Free love. What threatens the propensity to promiscuity. Harm of promiscuity at an early age

Promiscuous relationships, or they are also called promiscuity, which comes from the Latin word promiscuous. This word means - mixed or common. Some researchers who have studied this issue say with confidence that promiscuity is a very common phenomenon during the formation of society, during the time of Napoleon, revolutions and crises. Promiscuity existed freely, it never occurred to anyone before that it could be immoral or wrong. In the past, people had sexual intercourse with whoever they could, and none of them thought about the consequences. This was taken for granted. Then people had no such thing as a family or monogamy. Yes, men and women started families and children, but for them it was like something optional. Men and women cheated on each other, made lovers and mistresses, slept with everyone. Unfortunately, the concept of promiscuity is also popular in our time. But, it differs from our times in that people have ceased to strongly advertise such connections.

What provokes people to promiscuity?

Why do people indulge in all serious? Why, people, realizing that promiscuity will not lead to anything good, do it anyway? People are smart creatures, they are able to love, suffer and give other people their tenderness. Why do they lose their morality, their spirituality and engage in promiscuity? In fact, there are answers to all these questions. They contain reasons such as sex education, the society in which a person lives from childhood, depression leads people to disorderly relationships, problems with men or women as potential partners, diseases associated with the psyche, complexes. Sometimes, people who engage in promiscuity in order to take revenge on their partner.

Unfortunately, our liberated time, young people believe that promiscuity is cool and fashionable. They believe that if you change partners every day, then a person will become more popular and more experienced. They do not think about the future, about the family, about the fact that they can become infected with infectious diseases.

Men and women who do not lead a very correct lifestyle believe that this is quite normal, consider themselves smart and healthy, and that nothing is happening to them, that they just chose such an intimate life. Also, such people will not scream left and right that they are addicted to promiscuity. And if they tell someone, then often no one believes them. They do not know how many partners they had, such people believe that it does not matter.

Men and women are in no hurry to rant about their achievements. Firstly, in society they will not be understood and possibly ridiculed, and, secondly, promiscuity can be considered as a disease. Those people who eventually take up their minds, then in most of them, problems arise in family life, in intimate life, and problems with people in general.

Basically, people who have led a chaotic lifestyle for too long, then they cannot stop, it becomes their essence, they thus try to prove something to themselves, not to be lonely.

Promiscuous relationships will never be judged as something right and good. Think about whether you need the condemnation of your friends and loved ones, whether you need health problems. If you still want to stop, but you yourself do not have enough willpower and common sense, then contact a psychologist. A specialist will help you find the main reason why you started to live this way, help you cope with it and find the right solutions. It will help you find peace and purpose, help you become a serious and responsible person.

Probably, few are already familiar with the aphorism "Take care of honor from an early age." Today, the foundations of society have changed, as a result of which early sexual intercourse in adolescence is becoming commonplace. We get this result due to the lack of sex education both at school and in the family. Later in the article we will talk about the causes and consequences of early sexual intercourse.


Modern does not skimp on alcoholic beverages and leads a wild lifestyle. Holidays in a big company with liquor is a new tradition of starting a relationship. Today, young people do not get to know each other in the theater, cinema, or even on the street. A popular place to meet is to visit the "huts" of local guys.

And what just doesn’t happen during such feasts and parties, how many rash actions can be done while intoxicated! Parents no longer protect their children from dangerous acquaintances, but, on the contrary, are proud that their offspring have a sufficient number of friends and girlfriends. However, the quality of communication and the consequences of such gatherings are rarely taken into account. Not many people think about early sexual relations and their consequences.

Alcohol dope

Every drink is a leap into the unknown. Teenagers who love to lean on hard liquor lose the line between what is permitted and what is not permitted. Alcohol in the blood increases sexual arousal, and here it is not far from early sexual intercourse and its consequences. The tongue is untied, hands are unraveling - and this car can no longer be stopped. By the way, in a state of intoxication, some may resort to sexual violence and not even remember it the next day! Games with "fire" are dangerous if a person has just embarked on the path of growing up.


Premature sexual activity often begins because of the banal curiosity of children, as well as the desire to quickly get the status of an adult. Everything goes awry, and quite capable boys and girls can stop studying well, disappear in discos, drink, smoke, engage in casual sex.

It is not surprising that the current generation is prone to apathy and aggression towards parents, as well as excessive promiscuity. Unfortunately, not every family is an example of good relations, and not every family instills in its children a serious attitude towards their actions and their consequences. Early sexual intercourse is just an indicator of improper upbringing and licentiousness of the morals of both children and parents.

life disaster

Not everyone will agree that early intercourse and its consequences can be attributed to the failure of youth. Some believe that such an onset of sexual activity (in a safe way, of course) is a useful experience in the life of a teenager, which will prepare them in advance for adulthood.

Specific stories of the consequences of early sexual intercourse are similar to each other, like drops of water. Often, the host mother cannot set a good example for her daughter. We can see how mothers corrupt their own children by bringing many roommates into the house. This way of life teaches the girl to look for "friends" from childhood. The situation here is a dead end: a mother who cannot cope with her duties will not argue if her daughter follows in her footsteps. Thus, two women will be connected by common interests and experiences. In this case, the mother-friend will never be able to control her child, since she no longer has rights to raise. You do not correspond yourself - you cannot talk about morality to others.

If people try to interfere in the life of such a family, they will be accused of interfering in their own business.

When adults turn a blind eye to the immoral behavior of adolescents, the irresponsibility and infantilism of the latter only aggravate. Examples of the negative consequences of early sexual intercourse are no longer surprising, they have become an everyday occurrence.

Unfortunately, moral values ​​are not instilled in children either at home or at school. Honor, innocence, chastity - all this has sunk into oblivion. Therefore, we stumble all the time on the negative consequences of early sexual intercourse.

Love or lust?

Man is the only creature on the planet that not only becomes attached to people, but knows how to truly love. However, this ability can be easily lost if you lead a promiscuous sex life.

What is love? Now that feeling has faded. But you can immediately recognize him when in a happy couple both try to support each other, remain faithful and take care of each other.

Love is a feeling that is important to learn. First of all, teenagers need to love themselves, because the right attitude towards themselves will not allow them to treat their own lives so disdainfully and “squander” their time and health on unnecessary people.

Today, children confuse real feelings with the instinct of attraction to the opposite sex. Unhealthy attraction, ignorance of moral and ethical standards, spiritual poverty, idleness, mental limitations - all this leads to early sexual intercourse, the negative consequences of which can affect the mental and physiological health of the child.

It is known that the ability to control animal desire is a sign of high human culture. Therefore, it is so important to talk with children on various topics, including "shameful".

The harm of sexual intercourse without love can be classified as base superficial relationships that destroy the moral character of not only adolescents, but of society as a whole. Premature intimacy leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to love. For some reason, it has become fashionable to consider love as just an animal instinct, the attraction of an “insatiable” body.

Nevertheless, value orientations differ from person to person: someone needs true love, and someone needs a surrogate for love - quite a good option for themselves.

Gynecology: the consequences of early sexual intercourse

Early growing up, according to the studies of many scientists and physicians, brings tremendous harm to the body of a teenager. Early sexual life leads to improper formation of the body, slows down growth and further leads to early aging. Those teenagers who decide to take this path ahead of time often become lethargic, inattentive and unproductive in their studies and work. For a girl, the consequences of an early sexual life may turn out to be an unbearable burden that she will bear for many more years, and perhaps her whole life.

Early pregnancy

The danger of this phenomenon seems paradoxical, but it is still there. The fact is that although the body of a teenage girl is ready for sexual activity, it is absolutely not prepared for childbirth. Abortion at such a young age can permanently deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood.

Also, due to early sexual activity in children, a chronic inflammatory process of the genital organs may appear, which can lead to infertility.


Sexually transmitted infections are the scourge of young girls. Two years after their first sexual experience, at least half of teenage girls become infected with one of three known diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

It is noted that girls who have early sexual intercourse are more likely to have cervical cancer.

Unfortunately, not all modern teenagers are aware of the information related to the risk of STIs. It often happens that they cannot recognize the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Casual sex is a favorable environment for the spread of infections that cause great harm to the body of adolescents. Infections cause dysfunction of the genital organs, lead to severe inflammation and tumors that require surgical intervention.

sexual abstinence

Everyone has their own “schedule”. The appearance of sexual desire and the time of its satisfaction depend on upbringing and social factors. Sexual abstinence before marriage is considered optimal. But for the modern picture of life, this rule has lost all relevance, given the number of divorces and the depreciation of marriage in general. Therefore, now they are talking about entering into an intimate life with a person only for love (by the way, in the same marriages there may not be love, which is also detrimental to the psyche of young people).

It is known that sexual abstinence up to 20-25 years is useful, since during this period an active accumulation of vitality takes place in the human body. The sexual energy of this period of time should switch to such aspects of life as education, sports and career.

Prevention of early sexual intercourse

To educate a personality, it is necessary to instill in a child from childhood the standards of responsible behavior within the existing society. Sound moral criteria are now often omitted in modern society.

Since children and adults now have different values, they seem to speak different languages.

In the family and at school, it is necessary to educate children in a reproductive culture (this means proper nutrition, giving up addictions, sports, avoiding early and casual sexual contacts).

Adults should first of all take care that the child does not receive information about intimate life from the lips of peers or on the Internet - it is necessary to independently conduct introductory conversations with your child.

You should always find time for frank conversations - the topic of sex education should not be banned.

It is best to discuss with the child his aspirations, achievements, goals, plans for the future.

It requires careful prioritization at the time of growing up (education, health, travel, sports).

It is necessary to tell the child about how to maintain reproductive health, discuss with him the consequences of early sexual intercourse.

The right to a sexual life should be transferred to the moment of becoming an accomplished sexually mature person, ready to love and be loved.

Raising this issue, we decided to provide an opportunity for readers of the site, as well as patients, to get acquainted with the opinion of our leading specialist, who heads the department of urology. This is Yury Georgievich Chigrin, who took the time to answer some very important questions!

This article material will be provided for review in the form of a question and answer, and we are sure that you will find a lot of useful information here!

Yuri Georgievich, what can you say about the statistics of venereal diseases in Krivoy Rog?

First of all, she is not happy. Every day we meet in the corridors of our clinic a lot of people whose age is no longer limited by some framework. It can be middle-aged men, and generally young boys and girls.

Statistics on venereal diseases in Krivoy Rog is constantly getting worse, and in most cases, it is promiscuity that leads to this. Negative results for AIDS in Krivoy Rog, which, unfortunately, leads in this terrible disease in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which in turn is in second place in Ukraine.

In general, it is necessary to keep statistics, but personally, I think that it is necessary to deal not with numbers, but with the treatment of patients, and try to work with everyone individually, because today there is no single way to treat all diseases!

Yuri Georgievich, you mentioned promiscuity... why do you think their number is growing today?

Well, it's hard to say, but it is likely that the institution of marriage suffers somewhat in our country! You know, this is many thousands of years ago, when people were uneducated and generally far from civilization, everything was focused on survival and reproduction. Then there were probably even more promiscuity. But over the years, everything changed, and there was a certain selectivity in the selection of a sexual partner. Today it is enshrined in the form of marriage and family, but, unfortunately, this institution is really shaky, and there are also a lot of reasons for this...

In fact, this is not about this, that is, not about the behavior of people and their moral character, but about what such behavior can lead to, if we are talking specifically about sexual relationships.

For example, men seek outside connections because of unfavorable family situations or public opinion about polygamy. Women, in turn, because of the lack of attention... Young people and in general today consider it normal to have several sexual partners, and many even proudly declare it... that adults, and the elderly, all the more, consider it completely immoral . But such is life ... and the problem is not even who sleeps with whom, but what he does in terms of his health and the health of his sexual partner.

Excuse me, what do you mean now? Can you be a little more precise?

Yes, of course...meaning that promiscuity, which is also called promiscuity, in view of the above question on the statistics of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, is very dangerous!

The main rule of today's patient is not to go to the doctor until it gets really bad! People endure, are treated at home, stuff themselves with antibiotics, which they learned about from the Internet or on TV, drink weed. Accordingly, if there is no clearly defined diagnosis, in 99% of cases this does not lead to anything good. The disease progresses, and complex preparations cause additional harm to the body, for example, to the liver and stomach.

But there is another side of the medal... some diseases may not manifest themselves for weeks and months, but at the same time develop, disrupting the functioning of the genitourinary system, causing various complications, affecting reproductive function. It is also worth mentioning prostatitis, which is experienced by young people for several years with minor manifestations, and when the patient comes to the doctor, it turns out that prostatitis has become chronic, and it is much more expensive and more difficult to treat it! Therein lies the danger!

Yuri Georgievich, thank you for such a detailed answer. But an additional question: how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases if a person still leads a promiscuous sex life?

To tell the truth, there are many ways. Of course, the most important thing is to reduce the number of sexual partners, the ideal situation is when he is alone! Then you understand that the person is healthy, and there is nothing to worry about. But when there are several sexual partners, it is imperative to use condoms, follow the rules of personal hygiene, and also check with a doctor on time. At least once every six months, it is worth taking tests for STDs, talking to a urologist, talking about the symptoms that appear, telling the specialist about what is bothering you.

And tell me, what are the main symptoms of venereal diseases? What should you pay attention to, what changes in health, even if a person lives a sexual life not with several, but with one sexual partner?

There can be a lot of symptoms, as there are a lot of STDs today. In addition, one disease can have quite a few symptoms, as well as the same symptom for several diseases. Therefore, it is important to take tests and explain the clinical picture to a specialist so as not to be mistaken.

Today, first of all, among the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, it is worth declaring the following:
Itching and burning with and without urination;
Swelling and redness of the genitals;
Discharge of an unpleasant color, texture and smell;
Lower abdominal pain;
Frequent urge to urinate;
Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
The appearance of neoplasms on the genitals - rash, sores on the mucous membrane, papillomas;
Perhaps an increase in lymph nodes, fever.

Yuri Georgievich, what diseases are identified according to these signs?

It’s hard to say right away, since many sexually transmitted diseases have similar symptoms. Therefore, a doctor's examination and tests for STDs are necessary. But you can identify a wide variety of sexually transmitted infections. Mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, genital herpes, and then prostatitis, many complications. The list, unfortunately, is quite large!

It's clear! Thank you! And what advice could you give to the residents of Krivoy Rog, the patients of the Mediton Clinic?

The first, and perhaps the most correct one, is to never self-medicate! If you feel discomfort or changes in your own body, this is an occasion to contact a specialist. Further, everything is purely individual, since the behavior of life in each person is different, and the body, and diseases with their stages and forms. Therefore, there is no need to be shy, no need to delay visiting a doctor. Take care of your own health, because we can only do this if you come to us!

Thank you very much for your time and conversation.

Please. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Important information:

Each of us sees himself as a being of high intelligence, civilized, socially developed. At the same time, there is an opinion that sexual looseness, which expresses itself in many different kinds of sexual contacts, is an experience that is necessary to build one's happy future life, including family life. Premarital relationships have long been accepted as the norm, and frequent changes of partners as sophistication.

The opinion is being popularized that the change of partners is the main joy in life, and promiscuity is an occupation for some chosen ones. I would like to understand whether this is so or, thinking so, we are going with the flow, where we run the risk of running into many pitfalls? Meanwhile, such behavior and promiscuous sexual relations are a primitive phenomenon, originating from the period before the biological evolution of man.

Why do promiscuity appear, what are the reasons for increasing sexual activity?

Normally, libido increases under the influence of chemicals produced in the body during falling in love, during puberty in boys, during menopause in women, before menstruation and during pregnancy, as well as under the influence of hormones.

It happens that stressful environment excite sexual activity. But there is also a pathological increase in sexual aspirations. If the activity grows on its own, without justified reasons, especially if it is accompanied by a craving for casual relationships, frequent changes in sexual partners, intimacy with minors, any uncontrolled fixation on sex, then it is worth making a friendly visit to the doctor, as this may be manifestation of various kinds of destructive brain processes (from trauma to tumors) or endocrine ailments.

A person suffering from hypersexuality should be carefully examined for diseases of the brain, mental health, including the need to exclude the possibility of using narcotic drugs.

If a person is healthy, then what is the rationale for such behavior? Psychologists say that sexaholism can be a forced psychological compensation for disappointments, fears, inferiority, or an imaginary physical handicap. For example, a man has a modest penis size, he does not know peace about this and tries to balance this with a large "track record". Another example, a girl who considers herself not beautiful enough due to being overweight, strives for as many contacts as possible, thus subconsciously convincing herself of her own attractiveness. Especially such phenomena are not uncommon in teenage companies, where it is unfashionable and unprestigious to be ugly and unpopular. The same manifestation of an attempt to balance her psychological imbalance can occur in a woman who has finally broken out of the bonds of marriage that weighed on her. Feeling the freedom and her opportunities, she wants to catch up over the past years. A person who does not receive the desired sexual impressions from his partner can also find interest in the frequent change of partners, so he will seek, try, convince himself of his own self-sufficiency.

A sudden increase in libido, which has reached such a level that it already interferes with normal life and does not allow you to be in harmony with yourself, is always a cause for concern. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that promiscuity is not seen as an aberration by its admirers. They consider themselves complete people. It is necessary to understand exactly the reason what exactly caused such a rampage of hormones. To do this, you need to undergo a detailed examination, talk with a psychologist. Do not confuse craving for promiscuity with sexual temperament.

Who needs promiscuity, is this the norm?

The need to satisfy one's sexual desire is one of the basic human needs. There are three types of sexual temperament:

Weak - for people with such a temperament, sex is not particularly important. They get great joy from hugs, kisses and confidential conversations. They do not experience bright orgasms.

Average - about 80% of people have this type of temperament. For them, sex is a natural part of an intermittent passion that occurs three to four times a week or month.

A strong temperament is indicated by earlier puberty, sex for representatives of this type is a very important part of life, but such manifestations as foreplay, tenderness are not for them. As a rule, they do not know how to love, they know how to perform intercourse, being sure that this is all that is needed to make their partner happy.

It is difficult to get along with those couples where the type of sexual temperament is radically different. The lack of desire for sex in women will not please most men. Living with an overly sexual partner is very difficult, it tires a person with a weak temperament, as you need to constantly satisfy him, endure his annoying harassment, and he constantly restrains his impulses so as not to offend each other. As an example of this in a sense, the disease is nymphomania in women. Therefore, it is important to know your temperament and find out what your partner has and whether it is worth seriously building relationships that are doomed to collapse. Sexual dissatisfaction among women and men in the family is unacceptable.

What should a person with excessive sexual potential do? This is where the danger arises imperceptibly for oneself to go to the practice of promiscuity. But the solution is nearby: a suitable partner, and transform the rest of the sexual energy into sports and creative activities. Hypersexuality is not an excuse for leading a dissolute lifestyle, violence, betrayal. A person is different from an animal in that he holds the reins of control over his interests and presents them to society in a morally acceptable form. In addition, frequent change of sexual partner and unprotected sexual contact is a direct growing threat of HIV infection.

Our expert - sexologist Yuri Romanov.

Promiscuity in scientific language is called the beautiful word "promiscuity." This word is derived from the Latin "promiscuus" - "mixed", "common". Once, at the dawn of mankind, when primitive people lived in a tribe, they entered into sexual contacts without any order and with many partners. Literally: came - saw - knocked down. And no problems on either side. But development went ahead, and selectivity in search of a sexual partner became characteristic of people, which was fixed in the form of marriage and family. In other words, the reluctance to have sexual relations with everyone has become a sign of intelligence and civilization.

Private bussiness?

But promiscuity did not die out with the mammoths. The term has taken root in sexology and means the same thing - promiscuous sexual intercourse with many partners, only in our civilized time. Is it worth writing about it? Who cares, because in the end everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. And ... misfortunes, by the way, too. What if other people like to feel sexually liberated and free from boring social norms and rules? Everyone can exclaim: “Yes, I am! Yes, I am like this! This is my personal life - and do not meddle in it, this is a private matter, I have the right. And then when to be naughty, if not in your younger years?

All will pass?

And having played up, having played up, everyone will settle down, get married or get married, have children, live and live and make good. And ... will they forget about the turbulent youth? Will they become the guardians of the family hearth? It turns out that everything is not so simple. Sexologists warn: promiscuity, especially early ones, is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences.

Moreover, the consequences threaten not only the individual entering into promiscuity, but also humanity as a whole. Women, as always, bear the brunt. If a teenage girl led a wild life - it doesn’t matter why: for her own pleasure or because of psychological complexes, then in the future she will have a need for a constant change of partner in 90%. That is, an inability to be satisfied with constant communication will be revealed. So farewell family strength! But even among men who try to “work up” before marriage, promiscuity becomes habitual, and then the picture is absolutely the same - adultery in marriage becomes a habit, and the imprint of many sexual relationships remains for life.

They are ten out of a hundred

A picture familiar to every sex therapist: a woman comes to the reception and asks to “do something” with her husband, who has one or more mistresses. The specialist is obliged to analyze each case, talk with both spouses and find out what is the root of the problem. In about 10% of cases, it turns out that this problem is insoluble, because the man has a persistent tendency to promiscuity. Women's promiscuity at the reception is much less common (apparently, husbands are not inclined to go to a sex therapist about their wives' infidelities, but deal with them in a narrow family circle). But in clinics where venereal diseases are treated, there are many such patients. By the way, not only women, but also men who find sexual partners without problems always have one or more sexually transmitted diseases.

In search of the ideal

This supporter of promiscuity, or, in other words, numerous sexual relationships, can be pitied. The mechanism, usually launched in childhood by a despotic or overly caring mother, makes such a man look for, as it seems to him, the ideal woman who is able to "understand" and "appreciate". Sexual intercourse is an obligatory component of such communication, because these men, despite their sociability and often external irresistibility, are emotionally completely immature and, so to speak, "empty". Simply put, they do not know how to love a woman. They know how to perform intercourse - and sincerely think that this is all that is needed for love. After physical intimacy, the partner often becomes unpleasant and disgusting to them. And - forward to new connections.

How young we were!

Promiscuous sex is common among teenagers. There are also many asocial companies where a certain style of sexual relations is adopted: the entire intimate life of these young people is reduced to primitive sex with whom and how it is necessary. This often comes from poverty of spirit or from imitation.

What if it's a disease?

Pathologically increased sexual desire can lead to promiscuity, both in men and women. Usually, sexual disinhibition occurs with lesions of the deep structures of the brain, with certain psychoses and other disorders. In this case, promiscuity is no longer promiscuity, but a consequence of the disease.

Shame will save mankind?

Sexual emancipation is now a very common phenomenon. Without moralizing, based only on facts and observations, one can deduce a clear relationship: promiscuity in its mass leads to degradation. First of all, young people - schoolchildren and students - are at risk. In the Russian mentality, attention has always been paid to the prevention of early sexual intercourse, and immorality was suppressed by such a concept as modesty. Remember: a person who is capable of experiencing feelings of shame is not prone to promiscuity. And shame is a feeling of a being of a higher order...