Lubricant to strengthen the female body. Three types of lubricants. Causes of a decrease in sexual desire in women

The problem of reducing female libido is being solved today, among other things, by using various medicines artificial and natural origin.

Among the existing exciting drugs for women, the list of which is extensive, any customer can find a remedy that is right for her. Each stimulant has its own advantages and disadvantages, individual characteristics applications.

Types of stimulants

You can buy stimulants of female sexual activity in special stores that sell similar products, and in pharmacies. What are the types of drugs, and how do they differ from each other?


The most purchased means of arousal for women. They are convenient to carry with you, and you can always use stimulants unnoticed by a man in order to pass off your condition as a natural passion.

Not all men like to realize that the lust of a partner has artificial origin. The effect occurs after 30-40 minutes, and can last more than 5 hours. This category also includes the encapsulated form of drug release.

The production is based on synthetic ingredients and various herbs.

Soluble powders and drops

Due to the rapid absorption into the blood, they have their effect much faster than tablets - after 10-15 minutes. They can be dissolved in water or in any drink. They do not change the taste or smell of the liquid, as they are neutral in these manifestations.

As a rule, contraindications to their use are insignificant. Made from natural ingredients.

Female pathogens for external use

Produced in the form of sprays, oils, creams or gels. Preparations must be applied directly to the genital area, focusing on erogenous areas. Their active ingredients increase blood flow in these places, which provides a quick and strong excitation.

True, the duration of their action is much less than that of tablets and drops - a maximum of 2 hours.

Chewing gum for arousal

An easy and instant way that provokes increased sensuality. In terms of speed, it is similar to drops. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and will give freshness to the breath.

Important! All women's questions about low or absent libido should be resolved with the help of a specialist - a sexologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, therapist or psychologist. The doctor will prescribe treatment to restore normal sexual attraction.

Artificial stimulants may be used temporarily, along with some treatment programs, until the cause of the sexual dysfunction is corrected.

Effective pills for arousal

The most popular stimulant pills can be bought at almost any pharmacy. Their advantages include the duration and intensity of exposure. Preparations consisting of chemical compounds can excite a woman somewhat faster, but they should be used with caution due to negative manifestations and contraindications.

For tablets with herbal elements, you need to wait longer for the effect. However, it will be no less pronounced.

  1. viagra for women. Unlike the male counterpart, it contains a number of components designed specifically for women. Eliminates stiffness, has a relaxing effect. Taking the medicine provides increased blood supply to the erogenous zones, increases the susceptibility of the skin to caresses and touches. No more than one tablet can be consumed daily (half an hour before sexual contact).
  2. Cialis. Refers to relatively new female stimulants. In terms of how it affects the female body, it is similar to Viagra, but with a significant extension of the effectiveness period - up to one and a half days.
  3. G Female. Developed with the inclusion of Chinese herbs that grow in the wild. Extraordinarily in demand due to the speed of achieving irresistible sexual desire and its intensity. Stimulates increased production of vaginal secretion, expands the boundaries and sharpens the susceptibility of the G-spot, causing a deep and prolonged orgasm. One tablet is recommended to be taken before sexual intimacy, 15-20 minutes before.
  4. Laveron. It is also a dietary supplement of aphrodisiac herbs. It takes longer to start working, so it is taken at least an hour before physical intimacy sexual partners. It has a cumulative effect for women. If you use this remedy 1 tablet for 5 days in a row, sexual desire and pleasant sensations will be more intense.

Liquid stimulants of sexual desire

Soluble stimulants in drops to excite women can be bought in a special store, as well as in a pharmacy. Produced in vials or sachets with a single dosage.

They dissolve without a trace in juice, water and soda. Although it is permissible to use them with alcohol due to the absence of chemical components, it is still better to refrain from taking large doses. alcoholic beverages.

  1. Spanish fly. This liquid natural stimulant lost its primacy in the list of the most powerful stimulants only after the release of Viagra. Was powerful tool to awaken female sexuality in the ancient world. The basis of its preparation is the substance cantharidin, extracted from a special type of bugs. It is used dissolved in a drink, before sexual intercourse (10 minutes before).
  2. silver fox. A liquid stimulant made from Chinese herbs. Like the Spanish fly, it is diluted in a drink for administration. Causes a surge of sexual feelings, weakens the restraining psychological reflexes, enhances pleasure.
  3. Cantharis D6. This is a new sexual aphrodisiac stimulant, designed specifically for the fair sex. Whole natural composition And powerful action! Thanks to this drug, your sex becomes unusually bright.
  4. Yohimbinum D4. With natural drops from yohimbe extract, every woman will become a real Cleopatra, and a man - a Casanova.
  5. Love Drops (Liebes Tropfen). In addition to stimulating ingredients, it includes valuable complexes of vitamins and minerals. Diluted for use in both cold and hot drinks.
  6. Equine pathogen. This drug must be distinguished from another, veterinary purpose. "Extraction of testicular serum" is the name of an aphrodisiac homeopathic remedy produced for humans.
  7. Rendez Vouz. Used with water or soft drink. If you plan to drink alcohol, then at least 20 minutes should pass before taking the stimulant. A single dose is 10 drops. The tool is also used to improve well-being during menopause: 5 drops in the morning and evening.

Pathogens in powders

Sometimes drugs that are produced in liquid form can be made in powders, in sachets for a single dose. They also quickly and completely dissolve in drinks.

  1. SEX&ON. The main component is the Brazilian extract of Muira Puama. Boosts production female secret, exacerbates sensuality.
  2. kingfox. Long acting powder, incompatible with alcoholic beverages. Affects the production of vaginal lubrication, can cause a dazzling, long orgasm. For healthy women has no contraindications for use.
  3. Minx. Herbal stimulant powder with the addition of Spanish beetle cantharidin. Use with caution, avoiding overdose.
  4. good night. Herbal aphrodisiacs, which are in its composition, enhance orgasmic sensations, significantly increase excitability. It is advisable to exclude the joint use of strong alcohol and fatty, heavy foods, since in this case the effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  5. Forte Love. Combination of ginseng, acacia resin and green tea allow you to create an effective exciting drink using this powder. Many customers who used the stimulant were satisfied with the effect produced, but there are also negative reviews. You can buy Forte Love only in the online store.

Important! Do not use two or more types of stimulants at the same time. For example, tablets and lubricants or drops and gels. The dosage indicated in the instructions must be strictly observed.

Exciting agents for local use

There are various topical preparations for application to erogenous zones, the area of ​​the labia and the entrance to the vagina. These are all kinds of creams, gels, lubricants and sprays. They are designed to provide easy glide, increase sensitivity and enhance pleasure.

  1. Sprays. After applying to the nipples, labia, clitoris, a feeling pleasant warmth and unusual susceptibility to caressing touches.
  2. Creams that stimulate sexual desire. Manufactured using synthetic natural ingredients. They will help prolong orgasm and enhance pleasant sensations.
  3. Lubricants. The main component is glycerin with the addition of plant aphrodisiacs. They warm, tone up the vaginal mucosa, help with easy penetration.
  4. Gels. Special gels for the clitoris are applied directly to its surface. Strong persistent excitement lasts about an hour, giving a bright and long orgasm.

Before you buy stimulating lubricants, be careful and study the instructions. Some of them contain substances that destroy spermatozoa and are contraceptives at the same time. Others contain antibacterial components and protect against genital infections.

There are prolongator lubricants for men that increase the duration of intimate contact, and therefore give more pleasure to a woman. Remove used lubricants with plain soap and water.

Chewing gum is a simple and pleasant way to get excited

Chewing gum is a mild stimulant of sexual desire. Almost every girl likes to chew gum and feel sexual passion in such a simple and unobtrusive way - what could be better?

The disadvantages of this pathogen include not such strong impact as from tablets and liquid preparations. But he has practically no contraindications, and every woman can try chewing gum.

  1. Mega Exstas. Can be used by men and women. Enhances lust. If desired, the dose is doubled.
  2. Passion magic. Has a refreshing mint flavor. It has a relaxing effect and awakens lust, helps to moisturize the vaginal mucosa.
  3. A fruit-flavored stimulant - inflames passion in just a quarter of an hour after consumption. The effect can last 50-60 minutes.
  4. sex love. For girls who don't have serious problems with libido, but wanting to relax and feel the passion and playful mood.

Important! Chewing gums with the most pronounced effect of stimulating sexual desire contain ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root, orange.

All stimulant drugs have common contraindications: the state of pregnancy and lactation, problems with the heart and blood vessels, inflammatory processes genitourinary system, epilepsy. It is strongly not recommended to use pathogens for virgins at the first sexual contact with a man, since intense blood flow in the genitals can provoke severe pain.

For those who want to create a light exciting atmosphere, we can recommend using an aroma incense burner with essential oils nutmeg, jasmine, lavender, patchouli.

Strong female stimulants will be of particular help to women experiencing psychological problems or a temporary decrease in libido due to hormonal changes in the body. Easy means can be used by everyone, without exception, for relaxation and creating an emotional mood.

Have fun in intimate life Not all women are capable. Often this phenomenon is associated with insufficient secretion from the genital tract, which reduces sexual activity, the desire to make love disappears. In order to help experience an orgasm, special lubricants are produced for women that increase arousal and the desire to have sexual intercourse.

Women's lack of interest in male gender can be caused by certain conditions of the body, including certain diseases. Because of this, there is no satisfaction in intimate life, often it can even contribute to the development discomfort because the vagina stays dry.

The main reasons for the low female libido are considered:

  • chronic pathologies;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • emotional disorders - stress, depressive states, fear, strong excitement;
  • reception a large number antidepressants, sedatives;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, drug addiction.

A woman can determine the lack of attraction to the male part of the population on her own. This is expressed in unwillingness to have sex, lack of satisfaction. If it is not possible to establish the causes of low libido, you can turn to medical specialist. He will install them, prescribe competent therapy, thanks to which the excitement and desire to enter into marriage will return to the woman. sexual intercourse.

Often, to identify factors, you have to go through a complete medical examination And be sure to donate blood to determine the level of hormones.

Types of lubricants

Now there is a wide variety of lubrication agents for women. They differ in the method of application, have different indications, form of release.

You can buy these funds at any specialized store, pharmaceutical institution. Thanks to a wide range, it is possible to choose the appropriate drug, taking into account personal preferences, characteristics of the body, method of application.

There are the following forms of pathogens:

  • tablets, capsules - are characterized by high prevalence, because they have convenient use. You can always carry them with you and take discreetly if necessary. Therapeutic effect comes after 30 minutes, lasts about 5-6 hours. These stimulants can be made from synthetic or herbal ingredients;
  • powders, solutions, drops - they act very effectively, arousal appears after 10 minutes from the moment of application. Such preparations contain natural ingredients, therefore, they have no contraindications. Due to the absence of smell, taste, solutions can be added to the drink;
  • gels, ointments, sprays - intended for external use, they are made by extracting an aphrodisiac plant. Used before intimate contact, they are applied to the genital area. The duration of the effect of such stimulants is 1-2 hours;
  • chewing form of funds - is characterized by considerable popularity among the female. They can have different tastes, smells, can whiten teeth, freshen breath. The therapeutic effect occurs after 10 minutes.

The doctor will help you choose the right intimate stimulants, taking into account all the preferences, individual characteristics of the body.

In order to get mutual pleasure, enjoyment in the process of making love, it is recommended for the partner to use exciting lubricants for men at the same time, especially if he has some problems with potency.

How to apply

Getting pleasure from sexual intercourse largely depends on the correct use of lubricants. You must carefully read the instructions. You also need to take into account contraindications, pay attention to the duration of intimate arousal.

Tablets and capsules are used as usual, they are washed down with water. Ointments are applied to the genital area with a small layer. Solutions may be added to various liquids, as they do not spoil their taste and smell. The spray is used topically, as are the gels. And chewing stimulants can be used as regular chewing gum.

If you follow the instructions, you can achieve a long orgasm during sex.


Before using any remedy, one should not forget about the presence of contraindications. intimate lubricants prohibited in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • the presence of mental disorders, especially epileptic seizures;
  • the appearance of convulsions of the upper and lower extremities;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Women who constantly notice themselves emotional instability, namely stress, depression, suffer from tantrums and are in a state of overexcitation, female lubricants are also contraindicated.

Stimulants should not be used by girls who have not had sexual intercourse, since some complications are possible in the future. More often this is determined by the lack of getting an orgasm during sex.

Overview of effective remedies

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies are presented different forms lubricants, so it will not be difficult to find for yourself suitable remedy. With regard to the effectiveness and duration of pleasure, each drug is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

Leading places are occupied by lubricants in the form of tablets and capsules, since their therapeutic effect lasts 5-6 hours. Popular representatives are:

  • Viagra is a common remedy that has a male counterpart. You can buy a stimulant at any pharmacy, it is freely available. It is necessary to drink a tablet half an hour before sex. It will help increase blood flow, improve blood circulation in the genitals, increase sensitivity;
  • Laveron - effective remedy combined type. It is determined by an increase in female libido, promotes the sensitivity of erogenous areas, increases arousal and prolongs the moment of orgasm for a significant time. The tablet should be taken 1 hour before sexual intercourse. If you conduct a course of therapy for 5 days, the effectiveness of the stimulant increases many times over.

Among the drops, women prefer the following stimulants:

  • Spanish fly - takes first place in terms of efficiency, is made from the secretion of the glands of insects. The tool helps to increase libido, stimulates arousal, desire for intimacy, increases the sensitivity of erogenous areas, lengthens orgasm;
  • Silver fox - a remedy obtained from an aphrodisiac. The elixir is characterized by a strong and powerful effect, helps to feel excitement, desire, increases sensitivity. Available in the form of powder and drops, which dissolve well in liquid. The necessary therapeutic effect occurs within 15 minutes.

An interesting solution to the problem will be the use of chewing stimulants. They are able to inflame the desire for intimacy, help to relax and enjoy sex. Among them, the most popular are:

  • The magic of passion is a remedy of plant origin, due to which sex hormones function better and contribute to the release of vaginal mucus. It is used before the act and is characterized by minimal contraindications;
  • Mega Exstaz - the remedy is shown to both strong and the weaker sex. Helps stimulate arousal, significantly increases libido, desire for intimacy. It contains medicinal herbs, also determined by a small list of contraindications. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be increased.
- My secret of quality sex even during menopause ...

Advantages: odorless, contains an antiseptic, does not leave stains

Cons: none

Hi all! Thanks for reading my review. However, if you are interested in such intimate topic, I dare to assume that this is not just the case.

The reason is some problems in sexual life, which could appear due to the dryness of the woman's vagina, insufficient arousal, which ultimately leads to painful intercourse and, quite naturally, the absence of orgasm. This situation is very familiar to me, because recently I had to experience all this negativity myself.

I consider myself a woman still young and full of strength. Excuse me for the details, I have always loved sex, and my husband and I have never had problems in intimate sphere. However, it so happened that menopause crept unnoticed. I didn’t expect him at the age of forty, but alas, apparently, the body is like that, there’s nothing to be done. But good, you can at least alleviate the symptoms that have become my constant companions. Perhaps, I will not write about tides and other “charms”, this does not quite apply to today's topic. But the decrease in libido, which led to total absence desires intimacy- very much. My main problem was a terrible dryness in the vagina. No matter how my husband tried to excite me, it did not depend on him. We tried to use ordinary moisturizing lubricants from a sex shop. But the effect was not the same. In the end, I turned to a gynecologist for help. She told me that in such a situation it is better to use special stimulating gels for women. They also have a moisturizing effect and facilitate penetration. But besides this, they stimulate the production of their own lubrication in women. And the increase in sensitivity and, as a result, the likelihood of achieving orgasm, contributes to the stimulating effect of the gel, which stimulates the flow of blood to the genitals.

Exciting lubricants can be bought both in sex shops and in ordinary pharmacies.

The gynecologist gave me several options to choose from. But I decided to stop at Montovit. I liked this gel lubricant for its affordable cost (190 rubles is still relatively affordable price, believe me!) And a huge number of positive feedback women.

Gel "Montovit" is a vaginal moisturizer with an enveloping effect.

Part this drug Austrian production includes: glycerin, chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, hydroxyethyl cellulose, perfume oil, specially prepared water.

Due to the neutral composition, the gel does not cause allergic reactions.

The product replaces natural lubrication. The gel helps to increase the tone of the tissues of the vagina and its narrowing, as well as the normalization of acidity.

mucosal temperature and skin the vagina rises, thereby increasing the stimulation of the organ. This is the exciting effect of the gel.

Gel "Montovit" is sold in pharmacies, I bought a small package of twenty grams, for 190 rubles.

The gel must be applied immediately before sexual intercourse. It appears to be a clear liquid. The gel is completely invisible, has a neutral, almost imperceptible smell and a pleasant texture.

The product is well tolerated, does not cause subsequent irritation, redness, allergies. It can be used with latex products.

I was pleased that the gel does not contain fat, so it does not leave stains after use.

This gel really makes sex so much better! You immediately feel great softening and hydration. And with proper stimulation, excitation is greatly enhanced. You will get an orgasm - 100%. No more discomfort and dryness - all thanks to "Montovit"!

Video review


Conclusion: buy better lubricant for girls from the middle price category. For example, Durex pharmacy pathogen - a large line, budget price and high quality. In many cities there are express pharmacies or warehouse enterprises in which funds from popular brands cost less.
home substitutes.
Making an exciting gel or ointment at home is a fantasy process. In fact, such products require a large number of hard-to-find ingredients.

All recipes available on the Internet are just poor substitutes for real lubricants. So it’s not worth experimenting with such things; it’s better to buy a special ointment at a pharmacy or an intimate goods store.
There are homemade substitutes that you can use safely. They are intended only for foreplay, as contact with a condom can damage it. Suitable as a pathogen products such as:

She has nice smell, powerful effect and pleasant texture. I say right away the remedy is suitable only for foreplay, during sex it can not be used.
When I started using lubricants, I can say that I freed my head. Earlier, during sexual intercourse, I thought about my problems, household chores ... In general, I could not get excited.

When choosing a gel, cream or ointment for a girl, you need to focus on several main factors. The most important of them are:
Unnamed lubricants-ointments from Chinese sites - immediately "no!". The exceptions are quality products from registered companies. The market leaders in pathogens are Durex and Contex. Approximately the same in quality, but if you look at the reviews, you can see that most users prefer products from the first company.

If you apply a lubricant, how long will the effect last and will it help her get excited?
Interestingly, the lubricant, which is only for women, can be applied discreetly.
There are a lot of lubricants on the market now and you no longer know which of them are of high quality and which are fakes.
Attention! The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for use.

Female ointment-causative agent has good quality if it is made in silicone base. At the same time, a male product of a similar effect can be produced on water. This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult to excite a girl, and it takes more time. Silicone gels and ointments work great as they don't dry out or get absorbed into the skin.
Good, it is considered an ointment-causative agent when it is made on a silicone basis.

The smell is not chemical, the texture is pleasant. Libido Creme. It costs about 900 rubles for 40 ml. Sold in intimate shops. Has a fast action.

Be sure to check with your doctor!
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Creams and gels for girls can be universal or aimed only at achieving arousal. The second preferred, but multifunctional products are suitable for various purposes, including enhancing the effect of foreplay. And they usually cost less.

Types of special means.
The most common are products for oral or anal sex, which are not suitable for arousal, as their main function is to increase slip, mimicking the natural secretions of a person. Gel for the excitation of women can have a different texture - both medium and thick. Preparations for girls can have color, smell and even taste. It is best to choose products with a warming effect, as cooling lubricants are not suitable in this case.
Exciting gels and creams are divided by composition.

Exciting drugs - gels and creams in this case have the following advantages:
Make any touch more pleasant due to active components in composition. They allow you to achieve arousal without long preludes (there are drugs for women fast action).

One day, my girlfriend and I decided to experiment and bought Sextaz-W lubricant. The result was not long in coming, after 3 minutes of foreplay she already felt good, well, I got full pleasure later. Generally a working lubricant.
I had such a fetish dream of delivering affection to a girl from a half turn, I bought Durex lubricant.

Flutschi Extra. Designed for both sexes. It costs around 800 rubles. Smooth, warming effect. "Lust". A drug Russian production, which has a democratic price of 400 rubles. It can be purchased in intimate stores or online. Sextaz-W.

It costs about 500 rubles. Helps to achieve orgasm and get more pleasure from caresses.
Various fragrances and chemical additives do not spoil the drug itself, but they can provoke irritation. ladies with sensitive skin it is best to purchase gels, creams or ointments without taste and smell.
Features and benefits of stimulants.

Not all women experience real pleasure and excitement during intercourse. Often, even young girls suffer from this, who, it would seem, should not have any special problems with sex. To avoid similar troubles, you need to use a special gel. Not many ladies are interested in such products, so this topic must be disassembled from scratch. Lubricant-exciter for women: how to choose according to reviews and are they similar in composition to an exciting cream for men? What factors should be taken into account? The answers to these questions will be presented below.

Types of special means

The most common are products for oral or anal sex, which are not suitable for arousal, as their main function is to increase slip, mimicking the natural secretions of a person. Gel for the excitation of women can have a different texture - both medium and thick. Preparations for girls can have color, smell and even taste. It is best to choose products with a warming effect, as cooling lubricants are not suitable in this case.

Exciting gels and creams are divided by composition. The causative agent for women should be made on a silicone basis, since products that contain mainly water dry out quickly and do not give the desired effect.
Lubricants popular among the fair sex (stimulating creams):

  1. Durex Play. A quality product that has proven itself in the market. You can buy at a pharmacy, the average cost: 400-500 rubles. The smell is not chemical, the texture is pleasant.
  2. Libido Creme. It costs about 900 rubles for 40 ml. Sold in intimate shops. Has a fast action.
  3. Flutschi Extra. Designed for both sexes. It costs around 800 rubles. Smooth, warming effect.
  4. "Lust". A Russian-made drug that has a democratic price of 400 rubles. It can be purchased in intimate stores or online.
  5. Sextaz-W. It costs about 500 rubles. Helps to achieve orgasm and get more pleasure from caresses.

Various fragrances and chemical additives do not spoil the drug itself, but they can provoke irritation. For ladies with sensitive skin, it is best to purchase gels, creams or ointments without taste and smell.

Features and benefits of stimulants

Gels, creams, and other arousal drugs enhance the effect of foreplay. Many use saliva as a substitute for such products or even wait for the appearance natural secretions. This approach is wrong, moreover, it can safely be considered outdated.

In order for the fair sex to experience pleasure leading to an orgasm, it must be well and properly warmed up. Exciting drugs - gels and creams in this case have the following advantages:

  • Make any touch more pleasant due to the active ingredients in the composition.
  • Allow to achieve excitation without long preludes (there are preparations for women of fast action).
  • Eliminate the need to apply saliva and other old "greases".

Exciting gels and creams enhance the excitement of foreplay.

Their most important advantage is that these stimulating creams really increase the likelihood female orgasm 2-3 times. Lubricants - the best exciter which works flawlessly.

How to choose an intimate product

When choosing a gel, cream or ointment for a girl, you need to focus on several main factors. The most important of them are:

  • Manufacturer

Unnamed lubricants-ointments from Chinese sites - immediately "no!". Exceptions are quality funds from registered companies. The market leaders in pathogens are Durex and Contex. Approximately the same in quality, but if you look at the reviews, you can see that most users prefer products from the first company.

  • Purpose

Creams and gels for girls can be universal or aimed only at achieving arousal. The second preferred, but multifunctional products are suitable for various purposes, including enhancing the effect of foreplay. And they usually cost less.

  • Compound

Women's stimulant ointment is of good quality if it is made on a silicone basis. At the same time, a male product of a similar effect can be produced on water. This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult to excite a girl, and it takes more time. Silicone gels and ointments work great as they don't dry out or get absorbed into the skin.

Good, it is considered an ointment-causative agent when it is made on a silicone basis.

Important! People who prefer to buy goods in online stores should look for an exciting lubricant for women in the section intimate cosmetics. The composition of such ointments can be different, so only the most important factor that you should pay attention to is noted in the third paragraph.

Cheap grease and expensive: which is better

The price of the pathogen most often raises a lot of questions. The cost of intimate goods primarily depends on their manufacturer, place of purchase and seller's margin. The price of a gel, lubricant, ointment or cream does not greatly affect the quality. This is due to the fact that most manufacturers use one technology, only changing some ingredients. For example, they add fragrance or make the consistency thicker with more silicone.

An inexpensive female cream or ointment-causative agent may be no worse than a remedy from a famous brand. But it is not recommended to buy very cheap lubricants (around 100-200 rubles), especially those made in China. Such goods may be expired suitability, low-quality ingredients in the composition and other unpleasant surprises.

Conclusion: it is better to buy lubricants for girls from the middle price category. For example, Durex pharmacy pathogen - a large line, budget price and high quality. In many cities there are express pharmacies or warehouses where products from popular brands cost less.

homemade substitutes

Making an exciting gel or ointment at home is a fantasy process. In fact, such products require a large number of hard-to-find ingredients. All recipes available on the Internet are just poor substitutes for real lubricants. So it’s not worth experimenting with such things; it’s better to buy a special ointment at a pharmacy or an intimate goods store.

There are homemade substitutes that you can use safely. They are intended only for foreplay, as contact with a condom can damage it. Suitable as a pathogen products such as:

  • Petrolatum.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Butter.
  • Yogurt (minus - dries quickly).

You can replace the ointment-causative agent with Vaseline or vegetable oil.

Home female pathogen should have a pleasant, easily spreadable texture, like a special ointment. If you take edible, delicious foods, such as yogurt, they can literally lubricate the entire body. Can be used to stimulate various mixtures prepared by yourself. It can be an alcohol tincture of lemongrass fruits, avocado oil and much more. Even a silicone-based ointment is suitable, but only special, safe materials should be used for its manufacture.

Each modern girl should enjoy sex. The days when lovemaking was only needed to conceive children are long gone. Sexologists take a different approach to the question of female arousal, but the most effective is the use of lubricants. It will be easy to choose an ointment, cream, gel and any other pathogen if you follow all the recommendations and rules described above.