Extraordinary congratulations on the wedding. Congratulations from parents on the wedding

Coming up with wedding congratulations in your own words or in verse is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The union of two people by marriage is always a bright and interesting event both for the lovers themselves and for those around them.

But while the future spouses are preparing for the celebration, relatives and friends are undergoing another test - they come up with wedding congratulations. Indeed, in order for the ceremony to be remembered by the bride and groom, there are few dances and fun feast, needed nice words from loving parents and sincere or funny toasts and congratulations from close friends.

What can be congratulations on the wedding? They can be composed in prose, in their own words, funny, romantic, touching, unusual, philosophical. There can be many definitions for them, and the choice in what form to pronounce congratulatory speech, depends on the presence of imagination. But what if that very imagination is not enough?

In this case, you can resort to some tricks to come up with an interesting congratulation, for example, invent something of your own, original, or use blanks that can be adjusted at any time for a specific situation and certain people.

But we must remember that congratulations on the wedding should be with a soul, no matter what preparations or words are used for it. Indeed, for each wish, you can find your own zest, relating specifically to the couple who will soon have a wedding.

Try to have a highlight in the congratulation, so it will definitely be remembered

If the guest is only familiar with the bride or groom, he can congratulate only him on the wedding day, but at the end wish happiness and warmth to both lovers. Best of all, congratulations are perceived when they are thought up from the heart.

Congratulations on behalf of the parents

A wedding is an event when feelings are revealed, quivering love is manifested. And this applies not only to the bride and groom, who became the main characters of the celebration, but also to their parents.

This is the time when mother and father give their children parting words and best wishes for the future journey.

Often, when parents congratulate their children on this important event in their lives, their speeches bring all the guests to tears of joy. After all, this moment is very important for young people.

Congratulations in your own words from parents:

  1. Time flies fast. It seems like only yesterday you were kids and held toys in your hands. But now you have already become a whole family, united in a beautiful and strong union. And we want to congratulate you on this incredible and reverent event! Keep each other, cherish and help, learn to forgive in time, because love is the foundation of a lasting union!
  2. Let your cup of happiness be filled to the brim, and bad weather always pass by your house. Laughter and happiness of adults and children will scare away any sorrows. May luck, delight and grace visit you more often.
  3. Our dear children, on this day we want to wish you only well-being and kindness. We sincerely rejoice that you were able to create such a wonderful and tender union. We wish you a long, interesting, fun and always joyful family life. A long joint road is being laid in front of you, on which obstacles will meet. But we believe and know that they will be only small obstacles for you, and you will simply step over them. Love each other always!
  4. Beautiful, joyful, full interesting events, always fun moments and unforgettable adventures of life - that's what awaits you ahead. We are confident in this and are ready to support you in everything. Love gave birth to this marriage, so let it accompany your joint life path. An example of parental congratulations, see this video:

In fact, it is not difficult for parents to come up with wishes for a wedding in their own words. The main thing is to listen to your heart, what do you really want to wish the young?

The congratulations themselves at the celebrations often begin with a background on how the parents met their daughter's companion or son's companion.

If at that moment there was something interesting or funny, it is best to tell about it. Guests are always pleased to hear such congratulations.

Congratulations from friends and relatives

Not everyone likes to hear congratulations in verse, invented by someone else. If it is not possible to compose your own rhymed wish, then it is best to convey it in ordinary words.

There is nothing wrong with this, such congratulations are perceived even more interesting, because they always sound sincere and pleasant.

Wishes to the newlyweds from close friends or relatives can be thought up in the most different form.

A festive message in the form of a lyrical or comic song will be received with a bang by guests and newlyweds

For example, it can be a short story with vivid examples from life, or a whole performance with songs and ditties can be deployed. It all depends on the imagination and desire of relatives and friends. Words can be:

  1. Your love is like a fire: it gave birth new family and brought warmth and comfort to the house. May your family hearth continue to be filled with joy, awe and delight, and may the love that gave birth to this union remain forever in your hearts.
  2. The day came when 2 hearts united and created a wonderful family. With all sincerity, we congratulate you on the beginning of a wonderful journey. Happy wedding day to you. Let it be the start for a long and happy family happiness. And on this road, let you meet fewer obstacles, but there are more fun moments and joyful events, interesting and kind people. For an example of a friendly congratulatory number, see this video:

Wishes for sister

Wishes to brother

  1. Brother, congratulations on your start true love. Today was born new family. From now on, keep the family hearth in warmth, joy and prosperity.
  2. My brother managed to perform a miracle - to win the heart of this beautiful girl. We are sure that all this is not without reason. Fate itself ordered to unite two hearts together and create this happy union.

Friends usually approach congratulations more creatively. It is the task of relatives to say beautifully and convey exciting wishes, but friends have the goal of making it as interesting as possible, adding a little humor.

Wishes with humor

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds hear many wishes of love, happiness, joy. Wrapped in beautiful words, these congratulations become part of the traditional wedding ceremony. But what if we bring a little humor to this tradition?

It is unlikely that any of the newly-made spouses will be against having a little laugh at the wedding.

A welcome guest will be the one who skillfully weaves beautiful words wishes in wonderful humor with a bit of irony, but always kind and respectful.

Joke - great way defuse the tense atmosphere

If a person has an excellent sense of humor, why not come up with funny wedding congratulations in his own words. You shouldn't be shy about it, you should be proud of it and use your quality to the maximum.

Several options for congratulations:

  1. Love is a delicate matter, but always interesting. Here you are sitting here and you can’t even imagine that a whole ocean of happiness and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter awaits you, a river of luck and a lake of well-being, and even a trickle of unpredictability. And all this will not do without a drop of tar. But remember what is at the heart of this crazy mixture - love and respect for each other!
  2. I don’t know how to speak beautiful words, so I’ll say everything, as if in spirit. Groom, take care of your beautiful wife, obey her, because she is always right. Buy her boots for the winter, and a sundress for the summer, you know the rest yourself. Do not forget about the holidays and compliments every day, let her know that she is dearest to you. Bride, I instruct you to always respect your beloved and endure him, because soon you will have to collect socks around the house. With all your heart, cook borscht, salads and mashed potatoes for him, you won’t find a kinder person than a well-fed husband. Love each other and be happy in marriage!
  3. Acquaintance, the first kiss, an inexplicable desire to see each other every day - you already had all this. But not all of it passed. Now you are already married, and tomorrow you will meet the morning new family. Keep the beauty of relationships until the very end, do not know cruel quarrels and troubles. And most importantly, we want to wish you: give birth to girls and, of course, children, so that your house is filled with children's laughter, and the family hearth always gives warmth to you and your children. See an example of a cool congratulation in this video:

Best of all, funny congratulations on a wedding in prose sound in their own words when they contain examples from the relationship of a single couple. For example, if everyone knows unusual story their acquaintances, this can be used in a wish.

Original ways of congratulations

Such solemn holiday Like a wedding, it is remembered for a lifetime. And it is not surprising if the guests want to present some original surprise to the bride and groom.

Theatrical performance will always be unique

For example, more and more often at wedding parties, close friends or relatives come up with unusual scenes, performances through which they convey their sincere wishes future family.

What original ways of congratulations exist:

  1. Film of own production. It can be a cut of video clips and photos with the newlyweds. Now video messages to the bride and groom from friends and relatives are becoming popular. To do this, someone organizes a shoot and conducts a short interview with relatives. You can ask them different questions, answers to which it will be nice to hear the newlyweds: what did you think about the bride or groom when you saw each other for the first time, how do you feel about uniting these two people into a family, what would you wish if you met them 10 years after the wedding, etc.
  2. Wall newspaper of lovers, posters, posters with additional unusual details, preferably voluminous. One of simple options- make a newspaper with photographs of lovers at different stages of their relationship. Under each image, add some words in the form of a news column about how fun, interesting and touching everything was for them. It is worth adding drawn or edited images of spouses with children already aged to these photos, dreaming up on this topic. Get a newspaper with a happy story of a couple. Another option is to combine congratulatory poster with a cash gift. To do this, make an interesting figurine from each bill, carefully stick it on the paper, and sign the wishes below.
  3. For those who are good at coming up with rhymed greetings, but do not want to read standard verses, suitable option ditties or songs of his own composition. It is always fun and interesting, and by the end of the congratulations, the guests themselves can sing along to the chorus. Having performed such an unusual and fervent congratulation, the newlyweds will definitely remember it. See an example of an original congratulation in this video:

It will not be difficult for people with a good imagination to come up with unusual congratulations for the bride and groom, and for those who are deprived of imagination, you can simply use the ideas invented by others.

How to come up with your congratulations?

For those who want to learn how to independently create congratulations on their wedding day in prose, there are 2 outcomes of events: when there are just words in your head that you want to wish the bride and groom, and when they are not. In the first case, you can quickly sketch out the very words, and then add auxiliary phrases.

In the second case, you can proceed not from what you want to wish, but from the way how to do it. For example, if congratulations in simple words, then add to it interesting quote a great person, think over the beginning, then add 2 - 3 sentences about what is meant by the phrase and how it relates to the newlyweds.

  1. The person himself must believe in what he says and wishes to the newlyweds, otherwise the congratulations will convey the obvious desire of the guest to quickly sit down.
  2. All words and sentences should be logically interconnected, especially the beginning and end of the whole congratulation. If at first it was about the ocean of love, then in the end the wish should come to it or a similar topic, for example, to a paradise island located in its center.
  3. Wishes should be addressed to a specific bride and groom, and not to a generalized couple that the newlyweds will visually represent, so it’s better to use less common words, and if it doesn’t work out without them, then add at least 1 - 2 sentences with some unusual fact about newlyweds.
  4. It is best to start coming up with words for wishes a week before the celebration, so that there is time to postpone the congratulations for a while, and then re-read it with a fresh mind and correct it.
  5. Congratulatory speeches can be written on separate sheets or postcards. It is desirable that they be beautifully decorated. And there is nothing wrong with reading wishes directly from the sheet.

Another little hack to create interesting congratulations- they can use remarkable events from the season when the wedding is celebrated. For example, if the celebration takes place in winter, then the following words can be added to the wish: “may your relationship develop as beautifully as Frost patterns on the glass, and let there be as many happy moments in them as snowflakes attack on this warm winter evening.

Wedding toasts

On the day of the wedding party, guests not only congratulate the newlyweds, but also make pleasant toasts during the feast.

All newlyweds love to listen to warm and tender words.

Indeed, just at such moments, young spouses understand that their life is really changing, and it is changing only for the better.

Put more feelings and emotions into the toast

In addition, if the guest did not have time to convey his wishes during general congratulations, he can always make a pleasant toast for the young, where he will convey all the emotions and feelings that he experiences in relation to the new family.

Toasts, like congratulations, can be said in different forms, for example, in verse, in your own words, in the form of a quote from a great person, an anecdote, a fairy tale or were.

Interesting speeches for wedding feast:

  1. As F.M. Dostoevsky, happiness is not happiness that has already been achieved, but the process itself, which is chosen to achieve it. And with these words I propose to drink for your strong family, which has just begun its journey and is in the midst of achieving its happiness.
  2. Dear newlyweds, you have created own house family happiness, in which friendship has erected walls, and love has become a roof. It remains only to add a little more comfort, and the stork will bring it to you! Let there be friendship, love and comfort in your family hearth!
  3. Newlyweds, let love, happiness and joy be the foundation of your relationship. But here are 3 more threads that will firmly hold family ties together: attention, trust and development. Be attentive to each other always, day and night, every second. Trust each other to better side your half always remained turned to you. Develop each other and develop yourself - the groom should strengthen his courage, and the bride - her femininity. So every day you will charm each other, bring novelty into relationships and save love for centuries!
  4. Bride, congratulate your beloved on what he has acquired. Bridegroom, congratulate your beloved on what she has received. The great Russian philosopher N.G. Chernyshevsky said that only one thing can be undoubted happiness: when a person lives for another. I will be brief. Dear newlyweds, live for each other!

A toast for a wedding feast can be prepared in advance. The main thing to remember is that if the speech is long, then the content in it should be with a deep meaning.

With money handed

For a new family, money is most needed, so congratulations on the wedding (funny), with the delivery of money will be appreciated! Wishes can be said out loud or written by putting a completed message in an envelope. Funny congratulations will be remembered and cheer up, and donated cash will be spent by the newlyweds with pleasure!

No wonder they say that the first wedding night the newlyweds, locked in the bedroom ... consider gifts and count money!

According to the site, everyone is interested in what lies in the envelopes, and how much others love them, because the efforts made to the present directly prove their attitude to this solemn event. Did someone give you a vase? This means that thoughts about how to please the newlyweds were not long and without enthusiasm. Did you give an envelope with a large bill inside and wishes in a hand-decorated piece of paper? It means that they appreciate you, are happy for you, and approached the presentation of the gift responsibly, with soul.

Why is it convenient to give money for a wedding?

  • no need to "bother" with a gift, especially if you do not want a repetition. Why do young people need two tea sets or a tenth blanket? Collect? And money always comes in handy.
  • money is always needed and useful. Perhaps the new family is saving up for an apartment or a car, planning to go somewhere or cover part of the costs of a wedding - celebrations are now very expensive. Or maybe by morning the newly-made spouses will fly away to Honeymoon! There the gift will quickly be spent ...

In any case, money is the most desired gift! It remains only to provide him with memorable words.

Present with money

Short congratulations on the wedding

Sometimes you don't need a lot of words! Let's find out what congratulations on the wedding (cool), with money, short and beautiful, the newlyweds will definitely like?

Do not sigh the groom, with an unhappy look!
And the bride, do not stand a pillar:
Yesterday you were two -
Today we have become a family!
What's there? Too late to get Borjomi?
Or do you not drink now?
Well, then your house
Happiness, yes love live!

To earn happiness in life
Gotta not give up
Yesterday, today and always
Enjoy life!

Don't be discouraged and don't be sad
Dividing the worries
You try and add
Work storks!

Now you have become one family. For everything together now in the answer. Well, peace and love. Wise advice. Do not be discouraged and always lean against each other. Remember: together you are stronger! Call to yourself more often, be hospitable, and so that you always have the same rich table as now.

We'll eat beer with cancer, vodka - pickled cucumber. We will celebrate to our heart's content, and the groom - keep up the good work! The main thing is that the wedding does not become a “marriage”, but in life everything works out, comes out from the heart! A direct road for young people, parents for quick grandchildren, a daughter-in-law for a good mother-in-law! Live together, rattle frying pans rarely, love hard!

Money as a gift

Get a pack of money
And a happy person!
Can be hidden as a stash
And with a supply to live forever!
You can immediately give them a job
Or spend it all wisely!
In short, be bold
No regrets afterwards!
We will give an envelope, here is happiness
And for us there is no doubt:
Our little contribution
Save your budget!

We offer about congratulations on the wedding (cool) with the presentation of money, watch the video, where they also hold various contests and games for guests. To be honest, sometimes the most strange and shocking. Of course, just give cash gift for young people it is not too fun, and it will not be remembered. The wedding should walk and sing until the morning, this is the main point!

We wondered and wondered together
What to give the newlyweds.
Here the ideas were
Lots of presents to give.

First, the Kamasutra.
Here is the start for a wise book
Philosophy of comforts in love.
This is so that the husband does not look for an affair
Wife, look every day.

Then - a rock.
Oh, what a necessary thing in the household
Definitely come in handy at least once.
You can roll the dough with it for pies
Or give an important thrashing.

Third, naked doll.
As a hint that we are waiting impatiently
For a family of young replenishment.
Let this doll be ordinary
It will become your future hello.

The fourth present is a bottle of cognac.
Soon the guests will be dancing
They will then go home
Have fun drinking together
May you have a happy night!

Fifth prize - piggy bank.
For a dream family to live beautifully,
You need to save money carefully.
Take a pig as a present
And do not forget to feed with coins.

The sixth gift is a deck of cards (prepared by yourself, with photos of the bride and groom)
Quiet evenings how to while away?
Yes, we can play cards.
Maybe throw a party for undressing -
So we decided to give you cards.

For the seventh gift - an umbrella
After all, there is no weather in the house more important
And all the past is just vanity.
Now everything is there for you except
Such a big and beautiful umbrella.
Well, perhaps that's all, we presented the presents
Now back to the table, there's deliciousness there!

In the bank

Money in the bank for a wedding with wishes

Congratulations on the wedding (cool) with the presentation of money in the bank - great idea, original way. Many give in ordinary envelopes and this has become commonplace. People see a beautiful or simple oblong envelope, they immediately have one thought: “The money was presented. I wonder how much is there? ”, And they try to determine the amount by light or by thickness.

How to arrange a gift with a jar? It's very simple: take the usual, you can the largest, three-liter jar, and fill it different denominations bills. You can fold them to make them look prettier from the outside. Top cover and seal with sealing wax, stick on top funny inscription: "To the newlyweds, in happy life! First investment for a new car…”. It will turn out original, and it is impossible to determine the exact amount by eye. You can also fill the jar with banknotes different countries so that the jar is not only multi-colored, but also “different national”.

An example of congratulations for a gift with banknotes in a bank:

Dear newlyweds! We solemnly present you with two gifts with a ticket to life! Please note, the most useful container in everyday life, with a value of 3 liters. You can store jam or salads in it, pamper yourself with goodies in the winter. Now the bank is fulfilling its intended purpose - it stores a thing that is useful to you - the second gift. WITH best wishes! May you have many such jars and never empty them!

In the form of a cake

In the form of a cake

Congratulations on the wedding (cool) with the presentation of money in the form of a cake - amazing latest idea! Unusual view The present will definitely not make you bored at the wedding! And it will not matter at all how much money you decide to present - the idea is worth a million!

So where does it all start?

The cake does not need to be baked, a dummy can be made from multi-colored cardboard or glue several boxes together. Choose oval or square different sizes. The main condition is the presence of a hollow space inside and a difference in size: large - small.

Money is attached to the sides. No need to glue, because young people should be left the opportunity to use the gift. Enough paper clips, scotch tape can also damage bills. Each tier is tied with a ribbon. Not necessarily several tiers, one is enough, only a large one. From above, hoist the figures of the newlyweds and rings, as expected!

Example of congratulations for a gift

Dear newlyweds, it's time for wedding cake. No matter what you have, here's another one from us. We hope you enjoy it, we tried our best! We wish you to have such gifts in the future! And each with meaning. And now, the groom, I ask for a knife, will you cut the cake?

Dear, here is a gift from us. We wish you the same delicious and unusual life as a cake! Use it to the last bite!

Umbrella? Are you joking?

Idea with an umbrella

A cool congratulation on the wedding with the presentation of money and ... an umbrella will surprise you!

As they sing in the song, the main thing for the family is the weather maintained in the house. This is comfort, the relationship between spouses, especially if they just got married. Until recently, they were just in a relationship, but each went to his own house and lived his own mind. Now they are a family and everything should be divided equally. Guests can help young people protect themselves from bad weather by handing them a special umbrella.

For wonderful gift required:

  • a beautiful, new umbrella, preferably plain;
  • banknotes of various denominations;
  • staples, thread.

You can choose an umbrella with an interesting pattern, not gaudy: a couple in love, a heart, rings or doves. It will look nice big, with long handle. Having chosen the one you like, it remains to decorate with money. Threads with banknotes attached must be tied to knitting needles in an open umbrella. Do not be greedy, hang thicker so that the umbrella is "thick". Then close back and pack.

An example of congratulations for delivery

Dear newlyweds! Here is for you best gift- nice umbrella. Let it become your talisman and protection from any adversity and, of course, save you from the rain! Take care of yourself and don't lose your umbrella!

Our lovely newlyweds. Without hesitation for a long time, we decided to give you the best remedy save yourself from any bad weather - this wonderful umbrella has the properties of protection from rain, snow, frost and any shocks. Enjoy!

The wedding ceremony takes place, as a rule, once in a person's life, so it should be on highest level. Unusual congratulations newlyweds are remembered for more long term than the most expensive gift, so all those invited before the celebration think about how to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding. In order to please the bride and groom at the celebration, it is advisable to dream up, inventing extraordinary congratulations. Let's talk about original wishes young at the wedding.

Options for original congratulations on your wedding day

Those guests who say the most cordial wishes to the newlyweds are remembered at the wedding. Units pronounce congratulations in an extraordinary and creative way, but there are many options for self-expression:

  • For example, it is not necessary to have great talent to congratulate the newlyweds on poetic form. If desired, it is easy to remake a famous song and such a congratulation will be a pleasant surprise for the newlyweds.
  • Or make a funny photo collage by choosing interesting photos newlyweds in different periods life from infancy. Come up with funny comments for them, pick up cheerful music and give to the newlyweds cheerful congratulations which will cheer up everyone present for a long time.
  • An interesting congratulation will be wishes recorded on video from strangers whom you meet on the street and ask to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding.

Fantasize - and you will definitely visit the original idea!

Beautiful words in poetry and prose

Wishes to newlyweds in prose - this is the most common type solemn speech at a wedding, because not everyone decides to write poetry, and a custom poem is expensive. Wishes in prose should not be too long. In order not to lose the attention of those present, the speech should not last more than 1-2 minutes. Usually, solemn congratulations ends with a gift that adds meaning to the words spoken. We offer several ideas for a solemn speech in prose that the newlyweds will definitely like:

  1. If you ask the most different people, what's happened marriage then we will hear a lot of opinions. Someone will say that this is the duty of the young to God. Another will suggest that this is only one month of love and beyond. long years monotonous existence. Someone will add that marriage is a gift of fate. Each of them will be right, for the union of two people is such as they think of it. I wish you to think about love, happiness and joy all the time, so that your union is amazing for everyone!
  2. A wise man once said: “There are many who seek in the world, but few who find it.” You are the most happy people because they were able to find each other. Let your family hearth burn with an unquenchable flame, illuminating family life with the light of fidelity and love.
  3. On your wedding day, you were told and given a lot of good things. But the most valuable prize you received from the Sun. It gave a piece of its love, from which you created a family hearth. Keep this gift all your life so that any wind of change does not extinguish your love, but only inflames it even more!

How to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding with verses? Yes, very easy! We offer several poems that you can use in your solemn speech:

The groom is like a swan - strong, slender!
So noble and smart!
I chose a girlfriend to match myself,
To love until the end of time.
We wish you good luck and patience,
Happy life and victories!
And most importantly - family love,
Love to you and advice!

Young and innocent, like two doves,
And life ahead is a clean slate!
We wish that life gave a smile
And a flower bloomed on a leaf!
Take care of it, cherish it, cherish it,
After all, this is a symbol of a strong family!
Grow together, water together,
Because that's the only way you'll be happy!

All your life go only near,
Remaining faithful to each other.
Don't let the evil eye
Do not know long grievances.
May the sun always shine on you.
And the days will be cloudless!

Never break up
May your hearts love you dearly!

Short wedding greetings

Talk at the wedding beautiful toasts or in an original way to hand over an envelope with money you need to learn. You can sign a postcard with already ready congratulations, but it is better if you congratulate the newlyweds in your own words. It is not necessary to speak beautifully or long. Let your wish be short - it will not lose its relevance from this, because it is not in vain that they say: "Brevity is the sister of talent." Examples of short wishes:

On this day, I can say one thing
After all, a serious step, I understand.
I just want to wish you happiness
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

A family was born, like a new star in the sky.
Congratulations, friends, and remember that a wedding is forever!

You connected your hearts
In a reliable and lasting union.
We want love to be preserved
And they were proud of the strength of the bonds!

Funny congratulations in your own words

If you are not a fan of memorized prose or other people's poems, congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding in your own words. Tell the bride and groom the most important thing that is in your heart, and if the words are cheerful, then not only the newlyweds, but also the guests will be enthusiastic about your speech. The main thing is to rehearse the phrases in advance so that you don’t blush at the holiday, don’t stutter and don’t get nervous. It is better to write the text on a piece of paper or learn the wish by heart.

We offer examples cool texts in your own words for the newlyweds:

  • The Chinese philosopher Confucius said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” This saying is as relevant today as it was centuries ago. I want to wish the young people love and understanding so that they always feel respect and support for each other.
  • Congratulations on your marriage from the bottom of our hearts! We wish your life to be neither bitter nor sweet, but in moderation: with sourness, peppercorns and zest!
  • In the ocean married life family union- it's a ship. The wife is the helm of the ship, and the husband is the sail. I want to wish the bride to always find the right course, and the groom - wisdom, endurance. May your family's caravel always find a calm current, and even if the weather is bad outside, may love, peace, and tranquility always reign on the deck of your ship!

How unusual to congratulate the newlyweds from their parents?

Parents at the wedding of children are the most honored guests. And their congratulations act in some way as parting words in the future. family life. In order for the wishes to be original and remembered for a long time, parents should prepare in advance. And from us - a few examples sincere congratulations newlyweds:

  • Dear children! We see happy smiles on your faces. Let good mood never leaves you, and the happiness that overwhelms you now will last forever! We wish you to adequately walk the path that is called family life, as yet unknown, but so interesting!
  • All parents are happy for their children when they are happy. And we rejoice, because you found each other and met love. Let them shout to you at the wedding: “Bitter!”, And we wish that bitter days never come to life, and happiness settles forever in your house!
  • The wedding day is magic time when all wishes come true. We want to wish that there is a lot of love, mutual understanding and respect in your life. If you achieve harmony in relationships, then all other desires will certainly be fulfilled! May you live happily ever after!

Video: Creative Congratulations Ideas

It doesn't really matter how creative words will be said at the wedding, the main thing is that they be said from the heart. If you have not yet decided on the option of congratulating the newlyweds, then watch the video in which they are preparing cool wishes for the bride and groom:

Many newlyweds are waiting for the moment when their parents will congratulate them on the most important day in their lives. Usually parents wish their beloved children all the best and delight the invited people with toasts on the topic. Congratulations on the wedding from parents can be called one of important events the entire solemn day.

How to correctly compose congratulations that the parents of the newlyweds will read? Of course, they should surprise and attract the attention of guests. The people invited to the celebration are waiting for a special performance that will melt the hearts of all guests. It should have sincere feelings And touching words. Parents are very happy that their children will now live together.

How to congratulate the newlyweds to the parents of the bride

In the congratulations from the bride's parents, there should be parting words not only for the daughter's husband, but also for her. Your parents will give you a speech for the first time, which will be reflected in the congratulations. The main rule is deep meaning spoken words. You can also add humorous phrases to the congratulations. Humor will help relieve tension and cheer up guests. The toasts that parents will make can be both touching and fun. This combination will turn your performance into an unforgettable and interesting moment.

Parents should give the newly-made family a kind of push in the right direction. Thanks to them, the newlyweds will understand that they knowingly decided to start a family.
Everyone knows that preparing for a wedding is insanely hard. Wishes from the parents of a couple in love is a sign that the work has justified itself and the holiday still took place. That is why the words you say must be sincere.

Congratulations to the young parents of the groom

The requirements for congratulations from the groom's parents do not differ from the rules that apply to congratulations from their matchmakers. However, there is one difference. The groom's parents remind the couple in love that now they will live a family life. The wishes that they will utter should give impetus to the newlyweds. In the speech, you can mention that I would like to celebrate more than one anniversary of their life together.

Sincere words that your heart will tell you will help you compose beautiful wish. you make up beautiful congratulations, which will help the young family to understand that you support them in all endeavors. Only in this case, your words will decorate the solemn day.

Toasts from the parents of the bride and groom

In the scenario of each modern wedding have toast. Without them, no feast would be complete. The parents of the newlyweds must definitely make toasts, because the invited people should not be bored. Parents can be called the main organizers of the feast. Toasts for the wedding are prepared in advance, because only in this case you can fully treat all your loved ones.

The toast that is said at every holiday is a kind of congratulation that everyone in the hall will surely like. Nobody forbids reading a toast from a piece of paper, but it is better to learn it by heart. On the Internet you can find many ready-made toasts with which you can congratulate the newly-made family. Not all people understand toasts that are aimed at the future. Guests perceive such congratulations in different ways, so you need to take into account the individual perception of the toast.

Examples of wedding toasts from parents

wedding oratory rules

Of course, many holiday leaders make mistakes. That is why the people closest to the spouses have the right to stumble during congratulations. Such nuances will make it clear that relatives experience sincere joy for a couple in love. Parents get the right to display the makings of an orator at the wedding of their children.
Newlyweds treat congratulations on their wedding day with special trepidation. They want to hear those words that can convey their excitement on such an important day. Of course, parents should support their children. That is why special attention is paid to their congratulations.

Naturally, the couple in love has more than one congratulations ahead. They have a wedding anniversary and more significant dates. However, it is simply impossible to forget the congratulations that the parents said on the wedding day.

This solemn day is full of various congratulations from friends, relatives and the host of the holiday. But very often these are familiar phrases that are impossible to remember. The newlyweds, of course, will not remember all the toasts and speeches, so the choice of congratulations must be taken with all responsibility. The memory of a person captures the most bright moments, while others are simply erased, like an eraser. A wedding video will help you remember everything.

Not everyone can convey their emotions in such a way as to touch the hearts of all those present in the hall. In this case, you can turn to professional writers. They will choose words that most accurately emphasize the importance of the moment. Keep in mind that you will have to write your speech in draft form. Only in this case, the congratulation will have the desired psychological level. And only an author with talent can achieve an ideal result.

The bride should smile under any circumstances. The toasts and congratulations that are addressed to her are bound to turn her into a beautiful princess. That is why each invited person must prepare such toasts that will cause her a lot of emotions. The difficulties associated with preparing for the holiday are over, and the newlyweds can listen to congratulations addressed to them. Parents will always be the main guests at the wedding. They raised such wonderful children. They can be called real reason solemn day.

Newlyweds should not be distracted while their parents congratulate them on their wedding day. Only then will the countdown to their first wedding anniversary begin.

Modern newlyweds believe they have a right to own choice. But you should know that your parents will never wish you anything bad. They raised you and cared about your future. Naturally, there will always be a generation gap. It depends on the changing interests of young people in accordance with new circumstances. The younger generation does not want to listen to the advice of their parents. This big mistake, because it is the experience of the older generation that will help you avoid big mistakes.

Modern youth has formed a personal system of values. Its formation is greatly influenced by the opinion of society. That is why it is impossible to avoid generational conflicts. Modern youth ideally mastered advanced technologies. They found harmony, and therefore the rivalry only increases. Different age categories do not find common language due to changes in the social order. You must delve into the study of the phenomenon of psychology in order to understand all the nuances of your child's life.

Basic rules for congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Every parent wants their children to celebrate their wedding anniversary. It doesn't matter what it will be: the first or tenth. If on the day of the wedding, the parents tried and did everything to congratulate their children on important holiday, then in a few years their efforts will not come to naught. The parents just got happier. This is especially true for families in which children have already appeared. Parents had time to know the joy of how wonderful it is to nurse grandchildren. Toasts from the most important people in life become the basis of the holiday. Anniversary is an indicator of strong and happy family relations.

Parents should not think about how to congratulate their beloved children on their anniversary. Usually such a holiday takes place in the family circle. The intense emotions that newlyweds experience on their wedding day cannot be compared with the impressions on the day of the anniversary. The couple in love lived together for some time, so congratulations on the anniversary are a recognition of the strength of the family.
Happy wedding anniversary should be congratulated by the closest people in life. They helped in the most difficult situations so they are entitled to their opinion and guidance.

Lyrical digression, without which you can not do

The importance of family relationships is described in almost every literary work. The union is built on love and trust. Joint Responsibilities combine: cleaning, cooking, raising children, repairs and responsibility. But you must not forget that you are obliged to love each other. It is in honor of this wonderful feeling and odes of praise were sung on your wedding day.

How young and how beautiful!
In the hearts of love, in the eyes of light.
Let beautiful motives rush
Your union must be sung.

Shine brighter than diamonds
Sparkle longer than wine.
May your marriage be very passionate,
May it be better than in the movies.

Today you tied fate together,
To create your family comfort.
You promised love and loyalty to each other,
So let them find shelter with you.

Let there be days together like in a fairy tale,
Let troubles bypass.
Let there be more affection in the relationship,
After all, the path of life is long and difficult.

Accept congratulations
to you in response to an invitation.
We want to keep the mood
And all the happiest in the world to live.

Let quarrels be rare guests,
We wish to meet with friends more often.
Set an example for everyone in a relationship
Don't forget about "addition".

Let them reign in your house
Comfort, tranquility, harmony.
We wish poverty not to know
But do not lose your mind from prosperity!

May your love not fade away over the years,
And you will go the same way, clasping your hands,
In the garden, where they are already growing up,
Grandchildren who adore you!

It doesn't matter which one of you is bigger today
I grabbed a piece of loaf -
Sowing inequality among themselves
There is a risk of not getting the best harvest.

Give each other respect
And honesty with fidelity keep the age.
From now on, you have a common desire -
To be happy loved one.

So be happy, two kindred spirits!
To be unhappy in our world is not new.
And if the question is “Who is the boss in the house?”,
Then remember: then friendship and love.

On a solemn and bright day,
We want to wish you
Carefree royal life
The most devoted love!

So that in the hours of fun,
And in sad times
You were everything for each other
We were always able to support.

And we also wish you
additions to the family,
For your family to continue
For the joy of you and all your family!

We wish again and again
In life you have great happiness
Without rain and without bad weather,
And advice to you and love.

We know that in a thunderstorm and a blizzard
Months-years later
You don't leave each other
For nothing and never.

Two people met
Finally dreams come true
And bind you forever
Two gold rings.

Chic rose petals
Let the path shine.
Young, your joy
Soar straight into the sky.

Congratulations on your wedding
Noisy, mischievous wedding,
You are no longer just a couple,
You are forever husband and wife.

So keep your feelings
Your true love.
Our dear ones, it's bitter!
Our toast wedding ready.

Young, I congratulate you on the creation of a family!
And I wish that difficulties could not break you,
In grief, in joy in life, keep your feelings,
To understand each other, adored, cherished.

May happiness, prosperity, prosperity be found in the house,
And mutual attention, like the sky, does not end,
Love with all your heart, giving without a trace,
And let any day and night begin with kisses.

Congratulations to the young
With this most important day!
Secure your union
Kiss you most tender.
May your days be sweet
The joint path will be smooth -
No obstacles and no holes.
All adversity on the shoulders!
Peace in the family, well, prosperity,
And you have a dozen kids
understanding, respect
And mutual patience.
In life there will be only happiness
Now let's all say - bitterly!

You have taken this important step
Let love live in your hearts!
I wish your family only the best,
Let your life be in bright colors!

I wish you many children
To be heard cheerful, children's laughter!
Let your road be happy
May success await you in family life!