Lubricants - the appointment and use of intimate gel lubricants. Intimate cosmetics: harm or benefit

The modern rhythm of life, stress, psychological congestion and the desire to be in time everywhere - all this, of course, affects the quality of sexual life. Representatives of both sexes can feel the inconvenience that an insufficient amount of natural intimate lubrication brings, but women are most often affected because of this. This leads to embarrassment in bed, avoidance of intimacy and deterioration in the quality of sexual life. What kind of lubricant for sexual intimacy is better - it depends on the scope of application, we will understand in more detail.

Reducing the amount of natural lubricant

This unpleasant symptom can be caused by several factors. In some cases, the natural hydration of the genital organs is restored, and in some cases it is worth consulting a doctor. So, the most common reasons are:


Many people think about intimate lubrication, why is it needed. First of all, it is necessary directly during vaginal intercourse. It is necessary to moisten the woman's vagina and, if required, the man's penis. However, if a man uses a condom as a contraceptive, then he needs to use the lubricant unusually carefully. Apply a drop to the head(in extreme cases) and on the outside of the condom itself.

It is not necessary to lubricate the penis abundantly under a condom, as this can lead to slippage and an unwanted pregnancy in the end. During anal intercourse, more than ever, the use of additional lubricant or gel is necessary. This will help to easily insert the penis into a narrow hole and reduce the risk of damage to the partner's anus.

If a condom is used during anal sex, even more lubrication will be required than for sex without a condom. But oral sex, of course, can take place without the use of intimate lubricants, but if two are open to experimentation, then why not? Strive for new sensations in all types of sex, this brings you extremely close to your sexual partner. Some types can also be used for massage.

Apply no a large number of on the hands and rub into the skin of the sexual partner. Girls can give their lovers an unforgettable intimate massage: you should apply lubricant to the body and start rubbing against your sexual partner with whatever parts you want.

Main varieties

Modern manufacturers produce many gels. Some customers, especially new or overly shy people, have questions that are embarrassing to discuss with a pharmacist. There is a different lube for every type of intercourse, so buyers don't have to think what is the best gel for intimacy:

Handy substitutes

If partners are thinking about efficiency and what is the best intimate gel lubricant among improvised means, then there is no need to reinvent the wheel and invent something, because almost everyone has such substitutes at home.

The first that comes to mind and the simplest - Vaseline, which is sold almost anywhere, can be useful in all types of sex (with the exception of oral), is located in convenience stores, and in seventy-five cases out of a hundred, everyone has it in their home pharmacy (where - some nightstand).

The next most common among beginners or old school people is olive, sunflower or even melted butter straight from the kitchen. In this case, we can also talk about accessibility, but, alas, there is absolutely no health benefit from it. In fifty percent of cases, allergic reactions occur.

But baby cream is a proven and in most cases high-quality lubricant. Allergic reactions are very rare due to the specifics of the composition - a cream designed for delicate baby skin will do more good than harm. Massage cream is also a common substance used for sexual pleasures. Minus - not suitable for everyone, can dry out quickly and cause irritation and itching.

Oils sold in various specialized stores and pharmacy chains. The undoubted advantages of oils are pleasant aromas, long-term moisture retention, and care for the skin of the genital organs. An unpleasant minus can be an allergic reaction.

And the last - saliva - what is at hand (more precisely, in the mouth) for everyone in unlimited quantities, sometimes it can do a good job at a certain moment. No allergies or side effects are observed.

The above methods are undeniably good, but it's still not worth experimenting with things that can be dangerous in certain conditions. Don't play with fire and buy lubricants from trusted places.

Pros and cons of lubricants

Of course, lubricants have their pros and cons. The pros are:

  • reducing the likelihood of getting micro-injuries, cracks in the vagina;
  • they are a kind of means that interferes with conceiving a child;
  • moisturizing intimate parts of the body.


Lubricants are an extremely important product that can help with certain problems, diversify your sex life and give room for experimentation in bed.

When using gels, you can try new poses, feel each other better and get new, unforgettable sensations.

Intimate lubricant is a good helper, thanks to which the couple manages to maximize the quality of intimacy. Manufacturers of this category of goods put on sale a huge number of various types of lubricants. Because of this, it can be very difficult for the buyer to find the best lubricant that would do its job well.

Varieties of intimate lubricants

Before you figure out which intimate lubricant is better, you should get acquainted with its varieties. These lubricants are divided into several categories according to a certain attribute. Thus, there are lubricants.


According to the main component in the composition of fat and water. In the production of the former, fats of vegetable and animal origin are used. They are used exclusively for application to the body, for example, during an erotic massage. It is undesirable to cover latex products with such lubricants.

Aqueous lubricants are more like natural secretions, so they are the most commonly used. The basis of such products are cellulose, glycerin and silicone. They do not leave stains after use. In addition, they are easily washed off with plain water. They are recommended to be used during sex with a condom.

By appointment

By appointment anal, antiseptic, flavored and flavoring.

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting spirmicides and lubricants-prolongers. The first, along with the antiseptic, also give a contraceptive effect. They have a positive effect on the health of the genital organs of both men and women. These lubricants prevent accidental breakage of the condom during sex, thereby reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Prologgers help increase . This type of lubricant contains only natural ingredients. They reduce the sensitivity of the male penis, thereby reducing the risk of premature ejaculation. At the same time, the product does not have a negative effect on the erection.

Rating of the best lubricants for intimacy

Companies that manufacture sex products release more and more advanced versions of their products every year. However, few of them can be called the best lubricants for intimacy. Buyers who are used to choosing the highest quality for themselves should pay attention to the lubricants, which will be discussed below.

Titan Gel

This drug is used not only as a lubricant, but also to increase the penis. It also enhances erection and increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

The leader among all lubricants that exist today can rightly be called "Contex Strong". It is ideal for both classic and anal sex. The manufacturer recommends using this lubricant during the first intimate contact. It will protect the delicate skin and mucous membranes of organs from serious damage. This moment is especially important during anal sex. A component such as aloe, which is part of the lubricant, will certainly protect the tissues of the rectum from irritation and inflammation.

It is also worth noting that the product does not adversely affect the strength.

The next quality lubricant is Durex Play Sweet Strawberry. It was created specifically for oral sex. Lubricant from a world-famous manufacturer of contraceptives moisturizes the genitals well, and also gives them a pleasant taste of fresh strawberries.

The third on the list among the best lubricants is Play Tingle, which is also released by Durex. It is intended for anal sex. The tool has gained great popularity due to its special effect. While using the lubricant, the partners feel a frosty tingling sensation. Light coolness significantly exacerbates the sensations during sex.

Another good lubricant that has shown its best side is Farmateks. It has a cooling effect, thanks to which partners manage to prolong sexual intercourse. This effect is achieved due to the presence of benzocaine in the composition of the product. In addition, the lubricant gives a spermicidal and antibacterial effect. So it enhances the effect of the contraceptive and protects the genitals from pathogens.

The use of "Pharmatex" is recommended for women, as the tool helps to stabilize the balance of sex hormones. It is especially useful for women who have recently given birth. This is because the tool helps speed up the healing process of cracks and wounds.

"Stimulove Strong" is an innovative tool released by the manufacturer "Biorhythm". The stimulant has a warming effect. The use of such a lubricant prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions and irritations that contraceptives can cause.

Another series of intimate products from the Konteks company was included in the list of the best lubricants. "Wave" is the perfect lubricant that women should pay attention to. Due to its antiseptic action, the product protects the female genital organs from microorganisms that negatively affect their microflora. Lubricant is allowed to be used with condoms.

System Joe

Silicone grease "System Joe" is one of the hypoallergenic products. This tool well protects and moisturizes the skin of the genital organs of both partners.

A worthy competitor to the above lubricants is Toyfluid lubricant. It is water based. This tool is unique in that it can be used even during menstruation. It is also suitable for anal sex, which involves the use of specific toys of an intimate nature. Lubrication protects the genitals from the appearance of painful cracks and tears.

Nothing bad can be said about Hot Glide Liquid Pleasure. The exciting lubricant has not lost its popularity over the years. It differs from other similar products in its democratic cost, which does not affect the quality. Lubrication provides the most comfortable penetration and sliding of the genitals. It is allowed to combine it with various means of contraception. The lubricant is ideal for both traditional and anal sex.

The list is completed by another good lubricant from the manufacturer "Rosparfum" "Unex". Water based lubricant suitable for daily use. It performs several tasks at once: moisturizes the skin and increases the sensitivity of the genitals. The lubricant also protects against microdamage and allergic reactions. It can even be used during oral sex.

Sex shops and pharmacies also sell other equally worthy lubricants that a couple can use during sex. Above, the highest quality and most popular of them were listed.

Choosing the best intimate lubricant is not an easy task. A person has to take into account several important factors. In this case, the preferences and personal characteristics of the partners who plan to use the lubricant matter.

When choosing the right lubricant, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. It is very important to consider the purpose of the lubricant. For example, if a couple wants to use various toys made of latex or rubber during intimate pleasures, they should opt for a silicone or water lubricant. Oily products can compromise the integrity of such items.
  2. You must carefully read the label of an intimate product.. Its composition should be carefully studied. A good lubricant has an exclusively natural base. This point is very important, especially for people suffering from allergies.
  3. The main component on which intimate lubrication is based plays a huge role. Oily lubricants have a short shelf life. In addition, they strongly stain clothes and underwear. However, these products are ideal for erotic massage. Water-based product can be used every day. But it will have to be applied to the body several times, as it is quickly absorbed. Silicone lubricants give excellent glide. However, they stain the fabric and are expensive.
  4. If possible, it is best to purchase several lubricants of different types at the same time. in a small amount. By comparing them, the couple will understand which suits them best.

Buyers who are interested in intimate lubricants should look at the price of the product they like. The cost of lubricants matters, as it can say a lot about their quality. On average, a product in a 50 ml bottle should cost from 200 to 1500 rubles. If the price is higher, then there is a possibility that the composition contains flavoring additives. Lower cost may mean the use of non-natural components in the manufacture of lubricants, which are distinguished by their cheapness.

You should not focus only on the price category and the manufacturer of the lubricant. Before buying, it does not hurt to read reviews about certain lubricants, as well as find out which of the products are most in demand among people.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules not only help to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!


It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which lubricant for intimacy is the highest quality. All this must be decided on an individual basis. Partners just need to finally decide what kind of effect they expect from the lubricant purchased at the pharmacy or store. For example, some need good hydration, while others are looking for a product that has an analgesic effect and provides perfect gliding.

Good lubrication will enhance the quality of intimacy that both partners can appreciate. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and buy the really best lubricant, you should trust only trusted manufacturers who have been producing high-quality products for comfortable and safe sex for a long time.

Many couples use lubricants during intimacy. This substance perfectly replaces natural lubrication. But the lubricant is not always there at the right time.

What can replace intimate lubricant?

First of all, it is necessary to find out the distinctive properties of such a lubricant. As a rule, this is a gel-like or creamy moisturizing substance. The lubricant performs the following functions:

  • creates a protective film on the genitals of both partners, protecting them from ruptures and various damages;
  • provides a "pleasant" sliding of the genitals;
  • protects partners from infections;
  • brings additional sensations to sexual intercourse, prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • cares for sensitive skin of intimate places.

What is the best substitute for intimate lubricant?

  1. Water based lubricants.
  2. Oil-based intimate gels.
  3. Gels based on silicone.

Based on the foregoing, a logical question may arise whether Vaseline can be used instead of intimate lubricant. Purely theoretically, this option is quite possible, because Vaseline is part of many factory lubricants. But doctors categorically do not recommend using it during sexual intercourse. In large quantities, that is, concentrated, petroleum jelly negatively affects the vaginal flora. After intercourse with petroleum jelly, a woman may experience health problems. Therefore, a high-quality substitute for petroleum jelly can be children's petroleum jelly soap, which is sold at any pharmacy.

A baby cream that moisturizes the skin well and has a high-quality chemical composition should also not be used during sex as an additional lubricant. The fats contained in the cream cannot dissolve on their own, and when they enter the mucous surface of the genital organs, they become a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

What can be used instead of intimate lubrication at home?

Clinical studies have confirmed the use of ordinary fruits instead of lubrication. No wonder the banana got its popular nickname - "women's joy"! It is a banana and water that will help if your favorite lubricant is over. Lubrication is prepared as follows: a ripe banana is peeled, cut into pieces and chopped with a blender.

Get a banana porridge. It must be placed in a small container with a lid (a jar of cream is perfect for this purpose), add a small amount of water. Natural intimate lubricant will not cause absolutely no allergic reactions, will not irritate the sensitive skin of the genital organs. This will be a great moisturizer!

What is the best substitute for intimate lubricant?

Alternatively, a mixture of water and starch can be used. It can be made in minutes: a small amount of potato starch is poured with water; The resulting mixture is put on a small fire and, with occasional stirring, is brought to the desired consistency. Thickened grease can only be used after it has completely cooled down.

Doctors - dermatovenereologists do not recommend much "getting carried away" with intimate lubricants of their own production. Their use must be treated with caution, carefully dosing all the ingredients. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to health, cause an allergic reaction. When using natural lubricants during intimacy, experts advise especially carefully to "listen" to the body's reaction to such a lubricant. If you experience discomfort, it is best to hurry to see a doctor!

Silicone intimate lubricant is a drug that improves the quality of sexual intercourse, sharpens the sensations and emotions of partners. When there is little secretion, the vagina becomes dry, even if the woman is aroused.

Dryness is caused by problems with the hormonal background, menopause, the recovery period after childbirth and other reasons. This causes discomfort, affects the sensations during frictions, makes sex painful. A woman cannot achieve a full orgasm.

There are many remedies to solve the problem of vaginal dryness - gels and lubricants based on silicone, oil and water. Each tool is useful in its own way, therefore, in order to figure out which intimate lubricant to choose, we will conduct a short review.

On a silicone basis, they remove vaginal dryness, increase a woman's arousal, and facilitate slipping.

  • Increased arousal of a woman;
  • Elimination of discomfort and discomfort;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safe composition.
  • Negatively affect sperm motility, can cause allergic reactions;
  • If you constantly use lubricant during sexual intercourse, a fungus may occur due to the parabens and glycerin that are part of it.

A great advantage of intimate lubricants is the safety of the composition. Manufacturers use wax on a natural or synthetic basis to make silicone lubricants for sex.

How the lubricant works

After applying a lubricant for intimate use, a woman feels warm, sexual desire gradually increases. The big advantage of gel lubrication is that it does not dry out for a long time, unlike water-based or oil-based products.

Silicone lubricants are well combined with condoms, do not stain bedding and underwear, and are easily washed off with water.

People prone to allergic reactions should apply the drug to any area of ​​​​the skin before use and wait 20 minutes. If the product does not cause irritation, then you can safely apply.

You can not use silicone lubricant for oral sex, only for vaginal and anal. If the gel enters the esophagus, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, do not allow the product to get into the eyes.

Myths and misconceptions

Some people think that the use of lubricants causes infertility, causes burns and is addictive. No, they do not cause infertility, and the chance of getting pregnant is reduced by only 11%. Intimate remedies do not affect the reproductive system, but simply affect the fluids secreted by the body.

Silicone lubricant gels do not protect against unwanted pregnancy!

Burning and irritation occurs when the drug is applied to damaged surfaces (cracks, wounds). The substance simply cannot cause chemical burns, its composition is safe. Drugs do not affect a woman's libido and a decrease in the amount of natural secretion.

How to choose a lubricant

Manufacturers produce several series of silicone grease, which can be used depending on the desires and needs of partners. Let's see what names can be found in pharmacies, online stores, as well as which intimate lubricant is better and choose the most worthy one.

Types of lubricants for intimacy.

If you're looking for a natural and affordable alternative to artificial lubricants, look no further than natural oils. Even doctors approve of their use, as they have a lot of advantages for both male and female health. This product is really versatile - it can be used for cosmetic procedures and will also bring many benefits to your personal life. One of the best oils that is most often used as an intimate lubricant is coconut oil. It has a light and delicate texture, does not cause discomfort and greasy marks.

Oil for intimate lubrication: which one to choose?

First of all, it should moisturize well and retain some oiliness on the skin. But at the same time, it should not be too “heavy” and greasy, like sunflower. That is why many people use coconut oil and shea butter.

They penetrate the skin as quickly as possible and restore the acid balance. Using them, you will notice improvements in your personal life - after all, these natural products do not contain parabens, glycerin, and various chemicals.

What oil for intimate lubrication to use? As we said, coconut and shea are ideal. Outwardly, they are very similar, their properties are also almost identical. You need to choose a quality product - it should have a solid consistency and a milky color, at high temperatures the oil melts. As for the scent, it's almost non-existent.

Coconut oil and shea butter work great as a natural lubricant. Products soothe the skin, they are completely non-toxic, have a light and delicate texture, almost imperceptible aroma. Most store and pharmacy products contain harmful chemicals and flavorings, which, with regular use, negatively affect the condition of the mucous membranes.

Using these natural products as a lubricant provides safe and effective moisturizing for dry intimate areas. An added bonus: they won't stain your sheets!

Warning: oil should not be used in combination with #1 latex rubber as it dissolves the latex. Use polyurethane products in this case. Also, latex toys should not be used.

Benefit for health

Oils will not only help you have fun, they are also very beneficial for your health. These remedies help treat yeast infections that almost everyone has. The oil contains caprylic acid, which fights Candida.

The oils have powerful antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. They also moisturize the skin and nourish it, eliminate redness. They help regulate the acidity of the genitals.

Also, do not forget that oils do not protect against sexual infections that are transmitted during intimacy. They will also not protect you from AIDS and HIV, unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, if you take care of your health, be sure to use rubber product No. 1.