What a happy month for marriage. Wedding calendar: what month is good for a wedding. So what are the best days to get married?

Girls planning to start a family in the near future, of course, are interested in when is the best time to have a wedding celebration in 2019. Every bride dreams of an unforgettable wedding day, so the choice of a wedding date is usually given a lot of time. Quite often, people's signs and forecasts of astrologers are taken into account.

What is the best month to get married?

In January, it is undesirable to start a family, because, according to popular signs, there is a high probability of becoming a widow.

February is a very favorable period for marriages. The family, created in February, promises to be strong, peace and harmony will reign between the spouses.

Our grandmothers believed that the girl who got married in March would leave for a foreign land.

It is believed that marriage in April will not make spouses happy for a long time, so it is better not to opt for this month.

They say that getting married in May means toiling all your life, so it’s better to skip this month as well.

Getting married in June is one of the most suitable options, the couple's honeymoon will last all the time.

A wedding in July promises an alternation of happy and not very periods of family life.

August is a great month to start a family. Spouses will be not only loved ones, but also true friends.

A family created in September will be strong, and life with her husband will be calm and even.

October is not the best month for a wedding, family life will be burdened with difficulties, so you should not get married this month.

A married couple created in November will live in happiness and wealth, this is a very good month for marriage.

December promises a long life in love and harmony.

What is the best age to get married

The age at which it is advisable to start a family is determined individually for each girl. There is no general rule here. You just need to get acquainted with the psychological characteristics of a woman at different ages, compare them with a personal opinion about a happy marriage, and then make a decision for yourself at what age it is better to get married.

18 years old - age of majority

This is a great age to start something new. But starting a family at 18 is a little early. At this age, girls want to get rid of parental care as soon as possible, to gain freedom and independence. But the family is, among other things, also a big responsibility. Therefore, quite often at this age, young spouses begin disagreements and problems. 18 is not the right age to start adulthood.

20 years - the age of students

This age is also not very suitable for starting a family. A girl should give maximum attention to her studies, getting a specialty, and it is very difficult to combine this with the beginning of family life and caring for her husband. Such marriages often break up, preventing the girl from learning the positive aspects of marriage.

23-25 ​​years - the period of growing up

This is a very suitable age for starting a family. By this time, studies are usually completed, there is a job that makes it possible for the family to enter finance.

In addition, by this time the girl's body is completely ready for a possible pregnancy and the instinct of motherhood has been formed. According to statistics, girls who start a family at this age are happy in marriage and happy with their family.

The best time to get married

25-30 - period of self-determination

This age is also very favorable for marriage. At the age of 25-30, the girl decided for sure whether she needed to get married and whether she could combine work with household duties. Girls of this age find it easier to find a common language with men, they know how to find compromises in communicating with people.

30-40 years - the heyday

At this age, a woman experiences the peak of attractiveness and sexuality. This allows her to look perfect and bathe in the attention of men. Often women of this age decide to marry a man who is somewhat younger than themselves. This encourages them to constantly look after themselves, stay in good shape and look fit and attractive. But don't get married just because it's time. You should make sure that next to you is the man with whom you are ready to stay forever.

40-50 years - the age of wisdom

At this age, it is very difficult to get married. Years lived in solitude form certain habits in a woman, and not everyone agrees to change them. But this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to get married at the age of more than 40 years. Time spent next to your loved one will bring a lot of happy and joyful moments to the life of a woman of any age.

What is the best date to get married

When determining the date of marriage, you need to take into account the requirements of the church calendar and familiarize yourself with astrological forecasts.

In 2019, the most favorable dates will be:

  • January 7th and 18th;
  • February 8th and 10th;
  • March 8th and 10th;
  • 7th, 19th April;
  • May 10th and 19th;
  • June 16th and 17th;
  • July 8th and 14th;
  • August 5th;
  • 1st, 6th and 13th September;
  • October 4th and 11th;
  • November 8th and 10th;
  • December 1st, 2nd and 8th.

What year can you get married

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, namely 2019, promises to make marriage strong, reliable, built on love and mutual understanding.

What day to schedule a wedding

Monday will bring prosperity and joy to the couple. Tuesday will bring good health. Wednesday will bring happiness to the family. Marriage made on Thursday will be difficult. The couple, who got married on Friday, face trials. A family created on Saturday will be strong only if the spouses sacrifice everything for her.

Perfect moon day for a wedding

The most suitable for a wedding are the 3rd, 6th, 10th to 12th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 26th and 27th days of the lunar calendar. A wedding played on the growing moon guarantees the inextinguishable mutual interest of the spouses.

And, of course, no better days for marriage can replace love, respect, harmony, mutual understanding between spouses, because this is the key to a strong happy marriage.

Our people know that if you want to get married or get married, it is better to follow all the signs and rules that our grandmothers followed. Why this is needed - few people think, but not everyone risks arguing with centuries of life experience. This article will talk about when it is better to get married so that the marriage is strong and happy.

All in all

If a girl thinks: “When should I get married?” - she will most likely have to study various signs in order to understand what they are based on. So, different seasons and even months can bring special nuances to family life. You need to pay attention to the day of marriage, and the state of the planets, this is also important from the point of view of harmony in the future.


So, if you want to get married in the winter, you need to know what each month can bring to family life. December is very favorable for marriages, because all relationships concluded at this time will be warm, love and tranquility will reign in the family. As for the main month - "revelers", January, it is better not to visit during this period. After all, women who signed this month are at risk of becoming widows. If a lady wants a beautiful winter wedding and thinks: “When should I get married?” - it is better to do it in February. Marriages concluded this month will be strong, and relationships will be trusting.


If a girl marries, they say that she will most likely live on a foreign side, with her mother-in-law in the house. And it is because of this that she will have a rather difficult life. As for April, this month is very changeable in terms of weather. It is believed that the relationship of the spouses will be the same: then everything will be fine, then there will be a period of quarrels and failures. Regarding May, many people know that you should not marry this month, because you will have to toil for the whole century. According to other legends, if a family is formed this month, betrayal will soon be seen in the house. After reviewing the whole spring, we can conclude that not a single month is considered favorable for marriage. Why? It's simple, because it has been going on since past years, when spring was considered the most difficult time of the year in terms of labor - sowing in the fields and cultivating their gardens. Therefore, there was simply no time to engage in amorous affairs. And so it happened that even modern people, not working on the land, still do not risk creating their families in the spring, remembering grandmother's advice.


If a lady thinks: “When should I get married?” - she should also know what each summer month will say about herself. People say that those who marry in June will last a lifetime. July marriages will share everything equally: both joys and sorrows. Such a family will be full of both good and bad minutes in equal numbers. As for the last month of summer, this is probably the most favorable time for marriage. It is believed that if you get married at this hour, then the husband will be a true friend and comrade all his life.


September will give the newlyweds a quiet and calm life. All marriages that take place this month are strong, and families are positive from all sides. A hard and difficult life is at risk for a couple who wants to get married in October. This month is extremely unfavorable for creating family unions. Well, the last autumn month - November - is very favorable, it will especially seem to those who wish to bring material well-being into their lives through marriage. This month promises the newlyweds a rich and beautiful joint path. So, answering the question of when it is better to get married (month), the bride can choose any time, because each couple needs something different from the relationship. You should not completely dwell on the above, but it is better to take into account the experience of centuries.

About the years

Every mother thinks about the time when her daughter gets married: is it auspicious, will marriage bring happiness. So, many people, for example, know that it is better not to marry because life will be hard. However, this, by the way, has no basis. Moreover, such beliefs were not noticed in history. The only caveat: in the houses of mothers-in-law, indeed, nothing was ever started at that time, but the newlyweds could get married without problems. The thing is that the leap year was considered the time of brides, that is, the girls themselves could go to woo guys without problems and embarrassment. Another thing is that in our country this happened extremely rarely, so there were really few weddings in such a period. That's all the explanation. Also, people may hear that the next year after the leap year is the time of widows, and after it is the year of widowers. However, again, this belief arose after the hostilities in which many people were involved. That's all the explanation. Now it has completely lost its relevance and does not make sense. So if a girl thinks, "When should I get married?" - she can easily choose any year that she likes.

Days of the week

Also, girls should know that the day of the week on which the marriage takes place depends on what the relationship in the family will be like. So, it’s worth figuring out when you can get married so that you stay happy. Marriages concluded on Monday will bring young people a lot of nuances. So, the mood in the family will depend on various little things, even on a change of mood. Scandals are also frequent, because family members who signed on this day can hardly be called indifferent to each other. A person will either strongly love or vehemently hate his soul mate. However, this state is not always stable, and it will change from a terrible war to a complete truce. Tuesday, like Thursday, is considered an unlucky day for marriage. So, alliances concluded on the second day of the week will go under the sign of the planet Mars, which is inherently warlike. In such a family, there will be frequent quarrels and conflicts. As for Thursday (this day is ruled by a planet like Jupiter), marriages made on this day will constantly be in a state of finding out who is the boss in the house. The eternal struggle for primacy, supremacy in the family - this is the main activity of spouses who wish to sign on this day. With regard to the environment ruled by Mercury, such marriages will be very cold. However, if people are liberally minded and ready to give their soul mate freedom of choice and action, these families will be happy. Saturday is also dual. Happiness in a marriage concluded on this day promises only those who are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of the family. And only when both members of the couple are ready to work on the relationship. The most ideal days for marriage are Friday and Sunday. Friday, ruled by Venus (who is considered the patroness of lovers), will bring happiness, peace, tranquility, harmony and complete satisfaction to the family. Sunday - the day of the Sun - is no less a wonderful time to create a family. The couple will be a support and support for each other, and the relationship will be strong and happy.

Unfavorable hours

If a girl wants to figure out when to get married, she must also know what time can be extremely unfavorable for marriage. First: you need to make sure that you do not move in the opposite direction, i.e. was not retrograde. newlyweds a quick cooling off to each other and the loss of any interest in their soul mate. It is also worth knowing that this time is not particularly stable, it changes. In one year it is from July to September, in another it is from August to October. The same applies to Mercury retrograde, but this time will be difficult from a bureaucratic point of view. Marriages entered into at this time may be invalid for some reason, for example, the procedure for obtaining a certificate or other unpleasant nuances will be complicated.


The state of the moon is also of great importance. It is believed that it is better to play weddings in such families. In such families, people will constantly experience interest and attraction to each other, and there will not even be a question of cooling relations. It is considered a good sign if the Moon falls into the signs of the Zodiac, which positively affect family life - Taurus, Cancer, Libra. The Moon in Aquarius promises young people to quickly annoy each other. In Scorpio or Virgo - the loss of your soul mate under tragic circumstances. 3, 6, 12, 17, 24 are considered ideal for marriage. It is also not recommended to get married during an eclipse, this symbolizes the imminent dissolution of marriage.

About widows

Some women may be interested in the question of when a widow can get married. So, according to Orthodox canons, women can create new families after the death of their husband. It is desirable to be guided by the same rules that have been created for people who are building their family for the first time. There are no restrictions or prohibitions here.

A wedding is almost always a very important, desired and long-awaited event. It requires careful preparation, because both - the bride and groom - want everything to go perfectly. And it's not just the desire for something beautiful. After all, a wedding is a kind of start for a newborn family and not only. It is not for nothing that our ancestors put it in importance on a par with the two main events for a person - his birth and death. And it’s not for nothing that the wedding day is celebrated for a lifetime. Wedding anniversaries and anniversaries have long been revered. Many of these dates have their own, long-established traditions and rituals, which are connected in a very definite way with the time of year, and often also with the month.

Now young people who have decided to get married are paying less and less attention to choosing a month for this event. Here are some tips that will help those who do not pay attention to signs with horoscopes or religious prohibitions and recommendations to decide.

Holiday Savings

Wedding celebrations, banquets and so on are not too cheap pleasure. The obligatory attributes alone, such as a dress, doves released by the newlyweds, the design of a solemn wedding procession, ordering photography and the price for the services of a videographer, will cost a pretty tidy sum. For those who want to make a big, beautiful holiday, but still save money, we can recommend not to arrange this celebration in the summer and autumn months. The fact is that it was at this time that there was a sharp surge in the organization of marriages. Accordingly, the demand for all services related to this is increasing - photography, video filming, services of wedding tailors, salons. It becomes difficult to find a suitable restaurant or banquet hall, order luxury cars for a motorcade, and so on. And the more demand for something, the more value it will have. Therefore, the best choice for pragmatists would be the beginning of spring and winter, when the organization of marriage is not so popular.

Beauty and perfection

The most beautiful time for almost any solemn event, including the organization of marriage, is autumn. Of course, not all months, but September-October is just the time when nature is still full of strength, beauty, grace and bright colors.

There is no longer the exhausting summer heat, which is often very disturbing. After all, the newlyweds and their guests spend most of their time outdoors. It is there that shooting, holiday photo shoots, festivities and so on take place. During the period of early autumn, somewhere before the middle of it, it is still not too cold, but not hot at all. In September, in many regions, you can still wear summer clothes without fear of freezing (this is especially important for brides, because they want to choose the perfect open dress). In addition, at this time, nature is cleared of summer dust, dressed in bright colors. At the same time, leaf fall begins, which will be the perfect backdrop for a magnificent wedding album. Romantics and dreamers love autumn precisely for this beauty and charm that is not going to fade yet. It is best for such couples to choose September, early October, until the leaves have completely fallen off, but the rustling carpet underfoot makes the world softer, calmer and more beautiful.

Western traditions

In the West, they do not attach much importance to the month in which it is better to get married or get married. But there is one, almost unchanged tradition. The newlyweds, right from the wedding, leaving the guests and relatives to celebrate further, leave for their honeymoon. It is this journey - the honeymoon - that plays a big role in choosing the time to start married life. Of course, the ideal time to travel is summer. But if there is an opportunity to go to other countries where it is warm all year round, then the month does not matter at all. But we do not always have the opportunity to afford such a trip. Then summer is the best choice - the sun, the sea, a minimum of clothes and shoes, and other advantages of this season. If the newlyweds love the mountains more - skiing, hiking in difficult conditions and more - then, of course, the winter period will be the ideal time for a honeymoon.

The main condition is that the choice of time for the wedding should suit both partners. Then it will become the most wonderful period in life and will be remembered with joy and warmth.

We follow popular beliefs

For many couples, the problem of choosing a month is a serious one. After all, you want not only beauty, but also a successful start to a life together. It is not for nothing that so many folk signs, superstitions and advice are still heard, despite the fact that today's people believe more in technology and progress. Signs remain in demand, because they contain the wisdom of the common people, who have been observing the life of people and nature throughout their entire history. All this information gradually accumulated, formed into specific instructions. It is they who can help to successfully choose a month for marriage.

winter months


  • April. Look at the weather this month - it changes dramatically and very often. It is the same in the future family - there will be sunny tenderness, then bad weather and strife. The variability of nature can be transmitted to newlyweds.


  • June. Of all the twelve, this is the best month for organizing a wedding. The richest and most varied dishes, the most beautiful outfits. In June, it's time for flowering, including those plants that are called melliferous. It was believed that such a wedding was a honeymoon, and a happy and sweet honeymoon would never pass for the family.
  • July. Our ancestors again compare family relations with nature. At this time, there is everything - both salty, and sweet, and sour. So in the family - there will be everything except boredom and routine.
  • August. This fertile time creates happy and strong families in which the main thing will be love, mutual respect and fidelity.


When is it better to do it according to the horoscope

In this section, only the time favorable for marriage will be indicated.

  • The most favorable period for marriage is considered from the twentieth of April to the end of the second decade of May. At this time, Venus enters into force. She patronizes love, and marriage will be happy, strong, bound by love and tenderness.
  • More complicated, but also good for a wedding next month - about from May 20–21. The main thing that spouses should not forget is dialogue. All issues must be resolved together, then the family will be happy and friendly.
  • Time from the end of June to the end of July promises lovers, married now, mutual understanding and support.
  • The next period from July 20 to August 20- a guarantee of a strong, well-to-do and happy family. Getting married now is one of the best decisions.
  • Marriage made from the second half of December to the end of January, promises to be calm, quiet, almost like a partner.

Why pay attention to the Orthodox calendar? The fact is that those couples who want to get married must definitely choose a month with an eye to religious norms and dogmas. For the church, any months that do not fall under the strict prohibition of the Orthodox calendar will be favorable for lovers who decide to get married. Such prohibitions include fasting and major holidays - the Annunciation, the Presentation, the Exaltation, Christmas, the Intercession, the Trinity.

  • Christmas, lasting from the end of November to the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
  • Great. It lasts seven weeks - until Easter from Shrovetide itself.
  • Petrovsky. Here, the wedding ban is valid until July 12 from the second Monday after Trinity.
  • Uspensky. Just two weeks from August 14th.

When not to get married

In the year there are three most unfavorable months for marriage according to popular signs - January, March and May.

April, July and October are also in question.

Lovers should remember that the main thing in a future marriage and relations between spouses is love and mutual understanding, support and faith in each other, otherwise in what month to get married is the second question. We've settled on months. Now - let's watch a video with a small sociological survey and find out what people think about the age when it is desirable to get married / get married: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5g75NkXcik

A wedding is undoubtedly one of the happiest and most reverent moments in the life of every girl. However, at the same time, a lot of worries and worries are connected with the organization of this event: how to choose a venue, find a suitable dress, get a good haircut, and most importantly, set a date. In order for the wedding day to go perfectly and become the beginning of a long happy family life, do not forget to take into account all the recommendations and responsibly approach the choice of the date.

folk wisdom

Numerous customs and superstitions are associated with almost all important events in a person's life: birth, baptism, death, and a wedding in this list is no exception. Consider in which month it is better to get married according to folk signs:

  • January promises her husband health problems and threatens his wife with early widowhood.
  • February is the most favorable winter month for marriage, it promises the family a peaceful and conflict-free life.
  • March newlyweds may soon leave their homeland and settle abroad.
  • April weather is changeable, the same unstable life, full of ups and downs, is predicted by lovers who get married this month.
  • As you know, folk beliefs warn May couples against the danger of "toiling through life" and the possibility of adultery.
  • June promises an endless honeymoon for a young family, so it is the optimal wedding month in the summer.
  • Marriage in July is fraught with the emergence of crises and reconciliations in family life.
  • August husbands are distinguished by devotion to their halves, they are a support for them and provide proper support throughout their lives.
  • The wedding in September will flow into a calm and long life together.
  • The fate of the young, married in October, will be full of difficulties and obstacles.
  • November promises financial stability and well-being to a married couple.
  • The December holiday promises to make the feelings of husband and wife deeper and stronger over the years.

This is how folk beliefs and signs are interpreted, in which month it is better to get married. You should not take these prophecies as the ultimate truth, be guided by your intuition and feelings and you will surely make the right choice. And May, by the way, is an incredibly beautiful and exciting month, filled with the aroma of flowering apple trees and lilacs, when nature comes to life and appears in all its splendor. It is worth considering well whether it is necessary to dismiss it only because of the negative words that are consonant with the name ...

Church canons and prescriptions of astrologers

When determining the date of marriage, the recommendations of the church should also be taken into account. From time immemorial, the periods of four great fasts have been considered a forbidden time for a wedding ceremony and wedding: from late November to early January, from Shrovetide week to Easter day, from late June to mid-July, from mid to late August. They do not allow marriages on church holidays, and the week of Carols is also unfavorable. The exact dates are written in church calendars and shift every year.

In addition, the year of the wedding should be taken into account: it is not recommended to marry on a leap year, it is also supposed to endure a year of mourning after the death of a close relative. As for the days of the week, Sunday is traditionally considered a day of rest and fun.

Astrologers distinguish the growing Moon as a favorable period for marriage, but it is better to refrain from celebrating during a lunar eclipse. It is believed that the lucky months for marriage are the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth from birth. To calculate the date for a particular pair, you need to find their matching months.

The life of our ancestors was closely connected with the land: they worked in the fields day after day - the dates of the main holidays echoed with planting crops and harvesting crops. That is why it was believed that the most favorable time for a wedding was the period from late summer to late autumn: the main agricultural work was completed, and the tables were bursting with all kinds of treats.

Also, when deciding which month is better to get married, they tended to be fertile, symbolizing prosperity and good filling of the family treasury.

And in our time, couples in love, for many reasons, stop at this time period when choosing a wedding day:

  • Warm summer days, like golden autumn, make wedding photographs in nature extraordinarily bright and juicy, provide a wide field of activity for the embodiment of the most original and daring ideas of the photographer.
  • Moreover, optimal climatic and temperature conditions make it possible to hold a wedding ceremony in the open air, which is becoming an increasingly popular trend today.
  • The bride does not feel discomfort, spending the whole day in a wedding dress - she does not languish from the heat under the scorching rays of the July sun and does not wrap herself in a fur cape under the gusts of a frosty December wind.
  • Seasonal fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs allow you to diversify the menu of the festive table without tangible material costs.
  • Newlyweds will be able to spend their honeymoon in almost any country in the world, because traveling in the warm season is much more pleasant.

Of course, there are some pitfalls in the summer-autumn wedding: an increased demand for wedding services, and therefore restaurant reservations, the choice of a photographer, videographer, host, wedding planner, decorator, hairdresser and makeup artist must be done long before the cherished day. And some guests will not be able to attend the event due to a trip abroad for the holidays.

When planning a wedding, of course, it is necessary to take into account all the details and trifles, listen to advice and recommendations, find out in which month it is better to marry Virgo or Cancer and what to watch out for on the full moon, but the main thing is not to forget in the pre-wedding turmoil that everything is much more important not how, where and when this event will take place, but the beginning of what it will be. Bonding loving hearts with the bonds of marriage is the true meaning and the only significant goal of the wedding ceremony.

Folk signs often reflect the wisdom and foresight of our people. Therefore, many are guided by them, intending to marry. ? The most favorable months for marriage are June, August, November and December. But this time can be selected depending on what kind of life the newlyweds want.

When are the happiest marriages?

So, what months does folk rumor single out in the general sequence, considering them especially suitable for marriage? Let's look at it in turn months when it is advised to play a wedding:

  1. In June the time of wedding celebrations begins - after all, the bride can show herself in all her glory. It is believed that the relationship between spouses will be just as sweet and tender, like honey, because it is the very first honey, collected at the end of June, that is extremely tasty, not to mention its usefulness. It is believed that the honeymoon of a couple who married in June will last a lifetime;
  2. August is considered a great month for marriage, as the family will be based on love. In August, the husband will be both a friend and an excellent host, and such a lover that Alain Delon is far away. The wife will be immensely happy, because they will converge with her husband, like two halves. She will always be crazy about her chosen one, similarly, he will be reverent and tender towards her;
  3. In November those who want to achieve huge financial success marry. So if you want to be very rich, this is a great month. reach. But we warn you: at the beginning of married life there will be many not entirely reasonable decisions. If the newlyweds successfully overcome this difficult obstacle course, their marriage will be very happy, measured and successful;
  4. December enter into star marriages, which differ in the following characteristics. Spouses will go hand in hand all their lives, truly loving each other, overcoming all obstacles together. These are two halves that come together and support each other on the way. Spouses will not even be able to understand why they are so happy: just husband and wife will become one. It will be an extraordinary passion, a subtle and harmonious perception of each other with all the fibers of the soul and body.

Forecast-characteristic of unions concluded at other times of the year

And what do the signs say about those weddings that were concluded in other months?

  • It is believed that if the wedding was played in January, then family relationships will be calm and balanced, but everyday unpleasant surprises can cause irreparable damage to love. Routine is the biggest pitfall that awaits spouses in this marriage. It is also believed that a wife may become a widow early if she marries in January;
  • If the wedding is planned for February, then, according to signs, at the very beginning of marriage, one of the couple can change. Therefore, try to bring more passion in the first year of life. If the newlyweds remain faithful and pure in relationships, their family will be strong and reliable. And then the spouses will live a long and happy life in harmony and mutual understanding;
  • In March, those who want drastic changes, like a swing, flying up and down, get married. Therefore, in a relationship it will be either warm or cold. Extreme instability is a hallmark of the couple, who got married in March. They will not have their own housing for a very long time;
  • In April, you can only marry those who passionately love each other, because the union will be very unstable, and only deep, sincere and passionate feelings will help save the relationship between spouses. If you pass the test, a happy family life awaits you;
  • According to some signs, getting married in May means toiling all your life. But this is in conflict with church canons. So, it is believed that marriages concluded on Krasnaya Gorka will be successful, long, happy and prosperous, because a special blessing of the Lord God has been sent to them. Moreover, in 2013 it is in May that Krasnaya Gorka will be celebrated - a week after Easter, on May 12th. Also, signs say that a marriage that is concluded during this period will be comfortable, but with treason;
  • It is better for careerists to marry in July. Families created during this period will be distinguished by good material security and well-being. Therefore, decide: if career growth is important to you, choose this month for your wedding celebration. But, on the other hand, a successful career does not always guarantee the fullness of happiness, so see that your family life does not leave bittersweet memories in your memory;
  • In September, it is worth marrying those who love a measured life. In the event that future spouses are looking for peace, then the September marriage will become a cozy haven for them. It is better to live young away from relatives: then the relationship will be extremely harmonious. Therefore, even before marriage, you need to take care of acquiring housing. Or do it as soon as possible, at the beginning of family life;
  • If the young people get married in October, then it will be a very difficult marriage. Although we know that on October 14, on the feast of the Intercession, the girls ask the Virgin Mary to cover the earth with a snow blanket, and them, young ones, with a veil.

But, summing up, I can say as a conclusion that signs are not always correct. So, my parents, who got married in May, lived happily together for 35 years, but one good friend, who got married in November, was married for only 5 years, and the financial picture was not very comforting.

Therefore, do not pay attention to superstitions and choose the month that you like. If you want to pay some attention to signs, you can register a marriage in the registry office in one month, and get married in another. Have a happy wedding and a happy, prosperous family life!