How to choose the right fur coat. Professional advice on how to choose a good mink coat. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of fur

Jokes are told about her. She is the hero of stereotypes about the desires of every woman. They dream about her. Her appearance is condemned, but, in fact, there is no lady who would not admire the beauty of this thing.

We ask you to love and favor: the queen of women's wardrobe, the object of desire and passion is a mink coat! White or black, or maybe with a silver fox collar? How to choose a mink coat among the great variety presented in stores?

Fur coat in your closet

It has long been so customary that a fur coat in the wardrobe is a symbol of prosperity in the house. Not a sheepskin coat, not a stubby down jacket and not an inflated jacket, but a luxurious heavy fur coat. It does not go out of fashion, and if you do not spare money for quality, then you can be sure that the product will not be afraid of rain. And, of course, the fur coat obliges to look accordingly.

Here you can’t get off with a tracksuit from the market, and winter sneakers with such a thing look ridiculous. With the right approach to the formation of your wardrobe, a fur coat will become a unique touch to the overall style, the very notorious diamond cut that creates mood and makes an impression.

Animal rights activists are all over the place against the production of fur coats, and, it is worth noting, their words hurt many of us. But does the industry suffer from this? Recall the famous model Naomi Campbell, who joined the ranks of PETA and posed naked for their advertisement, but a few months later she could not deny herself the pleasure of trying on chinchilla furs at the Fendi show. Of course, the scandal hit the reputation of the top model, but the fact remains - women love furs, and there is no lady in the world who would refuse such a gift. Moreover, the purchase of one fur coat does not pacify the desire to purchase another one. Among the abundance of furs, the mink confidently holds the leader's place.

Why mink?

Which mink coat is better to choose? Sellers, casual acquaintances, friends vying with each other offer their advice. Mink is feminine, stylish and always fashionable. Mink is chic, especially if the product is of high quality. The fur shimmers, shines, lays down to the body. A mink coat will not make a clumsy snowman out of an elegant girl, over time it will not turn into a ball of fur and will not reveal dubious bald spots. These advantages also have a downside: mink is not the warmest fur, and in a harsh winter it can become chilly in such a fur coat. But does this argument outweigh the desire to show off in a shiny new thing?! And heat is a gain, because you can always insulate the product with woolen batting.

Ideal Model

Each representative of the fair sex knows her strengths and weaknesses. It is very important to learn to hide your own flaws. How to choose the style of a mink coat to present yourself in the most favorable light? First of all, you need to adequately assess your own physical parameters. Are you tall? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are a fragile and petite woman? Pay attention to the width of the shoulders and the length of the legs. Thumbelina girls are not recommended to choose elongated or too curvaceous models. An impressive collar and a hood with a fur trim will not adorn you either. A fur coat should complement you and warm you, not outshine. Do not choose models that are too small, because such a piece of clothing should not fit you.

The eternal trend is trapezoidal models that are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur. This manufacturing method initially implies a more accurate wear and gentle cleaning. By the way, it will not be hot in such clothes, and it fulfills its decorative function completely.

What mink coat to choose in a country with a harsh climate? If in winter you do without your own transport and use public transport, then it is irrational to choose a long fur coat, as it will quickly overwrite and become unpresentable. In such conditions, it is better to prefer a short mink coat with a hood and a warm lining. Such a piece of clothing, by the way, does not always need a belt, but it is distinguished by universal mobility, that is, it is suitable for any style and image. With a classic bag and high-heeled boots, a short fur coat will be feminine, and with tight jeans, a backpack and ugg boots, you can create a dynamic youth ensemble.

Business women who have the opportunity to keep a car and go out in the evening may prefer elongated fur coats with a belt, hood and tapered sleeves. These models perfectly warm, stretch the silhouette and make the figure feminine.

Mech Rating

How to choose a good mink coat? And why is mink considered the most optimal option in this regard? It must be said that in a kind of leaderboard, the mink occupies only the fourth place, skipping ahead of the otter, beaver and sable. This is due to the relatively low wear of the fur. To flaunt in a mink coat every day would be wasteful. If you regularly drive a car, then it is better to give up long products. This is both inconvenient and unreasonable, after all, the mink crumples very quickly. But short models are ideal for a born motorist.

Taste and color

How to choose a mink coat according to the color trends of the season? This is a very important nuance. Naturally, a fur coat must be tried on to determine the combination of the color of the product and your appearance. Light shades refresh, hide age and emphasize natural blush.

But when moving along our roads, you always run the risk of spattering the spectacular mink with drops of dirt and water. In addition, light colors emphasize the figure, so if you are overweight, then do not opt ​​for such a fur coat. Dark models outline your contours more clearly, but just as accurately illuminate the cons, so you should not try on such a product, otherwise you will immediately throw yourself a couple of years.

The right approach

The fur is capricious in nature and over time can acquire a yellowish tint, and this process, unfortunately, is irreversible. Most of all, yellowing is noticeable on light fur.

How to choose a mink coat correctly so as not to get into a mess? When buying, you should especially carefully inspect the product in artificial and daylight. Remember that a new fur coat should not even have a hint of yellowness. And this is noticeable only when comparing light models, since against the background of dark ones the difference will not be so obvious. The snow-white mink is definitely beautiful. Such a model makes you a fragile and beautiful Snow Maiden, but this happiness will not last very long.

Literally in 2-3 seasons, the product will acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint. Which mink coat is better to choose in this case? Perhaps the beige version will suit you, as such fur ages imperceptibly, and it looks more noble. The mysterious and unearthly shade of the blue mink is very ambiguous, as it rarely suits anyone, but it magically transforms a woman into a real queen. If this shade suits you, then at any meeting you will make a great impression.

Black fur coats are a timeless classic, so if you are looking for a versatile option, then buy this model. Remember that the mink is dyed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also in an effort to hide skin defects.

Light mink, which is respectfully called white gold, often undergoes discoloration, which deprives it of wear. But dark fur coats can cost you a little more, because there is a strange stereotype regarding the price, according to which black fur is more resistant. Sellers who give advice on how to choose the right mink coat may turn out to be unscrupulous, and give out dyed walnut for black mink. The difference seems not so great, but still a deception is a deception. It is unlikely that you would like to get into such a story.

Word of mouth

Agree, it’s nice to leave the house in a luxurious fur coat on a frosty day, catch the envious admiring glances of others, feel like a real woman who deserves gifts and compliments! A long-awaited purchase will bring more joy if it collects the proper amount of feedback from your friends and acquaintances. After all, public opinion is an incredibly strong engine of trade. Not least thanks to him, the mink coat became a symbol of success.

How to choose the right mink coat? Reviews of experienced buyers can only confuse, because once at a time it’s not necessary. At one point of sale, someone came across a fur coat with a fur coming out, and someone for more than one season cannot get enough of his fluffy warm jacket. Therefore, the reviews of amateurs should be taken into account only at the final stage of the choice in order to decide between controversial options.

There will be more outlets in major cities. At your request, the store must present a certificate for sale, tell about what furs are used in production. It is best to visit the outlet with an expert who can tell you if the sellers are telling the truth and how to choose the right mink coat without fear.

It should be noted that there are no absolute advantages for any shade of fur coat. You must decide on this yourself, based on which thing will be the most to the face.

Professionals recommend storing light products in a case. In general, mink should be protected from direct sunlight and worn carefully, because this is not a jacket that can be sewn up and dry-cleaned without fear. A repaired mink coat can be flawless in appearance, but an unpleasant residue will significantly spoil your pleasure from wearing. If you can afford such a luxury, then take care of purchasing and installing a fur refrigerator. Then the product will not turn yellow for a very long time. If this is too expensive an event for you, then it does not matter - in large cities such a service is provided for a fee.

mink paradise

Who would have thought that such a small animal could become the object of desire for many millions of ladies! Over time, craftsmen learned to recognize animal furs, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Detailed tips on how to choose a mink coat will help even an amateur to decide in the world of mink diversity. It is worth noting that in many countries of the world they are engaged in breeding and selling minks.

Mink names are indicated on the labels. By right, the Russian mink is considered the warmest, which has a high awn and underfur, which explains its somewhat increased shaggyness. By the way, such fur is quite affordable and, compared with its "relatives", has a democratic cost. Tastefully made, high-quality Russian mink fur coat is not inferior to foreign models, but often on the streets there are large ladies who are full of fluffy fur.

How to choose a mink coat among overseas options? Pay attention to the Scandinavian fur, which currently occupies a leading position. Thick underfur and medium awn, coupled with a luxurious sheen, won the national title of black diamond and a leader in the Finnish auction.

For the European climate, the North American mink is suitable, which is strikingly different from others due to the low pile and the absence of a characteristic luster. Sometimes it is called velvet. Enterprising Italians could not miss such a source of income as the sale of fur coats, even though they themselves do not grow mink. Their difference is in creating a great design. At fur factories, you can buy a fur coat at a huge discount here, which attracts fashionistas from all over the world to Italy.

Defect or feature?

Speaking about the varieties of fur, one cannot ignore the wild mink. How to choose a high-quality mink coat from such fur? It is necessary to focus on the height of the pile, which should resemble sable. The wild mink has an exceptionally dark grey-brown color and light underfur. Often such fur may have external flaws, but its cost is fabulous.

And, of course, world fashionistas must have wondered how to choose a mink coat in China, where prices seem so seductive, and a fur dream is so affordable! No doubt, Chinese products are the cheapest, but low-quality fur coats are exported, and good models remain in the country. The Chinese are economical, but cunning people, so they like to use fur stretching technologies, which makes it brittle and thin. A fur coat made in this way is light and cold.

Nuances of choice

If you are thinking about the difficult question of how to choose a quality mink coat, then you are probably looking for good advice. So, it is recommended to make such an expensive purchase in large salons, and not in temporary kiosks or stalls. Market goods, as a rule, do not have guarantees and are not controlled by anyone. Think for yourself: if suddenly the fur coat turns out to be flawed, then how will you get your money back? Indeed, the next day after a major sale, the point may simply disappear.

It is not very pleasant to be left with a defective product for which you paid a lot of money. Many potential buyers will object that buying a fur coat in a large salon is fraught with significant cash costs compared to buying in small points. Well, this is a weighty argument, but you can always wait for the sales season, such as spring or summer, when really attractive discounts are provided. Although here you need to be prepared for a sharp narrowing of the range.

Please read the product carefully before purchasing. Look at the color of the underfur and the inside. Remember that it should not be unpleasant, yellowish. But the ideal color of the underfur indicates that the product has been dyed. And the mezdra should be white, without spots and holes. Yellowness is a sign of old age.

The foreign smell of fur is a reason to refuse a purchase. Iron the product with your hand. Be aware that plucked and sheared fur coats are less wearable and stain resistant. The most reliable and durable things do not get off with other fur. You are probably wondering how to choose a quality mink coat? So, the mink pile should shine and be pleasant to the touch. When twitching, good fur does not crumble and does not stick together. The material with bald spots is probably old, and if the fur coat is made of poor quality, then when stroking the fur remains in a changed position for a long time. Now take a closer look at the seams: glued fur coats are a beautiful but useless accessory for one season. It probably won't last you longer.

The main thing is that the suit sits ...

A high-quality fur coat will adorn a woman, provided that she knows her size, color and style. We have already talked about the last two characteristics, but how to choose the size of a mink coat? You will have to try on more than a dozen to find your model. In some ways, fur coats are similar to wedding dresses: at first glance, everyone is beautiful, but only one model can not find fault with anything. Try to choose with both your heart and your mind so that you don't regret it in the end. Ask questions to the seller, inspect the fur, put on a fur coat and walk around in it, try all the pockets, the inner lining, the hood.

Spread your arms wide and pay attention to whether your fur coat interferes with your movements. If winters are especially harsh in your area, when making a purchase, consider what clothes you will wear under a fur coat. Thick wool sweater? Then you need a thing for a size, or even two more. But the main thing - do not buy a fur coat in a gusset or smaller than the right size. This is not a swimsuit, and she should not fit you. Fur coats that are small in size look scanty, as if they were taken off someone else's shoulder, so you can do yourself a disservice.

Tricks of fur lovers

Italians are specialists not only in matters of design. They own the technology of making fur coats using computer selection. These are expensive models, but, alas, short-lived. If the question of how to choose a mink coat intersects with money, then you should look at products from pieces, and not from a whole skin. By the way, they also have certain requirements. For example, pieces of fur should be at least 15 x 15 centimeters. Otherwise, the fur coat will not last long, but it will not cost so much either. Before buying, wipe the product with a damp white handkerchief or napkin and see if there are any traces. If yes, then the fur coat is dyed, it will hardly endure dry cleaning.

Of course, you will have to pay for quality, but how to choose the right mink coat in order to spend money wisely and become the owner of a luxurious item? Maybe turn to Chinese and Russian underground manufacturers? And this option has the right to life, although you need to keep your eyes open, because often a rabbit or a marmot is given out for a mink. Even an amateur can distinguish them if he is ready for a catch. So, the marmot's fur is prickly and has different lengths, and the rabbit's fur is very soft and almost does not shine.

The mink coat is light and comfortable. Any discomfort is a signal that should alert you. If you look closely, even the wrong side of the product can tell you how to choose the right mink coat. Uneven seams, sticking out threads and traces of glue? They are trying to sell you a marriage! A high-quality fur coat smells pleasant, caresses the skin and makes you want to wrap yourself in furs.

You can save money without much damage to quality if you like a mink coat-cross. How to choose this little-known product by name? And what does he represent? It turns out that there is a great alternative to a fur coat for fabulous money. A cross made of expensive fur will be much cheaper than a classic mink, and the original layout and the corresponding pattern will please the most demanding fashionista. What is the essence of such a fur coat? Yes, just the fur is not located longitudinally, but transversely, which is clearly visible on the finished product.

Traditionally, wide stripes of fur are used, and the style can be chosen based on your own preferences. The fur coat-coat clearly demonstrates the transverse masonry - it is long and straight. A compact and convenient model for a car lady - a short coat-cross. For ultra fashionistas - the Cleopatra style in the shape of a trapezoid, and for petite girls, a fitted fur coat with a hood and a flare from the waist will suit the year. Rather, for decorative purposes, rather than for warming, the “butterfly” style is chosen, suggesting an average length and wide sleeves.

For many people, buying a mink coat abroad remains attractive, and this approach is quite justified, because the cost of fur in Turkey, Greece and Italy is much lower than in Russia. Don't want to travel outside your home country? Then online shopping is for you! A huge catalog with photos of each seam plus delivery of the selected product within the specified time.

Since a mink coat is an expensive thing, fitting is expected after delivery. Accordingly, payment is made in cash or in another convenient way. Why do online boutiques offer fur coats at below market prices? Yes, they simply can afford to reduce costs due to the lack of rented premises and staff. Here is a good option for you on how to choose a real mink coat without unnecessary moral and material costs!

A mink coat is an expensive pleasure. In the market of fur products, it costs at least 40 thousand rubles. Therefore, women choose a fur coat carefully. When choosing, you need to know by what criteria the quality of fur, fur products is evaluated.

The main parameters for determining the quality of outerwear by professional fur businessmen:

Criteria quality Poor quality
Glitter pile There are overflows in the light. The gloss is uniform. There is no shine or shine is not everywhere.
Brightness natural brightness. Mirror.
Skin sizes More than 15 cm in length and width. Less than 15 cm.
Presence of spots All wool has a uniform color. There are stains from the cell and smudges under the pile.
Wool When plucking, less than five hairs remain in the hand, and when the manipulation is repeated, it may not remain. When twitching, villi remain in the hand, which is also observed when twitching again from the same place.
Smell There is a natural smell of leather, fur. There is a vinegar, gasoline smell or rotten meat.
Color spectrum The natural color of the animal or high-quality coloring without transitions is noticeable. When washed off, the paint leaves marks on the hand. In the light, color transitions are noticeable.

Important: Buyers need to remember that the process of making a mink coat is very time consuming. If the skin is dressed poorly, then with the remnants of fat it will stink when worn, and if there is no fat at all, it will dry out, which will cause the pile to fall out.

How to check a mink coat for quality

Before buying, learn about the methods for determining the quality of mink fur. Do not trust sellers, as their main task is to sell goods.

There are simple ways to determine the quality of fur yourself:

  1. Swipe the fur with your hand against the growth of hairs, it will immediately restore its previous position. Here it should be noted that the pile does not stick out in different directions.
  2. Take a look at the fur. Under the outer pile, there should be fluff, shorter hairs. The reliability of a fur coat in severe frosts depends on them.
  3. Examine the fur coat with your hands. If villi stick to the hands, the fur is of poor quality. Also, the seller must allow the fur to be pulled, which will also help determine the quality of the fur. The pile should not fall out. Otherwise, your fur coat will constantly shed and lose its presentation after the first months of wearing.
  4. Another way is to smell. Smell the future fur coat. Extraneous chemical odors should not come from it, only natural ones.
  5. Examine the fur coat from the inside. The lining fabric, the quality of tailoring, the size and evenness of the stitches, the durability of the socks will depend on this.
  6. If the mink is dyed, we check the quality of the application. To do this, take a piece of light fabric, rub the pile. If traces remain on the fabric, the toning is of poor quality.
  7. Check that there are no traces of rust, faded areas of wool on the wool.

When choosing a fur coat, choose the right size, model. Please note that the mink product is for winter, you will have to wear warm clothes under it. When worn, it should be comfortable, not embarrassing, consistent with modern fashion trends.

Authenticity Analysis

Consider what types of mink are used to make expensive fur coats:

  • Living in North America, Canada. Black mink blackglama is especially appreciated. Its fur is velvety and durable. Blackglam mink is sold at auctions and has a very high cost.
  • Scandinavian. Lives in North America, Denmark, Finland. Cheaper than North American, but comes in a variety of colors. From blue, gray, to brown and black.
  • Living in Russia. Bred new breeds of North American mink, but with warmer fur and a long pile.

When buying a fur product, find out information about the manufacturer, this is also very important. Manufacturers must be well-known in the fur market, in proven fur salons. In the salon, the seller must present a quality certificate to convince you of the authenticity of the mink product.

Many couturiers will sew a fur coat from another animal so that a simple housewife cannot distinguish a mink from a groundhog or a rabbit. Here you need to know the structure of the fur. Mink fur is stiffer, rougher to the touch than rabbit fur, and marmot hairs are generally prickly.

To achieve a unique resemblance of a rabbit with a mink, its fur is plucked in a special way. But when looking at it personally, it is noticeable that the undercoat has a different length or it is the same length as the outer pile. So - in front of you is a rabbit.

Remember, the rabbit always leaves a pile on the hand when twitching, tingling.

To distinguish a mink from a marmot, you need to take the pile in a fist and slowly release it. If the fur flows one-dimensionally, quickly takes its former position - a mink, and if it leaves stripes that separate the lines of the pile from each other, and when it returns to its previous state it has a feeling of wrinkling, this is a marmot.

There are more nuances. Remember, a mink coat weighs little, if you tried it on and did not feel that you were wearing winter outerwear, then the coat is natural, but the groundhog, the rabbit will be more tangible and weighty, in the truest sense of the word.

After the purchase, all methods can be carried out at home again to make sure that the fur is 100% natural.

How to determine the nature of a mink skin?

When auctioning Blackglam mink skins, they are checked for naturalness. A label is sewn to each skin indicating the type of mink. The label must be white with a black inscription, and when viewed under ultraviolet rays, you can see an invisible word.

Each label has a number printed on it. The serial number can be used to determine the authenticity of the skin. Each number can be found in the skins register on Blackglam's website.

Today, it is customary to chip fur coats. Chipping will reveal counterfeit goods. The barcode is applied to outerwear in the event that the lining of the product or the product itself is made of fur. But if there is only fur trim (collar, sleeve, pocket), then the chip is not applied.

By the barcode, you can find a mink product, or made from any fur, including polar fox, on the website of the tax service. This suggests that the production of this fur coat is legal.

A KiZ chip is attached to each fur coat. The country of origin is determined by the chip. If the chip is green - Russia, red - the fur coat was brought from European countries. The marking can be sewn into the seam of the product, sewn onto the main label.

If an outerwear store sells goods that are not labeled, then this is fraught with penalties, up to and including confiscation.

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Discussion: 8 comments

    I am not a vegetarian, but I wouldn't buy a mink coat or any fur coat in general. Now there is such a choice of clothes that I have become an ardent defender of animals in this regard.


    I can say with confidence that it is better to trust the domestic manufacturer. I'm buying furs at Sadovod in "Furs from Vitaly" on Sadovod, line 4, pavilion 148. Indeed, the fur shines and is cut very high quality.


    I really wanted a mink coat. I saw an ad on Avito, they say, a woman attributed the season, and she was tired of it ... And a noble fur coat and a quarter of the money cheaper ... I bought it, and after a couple of seasons I also thought of selling it, but then I gave it to my mother. The fur coat is very light, but at the same time warm (I wore mine up to -20), and the hairs are like silk. The style has changed to a more sporty one, the fur coat has become irrelevant, but on the other hand, it fulfilled its dream, moreover, by itself!)


    A good mink that will be worn for many years is nafa or blackgama. And they are very warm. There are such furs in Elena Furs, now the sale has begun, they sent me a newsletter. Prices are the same as in summer, but for now winter has just begun, at least here in Moscow.


  1. Answer

    Long coats are not very practical. I realized this after I wore it for one season. I had to take mine to the studio and they made me a short fur coat, a hat and a bag! I bought the famous brand Antonio Didone. The product is very high quality, so I go with this set for more than one year.


    No down jacket will be as warm as a fur coat. If you choose a quality product with thick fur, then you will not freeze even at -35. I can advise the Condor boutique in the Emirates. I checked the wear resistance of fur coats on myself. I was extremely satisfied with the quality.


When choosing a mink coat, you need to pay attention to several criteria that indicate the quality of the product. These include:

  1. The appearance of the fur (its shine, transfusion in the sun, etc.).
  2. The elasticity of the villi.
  3. Color fastness.
  4. High-quality dressing of animal skins.
  5. Condition and number of stitches.

Important! It is not enough just to choose and purchase a high-quality mink coat, it also needs to be properly looked after. With proper care, it will serve for more than one year.

Fur appearance. The fur of a quality coat should be shiny, flowing and iridescent in the sun. The absence of such characteristics is the main sign that the product was processed by an artisanal method and stored in an unsuitable room.

Advice. If the condition of the fur is in doubt, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat.

The elasticity of the villi is another criterion that you need to pay attention to. They must be obedient and elastic, so that when stroked they return to their original position.

Important! A high-quality fur coat is characterized by a good pile that does not fall out, has an equal length and density over the entire surface of the product.

Signs of a fake:

  • there are noticeable places of poor-quality dressing of the skin;
  • sticky pile;
  • uncharacteristic oily sheen.

Color fastness. This feature applies only to dyed mink products. Coloring should be even, without visible defects. To check its quality, it is necessary to hold a damp cloth over the entire surface of the fur coat. If she displays fur paint on herself, then the quality of such a product can be doubted!

Be sure to check the color fastness of the product, otherwise the fur coat will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

High quality animal skins. There are several characteristic signs that indicate the quality of the dressing of the skin:

  • pleasant softness of the material;
  • surface elasticity;
  • the complete absence of possible cracks on the surface of the skin and squeaks when pressed on it.

Advice. Often, in order to hide a fake, scammers try to hide skin defects with a lining. To find them, you just need to ask the seller to show the inside of the skin (a little rebuff to the lining). If he refuses, then this store is better to bypass.

Condition and number of stitches. A quality mink coat should have few seams, so it will last much longer. It is imperative to pay attention to this aspect, since a fur product sewn from pieces will lose its presentable appearance after a short period of time.

The color of the coat is one of the criteria affecting the cost of the product.

Important! The cost of a mink coat is affected not only by the quality of the product (the quality of the dressing of the skins), but also by its color.

Color is one of the few characteristics that significantly affect the formation of the price of a mink coat:

  1. Fur coats from light brown to their dark tones are the most affordable for buyers. They have an acceptable cost, so they are most often purchased in specialized stores.
  2. Dyed (blue, red, beige, gray) fur coats are products with an average price. They look very beautiful on their owner, give her originality and special sophistication.
  3. Smoky coats are characterized by a higher cost, unlike dyed or brown products. Their characteristic feature is the multi-colored fur pile, which goes from dark tones to beige.
  4. White mink coats (undyed) are very expensive products. Of course, they are very beautiful and stylish, but because of their price, only a few can afford them.
  5. Natural black mink coats, which have an unusual velvet shade, are exclusive items. They are insanely expensive, only very wealthy people can buy them.

Fur coats of natural color are the most expensive

Since a mink coat is bought for more than one year, its choice must be taken very responsibly and seriously. To date, there are many ways to help you choose the right natural fur product. The most common of them are video tutorials and detailed instructions on thematic websites. If it is not possible to use the World Wide Web, you can also pay attention to the reviews and recommendations of professional experts in this field.

  • Purchase mink coats only in specialized stores, and not in markets or ordinary trade stalls.
  • Pay attention to the availability of certificates, which indicate the manufacturer of the fur product.

  • Carefully inspect the inside of the fur coat to see for yourself what material it was made of (skins or small pieces of fur).
  • Carefully inspect the pile to make sure there are no bumps, various stains and other possible defects.

The choice and purchase of a mink coat is a real test for a person. In order for them to be effective, it is necessary to listen to professional advice. It will help not only to purchase a high-quality fur product, but also not to spend money in vain.

How to choose a quality mink coat yourself: video

It is not easy to choose a natural fur coat. The buyer needs to take into account a lot of nuances: to be able to correctly evaluate the fur, to distinguish a mink from a rabbit, and a beaver from a nutria, to know good producers. With this approach, a fur new thing will not only become a luxurious decoration, but will also last for more than one year.

The choice of a fur coat depends, first of all, on the preferences of a woman. An important role in this responsible business is played by such criteria as the type of figure, lifestyle, current fashion trends, and taking into account the opinions of specialists. As for the latter, they recommend paying attention to the following points:


  • “Lady-Autumn” and “Girl-Spring” are in harmony with warm tones: pinkish, orange, pistachio, beige;
  • “woman-winter” and “lady-summer” look organically in fur coats of cold shades: gray, greenish, blue, chocolate, metallic.
  • classic colors - white and black - go to almost everyone.

Do not forget about the modeling function of color. A full woman will look slimmer in a dark brown or black fur coat. And for skinny girls, it is better to prefer lighter outerwear.


The most important guideline in the selection of a fur coat is its compliance with the parameters of the figure. The main thing is that the product is not cramped. Classic models are loose-fitting. A fur coat fitting a voluminous figure is a deliberately erroneous decision. Such an outfit loses its most important "plus" - elegance.

A product that will fit, will give one hundred percent comfort. You don’t want to pull it back or move it forward, pull back the collar that squeezes your neck, or roll up your long sleeves, like Pierrot’s. Having tried on such a fur coat, it will be difficult to part with it.


A stylish cut of a fur product, taking into account the specific proportions of the body, height and physique - is this not the dream of every customer? For it to come true, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  • a woman with a miniature complexion will simply “drown” in a long-sleeved flared fur coat;
  • to adjust the silhouette of the orange type - without signs of a waist - elements such as a peplum along the hem and a massive collar will help;
  • a fur coat to the middle of the thigh, extended to the bottom, with an emphasis on the waistline, will emphasize the dignity of a slender figure;
  • owners of a magnificent bust and wide hips should look for a shortened trapezoidal outerwear;
  • tall and thin ladies will go for fluffy sable or arctic fox fur, as well as mink cross-sections - fur coats sewn from skins located not along, but across.

Knowing these little secrets will be of great benefit to women who want to harmonize their silhouette and keep up with fashion.

Heat preservation

The fur of a bear or a reindeer will warm best of all, but products from these materials are not common with us. The skins of sable, arctic fox, raccoon dog, and beaver are considered very warm. They are distinguished by the largest amount of outer hair and the thickest down. True, they are all quite heavy.

Less heat-resistant are astrakhan, mink, ermine, chinchilla. There is little hope not to freeze in a severe frost, leaving products made from a goat, a rabbit, a marmot. And the fur of a gopher and a hamster practically does not heat.


Fashion trends of recent years dictate the choice of fur products, taking into account the purpose of the purchase. In this regard, fur coats can be divided into two categories:

  • for every day, including for work, light, practical mink, astrakhan, hare coats in tandem with jeans or trousers;
  • for special occasions - items made of fox, lynx or sable fur in combination with an elegant dress or spectacular suit.

Life time

To find out how many seasons a new fur coat will last, you need to take into account the following gradation (the numbers in it indicate the number of seasons that the skins of the listed animals can withstand):

  • 20 - river beaver and otter;
  • 10 - mink;
  • 7 - marten, blue fox, astrakhan fur;
  • 5 - fox, nutria;
  • 4 - protein;
  • 2 - hare, rabbit.

Choosing a quality fur coat by type of fur: the main nuances

First, let's outline the general features of real fur. Unlike a cheap fake, it is soft and obedient, does not paint hands, does not crumble, does not have a specific smell and, of course, pleases the eye.

Now let's talk about the nuances of choosing the right natural fur coat from different types of real fur:

  • mink: the hairline is soft, but tougher than that of a rabbit; shimmers and flows; elastic, obedient when stroking "against the wool", even along the length of the villi do not stick together. The price of mink skins depends on the color: walnut, dark brown, red are less valued, and brown with a beige undercoat, white, black with a purple tint are considered the most valuable;
  • marten: soft, lush, silky fur with long hairs of uniform density, without bald spots. The hand is literally buried in it. The color scheme is represented by rich shades of brown. The underfur is one tone darker than the overall color; Marten fur coat
  • from river beaver: heavy fluffy fur with thick undercoat; natural colors - from chestnut to dark brown; it differs from the cheaper nutria, which is often passed off as beaver fur, in a greater degree of fluffiness;
  • from a muton: processed and dyed sheepskin has absolutely straight hairs, cut to 1.27 cm (shorter length is evidence of poor quality). The pile is smooth and soft, like velvet. Has a natural shine; Mouton fur coat
  • from astrakhan: very thick, shiny, tightly spaced curls of medium length, forming a clear pattern. The most common color is black, less common are gray, golden, white; Astrakhan fur coat
  • from sable: the hairline of this image material has no equal in density, splendor and silkiness. The length of the hairs reaches 4 cm. The vertical spine completely covers the fluff. Color palette - from sandy to brown, sometimes with "gray hair"; Sable fur coat
  • from a rabbit: the fur is short, thick and delicate, reminiscent of plush; all hairs are the same length; rich color variability: black with a blue tint, reddish brown, silver, gray-white;
    Rabbit fur coat
  • fox: the hair is long and thick, there are a great variety of colors: from the classic fiery red to white with a gray undercoat; the hair of a particularly valuable silver fox plays and shimmers in three tones: smoky gray (at the base), white (in the middle) and black (at the tip);
  • from raccoon: voluminous silky long-haired fur with a soft high awn and the same undercoat; typical colors: brown-beige, milky gray; the less yellow shades in the tone, the higher it is valued. Raccoon fur coat

How to choose a fur coat in a store?

A natural fur coat made of mink or fox, rabbit or astrakhan is an expensive pleasure. The right choice of a good product, pickiness to each of its nuances will allow you to enjoy the purchase for more than one year.

Tips from professionals
  1. Assess the density of the fur. Its insufficient density can mean one of three things: either the skins were processed in violation of the dressing technology, or they were too stretched, or the animals were slaughtered in the summer, during molting. In all these cases, the purchase will be unreasonable.
  2. Stroke the fur in different directions. Natural hairs will not bend or break, under them you will find a thick down.
  3. Soft skins of animals, unlike artificial substitutes, are not afraid of any manipulations: they can be crushed, squeezed, pulled - they will again acquire their former “commodity” appearance.
  4. Make sure that the product is not dyed: part the hairs and check the color of the skin - it should be white. To test the quality of a dyed fur coat, swipe it with a damp cloth - good paint should not leave marks.
  5. Shake the fur. If at the same time you do not hear any sound and do not notice intense shedding of the villi, everything is normal. If the fur coat, like an oilcloth, “rattles”, a lot of hairs will fly from it, it means that the fur was overdried. Such a product will soon lose its shape.
  6. Check how the fur pieces are fastened. Unscrupulous manufacturers produce not stitched, but glued fur coats. Such a product will bring nothing but grief.
  7. Notice the lining. If it is tightly sewn - this is already a "minus" to the product. Reputable manufacturers do not do this, giving the buyer the opportunity to verify the full value of the skins.
  8. Examine the underside of the product. The inner side of the skin - the mezra - should be distinguished by an even haze of a light color. If it turned yellow, it means that the fur is already used and fragile. To the touch, the mezdra should be elastic, soft and smooth.
  9. Make sure that you buy a one-piece product, created from pieces 15 cm long. Such tailoring is considered a reference. An alternative to it is a fur coat made of pieces connected using a special computer program. Such technology, although expensive, will not provide either durability or charm to the product.
  10. Take the time to study the tags. Keep in mind that the most expensive and warm fur coats are marked with the following inscriptions: Platinum/SagaRoyal, NAFA/AmericanLegend.

After examining, feeling, shaking a fur coat, you must definitely put it on. It is recommended not just to take a look at yourself in the mirror, but to “live” in a new thing for about five minutes. If during this time it becomes native - you have to take it!

A beautiful and practical fur coat is the dream of many women. Moreover, in the cold season it is difficult to do without it. How to prepare for the winter season and choose the right fur coat? To make the choice only to please you, when buying, you should pay attention to some subtleties.

Choosing the right fur coat is not an easy task.

Fur coat selection rules: fur, style and color

The most popular for many years is the mink coat. If you prefer elite fur, pay attention to products made from sable, lynx, chinchilla and marten. Economical options - fur coats from nutria, muskrat, muton, raccoon, astrakhan fur.

Colors in fashion are both classic - silver, black, brown, and complex - brown-beige, gray-blue, etc. At the peak of fashion, multi-layered fur coloring. The essence of this coloristic effect is that the base of the pile differs in color from the tips. Another fashionable trend is the coloring of fur stenciled under a leopard, tiger, snow leopard.

In addition to dyeing, fur is often sheared or plucked. Pinching removes the hard, long hairs, leaving only the soft undercoat. Fur haircut is usually done under some kind of fabric texture - velvet, mohair. A laser haircut is also widespread, which makes the fur look like openwork lace.

As for the style, designers offer the most unusual cuts in the style of "wild hide" - without lining and finished edges. Lovers of less extravagant things should pay attention to the cut of the “trapezium” fur coat, which always remains in fashion.

The fashion trend of recent years is the shortening of the fur coat. Do not buy a product to the floor, the best length is to the knee or mid-thigh. In fashion and very short fur coats

Do not give up their positions and combined coats of several types of fur. Mink is often combined with a fox, sable with a lynx. In addition, any fur can be combined with suede, velor or satin. Knitted fur coats are also in demand.

Warmth and strength

To choose the right fur coat, you should pay attention to the warming properties of various furs. The warmest are fox, muton, sable, arctic fox, chinchilla, nutria, astrakhan fur, mink. Worst of all, ermine and marmot will warm. If you live in a humid climate, you should choose beaver, coypu, or otter.

The most wear-resistant are the furs of otters, beavers, sables, seals, leopards, raccoons, minks, astrakhan furs, and martens. The most short-lived fur coats are obtained from chinchilla, rabbit, mole.

Purchase rules

A fur coat on the market is certainly cheaper than in a store. However, no one guarantees you the quality of a market product. Even if your new thing does not come apart at the seams, low-quality fur can cause allergies or skin disease. Therefore, buy a fur coat only in a store where you will be presented with a certificate of conformity, which includes all information about the fur product.