Statistics of men and women in the world. How many men are on earth? Statistics and unusual facts

The problem of sex ratio in the world or in a single country has been of interest to human society for many centuries. At present, on this topic, a huge amount of material has been accumulated on the sex ratio in society, both at the birth of children, and separately for each age group. These materials are quite contradictory and contain many inexplicable facts.

Who more - boys or girls are born?

What do scientists say about this? Based on statistical data, they answer that in the world, always and in all countries, regardless of race, 104-107 boys are born per 100 girls on average. Stress, natural disasters, wars - all these factors, confirmed by statistics, increase the percentage of born boys. It has also been established that males begin to predominate in the population when its numbers decrease. This applies to the plant world and populations of marine organisms.

When asked who they want to have more in the family - boys or girls, in India, China, Vietnam, Serbia, Georgia and many others, they will answer you that, of course, boys. For this reason, about 160 million embryos with female sexual characteristics die every year in the world. Women in these countries decide to have an abortion when they find out that they are going to have a girl. It got to the point that, for example, in China, 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. Among the developed countries where the male population predominates, we note such as Australia and the United States.

The last population census for 2010 gives us the answer to the question - who is more, men or women in Russia. Here are some sample data:

  • population Russian Federation- 142,856,536 people;
  • the female population is (in general) - 53.8%;
  • among infants under 1 year old - 48.7%;
  • girls under the age of 20 - 49.2%;
  • women aged 21-30 - 50.1%;
  • women 31 - 40 years old - 51%;
  • women 41 - 50 years old - 54.3%;
  • women aged 51-60 - 57.6%;
  • women 61-70 years old - 64.9%;
  • women 71 - 80 years old - 72.4%;
  • women 81 - 90 years old - 82%;
  • women 91 - 99 years old - 84.5%.

Comparing age groups, it becomes clear who is becoming more in Russia, men or women. It is quite clearly seen here that after the turn of 50 years, the predominance of the female population over the male in our country becomes not only dominant, but stunningly overwhelming.

Now we will try to answer the question - why there are more women than men. The main reason is their longer life expectancy compared to men.

Scientists note 7 main reasons that positively affect the duration of female existence:

  1. Genetic (biological) causes.
  2. Different actions of female and male sex hormones.
  3. A woman cares more about her own health.
  4. Caution in women is several orders of magnitude higher than in men.
  5. Women are more emotional.
  6. Women try to shift decision-making to their men.
  7. Women have fewer bad habits.

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that for the existence of such a biological species as a person, we see that mother nature herself sacrifices males. shorter men's life allows faster "turnover" of men in the interests of the whole species. It is appropriate here to recall the slogan of Urlanis, a well-known demographer, that has already become boring to everyone: “Take care of men!”.

Who is more - men or women?
Who has more - boys or girls? After reading the article, you will be surprised to find out who actually dominates in human society.

Who are more men or women in the world

sex ratio- the ratio of the number of males to the number of females in a dioecious population.

Sex ratio along with sexual dimorphism is important characteristic segregated population. It is usually expressed as the number of males per 100 females, the proportion of males, or as a percentage. Depending on the stage of ontogenesis, there are primary, secondary And tertiary sex ratio. Primary is the sex ratio in zygotes after fertilization; secondary - the sex ratio at birth and, finally, tertiary - the sex ratio of mature, able to reproduce individuals of the population.

It is now generally accepted that in most species of animals and plants, the main mechanism that determines sex is chromosomal.

Since during gametogenesis, gametes containing X or Y chromosomes are produced in equal numbers, it was believed that this mechanism provides approximately equal proportions of sexes at conception. However, the secondary sex ratio depends not only on the proportion of heterogametes, but also on many other factors. For example, on the ratio of the rates of aging and elimination of X- and Y-bearing sperm in the body of a male, on their ability to reach the egg and fertilize it, on the affinity of eggs for X- or Y-sperm, and finally, on the viability of male and female embryos at different stages of embryonic development.

It has long been observed that in many species of animals the secondary sex ratio differs somewhat from the 1:1 ratio towards an excess of males of about 105-106 males per 100 females. Most reliable data is collected on a person. The average value of the secondary sex ratio for all human populations is about 106. Taking into account the unequal (differential) mortality of the sexes during the embryonic stage of development, even more shifts the extrapolated value of the primary sex ratio from a proportion of 1: 1. All available data on the sex composition of miscarriages and stillbirths in human show that male fetuses die during uterine life 2-4 times more than female. Thus, the primary sex ratio in humans seems to deviate from a 1:1 ratio towards an excess of male zygotes, and it seems to be greater than the secondary. In humans, the sex ratio at birth can be artificially violated by abortion and infanticide.

There is a direct relationship between the secondary and tertiary sex ratio - the greater the birth rate of males, the more of them can survive to adulthood.

Many data also indicate that the secondary sex ratio depends on the tertiary. In eight species of plants and animals (sleep, guppies, mites (3 species), Drosophila, mice, rats, North American woodchuck and humans), direct experiments have shown that an increase in the tertiary sex ratio leads to a decrease in the secondary.

In some insects (bees and other Hymenoptera, mealybugs, mites) females (or females and males) are obtained from fertilized eggs, and only males develop from unfertilized ones. Therefore, the fewer males in the initial population, the fewer eggs are fertilized on average and the more males are obtained in the offspring.

Gender imbalance- the demographic effect arising in connection with wars, for example, in Europe after the First World War and after the Great Patriotic War(in Russia, see Demographics in the Soviet Union), or as a result of internal politics (eg, one family, one child).

People are not strictly monogamous, and among those peoples in which polygamy is common, there are various deviations of the tertiary sex ratio from the 1: 1 ratio, usually towards its decrease. Among the Nigerians, the anthropologist Northcote W. Thomas noticed an increase in the secondary sex ratio with an increase in the number of wives.

The secondary sex ratio in harems increases to about 62% (harems: Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-1398, China) 26 boys: 16 girls; Pharaoh Ramses II (1317-1251 BC, Egypt) 74 wives, 111: 68; and Sultan Maul Ismail (1646-1727, Morocco) 548:340) . Data from countries where male births are more valued should be treated with caution, taking into account the possibility of artificial intervention before and after birth.

The table shows the number of men per 1 woman in various countries. (Cited in 2014 en:CIA World Factbook report).

At the end of the 19th century, there were 1,055 women per 1,000 men, and in the 20-30s of the 20th century - about 1,120. After the Second World War, the gender imbalance in Russia increased dramatically. Number of women per 1000 men: in 1959-1242; in 1970-1193; in 1979-1174; in 1989-1140.

A significant shortage of males appears during and after wars. During this period in the warring countries there is an increase male births about 1-2%. Thus, during the First World War, European countries the proportion of boys increased by 1-2.5% compared to the usual and amounted to 108.5% in Germany, approximately the same increase occurred by the end of 1942 in Great Britain and France. In Transcaucasia, since the beginning of the 90s (the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict), there has been an increase in the birth rate of boys. This phenomenon, established on a very large statistical material, was called in demography "the phenomenon of the war years", since the sex ratio in a person in peaceful years is quite stable.

Hamilton (Hamilton, 1948) provides a review of the differential mortality of sexes for 70 species, including such various forms life like nematodes, mollusks, crustaceans, insects, arachnids, birds, reptiles, fish and mammals. According to these data, in 62 species (89%), the average life span of males is shorter than that of females; most of the rest have no difference, and only in some cases the life expectancy of males is greater than that of females.

It can be concluded that increased male mortality is a general biological phenomenon, it is observed in plants, animals and humans for all levels of organization from all extreme values ​​of environmental factors.

In humans, the average life expectancy varies in different countries, and men are 3-10 years less than women.

The increased mortality of males, as a general biological phenomenon, can be explained in some organisms by non-random causes. For example, in many mammals, including deer, humans and other animals, increased male mortality is possible in the process of males fighting for the right to possess females. In some arachnids, in which the females are much larger than the males, females systematically eat males after mating. In bees, all worker bees are underdeveloped females, unable to produce offspring. A real female bee is always alone in the hive. If there are two of them, then one of them dies. Real male bees - drones after mating with the queen are not allowed back into the hive and soon die.

Determining the sex of a child in a person is not a purely random event. Research carried out in Saxony in 1876-1885. and later in England, France, the USA and Finland, it was found that families in which one sex predominates appear much more often, and families with an equal sex ratio - much less often compared to the theoretical expectation. It has also been found that there is a slight but real tendency in families to produce a second child of the same sex as the first, third children of the same sex as the second, and so on.

In cattle, in the offspring of individual sires, a predominance of steers (1.5%) was observed, as well as a correlation between the sex ratio in the offspring of the sire and his father.

Influence of reproductive rank ("success") on secondary sex ratio Edit

The reproductive rank (access to marriage partners) of parents affects the sex ratio of their offspring. In males, the reproductive rank correlates, as a rule, with their social and hierarchical rank. In females, an inverse correlation can take place, since their hierarchical rank, like that of males, is determined by strength and aggressiveness, while their reproductive rank is determined more by attractiveness and compliance. In deer, pigs, sheep, dogs, seals, and humans, it has been shown that females with greater "reproductive success" gave birth to more male offspring.

Pollen Amount and Secondary Sex Ratio in Plants Edit

It was found that the amount of pollen falling on female flower can influence the secondary sex ratio in cross-pollinating plants. This dependence was confirmed in four plant species belonging to three families - sorrel (Rumex acetosa, Polygonaceae), sandman (Melandrium album, Cariophyllaceae), hemp (Cannabis sativa, Cannabinaceae) and hops (Humulus japonicus, Cannabinaceae).

In many species of turtles, lizards, crocodiles, and some snakes, the sex of the offspring depends on the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. Since females determine where they lay their eggs, they can control the sex of their offspring. The temperature at which a 1:1 sex ratio is reached is called the threshold temperature. Some species of turtles low temperatures incubation leads to the appearance of males, and high - females, in other species, males appear both at low and at high temperatures, and females - at medium.

Secondary sex ratio and intensity of sexual activity Edit

The intensity (frequency) of sexual activity in animals can affect the secondary sex ratio. It is directly related to the physiological parameters of the body. The low intensity of sexual activity in males and females is equivalent to the fact that, as a rule, older sperm and eggs are involved in the process of fertilization. In seven animal species belonging to six families (chickens, mice, rabbits, pigs, horses, sheep and cattle), with a decrease in male sexual activity or aging of sperm, a decrease in the number of male births was observed.

For man, an increase in the birth rate of boys with an increase in the intensity of male sexual activity has been proven on a large statistical material in the works of James.

Differences in inactivation and death of Y- and X-sperms Edit

Relationship of the secondary sex ratio with the intensity of sexual activity in humans and different types animals may be due to faster death or inactivation of Y-sperm compared to X-sperm. For humans, this assumption was confirmed experimentally. It was found that after long periods abstinence, the content of Y-chromatin in semen is markedly reduced. With abstinence for less than 2 days, the percentage of Y-chromatin was 43.5%, with abstinence for 14 days or more - 37.2%. A decrease in the concentration of Y-spermatozoa in semen over time can explain the underestimated values ​​of Y-chromatin obtained by different authors compared to the theoretically expected value (50%), as well as a large scatter of these values.

Many authors have noted the relationship between delayed egg fertilization and secondary sex ratio. In the classic work of Hertwig and Kuszakiewicz, an increase in male birth was noted on the frog (Rana esculenta). Similar results were obtained on butterflies, silkworms, trout, bugs, Drosophila, mice, rats, rabbits, cattle and humans, a total of 15 species with both male and female heterogamety, belonging to 11 families.

Dependence of the secondary sex ratio on the age of the mother Edit

V. N. Bolshakov and B. S. Kubantsev, having analyzed the dependence of the sex ratio of the offspring on the age of the mother in foxes, minks, arctic foxes, dogs, pigs, sheep, cattle, horses and humans, came to the conclusion that “... young mothers in offspring, as a rule, newborn males predominate. In middle-aged mothers, who are in the prime of their reproductive function, the relative number of female offspring increases. For older mothers age group the percentage of males in the offspring increases again.

Dependence of the secondary sex ratio on living conditions Edit

For entire countries than better conditions life, welfare, climate, nutrition, the more boys are born. Livestock breeders also note the same pattern - the better the conditions for keeping farm animals, the more males are born.

During major natural or social upheavals ( drastic changes climate, drought, war, famine, resettlement) there is a tendency to increase the secondary sex ratio - the percentage of girls is growing.

However, there are a number of scientists who prove the exact opposite, that, on the contrary, it is girls who are born more often in more favorable conditions.

modern medicine allows prenatal sex determination. This is used in some countries to select the sex of the offspring. , mainly by aborting fetuses of the unwanted sex, also at conception or after birth (infanticide). Similar practice when widely used, it can even lead to a violation of the sex and age structure of society, which explains the anomalous a large number of males in age category up to 30 years old modern China and India. (See also Bioethics).

According to Kalmus and Smith (Kalmus, Smith, 1960), the value of the tertiary sex ratio of 1: 1 is optimal, since it makes it as easy as possible for individuals of the opposite sex to meet and reduces the degree of inbreeding. Their theory is unable to explain the observed deviations of the values ​​of the secondary sex ratio in many species from 1: 1, as well as its changes depending on various factors.

Maynard Smith (1981) came closest to the idea of ​​sex ratio regulation, who suggested that "it may be advantageous for parents to produce offspring of a sex that is rarer in a given locality" .

Organismic mechanisms of sex ratio regulation Edit

Connecting link feedback in cross-pollinated plants, the amount of pollen that falls on the female flower serves, and in animals, the intensity of sexual activity, which manifests itself through the unequal aging of X- and Y-sperms and through the different affinity for them of fresh and old eggs. At the same time, small amounts of pollen, intense sexual activity of males, fresh sperm and old eggs are the factors that lead to an increase in the birth rate of males.

Population mechanisms of sex ratio regulation Edit

To implement the population mechanism, it is necessary that the probability of having a descendant of a given sex differ in different individuals and be determined by their genotype. In this case, there should be an inverse relationship between the reproductive rank of a given individual and the sex of its offspring: the higher the reproductive rank, the more offspring of the opposite sex should be. In this case, regulation can be carried out at the population level, with greater or lesser participation in reproduction of individuals that produce an excess of males or females in their offspring.

The existence of negative feedback has been shown by direct experiments, at least for three types(in one plant species and two animal species): Melandrium album, Lebistes reticulatus peters, Macrocheles. Many plant and animal species (4 plant species and 16 animal species), as well as humans, have certain mechanisms for its implementation.

The UN estimates that in 2015 there were 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The gap is insignificant, but only at first glance - the number of men has been constantly growing since 1960. In addition, the ratio of men and women in the world is extremely uneven. In the Arab countries, there are much more men than women, while in the countries of the former Soviet Union, on the contrary, there is a shortage male population. We found out in which countries the fair sex prevails.


    84.8 per 100

    In the Baltics, there is a clear shortage of men - residents of Latvia cannot find a companion in their homeland, so they often leave in search of other EU countries.


    The ratio of men to women: 85.3 per 100

    The closest neighbors of Latvians, Lithuanians, also rank first in terms of the number of women in the country. The situation with childbearing here is also sad - all less couples find each other and fewer children is born, and this is with a rather high mortality rate.


    : 84.5 per 100

    A small island in the Caribbean can be safely called an archipelago of women - here is one of the strongest disproportions in demographics in favor of women.


    The ratio of men to women: 85.6 per 100

    Another Caribbean state in which demographic matriarchy reigns - men can be brought here by whole ships.


    The ratio of men to women: 86 per 100

    The former French colony, like others like it, suffers greatly from a lack of harmony between local men and women, due to which the population of the archipelago is constantly declining.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.3 per 100

    Slavic women are very beautiful, and in Ukraine there are many more of them than men. That is why Ukraine is consistently a proven supplier of "wives for export".


    The ratio of men to women: 86.8 per 100

    Absolutely identical indicators for another Slavic country from the former USSR. In Belarus, there is a real hunt for quality men, who are clearly lacking here.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.5 per 100

    Armenian women are beautiful and passionate, which cannot be said about Armenian men. That is why the country is born more girls, from which world stars like Kim Kardashian may well grow.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.8 per 100

    In Russia, as in other Slavic countries, in recent decades there has been a steady increase in the number of women, while men are becoming fewer and fewer. The reason for this is lifestyle. Russian men, due to which average term their lives are almost ten years shorter than those of women.


    The ratio of men to women: 88 per 100

    Estonians are considered the closest relatives of the Finns. Local beauties are fair-haired and blue-eyed, but there is no one to appreciate this - there is a clear shortage of men in the country.


    The ratio of men to women: 88.4 per 100

    Since the early 1990s, the Central American state of El Salvador has been in an economic crisis. During this time, the number of able-bodied men of reproductive age has fallen significantly - the trend towards an increase in the number of women is very acute here.


    The ratio of men to women: 90.8 per 100

    In the 1990s, Hungary acquired the unspoken status of the main supplier country beautiful actresses for movies for adults. This trend is not surprising - there are not enough men here, and those that are are so spoiled by female attention that they lose their hunting skill.

Thank you girls to all those who wrote in the last topic and gave advice. This morning we were at school, talking with the class teacher. She was very surprised, she said that these boys are very quiet and positive and she did not expect this from them. She said that she would talk to them But we insisted on calling the boys' parents. Today, half past five, let's go talk. But it's not pleasant that the teacher just called me from the extension, she was indignant that we went to the class teacher, she said that the boys are so positive, she spoke to them and they said that they didn’t do this. And that my child invents and, in general, she hit them with brooms. In general, everything unfolds as you wrote in the last topic. They are trying to blame the daughter for everything, and the boys have nothing to do with it.





good afternoon everyone. I do not know why I am writing, probably for support. I've been in a relationship with my man for 2 years, we don't live together. everything seemed to be fine, we saw each other often, I felt that I loved. In mid-March, I went on a business trip for a week. constantly corresponded, bored. upon my return, he abruptly refuses to meet, I hear phrases like “I went into myself”, “I don’t want to see anyone”, “depression”. then the accusations poured in. like, in response, I don’t give him what he wants (I don’t cook, I don’t spend the night with him). wildly embarrassing and painful. I propose to meet, a categorical refusal, such as not yet ready. Rewrites willingly, but the initiative is more from me. does not want to leave yet. does not deny that he still has feelings. very hard with uncertainty. did your men do that?
the likelihood that he has someone appeared is almost zero. after work he immediately goes home and that's it


mother cat

Girls, thanks to all those who did not remain indifferent and worried about the last topic. I am writing how things ended. We came to school, to the extension room, and began to wait for the rest of the parents. to find out the situation, she should ask her daughter. I agreed, maybe. she said that first she would talk to us and her daughter and then with the boys and their parents, separately. I really didn’t like that she tried to put pressure on the child like a prosecutor. There were questions, where did you sit first? touch her. Then 2 more mothers came up and connected. The child stood alone among the adults and tried to answer questions that were rather unpleasant for her, in which place they touched, and so on. At the same time, it was clear that the teacher was trying to confuse her and spoke to her daughter in raised tones. I could not stand it and made a remark to her, saying that the child was already clumsy and empty, they called a psychologist and he talked with everyone separately. I was told that the psychologist quit. But I insisted and in an uninterested face came to memorize. Things went much faster with him, she asked everyone to calm down, we should not focus our daughter’s attention on this so that there would be no psychological trauma, and the boys’ mothers should have a conversation with them but not scold them. She forbade interrogating the boys and said that no one had a daughter either the right to interrogate. In my opinion, the most reasonable person there. Moms of boys, of course, do not believe that their children could do this and insist that their daughter is not telling the truth, since their children are positive and they don’t even know such words, and indeed they do not even know their children know and they couldn't. It’s understandable that everyone stands up for their child. I heard them but warned that if something like this happens again, I won’t go to the teacher, but further. Most of all in this story I didn’t like the behavior of the after-school teacher. She told me that with her complaints I put her in an awkward position, saying that she doesn’t follow the children, but washes the floors. But damn it, it’s true. In general, she was offended by me. increased attention I think it’s better for children to follow. We talked with the coach, he accepted his daughter, he will start training on Monday. I know that quick results it’s not worth waiting, but I think this will give her self-confidence, and in a few years she will already be able to stand up for herself if, God forbid, such boys meet again. In general, something like that. Sorry for the many letters.


Statistics is a great way to get information of interest to a person in percentage terms. For example, the ratio of men and women in Russia, what is it today? This data can help identify patterns in indicators such as fertility, mortality, as well as find out the causes of some such as alcoholism.

Demographics of our country

In the past few years, our country has had a huge number of problems related to population, births and deaths. Of course, it should be noted that the recent one has somewhat improved the situation, but if we consider the data for last years, the situation is not at all rosy. It is no secret that Russia is recognized as the most problematic country in this matter, the ratio of men and women here is as different as possible. Experts have long identified the reasons for such nonsense, for example, our state loses about 450 thousand people a year. But the most main reason problems in our country is a critical shortage of men. At the same time, it should be noted that in our country it has been going on not only for the first year, but also for centuries. With what scientists did not associate this fact: with wars, with low men, with genetics, and even with some astrological processes. In fact, there are more understandable way to determine why the ratio of men and women in Russia in 2014 is so different.

Historical data

It is no secret that the Federal Service of our country publishes statistical collections every two years. The last two releases were made in 2012 and 2014. But the Statistical Office specially issues additional publications, in which one can also find data for those years that are not included in the main collections. The ratio of men and women in Russia in 2013 practically does not differ from the data for 2014. According to experts, this is due to the fact that it was during these years that our country for the first time since 2006 overcame the milestone of 143.3 million people. Scientists immediately called this phenomenon a population explosion.

If you study some statistics, you can see depressing data. In 1926, the difference between the number of men and women was about 6%. But immediately after the Great Patriotic War, by 1959, the number of men decreased by another 4%, and the difference was no longer 6%, but all 10%! Only by 1990, it can be seen that the situation begins to stabilize again and the difference again approaches 6%, but in 2008 it again increases to 8% and, unfortunately, continues to grow. The ratio of men and women in Russia (2014) is: men - 66,547 thousand people, women - 77,120 thousand people.

What is the reason for these statistics?

It is not surprising that the absence of a stronger sex in a certain way affects women, who at a certain stage of their lives begin to experience an acute shortage of male presence. The difference is especially felt starting from the age of 30, during this period the ratio of men and women in Russia fluctuates by 2.25%. Although, if you study in detail the statistics of the age group, it is initially clear that there are slightly fewer girls than boys. For example, from birth to 4 years of age, there are about 947 women per 1,000 men. But by the age of 25-30, there are about 1023 women per 1000 males. It turns out that the problem initially lies not in the birth rate, but in the death rate. And if we study the data on mortality, it turns out that its peak in men occurs at the age of 25, while in women it is at the level of 50 years.

One can draw a completely logical conclusion that the male contingent of our country is losing numbers precisely because of the high mortality, and not because of the low birth rate.

Analysis of the age group of women from 15 to 30 years

Every person, no matter what gender, certain period life there is a desire to marry. In order to figure out why many people remain single, scientists decided to analyze at what period of life this desire occurs in men and women. For example, women from 15 to 30 years old are mainly concerned with romantic dreams, in this period of life about 46% of them are free, but only 8-9% are married, although the closer to 30 years old, the more married women and fewer free ones. The ratio of men and women in Russia really strongly depends on how ready the couple is for marriage. After all, all this is reflected in the birth rate. For example, earlier not only marriages were concluded in more early age, but also families consisted of a huge number of children. Today, the average Russian family most often allows himself a maximum of 2 children, which already indicates that the population is significantly reduced.

Analysis of the age group of women from 30 to 60 years

It is not surprising that in Lately there is such an unnatural percentage of men and women in Russia (2013). Statistics prove that in the period from 30 to 60 years, a woman finally sets her priorities. Modern world has long begun to dictate new rules and today it will not surprise anyone free woman at the age of thirty. On the contrary, many females prefer to build their own career before entering into a formal relationship in order to feel more confident and independent. In the past few years, women have acquired a huge number of rights, and today they are striving to gain complete financial independence from men. It is for this reason that the number of unmarried women by this period is equated to 20-25%. And this once again suggests that men are critically lacking. After all, be in our country more men, women would simply have no time to build their own careers, but it would be like in ancient times when they fought for them in duels.

Analysis of men from 15 to 30 years old

The ratio of men and women in Russia in 2013 was critical, and this is not at all surprising, because until the age of 30, almost all males remain single. Statistics also show that many of them are not only not married, but also do not have Serious relationships from which in the future a family could turn out. Experts note that men during this period of their lives are more interested in getting an education, fulfilling their duty to their homeland and their own careers. That is, at a time when a woman is at the peak of her search for her second half, a man is busy building his career. Experts emphasize that a huge number of men not only do not want to enter into early marriages today, but also fear long term relationship, which in the end greatly affects the ratio of men and women in Russia by age.

Analysis of the age group of men from 30 to 60 years

At this age, the majority of men still decide to get a house and a family, and the number of married people approaches 52%. But it cannot be said that among these 52% there are all those men who were taken into account earlier in the calculations, because, as mentioned earlier, mortality in our case decides almost everything. The older a man gets, the more he is drawn to and, unlike women, he usually has no problem finding a companion. On the last age stage quantity free men fluctuates at around 13%, and this suggests that a huge part of women have remained without a partner. Experts confidently say that the problem of women and male loneliness lies mainly not in the age or quantitative difference, but in the life goals of men and women and the time of their implementation. In general, the situation is quite complex and multifaceted. And in order to solve it, it is necessary to sum up all of the above.

The results of the age comparison of the behavior of men and women

According to experts, the most unstable in terms of family relations The current country is Russia. The ratio of men and women here is so critical that some believe that it is long overdue for a state law to be introduced that would require every person to marry at a certain age. If we compare the data given above, it turns out that the cause of loneliness in women and men is the time periods that each of them allocates for the implementation of certain goals. Indeed, by the age of 40, a man’s desire to become married man, and he can easily find a perfectly suitable pair for himself. While a 40-year-old woman is unlikely to be able to immediately find a man who is ready to marry her. According to statistics, only a small part of the male representatives agree to create a family with their peers, most often a young lady turns out to be in the place of their companion.

Marriages and divorces

But besides the fact that there is a need to conclude a marriage, it is also important to be able to save it, emphasize family psychologists, which often take part in the compilation of static reports. The ratio of men and women in Russia in 2013 is quite unfavorable, and here's why. In 1950, there were about 12 marriages per 1,000 people; by 2000, the trend changed dramatically, and the number of marriages approached 6.2%. By 2010-2011, the number of marriages increased again and reached 9.2%. At first glance, it might seem that a positive trend has appeared, but, unfortunately, there is also back side medals. Thus, the number of divorces that were recorded in the 1950s fluctuated around 4%, while today this figure "safely" exceeded 50%. But it's not the most worst results For example, in 2002, the divorce rate was 84%, that is, for every 100 marriages, there were 84 divorces!

Family situation in the regions of the Russian Federation

The ratio of men and women in Russia by region is also quite interesting. For example, the Republic of Tuva, according to statistics, was in first place in terms of the number of divorces. It was in this part of our country that divorces were recorded in 2013. It should be noted that the proportion of men and women here is practically the same as in other regions of the country. Experts note that it does not matter in which territory the citizens of the Russian Federation live, because the main reasons are the same problems. The second place, for example, was taken by the Magadan region, and the third - by Chechnya. It is worth saying that most couples break up due to psychological unpreparedness. Experts note that the earlier partners marry, the more likely it is that family life will be terminated at an early stage.

Foreign statistics

The ratio of men and women in Russia as a percentage, as mentioned earlier, is as follows: 66,547 thousand men and 77,120 thousand women, that is, the latter are 16% more. But such data is not only in our country. For example, in Australia there are about 11,281 thousand men and 11,403 thousand women. It should be said that marriages in this country are also treated quite simply. Perhaps it is for this reason that a huge number of couples break off their official relationship not only quite often, but also several times. The same situation is observed in such countries as Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Armenia and others. The only exceptions today are India and China, where the number of men significantly outnumbers the number of women. And, according to leading experts, these countries have a completely different attitude towards marriage. Although not all representatives of these countries adhere to national traditions.


Unfortunately, the situation that has developed in our country today is rather sad. The lack of men affects not only the birth rate, but also others, no less important aspects. According to experts, the ratio of men and women in Russia should be at least 1:1, because for such a huge state, male power is simply necessary, for example, in the person of a strong army. At the same time, experts emphasize that today a huge number of children are brought up in incomplete families, and all this is the result of a lack of a stronger sex in our country. Not surprisingly, it also has its Negative consequences. In general, today it is necessary to think about how to solve the demographic situation in Russia. One can only hope that the state will soon begin to take measures to urgently resolve this problem.

As of January 1, 2010, the world's population was about 6.9 billion people. The mark of 6 billion was passed in 1999. According to scientists' forecasts, the mark of 7 billion will be overcome already at the end of 2010.
Here is how the population of our planet grew:
End of the Paleolithic 3 million years ago
End of the Neolithic 50 million years ago
Beginning of our era 230 million years ago
End of the 1st millennium AD e. 275 million
1800 1 billion
1900 1.6 billion
1960 3 billion
1993 5.5 billion
1999 6 billion
2003 6.3 billion
2006 6.5 billion

The forecast for 2050 is 9.2 billion and about half are men. While you were reading this page, 4.5 thousand people have added. It's a whole village!

The sex composition of the world's population is characterized by the predominance of the male population. Among newborns, 104-107 boys are born for every 100 girls. TO marriageable age this ratio is approximately equalized, and then the preponderance of women begins to grow steadily. This is due to both increased mortality among men and higher life expectancy among women.

In most countries of the world, the female population predominates, but the global situation is changing as the largest Asian countries in terms of population make their “mite”. In these countries, the number of men is higher than that of women. Due to these countries, there are about 25 million more men in the world.

This is useful

"The Last Woman on Earth" is a 1960 American science fiction film directed by Roger Corman and written by Robert Towne. The premiere took place on 5 August. main idea film - the conflict between a group of people who survived the apocalypse - is also present in another picture of Korman, "The Day the Earth Ended".