boutonniere will be. Let the florist think about it. What will be the shape and composition of the boutonniere directly depends on the flowers in and the chosen wedding theme. The boutonniere always has a special hairpin, which allows it to be conveniently attached to clothes, so it is very important for the florist to beat this hairpin in such a way that it is not visible from the outside. When you accept work from florists, pay attention to this important detail. Here, for example, is an example of such a decor. You see, the leg is not only wrapped in satin fabric, but for reliability it is fixed with colored wire, which also serves as an additional decoration. As a decor, there is also a bow and a rhinestone. A beautiful base wire only emphasizes the natural lines of the flower ...

For decorating boutonnieres almost any decor is used: small satin ribbons, beautiful decorative wire, beads, feathers ... in general, any decor that a good florist always has in stock. Remember the style in which the wedding is sustained. Here, for example, what kind of boutonniere we came up with for.

Boutonniere in the style of Alice in Wonderland

It is customary to make wedding boutonnieres for free. We are probably the first in St. Petersburg who decided not to charge a single penny for making boutonnieres. Usually, everyone asks for four things: the groom, the witness and two fathers. Selling them, as they do in most studios and shops, for 200-600 rubles is simply ridiculous, but to make a pleasant and unexpected gambling online casinos surprise for newlyweds ... it costs much more ...

Here, by the way, is the peony boutonniere that we made on. The ring is made of living gypsophila on a wire base. A few days after the wedding, the groom himself wrote to us that at the wedding everyone came up and noted his unusual decoration ...

And here is how our boutonniere looked in real conditions. I think it's just great!

The photos were sent by the newlyweds, for which special thanks to them!

There is a certain type of men who categorically do not want to decorate their jacket with flowers. And conversations about European traditions, beautiful photographs and the same style as the bride almost always pass without a trace. To such harsh men, we can only recommend one thing - beautiful pocket square.

Groom's pocket square. History, application.

A wedding men's suit embodies the masculinity of its owner and the solemnity of the moment, so every detail is given special attention. Having made a beautiful accent on the pocket, you can completely change the style. Look, I found a huge number of options for decorating the pocket.

The history of the men's scarf as an accessory is multifaceted and full of events. The fashion for men's scarves developed back in the early Renaissance, when the impression of masculine nobility and high social rank was invariably reinforced by an embroidered handkerchief. Later, in prim England of the 18th century, men also could not do without constantly carrying a handkerchief with them, because they respected snuff very much, holding back a sneeze after which is a whole art. Over time, the concept of a man's scarf has become synonymous with elegance, good breeding and impeccable style in any suit.

Previously, the handkerchief was matched to match the tie, but today this trend is considered old-fashioned. Of course, a pocket handkerchief should be in harmony with the colors of a tie, but thoughtful contrasts are now in vogue. If you do not want to experiment, then choose the classic option: a pure white handkerchief - it is quite elegant and at the same time modest. Learn to properly position the handkerchief - it should lie neatly, but slightly at ease, as if the owner, due to forgetfulness, did not fully immerse it in the inside of the pocket.

Below you can find a few more options for folding a scarf.


Choosing fresh flowers or a beautiful handkerchief is a very personal issue and each man needs to decide on his own. I would advise all progressive men to choose unusual boutonnieres from natural flowers for a wedding. After all, flowers give a special touch to the appearance! A handkerchief can be saved for more formal meetings or holidays.

Photos boutonniere

Check out the photos of boutonnieres we make for every wedding for free:

The boutonniere for the groom is a very ambiguous accessory: on the one hand, it is characterized by grace and sophistication, but on the other hand, it should emphasize the masculinity of the style. Translated from French, the word "boutonniere" - "a flower in a buttonhole." But in modern wedding fashion, this is no longer just a flower.

Varieties of boutonnieres

According to their structure, wedding boutonnieres are divided into:

  • simple
  • complex


Such wedding boutonnieres consist of one medium or large flower, complemented by small details (greenery, ribbons). Naturally, the choice of the main element depends on the composition of the bride's bouquet. But, if it consists of peonies, then for a small copy of it, the portal advises using peony roses: they look like peonies, but a little smaller and stronger. If the bouquet includes multi-colored plants, you need to choose one that will look more profitable and contrast against the background of the newlywed's costume, as well as more durable. Usually these are white, cream, red, purple roses or callas. For addition, you can use a couple of sprigs of small greens. Such boutonnieres are not suitable for witnesses, but only for the groom.


These include "flowers in buttonholes" in eco-styles, composite classic compositions and accessories made from non-traditional materials. They consist of small meadow flowers, twigs, greenery, berries, rattan, mesh, etc. - how long will your imagination or the florist's imagination last.

In the classic version, spray roses, mini-tulips, dwarf callas and other plants with small buds are used. Several of these "crumbs" are supplemented with gypsophila or a sprig of bergass and tied with a ribbon. You can make these wedding boutonnieres for guests with your own hands.

Models made from non-traditional materials are very practical: unlike living jewelry, they will not fade. These are boutonnieres made of felt, ribbons, artificial flowers. A composition made of polymer clay will also look beautiful and practical.

Unusual boutonnieres for the groom

Modern weddings are characterized by thematic trends. For example, for a celebration on the seashore or other body of water, a nautical style boutonniere, tied with a striped ribbon and complemented by a tiny anchor or steering wheel, is suitable.

Increasingly, this decoration includes branches of shrubs, fruits and berries, exotic plants. They look unusual and avant-garde, however, they do not fit the classic style of the celebration.

A wooden boutonniere and bow tie will complement the groom's stylish look. This new trend looks quite simple, without frills, but very clearly emphasizes the masculinity and delicate taste of the young. Wood, like fabric, comes in a variety of colors and textures. Wood veins, knots covered with a special varnish or oil - this is a delightful material created by nature itself.

Witness Accessories

Witnesses are the closest friends at the feast for the bride and groom, so honorably reward them with boutonnieres. They should mirror the style of the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere, but not overshadow their beauty. A mini-bouquet for a witness should not be made the same as for a groom. The best option is to create it in the same tone, but with smaller buds and a different decor. Or go the other way: choose a piece of jewelry to match the witness's outfit, while maintaining the desired style. Then the pairs of young and witnesses will look as harmonious as possible.

A boutonniere for a witness can be made in the classic version of a mini-bouquet, or in the version of a bodice on the wrist. In the second case, it is better to use artificial plants or polymer clay, because. on the hand, fresh flowers are subject to deformation. This accessory should be similar to the bride's bouquet, but with different decors.

Where, how and when to fasten a boutonniere

There are several rules in order for the wedding attribute to look appropriate. www..

The groom, as well as the witness, attach his bouquet to the left lapel of his jacket with a special safety pin immediately after the ransom. If you also make buttonholes for guests for a wedding, then they are worn as follows: a person is married - on the right side, single - on the left. Guests fasten them before the start of the festive feast. For girls at a wedding, you can choose the option of a corsage on the arm from ribbons, polymer clay or other materials. It will be both convenient and they will have a memorable souvenir of your wedding day. The right-left rule applies in this case as well.