How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family. Family traditions of celebrating the New Year New Year with a big family

I like the tradition of celebrating the New Year with my family. After all, with whom you celebrate the holiday, you will spend the year with it. I firmly believe in this sign, so I try to gather family members at the table. I think it strengthens relationships. Unfortunately, the children have already grown up, they have their own affairs, we do not often spend time together. Although we all live in the same apartment, we rarely sit down at the table with the whole family. Therefore, I want to bring everyone together at least on New Year's Eve. The son and daughter, however, sometimes try to resist - they want to celebrate the New Year somewhere in the company, hang out with friends. But my husband and I insist that everyone be at home that night. This gives a feeling of a strong rear. Raising a festive glass of champagne in the circle of your closest people, you understand that you have a home, that there are people who will not leave you in any situation. And you can celebrate with friends the next day - the holidays are long, there is enough time to visit. But on New Year's Eve you need to be at home. With those who are truly close. After all, whatever one may say, this is the most important holiday of the year, and it is necessary to congratulate relatives, and not friends and buddies.

Ivan, 50 years old, driver

On New Year's Eve, you need to be at home with your family. There is nothing to wander the streets. All these folk festivals can be unsafe. In a drunken crowd setting off fireworks, anything can happen. Look, my daughter went to Red Square last year to celebrate the New Year. She really wanted to open champagne to the sound of the Kremlin chimes. And what? The wallet was stolen, she herself caught a cold, she was already at home in the morning, hungry, frozen. Is this a holiday? I am against such gatherings. Better perishing on native couch, with loved ones. And I don't see much reason to visit. You won’t get enough sleep in someone else’s bed, and you won’t get home on New Year’s Eve. Taxi is crazy expensive! Therefore, I believe that the tradition of celebrating the New Year with the family is very correct. First, it's safe. Secondly, the New Year is the longest holiday. It ends in the morning to celebrate. Therefore, in order not to feel embarrassed in a strange house, it is better to celebrate in your own apartment, with those in front of whom it is not a shame to appear even in a negligee. And then some go to visit, they drink there until the morning, sleep for a couple of hours and, in order not to spend money on a taxi and not to shake with a hangover in the subway, they go home by car. Not only did they not get enough sleep, they also did not sober up properly after the holiday! In general, in my opinion, celebrating the New Year at home is the most practical and safest solution.

Elena, 50 years old, hairdresser

I am very annoyed by all this talk about the "family holiday". For example, my husband and I have been divorced for a long time. My daughter moved to another city a long time ago, she has her own family, her own worries. The parents are dead. Basically, I don't have a family. I can't say that I feel alone. There are friends, there are girlfriends. But before the New Year I always get depressed. Because the idea is constantly being imposed on me that the New Year must be celebrated with the family, otherwise the holiday is not a holiday, and you are kind of flawed. There is no need to discuss it. Let people celebrate the New Year the way they like: who goes to visit, who goes to Red Square to listen to the chimes, who is at home under the Christmas tree. Any method is correct, as long as the person likes it. There is no need to impose any traditions on anyone. This only spoils the mood and the feeling of the holiday disappears.

Valentina, 24 years old, manager

My parents are elderly people. We haven't lived together for a long time. Maybe I would like to celebrate the New Year somewhere in the company or at a party, but I know that my parents are waiting for me to come to them and be with them that night. I think they deserve it. After all, they don’t have many holidays in their lives, and they want to be surrounded by attention on the “biggest night of the year”. This is the most important gift for them. So I try to please them. Be sure to bring grandchildren to them to make a real holiday. No one should feel lonely on New Year's Eve. I know that my parents miss me much more than all my friends-girlfriends combined. My friends will manage without me. In the end, it is not so important for them when exactly we will meet - December 31 or, for example, January 2. And for my parents, the fact that I come to them for the New Year is an indicator of my love for them. They see that I am ready to sacrifice communication with friends and a noisy company in order to be with them. It pleases them.

Anton, 40 years old, entrepreneur

My wife and I try to celebrate the New Year anywhere, but not at home. The so-called "family holiday" is a real nightmare. The wife has to cook a lot of food. As a result, when you need to sit down at the table, she is already completely exhausted. She does not celebrate, but she wants to sleep. If we stay at home, some relatives are sure to come to visit us. Parents, mine and hers, will definitely come if we are at home - well, you need to celebrate the New Year in the family. Nothing good comes out of these gatherings. At first, everyone will certainly quarrel, then my folder with the father-in-law gets drunk so that at least take out the saints, and then we all lie down to sleep side by side. In the morning, no one can look at each other anymore, but still, there is nothing to do - you need to continue to celebrate. So, if there is even the slightest opportunity to avoid family gatherings, we will definitely use it. The best thing is to go abroad for all the holidays, so that none of the relatives would even think to visit us and start a “family holiday”.

Alexey, 21 years old, student

It seems to me that it is not necessary to forcibly gather together the youth and the older generation for the sake of observing some stupid tradition. Well, who will benefit from the fact that I will celebrate the New Year at home? Yes, no one! Parents still go to bed immediately after the chiming clock - at their age it is already difficult for them not to sleep at night. And what should I do next? Is it stupid to sit on the couch and quietly watch Blue Light? I can't think of a more boring activity! So it turns out that everyone will suffer. I - to pretend that I have a lot of fun sitting at the table with Olivier and herring under a fur coat, and my parents do their best to nod off, but try hard not to fall asleep so that I don’t remain alone at this very table. Nobody needs it. It is much better if everyone congratulates each other on the holiday, and then they will celebrate it as they like. Parents - with a TV and a bowl of Olivier, and I - with friends in a nightclub. This does not mean that my parents and I do not love each other. We just have different interests due to the big difference in age. No one is to blame for this, and we need to treat each other with understanding. Do not force the youth to sit with the older generation and do not torment the older generation with youth entertainment.

When a large family gathers at the same table, in principle, it cannot be boring. But it doesn’t hurt to diversify the holiday with fun contests and games. How to make a fun script for the New Year for the family, so that it would be interesting for everyone present. What kind of quests, entertainment to choose, so that both the smallest and the oldest would like to participate. We offer an interesting scenario for a home New Year in the family circle for all ages.

Scenario for the New Year at home with the family: preparing a masquerade

Announce to guests about the upcoming New Year's masquerade. You can not even set a specific topic, which will allow relatives to fantasize. There will be snowflakes, snow maidens, Santa Clauses, funny little animals and fairy-tale characters.

Be prepared for the fact that someone will ignore the request or be unable to find a suitable suit. Therefore, we prepare masks, tinsel or cool costumes ourselves.

It will be very interesting to play the costume. It is so interesting to look at dad in the form of a bunny, or at a snowflake grandfather.

For a draw, we write the name of the hero or stick a picture with his image on a small folding postcard. We hang postcards on the Christmas tree, and invite relatives to choose any card for themselves.

If you are preparing a scenario for the New Year 2018 for the family, do not forget about the main character of the holiday - the Dog. The image can be created not only with the help of a mask, but also by making ears, a ponytail.

Already at the beginning of the holiday, everyone will be intrigued by what kind of quest for the New Year is prepared for the family.

Scenario for the New Year with the family - seeing off the Old Year

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to sum up the results of the past year. Therefore, we offer to look back and remember all the significant events that happened to everyone.

- You can beat these memories in the form of a cool game for the New Year for the family. We read short poems. And the one who recognizes himself in them shouts loudly: “It's me!”

You got a home
Housewarming played in it.
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Tell us all urgently
Was a son or daughter born?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Now go ahead
One who has increased income.
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who distinguished themselves by diligence,
Getting an education?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who waited so long
And did he play the wedding?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who found their love
What have you been dreaming about for a long time?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who has been successful at work
Not expecting such a turn?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who had a great rest
Have you heard of the ban?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

Who, wanting fun, cake and sweets,
Did you come to our New Year's Eve banquet?
Tell us, don't melt
Who is this?

- That's how many interesting events were in the past year. It's time to rank the most significant and most unusual. Maybe we missed some important things? Let's raise our glasses to celebrate the year ahead.

We offer another entertainment for the New Year for the family - a toast constructor. It is necessary to write the first part of the toast on sheets of paper in advance. The task of the guests is to come up with a cool continuation of the wish. We put the blanks with the text in a container and invite those present to draw out their toast.

- Let's drink for the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. For as long as I can remember, they...

(.... they don’t get old, they don’t get sick, and they always have money for New Year’s gifts. I wish that we all were the same!)

– The Jewish Santa Claus came and said: “Hello kids!….

(……We buy gifts. Let's drink to ensure that your Santa Clauses are not Jewish, and dreams come true like a fairy tale.)

- The man fell asleep right on New Year's Eve. And he sees a wonderful dream in which a beautiful stranger is next to him. I woke up after the holiday, and ....

(…..there is no one around. Let's raise our glasses so that good dreams come true in the New Year.)

New Year is a holiday of fun and contrasts. Outside the window it is dark, frost and wind, but in the house it is warm, cheerful, the lights are shining, the Christmas tree is fragrant and the festive table pleases ... ..

(…. Let's drink so that contrasts do not frighten in the New Year. So that snowstorms and winds rage only outside the window, and the soul remains warm and calm.)

Close your eyes for a second and make a wish. Guessed?...

(.... And now let's drink to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled by Santa Claus)

- New Year and champagne are inseparable ....

(... Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year our life is inseparable from happiness.)

If the guest finds it difficult to come up with a continuation of the toast, give the floor to others present at the table.

Scenario of the New Year 2019 with the family: warm-up

It is not worth immediately offering guests moving, dancing or cool contests for the New Year for the family. It is better to start an entertainment program with board games or quizzes.

Quiz "Where does Santa Claus live"

To celebrate the New Year with the family, we include a cool quiz in the script: “Where does Santa Claus live?”

- Everyone is used to the fact that Santa Claus gives us gifts for the New Year. Many are also familiar with Santa Claus, who comes to the children of America.

But the world is so big that these popular grandfathers cannot afford to go around everyone with congratulations.

So what, the kids from Brazil and India, Vietnam and the Congo are left without gifts? Of course not. There are many Santa Clauses. And each has its own name.

Gathered before the New Year grandfather in the bath for a meeting. They knocked over a glass of alcohol, threw off their fur coats and caftans. And then a messenger from Brazil is looking for his commander in chief. But the grandfathers already barely remember what country they came from. And the outfits are all mixed up. We'll have to help Frost determine the origin and guess where grandfather came from.

  • Came from the Netherlands;
  • Lives in the Kremlin;
  • Gives all students good grades.

  • Grandpa grants wishes that speak obscene language;
  • Came from Germany;
  • Santa Claus Landsknechts.

  • Came from the Hawaiian Islands;
  • He likes to swim in gondoliers along the Venice Canal;
  • An intern of our Santa Claus, overly curious. Therefore, experienced grandfathers shout to the young: "Kana, Kaloka, from here."

  • Grandfather arrived from Italy;
  • Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia;
  • The brother of Pope Carlo, who, out of envy of the popularity of a relative, began to study as Santa Claus. But haven't found a place yet.

  • Santa Claus of transvestites;
  • Came from Italy;
  • New Year's symbol of the Amazons.

  • This is the historical Santa Claus. He congratulated Khan Mamai himself on the holiday. There they began to respectfully call him: "Papay";
  • The same Grandfather from Brazil;
  • The fate of the grandfather is very difficult. He congratulated the British, but all the gifts were inappropriate, for which he constantly heard: "Yokharny papaya." Later escaped to the French colony. Grandpa also failed to please the natives. Here they shouted to him: "Noel", that is: "I'm tired of my ale."

Right answers:

Sunderklass - from the Netherlands;
Weikhnachtsmann - from Germany;
Kanakaloka - lives in Hawaii;
Papa Pasquale - brings gifts to the Colombian drug mafia;
Fairy Befanu - from Italy;
Papay Noel is from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys.

Those who guessed the correct answers of a cool quiz are handed small souvenirs: sweets, nuts, tangerines. And, of course, we pour glasses to congratulate the winners and celebrate the New Year once again.

Board game "Pig Waltz"

- The chimes will strike very soon. And the hostess of the New Year, the Pig, has not yet joined us. To draw her attention to our merry banquet, let's sing a song to her in her native language.

We turn on the children's song "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter":

Guests grunt to the music of a familiar children's song.

Scenario for New Year's Eve at home with family

Beat the chimes - the New Year has come. It's time to give gifts and congratulate each other. Children are happy to get gifts from under the Christmas tree.

The congratulatory scenario of the New Year at home with the family can be supplemented with a couple of cool contests and games.

cool gifts

We hang multi-colored flags on the Christmas tree in advance, which can be easily removed.

There should be as many of them as there are guests. You can prepare 2 - 3 flags for each person present.

On the reverse side of the flags, quatrains or riddles are written, saying which gift the guest won. Accordingly, the same gifts should be in the bag of the presenter or Santa Claus.

Flag label options

To keep the skin soft

Apply the desired ... (Cream)

This fruit in a bright shirt

Likes to be hot.

Does not grow among aspens

Round red ... (Orange)

We will give you elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese.

You touch it - it will immediately thunder

And the baby will be surprised.

What is a bright toy?

For baby ... (Rattle)

Take me,

Wash up, bathe

What am I -

Quick guess

And know:

It would be a big problem

Whenever, not me, not water ... (Soap)

To always be neat, hurry up to get toothpaste.

Divided into squares

wrapped in silver

How do you deploy it

Instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

This is delicious ... (Chocolate)

Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby nipple.

Without wasting a word
It's always ready to say
Is there a haircut or not
Does the color of the suit look
It won't hurt to lose weight.
And what is it - who can guess? ... (Mirror)

Gum - Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
While she was walking
The back became pink ... (Washcloth)

On the ticket, by chance, you got this tea.

I'm in flight gentle, smooth,
If the holiday is “The most important”.
For children, as the air is needed,
I am cheerful ... (Balloon)

You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and as a reward, your winnings did not fall in vain ... (Comb)

Dishwasher… (Dishwashing net)

Should always be in your pocket
At Nadyusha, Borya, Tanya,
Aunt Vera, Uncle Petya
And all the people in the world.
You can't do without it!
You have to take it with you, friends,
To the theatre, park or ice rink
Pure ... (Handkerchief)

The light is on, the motor is humming
Wheeled tires
On the road famously rushes
Us in ourselves ... (Machine)

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
We make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells ... (Notebook)

For different records, for important records
Will last you a whole year
Instead of incomprehensible scraps of paper
An item called ... (Notepad)

wonderful thing,
This ballpoint ... (Pen)

She pinches her finger hard
And linen is tenacious enough.
It is called ... (Clothespin)

He is black as the devil.
Hot as hell!
He is pure as an angel
And gentle, like love ... (Coffee)

Comic predictions

What is the New Year without fortune-telling and predictions. After all, I want to look into the future. Therefore, we propose to include comic predictions in the New Year 2018 scenario with the family.

Write predictions on small pieces of paper. Remove wrappers from sweets and wrap ready-made predictions in them. We invite relatives to pull out a candy and read what awaits them in the New Year.

Cool Predictions:

From a bad habit in the New Year
You will definitely get rid.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will come to replace.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

You will spend your vacation at sea
You will warm your body and soul.
You will spend the whole amount, you will burn yourself five times,
You will gain six kilograms.

Your friends will not forget you next year. Don't forget the one who owes you money.

Smile always, smile everywhere
Smile on land and on water!
Fate will repay you for smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a bunch of dough!

Next year all your problems will be gone. Because even they are bored with you...

Either you eat, or you pump up,
Whether you sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will significantly increase your ass.

Your life next year will be multifaceted, like a glass. Well, you understand…

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour
All dreams will come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your couch.

Have a higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love roofer!

Next year you will understand that your inner core is an awl in one place.

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
For big, big money.

In the coming year, your body will decide for itself when to sleep, where to sleep and with whom to sleep. Don't contradict him - he knows best!

If you walk across the field
You will find money in the field;
When you find money
You will spend it all on a spree.

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

Go around for three miles
Shreds, anyhow,
And cut off your ear!

If you get bored, sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

Forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise, you will
in crime reports.

The bad news: you'll put on weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

Music program for the New Year for the family

It's time for fun. Therefore, we boldly connect mobile and cool contests for the New Year 2018 for the family.

Guess the movie tune

We select films for the New Year for the whole family and invite guests to guess the melodies from them.

An example of popular family and New Year's films with excerpts of songs:

12 chairs

watch out for the car

The Diamond Arm

The most charming

Gentlemen of Fortune


Sannikov Land

Love and pigeons

Caucasian captive

Those who guessed the melody go to the dance floor. At the end of the competition, congratulations to the winners. And we propose to continue the musical moment.

We turn on perky music and invite all relatives to join a fun dance flash mob.

After a fervent musical discharge, you can also refresh yourself. A hot dish and delicious salads are already waiting for guests on the festive table.

Musical horoscope

All of us or almost all of us believe in horoscopes. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the predictions of the eastern sages.

We include the horoscope in the program in the form of a musical game for the New Year for the family.

Horoscope for those born in the Year of the Pig:

- You're getting married.

We turn on the track "Oh, this wedding .."

Why such puzzled looks? The unmarried will find their soul mate, and the family will be happy to take a walk at their wedding.

Horoscope for Mice and Colors:

Turn on the track "Weekend"

-Yes Yes. Work first. And the buzz will have to catch on weekends.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Ox:

We turn on the track "You are always with me"

Oh, friendship, love. These are such colorful perspectives.

Horoscope for severe Tigers:

Turn on the melody "Paris"

- Learning French. Beautiful Paris awaits you.

Horoscope for Rabbits:

We turn on the song "Sponges with a bow"

Yes, it will be a real miracle.

What awaits those born in the year of the Dragon:

Turn on the track "Playboy"

“Men, calm down. This is a horoscope for the female half. I have another horoscope ready for you.

Turn on the track "3 wishes"

Believe me, they will definitely come true this year.

What awaits the Serpent in the New Year:

Turn on the track "Happiness"

- Oh, happiness with your beloved or beloved.

Horoscope for the Horse:

Turn on the melody "I'll be rich"

- No one doubted that wealth awaits a hardworking horse.

Goat Horoscope:

We turn on the track "Real man

“Let's hope it stays that way.”

What does the New Year promise to the Monkey:

We turn on the musical excerpt: “Love will come to you too”

- True love is waiting for you.

Horoscope for Rooster:

Turn on the track "I'm going to live in London"

- Have you decided to change your place of residence?

Prediction for Dogs:

Turn on the music: "Everything will be awesome"

Yes, it cannot be otherwise.

So let's pour glasses. I propose to drink for change for the better.

The holiday continues. If you wish, you can include other interesting contests and games in the New Year's family scenario.

Video: New Year's scenario with contests

Several perky and exciting contests with detailed instructions in the video:

For many, the New Year is associated with Russian salad, "Irony of Fate", fireworks and a smart Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

"Letidor" has compiled a list of five reasons why the New Year is the best family holiday, and hardly anyone can argue with us!

New Year brings people of different religions together

It doesn't matter who you believe in and what your religious preferences are - it doesn't matter at all on New Year's Day. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions are happy to see off the outgoing year and meet the new one with hopes for a brighter future.

On New Year's Eve the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are really happy.

Nothing can replace mom's concern about what kind of salad you would like to try, sister's interesting stories, husband's affectionate hands, and children's funny antics.

On New Year's Eve, you can get everything at once, you just have to get together and cook as many delicious treats as possible!

And you can also dance, hug and believe in a miracle. And also - all together.

In the New Year, you can remember all the good and let go of the bad

When was the last time you sat down and looked through a family album full of old photos? Holiday night is a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, look for old videos and immerse the whole family in memories of the past year.

We are sure that you will have something to remember and something to laugh at!

This is a holiday when you can make plans for the future.

New Year new life . It is at this time that you need to boldly make plans and set goals for yourself.

Have you been dreaming of going to an exotic country for a long time? Would you like to take a cooking class or dance class? The New Year is the time for big decisions.

You can even make yourself a list of desires / goals and follow them for 12 months, each time marking the completed task. The list will be filled with checkmarks, and at the end of December you will be surprised how much you managed to do!

A magical atmosphere reigns everywhere

Twinkling lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - that's what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at a large table and raise glasses of champagne.

The decision on where to celebrate the New Year has been made. Definitely in the family. After all, this is a family holiday and traditions cannot be changed. Family members of different generations will gather: absolutely crumbs and experienced grandparents, children and parents, and even the beloved cat Murchik will nestle nearby.

So that the holiday does not turn into another feast with watching TV or moralizing memories of the older generation, you will have to make some efforts. Our original ideas on how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family will help make the task easier.

We all come from childhood: New Year with the family

Remember those feelings of expectation of a miracle in childhood, associated with the arrival of the cherished night? Faith in Santa Claus and the fear of oversleeping the chimes? The first snowflakes have just begun to spin, and thoughts about gifts, a Christmas tree, a celebration have already firmly settled in my head. Try to remember these unforgettable feelings and not lose them until New Year's Eve.

Refuse the artificial Christmas tree, and go with the whole family for a fluffy beauty to the Christmas tree market. Forget that such a choice will be condemned by environmentalists.

Only live spruce or pine will recreate those nostalgic feelings from childhood.

To celebrate the New Year with your family, it is not necessary to come up with extraordinary options for decorating your home and Christmas tree. Feel free to get boxes with tinsel, garlands and balls from the mezzanine. It will be cool if Christmas tree decorations from the time of my grandmother have been preserved.

Do you remember what delicious cakes your grandmother baked? And my mother's goose is simply beyond praise.

Be sure to remind them of the most successful and favorite treats. They will make every effort to please the desires of loved ones.

To make the New Year with your family interesting, coordinate with your family and the list of guests.

Agree that you will not invite people who cause hostility to a family holiday. Do not invite your beloved friend to the family New Year's Eve dinner, which your mother can not stand.

Yes, and grandmother will have to abandon the idea of ​​​​inviting her neighbor Vera, who loves to talk about her beloved grandchildren, ignoring the children present.

An old friend of dad who has no one to celebrate the New Year with, which is why he always comes uninvited and does not leave until the alcohol runs out, should be warned that you are celebrating New Year 2018 with your family.

But even this is not enough. To exclude the option when, immediately after the chiming clock and the concept of glasses of champagne, relatives modestly wish each other a circle of happiness and go to bed, come up with an entertainment program. Without an original script, the celebration of the New Year with the family will be boring or the same as always.

New Year with the family 2018 in the style of another country

Does your family have a favorite country where you like to spend holidays and vacations? Or maybe there is a common dream - a place where you really want to go?

Why wait and be upset that once again it did not work out to go abroad for the holidays. Arrange the New Year at home almost "like there."

Don't know which country to stay in? Cast lots or just spin the globe and poke your finger at a certain point in the world.

So, we have decided on the country. We are starting to prepare for the holiday. Get acquainted with the traditions of a foreign land, find out what unusual rituals associated with the New Year exist there.

To decorate the room, you can use pictures with views of streets, sights, just buildings of a foreign land. It would be nice to prepare interesting stories, legends, descriptions of interesting monuments and places.

Feel free to use family photos and pictures of landscapes for the New Year if you have really been to this country.

Be sure to select musical accompaniment. Today this is not a problem. On the net you can find the national music of even the most exotic countries, even the choir of Indian boys, even the tunes of Jamaican girls.

And costumes. Definitely, it will be cool if you order national costumes for the New Year for the whole family. But you can get by with homemade options.

As a last resort, give T-shirts for the whole family for the New Year or warn each participant in the celebration that you need to prepare an element of the national costume for the party for yourself.

The center of attention will be the New Year's table with national dishes. You will have to not only look for recipes for suitable treats on the net, but also decorate dishes and serve them in the appropriate style.

Advice! Prepare new items and try in advance. It will be a shame if inedible dishes are on the New Year's table.

How to spend a themed New Year with your family?

If you think that a thematic New Year is an idea acceptable only for a youth company, you are deeply mistaken. Family members, regardless of age, will be happy to take part in such a holiday.

Just imagine for a second how beautiful a grandmother will look in a 30s dress and a flat plate hat. And how courageous and formidable will a father dressed as a pirate captain be?

Therefore, feel free to start acting and choose a topic suitable for all family members.

But before perplexing relatives, how to spend the New Year with your family on a certain topic, decide for yourself first. After all, you have to go through several options. Because it’s not enough to come up with an idea, you need to think through all the little things, from decorating the room, contests, ending with menus and gifts.

The easiest option is a themed party dedicated to a certain historical period. Organize a family New Year in the style of the 80s, 70s or 30s, 20s. Or delve into history and offer a holiday a la the 19th, 16th centuries.

In each period, you can find interesting options for costumes, as well as ideas for the New Year's table.

What other topics are suitable for the New Year with the family? Consider options or. Definitely someone will find vests or a life buoy. Announce a gangster holiday Mafiosi style. Than the family, nor the mafia. By the way, you can not only arrange a quest to find a suitcase with a million, but just play your favorite game "Mafia" all night long.

The idea to organize a theme party for the New Year came at the last moment, and there is absolutely no time for a detailed study? Announce the Masquerade to your relatives. It will be very interesting to see what images the relatives will choose. It is unlikely that you will guess your beloved grandfather in the pink elephant that came, but the family photos for the New Year will turn out to be simply excellent.

How to celebrate New Year 2018 with family in the country

- great idea. The main thing is not to turn it into a standard feast in a country house.

Immediately agree with all relatives that immediately after the chimes and congratulatory speeches, everyone go out into the fresh air.

For what? Definitely for a snowball fight. Think snowball fights are old fashioned or boring?

You just start, and you will see with what enthusiasm all family members will join you.

Do you remember the last time you rolled snowballs for a snowman? No? Get started. Build the biggest or most unusual snowman in your life.

Instruct your grandmother to stock up on hot tea so that the fighters can warm up in time with a fragrant drink.

Outside the city, you can safely launch fireworks without fear that rockets will hit the windows of a neighboring high-rise building. Just don't forget the safety rules. Or stock up on firecrackers and sparklers. Such entertainment is much safer and cheaper.

And do not forget to have a photo session for the New Year with the whole family. New Year's photos are a great reminder of a wonderful family holiday.

Video: how to spend the New Year in the family

We offer you to get acquainted with an interesting New Year's game for the whole family, which helps to fulfill wishes:

New Year is always a noisy celebration. The pre-holiday fuss in the form of choosing and buying gifts, outfits, Christmas tree decorations, products for preparing a dinner party brings many only nervous breakdowns and fatigue. As usual, this holiday takes place every year according to the same scenario. And every time we try to meet the coming year outside the home, outside the family, away from loved ones. The article presents reflections on the following topics: what scares us the prospect of meeting the new year in the family circle; why it is important to make this holiday really family and what is needed for this.

New Year's Eve has long since become for everyone a symbol of the renewal of the world created by mankind. On this magical day, December 31, until midnight, each of us gives ourselves an uncountable number of unshakable promises, unbreakable vows, makes a host of doable or doomed to unfulfillment desires, and, of course, is preparing to start from January 1 a completely different one, full of joy, kindness, love and happiness life.

All this is preceded by vanity. Buying gifts, which in most cases are either very expensive (for greater showiness), or very similar to paying off (after all, it is customary to give, so you need to give something). Arguments about where to celebrate and what to wear. If there are children, then thoughts about where to attach them to the time of the "adult" feast. In the presence of elderly parents, decisions are made about whether to go to them at all, and if to go, then how long you need to stay there. If it is planned to visit several familiar families in the evening and night, then the order of their visits is established by the method of quarrels and slamming doors. The options are endless.

There is no doubt that New Year's holidays intuitively make us yearn for a noisy, perky pastime due to historical premises. “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it,” our ancestors used to say. Therefore, January 1 at all times was considered a day of idleness and unrestrained festivities, while December 31 was recommended to be quiet, boring and sad, so that the coming year turned out to be joyful and fertile. Since ancient times, songs and cries, ringing of bells, firing from rifles, cannons on New Year's Eve were called upon to expel all evil spirits and call on good spirits. Today's loud cries, explosions of firecrackers and firecrackers, small fireworks, burning sparklers and candles adequately continue the described ancient traditions of our country. We seem to have forgotten about only one tradition behind all this external carnival: new year family holiday.

Most of us have a negative attitude towards all kinds of family celebrations and therefore are not eager to spend the new year with family. These are really not very pleasant chores: you need to clean the house, decorate the rooms, cook holiday dishes for almost the whole day (everything should turn out not only appetizing, but also elegant), get nervous because of the money spent on food, alcohol, souvenirs, festive clothes and tinsel. In addition, almost everyone has at least 15 relatives, and you can’t invite someone, but not someone, otherwise the mistake will turn into an insult for life on the part of the “rejected”. And as the apotheosis of unrest - a foretaste of the finale of the holiday. It necessarily contains, for example, motionless guests who will need to be sent home by taxi as a valuable cargo. It also involves uncontrollable children who will constantly get in the way and create whatever comes into their heads. And after the guests leave, the owners will be left with mountains of dirty dishes, which you don’t want to wash after a whole day of cooking. As a result, there will be no pleasure left from meeting a new milestone, no strength, and no desires for Santa Claus.

On the other hand, a disturbing observation can be made. Weekdays - work; you want to dedicate a vacation to yourself; birthdays and other holidays are monotonous gatherings at the table that end the same way, so there is absolutely no desire to go there. It turns out that the family practically does not get together. And this is unfortunate, because this is exactly what our society lacks now - strong family ties. The clan has been an important part of people's lives for many centuries. Everyone knew that there was real support, protection, help behind his back, and this calmed, gave strength. Now gender as such means nothing. He gradually lost his authority, and we, instead of regaining his significance, on the contrary, in every possible way push away any opportunity to change this set of circumstances. Thus, with our own hands we make ourselves weak, and, in part, lonely.

Many European countries have their own long-standing traditions of celebrating the new year. There are none in Russia. Noisy sleigh rides, trips abroad, trips to nightclubs, corporate parties, launching colorful lights into the sky, and so on - all these types of winter holidays take place in many parts of the world. So why not create an authentic tradition that will not only become a hallmark of the upcoming year for the Russians, but also make us spiritually stronger?

There is nothing difficult about staying close to your loved ones on New Year's Eve and having fun with them. Without difficulty, as they say, you can’t catch a fish, so you have to make a little effort for all family members. It is advisable to think over the menu in advance, distribute responsibilities around the house, plan the day on December 31 so that everyone has time to take a walk, go to the theater, to a concert, to the square where folk festivals take place, to the hill, play snowballs and carry out similar events.

In order not to turn the holiday into a dull ordinary sitting at the table, into the process of absorbing food and alcohol, it makes sense to come up with interesting activities in advance in which the whole family will participate. Board games, viewing positive New Years movie(preferably without the participation of a TV - it is better to prepare a disc of your choice), balloons with predictions, gift exchange, karaoke (who has everything you need) - coupled with other exciting options, these entertainments will make your stay at home, next to your loved ones, comfortable and positively saturated.

Having shown imagination, having connected the whole family to the preparation of the holiday, everyone will get a chance to give themselves the best New Year's gift, rallying together what maintains harmony with the world, calmness, and confidence in the future in a person, despite prejudices.

Is New Year's a family holiday for you?

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